GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Tell Me Why?

Gujarat Board GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Second Language Sem 2 Unit 4 Tell Me Why? Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

GSEB Std 8 English Textbook Solutions Sem 2 Unit 4 Tell Me Why?

GSEB Class 8 English Tell Me Why? Text Book Questions and Answers

Activity 1.

See the Pictures and select the answer: 

Question 1.
Why is it happy ?
(A) because it is raining
(B) because it has no leaves
(C) because the children are playing around (✓)
GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Tell Me Why 1

Question 2.
Why is it sad ?
(A) because people want to water it
(B) because some people want to cut it (✓)
(C) because children like it
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Question 3.
Why is it angry ?
(A) because children like it
(B) because children throw stones at it (✓)
(C) because it has no leaves

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Tell Me Why?
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Activity 2.

See the picture and complete the dialogues.

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Why Are They Late?

Today is Vrunda’s birthday. She invited all her friends. The party began at 9 : 00 pm but Vrunda was in tears.
Why was she in tears on such a good day ? Because nobody was present at the party.
At 9:15, Binita walked in a hurry.
Binita : Oh, dear ! I am sorry.
Vrunda: Where were you ? Why are you late today at my party ?
Binita : Oh ! I was so confused in selecting a gift for you.
Vrunda: It’s ok, dear. You are my best gift.
At 9:20, Payal came.
Payal: I am sorry, dear.
Vrunda: Why are you so late ?
Payal: I was sleeping. I forgot.
Vrunda : Oh ! I am happy that you remembered.
At 9:30, Viral arrived.
Viral: Dear Vrunda ! I am so sorry !
Vrunda: You have come so late.
Viral: I know. I was quarrelling with my sister.
Vrunda: But I am happy you came.
At 9:40, Amit reached.
Amit: Oh my God ! Sorry !
Vrunda: I thought you will not come.
Amit: No, dear. My train was late.
Vrunda: Oh, I see. No problem.
At 9:45. Naresh entered.
Naresh: I am sorry. I know you are very angry.
Vrunda: Yes, I am. You are late !
Naresh: Yes. But my boss gave me some more work to do. And I could not leave the office early.
Vrunda: Ok. Welcome.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Tell Me Why?

Activity 3.

Rearrange the sentences and make a meaningful dialogue.

Child : Because I want mangoes.
Juice : Why do you want me ?
Mangoes : Why do you want us ?
Child : Because I want to make juice.
Child : Because you have vitamin A.
Mango tree : Why do you come here ?
Vitamin A : Why do you want me ?
Child : Because you are healthy.
Mango tree : So take the mangoes.
Mango tree : Why do you come here ?
Child : Because I want mangoes.
Mangoes : Why do you want us ?
Child : Because I want to make juice.
Juice : Why do you want me ?
Child : Because you have vitamin A.
Vitamin A : Why do you want me ?
Child : Because you are healthy.
Mango tree : So take the mangoes.

Activity 4.

(A) Read the paragraph.

Kartik came from school. He was happy. He had a trophy in his hand. He got it from school. There was a science fair at school. He won the trophy. He was the best speaker at the district level elocution competition based on science themes.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Tell Me Why?

He showed his trophy to his parents. They congratulated him. His grandfather was proud of him because Kartik got the first prize. Kartik’s sister was happy because she was sure about the celebration party.

Now read and understand the table.

Actions Reasons
(1) Kartik was happy. (1) He won the trophy.
(2) Kartik won the trophy. (2) He was the best speaker at the district-level elocution competition.
(3) His parents congratulated him. (3) He won the trophy.
(4) Kartik’s sister was happy. (4) She was sure about the celebration party.
(5) Kartik’s grandfather was proud of him. (5) Kartik got the first prize.

(B) Read the story.

The First Fruit

One morning, a king went on horseback to the countryside. He came to the village and saw an old man in a field. The old man was digging the earth and planting mango saplings. He was working very hard.
King: Good morning, my friend. Why are you planting these saplings?
Old man : These saplings will be big trees in ten or fifteen years. They’ll bear fruits then.
King: But you’re old and weak, so you will die in a few years. You will not eat their fruits.
Old man : You are right. I’ll not eat the fruits.
But I am doing this today because others will eat it and therefore I am happy.
King: I am pleased with you, old man. You love people, therefore you are a good man. Please, take this bag of money because I love your work and thoughts.
Old man : Thank you, sir. This bag of money is the first fruit of my little trees.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Tell Me Why?

Read the story and complete the table.

Actions Reasons
(1) The old man was digging the earth. (1) He was planting mango saplings.
(2) The king was pleased with the old man. (2) He loved people.
(3) The king gave him a bag of money. (3) He was a good man and he worked for others.
(4) The old man was planting mango saplings. (4) He wanted others to get fruits.

Activity 5.

Read and know.

Science and Our Life

Today is 28th February. It is World Science Day. There is a science exhibition in Kartik’s school. The Maths-Science Club of the school is in charge of the exhibition. (Kartik visits the science exhibition with his mummy.)
Kartik : Mummy, hurry up.
Mummy: Are we late for your science exhibition ?
Kartik: Yes, because it is really very important for me and also for you.
Mummy : For me ?
Kartik : Yes. For you, too !
Mummy: OK. We have already reached your school.
Kartik: Wow! All parents have come. What an atmosphere of the school! Come, mummy.
Mummy : Take it easy. (Now they are at the entrance.)
Kartik: Look, here are the three sections,

  • Environment
  • Health Plus
  • Agriculture.

Mummy: Where shall we go first ?
Kartik : To the Agriculture section.
Mummy : Why ?
Kartik: Because I am interested in it. Then we will go to the section of Environment, And after that, we will visit the Health section. Let’s go.
Mummy: OK.
Kartik: Hello, Prachi! What is your project about ?
Prachi : Hello, Kartik ! Hello, Aunty! My project is on terrace gardening and hydroponics method of agriculture.
Kartik : What is that ?
Prachi: Nowadays, because of urbanization, we have no enough space to grow trees or plants. Therefore we should use terrace for gardening and for that, hydroponics method of gardening. In this method, we have to make layers of stones on plastics on the terrace. With their help, plants can stand. After that, plants will be planted at appropriate distance. And then give them water. We can also use PVC pipes. By hydroponics method, we can grow vegetables and fruits.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Tell Me Why?

