GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 3 In Future

Gujarat Board GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Second Language Sem 2 Unit 3 In Future Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

GSEB Std 6 English Textbook Solutions Sem 2 Unit 3 In Future

GSEB Class 6 English In Future Text Book Questions and Answers

Activity 1

(A) Look at the photograph. It is the athletics team of Anand Primary School.

Seating arrangement before the photographer came:
GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 3 In Future 1

From left to right:

Look at the photograph. It is the athletics team of Anand Primary School.
Front row : Sunita, Mitali, Priti, Ankita
1st row : Jayraj, Nishant, Mr Sarvaiya (coach), Mrs Desai (principal), Parvez, Joy
2nd row : (Standing) Salma, Sejal, Sarita

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 3 In Future

Listen and read the description.

Before the photographer came, Sunita, Mitali, Priti and Ankita were in the front row. Jayraj and Nishant sat next to Mr Sarvaiya. Salma was behind them. The principal was in the centre. Parvez and Joy sat next to the principal. Sejal was behind Parvez and Sarita was behind Joy. Jayraj, Nishant, Parvez and Joy held trophies. The school banner was behind the students. It was not readable.

(બિફૉર ધ ફટૉગ્રાફર કેમ, સુનિતા, મિતાલી, પ્રીતિ ઍન્ડ અંકિતા વેઅર ઈન ધ ફ્રન્ટ રો. જયરાજ ઍન્ડ નિશાંત સૅટ નેટ ટુ મિસ્ટર સરવૈયા. સલમા વૉઝ બિહાઇન્ડ ધેમ. ધ પ્રિન્સિપલ વૉઝ ઇન ધ સેન્ટર, પરવેઝ ઍન્ડ જૉય સૅટ નેટ ટૂ ધ પ્રિન્સિપલ. સેજલ વૉઝ બિહાઇન્ડ પરવેઝ ઍન્ડ સરિતા વૉઝ બિહાઈન્ડ જૉય.

જયરાજ, નિશાંત, પરવેઝ ઍન્ડ જૉય હેલ્ડ ટ્રોફિઝ. ધ સ્કૂલ બૅનર વૉઝ બિહાઇન્ડ ધ ટ્યૂડન્ટ્સ. ઇટ વૉઝ નૉટ રીડેબલ.) ફોટોગ્રાફર આવ્યો તે પહેલાં, સુનિતા, મિતાલી, પ્રીતિ અને અંકિતા આગળની હરોળમાં હતાં. જયરાજ અને નિશાંત શ્રી સરવૈયાની બાજુમાં બેઠા હતા. સલમાં તેમની પાછળ હતી. આચાર્ય વચ્ચે હતા.

પરવેઝ અને જૉય આચાર્યની બાજુમાં બેઠા હતા. સેજલ પરવેઝની પાછળ હતી અને સરિતા જૉયની પાછળ હતી. જયરાજ, નિશાંત, પરવેઝ અને જૉયે ટ્રોફિ પકડી હતી. શાળાનું બૅનર વિદ્યાર્થીઓની પાછળ હતું. તે વંચાતું નહોતું.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 3 In Future

(B) Ms Jadeja is a science teacher of the school. She is a good photographer. She is the official photographer of the school. She knows the teachers and pupils. She made some changes in the seating arrangement, I Listen and read her instructions.

Let us make the photograph more beautiful. We need some changes here. All athletes, please listen to me carefully. Boys, please vacate the first row for girls. Thank you. Priti and Mitali, please sit next to your coach, Mr Sarvaiya. Where is Madam Yogini Hello, Yogini.

Please take your seat next to the principal. Thank you very much. Ankita and Sejal, please sit next to your yoga guide. Very well. All you four boys, please stand in the second row. That’s perfect. All the athletes of the throw team, come forward and sit in the front row.

Salma, please sit in the middle Quite fine. Okay. Let us put these trophies in the middle of the table. Let me adjust the banner a bit up. Very well. Now, all you winners, please look at the camera and give a broad smile . One, two, three… click!

(C) Look at the photographs carefully. Which photograph shows the students as per the instructions of Ms Jadeja? A or B?

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 3 In Future 2

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 3 In Future

(D) Write about the correct photograph.

Now all the boys are in the second row. They are all standing. Salma, Sarita and Sunita are in the front row. They are sitting. Mrs Desai is the principal. She is sitting in the middle. Mr Sarvaiya is the coach. He is sitting to the left side of Priti. Yogini is the yoga guide. She is sitting to the left side of Ankita. The trophies are in the middle of the table. Ms Jadeja is the photographer.

Activity 2.

(A) There is a science fair at Anand Cluster Resource Centre. GCERT reader Mr Ahir is visiting CRCs. Let us listen to him.

Namaskar. Congratulations to all. I am very happy with your science projects and models. Solar mobile charger, project on food preservation techniques, low cost Maths teaching models and Android application for roll- call are very interesting. The students here are very confident. They answered all the questions.

I was in Bhuj yesterday. I visited Madhapar and Kukma CRCs. At Madhapar, I liked the project on low-rain farming. At Kukma, a cell phone model of voice translator was interesting. I will visit Valsad district tomorrow. I will tell them about your models. I will visit the district science centre at Dharampur.

(B) Fill in the blanks using the information in Activity 2 (A).


