Gujarat Board GSEB Class 9 English Textbook Solutions Beehive Chapter 9 The Bond of Love Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers, Notes Pdf.
Class 9th English Beehive Chapter 9 The Bond of Love Question Answers Gujarat Board
The Bond of Love Class 9 Questions and Answers GSEB
Thinking about the Text
I. Given in the box are some headings. Find the relevant paragraphs in the text to match the headings:
An Orphaned Cub; Bruno’s Food-chart; An Accidental Case of Poisoning; Playful Baba; Pain of Separation; Joy of Reunion; A Request to the Zoo; An Island in the Courtyard
An Orphaned Cub – para 3
Bruno’s Food-chart – para 6
An Accidental Case of Poisoning – para 8
Playful Baba-para 12
Pain of Separation – para 14
Joy of Reunion-para 16
A Request to the Zoo-para 18
An Island in the Courtyard – para 21
II. Answer the following questions:
Question 1.
“I got him for her by accident.”
(i) Who says this ?
(ii) Who do ‘him’ and ‘her’ refer to ?
(iii) What is the incident referred to here?
(i) The above lines are spoken by the narrator.
(ii) Here, ‘him’ refers to the sloth bear and ‘her’ refers to the narrator’s wife.
(iii) In the above line the author refers to his first encounter with Baba and the subsequent gift he makes to his wife. Once while in Mysore, the author and his friends encounter a black sloth bear. She comes out of a sugar cane field trying to escape the bullet shots that were aimed to evacuate the pigs. Unfortunately, one of the narrator’s companions shoots her on the spot. It is then that they notice a baby bear that was riding on her back. The narrator grabs him and to his wife’s delight, gifts him to her.
Question 2.
“He stood on his head in delight.”
(i)Who does ‘he’ refer to?
(ii) Why was he delighted ?
(i) ‘He’ refers to the bear, Bruno.
(ii) Bruno was delighted to see the narrator’s wife after three months of separation.
Question 3.
“We all missed him greatly; but in a sense we were relieved.”
(i) Who does ‘we all’ stand for ?
(ii) Who did they miss ?
(iii) Why did they nevertheless feel relieved?
(i) ‘We all’ stands for the narrator, his wife and his son.
(ii) They missed Bruno (Baba).
(iii) They felt relieved because Baba was getting too big to be kept at home. That is why they had sent him off to a zoo.
III. Answer the following questions in 30 to 40 words each:
Question 1.
On two occasions Bruno ate / drank something that should not be eaten / drunk. What happened to him on these occasions ?
Once Bruno ate the rat poison which was kept to get rid of rats from the library. Bruno became paralysed to the extent that he couldn’t stand on his feet. He was taken to a veterinary doctor for treatment. Finally the antidote worked and Bruno could spring to life once again.
Another time Bruno drank the discarded engine oil which was kept in the garage. Luckily nothing happened to him after drinking the mobil oil.
Question 2.
Was Bruno a loving and playful pet ? Why, then, did he have to be sent away ?
Bruno had become too big to be kept in the house. He had to be chained for children’s safety. Being a wild animal it needed lots of space which was not available in the author’s house. They thought that it will be taken care of in better way by trained personnel at a zoo. So they decided to send it away to the zoo.
Question 3.
How was the problem of what to do with Bruno finally solved ?
As Bruno was not feeling happy after getting separated from its foster family and was getting weak as a result, the author’s wife went to meet Bruno. After seeing Bruno’s pitiful condition they decided to bring it back to their home. They built a special cordoned area for Bruno with all the facilities befitting a playful bear. And finally Bruno was back to its home.
Thinking about Language
Question 1.
Find these words in the lesson. They all have ie or ei in them:
field ingredients height mischievous friends eighty-seven relieved piece
Question 2.
