GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Sun-Tour

Gujarat Board GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Second Language Sem 1 Unit 4 Sun-Tour Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

GSEB Std 8 English Textbook Solutions Sem 1 Unit 4 Sun-Tour

GSEB Class 8 English Sun-Tour Text Book Questions and Answers

Activity 1.

Your teacher will read the story. Listen to her. Then read the story silently.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Sun-Tour 1

One day the Wind says to the Sun, “I am the strongest in the world. I can uproot trees. I can blow off roofs and …”
(વન ડે ધ વિન્ડ સેઝ ટુ ધ સન, “આઈ ઍમ ધ સ્ટ્રોંગેસ્ટ ઇન ધ વર્લ્ડ, આઈ કૅન અપરૂટ ટ્રીઝ. આઈ કૅન બ્લો ઑફ રૂફક્સ ઍન્ડ…’)
એક દિવસ પવન સૂર્યને કહે છે, “હું વિશ્વમાં સૌથી શક્તિશાળી છું. હું વૃક્ષોને જડમૂળથી ઉખેડી નાખી શકું છું. હું છાપરાં ઉડાડી દઈ શકું છું અને…”

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Sun-Tour

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Sun-Tour 2

“Oh, I see! Do one thing. Look at that man. Can you make him take off his coat ?” the Sun said.
(“ઓહ, આઈ સી! ડૂ વન થિંગ. લૂક ઍટ ધેટ મૅન. કૅન યૂ મેક હિમ ટેક ઑફ હિઝ કોટ?” ધ સન સેડા)
ઓહ, એમ છે! એક કામ કર. પેલા માણસને જો. શું તું તેનો કોટ કઢાવી શકે છે?” સૂર્યે કહ્યું.

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“Oh, yes. That’s very easy. watch.”
(“ઓહ, યસ. ધેટ્સ વેરિ ઇગ્રિ. વૉચ.”)
ઓહ, હા. તે બહુ સહેલું છે. તું જો.”

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Sun-Tour 4

The Wind blows harder and harder, but the man wraps himself tightly.
(ધ વિન્ડ બ્લોઝ હાર્ડર ઍન્ડ હાર્ડર બટ ધ મૅન ઑસ હિમસેલ્ફ ટાઇલિ.)
પવન ખૂબ જોરજોરથી ફૂંકાય છે, પણ તે માણસ પોતાને સજ્જડ (કોટમાં) વીંટાળી લે છે.

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Finally the Wind stops. “Now let me try,” said the Sun.
(ફાઇનલિ ધ વિન્ડ સ્ટૉપ્સ. “નાઉ લેટ મી ટ્રાઈ.” સેડ ધ સન.).
અંતે પવન અટકે છે. “હવે મને પ્રયત્ન કરવા દે,” સૂર્યે કહ્યું.

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The Sun shines brighter brighter …
(ધ સન શાઇઝ બ્રાઇટર ઍન્ડ બ્રાઇટર …)
સૂર્ય વધુ ને વધુ તેજ ચમકે છે …

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Sun-Tour

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Sun-Tour 7

The man takes off his coat and sits under a tree.
(ધ મૅન ટેકસ ઑફ હિઝ કોટ ઍન્ડ સિટ્સ અન્ડર અ ટ્રી.)
માણસ તેનો કોટ કાઢી નાખે છે અને ઝાડ નીચે બેસે છે.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Sun-Tour 8
“You win. You are stronger than I am.”
(‘‘યૂ વિન. યુ આર સ્ટ્રોંગર ધેન આઈ ઍમ.”)
‘‘તું જીત્યો. તું મારા કરતાં વધારે શક્તિશાળી છે.”

Activity 2.

Read this dialogue. Then dramatize it in your class:

Vrunda : Mummy, where have you kept my project work ?
Mummy : In your cupboard.
Vrunda : And where have you put my colour box ?
Mummy : In your drawer.
Vrunda : I can’t find my science book.
Mummy: I have put it also in your cupboard.
Vrunda : Have you put the Audio CD in my bag ?
Mummy : Yes, of course !
Vrunda : And what have you done to my box?
Mummy: Box Which box ? What has happened to you, Vrunda?
Vrunda : Mummy, dear, I’m only confirming. Sorry, today I have a project on / Solar energy in our school.
Mummy : Best of Luck, ‘beta’.
Vrunda : Thank you.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Sun-Tour

