GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus

Gujarat Board GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Second Language Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

GSEB Std 8 English Textbook Solutions Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus

GSEB Class 8 English English Plus Text Book Questions and Answers

Activity 1.

(A) Work in pairs. Take a role. Enact this dialogue.

Isha wants to make finger puppets. She needs some material. She is at a stationery shop.
Shopkeeper : What do you want ?
Isha : I want card papers, colour pencils, a pair of scissors and a glue bottle.
Shopkeeper : How many card papers do you want?
Isha : Two.
Shopkeeper : How many colour pencils do you want ?
Isha : Three – black, red and yellow.
Shopkeeper : Here they are.
Isha : And also a glue bottle.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus

Shopkeeper : 50 ml or 100 ml bottle?
Isha: 50 ml.
Shopkeeper : Fine ! Here it is. Take them.
Isha: Uncle, how much is the bill ?
Shopkeeper : Eighty rupees. Here is your bill.
Isha: Here is the money. Please count the money,
Shopkeeper : Thank you.

(B) Work in pairs. Read these details. Frame questions and answers.

Example : pencils – box – 10
A. How many pencils are there in the box?
B. Ten.

(1) water-bottle – 300 ml
A. How much water is there in the bottle ?
B. 300 ml.

(2) ice-cream – packet – 10
A. How many ice-creams are there in the packet?
B. Ten.

(3) days – year – 365
A. How many days are there in a year ?
B. 365

Example : tea – packet – 500 gms / 250
A. How much tea is there in this packet?
B. 500 gms.
C. How much for this packet?
D. ₹ 250.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus

(1) soap bars – packet – 4 / ₹ 36
A. How many soap bars are there in the packet ?
B. Four.
C. How much for this packet ?
D. ₹ 36.

(2) shampoo – sachet –
A. How much for this shampoo sachet ?
B. ₹ 30

(3) 8 GB pen drive prize – ₹ 300
A. How much for this pen drive ?
B. ₹ 300.

(4) wheat – sack – 100 kg/ ₹ 2400
A. How much wheat is there in the sack?
B. 100 kg.
C. How much for this sack ?
D. ₹ 2400.

(5) i Pod memory – 4 GB
A. How much is the memory in this i Pod ?
B. 4 GB.

(ઈશા વૉન્ટ્સ ટુ મેક ફિંગર પિટ્સ. શી નીડ્ઝ સમ મટિઅરિઅલ. શી ઇઝ ઍટ એ સ્ટેશનરિ શૉપ.) ઈશાને આંગળી કઠપૂતળીઓ બનાવવી છે. તેને થોડી સામ્રગીને જરૂર છે. તે સ્ટેશનરની દુકાનમાં છે. (વૉટ ડૂ યૂ વૉન્ટ?) તારે શું જોઈએ છે? (આઈ વૉન્ટ કાર્ડ પેપર્ઝ, કલર પેન્સિલ્ટ, અ પેઅર ઑવ સિઝઝ ઍન્ડ એ ગ્લ બૉટલ.) અને કાર્ડ પેપર, કલર પેન્સિલ, કાતર અને ગુંદરની શીશી જોઈએ છે.

(હાઉ મેનિ કાર્ડ પેપર્શ ડૂ યુ વૉન્ટ?) તારે કેટલાં કાર્ડ પેપર જોઈએ છે? (ટું.) બે. (હાઉ મેનિ કલર પેન્સિલ્ટ ડૂ યુ વૉન્ટ?) તારે કેટલી કલર પેન્સિલ જોઈએ છે? (શ્રી – બ્લેક, રેડ ઍન્ડ યેલો.) ત્રણ – કાળી, લાલ અને પીળી. | (હિઅર ધે આર.) આ રહી. (ઍન્ડ ઑલ્સો અ ગ્લ બૉટલ.) અને ગુંદરની શીશી પણ. (50 ml ઑર 100 ml?) 50 ml કે 100 ml શીશી? (50 ml.) 50 ml.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus

(ફાઇન! હિઅર ઇટ ઇઝ. ટેક ધેમ.) સારું, આ રહી. આ લે. (અંકલ, હાઉ મચ ઇઝ ધ બિલ?) કાકા, કેટલું બિલ થયું? (એટિ રૂપીઝ. હિઅર ઇઝ યુઅર બિલ.) એંશી રૂપિયા. આ રહ્યું તારું બિલ.
(હિઅર ઇઝ ધ મનિ. પ્લીઝ કાઉન્ટ ધ મનિ.) આ રહ્યા પૈસા.
મહેરબાની કરી પૈસા ગણી લો. (થેંક યૂ.) આભાર.

(C) Read this advertisement.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus 2

(D) Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
On which day can you go for the music concert ?
We can go for a music concert on Saturday and Sunday.

Question 2.
How many shows are there ?
There are three shows.

Question 3.
How much will your mother pay for the music concert?
My mother will pay ₹ 250 for the music concert.

Question 4.
How much will a class 8 student pay for the concert?
A class 8 student will pay f 120 for the concert.

Question 5.
How many singers are there ?
There are two singers.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus

Question 6.
Who are the singers ?
Aditya Naik and Anjana Yagnik are the singers.

Question 7.
Which instruments do the artists use ?
The artists use guitar, drum and flute.

Activity 2.

(A) Read and enjoy.

A Dialogue Within a Dialogue
Dhanush and Raghav are best friends. They are studying in class VIII, like you. Today is Sunday and both are on the playground.
“Raghav! I am hungry. Let’s go to my uncle’s house. It’s just next to this street,” said Dhanush.
“Yeah, I know. Even I remember the taste of your uncle’s dish. Really, Dhanush, he is a very good cook,” Raghav said.
They were on their way to Dhanush’s uncle’s house. They went past a tea stall. Radio Bhindi was on. “SAVE MONEY WITH OUR : BANK AND SECURE YOUR FUTURE.” Such
was an announcement on Radio Bhindi.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus 3

“Raghav, I want to open an account in a bank,” said Dhanush.
“Why?” Raghav asked.
“Because I have saved some pocket money. I want to deposit it.”
“It’s a good idea. I also want an account to be opened. We’ll go together,” said Raghav.
“Do you know the address of the bank ?” asked Raghav.
“No, but my father has an account with the bank,” he added. “It is a nationalized bank.”