Now here are some more words. Complete them with ei or ie. Consult a dictionary if necessary:
(There is a popular rule of spelling :‘i’ before ‘e’ except after ‘c’. Check if this rule is true by looking at the words above.)
believe receive weird leisure seize weight reign feign grief pierce
II. Here are some words with silent letters. Learn their spelling. Your teacher will dictate these words to you. Write them down and underline the silent letters.
knock – wrestle- walk – wrong
knee – half – honest – daughter
hours – return – hornet – calm
could – sign – island – button
knock – wrestle – walk – wrong
knee – half – honest – daughter
hours – return- hornet – calm
could – sign – island – button
III. How to look at an Index.
An index is a list of names or topics that are to be found in a book. It is a list arranged
in alphabetical order at the end of a book.
The following paragraph shows that the doctor is consulting the index of a medical book to find out which injection is appropriate for Bruno :
“Out came his medical books, and a feverish reference to index began: What poison did you say, sir?” “Barium carbonate”. “Ah yes – B – Ba – Barium Salts – Ah ! Barium carbonate ! Symptoms – paralysis – treatment -injections of …Just a minute, sir. I’ll bring my syringe and the medicine.”
Question 1.
You have read about the French Revolution and you want to know more about the Third Estate in the context of the French Revolution. You can refer to the index of the book Living World History by T. Walter Wallbank and Arnold Schrier.
On which pages in this book will you find information about the French Revolution and the Third Estate ?
Information about the French Revolution could be found on “pages 393, 404-405, 408, 427 and 489, while that of the Third Estate could be found on pages 404 and 405.
Question 2.
To know what ‘Food Security’ and ‘Minimum Support Price’ mean in the context of the economic growth of a country you can go to the subject index given below from Poverty and Famines-An Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation by Amartya Sen. Under which heading in the index are you likely to find these topics ?
We are likely to find about what ‘Food Security’ and ‘Minimum Support Price’ mean in context of the economic growth of a country, under the topic “Food Availability Decline (FAD thesis)”.
Question 3.
Given below is a portion of an index page from the book, French’s Index of Differential Diagnosis, edited by F. Dudley Hart M.D., F.R.C.P.
Study the entries and find out whether the following topics are discussed in the book :
(i) bronchitis due to cigarette smoking
(ii) heart failure due to bronchitis
(iii) bronchitis in children
(i) Information about the French Revolution could be found on pages 393, 404-405, 427 and 489, while that of the Third Estate could be found on pages 404 – 405.
(ii) We are likely to find about what, ‘Food Security’ and ‘Minimum Support Price’ mean in context of the economic growth of a country, under the topic “Food Availability Decline’ (FAD thesis).”
(iii) All the above topics are discussed in the book.
(1) The Narrative Present:
Notice the incomplete sentences in the following paragraphs. Here the writer is using incomplete sentences in the narration to make the incident more dramatic or immediate. Can you rewrite the paragraph in complete sentences ?
(You can begin : The vet and I made a dash back to the car. Bruno was still floundering …)
(i) A dash back to the car. Bruno still floundering about on his stumps, but clearly weakening rapidly; some vomiting, heavy breathing, with heaving flanks and gaping mouth.
Hold him, everybody ! In goes the hypodermic – Bruno squeals – 10c.c. of the antidote enters his system without a drop being wasted. Ten minutes later : condition unchanged ! Another 10 c.c. injected ! Ten minutes later : breathing less stertorous – Bruno can move his arms and legs a little although he cannot stand yet. Thirty minutes later : Bruno gets up and has a great feed ! He looks at us disdainfully, as much as to say, ‘What’s barium carbonate to a big black bear like me ?’ Bruno
is still eating.
The vet and I made a dash back to the car. Bruno was still floundering about on his stumps, but clearly he was weakening rapidly. There was some vomiting ‘ and heavy breathing. His flanks were heaving and his mouth was gaping. Everybody was asked to hold him. The hypodermic medicine went into Bruno, who squealed. 10 c.c. of anecdote entered his system without a drop being wasted. Even ten minutes later, the condition was unchanged.
Another 10 c.c. was injected into him. Ten minutes later, his breathing became less stertorous. Bruno could move his arms and legs a little although he could not stand yet. Thirty minutes later, Bruno got up and had a great feed. He looked at us disdainfully, as much as to say, ‘What’s barium carbonate to a big black bear like me ?’ Bruno was still eating.