(મમી, વેઅર હૅવ યૂ કેપ્ટ માઇ પ્રૉજેક્ટ વર્ક?) મમી, તમે મારા પ્રૉજેક્ટની વસ્તુ ક્યાં મૂકી છે?
(ઇન યુઅર કબર્ડ.) તારા કબાટમાં.
(ઍન્ડ વેઅર હૅવ યુ પુટ માઈ કલર બૉક્સ?) અને મારા રંગોનો ડબ્બો તમે ક્યાં મૂક્યો છે?
(ઇન યુઅર ડ્રૉઅર.) તારા ખાનામાં.
(આઈ કાન્ટ ફાઇન્ડ માઇ સાયન્સ બુક.) મને મારું વિજ્ઞાનનું પુસ્તક મળતું નથી.
(આઈ હૈવ પુટ ઇટ ઑલ્લો ઇન યુઅર કબર્ડ.) તે પણ મેં તારા કબાટમાં મૂક્યું છે.
(હેવ યૂ પુટ ધ ઑડિઓ સીડી ઈન માઇ બૅગ?) તમે ઑડિઓ સીડી મારી બૅગમાં મૂકી છે? (યસ, ઑવ કૉર્સ !) હા, ચોક્કસ!
(એન્ડ વૉટ હેંવ યૂ ડન ટુ માઇ બૉક્સ?) અને મારા બૉક્સનું તમે શું કર્યું?
(બૉક્સ? વિચ બૉક્સ? વૉટ હેઝ હેપન્ડ ટુ યુ, વૃંદા?) બૉક્સ? કયું બૉક્સ? ને શું થયું છે વૃંદા?
(મમી, ડિઅર, આઈમ ઓલિ કન્ફર્મિંગ. સૉરિ, ટૂડે આઈ હેવ અ પ્રૉજેક્ટ ઑન સોલર એનર્જિ ઇન અવર સ્કૂલ.)
વહાલી મમી, હું ફક્ત ખાતરી કરી રહી છું. માફ કરજો, આજે અમારી શાળામાં મારે સૌર-ઊર્જા પર એક પ્રૉજેક્ટ છે.
(બેસ્ટ ઑવ લક, ‘બેટા’.) શુભેચ્છાઓ, બેટા.
(થેંક યૂ.) આભાર.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Sun-Tour

Activity 3.

Here are some interesting facts about the sun. Know them:

(1) The sun is 5 billion years old.
(2) It is 15 crore kms away from the earth.
(3) It is 1,30,000 times the size of the earth.
(4) It is just like a hydrogen bomb. It produces energy by converting hydrogen into helium.
(5) The temperature on the surface of the sun is about 6100 °C. It can turn a rock into gas immediately.
(6) The temperature at the centre of the sun is about 20000000 ° C.
(7) The energy the earth uses in 100 years is released by the sun only in one second

(ધ સન ઈઝ 5 બિલ્યન યિઅર્ઝ ઓલ્ડ.) સૂર્ય પાંચ અબજ વર્ષ જૂનો છે. (1 બિલ્યન = 1 અબજ)
(ઇટ ઇઝ 15 ક્રોર કિમી અને ફ્રોમ ધ અર્થ.) સૂર્ય પૃથ્વીથી 15 કરોડ કિલોમીટર દૂર છે.
(ઇટ ઇઝ 1,30,000 ટાઇમ્સ ધ સાઇઝ ઑવ ધ અર્થ.) સૂર્ય પૃથ્વીના કદ કરતાં 1,30,000 ગણો મોટો છે.
(ઇટ ઇઝ જસ્ટ લાઇક અ હાઇડ્રોજન બૉમ્બ. ઇટ પ્રવૃસિસ એનર્જિ બાઈ કન્વર્કિંગ હાઇડ્રોજન ઇન્દુ હીલિઅમ.) તે હાઇડ્રોજન બૉમ્બ જેવો જ છે. તે હાઇડ્રોજનનું હીલિઅમમાં રૂપાંતર કરી ઊર્જા ઉત્પન્ન કરે છે.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Sun-Tour