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Kartik: It’s a really wonderful idea. Thank you, Prachi.
Mummy: Ya ! Thank you, Prachi. Kartik, we will make it on our terrace.
Kartik: Sure, mummy! Let’s go to the Environment section.
Mummy : OK.
(They are at another science project.)
Vasant: Hey ! Kartik ! Hello, Aunty !
Kartik : Hey! What is your project about ?
Vasant: The project title is ‘Bamboo and Banana are the Best’. Really, bamboo is a wonderful plant because there are many uses of it. The bamboo is very strong therefore it is used to build bridges. We can make many ? things like fences, fishing rods, rafts, baskets, furniture, etc. A plant may grow eighty feet or even more. Some times it shoots up three feet in a single day!GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Tell Me Why 6
Kartik : It’s wonderful!
Mummy: How is music produced in a flute ?
Vasant: It’s magic The bamboo has joints all the way up the stem. The stem is hollow between the joints. So we can play on a flute. See these pictures.
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Kartik : What about the banana tree ?
Vasant: Yes! The banana tree is also very useful, because its leaves, flowers, trunk and fibres are important. Banana leaves are large, flexible and waterproof. So they are used as food containers or plates. It is also useful : in making cups, papers and dishes.
Mummy : Really useful! I have heard that we can make sari from banana. Is it true ?
Vasant: Yes, it is right. The Nepalese give the rough material to Rugmark, an institute which stands for child labour. It is also known as Good Weave International. They make clothes. This  institute helps to abolish child labour. In Tamil Nadu, weavers weave fibres of banana and make saris.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Tell Me Why?

Mummy : Really wonderful! Good job, Vasant.
Vasant: Thank you, Aunty !
Kartik: Let’s go to the last section, mummy. Mummy: Sure.
(They reach the Health Plus section of the science project.)
Kartik : Hello, Anjana What is your project about ?
Anjana : Hey ! Kartik ! Hello, Aunty ! My project is about ‘Health is Wealth’. Herbs and spices do more than add flavour to a dish. Spices and herbs are really very useful to our body. See the chart.
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Mummy: Anjana, really good work. I am very happy to know because I can use all things for my family’s health. Thank you so much.
Anjana : My pleasure, aunty.
Kartik : Let’s go, mummy. We will try to make a terrace garden with the use of hydroponics method of agriculture.
Mummy: Why do you forget banana and bamboo
Kartik : Yes! Is right. We wifi also grow more trees and plants. They are useful.
Mummy: Really, Thank you, Kartik, because you gave me a chance to know more about nature and its blessings.

(સાયન્સ ઍન્ડ અવર લાઈફ) વિજ્ઞાન અને આપણું જીવન (ટૂડ ઇઝ 28 ફેબ્રુઆરિ. ઇટ ઇઝ વર્લ્ડ સાયન્સ ડે. ધેઅર ઇઝ આ સાયન્સ એક્ઝિબિશન ઇન કાર્તિક સ્કૂલ. ધ મૅપ્સ- સાયન્સ ક્લબ ઑવ ધ સ્કુલ ઇઝ ઇન ચાર્જ ઑવ ધ એક્સિબિશન.) આજે 28 ફેબ્રુઆરિ છે. (આજે) વિશ્વ વિજ્ઞાન દિવસ છે. કાર્તિકની શાળામાં એક વિજ્ઞાન પ્રદર્શન છે. શાળાની ગણિત-વિજ્ઞાન ક્લબે આ પ્રદર્શનની જવાબદારી લીધી છે.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Tell Me Why?

[(કાર્તિક વિઝિટ્સ ધ સાયન્સ એક્સિબિશન વિથ હિઝ મમિ.) | (કાર્તિક તેની મમ્મી સાથે વિજ્ઞાન પ્રદર્શનની મુલાકાત લે છે.) (મમિ, હરિ અપ.) મમ્મી, ઝડપ કરો. (આર વી લેટ ફૉર યુઅર સાયન્સ એક્સિબિશન?) શું આપણે તારા વિજ્ઞાન પ્રદર્શન માટે મોડાં છીએ? (યસ, બિકૉઝ ઇટ ઇઝ રિઅલિ વેરિ ઇમ્પોર્ટન્ટ ફૉર મી ઍન્ડ ઑલ્લો ફૉર યુ.) હા, કારણ કે તે મારા માટે ખૂબ જ મહત્ત્વનું છે અને તમારા માટે પણ.

(ફૉર મી ?) મારા માટે? (યસ. ફૉર યુ, ટૂ !) હાં. તમારા માટે પણ ! (ઓકે. વી હૈવ ઑડિ રીસ્ડ યુઅર સ્કૂલ.) સારું. આપણે તારી શાળાએ પહોંચી જ ગયા છીએ. (વાઉ! ઑલ પેઅરન્ટ્સ હૈવ કમ. વૉટ ઍન ઍટ્યસ્ફિઅર ઑવ
ધ સ્કૂલ! કમ, મમિ.) વાઉ! બધાં જ માતાપિતા આવ્યાં છે. શું વાતાવરણ છે શાળાનું! આવો, મમ્મી.

(ટેક ઇટ ઇઝ.) શાંતિ રાખ. [ (ના િધે આર ઍટ ધ એન્ટ્રન્સ.)) (હવે તેઓ પ્રવેશદ્વાર પર છે.) (લુક, હિઅર આર ધ થ્રી સેકશન્ઝ.

  • ઇન્વાયરન્મેન્ટ
  • હેલ્થ પ્લસ
  • ઍગ્રિકલ્ચર.)

જુઓ, અહીં ત્રણ વિભાગ છે.

  • પર્યાવરણ
  • સ્વાસ્થ પ્લસ
  •  કૃષિ.

(વેઅર શૈલ વી ગો ફર્સ્ટ ?) પહેલાં આપણે ક્યાં જઈશું? (ટૂ ધ ઍગ્રિકલ્ચર સેકશન.) કૃષિ વિભાગમાં. (વાઈ?) કેમ? (બિકૉઝ આઈ ઍમ ઇન્ટરેસ્ટિડ ઇન ઇટ. ધેન વી વિલ ગો ટુ ધ સેશન ઑવ ઇન્વાયરન્મેન્ટ. ઍન્ડ આફ્ટર ધંટ, વી વિલ વિઝિટ ધ હેલ્થ સેકશન. લેટ્સ ગો.) કારણ કે મને તેમાં રસ છે. પછી આપણે પર્યાવરણના વિભાગમાં જઈશું. અને ત્યાર પછી, આપણે સ્વાથ્ય વિભાગની મુલાકાત લઈશું. ચાલો જઈએ.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Tell Me Why?