(ii) In the paragraphs above from the story the verbs are in the present tense (e.g., hold, goes, etc.). This gives the reader an impression of immediacy. The present tense is often used when we give a commentary on a game (cricket, football, etc.), or tell a story as if it is happening now. It is, therefore, called the narrative present.
You will read more about the present tense in Unit 10.
(2) Adverbs:
Find the adverbs in the passage below: (You’ve read about adverbs in Unit 1.) We thought that everything was over when suddenly a black sloth bear came out panting in the hot sun. Now I will not shoot a sloth bear wantonly but, unfortunately for the poor beast, one of my companions did not feel that way about it, and promptly shot the bear on the spot.
We thought that everything was over when suddenly a black sloth bear came out panting in the hot sun. Now I will not shoot a sloth bear wantonly but, unfortunately for the poor beast, one of my companions did not feel that way about it, and promptly shot the bear on the spot.
(i) Complete the following sentences, using a suitable adverb ending inly.
(a) Rana does her homework …………….. .
(b) It rains ……………. in Mumbai in June.
(c) He does his work …………… .
(d) The dog serves his master …………….. .
(a) Rana does her homework timely.
(b) It rains heavily in Mumbai in June.
(c) He does his work properly.
(d) The dog serves his master faithfully.
(ii) Choose the most suitable adverbs or adverbial phrases and complete the following sentences:
(a) We should ………….. get down from a moving train. (never, sometimes, often)
(b) I was ………….. in need of support after my poor performance. (badly, occasionally, sometimes)
(c) Rita met with an accident. The doctor examined her …………….. . (suddenly, seriously, immediately)
(a) We should never get down from a moving train.
(b) I was badly in need of support after my poor performance.
(c) Rita met with an accident. The doctor examined her immediately.
(3) Take down the following scrambled version of a story, that your teacher will dictate to you, with appropriate punctuation marks. Then, read the scrambled story carefully and try to , rewrite it rearranging the incidents.
A grasshopper, who was very hungry, saw her and said, “When did you get the corn ? I am dying of hunger.” She wanted to dry them. It was a cold winter’s day, and an ant was bringing out some grains of corn from her home. She had gathered the corn in summer.
“I was singing all day,” answered the grasshopper.
“If you sang all summer,” said the ant, “you can dance all winter.”
“What were you doing ?” asked the ant again.
The grasshopper replied, “I was too busy.”
“I collected it in summer,” said the ant. “What were you doing in summer ? Why did you not store some corn?”
It was a cold winter’s day, and an ant was bringing out some grains of corn from her home. She had
gathered the corn in summer. She wanted to dry them. A grasshopper, who was very hungry, saw her and said, “When did you get the corn? I am dying of hunger.” “I collected it in summer,” said the ant. “What were you doing in summer ? Why did you not store some corn ?” The grasshopper replied, “I was too busy.” “What were you doing ?” asked the ant again. “I was singing all day,” answered the grasshopper. “If you sang all summer,” said the ant, “you can dance all winter.”
Pets have unique care and handling requirements and should only be kept by those with the commitment to understand and meet their needs. Give your argument in support of or against this statement.
There is an on-going debate on whether snake charmers should continue in their profession. You can get some idea about the debate from the newspaper clipping (The Hindu, 16 June, 2004) given below. Read it, discuss in pairs or groups, and write either for or against the profession of snake charmers.
Report comes in support of snake charmers
By Our Staff Reporter
NEW DELHI, JUNE 15. Over 30 years after the introduction of the Wildlife Protection Act (WPA) that banned the catching of snakes in India, a small community of snake charmers continues to practise the trade catching over 400,000 snakes every year – which ultimately die – in defiance of the law.
A report based on new research by the Wildlife Trust of India (WTI), however, has strongly recommended that the traditional knowledge of the snake charmers and skills be now utilised for education and medicine by setting up sapera centres. This is mainly because the community has virtually no access to land, education or employment opportunities. They are dependent on snake charming to earn a livelihood. They trade around as vendors of traditional medicine, snake catchers and musicians. Ignorance about the law is quite common.