(ધ ટેમ્પરેચર ઑન ધ સક્િસ ઑવ ધ સન ઇઝ અબાઉટ 6100°C. ઈટ કેન ટર્ન અ રૉક ઈન્ટ ગૅસ ઇમીડિઅદ્ધિ.) સૂર્યની સપાટી પરનું ઉષ્ણતામાન 6100° સેન્ટિગ્રેડ જેટલું છે. તે ખડકનું વાયુમાં તરત જ રૂપાંતર કરી શકે છે. (ધ ટેમ્પરેચર ઍટ ધ સેંટર ઑવ ધ સન ઇઝ અબાઉટ 20000000°C.) સૂર્યના કેન્દ્રબિંદુનું ઉષ્ણતામાન 20000000° સેન્ટિગ્રેડ જેટલું છે. (ધ એનર્જિ ધ અર્થ યુઝીઝ ઇન 100 થિઅર્ઝ ઇઝ રિલીઝડ બાઈ ધ સન ઓલિ ઇન વન સેકન્ડ.) પૃથ્વી 100 વર્ષમાં જેટલી ઊર્જાનો ઉપયોગ કરે છે, તેટલી ઊર્જા સૂર્ય એક સેકન્ડમાં છોડે છે.

Activity 4.

Solar Energy

In your science books you have read ; about energy. Do you know what is meant by ‘solar energy’ Well, it is the energy from the sun. ‘Solar’ means ‘from the sun’.As you already know, the sun is a bright star. The earth and other planets move s around it. This is our solar system.

In India the sun usually shines very brightly. That is why the Indian summer is extremely hot and long. All of us have s experienced the hot summer days. We feel restless during this season. The strong sun-rays cause sunstrokes, too. We are forced to protect ourselves from the harsh rays of the hot summer sun. However, we have invented many ways of protecting ourselves from the scorching heat.

Now we have found a way to use the hot rays of the sun. The scientists have successfully converted the heat from sunrays into electricity. As you know we (need energy to run vehicles, to light our homes and streets, to cook food, to run factories, even to run our television sets and computers.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Sun-Tour

We make use of different kinds of energy for different purposes. In the same way, we get energy from various sources. These sources are coal, petrol, water, wind and so on. Scientists have generated electricity from the sunrays.

In fact, scientists believe that in a warm country like India, the sun can be a major source of energy. During recent times, numerous experiments have been conducted in Gujarat to tap this natural source of energy. The heat from the sun-rays is utilised to produce electricity. People have already started making use of solar cookers, solar heaters, solar batteries, etc.

Have you noticed shining, glass-like plates on the top of multi-storeyed buildings, hospitals, hotels, factories and offices? They are solar heaters. This device collects energy from the rays of the sun. This energy is converted into heat. The heat produced from solar energy .is used to heat water. This water, then, is put to varied uses such as bathing, cooking, cleaning, washing, drinking and so on.

The energy produced from the solar rays can also light bulbs and keep our homes, offices and streets illuminated. There are some villages and industrial areas in Gujarat where this source of energy is used to light up the streets at night. Thus, with their innovative ideas and hard work, scientists have turned the bane into a blessing.

Man has taken help of science and technology and developed varied ways of producing energy from different sources. The sun is a source of abundant energy. Let us hope that we Eire able to use solar energy and provide electricity to remote areas in our country. That’s indeed a ray of hope, isn’t it?

(ઇન યુઅર સાયન્સ બુક્સ યૂ હેવ રેડ અબાઉટ એનર્જિ. ડૂ યૂ નો વૉટ ઇઝ મેન્ટ બાઈ “સોલર એનર્જિ? વેલ, ઇટ ઇઝ ધ એનર્જિ ફ્રૉમ ધ સન. “સોલર’ મીઝ ‘ફ્રોમ ધ સન’. ઍઝ ન્યૂ ઑડિ નો, ધ સન ઇઝ અ બ્રાઇટ સ્ટાર. ધ અર્થ ઍન્ડ અધર પ્લનિટ્સ મુવ અરાઉન્ડ ઈટ. ધિસ ઇઝ અવર સોલર સિસ્ટિમ.)