(ઓકે.) સારું. (હેલો, પ્રાચિ ! વૉટ ઇઝ યુઅર પ્રજેક્ટ અબાઉટ?) હેલો, પ્રાચિ ! તારો પ્રજેક્ટ શેના વિશે છે? | (હેલો, કાર્તિક ! હેલો, આન્ટિ ! માઇ પ્રજેક્ટ ઇઝ ઑન ટેરસ ગાર્ડનિંગ ઍન્ડ હાઈડ્રોનિક્સ મેથડ ઑવ ઍગ્રિકલ્ચર.) હેલો, કાર્તિક ! હેલો, માસી ! મારો પ્રજેક્ટ અગાસી બગીચો અને જમીન વિનાની પાણીની ખેતી (હાઈડ્રપોનિક્સ) વિશે છે. (વૉટ ઇઝ ધંટ?) તે શું છે? (નાઉઅડેઝ, બિકૉઝ ઑવ અર્બનાઇઝેશન, વી હૈવ નો ઇનફ સ્પેસ ટુ ગ્રો ટ્રીઝ ઑર પ્લેટ્સ. ધેઅરફૉર વી શુડ યુઝ ટેરસ ફૉર ગાર્ડનિંગ ઍન્ડ ફૉર ધંટ, હાઈડ્રોનિક્સ મેથડ ઑવ ગાર્ડનિંગ.

ઇન ધિસ મેથડ, વી હેવ ટુ મેક લેઅર્ઝ ઑવ સ્ટોન્ઝ ઑન ઑસ્ટિક્સ ઑન ધ ટેરસ. વિથ ધેઅર હેલ્પ, લૅટ્સ કૅન સૅન્ડ. આફટર ધંટ, પ્લેટ્સ વિલ બી હૅન્ટિડ ઍટ અપ્રોપ્રિએટ ડિસ્ટન્સ. ઍન્ડ ધેન ગિવ ધેમ વૉટર. વી કૅન ઑલ્સો યૂઝ PVC પાઇઝ. બાઇ હાઈડ્રપોનિક્સ મેથડ, વી કેન ગ્રો વેજિટેબલ્ડ ઍન્ડ ફૂટ્સ.) આજકાલ, શહેરીકરણના કારણે, આપણી પાસે વૃક્ષ અને છોડ ઉછેરવા માટે પૂરતી જગ્યા નથી.

તેથી બગીચા માટે આપણે અગાસીનો ઉપયોગ કરવો જોઈએ અને તે માટે, હાઈપોનિક્સ (જમીન વિનાની પાણીની ખેતી) પદ્ધતિ દ્વારા બગીચો (બનાવવો). આ પદ્ધતિમાં આપણે અગાસીમાં પ્લાસ્ટિક ઉપર પથરાના થર કરવા પડે છે. તેની મદદથી છોડ ઊભા રહી શકે છે. ત્યારબાદ યોગ્ય અંતરે છોડ રોપવામાં આવે છે. અને પછી તેમને પાણી આપો. આપણે PVC પાઇપનો પણ ઉપયોગ કરી શકીએ.

હાઈપોનિક્સ પદ્ધતિ દ્વારા આપણે શાકભાજી અને ફળ ઉગાડી શકીએ. (ઇટ્સ અ રિઅલિ વન્ડરફુલ આઇડિઆ. થેંક યુ, પ્રાચિ.) તે ખરેખર અદ્ભુત યોજના છે. આભાર, પ્રાચિ. (યા ! થેંક યુ, પ્રાચિ. કાર્તિક, વી વિલ મેક ઇટ ઑન અવર ટેરસ.) હા ! આભાર, પ્રાચિ. કાર્તિક, આપણે આપણી અગાસીમાં તે કરીશું.

(શુઅર, મમિ ! લેટ્સ ગો ટુ ધ ઇન્વાયરમેન્ટ સેકશન.) ચોક્કસ, મમ્મી ! ચાલો, પર્યાવરણ વિભાગમાં જઈએ. | (ઓકે.) સારું. [ (ધે આર એટ અનધર સાયન્સ પ્રજેટ.) (તેઓ એક બીજા વિજ્ઞાનના પ્રજેક્ટ પાસે છે.) (હે ! કાર્તિક ! હેલો, આન્ટિ !) હે ! કાર્તિક ! હેલો, માસી ! | (હિ ! વૉટ ઇઝ યુઅર પ્રજેક્ટ અબાઉટ?) હે !

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Tell Me Why?

તારો પ્રજેક્ટ શેના વિશે છે? (ધ પ્રજેક્ટ ટાઇટલ ઇઝ ‘બેંબૂ ઍન્ડ બનાના આર ધ બેસ્ટ’ રિઅલિ, બેંબૂ ઇઝ અ વન્ડરફૂલ ઑન્ટ બિકૉઝ ધેઅર આર મેનિ યુઝિઝ ઑવ ઇટ, ધ બેંબૂ ઇઝ વેરિ સ્ટ્રોંગ ધેઅરફૉર ઇટ ઇઝ યુઝડ ટુ બિલ્ડ બ્રિજિઝ. વી કૅન મેક મેનિ થિંગ્સ લાઇક ફેન્સિઝ, ફિશિંગ રૉડ્ઝ, રાફટ્સ, બાસ્કિટ્સ, ફર્નિચર, એસૅટર. અ પ્લેટ મે ગ્રો એટિ ફીટ ઑર ઈવન મૉર. સમટાઇઝ ઇટ શુટ્સ અપ થી ફીટ ઇન અ સિંગલ ડે !)

પ્રજેક્ટનું નામ છે “બાબુ અને કેળાં શ્રેષ્ઠ છે”. ખરેખર, બાબુ (વાંસ) એક અદ્ભુત છોડ છે, કારણ કે તેના ઘણા ઉપયોગ છે. બાબુ ખૂબ જ મજબૂત છે, તેથી તે પુલ બાંધવામાં વપરાય છે. આપણે વાડ, માછલાં પકડવા માટેની લાકડીઓ, તરાપા, ટોપલીઓ, ફર્નિચર, વગેરે જેવી ઘણી વસ્તુઓ બનાવી શકીએ છીએ. એક છોડ એંશી ફૂટ અથવા વધારે વધી શકે છે. કોઈક વાર તે એક દિવસમાં ત્રણ ફૂટ વધી જાય છે !