The report entitled ‘Biodiversity, Livelihoods and the Law: The Case of the Jogi-Nath Snake Charmers of India’ based on path-breaking research was formally released by the Inspector General of Forests, V. K. Bahuguna, along with a presentation by members of the sapera community in the Capital on Monday.
“Despite thirty years of the law being in existence, over 70 per cent of the Jogi-Naths are still dependent on snake charming to earn a livelihood. Ignorance about the law was quite common. None of them own land, even though they would like to,” said Bahar Dutt, who led this research. Notably, most of those practising the trade in the current generation are all under 35 years of age.
Trapping occurs throughout the year and during their travels, though this activity increases during the monsoons. According to the data, each family on an average collects at least seven snakes.
Most snakes were force-fed and snake husbandry methods and health were found to be poor. “The snake charmers community council imposes a heavy fine on a person if the snake dies in his custody as it is considered an extremely bad omen. As a result, the snakes are released when the charmers realise that their condition is deteriorating,” said Dutt.
Their ambition to showcase the reptiles and earn money was not fulfilled, as they flouted four WPA provisions, for illegally possessing the animals, not feeding them properly, causing injuries by extracting teeth unscientifically and killing snakes for the valuable snake parts and bones. Their offence generally invites imprisonment for three to seven years and a fine up to ₹ 25,000 in each case.
“On the positive side researchers found that the snake charmers possess a unique ability to handle venomous snakes with a tremendous knowledge of the different species and their behaviour. They are also called by local farmers to retrieve snakes, who would otherwise just kill them, from agricultural fields or human inhabited areas,” she said.
For the motion:
- need individual love and care
- not everyone can meet the handling requirements
- everyone is not sensitive enough to understand and provide the needs of the animals. Unconditional commitment is required
- busy and insensitive people cannot handle pets
- such people should avoid taking such responsibility
All animals deserve love and respect as you give to your family members and friends. Treating our pet with kindness is a great way to show that we care for it. In return, animals also behave very affectionately to us. Everyone cannot meet the handling requirements as he may not be sensitive enough to understand and provide needs of the animals. For this unconditional commitment is required.
Busy and insensitive people cannot handle pets. To take care of pets, one should know their needs : Food and water, Accommodation or living conditions. They should know the display of normal behavioural patterns and how the disease and injuries of the pets should be treated. Thus, insensitive people should avoid taking responsibility of handling or caring pets or they will hurt the innocent animals.
Against the motion:
- children and pets are alike
- love develops once we are around our pets
- animals are sensitive to our love and care and will respond alike
- animals need attention
- experience teaches ways to nurture
- no special training required
Pets are like children. They keep close to us and love develops. They are very sensitive to our love and care and they will respond in the same way. The closer they are, they need more attention. We cannot deprive them of our love and care once we adopt them. For example, if we want to go out for a week or so, we cannot shut our pet in our house leaving it alone. It cannot bear this. They need our constant attention. We learn by experience how to nurture them. No training is needed to take care of them. So it is quite challenging to keep an animal as pet and take care of it up to its satisfaction.
For the motion:
- way to earn their livelihood
- utilisation of traditional knowledge and skills for education and medicine
- sell traditional medicine
- entertain people
- fine imposed if snake dies – so try not to let it die
- unique ability to handle venomous snakes
Against the motion:
- WPA has banned it – illegal but ignore law
- snakes die or killed – for skin and bones ‘
- most of snake charmers young – should take up different profession
- snakes – force fed, poor health and snake husbandry methods
- do not take care of snakes if condition deteriorates – fear of being fined
- hurt snake – teeth extracted
(Pointers have been provided for students’ reference. It is strongly recommended that students prepare the answer on their own.)
GSEB Class 9 English The Bond of Love Additional Important Questions and Answers
Reading Comprehension
Read the following paragraphs and select the most appropriate answers for the questions given below them:
Question 1.
I will begin with Bruno, my wife’s pet sloth bear. I got him for her by accident.
Two years ago we were passing through the sugar cane fields near Mysore. People were driving away the wild pigs from the fields by shooting at them. Some were shot and some escaped. We thought that everything was over when suddenly a black sloth bear came out panting in the hot sun.