તમારા વિજ્ઞાનનાં પુસ્તકોમાં તમે શક્તિ-ઊર્જા વિશે વાંચ્યું છે. સૌર-ઊર્જા’ એટલે શું એ તમે જાણો છો? વારુ, તે સૂર્યમાંથી આવેલી શક્તિ-ઊર્જા છે. ‘સૌર’ એટલે ‘સૂર્યમાંથી’. સૂર્ય એક તેજસ્વી તારો છે એ તો તમે જાણો જ છો. પૃથ્વી અને બીજા ગ્રહો સૂર્ય ફરતા ફરે છે. આ છે આપણી સૂર્યમાળા (સૌર-મંડળ). (ઇન ઇન્ડિયા ધ સન યુઝઅલિ શાઇઝ વેરિ બ્રાઈટલિ. ધેટ ઇઝ વાઈ ધ ઇન્ડિયન સમર ઇઝ ઇફસ્ટ્રીમલિ હૉટ ઍન્ડ લોંગ. ઑલ

ઑવ અસ હૈવ ઇક્રસ્પીરિઅડ ધ હૉટ સમર ડેઝ. વી ફીલ રેસ્ટલેસ રિંગ ધિસ સીઝન. ધ સ્ટ્રોંગ સન-રેઝ કૉઝ સનસ્ટ્રૉક્સ, ટૂં. વી આર ફૉડ ટૂ મટેક્ટ અવરસેડ્ઝ ફ્રોમ ધ હાર્શ રેઝ ઑવ ધ હૉટ સમર સન. હાઉએવર, વી હેવ ઇન્વેન્ટિડ મેનિ વેઝ ઑવ પ્રટેસ્ટિંગ અવરસેલ્વઝ ફ્રૉમ ધ સ્કૉર્મિંગ હીટ.) સામાન્ય રીતે, ભારતમાં સૂર્ય ખૂબ જ પ્રકાશિત હોય છે. તેથી જ ભારતની ગ્રીષ્મઋતુ અતિશય ગરમ અને લાંબી હોય છે.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Sun-Tour

આપણને સૌને ઉનાળાના ગરમ દિવસોનો અનુભવ થયો છે. આ ઋતુમાં આપણને બેચેની લાગે છે. તીવ્ર સૂર્ય-કિરણોથી લૂ પણ લાગે છે. ઉનાળાના ગરમ સૂર્યના તાપ સામે આપણી જાતનું રક્ષણ કરવાની આપણને ફરજ પડે છે. પણ, આ કાળઝાળ ગરમીમાંથી બચવા માટે આપણે ઘણા ઉપાયો શોધી કાઢ્યા છે.

(નાઉ વી હેવ ફાઉન્ડ અ વે ટુ યુઝ ધ હૉટ રેઝ ઑવ ધ સન. ધ સાયન્ટિટ્સ હૈવ સક્સેસફુલિ કન્વર્ટિડ ધ હીટ ફ્રૉમ સન-રેઝ ઇન્ટ ઇલેક્ટ્રિસિટિ. ઍઝ યૂ નો વી નીડ એનર્જિ ટુરન વીકલ્ચ, ટૂ લાઇટ અવર હોન્ઝ ઍન્ડ સ્ટ્રીટ્સ, ટુ કૂક ફૂડ, ટૂ રન ફેક્ટરિઝ, ઇવન ટૂ રન અવર ટેલિવિઝન સેટ્સ ઍન્ડ કમ્યુટર્ઝ.

વી મેક યૂઝ ઑવ ડિફરન્ટ કાઇન્ડઝ ઑવ એનર્જિ ફૉર ડિફરન્ટ પપસિઝ. ઇન ધ સેમ વે, વી ગેટ એનર્જિ ફ્રૉમ વેરિઅસ સૉર્સિઝ. ધીઝ સોર્સિઝ આર કોલ, પેટ્રલ, વૉટર, વિંડ ઍન્ડ સો ઑન.) હવે આપણે સૂર્યનાં આ ગરમ કિરણોનો ઉપયોગ કરવાનો એક ઉપાય શોધી કાઢ્યો છે.

વૈજ્ઞાનિકોએ સૂર્યની ગરમીનું સફળતાપૂર્વક વિદ્યુતમાં રૂપાંતર કર્યું છે. વાહનો ચલાવવામાં, આપણાં ઘર અને શેરીઓ અજવાળવામાં, ખોરાક રાંધવામાં, કારખાનાંઓ ચલાવવામાં, ટેલિવિઝન અને કમ્યુટર ચલાવવામાં પણ આપણને ઊર્જાની જરૂર પડે છે એ તો તમે જાણો છો. ભિન્ન ભિન્ન હેતુઓ માટે આપણે વિવિધ પ્રકારની ઊર્જાનો ઉપયોગ કરીએ છીએ. એ જ રીતે આપણને જુદા જુદા સ્રોતોમાંથી પણ ઊર્જા મળે છે.

