GSEB Solutions Class 11 English Unit 6 Read 2 Suspect Identification

Gujarat Board GSEB Solutions Class 11 English Second Language Unit 6 Read 2 Suspect Identification Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

GSEB Std 11 English Textbook Solutions Unit 6 Read 2 Suspect Identification (2nd Language)

GSEB Class 11 English Suspect Identification Text Book Questions and Answers


1 State whether true or false:

(1) DNA analysis is very accurate in suspect identification because it matches the blood groups of the suspects. – True
(2) A DNA fingerprint is just as easy to generate as a general fingerprint. – False
(3) If the investigators have found bite marks, they can be used to identify the criminals. – True

2. Here are some sentences. Decide whether they apply to DNA analysis. Write (Y) if they do and (N) if they don’t.

(1) DNA fingerprints are matched using dental records of suspects. (Y)
(2) Mud from a suspect’s shoes could be used for DNA analysis. (N)
(3) If two people are very similar to each other, they might have the same DNA. (N)
(4) A Photocomposite may help in DNA analysis. (N)

GSEB Solutions Class 11 English Unit 6 Read 2 Suspect Identification

3. Would you prefer the detection techniques used by characters like Father Brown or Byomkesh Bakshi or would you prefer new techniques like DNA analysis ? Why ? Discuss in class.

I would prefer new techniques like DNA analysis to the detection techniques used by characters like Father Brown or Byomkesh Bakshi because the new techniques are more scientific and reliable. They cannot be faked. While the old detection techniques more or less were based on assumptions.

However smart the detective is, sometimes at certain extent, the assumption may be wrong and consequently there were chances of an innocent getting punished. DNA analysis can never be wrong. Secondly, a person can be doubted, but a scientific fact can neither be doubted nor denied.

Read 2: Suspect Identification

4. Read the text carefully and list the various types of suspect identification methods mentioned there. Also write their small descriptions in the given table:

Method of suspect identification Description
Comparison with dental records Bite marks are also useful in identifying the culprit using their dental records.
Finger prints can be identified They use any available evidence like blood, saliva, etc. Even a single hair is enough to identify it.
Photo composites are created Investigators use special software to recreate the sketch of suspect if there is a witness.
DNA cannot be faked Hence, it is the most scientific and effective instrument to use in identifying suspects.

GSEB Solutions Class 11 English Unit 6 Read 2 Suspect Identification

5. Read the cases below and suggest methods that are best suited for suspect Identification.

Case 1 : Two lakh rupees have been stolen from Mr Sharma’s office. The police conducted a thorough search of the office but found nothing. The night duty officer had fallen asleep and did not realise when the thief entered. But, on his way out, the thief dropped his bag and the noise woke the officer up. He tried to catch him but the thief ran away.

The method / methods best suited for this case is fingerprint because while handling the bag, the thief must have left fingerprint marks on the bag. They can be matched with the record that police have collected and the thief can be identified and caught.

Case 2: A family of four was murdered while they were sleeping at night. All the cash and jewellery in the house were stolen. During the investigation, the team found half-eaten sandwiches in the kitchen. It seemed like the thieves had something to eat before leaving.

An object like a hockey stick was found in the living room. The method best suited for this case is physical evidence because from the half-eaten sandwiches, bite marks can be collected and matched with their dental records. This is how the criminals can be identified.

GSEB Solutions Class 11 English Unit 6 Read 2 Suspect Identification

last, they found out that the shooter had done his crime from the terrace of a nearby building. hi a hurry, the shooter had left behind one half empty bottle of water and a used napkin. The method best suited for this case Is DNA fingerprint because from the half empty bottle and the used napkin the saliva remains can be collected. If they are matched with those of the criminal, the identification of the criminal could be easy.

6. Answer the following questions in three to four sentences each:

Question 1.
Name the various methods of suspect identification mentioned In the passage.
The various methods of suspect identification mentioned in the passage are as following:

  • DNA analysis.
  • Fingerprint.
  • DNA finger print collected from blood, saliva, hair, etc.
  • Photocomposites and
  • Physical evidence like bite marks.