Now I will not shoot a sloth bear wantonly but, unfortunately for the poor beast, one of my companions did not feel that way about it, and promptly shot the bear on the spot.
As we watched the fallen animal we were surprised to see that the black fur on its back moved and left the prostrate body. Then we saw it was a baby bear that had been riding on its mother’s back when the sudden shot had killed her. The little creature ran around its prostrate parent making a pitiful noise.
1. The people shot at the wild pigs to ……………….
A. kill them and eat their meat.
B. drive them away from the fields.
C. kill them to collect black fur from their body.
D. to cater to their hobby.
B. drive them away from the fields.
2. When a black sloth bear came out of the field, it was ……………….
A. breathing rapidly in short gasps.
B. greatly frightened.
C. quite cheerful playing with its cub.
D. grunting wildly.
A. breathing rapidly in short gasps.
3. The word ‘wantonly’ means ……………..
A. ‘intentionally’.
B. ‘deliberately’.
C. ‘for no good reason’.
D. ‘cruelly’.
C. ‘for no good reason’.
4. The word ‘prostrate’ means …………….
A. ‘smeared with blood’.
B. ‘deeply wounded’.
C. ‘lying flat’.
D. ‘lifeless’.
C. ‘lying flat’.
Question 2.
The months rolled on and Bruno had grown many times the size he was when he came. He had equalled the Alsatians in height and had even outgrown them. But was just as sweet, just as mischievous, just as playful. And he was very fond of us all. Above all, he loved my wife, and she loved him too! She had changed his name from Bruno, to Baba, a Hindustani word signifying ‘small boy’.
And he could do a few tricks, too. At the command, ‘Baba, wrestle’, or ‘Baba, box,’ he vigorously tackled anyone who came forward for a rough and tumble. Give him a stick and say ‘Baba, hold gun’, and he pointed the stick at you. Ask him, ‘Baba, where’s baby?’ and he immediately produced and cradled affectionately a stump of wood which he had carefully concealed in his straw bed. But because of the tenants’ children, poor Bruno, or Baba, had to be kept chained most of the time.
1. The word ‘outgrown’ in the extract means ………………….
A. ‘having equal growth’.
B. ‘having unequal growth’.
C. ‘surpassed in growth’.
D. ‘failed to grow’.
C. ‘surpassed in growth’.
2. The writer’s wife changed the bear’s name from Bruno to Baba because…
A. he was very playful like a small boy.
B. she wanted to give him a Hindustani name.
C. her husband did not like the name ‘Bruno’.
D. All of these three
A. he was very playful like a small boy.
3. The phrase ‘rough and tumble’ means ………………..
A. ‘forcefully’.
B. ‘disorderly’.
C. ‘unexpectedly’.
D. ‘thoughtlessly’.
B. ‘disorderly’.
4. Baba had to be kept chained because ………………..
A. he made great mischiefs.
B. he could not be controlled.
C. the tenants’ children feared that he might hurt them.
D. he could be kept safe from poachers.
C. the tenants’ children feared that he might hurt them.
Question 3.
In a few days the coolies hoisted the cage on to the island and Baba was released. He was delighted; standing on his hindlegs, he pointed his ‘gun’ and cradled his ‘baby’. My wife spent hours sitting on a chair there while he sat on her lap. He was fifteen months old and pretty heavy too!
The way my wife reaches the island and leaves it is interesting. I have tied a rope to the overhanging branch of a mango tree with a loop at its end. Putting one foot in the loop, she kicks off with the other, to bridge the six-foot gap that constitutes the width of the surrounding pit. The return journey is made the same way. But who can say now that a sloth bear has no sense of affection, no memory and no individual characteristics ?
1. ‘Baba was standing on his hindlegs’. This sentence in the passage shows the bear’s ……………………
A. anger.
B. attacking mood.
C. delight.
D. miserable condition.
C. delight.
2. The surrounding pit was created ………………..
A. so that nobody could reach the bear.
B. so that the bear could be kept confined.
C. so that the bear could be kept safe from other animals.
D. None of these three
C. so that the bear could be kept safe from other animals.
3. The writer’s wife could manage to reach the bear and come back from him with the help of ………………..
A. the writer.
B. the caretaker of the bear.
C. a rope hanging from a branch of the mango tree.
D. a jumping board.
C. a rope hanging from a branch of the mango tree.
4. In the end, the writer wants to convey us the message that …………………
A. ‘a bear is a sensitive animal’.
B. ‘a bear is an intelligent animal’.
C. ‘animals should be loved and taken care of kindly’.
D. All of these three
C. ‘animals should be loved and taken care of kindly’.
Answer the following questions in three to four sentences each:
Question 1.
