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GSEB Class 9 English Story Writing

Gujarat Board GSEB Class 9 English Textbook Solutions Writing Skills Story Writing Questions and Answers, Notes Pdf.

Story Writing GSEB Std 9 English Grammar

A What is Story Writing?
Imparting knowledge through story-telling has been our very old tradition. Learning can be done better and interestingly if it is catered in form of story. ‘Panchtantra’ and ‘Hitopadesh’ are our great books with stories of men and animals and we have learnt many moral lessons in our childhood reading them. The Mahabharata and the Ramayana are also epic stories and they have never lost their charm for ages. Thus story writing and storytelling are widely laudable forms of literature.

We can develop a story considering the following points :

  • Read the given points two to three times. This reading will give shape to a story in your mind. Pick up the essence of the story and think about penning it now.
  • Arrange the order of development in your mind before you begin.
  • Start writing with introduction. Introduction includes setting, characters, time, etc.
  • Usually, a story is a past event, so write it in past tense.
  • To make the story live or vibrant or vivid, you can add dialogues among the characters too. In this case you can use Present or Future tense.
  • Write the chief event of the story more vividly. It should be developed chronically.
  • You can split the entire story in paragraphs as the happenings take place.
  • See that every sentence of the story leads to the next sentence. A good story is the one wherein once taken to read, the reader is so caught that he will reach the end getting swayed along in the flow of the story.
  • The end of the story should be thought-provoking and relishing as well. It should leave a long-lasting impression on the reader. The end should be gainful on the part of a reader may it be some value, a moral or a motivation.
  • Give it a suggestive title.

GSEB Class 9 English Story Writing

Specimens of Story Writing

Write a story in 150 words based on the inputs given below:

Question 1.
Points: Rahim fond of his grandmother – she helped him in his routine work loved each other – regular outings – spends her entire day in looking after him.
Rahim’s Grandmother
Rahim was very fond of his grandmother. She would bathe him, give him breakfast, prepare his bag and take him to the school. While he was in school, she sat in the mosque, saying her prayers and waiting for him to finish school. Then on the right time she would go back to fetch him from school and bring him home. Then she would change his clothes, wash his hands and face and prepare lunch for him.

She always prepared his favourite dishes for lunch and they both sat together to have lunch. She would then put him to sleep for 2 hours and in the meantime, she would wash his clothes for the next day. Then he woke up in the evening and she would help him finish his homework. Then the two of them would go for an evening walk around the town, sometimes they would eat outside or she would prepare dinner for him. She spent all her day looking after him and fulfilling his needs. He loved his grandmother very much.

Question 2.
Points: A French soldier walking through the streets of Paris – saw a man selling caged parrots – bought them – set the parrots free – why? -had been a prisoner of war – knew the value of liberty.
A French Soldier And Caged Parrots
It is the story of old days. Once there was a soldier in France. He took part in a battle and was taken a prisoner of war. He suffered many hardships. He was always sad at heart. He longed for home. At last, he was let off. One day he was walking through the streets of Paris.

By chance, he saw a man selling caged parrots. He was moved to pity. He bought all the caged parrots. He opened the cage and set them free. People thought he had gone mad. Someone asked him why he had behaved like that. The soldier replied, “I have been a prisoner of war myself. I know how bad it is to lose one’s liberty. So I have set the caged parrots free.”

GSEB Class 9 English Story Writing

Question 3.
Points: Two classmates – part after leaving school – grow up – one opens a hotel – becomes rich – other remains poor – poor friend goes to the rich one – asks for help – advise him to open a pan stall at the entrance of his hotel-both live happily.
A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed
It is a true story. Once there were two friends, Sanjay and Vijay. They were childhood friends and attended the same school in a village named Rampur. After completing the education at school, Sanjay went to the city with his father and thus the two friends parted.

Both of them grew up into their youths. Sanjay had completed a course in ‘Hotel Management’ and opened a posh hotel in the central part of the city. As a result, he became a rich and respected man. But Vijay couldn’t do anything good in the village. He tried very hard but his land couldn’t offer him much. So his condition deteriorated.