(ઇટ્સ વન્ડરફુલ !) અદ્ભુત ! (હાઉ ઇઝ મ્યુઝિક પ્રવ્રુસ્ટ ઇન અ ફ્લેટ?) વાંસળીમાંથી સંગીત કઈ રીતે ઉત્પન્ન થાય છે?(ઇટ્સ મૅજિક ! ધ બેંબૂ હૈઝ જૉઇન્ટ્સ ઑલ ધ વે અપ ધ સ્ટેમ. ધ સ્ટમ ઇઝ હૉલો બિટ્વીન ધ જૉઇન્ટ્સ, સો વી કેન પ્લે ઑન અલૂટ. સી ધીઝ પિફ્યુઝ.) તે એક જાદુ છે ! બાબુની દાંડીમાં | ઉપર સુધી સાંધા હોય છે. સાંધા વચ્ચે બાબુ પોલું હોય છે. તેથી આપણે વાંસળી વગાડી શકીએ છીએ. આ ચિત્રો જુઓ.

(વૉટ અબાઉટ ધ બનાના ટ્રી?) કેળ વિશે શું? (યસ ! ધ બનાના ટ્રી ઇઝ ઑલ્સો વેરિ યૂસફુલ, બિકૉઝ ઇટ્સ લીન્ઝ, ફ્લાવર્ઝ, ટૂંક ઍન્ડ ફાઈબઝ આર ઇમ્પૉર્ટન્ટ, બનાના લીડ્ઝ આર લાર્જ, ફ્લેક્સિબલ ઍન્ડ વૉટરપ્રૂફ. સો હૈ આર યુઝડ ઍઝ ફૂડ કન્ટેનર્ઝ ઑર પ્લેટ્સ. ઇટ ઇઝ ઑલ્સો યૂસફુલ ઇન મેકિંગ કમ્સ, પેપર્ક ઍન્ડ ડિશિઝ.) હા ! કેળ પણ બહુ ઉપયોગી છે, કારણ કે તેનાં પાન, ફૂલ, થડ અને રેસાં મહત્ત્વના છે.

કેળનાં પાન મોટાં, લવચીક (વાળી શકાય તેવા) અને જલાભેદ્ય (જેમાં પાણી પેસે નહીં તેવાં) હોય છે. તેથી તે ખાવાનાં પાત્રો અથવા થાળી તરીકે વપરાય છે. તે વાટકા, કાગળ અને થાળીઓ બનાવવામાં પણ ઉપયોગી છે. (રિઅલિ યૂસફુલ ! આઈ હેવ હર્ડ ઘંટ વી કૅન મેક સારિ ફ્રૉમ બનાના. ઇઝ ઇટ ટૂ?) ખરેખર ઉપયોગી ! મેં સાંભળ્યું છે કે આપણે કેળામાંથી સાડી બનાવી શકીએ છીએ. શું તે સાચું છે?

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Tell Me Why?

(યસ, ઇટ ઇઝ રાઇટ, ધ નેપાલીઝ ગિવ ધ રફ મટિઅરિઅલ ટૂ ગમાર્ક, ઍન ઇન્સ્ટિટયૂટ વિચ ઍડ્ઝ ફૉર ચાઇલ્ડ લેબર. ઇટ ઇઝ ઑક્સો નોન ઍઝ ગુડ વીવ ઇન્ટરનૅશનલ. ધે મેક ક્લોઝ, ધિસ ઇન્સ્ટિટ્યૂટ હેલ્પસ ટૂ અબૉલિશ ચાઇલ્ડ લેબર. ઇન તમિલનાડુ, વીવર્ગ વીવ ફાઈબર્ઝ ઑવ બનાના ઍન્ડ મેક સારિઝ.) હા, તે સાચું છે. નેપાળી (લોકો) કાચો માલ રગમાર્કને આપે છે, જે બાળમજૂરી માટે કામ કરતી એક સંસ્થા છે.

તે ગુડ વીવ ઇન્ટરનૅશનલ તરીકે પણ ઓળખાય છે. તેઓ વસ્ત્રો બનાવે છે. આ સંસ્થા બાળમજૂરી નાબૂદ કરવામાં મદદ કરે છે. તમિલનાડુમાં વણકરો કેળનાં રેસાં વણીને સાડી બનાવે છે. (રિઅલિ વન્ડરફુલ ! ગુડ જોબ, વસંત.) ખરેખર અદ્ભુત ! શાબાશ, વસંત. | (થેંક યુ, આન્ટિ !) આભાર, માસી !

(લેટ્સ ગો ટૂ ધ લાસ્ટ સેશન, મમિ.) ચાલો, મમ્મી, છેલ્લા વિભાગમાં જઈએ. (શુઅર.) ચોક્કસ. [ (ધે રીચ ધ હેલ્થ પ્લસ સેકશન ઑવ ધ સાયન્સ પ્રજેફ્ટ.)) (તેઓ વિજ્ઞાન પ્રજેક્ટના સ્વાથ્ય વિભાગમાં પહોંચે છે.) (હેલો, અંજના ! વૉટ ઇઝ યુઅર પ્રજેક્ટ અબાઉટ?) હેલો, અંજના ! તારો પ્રજેક્ટ શેના વિશે છે? (હે ! કાર્તિક! હેલો, આન્ટિ! માઇ પ્રજેક્ટ ઇઝ અબાઉટ હેલ્થ ઇઝ વેલ્થ’. હર્ટ્ઝ ઍન્ડ સ્પાઈસિઝ ડૂ મૉર ધંન ઍડ ફ્લેવર ટૂ અ ડિશ.

સ્પાઈસિઝ ઍન્ડ હર્ટ્ઝ આર રિઅલિ વેરિ યૂસફુલ ટૂ અવર બૉડિ. સી ધ ચાર્ટ.) હે ! કાર્તિક ! હેલો, માસી ! મારો પ્રજેક્ટ ‘સ્વાથ્ય એ જ સંપત્તિ વિશે છે. વનસ્પતિ અને તેજાનો વાનગીમાં સ્વાદ ઉમેરવા ઉપરાંત ઘણાં (કામ) કરે છે. તેજાનો અને વનસ્પતિ આપણાં શરીર માટે ખરેખર ખૂબ ઉપયોગી છે. આ ચાર્ટ જુઓ.

(અંજના, રિઅલિ ગુડ વર્ક, આઈ ઍમ વેરિ હૅપિ ટૂ નો બિકૉઝ આઈ કૅન યૂઝ ઑલ થિંગ્સ ફૉર માઇ ફૅમિલિઝ હેલ્થ. થેંક યૂ સો મચ.) અંજના, ખરેખર સરસ કામ છે. મને જાણીને ખુબ આનંદ થયો, કારણ કે આ બધી વસ્તુઓ હું મારા પરિવારના સ્વાથ્ય માટે વાપરી શકું છું. ખૂબ આભાર. (માઇ પ્લેઝર, આન્ટિ.) મને આનંદ થયો, માસી.