  • Mr Ahir was at Bhuj yesterday.
  • He visited Madhapar and Kukma CRCs.


  • He is at Anand Cluster Resource Centre today.
  • The students of Anand CRC are very confident.


  • He will visit Valsad district tomorrow.
  • He will also visit the district science centre at Dharampur.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 3 In Future

(C) તમારા શિક્ષક તેમની ત્રણ દિવસ(ગઈકાલ, આજ, આવતી કાલ)ની દિનચર્યાની વાત કરશે. તમે પણ વર્ગ સમક્ષ તે રીતે તમારી દિનચર્યા અને આવતી કાલના આયોજનની વાત કરો.

(1) I cooked dal-rice yesterday.
I will cook khichdi-kadhi tomorrow.

(2) I played kabaddi today morning.
I will play kho-kho in the evening.

(1) I drew a cartoon yesterday.
I drew a rangoli today morning.
I will draw a picture tomorrow.

(2) I sang a bhajan yesterday.
I sang a Hindi song today morning.
I will sing a Gujarati song tomorrow.

(3) I talked to Nitin yesterday.
I talked to Shivani today morning.
I will talk to Harsh tomorrow.

(4) I visited the zoo yesterday.
I visited the museum today morning.
I will visit the Gandhi Ashram tomorrow.

(5) I met the teacher yesterday.
I met the principal today morning.
I will meet the coach tomorrow.

(D) There will be a science fair at Valsad CRC tomorrow. Read their plan for the science fair.

Teacher Students Work / Responsibility Time
Ankitbhai Siddhi, Raj veer, William Register entries 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Salman Khan Niruben Megha, Rohit, Daksha Allot stalls 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Neeta, Tushar, Divyesh, Rita, Taslima Give tables, chairs, push pins, cello tapes to participants 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.


Haresh, Ajit, Vandana Serve tea and snacks 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.
Vishnubhai Bharti, Tarun Welcome the judges and guests 10 a.m. and when guests arrive

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 3 In Future

I was in Bhuj yesterday. I visited Madhapar and t Kukma CRCs. At Madhapar, I liked the project on low-rain farming. At Kukma,a cell phone model of voice translator was interesting. I will visit Valsad district tomorrow. I will tell them about your models. I will visit the district science centre at Dharampur.

(B) Fill in the blanks using the information in Activity 2 (A).


(1) Mr Ahir was at Bhuj yesterday.
(2) He visited Madhapar and Kukma CRCs.


(1) He is at Anand Cluster Resource Centre today.
(2) The students of Anand CRC are very confident.


(1) He will visit Valsad district tomorrow.
(2) He will also visit the district science centre at Dharampur.

(E) Fill in the blanks based on the table and complete the paragraph. Read your paragraph to your classmates.

The science fair committee members will reach CRC at eight in the morning. Participants will reach after 9 a.m. Siddhi, Raj veer and William will register the entries for the science fair. Ankitbhai will guide them. Megha, Rohit and Daksha will sit next to the registration table.

They will allot stalls to the participants. There will be five sections in the science fair. Neeta will be the volunteer for the first section. She will give tables, chairs, push pins and cello tapes. Tushar will volunteer for the second section. Divyesh will look after the third section.

Taslima will guide the fourth section. Rita will work for the fifth section. Salman Khan and Niruben will guide these five volunteers. Haresh, Ajit and Vandana will serve tea and snacks at eleven in the morning and at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. Bharti and Tarun will welcome the judges. They will remain ready to welcome the guests. Their principal will be with them.

(F) Answer the following questions based in Activity 2 (D) and 2 (E).

(1) How many students will volunteer in the science fair ? 16 students
(2) How many stalls will be there in the science fair ? 5 stalls
(3) Who will guide Vandana, Ajit and Haresh ? Sadhanaben and Somabhai
(4) Who will sit next to the registration table ? Megha, Rohit and Daksha
(5) How many times will CRC serve tea and snacks ? 2 times

Activity 3

(A) Listen and Read.

There was an essay-writing competition at Bagpur Primary School. The topic was ‘I will become…’. Here are the three top essays.

(1) Siddharth wrote : I want to become a teacher. I will laugh with my students. I will not shout at them, but I will shout with them. I will never insult my students and will not find faults with them.

Every student has some special ability. I will play with them and discover their special abilities. My students will give their opinions in the class. I will not insist on pin-drop silence in the classroom. There will be cheerful voices in my class. I dislike lectures. So I wall teach my students through activities.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 3 In Future

We will do a lot of listening speaking and hands-on activities together. We will go out, sing, dance and have fun together. In short, I will be a friend for all. They will all love me. I will enjoy my life as a teacher.

(2) Eva wrote : Last January, I went to my uncle’s place. It is in Vadgam near Khambhat. A group of young boys and girls from Vadodara came there. They crossed the Bay of Khambhat on foot when there was no tide. They came there to see the flocks of flamingos at night.

They observed the night sky with a big telescope. Dhavalbhai was the organiser of this trip. I talked with him. I learnt a lot of interesting things about nature. I will also become a trekking organizer like him.

I will study birds, butterflies, insects, animals, soil and trees. They all are lovely parts of our world. I will also learn skygazing. I will talk to my friends and we will make a group. At first, we will find out the beautiful places in Gujarat only.