One day, Vijay gathered courage and came to the city to meet his friend and asked for his help. Sanjay thought about the matter and advised him to open a pan stall at the entrance of his hotel. As the hotel was situated in the central part, the pan stall started proving to be advantageous to Vijay. He started earning a lot and opened three more pan stalls.

Question 4.
Points: Rich man – had a son – loved his son – a boy of great promise – got into bad company – lost interest in his studies – wasted his time in idle gossip and play-father grew worried – advised son – without success – a plan – basket full of fine mangoes – a rotten mango – rotten mango inside the basket of fine mangoes – in the morning – all the mangoes were rotten – realised – influence of bad company – gave up bad company.
Bad Company
A rich man had only one son. He loved his son dearly. He was a boy of great promise. His father was proud of him. Unfortunately, the boy got into bad company. He lost interest in his studies. He wasted his time in idle gossip and play. He was no longer a good student. His father grew worried. He advised his son but without success. At last he hit upon a plan. He bought a basket full of fine mangoes from the market. He got a rotten mango also. He then asked his son to place the rotten mango inside the basket of fine mangoes.

In the morning, the boy took out mangoes to eat. To his surprise all the mangoes were rotten. This left a deep impression upon his mind. He realised the evil influence of bad company. He gave up bad company. His father was pleased.

GSEB Class 9 English Story Writing

Question 5.
Points: The King held a feast – no fish in the feast – King was very sad – fisherman came – carrying a very big fish – wanted to present the fish to the King – gatekeeper stopped him – one condition – share half of what you get from the King with me – prize – hundred lashes – King ordered – to give him hundred lashes – after fifty lashes – gatekeeper wished to share half portion of the reward – the King dismissed the gatekeeper – rewarded the fisherman.
The Intelligent Fisherman
Many many years ago in Sultanpur, one day, the King held a feast. However, there was no fish in the feast. This made the King very sad. Just then a fisherman came at the palace gates. He was carrying a very big fish. He S wanted to present the fish to the King.

The gatekeeper stopped him at the gate and refused S to let him go in. The fisherman pleaded with t him, so the gatekeeper said, “I will let you go s in ‘only on one condition, that, you will share half of what you get from the King with me.” The fisherman agreed.

The fisherman went in. The King was very pleased to see such a big fish. He asked the fisherman to name his prize. At this the fisherman S’ replied, “Please give me hundred lashes on my s bareback.” The King was surprised. The King offered him a lot of gold. But the fisherman was adamant. So the king ordered his servants to S’ give him hundred lashes on his bareback.

After fifty lashes, the fisherman asked the servants to stop. He then turned to the King and said, “Sir, your gatekeeper had wished to share half portion of the reward, that you would give me S for the fish… please give him the remaining fifty lashes.” On hearing this, the King dismissed s the gatekeeper and rewarded the fisherman for his intelligence.

Question 6.
Points: Poor Medha – your classmate -met with an accident – lost one leg – unhappy – always weeping – you went to meet her – tell her the story of Sudha Chandran – Medha wanted Jaipur foot – school children collected s funds – Medha got courage – stood on her own S’ feet again – expressed her thanks.
Fortunate Medha
I have many friends. Medha is one of my best friends. She was my classmate. We used to sit on one bench. Before our SSC examination, Medha was caught in a tragic accident. A cyclist dashed against her so she fell down and unfortunately a lorry passing by crushed her foot so she lost one leg.

GSEB Class 9 English Story Writing

Medha felt very unhappy and was weeping continuously. She was a clever girl but now she couldn’t appear for the exam and all her dreams would he shattered. So I decided to make an attempt to help her. I met Medha and told her the story of Sudha Chandran who after making many efforts had once again entered into the field of dance. Now Medha also felt hopeful. Now she wanted a Jaipur foot. But her father couldn’t afford to get it for her. Realising it, the school students collected funds and finally, she got the much-coveted Jaipur foot.

Now she was able to stand on her feet again. Her courage came back to her. She studied well and got 80 % marks in the exam. In her felicitation ceremony arranged by our school, she expressed her thanks towards all teachers, friends and specially mentioned me. I am proud of having such a determined friend.

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