GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 8 Read 2 The Heaven of Freedom

Gujarat Board GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Second Language Unit 7 Read 2 The Heaven of Freedom Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

GSEB Std 12 English Textbook Solutions Unit 7 Read 2 The Heaven of Freedom (2nd Language)

GSEB Class 12 English The Heaven of Freedom Truth Text Book Questions and Answers


1. Here are some expressions in List ‘A’ and their interpretations in List ‘B’. Join them appropriately.

 ‘A’ Expressions ‘B’ Interpretations
(1) Mind is without fear. (a) Where people are truthful and words come out from the inner core of their hearts.
(2) World has not been broken up into fragments. (b) The current of reason is not misled into the wasteland of prejudices.
(3) Words come from the depth of truth. (c) People’s thoughts are monitored by rational thinking, not by superstition.
(4) Tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection. (d) Countrymen are free from any fear of oppression or forced compulsion.
(5) Clear stream of reason has not lost its way. (e) There is no division among people based on their caste, creed, colour or religion.
(6) Dreary desert sand of dead habit. (f) God is addressed as ‘Father’ and is requested to awaken the country into ‘heaven of freedom’.
(7) Mind is led forward by Thee. (g) People have a broad mind and a broad heart and they enrich their thinking day by day.
(8) Ever-widening thought and action. (h) Everyone works hard to reach his goal and attain perfection.
(9) My Father, let my country awake. (i) Countrymen are progressive and broad-minded; their minds are led forward by the Almighty to good thoughts and action.

(1) → (d), (2) → (e), (3) → (a), (4) → (h), (5) → (b), (6) → (c), (7) → (i), (8) → (g), (9) → (f).

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 8 Read 2 The Heaven of Freedom

2. Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
What does the poet mean by ‘head is held high’ and ‘ever-widening thought and action’ ?
The poet conveys that if our mind is full of fear, we can never have self-respect i.e., a ‘feeling of pride’ in ourselves. The head is bowed down because of oppression and exploitation. But every citizen should be made free to walk upright holding our head high.

The meaning of the words ‘ever-widening thought and action’ is ‘unceasing thinking and untiring work’. The poet asks for blessings from God to lead forward his mind that never stops thinking and goes ahead unstoppably carrying out actions.

Question 2.
What does the poet compare ‘reason’ and ‘dead habits’ to ?
The poet compares ‘reason’ to ‘a clear stream’. Here ‘clear stream’ is a metaphor. It stands for free flow of unrestricted thought. The poet says that people’s mind should be led by the power of reasoning to be focused on the future by applying scientific thought and action.

And ‘dead habits’ are compared to agelong traditions and superstitions. Unless man discards them, he would not avail anything new and will not be out of fear.

Question 3.
What is ‘narrow domestic walls’ ?
The ‘narrow domestic walls’ are the walls of narrow thinking and prejudices based on caste, creed, colour and faith that threaten to disintegrate the world.

Question 4.
Who is referred to as ‘thee (you) and ‘my father’ ?
‘Thee’ is referred to the ‘Almighty God.’ ‘My father’ is also a direct address to God from whom he wants to seek blessings that his country should awake into a blissful heaven of freedom.

Question 5.
Name the qualities the poet wishes to see in his countrymen.
The poet wished to see the following qualities in his countrymen:
Fearlessness, Feeling Confident about himself having a proud feeling of self-respect, truthful,tirelessly diligent striving towards perfection, having rational thinking, having unrestricted thinking – free from traditions and superstitions, having progressive thoughts and actions.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 8 Read 2 The Heaven of Freedom

Question 6.
What is the ‘heaven of freedom’ according to the poet ?
According to the poet, ‘heaven of freedom’ is an ideal state where his countrymen would be able to hold their heads high in self-respect. They will not have blurred vision based on prejudices and work tirelessly to attain perfection in sphere of life.

The poet prays for his country to attain all kinds of freedom political, religious, spiritual, moral and intellectual. And only then it will attain the blissful heaven of freedom.