Dhavalbhai said to me, “Once you come in contact with nature, you will love it more.” He also said, “This is very good work. You can earn good money. It is a service to the young generation. It will make your life thrilling.”

The name of my organization will be ‘Together With Nature’. We, my friends and I, will organize trips to different parts of Gujarat like Ratanmahal, Jambughoda and Dwarka. I hope all of you will join us and enjoy your life.

(3) Nitin wrote : I love nature. I like pollution-free life. So I will become a farmer. I will have a timetable-free life. I will enjoy all the seasons. My family will have healthy food, fresh air arid healthy water. We will keep a shed of cows, buffaloes and goats. They will give us milk and organic fertilizers.

I will grow organic crops, vegetables and fruits. They will make people healthy. Farming Is a very good profession. A farmer can enjoy family life and healthy life and can give healthy hie to others.

(આઈ વિલ બિકમ …) હું … થઈશ

(ધેઅર વૉઝ ઍન એસે-રાઇટિંગ કૉમ્પિટિશન ઍટ બાગપુર પ્રાઇમરિ સ્કૂલ. ધ ટૉપિક વૉઝ ‘આઈ વિલ બિકમ …’. હિઅર આર ધ શ્રી ટૉપ એસેઝ.) બાગપુર પ્રાથમિક શાળામાં નિબંધ લેખન સ્પર્ધા હતી. વિષય હતો હું … થઈશ’. આ પહેલા ત્રણ નિબંધ છે. | (સિદ્ધાર્થ રોટ : આઈ વૉન્ટ ટુ બિકમ અ ટીચર.

આઈ વિલ લાફ વિથ માઈ ટ્યૂડન્ટ્સ. આઈ વિલ નૉટ શાઉટ ઍટ ધેમ, બટ આઈ વિલ શાઉટ વિથ ધેમ. આઈ વિલ નેવર ઇન્સલ્ટ માઇ ટ્યૂડન્ટ્સ ઍન્ડ વિલ નૉટ ફાઇન્ડ ફૉટ્સ વિથ ધેમ. એવરિ. ટ્યૂડન્ટ હેઝ સમ સ્પેશલ અબિલિટિ, આઈ વિલ પ્લે વિથ ધેમ ઍન્ડ ડિસ્કવર ધેઅર સ્પેશલ અબિલિટિઝ.

માઇ ટ્યૂડન્ટ્સ વિલ ગિવ ધેઅર અપિચન્ઝ ઇન ધ ક્લાસ. આઈ વિલ નૉટ ઇસિસ્ટ ઑન પિન-ડ્રૉપ સાઇલન્સ ઇન ધ ક્લાસરૂમ. ધેઅર વિલ બી ચિઅરફુલ વૉઇસિઝ ઇન માઇ ક્લાસ. આઈ ડિલાઇક લેકડ્ઝ. સો આઈ વિલ ટીચ માઇ ટ્યૂડન્ટ્સ યૂ ઍક્ટિવિટિઝ.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 3 In Future

વી વિલ ડ્ર અ લૉટ ઑવ લિસનિંગ-સ્પીકિંગ ઍન્ડ હૈદ્ગ-ઑન ઍક્ટિવિટિઝ ટુગેધર. વી વિલ ગો આઉટ, સિંગ, ડાન્સ ઍન્ડ હૅવ ફન ટુગેધર. ઇન શૉર્ટ, આઈ વિલ બી અ ફ્રેન્ડ ફૉર ઑલ. ધે વિલ ઑલ લવ મી. આઈ વિલ ઇજૉઈ માઇ લાઇફ ઍઝ અ ટીચર.)

સિદ્ધાર્થે લખ્યું : મારે શિક્ષક થવું છે. હું મારા વિદ્યાર્થીઓ સાથે હસીશ. હું તેમના પર બૂમો નહીં પાડું, પણ તેમની સાથે બૂમો પાડીશ. હું કદી મારા વિદ્યાર્થીઓનું અપમાન નહીં કરું અને તેમની ખામીઓ નહીં શોધું. દરેક વિદ્યાર્થીમાં કોઈ વિશિષ્ટ આવડત હોય છે. હું તેમની સાથે રમીશ અને તેમની વિશિષ્ટ આવડતો શોધી કાઢીશ.

મારા વિદ્યાર્થીઓ વર્ગમાં તેમના મત આપશે. હું વર્ગખંડમાં નીરવ શાંતિનો આગ્રહ નહીં રાખું. મારા વર્ગમાં ખુશમિજાજ અવાજો હશે. મને ભાષણો ગમતાં નથી. તેથી હું મારા વિદ્યાર્થીઓને પ્રવૃત્તિઓ દ્વારા ભણાવીશ. અમે ઘણી બધી સાંભળવાની -બોલવાની અને પ્રત્યક્ષ પ્રવૃત્તિઓ એકસાથે કરીશું. અમે બહાર જઈને ગાઈશું, નાચીશું અને સાથે મજા કરીશું. ટૂંકમાં, હું સૌનો મિત્ર હોઈશ. તેઓ બધા મને ચાહશે.