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus

“Fine. Then when shall we go there ?” Raghav asked.
“We shall go there next Tuesday,” Dhanush replied.
“But who will help us in opening an account ?” Raghav asked.
“My uncle will come with us,” Dhanush said.
(They enter the house. Uncle Manubhai was reading a newspaper.)
GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus 4
“Hello, uncle, we want an account to be opened with a bank. We need your help,” Dhanush said.
“Sure, I will help you. I will also come with you to the bank,” said Manubhai. After some time, Raghav switched on ‘ the television. There was an announcement on the screen.

(અ ડાયલૉગ વિધિન અ ડાયલૉગ) સંવાદમાં સંવાદ

(ધનુષ ઍન્ડ રાઘવ આર બેસ્ટ ફ્રેન્ડ્ઝ. ધે આર સ્ટડિંગ ઇન ક્લાસ VIII, લાઇક યૂ. ટૂડે ઇઝ સન્ડે ઍન્ડ બોથ આર ઑન ધ પ્લેગ્રાઉન્ડ.) ધનુષ અને રાઘવ પાક્કા મિત્રો છે. તમારી જેમ તેઓ ધોરણ 8માં અભ્યાસ કરે છે. આજે રવિવાર છે અને બંને રમતના મેદાન પર છે. (‘રાઘવ! આઈ ઍમ હંગ્રિ. લેટ્સ ગો ટુ માઇ અંકલ્ડ હાઉસ. ઇટ્સ જસ્ટ નેટ ટુ ધિસ સ્ટ્રીટ,” સેડ ધનુષ.) “રાઘવ ! મને ભૂખ લાગી છે. ચાલ, મારા કાકાના ઘરે જઈએ. તે આ શેરીની બાજુમાં જ છે,” ધનુષે કહ્યું.

(‘યેઅ, આઈ નો. ઈવન આઈ રિમેમ્બર ધ ટેસ્ટ ઑવ યુઅર અંકલ્ટ ડિશ. રિઅલિ, ધનુષ, હી ઇઝ અ વેરિ ગુડ કુક,” રાઘવ સેડ.) “હા, મને ખબર છે. મને તો તારા કાકાની વાનગીનો સ્વાદ પણ યાદ છે. ખરેખર, ધનુષ, તેઓ ખૂબ જ સારી રસોઈ બનાવે છે,” રાઘવ બોલ્યો. (ધે વેઅર ઑન ધેઅર વે ટુ ધનુષિઝ અંકલ્ડ હાઉસ. ધે વેન્ટ પાસ્ટ અ ટી સ્ટૉલ. રેડિઓ ભીંડી વૉઝ ઑન.

“સેવ મનિ વિથ અવર બેંક ઍન્ડ સિક્યુઅર યુઅર ફ્યુચર.” સચ વૉઝ ઍન અનાઉન્સમેન્ટ ઑન રેડિઓ ભીંડી.) તેઓ ધનુષના કાકાના ઘર તરફ જઈ રહ્યા હતા. તેઓ એક ચાની દુકાન પાસેથી પસાર થયા. રેડિયો ભીંડી ચાલતું હતું. ‘અમારી બેંકમાં ખાતું ખોલી) પૈસા બચાવો અને તમારું ભવિષ્ય સુરક્ષિત કરો.” રેડિયો ભીંડી પર આવી જાહેરાત હતી.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus

(‘રાઘવ, આઈ વૉન્ટ ટુ ઓપન ઍન અકાઉન્ટ ઇન અ બેંક,” સેડ ધનુષ.) “રાઘવ, મારે બેંકમાં ખાતું ખોલવું છે,” ધનુષે કહ્યું. (‘વાઇ ?” રાઘવ આડ.) “કેમ?” રાઘવે પૂછવું.  (‘બિકૉઝ આઈ હૈવ સેડ સમ પૉકિટ મનિ. આઈ વૉન્ટ ટુ ડિપૉઝિટ ઇટ.’) “કારણ કે મેં હાથખરચીના થોડા પૈસા બચાવ્યા છે. મારે તે જમા કરવા છે.”

(‘ઇટ્સ અ ગુડ આઇડિઆ. આઈ ઑલ્સો વૉન્ટ ઍન અકાઉન્ટ ટુ બી ઓપન. વીલ ગો ટુગેધર,” સેડ રાઘવ.) “તે સારો વિચાર છે. મારે પણ એક ખાતું ખોલાવવું છે. આપણે સાથે જઈશું,” રાઘવ બોલ્યો. (‘ડૂ યૂ નો ધ અડ્રેસ ઑવ ધ બેંક?” આફ્ટ રાઘવ.) તને બેંકનું સરનામું ખબર છે?” રાઘવે પૂછયું.

(‘નો, બટ માઇ ફાધર હૅઝ ઍન અકાઉન્ટ વિથ ધ બેંક,” હી ઍડિડ. “ઇટ ઇઝ અ નૅશનલાઇઝડ બેંક.”) “ના, પણ તે બેંકમાં મારા પિતાનું ખાતું છે,” તેણે ઉમેર્યું. “તે એક રાષ્ટ્રીયકૃત બેંક છે.”

(‘ફાઇન. ધેન વેન શૈલ વી ગો ધેઅર?” રાઘવ આડ.) સરસ. તો પછી આપણે ત્યાં ક્યારે જઈશું?” રાઘવે પૂછ્યું.
(“વી શૈલ ગો ધેઅર નેસ્ટ ટ્યૂઝડે,” ધનુષ રિપ્લાઇડ.) ‘‘આપણે આવતા મંગળવારે ત્યાં જઈશું,” ધનુષે ઉત્તર આપ્યો.
(‘બટ હું વિલ હેલ્પ અસ ઇન ઓપનિંગ ઍન અકાઉન્ટ?” રાઘવ આડ.)

“પણ ખાતું ખોલવામાં આપણને કોણ મદદ કરશે?” રાઘવે પૂછ્યું. (“માઇ અંકલ વિલ કમ વિથ અસ,” ધનુષ સેડ.) “મારા કાકા આપણી સાથે આવશે,” ધનુષે કહ્યું. (ધે એન્ટર ધ હાઉસ, મનુકાકા વૉઝ રીડિંગ અ ન્યૂઝપેપર.)) (તેઓ ઘરમાં પ્રવેશે છે. મનુકાકા છાપું વાંચી રહ્યા હતા.)

