GSEB Solutions Class 11 Maths Chapter 13 Limits and Derivatives Miscellaneous Exercise

Gujarat Board GSEB Textbook Solutions Class 11 Maths Chapter 13 Limits and Derivatives Miscellaneous Exercise Textbook Questions and Answers.

Gujarat Board Textbook Solutions Class 11 Maths Chapter 13 Limits and Derivatives Miscellaneous Exercise

Question 1.
Find the derivatives of the following from first principle:
(i) – x
(ii) (- x)-1
(iii) sin (x + 1)
(iv) cos ([x – \(\frac{π}{8}\))
(i) Let f(x) = – x.
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GSEB Solutions Class 11 Maths Chapter 13 Limits and Derivatives Miscellaneous Exercise

Find the derivatives of the following functions, it is understood that a, b, c, d, p, q, r and s are fixed non-zero constants and m and n integers.
2. ax + b
3. (px + q) (\(\frac{r}{x}\) + s)
4. (ax + b)(ex + d)2
5. \(\frac{ax+b}{cx+d}\)
6. \(\frac{1+\frac{1}{x}}{1-\frac{1}{x}}\)
7. \(\frac{1}{a x^{2}+b x+c}\)
8. \(\frac{ax+b}{p x^{2}+q x+r}\)
9. \(\frac{p x^{2}+q x+r}{a x+b}\)
10. \(\frac{a}{x^{4}}-\frac{b}{x^{2}}\) + cos x
11. 4\(\sqrt{x}\) + 2
12. (ax + b)n
13. (ax + b)n(cx + d)m
14. sin (x + a)
15. cosec x cot x
16. \(\frac{cosx}{1+sinx}\)
17. \(\frac{sinx+cosx}{sinx-cosx}\)
18. \(\frac{sec x-1}{sec x+1}\)
19. sinnx
20. \(\frac{a+bsinx}{c+dcosx}\)
21. \(\frac{sin(x+a)}{cosx}\)
22. x4(5sinx – 3cosx)
23. (x2 + 1) cos x
24. (ax2 + sin x)(p + qcos x)
25. (x + cos x)(x – tan x)
26. \(\frac{4x+5sinx}{3x+7cosx}\)
27. \(\frac{x^{2} \cos \left(\frac{\pi}{4}\right)}{\sin x}\)
28. \(\frac{x}{1+tanx}\)
29. (x + secx)(x – tan x)
30. \(\frac{x}{\sin ^{n} x}\)
Solutions to questions 2 to 30:

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3. Let f(x) = (px + q) (\(\frac{r}{x}\) + s).
We have: (uv) = u’v + uv’
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GSEB Solutions Class 11 Maths Chapter 13 Limits and Derivatives Miscellaneous Exercise

4. Let f(x) = (ax + b)(cx + d)2
To different (cx + d)2, put cx + d = u.
So, (cx + d)2 = u2.
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= a[(cx + d)2 + (ax + b).2c(cx + d)
= 2c(ax + b)(cx + b) + a(cx + d)2.

5. Let f(x) = \(\frac{ax+b}{cx+d}\)
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GSEB Solutions Class 11 Maths Chapter 13 Limits and Derivatives Miscellaneous Exercise

11. Let f(x) = 4\(\sqrt{x}\) + 2 = 4x1/2 + 2.
∴ f ‘(x) = 4.\(\frac{1}{2}\)x-1/2 + 0 = 2x-1/2 = \(\frac{2}{\sqrt{x}}\)

12. Let f(x) = (ax + b)n. Put ax + b = u.
∴ f(x) = un
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= na(ax + b)n-1.

13. Let f(x) = (ax + b)n(cx + d)m
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= na(ax + b)n-1(cx + d)m + (ax + b) + d)m-1
= (ax + b)n-1(cx + d)m-1 [na(cx + d) + mc(ax + b)].

14. Let f(x) = sin (x + a).
Putting x + a = u, we get \(\frac{du}{dx}\) = 1.
∴ f(x) = sin u.
∴ f ‘(x) = \(\frac{d}{dx}\) sin u = \(\frac{d}{du}\)sin u. \(\frac{du}{dx}\)
= cos u.\(\frac{du}{dx}\)
= cos (x + a).1
∴ f ‘(x) = cos (x + a).