કોલસો, પેટ્રોલ, પાણી, પવન પણ વગેરે આ પ્રકારના) સ્રોતો છે. (સાયન્ટિ હૈવ જનરેટિડ ઇલેક્ટ્રિસિટિ ફ્રોમ ધ સન-રેઝ. ઇન ફૅક્ટ, સાયન્ટિટ્સ બિલીવ બૅટ ઇન વૉર્મ કન્ટ્રિ લાઇક ઇન્ડિયા, ધ સન કેન બી અ મેજર સૉર્સ ઑવ એનર્જિ, રિંગ રીસન્ટ ટાઇઝ, ન્યૂમરસ ઇક્સપેરિમેન્ટ્સ હેવ બીન કડક્ટિડ ઇન ગુજરાત ટૂ ટેપ ધિસ નચરલ સૉર્સ ઑવ એનર્જિ. ધ હીટ ફ્રૉમ ધ સન-રેઝ ઇઝ યુટિલાઇઝડ ટૂ પ્રદ્યુસ ઇલેક્ટ્રિસિટિ, પીપલ હૈવ ઑડિ સ્ટાર્ટિડ મેકિંગ ન્યૂઝ ઑવ સોલર કૂકર્ઝ, સોલર હીટ્ઝ, સોલર બૅટરિઝ, એટસે.)

વૈજ્ઞાનિકોએ સૂર્ય-કિરણોમાંથી વિદ્યુત ઉત્પન્ન કરી છે. વાસ્તવમાં વૈજ્ઞાનિકો તો માને છે કે ભારત જેવા ગરમ દેશમાં સૂર્ય ઊર્જાનો મુખ્ય સ્ત્રોત બની શકે. છેલ્લા થોડા સમય દરમિયાન ઊર્જાના આ નૈસર્ગિક સ્રોતને વિકસાવવા માટે ગુજરાતમાં અનેક પ્રયોગો કરવામાં આવ્યા છે. વિદ્યુત ઉત્પન્ન કરવા માટે સૂર્ય-કિરણોની ગરમીનો ઉપયોગ કરવામાં આવે છે. લોકોએ તો સોલર કૂકર, સોલર હીટર અને સોલર બૅટરી વગેરેનો ઉપયોગ કરવાનું ક્યારનું શરૂ કરી દીધું છે.

(હવ યુ નોટિસ્ટ શાઈનિંગ, ગ્લાસ-લાઇક પ્લેટ્સ ઑન ધ મૅપ ઑવ મલ્ટિ-ગ્રેરિડ બિલિંગ્ઝ, હૉસ્પિટઝ, હોટેલ્બ, ફક્ટરિઝ ઍન્ડ ઑફિસિઝ? હૈ આર સોલર હીટર્ન. ધિસ ડિવાઇસ કોટ્સ એનર્જિ ફ્રોમ ધ રૈઝ ઑવ ધ સન. ધિસ એનર્જિ ઇઝ કન્વર્ટિડ ઇન્દુ હીટ. ધ હીટ પ્રસ્ક ફોમ સોલર એનર્જિ ઇઝ યુઝડ ટુ હીટ વૉટર. ધિસ વૉટર, ધન, ઇઝ પુટ ટુ વૈરિડ યૂઝીઝ સચ ઍઝ બૅહિંગ, કુકિંગ, ક્લીનિંગ, વૉશિંગ, ડ્રિન્કિંગ ઍન્ડ સો ઑન.)

બહુમાળી મકાનો પર, ઇસ્પિતાલો, હોટેલ્સ, કારખાનાં અને ઑફિસ પર કાચ જેવી ચમકતી તાસકો કદી તમારા જોવામાં આવી છે? એ બધી સોલર હીટર છે. આ સાધન સૂર્યનાં કિરણોમાંથી ઊર્જા એકઠી કરે છે. આ ઊર્જાનું ગરમીમાં રૂપાંતર કરવામાં આવે છે. પાણી ગરમ કરવા માટે સૌર-ઊજમાંથી

ઉત્પન્ન થતી ગરમીનો ઉપયોગ કરવામાં આવે છે, આ ગરમ પાણીના વિવિધ ઉપયોગો જેવા કે સ્નાન, રસોઈ, સફાઈ, કપડાં ધોવાં – અને પીવા વગેરે છે. = (ધ એનર્જિ પ્રશ્ર્સ્ટ ફ્રોમ ધ સોલર રેઝ કેન ઓલ્સો લાઇટ બઝ ઍન્ડ કીપ અવર હોઝ, ઑફિસિઝ ઍન્ડ સ્ટ્રીટ્સ ઇલ્યુમિનેટિડ. – ધેઅર આર સમ વિલિજીઝ ઍન્ડ ઇન્ડસ્ટ્રિઅલ એરિઆઝ ઇન