3. Write True or False.

(1) Tagore draws a picture of a free nation with religious or caste based boundaries. – True
(2) The poem is an offering to God, a prayer where the poet prays for a country which is a heaven of freedom. – True
(3) In India, people had gained freedom in all spheres during British rule. – False
(4) Tagore longs for an undivided world where there is tolerance among the people and the courage to speak truth at any cost. – True
(5) ‘Dead habits’ refer to the superstitious beliefs and deeds that are ‘dead’ means we don’t need them any more. – True

(A) Additional Questions and Answers

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
What do the words ‘mind is without fear’ mean ?
The words ‘mind is without fear’ mean that one does not have any fear of oppression or compulsion. The poet is talking about the minds of the people of his country. He says so because his country was under the subjugation of the British, who perpetuated all sorts of oppression on his countrymen.

Question 2.
What do the words ‘where knowledge is free’ mean ?
By the words ‘where knowledge is free’, the poet wants to say that in his country, everyone should have the freedom to aquire knowledge without any restriction. The restrictions imposed on the spread of knowledge include the prejudices based on wealth, caste and religion.

Question 3.
‘Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection’ ? Explain.
‘Tireless striving’ means ‘working hard without getting tired to achieve perfection’. The poet wants his countrymen to achieve the highest goals, i.e., freedom at all levels – political, religious, spiritual, moral and intellectual.

Question 4.
‘Dreary desert sand of dead habit’. Explain.
‘Dreary desert sand of dead habit’ is a metaphor. Through this metaphor, the poet wants to say that his countrymen should work for perfection in everything and should not be led astray from their goal in the dry desert of dead habits, i.e., in a place where outdated customs and traditions are followed.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 8 Read 2 The Heaven of Freedom

Question 5.
What does the word ‘father’ in the poem refer to ?
‘Father’ is a reference for God. He will awake the country by leading the poet’s countrymen to a heavenly state where there are all kinds of freedom and where they can hold their heads high in self-respect, without any fear, oppression or compulsion.

(B) Reading Comprehension

Read the following stanzas and answer the questions :

1. Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high
Where knowledge is free
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments By narrow domestic walls
Where words come out from the depth of truth/Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection

Questions :
(1) What is the meaning of ‘head is held hight?
(2) What message does the last line of the stanza convey?
Answers :
(1) The meaning of ‘head is held high’ means ‘one feeling proud of oneself’ or ‘lead life in the high esteem’.
(2) The last line of the stanza conveys that one should strive/work very hard to achieve perfection. In this line Tagore has conveyed ‘significance of labour’.

(2) Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit Where the mind is led forward by Thee Into ever-widening thought and action Into that heaven of freedom, my father, let my country awake.

Questions :
(1) What do the first two lines of the stanza convey ?
(2) What does the poet want to invoke in the last line ?
(1) The first two lines of the stanza convey that man’s sense of reason should keep alive all the time. It should not get lost blindly following traditions.
(2) In the last line, the poet urges God to let his country awake to thought and action which consequently lead to freedom.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 8 Read 2 The Heaven of Freedom


1. Select the phrase to add in the place.
Joe is ……….. dancer; very light and smooth on his feet.
(a) a marvellous
(b) an absurd
(c) an aspiring
(d) a saintly
a marvellous

Question 1.
The old cars are ……… and then melted down for the metal.
(a) virtuous
(b) volumes
(c) aspiring
(d) crushed
(d) crushed

Question 2.
People thought he was ………. person because of all the kind and generous things he did for the children of the village.
(a) an ignoble
(b) an absurd
(c) an idiosyncratic
(d) a saintly
(d) a saintly

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 8 Read 2 The Heaven of Freedom

Question 3.
Trying to think like our clients helps us to gain greater ………… into their needs.
(a) urge
(b) insight
(c) idiosyncrasy
(d) superstition
(b) insight

Question 4.
Movie stars and sports celebrities have always had a lot of …………. on what young people wear,…….
(a) approach
(b) entity
(c) influence
(d) conform
(c) influence

Question 5.
Cooperation ………….. compromise in which everyone benefits to some degree.
(a) implies
(b) sticks
(c) influences
(d) approaches
(a) implies