(“હેલો, અંકલ, વી વૉન્ટ ઍન અકાઉન્ટ ટુ બી ઓપન્ડ વિથ અ બેંક. વી નીડ યુઅર હેલ્પ,” ધનુષ સેડ.) “હેલો, કાકા, અમારે બેંકમાં ખાતું ખોલાવવું છે. અમને તમારી મદદની જરૂર છે,” ધનુષે કહ્યું. (‘શુઅર, આઈ વિલ હેલ્પ યુ. આઈ વિલ ઑલ્સો કમ વિથ યૂ ટુ ધ બેંક,” સેડ મનુભાઈ.) “ચોક્કસ, હું તમને મદદ કરીશ. હું તમારી સાથે બેંકમાં પણ આવીશ,” મનુભાઈએ કહ્યું. (આફટર સમ ટાઇમ, રાઘવ સ્વિડ ઑન ધ ટેલીવિઝન, ધેઅર વૉઝ ઍન અનાઉન્સમેન્ટ ઑન ધ સ્ક્રીન.) થોડા સમય બાદ, રાઘવે ટેલીવિઝન શરૂ કર્યું. સ્ક્રીન પર એક જાહેરાત હતી.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus

Donate 0+ blood Immediately
Contact: 03838389555

“What is O positive, uncle ?” Dhanush asked.
“It is the name bf a blood group,” said Manubhai.
“Why do they need blood, uncle ?” asked Dhanush.
“Perhaps someone needs it. There may ? be a surgery,” said Manubhai.
“But uncle, why don’t you help them ?” Raghav asked.
“No, I cannot, because my blood group is B + ,” uncle replied.
“Uncle, now this is the time for our s cartoon show.
Raghav and I never miss it. Can we watch it ?” said Dhanush.
“Of course. Meanwhile, I will prepare some snacks for both of you.”
“Uncle, you are such a caring person,” ? Raghav said.
(Both the boys watched the cartoon show. The show ended and Manubhai came with the snacks.)

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus

“Did you enjoy the cartoon show?” uncle ( asked.
“Yes, we did.” ?
“Here are your snacks. Have them and tell me how they are.”
“Delicious, as always,” both said after; tasting the snacks.
“Thank you, my children. Enjoy the snacks. I will read the newspaper.”
(Manubhai reads the newspaper.)
“Hey boys, here is some interesting news for you,” said Manubhai.
“What is it?” Dhanush asked.
“Read it yourself,” replied Manubhai.
(Both read an advertisement.)
“Wow… this is an attractive event. Dhanush, will you participate ?” Raghav asked.
“Sure. What about you ?” Dhanush asked.
“I shall also participate,” Raghav said.

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(“વૉટ ઇઝ ઓ પૉઝિટિવ, અંકલ?” ધનુષ આફ્ટ.) “કાકા,

ઓ પૉઝિટિવ શું છે?” ધનુષે પૂછ્યું. (“ઇટ ઇઝ ધ નેમ ઑવ અ બ્લડ ગ્રુપ,” સેડ મનુભાઈ.) “તે
બ્લડ ગ્રુપ(લોહીના પ્રકાર)નું એક નામ છે,” મનુભાઈએ કહ્યું. (“વાઇ ડૂ ધે નીડ બ્લડ, અંકલ?” આખુડ ધનુષ.) “તેમને લોહીની જરૂર શા માટે છે, કાકા?” ધનુષે પૂછ્યું. (“પહેપ્રસ સમવન નીડ્ઝ ઇટ. ધેઅર મે બી અ સર્જરિ,” સેડ મનુભાઈ.) “કદાચ કોઈને તેની જરૂર છે. (કદાચ) કોઈ શસ્ત્રક્રિયા હશે,’ મનુભાઈએ કહ્યું.

(‘બટ અંકલ, વાઇ ડોન્ટ યૂ હેલ્પ ધેમ?” રાઘવ આસ્ફડ.) “પણ કાકા, તમે શા માટે તેમને મદદ નથી કરતા?” રાઘવે પૂછ્યું. (“નો, આઈ કૅનૉટ, બિકૉઝ માઇ બ્લડ ગ્રુપ ઇઝ B+,” અંકલ રિપ્લાઇડ.) “ના, હું (મદદ) ન કરી શકું, કારણ કે મારું બ્લડ ગ્રુપ B+ છે,” કાકાએ ઉત્તર આપ્યો. (‘અંકલ, નાઉ ધિસ ઇઝ ધ ટાઇમ ફૉર અવર કાર્ટુન શો. રાઘવ ઍન્ડ આઈ નેવર મિસ ઇટ. કૅન વી વૉચ ઇટ?” સેડ ધનુષ.)

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus

કાકા, હવે આ સમય અમારા કાર્ટુન શોનો છે. રાઘવ અને હું તે કદી ચૂકતા નથી. શું અમે તે જોઈ શકીએ ?’ ધનુષે કહ્યું. (‘ઑવ કૉર્સ. મીનવાઇલ, આઈ વિલ પ્રિપેઅર સમ સ્નેક્સ ફૉર. બોથ ઑવ યુ.”) હા, ચોક્કસ. તે દરમિયાન, હું તમારા બંને માટે નાસ્તો બનાવું છું.”

(‘અંકલ, યુ આર સચ અ કેઅરિંગ પર્સન,” રાઘવ સેડા) કાકા, તમે કેટલા માયાળુ વ્યક્તિ છો,” રાઘવ બોલ્યો. (બોથ ધ બૉઇઝ વૉડ ધ કાર્ટુન શો. ધ શો એડિડ ઍન્ડ મનુભાઈ કેમ વિથ ધ ઑસ.) (બંને છોકરાઓએ કાર્ટુન શો જોયો. શો પૂરો થયો અને મનુભાઈ નાસ્તો લઈને આવ્યા.) (‘ડિડ યૂ ઇજૉઇ ધ કાર્ટુન શો?” અંકલ આડ઼.) “શું તમે કાન શો માણ્યો?” કાકાએ પૂછ્યું. (“યસ, વી ડિડ.”) “હા, અમે માણ્યો.”

(“હિઅર આર યુઅર સૅકસ. ઑવ ધેમ ઍન્ડ ટેલ મી હાઉ ધે આર.”) “આ રહ્યો તમારો નાસ્તો. (નાસ્તો) ખાઓ અને મને કહો કેવો છે.” (“ડિલિશસ, ઍઝ ઑવેઝ,” બોથ સેડ આફ્ટર ટેસ્ટિંગ ધ સ્નેક્સ.) હંમેશ મુજબ, સ્વાદિષ્ટ,” નાસ્તો ચાખ્યા પછી બંને બોલ્યા.