GSEB Solutions Class 11 Maths Chapter 13 Limits and Derivatives Miscellaneous Exercise

15. Let f(x) = cosec x cot x
f ‘(x) = (uv)’ = u’v + uv’
= (\(\frac{d}{dx}\) cosec x) cot x + cosec x (\(\frac{d}{dx}\) cot x) ……………. (1)
Now \(\frac{d}{dx}\) cosec x = – cosec x cot x
\(\frac{d}{dx}\) cot x = – cosec2x
Putting these values in (1), we get
f ‘(x) = (- cosec x cot x) cot x + cosec x (- cosec2 x)
= – cosec3x – cosec x cot2 x.

16. Let f(x) = \(\frac{cosx}{1+sinx}\)
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17. Let f(x) = \(\frac{sin x+cos x}{sin x-cos x}\)
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GSEB Solutions Class 11 Maths Chapter 13 Limits and Derivatives Miscellaneous Exercise

18. Let f(x) = \(\frac{sec x-1}{sec x+1}\)
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Note that \(\frac{d}{dx}\) sec x = sec x tan x.
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19. Let f(x) = sinnx.
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= nsinn-1x cos x.

20. Let f(x) = \(\frac{a+bsinx}{c+dsinx}\)
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21. Let f(x) = \(\frac{sin(x + a)}{cosx}\)
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GSEB Solutions Class 11 Maths Chapter 13 Limits and Derivatives Miscellaneous Exercise

22. Let f(x) = x4(5sin x – 3cos x)
f ‘(x) = (uv)’ = u’v + uv’
= (\(\frac{d}{dx}\) x4) (5sin x – 3cos x) + x4\(\frac{d}{dx}\) (5sinx – 3cos x)
= 4x3(5sin x – 3cos x) + x4(5cos x + 3sin x)
= x3[5x cos x + 3xsin x + 20 sin x – 12cos x].

23. Let f(x) = (x2 + 1)cos x.
f ‘(x) = (uv)’ = u’v + uv’
= [\(\frac{d}{dx}\) (x2 + 1)]cos x + (x2 + 1)\(\frac{d}{dx}\) (cos x)
= 2xcos x – (x2 + 1) sin x.

24. Let f(x) = (ax2 + sin x)(p + qcos x).
f ‘(x) = (uv)’ = u’v + uv’
= [\(\frac{d}{dx}\) (ax2 + sin x)] (p + qcos x) + (ax2 + sin x)\(\frac{d}{dx}\)(p + q cos x)
= (2ax + cos x)(p + q cos x) + (ax2 + sin x)(- q sin x).
= – q sin x(ax2 + sin x) + (p + q cos x)(2ax + cos x).

GSEB Solutions Class 11 Maths Chapter 13 Limits and Derivatives Miscellaneous Exercise

25. Let f(x) = (x + cos x)(x – tan x).
f ‘(x) = (uv)’ = u’v + uv’
= [\(\frac{d}{dx}\)(x + cos x)] (x – tan x) + (x + cos x)\(\frac{d}{dx}\)(x – tan x)
= (1 – sin x)(x – tan x) + (x + cos x)(1 – sec2 x) [∵ \(\frac{d}{dx}\)tan x = sec2 x]
= – (x + cos x)(sec2 x – 1) + (x – tan x)(1 – sin x)
= – (x + cos x)tan2 x + (x – tan x)(1 – sin x)

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GSEB Solutions Class 11 Maths Chapter 13 Limits and Derivatives Miscellaneous Exercise

29. Let f(x) = (x + sec x)(x – tan x)
f ‘(x) = (uv)’ = u’v + uv’
= [\(\frac{d}{dx}\)(x + sec x)] (x – tan x) + (x + sec x)\(\frac{d}{dx}\)(x – tan x)
= (1 + sec x tan x)(x – tan x) + (x + sec x)(1 – sec2 x)
= (x + sec x)(1 – sec2x) + (x – tan x)(1 + sec x tan x)

30. Let f(x) = \(\frac{x}{\sin ^{n} x}\)
We have: \(\frac{d}{dx}\)x = 1 and \(\frac{d}{dx}\) sinnx = nsinn-1cos x.
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