હું શિક્ષક તરીકેનું મારું જીવન માણીશ. (ઈવા રોટ : લાસ્ટ જાન્યુઆરી, આઈ વેન્ટ ટુ માઇ અંકલ્ડ પ્લેસ. ઇટ ઇઝ ઇન વડગામ નિઅર ખંભાત. આ ગ્રૂપ ઑવ યંગ બૉઇઝ ઍન્ડ ગડ્ઝ ફ્રૉમ વડોદરા કેમ ધેઅર. ધે ક્રૉસ્ડ ધ બે ઑવ ખંભાત ઑન ફુટ વેન ધેઅર વૉઝ નો ટાઇડ. ધે કેમ ધેઅર ટુ સી ફ્લૉક્સ ઑવ ફલેમિંગોઝ ઍટ નાઇટ, ધ અઝન્ડ ધ નાઇટ સ્કાઈ વિથ અ બિગ ટેલિસ્કોપ.

ધવલભાઈ વૉઝ ધ ઑર્ગનાઇઝર ઑવ ધિસ ટ્રિપ. આઈ ટૉર્ડ વિથ હિમ. આઈ લન્ટ અ લૉટ ઑવ ઇન્ટરેસ્ટિંગ થિંગ્સ અબાઉટ નેચર. આઈ વિલ ઑલ્સો બિકમ અ ટ્રેકિંગ ઑર્ગનાઇઝર લાઇક હિમ. આઈ વિલ સ્ટડિ બર્ડ્ઝ, બટરફ્લાઇઝ, ઇન્સેટસ, ઍનિમલ્ટ, સૉઇલ ઍન્ડ ટ્રીઝ, ધ ઑલ આર લલિ પાર્ટ્સ ઑવ અવર વર્લ્ડ. આઈ વિલ ઑલ્સો લર્ન

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 3 In Future

સ્કાઈ-ગેઝિંગ. આઈ વિલ ટૉક ટૂ માઇ ફ્રેન્ડ્ઝ ઍન્ડ વી વિલ મેક અ ગ્રુપ. ઍટ ફટ, વી વિલ ફાઇન્ડ આઉટ ધ બ્યુટિફુલ પ્લેસિઝ ઇન ગુજરાત ઓલિ. ધવલભાઈ સેડ ટૂ મી, “વન્સ યૂ કમ ઇન કૉન્ટેક્ટ વિથ નેચર, યૂ વિલ લવ ઇટ મૉર.”

હી ઑલ્સો સેડ, ધિસ ઇઝ વેરિ ગુડ વર્ક, યુ કૅન અર્ન ગુડ મનિ. ઇટ ઇઝ એ સર્વિસ ટુ ધ યંગ જનરેશન. ઇટ વિલ મેક યુઅર લાઇફ થિલિંગ.’) ઈવાએ લખ્યું : ગયા જાન્યુઆરીમાં હું મારા કાકાના ઘરે ગઈ હતી. તે ખંભાત પાસે વડગામમાં છે. વડોદરાથી યુવાન છોકરા અને છોકરીઓનું એક જૂથ ત્યાં આવ્યું હતું. ખંભાતના ઉપસાગરમાં જ્યારે ભરતીઓટ નહોતી ત્યારે તેઓએ ચાલીને તે પાર કર્યો.

તેઓ ત્યાં રાત્રે સુરખાબનું ટોળું જોવા આવ્યા હતા. તેમણે ટેલિસ્કોપથી રાતનું આકાશ બારીકાઈથી જોયું. ધવલભાઈ આ સહેલના વ્યવસ્થાપક હતા. મેં તેમની સાથે વાત કરી. મને નિસર્ગ વિશે ઘણી બધી રસપ્રદ બાબતો જાણવા મળી. તેમની જેમ હું પણ ટ્રેકિંગની વ્યવસ્થાપક બનીશ.

હું પક્ષીઓ, પતંગિયાંઓ, જંતુઓ, પ્રાણીઓ, માટી અને વૃક્ષોનો અભ્યાસ કરીશ. તે બધાં આપણી દુનિયાના સુંદર ભાગ છે. હું આકાશ જોતાં પણ શીખીશ. હું મારા મિત્રો સાથે વાત કરીશ અને અમે એક જૂથ બનાવીશું. પહેલાં તો અમે ગુજરાતમાં જ સુંદર સ્થળો શોધી કાઢીશું. ધવલભાઈએ મને|

કહ્યું, “તમે એક વાર નિસર્ગના સંપર્કમાં આવો, પછી તમને તે વધુ ગમશે.” તેમણે કહ્યું, ‘આ ખૂબ સરસ કામ છે. તમે ખૂબ પૈસા રળી શકો છો. આ તો યુવાન પેઢીની સેવા છે. આ (કામ) તમારું જીવન રોમાંચક બનાવી દેશે.”

(ધ નેમ ઑવ માઇ ઑર્ગનિઝેશન વિલ બી ‘ટુગેધર વિથ નેચર’.વી, માઇ ફ્રેન્ડ્ઝ ઍન્ડ આઈ, વિલ ઑર્ગનાઇઝ ટ્રિસ ટુ ડિફરન્ટ પાર્ટ્સ ઑવ ગુજરાત લાઇક રતનમહલ, જાંબુઘોડા ઍન્ડ દ્વારકા. આઈ હોપ ઑલ ઑવ યુ વિલ જૉઇન અસ ઍન્ડ ઇજાઈ લાઇફ.) મારી સંસ્થાનું નામ ‘નિસર્ગ સાથે’ હશે. અમે, હું અને મારા મિત્રો, રતનમહેલ, જાંબુઘોડા અને દ્વારકા જેવા ગુજરાતના વિવિધ ભાગોમાં સહેલનું આયોજન કરીશું. મને આશા છે કે તમે સૌ અમારી સાથે જોડાશો અને જીવન માણશો.