Question 2.
Which method is considered the most accurate in suspect Identification? Why?
For suspect identification. DNA analysis method is the most accurate method because DNA cannot be faked. DNA is unique and every person has a unique DNA. Every cell in a human being has thousands of DNA strands and DNA finger print can be identified using any available evidence like blood, saliva or hair.

GSEB Solutions Class 11 English Unit 6 Read 2 Suspect Identification

Question 3.
What kind of evidence from the site of crime would become useful for identifying the criminal?
Evidences like the following ones can be,useful for identifying the criminal:
(1) Any object that the criminal has handled so that we can find his / her fingerprint on It.
For example, glass of water or wine, handle of a door, a bag, a fingerprint on a cupboard, window, table drawer, etc.
(2) Any eatable that he /she has eaten and Left It over.
(3) In case of murder or fight. blood marks can be useful,
(4) If In a scuffle a criminal’s hair is dropped or left out, It can be useful.
(5) If the criminal has spitted or vomited at the place of crime, that can also be of help.
(6) If the criminal has dropped his handkerchief or left his footwear, the traces of sweat in them can also be of help for identification.

Question 4.
What do you think, would be the advantages of using some of the scientific methods mentioned in the passage?
The scientific methods mentioned in the passage have great advantages. First of all they are foolproof. They are accurate and cannot be faked. They are not based on assumptions. They follow advance technology, so the evidences tested by them are never wrong and cannot be doubted at any cost. Secondly, for following these methods you have not to depend on any person, so no Identity can be biased or partial. It is very much genuine and reliable.

Reading Comprehension

Read the extract and answer the questions:

Advanced technology helps us to find this DNA fingerprint. It Is transferred on sheets Inform of barcode patterns. Police use these to match them to the suspects. DNA cannot be faked. Hence. it is the most scientific and effective instrument to use in identifying suspects. That’s why Investigators prefer using this technique.

GSEB Solutions Class 11 English Unit 6 Read 2 Suspect Identification

Other effective methods are also used in suspect identification. Photo composites are created using special software If there Is a witness. Physical evidences are used to identify suspects. Bite marks are also useful in Identifying the culprits using their dental records.

(1) How does advanced technology help us to find DNA fingerprint?
(2) What are the other effective methods used in suspect Identification?
(1) Advanced technology helps us to find DNA fingerprint. it is transferred on sheets Inform of barcode patterns.
(2) The other methods used in suspect identification are photo composites and physical evidences like bite marks.

Suspect Identification Summary in Gujarati

કાલ્પનિક ગુનાશોધક પાત્રો જેવાં કે ફાધર બ્રાઉન, શેરલોક હોમ્સ અને વ્યોમકેશ બક્ષી કોઈ પણ ટેકનોલૉજીના ઉપયોગ સિવાય ગુનેગારોને ઓળખી કાઢતા હતા. અત્યારે સી.આઈ.ડી.’ કે ‘ક્રિમિનલ માઇડ્ઝ’ જેવી ટીવી સિરિયલોમાં DNA મેળવીને ગુનેગારોની ઓળખ થતી દર્શાવવામાં આવે છે.

દરેક માણસમાં DNA એ સૌથી પાયાનું જૈવિક દ્રવ્ય હોય છે અને તે અદ્વિતીય (માત્ર એક જ) હોય છે, અને આંગળીઓની છાપ પણ અજોડ હોય છે. આ ઓળખ લોહી, લાળ કે પછી માત્ર એક વાળથી થઈ શકે છે.

આધુનિક ટેક્નોલૉજીમાં DNA ફિંગરપ્રિન્ટને બારકોડ ભાતમાં તબદીલ કરવામાં આવે છે. પોલીસ શંકાશીલોની ઓળખ માટે તેમને મેળવે છે. DNA કદાપિ ખોટું ન હોઈ શકે. તે સૌથી વધારે વૈજ્ઞાનિક અને અસરકારક સાધન છે. આ સિવાય પણ શંકાશીલોની ઓળખ માટે અન્ય અસરકારક પદ્ધતિઓ ઉપયોગમાં લેવાય છે.