Where are sloth bears usually found ?
Sloth bears inhabit forested areas. They are usually found in the tropical rainforests of India and grasslands at lower elevations.
Question 2.
How did the writer find the bear-cub ?
Once the writer and others were passing through the sugar cane fields near Mysore. At that time one of the writer’s companions shot a mother sloth bear. A cub was riding on its mother’s back when the sudden shot killed her. The cub was running around its prostrate parent making a pitiful noise. The writer captured it from there.
Question 3.
How did an accident befell the bear- cub once ?
Once the writer had brought Barium carbonate to kill the rats and mice that had got into his library. Bruno entered the library as usual and ate some of the poison. It paralysed him to some extent.
Question 4.
What were the effects of Barium carbonate on Bruno ?
As Bruno ate Barium carbonate, it paralysed him to the extent that he could not stand on his feet. It started floundering about on his stumps. He started vomiting and heavy breathing with heaving flanks and gaping mouth.
Question 5.
What treatment was given to Bruno by the doctor ?
The doctor injected 10 c.c. antidote into Bruno’s body, but it did not show any improvement in his condition, so the doctor injected one more 10 c.c. antidote.
Question 6.
Why had the writer stored one gallon of old engine oil ?
The writer had drained nearly one gallon of old engine oil from the sump of his Studebaker. He was keeping it as a weapon against the inroads of termites.
Question 7.
Why was ‘Bruno’ or ‘Baba’ sent to Mysore zoo ?
fiaba had grown too big to be kept in the house. Because of the tenants’ children Baba was to be kept chained most of the time. Hence, the writer and his son convinced the writer’s wife to send Baba to the Mysore zoo.
Question 8.
After sending Bruno to Mysore zoo, the writer’s wife missed him a lot. How?
Bruno was sent to Mysore zoo. The writer’s wife was inconsolable. She wept and fretted. For the first few days she did not eat anything. She kept on writing letters to the curator of the zoo, asking after Bruno’s condition.
Question 9.
Why did the curator refused to give ‘Baba’ back to the writer’s wife ?
The curator explained to the writer’s wife that once ‘Baba’ belonged to the zoo, it became Government’s property and he could not give away Government’s property.
Question 10.
What solution did the curator of the zoo suggest to take Baba back ?
Since ‘Baba’ in the zoo was Government’s property, the curator could not give it away. But if the narrator got permission from his boss, the superintendent of Bengaluru to take Baba back, he could allow them.
Question 11.
How was Baba brought back to Bengaluru from the Mysore zoo ?
After getting consent letter from the Superintendent, Bengaluru, the curator allowed the writer to take Baba back. Baba was put into a small cage and hoisted on the top of the car. The cage was tied securely and with slow and careful journey, Baba was brought S back to Bengaluru.
Question 12.
How was Baba’s mood after returning S’ to the writer’s place ?
fiaba was greatly delighted to return S’ to the writer’s place. He stood on his hind legs, he pointed his ‘gun’ and cradled his ‘baby’.
Question 13.
How did the writer’s wife manage to S’ reach Baba’s island ?
A rope was tied to the overhanging branch of a mango tree with a loop at its end. Putting one foot in the loop, the writer’s wife S’ kicked off with the other to bridge the six-foot S gap that made-up the width of the surrounding pit.
Answer the following questions in five to six sentences each:
Question 1.
Write about baby Bruno’s settling in i the writer’s house.