(લેટ્સ ગો, મમિ. વી વિલ ટ્રાઈ ટુ મેક અ ટેરેસ ગાર્ડન વિથધ યૂઝ ઑવ હાઈડ્રપોનિક્સ મેથડ ઑવ ઍગ્રિકલ્ચર.) ચાલો, મમ્મી. આપણે હાઈડ્રપોનિક્સ પદ્ધતિનો ઉપયોગ કરીને અગાસીમાં બગીચો બનાવવાનો પ્રયત્ન કરીશું. (વાઇ ડૂ યૂ ફર્ગેટ બનાના ઍન્ડ ઍમ્બ?) તું કેળાં અને બાબુ શા માટે ભૂલી જાય છે?

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Tell Me Why?

(યસ ! ઇટ્સ રાઈટ. વી વિલ ઑલ્સો ગ્રો મૉર ટ્રીઝ ઍન્ડ પ્લેટ્સ. ધ આર યુસફુલ.) હા ! બરાબર છે. આપણે પણ વધુ વૃક્ષો અને છોડ ઉછેરીશું. તે ઉપયોગી છે. (રિઅલિ. થેંક યુ, કાર્તિક, બિકૉઝ યૂ ગવ મી એ ચાન્સ ટૂ નો મૉર અબાઉટ નેચર ઍન્ડ ઇટ્સ બ્લેસિંગ્સ.) ખરેખર. કાર્તિક, તારો આભાર, કારણ કે કુદરત અને તેના આશીર્વાદ વિશે વધુ ” જાણવા માટે તેં મને એક તક આપી.

Activity 6.

(A) Answer the questions.

Question 1.
Where was the science exhibition held?
The science exhibition was held in Kartik’s school.

Question 2.
Who visited the science exhibition?
Kartik and his mother visited the science exhibition.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Tell Me Why?

Question 3.
Give the names of the sections in the science exhibition.

  • Environment section
  • Health Plus section
  • Agriculture section

Question 4.
Who took part in the science exhibition?
Prachi, Vasant and Anjana took part in the science exhibition.

Question 5.
How are trees useful to us ?
Trees give us fruits, medicines and wood.

Question 6.
Why should we eat bananas ?
We should eat bananas because they contain vitamins and calcium, which are good for health.

Question 7.
Why is the bamboo a wonderful tree ?
The bamboo is a wonderful tree because it is used to build bridges, make fences, fishing rods, rafts, baskets, furniture, etc.

Question 8.
What is hydroponics method of agriculture ?
In hydroponics method of agriculture, we have to make layers of stones on plastics on the terrace. They help plants to stand. Plants are then planted at appropriate distance.

Question 9.
Why do we need a terrace garden ?
We need a terrace garden because we do not have enough space to grow trees and plants.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Tell Me Why?

Question 10.
What are the uses of bananas?
Bananas are good for health. Banana leaves are used as food containers or plates. They are also used to make cups, papers and dishes. Fibres of bananas are used to weave saris.

Question 11.
What is celebrated on 28th February ?
World Science Day is celebrated on 28th February.

Question 12.
Which section did Kartik visit first ?
Kartik visited the Agriculture section first.

Question 13.
Who was interested in the Agriculture section ?
Kartik was interested in the Agriculture section.

Question 14.
What happens because of urbanization ?
We do not have enough space to grow trees or plants because of urbanization.

Question 15.
How tall is a bamboo plant?
A bamboo plant may grow eighty feet or even more.

Question 16.
Describe the bamboo stem.
The bamboo stem has joints all the way up the stem and it is hollow between the joints.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Tell Me Why?

Question 17.
Why are banana leaves used to make food containers ?
The banana leaves are used to make food containers because they are large, flexible and waterproof.

(B) Make a list of the uses.

Name of the tree / plant Uses given in the lesson Uses you know
(1) Bamboo plant


(1) build bridges
(2) make fences
(3) make fishing rods
(4) make rafts
(5) make baskets
(6) make furniture
(1) make houses
(2) make flutes
(3) make curtains
(2) Banana tree (1) make food containers from leaves
(2) make plates from leaves
(3) make cups from leaves
(4) make papers from leaves
(5) make dishes from leaves
(1) honey from banana flowers is used as medicine
(2) make soaps

(C) What did Kartik and his mummy see at the science exhibition ? Write a report on it.

Kartik and his mummy went to the science exhibition on 28th February. There were three sections in the exhibition :

  • Environment section
  • Health Plus section and
  • Agriculture section.

First, they went to the Agriculture section. They saw a project on terrace gardening and hydroponics method of agriculture. This method helps to grow trees and plants on terraces. Layers of stones are made on plastics on the terraces and plants Eire planted at appropriate distance.

Then they went to the Environment section. They got a lot of information about bamboo and bananas. The bamboo is used to build bridges, make fences, fishing rods, rafts, baskets and furniture. The hollow bamboo stem is used to make flutes.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Tell Me Why?

They also learnt that banana leaves are used to make food containers, plates, cups, papers and dishes. Banana fibres are used to weave saris. Kartik and his mummy then went to the Health Plus section. They learnt about how spices and herbs are good for our body.

Activity 7.

For the teacher: આ પ્રવૃત્તિ કરાવવા માટે સૌપ્રથમ વિદ્યાર્થીઓને વાક્યો જોડવાનું કહો. ત્યારબાદ, 3 વિદ્યાર્થીઓને વર્ગ સમક્ષ એક વાક્ય જોડી રજૂ કરવા કહો – જેમાં એક વિદ્યાર્થી ઊભો રહેશે અને પ્રથમ વાક્ય બોલશે. ત્યારબાદ, બીજો વિદ્યાર્થી સંયોજક because/therefore બનશે અને બોલશે. જ્યારે ત્રીજો વિદ્યાર્થી ત્રીજું વાક્ય બોલશે. જેમ કે,

(1) Reshma is happy because she got first prize in bicycle competition.
student 1 —-↑——-student 2 …..↑……. student 3……..↑……..
(2) Karan makes pizza because some guests are coming to his house.
(3) Anita goes to Bharuch because she wants to visit Kabirvad.

Match A with B using ‘therefore’ or ‘because’. Enact them as per your teacher’s guidance.