(નીતિન રોટ : આઈ લવ નેચર, આઈ લાઇક પલૂશન-ફ્રી લાઇફ. સો આઈ વિલ બિકમ એ ફાર્મર. આઈ વિલ હૈવ અ ટાઇમટેબલફ્રી લાઇફ. આ વિલ ઇજઈ ઑલ ધ સીઝન્ઝ, માઈ ફૅમિલિ વિલ હૈવ હેસ્થિ ફૂડ, ફ્રેશ એઅર ઍન્ડ હેર્થિ વૉટર, વી વિલ કીપ અ શેડ ઑવ કાઉઝ, બફલોઝ ઍન્ડ ગોટ્સ. ધે વિલ શિવ અસ મિલ્ક ઍન્ડ ઑર્ગેનિક ફર્ટિલાઇઝર્ઝ, આઈ વિલ ગ્રો ઑર્ગેનિક ક્રૉપ્સ, વેજિટેબલ્ડ ઍન્ડ ફૂટ્સ.

ધે વિલ મેક પીપલ હથિ. ફાર્મિંગ ઇઝ અ વેરિ ગુડ પ્રફેશન. અ ફાર્મર કૅન ઇજૉઈ ફેમિલિ લાઇફ ઍન્ડ હેર્થિ લાઇફ ઍન્ડ કેન ગિવ હેર્થિ લાઇફ ટુ અધઝ.) નીતિને લખ્યું : મને પ્રકૃતિ (કુદરત) ગમે છે. મને પ્રદૂષણ-મુક્ત જીવન ગમે છે. તેથી હું એક ખેડૂત થઈશ. મારે સમયપત્રક-મુક્ત જીવન હશે. હું બધી જ ઋતુઓ માણી શકીશ.

મારા કુટુંબને આરોગ્યવર્ધક ખોરાક, શુદ્ધ હવા અને ચોખ્ખું (આરોગ્યવર્ધક) પાણી મળશે. અમે ગાય, ભેંસ અને બકરીઓ માટે એક ગમાણ રાખીશું. તેઓ અમને દૂધ અને રસાયણ-મુક્ત ખાતર આપશે. હું (શુદ્ધ { રસાયણ-મુક્ત) ઑર્ગેનિક પાક, શાકભાજી અને ફળો ઉગાડીશ. તે લોકોને તંદુરસ્ત બનાવશે. ખેતી ખૂબ જ સારો વ્યવસાય છે. એક ખેડૂત કૌટુંબિક જીવન અને સ્વસ્થ જીવન માણી શકે છે અને બીજાને પણ સ્વસ્થ જીવન આપી શકે છે.

(B) Sentences given here are mixed up. Identify the sentences for Siddharth, Eva and Nitin.

I will never insult the students, I will learn sky-gazing. I will keep a shed of cows. I will study about birds, butterflies and trees. We will do hands on activities. I will have timetable-free life. I will grow organic food. I will go out with my students. I will find out the beautiful places in Gujarat. I will enjoy family life. I will have healthy food, air ; and water.

(1) Siddharth : I will never insult the students. We will do hands-on 5 activities. I will go out with my students.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 3 In Future

(2) Eva: I will learn sky-gazing. I will study about birds, butterflies and trees. I will find out the beautiful places in Gujarat.

(3) Nitin : I will keep a shed of cows.I will have timetable-free life. I will grow organic food. I will enjoy family life. I will have healthy food, air and water.

(C) Write True or False for each sentence.

Correct the false sentence and tell it to the class.

1.Siddharth will insist on pin-drop silence in the class. — False
Siddharth will not insist on pin-drop silence in the class.

2. Eva will learn sky-gazing. — True

3. Nitin will use only chemical fertilizers. — False
Nitin will use only organic fertilizers.

4. Siddharth will become a friend to his students. — True

5. Eva will not earn good money. — False
Eva will earn good money.

6. Siddharth will shout with his students. — True

7. Siddharth will insult his students. — False
Siddharth will never insult his students.

8. Siddharth likes lectures.– False
Siddharth dislikes lectures.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 3 In Future

9. Siddharth will teach his students through activities. — True

10. The boys and girls came to see flocks of egrets. — False
The boys and girls came to see a flock of flamingos.

11. Eva will become a trekking organizer. –True

12. Nitin likes pollution-free life. True

13. Nitin will not enjoy all seasons. — False
Nitin will enjoy all seasons.

(14) Nitin will grow organic crops. — True

(D) Who can speak these sentences ? Write their names.

(1) “Students, keep quite. There is a bird in that tree.” — Siddharth
(2) “Friends, we will go for a movie on 26th January.” — Siddharth
(3) “We use only organic fertilizers.” — Nitin
(4) “Divyesh, will you please distribute these word-cards to each group ?” — Siddharth
(5) “We supply 200 litres of milk to the dairy every day.” — Nitin

(E) What will you become ? A teacher, a trekking organizer or a farmer? What will you do then? You can add new ideas also.