Bruno soon took to drinking milk from a bottle. Within a few days, he started eating and drinking everything else. He ate porridge S’ made from any ingredients, vegetables, fruit, nuts, meat (especially pork), curry and rice. He also ate bread, eggs, chocolates, sweets, pudding, ice cream, etc. He also drank milk, tea coffee, lime-juice, aerated water, buttermilk, beer, alcoholic liquor. He relished everything. He got S’ very attached to the writer’s two Alsatian dogs ) and to all the children of the tenants living in S’ that bungalow. He was left quite free in his younger days and spent his time in playing, running into the kitchen and going to sleep 5 in their beds.
Question 2.
Describe the craving of the writer’s S’ wife for Baba when he was sent to Mysore – zoo.
After Baba having been sent to Mysore zoo, the writer’s family members missed him greatly. Others were relieved, but the writer’s wife was inconsolable. She wept and fretted. For the first few days she would not eat a thing. Then she wrote a number of letters to the curator asking after Baba’s well-being. In replies she learnt that Baba was fretting and refused food too. She begged friends visiting Mysore to make a point of going to the zoo and seeing how Baba was getting along.
They reported that he was well but looked very thin and sad. All the keepers at the zoo said he was fretting. She could not bear all this and was losing patience everyday. For three months the writer managed to restrain his wife but she grew terribly impatient and declared one day, “I must see Baba. Either you take me by car, or I will go myself by bus or train.”
Question 3.
Describe the meeting of the writer’s wife and Baba at the zoo.
Finally the writer had to take his wife to the zoo to meet Baba. Their friends had guessed that Baba would not recognise her, but while she was yet some yards from his cage, Baba saw her and recognised her. He howled with happiness. She ran up to him, petted him through the bars and he stood on his head in delight. For the next three hours she did not leave the cage. She gave him tea, lemonade, cakes, ice cream, etc. At the ‘closing time’, the writer’s wife cried bitterly and so did Baba. Even the hardened curator and the keepers felt depressed. Then she pleaded the curator to allow her to take her Baba back.
Question 4.
Describe the arrangement made for Baba’s stay when he returned from the zoo.
A squad of coolies were engaged for special work in their compound. An island was made for Baba. It was twenty feet long and fifteen feet wide and was surrounded by a dry pit or moat, six feet wide and seven feet deep. A wooden box was brought and put on the island for Baba to sleep in at night. Straw was placed inside to keep him warm. His ‘baby’, the twisted stump, along with his ‘gun’, the piece of bamboo were put for him to play with.
Vocabulary And Grammar
Fill in the blanks choosing the correct words given in the brackets:
(1) (sugarcane, scooted, capture, to attempt)
I ran up to it ………….a……………. a …………..b………… . It …………c………… into the ……………d……….. field.
a. to attempt
b. capture
c. scooted
d. sugarcane
(2) (index, medical, feverish, poison)
Out came his ……………a…………. books, and a …………….b………….. reference to ……………c…………… began:”What …………….d…………. did you say, sir ?”
a. medical
b. feverish
c. index
d. poison
Rectify the errors in the passage:
Two years before we were passing through the sugarcane fields within Mysore. People were driving up the wild pigs from the fields by shooting from them. Some were shot and some escaped. We thought that nothing was over when suddenly a black sloth bear came in panting in the hot sun.
Errors | Corrections |
(a) before | ago |
(b) within | near |
(c) up | away |
(d) from | at |
(e) nothing | everything |
(f) in | out |
However we watched the fallen animal, we were surprised seeing that the black fur on its back moved and leaving the prostrate body. Then we ‘ saw it was a baby bear who had been riding on its mother’s back when the sudden shot killed her. The little creature ran around it’s prostrate parent making a pitiful noise.
Errors | Corrections |
(a) However | As |
(b) seeing | to see |
(c) leaving | left |
(d) who | that |
(e) killed | had killed |
(f) it’s | its |
One day an accident befall him. I put down poison to kill the rats and mouse that had got into my library. Bruno entered the library since he often did, and he ate little of the poison. Paralysis set up to the extent that he could not stand on his feet. He started to drag himself on his stumps.