(“થેંક યુ, માઇ ચિલ્ડ્રન. ઇજૉઇ ધ સ્નેક્સ. આઈ વિલ રીડ ધ ન્યૂઝપેપર.”) “આભાર, મારાં બાળકો. નાસ્તાની મજા લો. હું છાપું વાંચીશ.” [ (મનુભાઈ રીડ્ઝ ધ ન્યૂઝપેપર.) (મનુભાઈ છાપું વાંચે છે.) (“હે બૉઇઝ, હિઅર ઇઝ સમ ઇન્ટરેસ્ટિંગ ન્યૂઝ ફૉર યુ,” સેડ મનુભાઈ.) “હે છોકરાઓ, અહીં તમારા માટે રસપ્રદ સમાચાર છે,” મનુભાઈએ કહ્યું. | (“વૉટ ઇઝ ઇટ?” ધનુષ આડ.) “તે શું છે?” ધનુષે પૂછ્યું. (‘રીડ ઇટ યુઅરસેલ્ફ,” રિપ્લાઇડ મનુભાઈ.) “તમે જાતે વાંચો,” મનુભાઈએ ઉત્તર આપ્યો. [ (બોથ રીડ ઍન અદ્વર્ટિસમન્ટ.) (બંને એક જાહેરાત વાંચે છે.)

(“વાઉ… ધિસ ઇઝ ઍન અટ્રેટિવ ઇવેન્ટ, ધનુષ, વિલ યૂ છે. ધનુષ, શું તું ભાગ લઈશ?” રાઘવે પૂછ્યું. (“શુઅર, વૉટ અબાઉટ યુ?” ધનુષ આચ્છ.) “ચોક્કસ. અનેું?” ધનુષે પૂછ્યું. | (“આઈ શૈલ ઑલ્સો પાર્ટિસિપેટ,” રાઘવ સેડ.) “હું પણ ભાગ લઈશ,” રાઘવે કહ્યું.

(B) Say whether the following statements are True or False.

(1) Manubhai is Raghav’s uncle. — False
(2) Dhanush wants an account to be opened with the bank because his father told him. — False
(3) Dhanush’s uncle will help them to open an account. — True
(4) The competition is about singing. — False
(5) The competition is organized by Young World. — True
(6) Manubhai is a good cook. — True
(7) Raghav has saved some pocket money. — False
(8) O+ is a blood group. — True

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus

(C) Answer these questions.

Question 1.
What was the announcement on Radio Bhindi ?
The announcement on Radio Bhindi was ‘Save money with our bank and secure your future’.

Question 2.
Write two announcements which you heard on FM / TV.
(1) Make Aircell to Aircell free unlimited calls on Independence Day
(2) Photo kheech, Quikr par bech

Question 3.
Why did Dhanush want an account to be opened with a bank?
Dhanush had saved some pocket money and so he wanted to open an account and deposit it in the bank.

Question 4.
Who will help them in getting an account opened ?
Dhanush’s uncle will help them in getting an account opened.

Question 5.
Why could Manubhai not donate his blood ?
Manubhai could not donate blood because his group was B+

Question 6.
When will the South Zone competition be held ?
The South Zone competition will be held on 16th March.

Question 7.
What is the theme of this competition ?
The theme of this competition is:
Save Environment, Save Water.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus

Question 8.
Is Dhanush worried about his future ?
No, Dhanush is not worried about his future.

Question 9.
What must you do to win one week animation workshop ?
You must win the first prize to win one week animation workshop.

Question 10.
How can you get an entry form?
You can log on to www.youngworld. org to get an entry form.

Question 11.
Who is a good cook?
Dhanush’s uncle is a good cook.

Question 12.
Who has an account with the bank?
Dhanush’s father has an account with the bank.

Question 13.
What did the boys watch on TV?
The boys watched cartoon show on TV

Question 14.
What will all the participants get?
All the participants will get a 3D certificate.

Question 15.
Who has organized the competition?
Young World has organized the competition.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus

Question 16.
What is the 3rd prize?
The 3rd prize is one-day trekking camp.

Question 17.
How many consolation prizes are there ?
There are 100 consolation prizes.

Question 18.
What is the consolation prize?
The consolation prize is an easel with 5 brushes.

Activity 3.

(A) There was a reception of Mrs Ant. Some of the guests didn’t come for the ceremony. Listen to the excuses of the absent guests.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus 6

Mr Donkey, Mr Donkey,
(મિસ્ટર ડૉકિ, મિસ્ટર ડૌકિ.)
Why didn’t you come ?
(વાઇ ડિડન્ટ યુ કમ?)
Mrs Ant, Mrs Ant,
(મિસિઝ ઍન્ટ, મિસિઝ ઍન્ટ,)
‘Coz sick was my Mom.
(‘કૉઝ સિક વૉઝ માઇ મૉમ.)
Ms Sheep, Ms Sheep,
(મિસ શીપ, મિસ શીપ)
Why didn’t you come ?
(વાઇ ડિડન્ટ યૂ કમ?)
Mrs Ant, Mrs Ant,
(મિસિઝ ઍન્ટ, મિસિઝ ઍન્ટ,).
‘Coz your messenger was dumb.
(‘કૉઝ યુઅર મેલિંજર વૉઝ ડમ.)
Ms Goat, Ms Goat,
(મિસ ગોટ, મિસ ગોટ,)
Why didn’t you come ?
(વાઇ ડિડન્ટ યુ કમ?).
Mrs Ant, Mrs Ant,
(મિસિઝ ઍન્ટ, મિસિઝ ઍન્ટ,)
Coz the river I couldn’t jump.
(‘કૉઝ ધ રિવર આઈ કુડન્ટ જમ્પ.)

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus

(B) Play in pairs. Ask a question and your partner will answer it. Add the missing words.

Set – 1

Questions Answers
Arif play football yesterday? … sore throat
Rani sing in the competition ? …not get tickets
you play chess ? … no money
Why didn’t you buy a bicycle ? Because … on strike
the workers go to the factory? … not know how to play
your friend go to the cinema ? … already read the book
Neha buy ‘The Arabian Nights’ ? … pain in the ankle

Write the questions and the answers in the given space.