‘A’ ‘B’
(1) Manish won the race (1) he is ill
(2) Satish is in the bed (2) it was raining heavily
(3) Geeta arranged a party at her home (3) he ran fast
(4) Bhavini has not gone to school (4) she is very happy
(5) I will go for shopping (5) it was her father’s birthday
(6) Radha gets a beautiful gift from her aunt (6) she has a holiday in her school
(7) We took an umbrella with us (7) he made terrace garden in school
(8) Satish likes gardening (8) I want to buy a  new dress

(1) Manish won the race because he ran fast.
(2) Satish is in the bed because he is ill.
(3) Geeta arranged a party at her home because it was her father’s birthday.
(4) Bhavini has not gone to school because she has a holiday in her school.
(5) I will go for shopping because I want to buy a new dress.
(6) Radha gets a beautiful gift from her aunt therefore she is very happy.
(7) We took an umbrella with us because it was raining heavily.
(8) Satish likes gardening therefore he made terrace garden in school.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Tell Me Why?

Activity 8.

Match A with B.

‘A’ ‘B’
(1) We should not waste our time (1) because water is everywhere
(2) We should not waste water (2) because smoking is injurious to health
(3) We should not smoke (3) because health is wealth
(4) We should take care of health (4) because time is money
(5) because water is our life

(1) We should not waste our time because time is money.
(2) We should not waste water because water is our life.
(3) We should not smoke because smoking is injurious to health.
(4) We should take care of health because health is wealth.

Activity 9.

For the teacher: અહીં સૌપ્રથમ વિદ્યાર્થીઓને ખાલી જગ્યા પૂરવાનું કહો. ત્યારબાદ આ ખાલી જગ્યાની બે ભાગમાં ચિઠ્ઠી બનાવો અને વિદ્યાર્થીઓને વહેંચી દો. હવે તેમની ખાલી જગ્યાના બીજા ભાગને શોધવાનું કહો.

(A) Fill in the blanks. Use ‘therefore’ or ‘because’.

(1) Reena is very happy because she got good marks in science test.
(2) We took winter clothes with us therefore we felt comfortable in cold during the tour.
(3) We are tired because we walked 12 km on foot.
(4) Payal is a brave girl therefore she is not afraid of staying alone.
(5) Snehal is happy because she has got a prize in the competition.
(6) Maya is a kind girl therefore she helps everyone.

Make chits with the help of your teacher.

Example : Reena is very happy.
She got good mark in science test.

(1) We took winter clothes with us.
We felt comfortable in cold during the tour.

(2) We are tired.
We walked 12 km on foot.

(3) Payal is a brave girl.
She is not afraid of staying alone.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Tell Me Why?

(4) Snehal is happy.
She has got a prize in the competition.

(5) Maya is a kind girl.
She helps everyone.

(B) Work in pairs. Read the following slogans and make posters for one of them.


Activity 10.

(A) Read the story and answer the questions.

One day, Chimpu fox was wandering in the jungle. On the way, suddenly, he saw a baby elephant, Jumbo. Jumbo was crying loudly. So Chimpu asked him, “Dear Jumbo, why are you crying?”
Jumbo : Mickey slapped me.
Chimpu : Who is Mickey ?
Jumbo : Mickey, the monkey.
Chimpu : Why did he slap you ?
Jumbo : He was angry.
Chimpu : Why was he angry ?
Jumbo: I broke a branch by mistake. He was sitting on it.
Chimpu: Well, there is a point. Say sorry and make him a friend.
Jumbo said sorry to Mickey and they became friends again.

Question 1.
Who was Chimpu ?
Chimpu was a fox.

Question 2.
Why was Jumbo crying ?
Jumbo was crying because Mickey slapped him.

Question 3.
Who was Mickey ?
Mickey was a monkey.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Tell Me Why?

Question 4.
Why did Mickey slap Jumbo ?
Mickey slapped Jumbo because Jumbo broke a branch on which he (Mickey) was sitting.

Question 5.
How did Jumbo and Mickey become friends again ?
Jumbo said sorry to Mickey and they became friends again.

Activity 11.

Let’s Laugh

(1) There is Mr Whykins. He always asks questions to everyone. All are sad. They are bored. Whenever Mr Whykins comes, they run away from there. Mr Whykins asks many questions to everyone. One day, Mr Whykins meets Mr Because. Let’s see what happens.

Mr Whykins : Why are you here ?
Mr Because : Because I like this garden.
Mr Whykins : Why do you like it?
Mr Because : Because I like colourful flowers.
Mr Whykins : Why are the flowers so colourful ?
Mr Because : Because of rain, sunlight, soil and water.
Mr Whykins : Why don’t I know this ?
Mr Because : Because of your questions.
Mr Whykins : Why do I ask questions?
Mr Because : Because you don’t know the answers.
Mr Whykins : No, I know. Oops… I forgot to ask a question. Why?
Mr Because : Because I can give answer to all your questions.

(2) Ant 1 : Oh! You are in a hurry. Where are you going?
Ant 2 : I am going to the hospital.
Ant 1 : Why ?
Ant 2 : An elephant met with an accident, I am going to give him my blood.

(3) Jacob : I have lost my dog.
Walter : Why don’t you give an advertisement in a newspaper ?
Jacob : Don’t be silly! It cannot read.

Let’s Have Fun

Sam-I-am has a plate of delicious food for someone to eat.
But is there anyone who likes green eggs and ham?
Would you, could you, in the rain ?
I would not, could not, in the rain.
Not in the dark. Not on a train.
Not in a car. Not in a tree.
I do not like them Sam, you see.
Not in a house. Not in a box.
Not with a mouse. Not with a fox.
I will not eat them here or there.
I do not like them anywhere !
You do not like green eggs and ham ?
I do not like them, Sam-I-am.

Let’s Learn More

1. Read the following paragraphs from the lesson.

(1) Today is 28th February. It is World Science Day. There is a science exhibition in Kartik’s school. The Maths-Science Club of the school is in charge of the exhibition. (Kartik visits the science exhibition with his mummy.)

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Where was the science exhibition held ?
The science exhibition is held in Kartik’s school.

Question 2.
Who visited the science exhibition ?
Kartik and his mother visited the science exhibition.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Tell Me Why?

Question 3.
What is celebrated on 28th February ?
World Science Day is celebrated on ’ 28th February.

Answer the question selecting the correct option

Question 1.
What is celebrated on 28th February?
A. World Maths Day
B. World Science Day
C. World Geography Day
D. World History Day
B. World Science Day

(2) Kartik : Mummy, hurry up.
Mummy: Are we late for your science exhibition ?
Kartik: Yes, because it is really very important for me and also for you.
Mummy : For me ?
Kartik : Yes. For you, too !
Mummy: OK. We have already reached your school.

Kartik: Wow! All parents have come. What an atmosphere of the school! Come, mummy.
Mummy : Take it easy. (Now they are at the entrance.)