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Sun-Tour

ગુજરાત વેઅર ધિસ સૉર્સ ઑવ એનર્જિ ઇઝ યુઝડ ટુ લાઇટ અપ ધ સ્ટ્રીટ્સ ઍટ નાઇટ, ધસ, વિધ ધેઅર ઇનોવેટિવ આઇડિઓઝ ઍન્ડ – હાર્ડ વર્ક, સાયન્ટિટ્સ હૈવ ટન્ડ ધ બેન ઇન્દુ એ બ્લેસિંગ.) – સૌર-કિરણોમાંથી ઉત્પન્ન કરવામાં આવતી ઊર્જા બહબને પણ 3 પ્રકાશિત કરી આપણાં ઘર, ઓફિસ અને શેરીઓને અજવાળી
શકે છે. ગુજરાતમાં એવાં કેટલાંક ગામડાંઓ અને ઔદ્યોગિક – વિસ્તારો છે જ્યાં આ ઊજ સોતનો ઉપયોગ

શેરીઓને રાત્રે રે અજવાળવામાં થાય છે. આમ તેમના સંશોધનાત્મક વિચારો અને સખત પરિશ્રમને પરિણામે વૈજ્ઞાનિકોએ શાપને આશીર્વાદમાં ફેરવી આપ્યો છે. – (મેન ઈંઝ ટેકન હેલ્પ ઑવ સાયન્સ ઍન્ડ ટેક્નોલજિ ઍન્ડ ડિવેલડ ને વૅરિડ વેઝ ઑવ પ્રસિંગ એનર્જિ ફ્રોમ ડિફરન્ટ સૉસિઝ, ધ સન – ઇઝ એ સૉસ ઑવ અબડન્ટ એનર્જિ, લેટ અસ હોપ ઘંટ વી કે આર એબલ ટુ યુઝ સોલર એનર્જિ ઍન્ડ પ્રોવાઇડ ઇલેક્ટ્રિસિટિ ટૂ રિમોટ એરિઝ ઇન અવર કન્દ્રિ. ઇન્ડીડ અ રે ઑવ.

હોપ, ઈઝરે ઇટ?) – માણસે વિજ્ઞાન અને તંત્રજ્ઞાનની મદદ લઈને જુદ્ધ જુઘ સ્રોતોમાંથીઊર્જા ઉત્પન્ન કરવાના વિવિધ માર્ગો વિકસાવ્યા છે. સૂર્ય વિપુલ છે ઊર્જાનો સ્રોત છે, આપણે આશા રાખીએ કે સૌર-ઊર્જાનો ઉપયોગ
કરી આપણા દેશના દૂર દૂરના વિસ્તારો સુધી વિદ્યુત પહોંચતી કરવા શક્તિમાન બનીએ. ખરેખર, આ એક આશાનું કિરણ છે, ખરું ને?

Match ‘A’ with ‘B’ appropriately:

‘A’ ‘B’
(1) solar energy (1) a set of planets moving around the sun
(2) solar system (2) power produced by the sun
(3) restless (3) burning
(4) sunstroke (4) uneasy
(5) scorching (5) changed
(6) converted (6) illness caused by too much exposure to the sun

(1) solar energy – power produced by the sun
(2) solar system – a set of planets moving around the sun
(3) restless – uneasy
(4) sunstroke – illness caused by too much exposure to the sun
(5) scorching – burning
(6) converted – changed

Mark True or False. Correct the False sentences:

(1) Solar energy is the energy from a bright planet. False
Solar energy is the energy from the sun.

(2) Solar energy can illuminate our homes. — True

(3) Scientists convert the sunrays into electricity. — False
Scientists convert the heat from the sunrays into electricity.

(4) Food can be cooked with energy from the sun. — True

(5) The sun is the only source of energy. — False
There are many sources of energy like coal, petrol, water and wind.

(6) There is a ray of hope that the sun will solve our problems. — True

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Sun-Tour

(7) The sun is a planet. — False
The sun is a star.