Errors | Corrections |
(a) befall | befell |
(b) mouse | mice |
(c) since | as |
(d) little | some set |
(e) set up | in |
(f) to drag | dragging |
Fill in the blanks using article(s), conjunctions(s) and preposition(s) at the correct places:
(1) …………a………… I rushed …………b………….. the car …………..c…………. …………..d………. Vet’s residence, …………….e………….. case …………..f……….. poisoning!
a. Off
b. in
c. to
d. the
e. A
f. of
(2) There followed ……………a………….. return journey …………b……….. Bengaluru and ……….c………. visit …………d………. …………e……….. superintendent’s bungalow, …………f………… tearful pleading!
a. the
b. to
c. a
d. to
e. the
f. A
Punctuate the following passage:
Out came his medical books and a feverish reference to index began what poison did you say Sir barium carbonate ah yes b ba barium salts ah barium carbonate symptoms paralysis treatment injections of just a minute sir ill bring my syringe and the medicine.
Out came his medical books, and a feverish reference to index began :“What poison did you say, sir ?” “Barium carbonate”. “Ah yes – B – Ba – Barium Salts – Ah ! Barium carbonate ! Symptoms – paralysis – treatment – injections of. ..Just a minute, sir. I’ll bring my syringe and the medicine.”
Convert the following into Indirect Speech:
“Oh please, sir,” she asked the curator, “may I have my Baba back” ? Hesitantly, he answered, “Madam, he belongs to the zoo and is Government property now. I cannot give away Government property. But if my boss, the superintendent at Bengaluru agrees, certainly you may have him back.”
She begged to the curator to have her Baba back. Hesitantly, he answered politely that he belonged to the zoo and was Government property then. He expressed his helplessness that he could not give away Government property. Then he added that if his boss, the superintendent at Bengaluru agreed, certainly she might have him back.
Rewrite as directed:
(1) I ran up to it to attempt a capture. (Use ‘so that’.)
(2) The bear became very attached to our two Alsatian dogs. (Turn into Exclamatory.)
(3) Bruno can move his arms and legs a little although he cannot stand yet. (Use ‘but’.)
(4) He was getting too big to keep it home. (Remove ‘too’.)
(5) For the first few days she would not eat a thing. (Change the Voice.)
(6) If my boss agrees, certainly you may have him back. (Use ‘unless’.)
(7) Baba and I are both fretting for each other. (Use ‘Not only…but also’.)
(1) 1 ran up to it so that I could attempt a capture.
(2) How attached the bear became to our two Alsatian dogs !
(3) Bruno cannot stand yet, but he can move his arms and legs a little.
(4) He was getting so big that they could not keep it home.
(5) For the first few days nothing would be eaten by her.
(6) Unless my boss agrees, you may not have him back in any case.
(7) Not only Baba but I also are fretting for each other.
The Bond of Love Summary in English
The Bond of Love Introduction:
Kenneth Anderson (8 March, 1910-30 August, 1974) was an Indian-born, British writer and hunter who wrote books about his adventures in the jungles of South India.
He was from a Scottish family that settled in India for six generations. He was married to Blossom Fleming and had two children – a son -Donald and a daughter-June.
The Bond of Love Summary:
The writer once gave the gift of a bear-cub to his wife. He was then in Bengaluru. His wife was very happy to have the little animal. She kept it as a pet. Soon the cub took to drinking milk from the bottle. It would eat and drink anything given to it. It became very attached to the writer’s wife. She, too, loved the bear. She named the cub Bruno. Then she changed its name to Baba. It was a male bear. The writer’s two dogs kept playing with the bear.
The children of his tenants would also play with the little animal. But when the bear grew up, it became very big in size. It became difficult to keep him in the house. So, he was sent to the zoo at Mysore. The writer’s wife was very sad. For the first few days, she would not eat anything. She would weep to think of her Baba. Reports came from the zoo that Baba remained sad. Three months had passed. One day, the writer took his wife to the zoo.
The bear recognized her at once. He howled with happiness. The writer’s wife was in tears. She wanted to take her Baba back home. Both the husband and the wife went to the zoo superintendent and got his permission. He also agreed to lend them a cage for carrying Baba back to Bengaluru. An island was made in the writer’s compound. All around it, a dry pit was made. Baba now started living on this island. The writer’s wife could now visit him whenever she liked.
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