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What was important for Kartik ?
The science exhibition was important for Kartik.

Question 2.
Why was Kartik happy ?
Kartik was happy because all parents had come for the exhibition.

Answer the question selecting the correct option.

Question 1.
Which word in the passage also means ‘environment’ ?
A. exhibition
B. entrance
C. atmosphere
D. important
C. atmosphere

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Tell Me Why?

(3) Kartik: Look, here are the three sections.
(1) Environment
(2) Health Plus
(3) Agriculture.
Mummy: Where shall we go first ?
Kartik: To the Agriculture section.
Mummy: Why ?
Kartik: Because I am interested in it. Then we will go to the section of Environment. And after that, we will visit the Health section. Let’s go.

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Give the names of the sections in the science exhibition.

  • Environment section
  • Health Plus section
  • Agriculture section

Question 2.
Who was interested in the Agriculture section ?
Kartik was interested in the Agriculture section.

Question 3.
Which section did Kartik visit first ?
Kartik visited the Agriculture section first.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
Kartik was interested in ………. section.
A. Agriculture
B. Environment
C. Health
D. Science
A. Agriculture

Question 2.
How many sections are there at the exhibition ?
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four
C. three

(4) Kartik : Hello, Prachi! What is your project about ?
Prachi: Hello, Kartik ! Hello, Aunty ! My project is on terrace gardening and hydroponics method of agriculture.
Kartik : What is that ?
Prachi: Nowadays, because of urbanization, we have no enough space to grow trees or plants. Therefore we should use terrace for gardening and for that, hydroponics method of gardening. In this method, we have to make layers of stones on plastics on the terrace. With ‘ their help, plants can stand. After that, plants will be planted at appropriate distance. And then give them water. We can also use PVC pipes. By hydroponics method, we can grow vegetables and fruits.

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What is hydroponics method of agriculture ?
In hydroponics method of agriculture, we have to make layers of stones on plastics on the terrace. They help plants to stand. Plants are then planted at appropriate distance.

Question 2.
Why do we need a terrace garden ?
We need a terrace garden because we do not have enough space to grow trees and plants.

Question 3.
What happens because of urbanization ?
We do not have enough space to grow trees or plants because of urbanization.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Tell Me Why?

Question 4.
What can we grow by hydroponics method ?
We can grow fruits and vegetables by hydroponics method.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
Prachi’s project is about
A. balcony gardening and organic method of agriculture
B. balcony gardening and hydroponics method of agriculture
C. terrace gardening and organic method of agriculture
D. terrace gardening and hydroponics method of agriculture
D. terrace gardening and hydroponics method of agriculture

Question 2.
We do not have enough space to grow plants because of ………
A. urbanization
B. ruralisation
C. buildings
D. gardens
A. urbanization

Question 3.
…………. method is used to grow vegetables and fruits.
A. Hydrophobia
B. Hydrogen
C. Hydroponics
D. Hydro-power
C. Hydroponics

(5) Vasant: Hey ! Kartik ! Hello, Aunty!
Kartik : Hey ! What is your project about ?
Vasant: The project title is ‘Bamboo and Banana are the Best’. Really,
bamboo is a wonderful plant because there are many uses of it. The bamboo is very strong therefore it is used to build the bridges. We can make many things like fences, fishing rods, rafts, baskets, furniture, etc. A plant may grow eighty feet or even more. Sometimes it shoots up three feet in a single day!

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Tell Me Why?

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Why is the bamboo a wonderful tree ?
The bamboo is a wonderful tree because it is used to build bridges, make fences, fishing rods, rafts, baskets, furniture, etc.

Question 2.
How tall is a bamboo plant ?
A bamboo plant may grow eighty feet or even more.

Question 3.
How much can a bamboo grow in a single day?
A bamboo can grow three feet in a single day.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
How tall is a bamboo plant ?
A. Eighty feet or more
B. Eight feet or more
C. Three feet or more
D. Thirty feet or more
A. Eighty feet or more

Question 2.
What is the title of Vasant’s project ?
A. Bamboo is the Best
B. Banana is the Best
C. Bamboo and Banana are the Best
D. Bamboo and Banana are the Better
C. Bamboo and Banana are the Best

Question 3.
Sometimes a bamboo shoots up in a single day.
A. three metres
B. three feet
C. three centimetres
D. thirty feet
B. three feet

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Tell Me Why?

(6) Mummy : How is music produced in a flute ?
Vasant : It’s magic! The bamboo has joints all the way up the stem. The stem is hollow between the joints. So we can play on a flute .

Answer the following question.

Question 1.
Describe the bamboo stem.
The bamboo stem has joints all the way up the stem and it is hollow between the joints.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
The bamboo has all the way up the stem.
A. joints
B. leaves
C. flowers
D. fruits
A. joints

Question 2.
The bamboo stem is …… between the joints.
A. broken
B. soft
C. hollow
D. hard
C. hollow

(7) Kartik : What about the banana tree ?
Vasant: Yes ! The banana tree is also very useful, because its leaves, flowers, trunk and fibres are important, Banana leaves are large, flexible and waterproof. So they are used s as food containers or plates. It is also useful in making cups, papers and dishes.

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What are the uses of banana leaves ?
Banana leaves are used as food containers or plates, and they are also used to make cups, papers and dishes.

Question 2.
Why are banana leaves used to make food containers ?
The banana leaves are used to make food containers because they are large, flexible and waterproof.

Question 3.
Which parts of the banana tree are important ?
The leaves, flowers, trunk and fibres of the banana tree are important.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
Banana leaves are
A. small, flexible and waterproof
B. small, inflexible and waterproof
C. large, inflexible and waterproof
D. large, flexible and waterproof
D. large, flexible and waterproof

Question 2.
Which part of the banana tree is not important?
A. roots
B. leaves
C. flowers
D. trunk
A. roots

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Tell Me Why?

(8) Mummy : Really useful! I have heard that we can make sari from banana. Is it true ?
Vasant: Yes, it is right. The Nepalese give the rough material to Rugmark, an institute which stands for child labour. It is also known as Good Weave International. They make clothes. This institute helps to abolish child labour. In Tamil Nadu, weavers weave fibres of banana and make saris.

Answer the following question.