You: Why didn’t Arif play football yesterday ?
Your partner : Because he had pain in the ankle.
You: Why didn’t Rani sing in the competition ?
Your partner : Because she had a sore throat.
You : Why didn’t you play chess ?
Your partner : Because I do not know how to play.
You : Why didn’t you buy a bicycle ?
Your partner : Because I had no money.
You : Why didn’t the workers go to the factory ?
Your partner : Because they were on strike.
You: Why didn’t your friend go to the cinema ?
Your partner : Because he did not get tickets.
You : Why didn’t Neha buy ‘The Arabian Nights’ ?
Your partner : Because she had already read the book.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus

Now your partner will ask questions and, you will answer them.
Set – 2

Questions Answers
is Sam late today? … to attend business meeting
could Samkrit not attend the conference … held up in traffic
Why was Sonal unhappy? Because … to meet her uncle
were you in search of him ? … vacation in summer
has Anita gone to Vapi ? … missed her favourite TV show
were the children happy? … the real thief

Write it the given space below.

Your partner : Why were the children happy ?
You : Because they had vacation in summer.
Your partner : Why is Sam late today ?
You: Because he is held up in traffic.
Your partner : Why could Samkrit not attend the conference?
You: Because he had to attend a business meeting. ?
Your partner : Why was Sonal unhappy ?
You: Because she missed her favourite TV show.
Your partner : Why were you in search of him?
You: Because he was the real thief.
Your partner : Why has Anita gone to Vapi ?
You : Because she wants to meet her uncle.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus

Activity 4.

(A) Piyush is going from Ahmedahad to Mumbai. His grandfather tells him what to do and what not to do.

Do Do not
(1) Reach station safely.
(2) Cross the road by looking at the traffic lights.
(3) Purchase ticket from the ticket window.
(4) Stand in a queue.
(5) Use the timetable.
(6) Make an inquiry for the train.
(7) Keep ticket in a proper place.
(1) push while passengers come out.
(2) purchase tickets from strangers.
(3) hurry to get into the train.
(4) sit in another class.
(5) take eatables offered by a stranger.
(6) keep luggage in a wrong place.
(7) throw rubbish anywhere.

(B) Listen and understand the dialogue.

Grandfather : Piyush, what are you getting ready for?
Piyush : Grandpa, I am going to Mumbai.
Grandfather : Have you taken your luggage ?
Piyush : Yes, Dada.
Grandfather : Are you going alone ?
Piyush : Yes, I am.
Grandfather : Ask Priya to drop you.
Piyush : Dada, it’s a nice suggestion,

(પિયુષ, વૉટ આર યુ ગેટિંગ રેડિ ફૉર ?) પિયુષ, તું શેના માટે તૈયાર થઈ રહ્યો છે? (ગ્રેન્ડપા, આઈ ઍમ ગોઇંગ ટુ મુંબઈ.) દાદા, હું મુંબઈ જઈ રહ્યો છું.
(હેવ યૂ ટેકન યુઅર લગિજ?) શું તેં તારો સામાન લીધો? (યસ, દાદા.) હા, દાદા. (આર યુ ગોઇંગ અલોન?) શું તું એકલો જઈ રહ્યો છે? (યસ, આઈ એમ.) હા, હું (એકલો જઈ રહ્યો) છું. (આસ્ક પ્રિયા ટૂ ડ્રૉપ યૂ.) પ્રિયાને કહે તને મૂકી જાય. (દાદા, ઇટ્સ અ નાઇસ સજેશન.) દાદા, તે સારું સૂચન છે.

Now form a dialogue with the help of Do / Don’t:

Grandfather: Please reach the station safely.
Piyush : Do not worry, Dada.
Grandfather : Cross the road by looking ? at the traffic lights.
Piyush : Of course, Dada.
Grandfather : Do not purchase ticket from strangers.
Piyush : No, I won’t.
Grandfather: Stand in a queue and purchase ticket from the ticket window.
Piyush : Yes, Dada.
Grandfather : Use the timetable or make an inquiry for the train.
Piyush: Sure, I will do that.
Grandfather : Please keep the ticket in a proper place.
Piyush : Yes, Dada.
Grandfather : Do not push while passengers come out.
Piyush : No, I won’t.
Grandfather : Do not hurry to get into the train.
Piyush : No, Dada. I won’t.
Grandfather : Please do not sit in another class.
Piyush: No, Dada. I will be careful.
Grandfather: Do not keep luggage in a wrong place.
Piyush : No, I won’t.
Grandfather : Do not take eatables offered by strangers.
Piyush : No, I will not.
Grandfather : Do not throw rubbish anywhere.
Piyush : No, Dada. I will not.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus

(C) Here is a notice about an inter-school competition. Read it.

Sarasvati Vidyalaya

We are playing the final of the Inter-School Girls Hockey
Championship against Bharti Vidyalaya
Day: 20th March
Time : 8 : 30 a.m.
Venue : Motera Stadium
Friends, come in large number to cheer up our team.


S. K. Patel

The class representative – CR, is reading this invitation before her classmates.

CR: Dear friends, Good afternoon. Here is a good news for us. We have an invitation for Inter-School Girls Hockey Championship. It will be against Bharti Vidyalaya. It will be on 20th March. The venue is Motera Stadium. The final will start at 8:30 a.m. Our principal and captain have invited all of us. Friends, we must go to cheer our team. Rajvi and Disha, you will go to play. All the best from all of us.

(D) Now make an. invitation card for Science – Maths Exhibition.

We are organizing a Science-Maths Exhibition in our school.
Day: Saturday, 27 December
Time : 9 : 00 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Venue: School Hall
Special Attractions :
Solar Energy Vedic Maths Rubik’s Cube
“Reach the Unreached”

General Secretary


CR: ડિઅર ફ્રેન્ડ્ઝ, ગુડ આફ્ટરનૂન. હિઅર ઇઝ અ ગુડ ન્યૂઝ ફૉર એસ. વી હેવ ઍન ઇન્વિટેશન ફૉર ઇન્ટર-સ્કૂલ ગડ્ઝ હૉકિ ચૅમ્પિઅનશિપ. ઇટ વિલ બી અગેન્સ્ટ ભારતી વિદ્યાલય. ઇટ વિલ બી ઑન 20 માર્ચ. ધ વેન્યૂ ઇઝ મોટેરા સ્ટેડિયમ. ધ ફાઇનલ વિલ સ્ટાર્ટ ઍટ 8 : 30 am. અવર પ્રિન્સિપલ ઍન્ડ કૅપ્ટન હૈવ ઇન્વાઇટિડ ઑલ ઑવ અસ, ફ્રેન્ડ્ઝ, વી મસ્ટ ગો ટૂ ચીઅર અવર ટીમ. રાજવી ઍન્ડ દિશા, યુ વિલ ગો ટુ પ્લે. ઑલ ધ બેસ્ટ ફ્રૉમ ઑલ ઑવ અસ.).