GSEB Solutions Class 11 English Unit 6 Read 2 Suspect Identification

જો સાક્ષી હોય, તો ખાસ સૉફટવેરનો ઉપયોગ કરીને ફોટોકમ્પોઝિટ્સ પણ ઊભાં કરી શકાય છે. શારીરિક પુરાવા પણ શંકાશીલોને ઓળખવા કામ લાગે છે. દાંતની નોંધ પરથી, બટકું ભયનાં ચિહ્નોથી પણ ઓળખ સ્થાપિત કરી શકાય છે.

Glossary (શબ્દાર્થ)

GSEB Solutions Class 11 English Unit 6 Read 2 Suspect Identification 1

Phrases and Idioms

suspect identification (સસ્પેક્ટ આઈડેન્ટિફિકેશન) system of finding/identifying criminals – ગુનેગારોને શોધી /ઓળખી કાઢવાની પદ્ધતિ / વ્યવસ્થા.


તમે ચાહે CID જોતા હો યા ‘ક્રિમિનલ માઇઝ’, તમે DNAના નમૂના મિલાવાતાં જોયા હશે. આ DNA પૃથક્કરણ શું છે? અને શા માટે TV શો પણ તેને દર્શાવવા (વધુ) અસરકારક તેમજ રસપ્રદ માને છે? કોઈ પણ ટેકનોલૉજીના ઉપયોગ સિવાય ગુનેગારોને શોધી કાઢવાના તેમના કૌશલ માટે ફાધર બ્રાઉન, ઍરલોક હોમ્સ અને વ્યોમકેશ બક્ષી જેવાં કાલ્પનિક પાત્રો સુવિખ્યાત બની ચૂક્યાં છે.

પણ અત્યારે ગુનાશોધકો ગુનેગારોને શોધી કાઢવા માટે ઘણી બધી નવી ટેક્નોલૉજીનો ઉપયોગ કરે છે. સૌથી વધારે જાણીતી અને ભૂલ વગરની | (ટેક્નોલૉજી) DNA પૃથક્કરણ(ની રીત) છે.DNA એ માનવશરીરમાંનું એકદમ પાયાનું જૈવિક દ્રવ્ય છે, જે દરેક માનવમાં હોય છે. માનવશરીરના દરેક કોષમાં હજારો DNAના તંતુ-કણો હોય છે. આ DNA અજોડ છે. દરેક વ્યક્તિની ‘DNA ફિંગરપ્રિન્ટ’ અદ્વિતીય હોય છે. આ ફિંગરપ્રિન્ટને લોહી, લાળ વગેરે

GSEB Solutions Class 11 English Unit 6 Read 2 Suspect Identification

પ્રાપ્ય પુરાવાઓનો ઉપયોગ કરીને ઓળખી શકાય છે. અરે, માત્ર એક વાળ પણ આ ફિંગરપ્રિન્ટ ઓળખી કાઢવા પૂરતો છે. અદ્યતન ટેકનોલૉજી આપણને આ DNA ફિંગરપ્રિન્ટ ઓળખી કાઢવામાં મદદરૂપ થાય છે. તેને બારકોડ પૅટર્નમાં કાગળ પર તબદીલ કરવામાં આવે છે.

પોલીસ આ(બારકોડ પૅટર્ન)નો ઉપયોગ શંકાશીલો સાથે મેળવવામાં કરે છે. DNA કદાપિ ભૂલભરેલો હોઈ શકે નહિ. તેથી તે ગુનેગારોને ઓળખી કાઢવામાં સૌથી વધુ વૈજ્ઞાનિક તેમજ અસરકારક ટેકનિક છે. તેથી જ તો ગુનાશોધકો આ ટેક્નિકનો ઉપયોગ કરવાનું પસંદ કરે છે.

શંકાશીલોની ઓળખ માટે બીજી પણ અસરકારક પદ્ધતિઓ ઉપયોગમાં લેવાય છે. જો સાક્ષી પ્રાપ્ય હોય, તો ખાસ સૉફટવેરનો ઉપયોગ કરીને ગુનેગારોનાં રેખાચિત્રો પણ તૈયાર કરવામાં આવે છે. તેમની દંતચિકિત્સાની નોંધનો ઉપયોગ કરીને બચકાં ભર્યાનાં નિશાન પણ ઉપયોગમાં લેવાય છે.

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