2. Reshuffle the words in bold to make meaningful sentences.

(1) He aspire us to accept his offer.
(2) While watching some serials on TV, ignoble guidance is essential for children.
(3) To believe that the earth is flat is an spiritual.
(4) No one should approaches to profit from the misfortune of others.
(5) The thought that my right eye itches so some good luck will soon approach me is a parental.
(6) We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are urges beings on a human journey.
(7) Because Mr Frank has a habit of not showing up on time, he has an superstition reputation as someone who is not very responsible.
(8) There are often several absurdity to diagnosing and treating a health problem.
(1) He urges us to accept his offer.
(2) While watching some serials on TV, parental guidance is essential for children.
(3) To believe that the earth is flat is an absurdity.
(4) No one should aspire to profit from the misfortune of others.
(5) The thought that my right eye itches so some good luck will soon approach me is a superstition.
(6) We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey.
(7) Because Mr Frank has a habit of not showing up on time, he has an ignoble reputation as someone who is not very responsible.
(8) There are often several approaches to diagnosing and treating a health problem.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 8 Read 2 The Heaven of Freedom

3. Here some questions and answers are mixed up. Arrange them correctly.

Q. 1. What insight does this book give?
A. 1. ………. as he kept on staring at the electricity pole in the street for 5 minutes constantly.

Q. 2. Who won gold medal at Olympics in gymnastics ?
A. 2. …………. a class – 1 officer.

Q. 3. In which superstition does he believe ?
A. 3. ………. understanding about how to behave during an interview.

Q. 4. What do you aspire to become ?
A. 4. ………. his honesty and reliability.

Q. 5. When did you come to know about his idiosyncrasy ?
A. 5. Dipa Karmakar…

Q. 6. What makes him virtuous ?
A. 6. ………… because everyone knows that he is corrupt.

Q. 7. Why people think that he is ignoble ?
A. 7………. that cat’s crossing his way will bring misfortune to him.
(Q. 1 → A. 3), (Q. 2 → A. 5), (Q. 3 → A. 7), (Q. 4 → A. 2), (Q. 5 → A. 1), (Q. 6 → A. 4),(Q.7 → A. 6).

4. Find out words from the lesson that are nearest in meaning to the underlined words.

1. We are given children to test us and make us more believing in religion. Spiritual
2. When I talked to him I found that his mind was full of worrying thoughts. Anxiety
3. Your way to deal a situation reveals it whether you are an optimist or a pessimist. Approach
4. Your mere forming a theory or conjecture without firm evidences will only spoil your relations with her. You should rather talk to her once. Speculation
5. I feel proud that my father was a specialist in a particular branch of study. Scholar

5. Choose the correct form of the word given in the brackets. Work in groups.

A patriotic (patriot) person is one who has deep feeling of patriotism (patriot). His heart is filled (fill) up with love for his country. If we look at the history of the world, we find that the noble (noble) heroes are those who have tried (try) to do well to their country and who have died (die) for it when the need has arisen (arise). Men fought (fight) and died for their kith and kin or for their (his) religion, but the greatest heroes have always been (be) those who have risked (risk) their lives in the defence of their country. Whenever a conqueror has tried to enslave (slave) a country, people have stood (stand) up to defend her.

6. Tick mark the options nearest in meanings

Question 1.
Where words come from the depth of truth,
(a) Where people are truthful and words come out from their hearts.
(b) Where people are superficial and words come out from their minds.
(c) Where people are rigid and words come out from their prejudices.
(a) Where people are truthful and words come out from their hearts.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 8 Read 2 The Heaven of Freedom

Question 2.
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments.
(a) There is a harmony and unity among people.
(b) There is a clear division on the basis of religion and colour.
(c) The world is divided on the basis of superstition and religion.
(a) There is a harmony and unity among people.

Question 3.
Where the knowledge is free.
(a) Nobody has to pay any fee for study.
(b) Knowledge is limited to few people.
(c) Everyone has unrestricted access to knowledge.
(c) Everyone has unrestricted access to knowledge.

Question 4.
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way.
(a) Everybody feels lost due to unclear thinking.
(b) Everyone’s thoughts are monitored by rational thinking.
(c) Everyone believes in old beliefs and superstitions.
(b) Everyone’s thoughts are monitored by rational thinking.

7. Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
What makes you feel proud for our country ?
The following are the points which make us feel proud for our country:
(1) Very old culture and civilization
(2) Unity in diversity
(3) Great torch-bearers : Scientists like Dr – C. V. Raman, Dr Homi Bhabha, Dr Vikram Sarabhai, Religious leaders like Swami Vivekanad, Shankaracharya, Shri Pramukh Swami, etc.