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus

CR: પ્રિય મિત્રો, ગુડ આફ્ટરનૂન. આપણા માટે એક સારા સમાચાર છે. ઇન્ટર-સ્કૂલ ગડ્ઝ હૉકિ ચૅમ્પિઅનશિપ માટે આપણને આમંત્રણ છે. તે ભારતી વિદ્યાલયની વિરુદ્ધ હશે. તે 20 માર્ચે છે. સ્થળ છે મોટેરા સ્ટેડિયમ. ફાઇનલ સવારે 8: 30 વાગ્યે શરૂ થશે. આપણાં આચાર્ય અને કૅપ્ટને સૌને આમંત્રણ આપ્યું છે. મિત્રો, આપણે આપણી ટીમને પ્રોત્સાહિત કરવા જવું જ જોઈએ. રાજવી અને દિશા, તમે રમવા જશો. અમારા સૌ તરફથી શુભેચ્છાઓ.

Activity 5.

Let’s make .some buttermilk for you, your family and friends. The ingredients (things you need) are given below. You will need:

200 gms curd
Salt to taste
Ice cubes (crushed) Cumin seeds (jeera)
Two mint leaves (cleared, of medium size) Oops! The steps of the recipe have got mixed up. Arrange the following sentences in the correct order to prepare a glass of buttermilk.
[4] Add crushed ice to the churned curds and churn it again.
[2] Churn the curd.
[6] Finally, pour this into the glass.
[7] Serve with two mint leaves on the buttermilk.
[5] After the second churning, add salt and cumin powder to taste.
[1] Take a cup of curd.
[3] Now take some ice cubes and crush them.

Activity 6.

(A) Read the given details of Bhavin and Alpa.

Bhavin is 20 years old. His height is 164 cm and his weight is 65 kg. The length of his hair is 35 cm. His family has four members. He has 12 friends.
Alpa is 19 years old. Her height is 162 cm and her weight is 55 kg. The length of her hair is 65 cm. Her family has five members. She has 12 friends.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus

(B) Now compare both as …

(1) Bhavin is older than Alpa.
(2) Alpa is younger than Bhavin.
(3) Bhavin is taller than Alpa.
(4) Alpa is shorter than Bhavin.
(5) Bhavin is fatter than Alpa.
(6) Alpa is thinner than Bhavin.
(7) Bhavin’s hair is shorter than Alpa’s hair.
(8) Alpa’s hair is longer than Bhavin’s hair.
(9) Bhavin’s family is smaller than Alpa’s family.
(10) Alpa’s family is bigger than Bhavin’s family.
(11) Bhavin has as many friends as Alpa has.
(12) Alpa has as many friends as Bhavin has.

(Use – old / young, tall / short, fat / thin, long / short, small big)

(C) Now work in pairs. Write your details and your friend’s details in the table.
You can add more.

Details You Your Friend
Age 12 15
Height 150 cm 155 cm
Weight 45 kg 48 kg
Hair 70 cm 60 cm
Family 4 members 6 members
Friends 6 4
House 3 rooms 2 rooms

Activity 7.

Friends, do you know Right to Education Act – 2009 gives you some rights. Here are some. Read them and tell your friends / parents about them.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus 7

Let’s Learn More

1. Read the following paragraphs from the lesson.

(1) Dhanush and Raghav are best friends. They are studying in class VIII, like you.
Today is Sunday and both are on the playground.
“Raghav! I am hungry. Let’s go to my uncle’s house. It’s just next to this street,” said Dhanush.
“Yeah, I know. Even I remember the taste of your uncle’s dish. Really, Dhanush, he is a very good cook,” Raghav said.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Who is a good cook ?
Dhanush’s uncle is a good cook.

Question 2.
In which class are the boys ?
The boys are in class VIII.

Question 3.
Why are the boys on the playground ?
The boys are on the playground because it is Sunday.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
Dhanush and Raghav are
A. in school
B. at uncle’s house
C. on the playground
D. in the garden
C. on the playground

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus

Question 2.
………. is a good cook.
A. Dhanush
B. Raghav
C. Dhanush’s uncle
D. Raghav’s uncle
C. Dhanush’s uncle

(2) They were on their way to Dhanush’s uncle’s house. They went past a tea stall. Radio Bhindi was on. “SAVE MONEY WITH OUR BANK AND SECURE YOUR FUTURE.” Such was an announcement on Radio Bhindi.
“Raghav, I want to open an account in a bank,” said Dhanush.
“Why?” Raghav asked.
“Because I have saved some pocket money. I want to deposit it.”
“It’s a good idea. I also want an account to be opened. We’ll go together,” said Raghav.

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What was the announcement on Radio Bhindi ?
The announcement on Radio Bhindi was ‘Save money with our bank and secure your future’.

Question 2.
Why did Dhanush want an account to be opened with a bank ?
Dhanush had saved some pocket money and so he wanted to open an account and deposit it in the bank.

Question 3.
Is Dhanush worried about his future ?
No, Dhanush was not worried about his future.

Question 4.
Who wants to open an account with a bank ?
Dhanush wants to open an account with a bank.

Answer the question selecting the correct option.

Question 1.
Which word in the passage means ‘to make safe’ ?
A. future
B. deposit
C. secure
D. account
C. secure

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus

(3) “Do you know the address of the bank ?” asked Raghav.
“No, but my father has an account with the bank,” he added. “It is a nationalized bank.”
“Fine. Then when shall we go there ?” Raghav asked.
“We shall go there next Tuesday,” Dhanush replied.
“But who will help us in opening an account?” Raghav asked.
“My uncle will come with us,” Dhanush said.

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Who will help them in getting an account opened ?
Dhanush’s uncle will help them in getting an account opened.