I will become a teacher / trekking organizer /farmer. I will start my school/ my group / new farming techniques. I will become a teacher. I will start my school. My school will have a very big playground and garden.

There will be very nice classrooms also. There will be no uniform in my school. Students will spend less time in class. They will learn more in nature They will sit in the garden, under a tree and learn. My students will have no homework and no punishment Nobody will scold them. They will be happy.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 3 In Future

(F) Work in groups. Discuss : What will you not do ? You can write it in Gujarati. Present your views to the class.

(1) You are a principal: I will not have uniform for students. I will not scold them or punish them. I will not give them homework. I will not have exams.

(2) You want to stay fit and healthy: I will not be lazy. I will not get up late. I will not eat junk/fast food. I will not drink cold drinks.

(3) You have annual examination next week: I will not sleep late. I will not be lazy. I will not waste my time.

(G) Talk with these persons. Fill their details in the table.

Post Name Education Subjects of interest
(1) Your favourite teacher Mrs Joshi B.A. M.Ed. Sanskrit, Painting
(2) An auto driver Bharatbhai SSC Music, Swimming
(3) A doctor at the nearest PHC Dr Ram Thakker MBBS Music, Reading, Football
(4) A shopkeeper Sureshbhai B.Com Reading, Cricket
(5) Talati Jayrambhai HSC Watching TV, Cricket

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 3 In Future

Activity 4.

Look at the pictures carefully.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 3 In Future 3

Work in groups. Select one picture. Write short answers based on the selected picture.

Question 1.
What will you see there ?
Picture 1 : I will see a giant-wheel and a merry-go-round. There will be ice-cream sellers, balloonmen, magicians and; acrobats. There will be many stalls selling clothes, toys, etc.
Picture 2 : I will see many trees and mountains. I will see a river – I will see farms

Question 2.
What will you do ?
Picture 1 : I will enjoy the magic show and the acrobat’s tricks. I will eat ice- creams. I will buy nice things. I will enjoy sitting in the giant-wheel and the merry-go-round.
Picture 2 : I will enjoy the fresh air and water. I will enjoy beautiful sunrise and sunset.

Question 3.
You have returned from a big trip. What will you talk to your parents about your trip?
I visited many interesting places in Vadodara. I saw the Laxmi Vilas Palace and the Nazarbaug Palace. They were very big and nice. The Baroda Museum and Picture Gallery were also very interesting.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 3 In Future

I also visited the Surya Mandir, which is the oldest temple in the city. The EME temple is also very interesting. I enjoyed my visit to the Nimeta Garden, which is about 15 km from Vadodara. temple is also very interesting. I enjoyed my visit to the Nimeta Garden, which Is about 15 km from Vadodara.

temple is also very interesting. I enjoyed my visit to the Nimeta Garden, which Is about 15 km from Vadodara.

Activity 5.

What will you do when a disaster strikes ?

કે તમારો એક મિત્ર Fire કટોરો, બીજો મિત્ર Earthquake કટોરો અને ત્રીજો મિત્ર Flood કટોરો લઈ તમારી પાસે આવશે. નીચે આપેલાં વાક્યોની પટ્ટીઓ બનાવીને તૈયાર રાખો. તમારા મિત્રના કટોરાને અનુરૂપ વાક્યપટ્ટી તે કટોરામાં મૂકો.

(1) Run into an open ground. — [Earthquake]
(2) Climb up on trees or on roofs or go to higher areas. — [Flood]
(3) Take care of children and elders. — [Fire, Earthquake, Flood]
(4) Throw water, dry sand or dry dust. — [Fire]
(5) Do not stand under trees or electric poles. — [Earthquake]
(6) Call the fire brigade. — [Fire]
(7) Do not use stairs. — [Earthquake, Fire]
(8) Switch off the electricity. — [Earthquake, Fire, Flood]

86 છેલ્લે દરેક disasterની વાક્યપટ્ટીઓ વર્ગ સમક્ષ વાંચો.

Activity 6.

(A) Place the letters in the correct order to form names of flowers.


(B) You have visited your school garden and seen different kinds of plants, shrubs and trees. This grid has the names of different parts of a tree. Look at these words. (bud, pod, leaf, stem, roots, thorns, branches, flowers)
Find as fast as you can – vertically (↓↑), horizontally (→←) and diagonally (↓↑)

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 3 In Future 4

Activity 7.

Recite and sing aloud.

(A) Good night
(ગુડ નાઇટ)

Sleep tight
(સ્લીપ ટાઇટ)

Wake up bright
(વેક અપ બ્રાઇટ)

In the morning light
(ઇન ધ મૉર્નિગ લાઇટ)

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 3 In Future

To do what’s right
(ટૂ ડૂ વૉટ્સ રાઇટ)

With all your might.
(વિથ ઑલ યુઅર માઇટ.)

(B) The rain is raining all around
(ધ રેન ઇઝ રેનિંગ ઑલ અરાઉન્ડ)

It falls on fields and trees;
(ઇટ ફૉલ્ટ ઑન ફિટ્ઝ ઍન્ડ ટ્રીઝ;)

It falls on umbrellas here
(ઇટ ફૉલ્ટ ઑન અબ્રેલાઝ હિઅર)

And on the ships at sea.
(ઍન્ડ ઑન ધ શિપ્સ ઍટ સી.)