Political Leaders like Gandhiji, Sardar Patel and many others. We are also proud of great achievements including the recent one – launching 104 satellites by our PSLV carrier, etc.

Question 2.
How are the national festivals celebrated in our country ?
National festivals are celebrated in our country with great preparations and enthusiasm, August 15 is celebrated as our Independence Day and January 26 as our Republic Day.

On these days, besides flag-hoisting, many other celebrations are done at all levels. Competitions of different sports and cultural activities are held and the winners are given away prizes.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 8 Read 2 The Heaven of Freedom

Different awards are given to great achievers by our President at Centre and by Governors in different States. Besides, we have quite a few days celebrated as festivals on national level, i.e., Ambedkar Jayanti, Gandhi Jayanti, etc.

Question 3.
What were the efforts of our national leaders for making our nation independent?
Hundreds of patriots sacrificed their lives to make India free. They were Sukhdev, Rajguru, Bhagatsinh, Vir Savarkar, Zansi ki Rani and many others. The names of the leaders who did their bit to make India free were Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Subhash Chandra Bose, Mangal Pandey, Lala Lajpat Rai and many others. The greatest contribution towards winning Independance was of Gandhiji. His weapons of non-cooperation and non-violence compelled the British rulers to leave India.

Question 4.
Narrate your experience of your visit to any of the monuments of our martyrs.
I visited Andaman Islands in last vacation. There I visited the Cellular Jail. It was a colonial prison where Independence activists were thrust into jails and tortured cruelly. The punishment of sending them to this cellular jail was known as ‘Kaala pani ki saza’. The guide explained us how they were tortured, and those stories moved our hearts. For the first time we realised what price they had paid to make India free. The notable dissidents among them were Batukeshwar Dutt, Yogeshwar Shukla and Veer Savarkar. Today, the complex serves as a national memorial monument.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 8 Read 2 The Heaven of Freedom

Question 5.
What is so unique in our Indian culture ?
The uniqueness of Indian culture lies in its geographical diversities, natural wealth, vast population and people’s attitude towards different things. The culture is composite and pluralistic in nature. India’s spritual-cultural unity-in-diversity is unique. The uniqueness of Indian culture also lies in the underlying harmony on the face of apparent multiplicity of language, literature, music, visual arts and religion.

8. Make meaningful phrases with words from ‘X’ and ‘Y’ and write a sentence using ‘X’ and ‘Y’ in your context. Work in groups.

‘X’ ‘Y’
1. fearless a. free Example: A fearless mind can achieve the desired goals in life.
2. ever
b.activities Only the ever-widening thought of integrity can make a nation united.
3. domestic c. mind One should break the domestic walls of caste and creed to make the nation peaceful.
4. stream d. thought Only a stream of reason can bring up rational thinking.
5. heaven e.fragments Everybody wants to live in heaven of freedom but only a few are ready to make sacrifices for it.
6. world f. walls If every nation looks forward to selfish motives the world will be split into fragments.
7. knowledge g. freedom Knowledge makes us free from bondages.
8. tireless h. reason Tireless activities lead you to achieve better goals.

9. Frame sentences using all the words. You may change the forms of the words if needed.

Example : reason – logic – perfection
Answer: We can achieve perfection if we work with good reason and logic.

Question 1.
mind – fearless – achieve
A fearless mind can achieve true happiness.

Question 2.
work – tirelessly – ambition
If one works tirelessly, he can fulfil his s ambition.

Question 3.
strive – success – achieve
By striving hard, one can achieve desired success.

Question 4.
protect – conserve – forest
We can conserve forests by protecting them.

Question 5.
wish – India – freedom
We wish that India never loses her freedom.

Question 6.
God – guide – difficulty
We pray to God to guide us to overcome our difficulty.