Question 2.
Who has an account with the bank ?
Dhanush’s father has an account with the bank.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
….. has an account with the bank.
A. Raghav’s father
B. Dhanush’s father
C. Raghav’s uncle
D. Dhanush’s uncle
B. Dhanush’s father

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus

Question 2.
It is a ……….. bank.
A. cooperative
B. international
C. private
D. nationalized
D. nationalized

Question 3.
Who will help the boys ?
A. Raghav’s father
B. Dhanush’s father
C. Raghav’s uncle
D. Dhanush’s uncle
D. Dhanush’s uncle

(4) (They enter the house. Uncle Manubhai was reading a newspaper.)
“Hello, uncle, we want an account to be opened with a bank. We need your help,” Dhanush said.
“Sure, I will help you. I will also come with you to the bank,” said Manubhal.

Answer the following question.

Question 1.
What was Manubhai doing?
Manubhai was reading a newspaper.

Answer the question selecting the correct option.

Manubhai was reading a …………
A. book
B. newspaper
C. textbook
D. passbook
B. newspaper

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus

(5) After some time, Raghav switched on the television. There was an announcement on the screen.

Donate O+ blood immediately
Contact: 03838389555

“What is O positive, uncle?” Dhanush asked.
“It is the name of a blood group,” said Manubhai.
. “Why do. they need blood, uncle ?” asked Dhanush.
“Perhaps someone needs it. There may be a surgery,” said Manubhai.
“But uncle, why don’t you help them ?” Raghav asked.
“No, I cannot, because my blood group is B+,” uncle replied. .

Answer the following question.

Question 1.
Why could Manubhai not donate his blood ?
Manubhai could not donate blood because his group was B+.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
Which word in the passage means ‘to give’ ?
A. need
B. immediately
C. donate
D. announcement
C. donate

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus

Question 2.
What is Manubhai’s blood group ?
A. B+
B. B-
C. Q+
D. O-
A. B+

(6) “Uncle, now this is the time for our cartoon show.
Raghav and I never miss it. Can we watch it?” said Dhanush.
“Of course. Meanwhile, I will prepare some snacks for both of you.”
“Uncle, you are such a caring person,” Raghav said.

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What did the boys watch on TV ?
The boys watched cartoon show on TV.

Question 2.
What will uncle do ?
Uncle will prepare some snacks for the boys.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
The boys watched ………… on TV.
A. serial
B. news
C. cartoon show
D. film show
C. cartoon show

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus

Question 2.
Raghav calls uncle a person.
A. good
B. nice
C. loving
D. caring
D. caring

(7) (Both the boys watched the cartoon show. The show ended and Manubhai came with the snacks.)
“Did you enjoy the cartoon show?” uncle asked.
“Yes, we did.”
“Here are your snacks. Have them and tell me how they are.”
“Delicious, as always,” both said after tasting the snacks.
“Thank you, my children. Enjoy the snacks. I will read the newspaper.”

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What did Manubhai bring for the boys ?
Manubhai brought some snacks for the boys.

Question 2.
What will Manubhai do ?
Manubhai will read the newspaper.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
The snacks were
A. delicious
B. tasty
C. good
D. nice
A. delicious

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus

Question 2.
‘Delicious’ means
A. not tasty
B. tasty
C. enough
D. not enough
B. tasty

(8) (Manubhai reads the newspaper.) “Hey boys, here is some interesting news for you,” said Manubhai. “What is it?” Dhanush asked. “Read it yourself,” replied Manubhai.
(Both read an advertisement.)

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Who reads a newspaper ?
Manubhai reads a newspaper.

Question 2.
What does Manubhai ask the boys to read?
Manubhai asks the boys to read an advertisement.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
There was an news in the newspaper.
A. interesting
B. boring
C. long
D. short
A. interesting

Question 2.
There was ……… in the newspaper.
A. an article
B. a news
C. an announcement
D. an advertisement
D. an advertisement

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus


Painting Competition
(for VI to VIII standard)
Come, Paint Your Own Colourful World

Date Zone Place
16th March South Surat – Sarasvati Vidyalaya
22nd March North Patan – Sarvoday Vidyalaya
29th March Middle Ahmedabad – Smruti Vidyalaya
4th April West Rajkot – Madhurya Vidyalaya

Time: 10: 00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Theme : Save Environment, Save Water
Attractive Prizes To Be Won
1st Prize -One week animation workshop with the artist Kanak Patel
2nd Prize – Three week workshop with the artist Aarti Naren
3rd Prize -1 day trekking camp 100 Consolation Prizes-an easel with 5 brushes
3D certificates for all For entry form log on to
“Come, Colour Your Imagination.”

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
When will the South Zone competition be held ?
The South Zone competition will be held on 16th March.

Question 2.
What is the theme of this competition ?
The theme of this competition is : Save Environment, Save Water.

Question 3.
What is the consolation prize ?
The consolation prize is an easel with 5 brushes.

Question 4.
How many consolation prizes are there ?
There are 100 consolation prizes.

Question 5.
What is the 3rd prize ?
The 3rd prize is one-day trekking camp.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus

Question 6.
Who has organized the competition ?
Young World has organized the competition.

Question 7.
What will all the participants get ?
All the participants will get a 3D certificate.

Question 8.
How can you get an entry form ?
You can log on to www.youngworld org to get an entry form.

Question 9.
What must you do to win one week animation workshop ?
You must win the first prize to win one week animation workshop.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
Who has organized the competition ?
A. Young Club
B. Young People
C. Young World
D. Young Age
C. Young World

Question 2.
The advertisement is for a competition.
A. dancing
B. singing
C. poetry
D. painting
D. painting

Question 3.
What is the theme of the competition ?
A. Save Environment,Save Trees
B. Save Environment, Save Water
C. Save Trees, Save Water
D. Save Trees,Save Earth
B. Save Environment, Save Water

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus

Question 4.
All participants will get a ……..
A. 3D certificate
B. consolation certificate
C. prize
D. medal
A. 3D certificate

Question 5.
How many consolation prizes are there ?
A. 25
B. 50
C. 75
D. 100
D. 100

Question 6.
What is the first prize ?
A. 1 day trekking camp
B. 1 week animation workshop with Kanak Patel
C. 3 week workshop with Aarti Naren
D. an easel with 5 brushes
B. 1 week animation workshop with Kanak Patel

Question 7.
What is the second prize ?
A. 1 day trekking camp
B. 1 week animation workshop with Kanak Patel
C. 3 week workshop with Aarti Naren
D. an easel with 5 brushes
C. 3 week workshop with Aarti Naren