(8) The earth and the other planets move around the sun. — True

(9) The strong rays of the sun causes sunstroke. — True

(10) In India, the sun can be a major source of energy. — True

Here are some sentences. Read them carefully. Then read the lesson and find the sentences expressing similar meanings:

(1) You have learnt about energy.
You have read about energy.

(2) Scientists have started using sunrays in a new manner.
We have found a new way to use the hot rays of the sun.

(3) People do not use the same type of energy for all kinds of work.
We make use of different kinds of energy for different purposes.

(4) In our country, we can use solar energy for almost every purpose.
In a warm country like India, the sun can be a major source of energy.

(5) Scientists have converted the problem into a hope.
Scientists have turned the bane into a blessing.

(6) Summer in India is very hot and long.
The Indian summer is extremely hot and long.

(7) We have to save ourselves from the strong heat of the sun in summer.
We are forced to protect ourselves from the harsh rays of the hot summer sun.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Sun-Tour

(8) Recently many tests have been done In Gujarat to use this source of energy from nature.
During recent times, numerous experiments have been conducted in Gujarat to tap this natural source of energy.

(9) The sun has plenty of energy.
The sun is a source of abundant energy.

Activity 5(A)

Look at the following columns carefully. The sentences in A describe a village before the use of the solar energy. Sentences in B describe the village after the solar energy plant was started. Read the two columns and fill in the blanks:

1. The village did not use solar energy.
2. There was no electricity.
3. There were no fans in any house.
4. The village streets were dark.
5. There was no television set.
6. People used firewood for cooking.
7. The kitchens were full of smoke.
I. The people have started using solar energy.
II. Every home has electricity.
III. The houses have solar fans.
IV. The village streets have lights.
V. There is a television set.
VI. People have started using solar cookers.
VII. The kitchens are smokeless now.

Activity 5 (B)

It is Sunday today. Ali’s parents have told him to do a few things. Given below is the list of things. What Ali has completed is marked (✓) and what he has not completed is marked ( x ). Work in pairs and ask questions to each other about Ali and write them.

સર્વનામ (એકવચન) to have ક્રિયાપદનું
વર્તમાનકાળનું રૂપ
પહેલો પુરુષ : I — have
બીજો પુરુષ: You — have
ત્રીજો પુરુષ :
He (નરજાતિ). — has
She (નારીજાતિ)’ — has
It (નાન્યતરજાતિ).– has
સર્વનામ (બહુવચન)
પહેલો પુરુષ: We — have
બીજો પુરુષ : You — have
ત્રીજો પુરુષ : They — have

વાક્યને પ્રશ્નાર્થવાક્યમાં ફેરવવા માટે have /hasને વાક્યની શરૂઆતમાં મુકાય છે. આ પ્રકારનાં વાક્યોના Yes-No માં ઉત્તર આપી શકાય છે.

ઉદાહરણ :

(1) He has a car. (વિધાનવાક્ય).
Has he a car? (પ્રશ્નાર્થવાક્ય)
Yes, he has. (હકાર).
No, he has not hasn’t). (નકાર)

(2) We have books. (વિધાનવાક્ય)
Have we books? (પ્રશ્નાર્થવાક્ય).
Yes, we have. (હકાર).
No, uge have not haven’t). (નકાર)

(1) arranging his books ( ✗ )
(2) cleaning the room ( ✗ )
(3) watering the plants. ( ✓ )
(4) cutting (trimming) his nails ( ✓ )
(5) taking a bath ( ✗ )
(6) washing his socks ( ✓ )
(7) polishing papa’s shoes ( ✗ )
(8) boiling milk ( ✓ )
(9) watching TV ( ✗ )

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Sun-Tour

Example :
Has All arranged his books ?
No, he has not.

(1) Has Ali cleaned the room ?
No, he has not.

(2) Has Ali watered the plants ?
Yes, he has.

(3) Has Ali cut hip nails ?
Yes, he has.

(4) Has Ali taken a bath ?
No, he has not.

(5) Has Ali washed his socks ?
Yes, he has.

(6) Has Ali polished his papa’s shoes ?
Yes, he has.

(7) Has Ali boiled the milk ?
Yes, he has.

(8) Has Ali watched TV ?
No, he has not.

Activity 6 (A).

Have you been unique ?