Let’s Learn More

1. Read the following paragraphs from the lesson.

1. (Siddharth) : I want to become a teacher. I will laugh with my students. I will not shout at them, but I will shout with them. I will never Insult my students and will not find faults with them. Every student has some special ability. I will play with them and discover their special abilities.

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What does Siddharth want to become ?
Siddharth wants to become a teacher.

Question 2.
What will Siddharth do with his students ?
Siddharth will laugh and shout with his students.

Question 3.
What will Siddharth not do ?
Siddharth will not insult his students or find faults with them.

Question 4.
How will Siddharth discover the special abilities of students?
Siddharth will play with the students to discover their special abilities.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
Siddharth wants to become
A. a student
B. a doctor
C. a teacher
D. a pilot
C. a teacher

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 3 In Future

Question 2.
Siddharth will never ……….. his students.
A. insult
B. scold
C. help
D. punish
A. insult

Question 3.
Every students has some .
A. special class
B. special abilities
C. special pet
D. special friend
B. special abilities

(2) (Siddharth): My students will give their opinions in the class. I will not insist on pin-drop silence in the classroom. There will be cheerful voices in my class. I dislike lectures. So I will teach my students through activities. We will do a lot of listening-speaking and hands-on activities together.

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What will Siddharth not insist?
Siddharth will not insist on pin-drop silence in the classroom.

Question 2.
What does Siddharth dislike ?
Siddharth dislikes lectures.

Question 3.
How will Siddharth teach his students ?
Siddharth will teach his students through activities.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
Students will give their ………. in the class.
A. homework
B. lectures
C. poems
D. opinions
D. opinions

Question 2.
Siddharth will not insist on ………. in the classroom.
A. pin-drop silence
B. talking
C. shouting
D. learning
A. pin-drop silence

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 3 In Future

Question 3.
There will be ……. voices in the class.
A. loud
B. soft
C. cheerful
D. sad
C. cheerful

Question 4.
Siddharth dislikes
A. homework
B. lectures
C. activities
D. students
B. lectures

Question 5.
Siddharth will teach his students through ………..
A. assignments
B. music
C. activities
D. songs
C. activities

(3) (Eva): Last January, I went to my uncle’s place. It is in Vadgam near Khambhat. A group of young boys and girls from Vadodara came there. They crossed the Bay of Khambhat on foot when there was no tide. They came there to see the flocks of flamingos at night. They observed the night sky with a big telescope.

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Where did Eva go last week?
Last week, Eva went to her uncle’s place.

Question 2.
Who came there ?
A group of young boys and girls from Vadodara came there.

Question 3.
What did they cross ?
They crossed the Bay of Khambhat.

Question 4.
When did they cross the Bay of Khambhat ?
They crossed the Bay of Khambhat when there was no tide.

Question 5.
What did they come to see ?
They came to see the flocks of flamingos at night.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 3 In Future

Question 6.
How did they observe the night sky ?
They observed the night sky with a big telescope.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
The boys and girls crossed the ………..
A. Bay of Vadgam
B. Bay of Vadodara
C. Bay of Khambhat
D. Bay of Bengal
C. Bay of Khambhat

Question 2.
The boys and girls crossed the Bay of Khambhat when ……….
A. there was no tide
B. there was no light
C. there was no water
D. there was no boat
A. there was no tide

Question 3.
They came to see flocks of …………
A. egrets
B. storks
C. flamingos
D. eagles
C. flamingos

Question 4.
They observed the ………… with a telescope.
A. flamingos
B. night sky
C. bay
D. tide
B. night sky

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 3 In Future

Question 5.
Which word is used for groups of birds ?
A. tide
B. telescope
C. group
D. flocks
D. flocks

(4) (Eva) : Dhavalbhai was the organiser of this trip. I talked with him. I learnt a lot of interesting things about nature. I will also become a trekking organizer like him. I will study birds, butterflies, insects, animals, soil and trees. They all are lovely parts of our world. I will also learn sky-gazing. I will talk to my friends and we will make a group. At first, we will find out the beautiful places in Gujarat only.

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Who was the organizer ?
Dhavalbhai was the organizer.

Question 2.
What did Eva learn ?
Eva learnt a lot of interesting things about nature.

Question 3.
What will Eva become ?
Eva will become a trekking organizer.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 3 In Future

Question 4.
What will Eva study ?
Eva will study birds, butterflies, insects, animals, soil and trees.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
Dhavalbhai was the …………..
A. principal
B. teacher
C. guide
D. organizer
D. organizer

Question 2.
Eva learnt a lot about ……….
A. nature
B. flamingos
C. tides
D. bays
A. nature

Question 3.
Eva will become a …………
A. guide
B. teacher
C. trekking organizer
D. bird watcher
C. trekking organizer

Question 4.
Eva will learn
A. sky gazing
B. sky diving
C. bird gazing
D. bird catching
A. sky gazing

(5) (Eva) : Dhavalbhai said to me, “Once you come in contact with nature, you ’ will love it more.” He also said, “This is very good work. You can earn good money. It is a service to the young generation. It will make your life thrilling.”