1. Read the conversation. Fill in the blanks with appropriate option given in the brackets. Write capitals when needed.

(what she decided, what did she decide, what do I like the most in her, that she left her husband, what I like the most in her, she left her husband that, where will she join for the new job, Menka took a big decision, what I like the most in her, did Menka take a big decision, where she will join for the new job)

A: Do you know Menka took a big decision ?
B : No, I want to know what she decided.
A: Hmmm. Do you know she left that job ?
B : Oh no. From when ? I know that she was a very cooperative employee here.
A : True, what I like most in her is her modesty.
B : She also had some family issues.
A: That she left her husband is known to all her friends. She was much disturbed.
B : Maybe for that, she left the job too. Do you know where she will join for a new job?
A: No. I know nothing. I assume that she will settle in some other city.
B: I feel so. Anyway, may God bless her.
A: Amen!

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 8 Read 2 The Heaven of Freedom

2. Find out the correct option complete the sentence.

Question 1.
Jasmine didn’t ask Jalval…
(a) where her purse was.
(b) where was her purse.
(c) where her purse was ?
(d) where was her purse ?
(a) where her purse was.

Question 2.
Is it true ………….. about you ?
(a) what did he say
(b) what he said
(c) that did he say
(d) that he said
(b) what he said

Question 3.
I’m not going to tell you…
(a) what should you do.
(b) what should you do ?
(c) what you should do.
(d) what you should do?
(c) what you should do.

3. Enact the conversation in your class.

Saumil: Excuse me, madam. I want to inquire something. Who is the manager here ? I want to meet him.

Receptionist: Sure sir. You want to inquire who the manager is. May I know why you want to meet him ?

Saumil: Yeah, actually, I want to apply for a job here. I want to know what the update regarding this job is.

Receptionist: In that case, I think you must meet Mr Dave, the HR manager. He will tell you what you should do now.

Saumil: Great. No problem. What you suggest looks better. Thanks.

Receptionist: You’re welcome, sir.

Note: Students will enact this conversation in their class.

4. Read the sentences given in ‘A’. Find out the sentence from the conversation from F.3 and write it in ‘B’. One is done for you. Observe the change in the sentences.

‘A’ Set of Sentences ‘B’ Synthesis ‘C’ Connectors
You want to know that.
Who is the manager?
You want to know who the manager is. Person – who
May I know the reason?
Why do you want to meet him?
May I know why you want to meet him. Reason – why
I want to know that.

What is the update regarding this job?

I want to know what the update regarding this job is. Topic – what
You must meet Mr Dave, the HR manager. I think so. I think that you must meet Mr Dave, the HR manager. Full information – that
He will tell you that.
What should you do now?
He will tell you what you should do now. Topic – what
You suggest something. It looks better. What you suggest looks better. Topic – what

5. In F.4, you have observed that sentences are joined using a conjunction. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate conjunction given in the brackets. Write a clue for selecting a conjunction.

(where, how, that, who, why, what, when, if)

(1) He told me that he would surely accept the proposal, (topic of telling)
(2) Where I kept that project file is a mystery,(place)
(3) I know why the manager was dismissed. (reason)
(4) I don’t know what he is doing. (topic of knowing)
(5) I wonder how he feels today. (manner, way of feeling)
(6) The teacher asked if the students had made their presentations, (collecting information)
(7) Do you know who won the silver medal in Rio Badminton from India? (knowing the person)
(8) The boss does not tell her when he is going to arrange interviews, (time)

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 8 Read 2 The Heaven of Freedom

6. Complete the sentences by using the clue given in the brackets. One is done for you.

(1) You saw Mr Joshi at the party.
Tell me whom you saw at the party. (you see at the party)

(2) Hema talked to someone.
Do you know whom Hema talked to? (Hema talk to)

(3) Someone lives in that bungalow.
Do you know who lives in that bungalow? (live in that bungalow)

(4) Something happened then.
Tell me what happened then, (happen then)

(5) Hemant said something to that old lady.
Tell me what Hemant said to that old lady. (Hemant say to her)

(6) How old are their children ?
I can’t even remember how old their children are. (age of their children)

(7) Shahin invited someone.
I don’t know that person. I don’t know whom Shahin invited. (Use ‘whom’)

7. Work in pairs. One pair will come before the class. One will say the sentence from ‘A’. The other one will report it and write in ‘B’. Some are done for you.