Question 8.
What is the third prize ?
A. 1 day trekking camp
B. 1 week animation workshop with Kanak Patel
C. 3 week workshop with Aarti Naren
D. an easel with 5 brushes
A. 1-day trekking camp

Question 9.
What is the consolation prize ?
A. 1 day trekking camp
B. 1 week animation workshop with Kanak Patel
C. 3 week workshop with Aarti Naren
D. an easel with 5 brushes
D. an easel with 5 brushes

The Zone competition is on 4th April.
A. North
B. South
C. East
D. West
D. West

Question 11.
The Zone competition is on 22nd March.
A. North
B. South
C. East
D. West
A. North

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus

Question 12.
The South Zone competition is on ………….
A. 16 March
B. 22 March
C. 29 March
D. 4 April
A. 16 March

Question 13.
The Middle Zone competition is on ………….
A. 16 March
B. 22 March
C. 29 March
D. 4 April
C. 29 March

2. Fill in the blanks with ‘How many’ or ‘How much’.

(1) ………….. water is there in the bottle ?
(2) ………….. flowers are there in the vase ?
(3) ………….. milk do you want ?
(4)………….. is this sack of wheat ?
(5) ………….. oil is there in this pack ?
(6) ………….. girls are taking part in the play ?
(7) ………….. rice do you eat ?
(8) ………….. sweets can you eat?
(9) ………….. is this packet of biscuits ?
(10) ………….. pencils do you have?
(1) How much
(2) How many
(3) How much
(4) How much
(5) How much
(6) How many
(7) How much
(8) How many
(9) How much
(10) How many

3. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the brackets.

(1) Kiran is ……… than Harsh, (old/older)
(2) Hiren is as ………. as Jatin. (fat/fatter)
(3) Kirti is ………. than Mona. (short / shorter)
(4) The trunk of a mango tree is ……….. than that of a coconut tree, (thick / thicker)
(5) This house is as ……… as that house. (big / bigger)
(6) This room is …… than that room. (small / smaller)
(7) Ansh is …… them Vinita. (tall/taller)
(8) Grandpa walks as …… as Grandma. (slow / slower)
(9) I can run …… than Geeta. (fast /faster)
(10) Bharat is as …… as Lakshman. (thin / thinner)
(1) older
(2) fat
(3) shorter
(4) thicker
(5) big
(6) smaller
(7) taller
(8) slow
(9) faster
(10) thin

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus

4. Read the advertisement and answer the questions.

Ring Road
School Textbooks, Notebooks, Drawing books
All Kinds of School Stationery

Question 1.
What is the discount on second-hand books ?
There is 50% discount on second-hand books.

Question 2.
What is the name of the shop ?
The name of the shop is ‘Anand Pustak Bhandar’.

Question 3.
The shop is in …………..
The shop is in Surat.

Question 4.
The shop does not sell stationery. True or False ?

Question 5.
There is a gift on purchase of
A. more than ₹ 1000
B. less than ₹ 1000
C. more than ₹ 100
D. less than ₹ 100
There is a gift on purchase of more than ₹ 1000.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus


Students of classes 8 and 9
Come and Learn
Time : 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Every Sunday
The School Playground, Saraswati High School,
Gandhi Road, Rajkot.

Question 1.
Which game will not be taught here ?
A. cricket
B. football
C. chess
D. hockey
C. chess

Question 2.
This notice is for students of standard
This notice is for students of standard 8 and 9.

Question 3.
What is the name of the school ?
The name of the school is Saraswati High School.

Question 4.
What are the timings of the club ?
A. 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.
B. 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.
C. 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
D. 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
8 a.m. to 10 a.m.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus

Question 5.
The club will be open every day. True or False ?

5. Match the questions and answers and write them.

Questions Answers
Meena come to school today? … playing
Harsh help you? …very costly
Jay play cricket? … not have my number


you buy that sari? Because … sick
the boys do their homework? … angry with me
Manu eat sweets ? … hurt his hand
Mrs Joshi call you? … toothache

Example: Why didn’t Meena come to school today ?
Because she was sick.

(1) Why didn’t Harsh help you ?
Because he was angry with me.

(2) Why didn’t Jay play cricket ?
Because he had hurt his hand.

(3) Why didn’t you buy that sari ?
Because it was very costly.

(4) Why didn’t the boys do their homework
Because they were playing.

(5) Why didn’t Manu eat sweets ?
Because he had a toothache.

(6) Why didn’t Mrs Joshi call you ?
Because she did not have my number.


Questions Answers
could Lalit win the race ? … lost his dog
is Mohit sad ? … he was late for the exam
Why were the children shouting? Because … Nisha’s birthday today
was Nitin in a hurry? … ran very fast
has aunty made sweets ? … not 18 years old
can’t you drive a car ? … teacher was not in class

(1) Why could Lalit win the race ?
Because he ran very fast.

(2) Why is Mohit sad ?
Because he has lost his dog.

(3) Why were the children shouting ?
Because the teacher was not in class.

(4) Why was Nitin in a hurry ?
Because he was late for the exam.

(5) Why has aunty made sweets ?
Because it is Nisha’s birthday today.

(6) Why can’t you drive a car ?
Because I am not 18 years old.

6. Read the passage and answer the questions.

The capital of Jammu and Kashmir is Srinagar, ‘the City of the Sun’. It lies between the hill of Hari Parbat and the rock of Takht-E-Suleman. Near Srinagar is the famous Dal Lake, one of the most beautiful lakes of the world. On the Dal Lake are the ‘floating gardens’. There are many of these s floating gardens and they can be moved from one part of the lake to another. Tomatoes, melons and vegetables grow on these floating gardens. There are many houseboats on the S Dal Lake.

Question 1.
Which lake is near Srinagar ?
A. Dal lake
B. Nakki lake
C. Mansarovar lake
D. Kankaria lake
Dal lake

Question 2.
What is Dal lake famous for ?
The Dal lake is famous for the ‘floating gardens’.

Question 3.
What grows on the floating gardens ?
Tomatoes, melons and vegetables grow on the floating gardens.

Question 4.
‘Srinagar’ means
A. the city of lakes
B. the city of flowers
C. the city of the Sun
D. the city of the Moon
‘Srinagar’ means the city of the Sun.

Question 5.
There are many ……….. on the Dal lake.
There are many houseboats on the Dal lake.

Fun Activity

Look carefully at the given picture. Count and write the number of each object.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 5 English Plus 9

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