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
This work is a service to the …………….
A. old generation
B. new generation
C. young generation
D. all generations
C. young generation

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 3 In Future

Question 2.
This work will make, life ………..
A. nice
B. peaceful
C. thrilling
D. boring
C. thrilling

Question 3.
You can earn .
A. good money
B. good experience
C. good students
D. good knowledge
A. good money

(6) (Eva) : The name of my organization will be ‘Together With Nature’. We, my friends and I, will organize trips to different parts of Gujarat like Ratanmahal, Jambughoda and Dwarka. I hope all of you will join us and enjoy your life.

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What will Eva and her friends do ?
Eva and her friends will organize trips to different parts of Gujarat.

Question 2.
What will be the name of the organization ?
The name of the organization will be ‘Together with Nature’.

Answer the question selecting the correct option.

The name of the organization will be …………
A. Together With Nature
B. Together With Friends
C. Together With Birds
D. Together With Animals
A. Together With Nature

(7) (Nitin): I love nature. I like pollution-free life. So I will become a farmer. I will have a timetable-free life. I will enjoy all the seasons. My family will have healthy food, fresh . air and healthy water. We will keep a shed of cows, buffaloes and goats. They will give us milk and organic fertilizers.

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What does Nitin love ?
Nitin loves nature.

Question 2.
Why will Nitin become a farmer ?
Nitin will become a farmer because he likes pollution-free life.

Question 3.
What will Nitin enjoy ?
Nitin will enjoy all seasons.

Question 4.
What will Nitin’s family have ?
Nitin’s family will have healthy food, fresh air and healthy water.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 3 In Future

Question 5.
What will Nitin keep ?
Nitin will keep a shed of cows, buffaloes and goats.

Question 6.
What will the animals give ?
The animals will give milk and organic fertilizers.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
Nitin loves …………
A. pollution
B. timetable
C. nature
D. seasons
C. nature

Question 2.
Nitin likes a ………… life.
A. peace-free
B. peaceful
C. polluted
D. pollution-free
D. pollution-free

Question 3.
Where do farmers keep cows and buffaloes ?
A. shed
B. house
C. den
D. jungle
A. shed

(8) (Nitin): I will grow organic crops, vegetables and fruits. They will make people healthy. Farming is a very good profession. A farmer can enjoy family life and healthy life and can give healthy life to others.

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What will Nitin grow?
Nitin will grow organic crops, vegetables and fruits.

Question 2.
What can a farmer enjoy ?
A farmer can enjoy family life and healthy life.

Question 3.
What can a farmer give to others ?
A farmer can give a healthy life to others.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
Nitin will grow ………. crops.
A. organic
B. good
C. healthy
D. inorganic
A. organic

Question 2.
…………. is a good profession.
A. Nursing
B. Policing
C. Farming
D. Teaching
C. Farming

Question 3.
A can give healthy life to others.
A. doctor
B. nurse
C. teacher
D. farmer
D. farmer

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 3 In Future

2. Write the sentences as shown in the example.

Example: I read books every day. — (read)
(1) The children ……… to school every day. (go)
(2) Raj ……….. chess, (play)
(3) Meera ………… painting, (like)
(4)’A postman ………… letters, (deliver)
(5) We ……… the park every morning. (walk)
(6) A policeman ……….. thieves, (catch)
(7) A cow ………. milk, (give)
(8) Mother ……….. food every day. (cook)
(1) go
(2) plays
(3) likes
(4) delivers
(5) walk
(6) catches
(7) gives
(8) cooks

3. Write the sentences as shown in the example.

Example : Mohan painted a picture yesterday. (paint)
(1) Sangita a song last evening. — (sing)
(2) The teacher a poem yesterday. — (teach)
(3) The boys ……… kites last Sunday. — (fly)
(4) Manubhai ……….. the shop in the morning . — (open)
(5) We …….. apples in the morning.– (eat)
(6) They ……….. late to school yesterday. — (come)
(7) Nitin ………… his uncle last Saturday.– (visit)
(8) I ……… the Question, — (answer)
(1) sang
(2) taught
(3) flew
(4) opened
(5) ate
(6) came
(7) visited
(8) answered

4. Write the sentences as shown in the example.

Example : Deepika will learn a poem tomorrow. — (learn)
(1) The girls ……….. a rangoli tomorrow. — (draw)
(2) Mitali ………. a bhajan in the evening. — (sing)
(3) I my homework tomorrow. — (do)
(4) Father ……… to school next week. — (come)
(5) The teacher ……… the naughty boys. — (punish)
(6) Sagar ………. us tomorrow, — (help)
(7) We ……… for a picnic next Sunday. — (go)
(8) Suman and Lata …….. in the garden. — (play)
(1) will draw
(2) will sing
(3) will do
(4) will come
(5) will punish
(6) will help
(7) will go
(8) will play

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 2 Unit 3 In Future

5. Write about 5-7 sentences on “I will become”

When I grow up, I will become a doctor. I will work in village. I will build a small hospital In the village. I will help the poor people there. I will give them free medicines. I will also tell them how they can live a healthy life. I will tell them to keep their houses and village clean so that there are no diseases.

6. Write about 5-7 sentences on ‘A Visit to a Garden’.

I Last Sunday, I visited the Sardar Baug near, my house. It is a small garden. There are many trees and plants in the garden. There is a small fountain too. There are many slides and swings in the garden. There is a merry-go-round, too. There is a small pond in the garden. There were some ducks in the pond. I enjoyed in the garden.

Word Meanings

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