‘A’ ‘B’
I have no money with me now. He said that he had no money with him now.
What have you read? He asked what I had read.
You must work hard for the next examination. (suggestion) He suggested that I must work hard for the next examination.
I visited that auditorium, (information) He asked me when I visited that auditorium.
I want to know that. How did you get such a good result? I want to know how you had got such a good result.
Have you ever uploaded any video on (if) I want to know if you had ever uploaded any video on
Better you go for walk every day. (advice) I would advise you that it would be better for you to go for walking everyday.
Where did I find the money for the project? His question was from where I had found the money for the project.
Which one is the capital of Karnataka? He asked which one was the capital of Karnataka.

8. Complete these sentences by adding suitable expressions. One is done for you.

Example :
I cannot understand why she behaved so rudely with that child .(reason for behaving rudely with that child)

(1) They said that they would surely attend the programme. (surety for attending a programme)
(2) I do not know where he is working. (place of his working)
(3) He knew why his child was crying. (someone’s child was crying)
(4) How you behave hurts me. (you behave in a rude manner)
(5) You can take the dish if you wish. (some dishes are ready for meal)
(6) Can you guess which team has won the match ? (a team won the match)
(7) Vedant is certain to get first rank. (surety of his first rank)
(8) I want to know when the train will arrive. (time of the train’s arrival)
(9) No one knows why she resigned. (reason for her resignation)
(10) Heta and Sweta are surprised how Anita could get such a good result. (information about Anita’s good result)

9. Read the paragraph. There are 11 errors in it. Identify these errors and rewrite the paragraph correcting the errors.

Nowadays, everyone knows how can one download a mobile app. It is very convenient even why can a person done money transactions without go to a bank. Do you know which you can do e-business through your mobile apps ? What do the old gen people say about the gen-next people may not be true. They complain how many the young generation spoil its career and life by wasting their precious time on mobiles. It is also surprising to know how many time they spend on foolish and useless things for no reason. It is also believed what if the use of mobile phone is in proper direction, and done in lenient way, it can give us maximum convenience, benefits too.
Nowadays, everyone knows how one can download a mobile app. It is very convenient that a person can do money transactions without going to a bank. Do you know how you can do e-business through your mobile apps ? What did the old gen people said about the gen-next people might not be true. They complain how the young generation spoils their career and life by wasting their precious time on mobiles. It is also surprising to know how much time they spend on foolish and useless things for no reason. It is also believed that if the use of mobile phone is done in proper direction, and done in restrictive way, it can give us maximum convenience, benefits too.


1. Read the following quotes and explain them in your own words:

Question 1.
“Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.”
To understand the above statement we have to understand what ‘freedom’ is. Our mind is free only when it is in a state to fully accept the beauties of environment. This is possible only when the mind is not preoccupied.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 8 Read 2 The Heaven of Freedom

Mind is sensitive to extraordinary beauty. Real freedom is being free from all influences. Social influences, cultural influences, parental influences, religious influences, etc.

These are dominating factors. These influences create fear and fear deprives us of freedom, Fear makes us aware of mistakes. We commit mistakes when we are unable to accept the- full domination of unfluences.

When we commit a mistake we are actually excercising freedom because we are doing away with the yoke of influences. The question of making mistakes does not arise as we are doing what our conscience tells us to do. Here we have achieved freedom.

Question 2.
“When I discover who I am, I’ll be free.”
Freedom leads to retrospection. Scrutinising our past actions, looking into our self, analysing the process only to look for a freedom in the time come. I can understand who I am when I can shake off the influences that keep me away from freedom of thought and action.

Once I realize the state of my mind, I will rid of my fear and compulsion. I must develop a deep insight to understand self. I will be free when I will not have a strong urge of worldly things, The day I will discover this, I will be a free man.

Question 3.
“Better to die fighting for freedom then to be a prisoner all the days of your life.”
Unending effort to freedom of thought and action is the urgent requirement of time. Education redeems us from slavery. It helps us to be our own selves and understand what we actually are.

This will bring about transformation. Fear comes as a result of influences which in return lead to slavery. A strong urge leads to slavery. We have to fight for freedom instead of being a prisoner all the days of life.