Question 1.
What do the weavers in Tamil Nadu do ?
The weavers in Tamil Nadu weave fibres of banana and make sari.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
We can make saris from banana
A. leaves
B. fibres
C. roots
D. trunk
B. fibres

Question 2.
Rugmark helps to abolish
A. child marriage
B. child education
C. child labour
D. child care
C. child labour

(9) Kartik : Hello, Anjana ! What is your project about?
Anjana : Hey ! Kaiftik ! Hello, Aunty ! My project is about ‘Health is Wealth’. Herbs and spices do more than add flavour to a dish. Spices and herbs are really very useful to our body.

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What is important to our body?
Spices and herbs are important to our body.

Question 2.
What do herbs and spices do ?
Herbs and spices add flavour to a dish.

1. Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
Anjana’s project is about ……….
A. Health is Wealth
B. Health is Happiness
C. Happiness is Wealth
D. Wealth is Health
A. Health is Wealth

Question 2.
Which word in the passage means ‘taste’ ?
A. flavour
B. herbs
C. spices
D. dish
A. flavour

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Tell Me Why?

Question 3.
………. add flavour to a dish.
A. Trees and flowers
B. Trees and leaves
C. Herbs and plants
D. Herbs and spices
D. Herbs and spices

2. Fill in the blanks with ‘because’ or ‘therefore’.

(1) He is happy he won the match.
(2) Father is angry …. I will talk to him tomorrow.
(3) Ketan is sad ……… he has lost his dog.
(4) The children are tired …….. they will not go to play.
(5) Jatin worked hard …….. he stood first in the class.
(6) I am not going home now ……… I have a lot of work.
(7) Mrs Pandya will go for shopping …….. she has a holiday today.
(8) The boys have a holiday ….. they are playing cricket.
(9) We have won the match …… we will have a party.
(10) Harsh missed the bus …….. he will go by autorickshaw.
(11) Saumil did not come ………. he was ill.
(12) They have bought a new house ….. they will have a pooja.
(13) Mr Joshi Is late ………… he could not find his car keys.
(14) Mohit will win the race ……… he runs fast.
(15) The- teacher was not in the class ……… the students were talking.
(1) because
(2) therefore
(3) because
(4) therefore
(5) therefore
(6) because
(7) because
(8) therefore
(9) therefore
(10) therefore
(11) because
(12) therefore
(13) because
(14) because
(15) therefore

3. Match sentences in A with those in B, using ‘because’ or ‘therefore’.

(1) Father is busy (1) the students are free
(2) Ankit is at home today (2) he cannot call  his mother
(3) The teacher is absent (3) it is raining very heavily
(4) We cannot go outside (4) she has won a medal
(5) Nitin will not play (5) he will come home late
(6) Bharat has lost his mobile (6) he will not go  for a walk
(7) Vinita is happy (7) he has hurt his leg
(8) Grandfather is tired tired (8) he is not well

(1) Father is busy therefore he will come home late.
(2) Ankit is at home today because he is not well.
(3) The teacher is absent therefore the students are free.
(4) We cannot go outside because it is raining very heavily.
(5) Nitin will not play because he has hurt his leg.
(6) Bharat has lost his mobile therefore he cannot call his mother.
(7) Vinita is happy because she has won a medal.
(8) Grandfather is tired therefore he will not go for a walk.

4. Write the sentences using ‘because’ and ‘therefore’.

Example: Drink milk. Milk is complete food.
We should drink milk because milk is a complete food.
Milk is a complete food therefore we should drink it.

Question 1.
Do not cut trees. Trees are important for environment.
We should not cut trees because trees are important for environment.
Trees are important for environment therefore we should not cut them.

Question 2.
You should run fast. The train is about to leave.
You should run fast because the train is about to leave.
The train is about to leave therefore you should run fast.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Tell Me Why?

Question 3.
Eat fresh fruits. They are good for health.
You should eat fresh fruits because they are good for health.
Fresh fruits are good for health therefore you should eat them.

Question 4.
You should not tell a lie. It is a bad habit.
You should not tell a lie because it is a bad habit.
Telling a lie is a bad habit therefore you should not lie.

Question 5.
You must finish your homework. You have to go out.
You must finish your homework because you have to go out.
You have to go out therefore you must finish your homework.

Question 6.
Do not drink impure water. It causes diseases.
You should not drink impure water because it causes diseases.
Impure water causes diseases therefore you should not drink it.

Question 7.
You should buy this dress. It looks good on you.
You should buy this dress because it looks good on you.
This dress looks good on you therefore you should buy it.

Question 8.
Anuj can climb a tree. He is tall.
Anuj can climb a tree because he is tall,
Anuj is tall therefore he can climb a tree.

Question 9.
Mother will not cook. She is not well today.
Mother will not cook because she is not well today.
Mother is not well today therefore she will not cook.

Question 10.
Devam must reach by 10 o’clock. The test begins at 10:30.
Devam must reach by 10 o’clock because the test begins at 10:30.
The test begins at 10:30 therefore Devam must reach by 10 o’clock.

5. Read the passage and answer the questions.

When Swami Vivekanand was sailing to America, he met an Indian student going to America for higher studies. The student behaved in a very bad manner as he boasted that very few people could afford to go to America. Swamiji decided ‘ that it was a good time to teach him a few values of life. When Swamiji next met him on the deck, he asked him, “Son, why are you going to America?” The boy replied, “I am going there for higher studies.”

Question 1.
Who was sailing to America?
Swami Vivekanand was sailing to America.

Question 2.
Why was the student going to America ?
The student was going to America for higher studies.

Question 3.
Swamiji wanted to teach him …
Swamiji wanted to teach him a few values of life.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Tell Me Why?

Question 4.
Which word in the passage means ‘showed off ’ ?
A. behaved
B. boasted
C. decided
B. boasted

Question 5.
The boy behaved ….
A. in a nice manner
B. in a good manner
C. in a bad manner
C. in a bad manner

6. Make sentences using the given words.

Example : flying kites – terrace

The boys are flying kites on the terrace.

(1) books – shelf
Aniket is arranging the books on the shelf.

(2) watering plants – garden
Father is watering plants in the garden.

(3) playing – chess
Amit and Jalpa are playing chess.

(4) monkey – roof
There is a monkey on the roof.

(5) library – read books
I am going to the library to read books.

(6) kitchen – tea
Mother is going to the kitchen to make tea.

(7) shopkeeper – notebooks
This shopkeeper does not sell notebooks.

(8) umbrella – rain
You must use an umbrella in the rain.

(9) happy-first prize
Soham is happy because he won the first prize.

(10) teacher – grammar
The teacher is teaching grammar now.

(11) market – vegetables
Mrs Joshi is going to the market to buy vegetables.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 4 Tell Me Why?

(12) play in the rain-ill
Do not play in the rain because you will fall ill.

Word Meanings

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