2. Write a prayer talk depicting your own thoughts on freedom.

Grant me that freedom where my mind will be free from preoccupations which deprive me of free knowledge. Give me the freedom which will help me to exercise depth of truth, clear streams of reason, that freedom which will help me to overcome dead habits, and incessantly widen my thoughts and actions, and be triumphant over fear leading me to everlasting beauty; freedom which will help me to serve thee incessantly. Develop in me a deep insight which will help me to overcome influences, those influences which hinder progress of life.

Help me to be free from greed, greed of power, greed of wealth, that greed which will obstruct freedom. Lead me into that heaven of freedom where I shall come close to thee:

Question 3.
Select a newspaper article related to youth published in any Gujarati / English daily newspaper and summarise it.
Note : Students will collect newspaper articles related to youth published in any Gujarati / English daily newspapers and summarise them themselves.


Meet 5 various professionals, i.e., a teacher, a soldier, a politician, a doctor, a lawyer, etc. and ask them, to write about their definitions of ‘real freedom’ in a few sentences. Share the collected thoughts with your class.
Note: Students will meet the above-mentioned professionals, interact with them and write their definitions of ‘real freedom’. They will share these views / thoughts with their classes.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 8 Read 2 The Heaven of Freedom


Collect five famous quotations of J. Krishnamurty. Compile all the quotations and display them in your class.
Note: Students will collect these quotations put them on card paper sheets and display them in the class themselves.

The Heaven of Freedom Summary in Gujarati

રવીન્દ્રનાથ ટાગોરરચિત આ કાવ્ય સ્વાતંત્ર્ય પૂર્વેની રચના છે. જ્યાં કવિ પ્રભુને પ્રાર્થના કરે છે કે તેના દેશવાસીઓને સ્વતંત્ર અને સંગઠિત દેશમાં રહેવા માટે જગાડો. કવિ એવા એક સ્વાતંત્ર્યની કલ્પના કરે છે કે જ્યાં લોકો માનસિક રીતે સંપૂર્ણ ભયમુક્ત હોય.

તે ઇચ્છે છે કે તેના દેશવાસીઓ ગર્વભેર એક સ્વતંત્ર દેશના નાગરિક હોય. તે એક એવા દેશની કલ્પના કરે છે જ્યાં જાતિ, ધર્મ વગેરેના વાડા ન હોય અને લોકો અંધશ્રદ્ધાળુ ન હોય. એ ઇચ્છે છે કે એના દેશના નાગરિકો સ્વતંત્ર વિચારસરણી ધરાવતા બોદ્ધિકો હોય.

એ એમ પણ ઇચ્છે છે કે તેઓ પ્રામાણિક અને પૂર્ણતા માટે અથાગ પરિશ્રમ કરતા નાગરિકો હોય. તેઓ તર્કબદ્ધ રીતે વિચારે, આંધળું અનુકરણ ન કરે. તેઓ નવા વિચારોને સ્વીકારે અને સફળતા હાંસલ કરવા અવિરત કામ કરે. જો આમ થાય, તો તેમને આઝાદીનું સ્વર્ગ માણતા કોઈ નહિ રોકી શકે.

Glossary (શબ્દાર્થ)

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 8 Read 2 The Heaven of Freedom 1


જ્યાં મન છે ભયથી મુક્ત અને મસ્તક છે ગર્વથી ઉન્નત
જ્યાં જ્ઞાન છે નિબંધ
જ્યાં નથી વિશ્વ ખંડખંડમાં વિભાજિત
સંકુચિત સ્થાનિકદીવાલો થકી;

જ્યાં શબ્દો વહે છે સત્યમાં ઝબોળાઈને;
જ્યાં અથાગ પરિશ્રમ પૂર્ણતા પામવા પ્રસારે છે ભુજાઓ પોતાની;
જ્યાં નથી ગુમાવ્યો સમજદારીએ પોતાના પ્રવાહને
નિપ્રાણ આદતની શુષ્ક મરુભૂમિમાં; જ્યાં તારા વડે મળે છે મનને અગ્રવર્તી દોરવણી
પેલા સતત વિસ્તર્યે જતા …

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 8 Read 2 The Heaven of Freedom

વિચાર અને કાર્યમાં
ત્યહાં, હે મારા પરમ પિતા,
પેલા આઝાદીના આકાશમાં
મારા દેશને ક્રિયાશીલ કરી દે … — રવીન્દ્રનાથ ટાગોર

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