‘Have you been unique’
માટે નીચે મુજબના પ્રશ્નો પૂછો. જેમ કે, who has visited Ambaj? જે વિદ્યાર્થીઓએ અંબાજીની મુલાકાત લીધી હોય, તે વારાફરતી I have અથવા I have visited Ambaji. એમ બોલશે. આ રીતે વિવિધ સ્થળો વિશે પ્રશ્નો પૂછવા. આખા વર્ગમાં કોઈ એક જ વિદ્યાર્થી I have ઉત્તર આપે તેને unique જાહેર કરવો. આ રમતમાં છisttના સ્થાને eat, read, write, sing વગેરે જેવાં ક્રિયાપદોનો ઉપયોગ કરી પ્રશ્નો પુછાય.

Prepare 10 questions and ask them to your classmates :

(1) I have seen the film ‘Gandhi’. Who else has seen it?
(2) Who has visited Goa?
(3) Who has visited a zoo?
(4) Who has visited Mumbai ?
(5) Who has visited Gandhinagar ?
(6) Who has visited the Sardar Park?
(7) Who has visited Mount Abu?
(8) Who has visited the museum?
(9) Who has visited the city hospital?
(10) Who has visited Palitana

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Sun-Tour

Additional Questions for Practice :

(1) Who has read Chitralekha?
(2) Who has read today’s newspaper?
(3) Who has read Umashankar Joshi’s poems ?
(4) Who has read this lesson ?
(5) Who has read about solar energy?
(6) Who has written a letter?
(7) Who has written a poem?
(8) Who has written an essay?
(9 ) Who has written a slogan?
(10) Who has written on the blackboard
(11) Who has drawn a house ?
(12) Who has drawn a Ganesha?
(13) Who has drawn a lion?
(14) Who has drawn a rangoli?
(15) Who has drawn an umbrella?
(16) Who has won the first prize ?
(17) Who has won the gold medal?
(18) Who has won a scholarship ?
(19) Who has won a certificate ?
(20) Who has won a trophy ?
(21) Who has played cricket ?
(22) Who has played hockey ?
(23) Who has played chess ?
(24) Who has played in the rain?
(25) Who has played in the classroom?

Activity 7(A).

Vrunda, Ali, Chintan, Anju and Amit have planned a picnic. Use these clues and make sentences :

(1) invite Lila, Divyesh, Jaimini, Viral
(2) decide to go to Kabirvad
(3) write a leave note to the teacher
(4) collect some games
(5) request Vrunda’s mother to make snacks
(6) pack things
(7) request Ali’s father to lend a camera
(8) Anju agrees to keep an account
(9) Lila and Kanu book seats in a private

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Sun-Tour

Example: They have invited Lila, Divyesh, Jaimini and Viral.

(1) They have decided to go to Kabirvad.
(2) They have written a leave note to the teacher.
(3) They have collected some games.
(4) They have requested Vrunda’s mother to make snacks.
(5) They have packed things.
(6) They have requested Ali’s father to lend a camera.
(7) Anju has agreed to keep an account.
(8) Lila and Kanu have booked seats in s a private bus.

Activity 7(B).

It is two hours before the annual examination. Write a paragraph describing what you have done. Ask yourself: Am : I ready ?

Example: I have put two pens in my compass box. I have … Oh ! I have forgotten to study this lesson.
I have put two pens in my compass box. I have put a pencil and an eraser in my compass box. Oh ! I have forgotten the sharpener. I have worn my wrist-watch. I have taken my bicycle key. Oh! Have I taken some money No, I haven’t. But mother has kept some money on my table. I have taken my books for revision. Oh! I have forgotten to study this lesson.

Activity 8.

All the words given below are related to the sun. Make sentences using these words :

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Now, write a paragraph on ‘The Sun’. Use some of the words given above:

The sun is a star. The earth and the other planets revolve around it. The moon is a satellite. The sun is the main source of energy in India. Solar energy is useful for illuminating homes, offices and streets. In summer, there is bright sunshine. It causes sunstroke. The water from rivers dry up. It evaporates and forms clouds.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Sun-Tour

Let’s Learn More

Read the following paragraphs from the lesson:

(1) In your science books you have read about energy. Do you know what is meant by ‘solar energy’ Well, it is the energy from the sun. ‘Solar’ means ‘from the sun’. As you already know, the sun is a bright star. The earth and other planets move around it. This is our solar system.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
What is solar energy ?
Solar energy is the energy from the sun.

Question 2.
What is the sun ?
The sun is a bright star.

Question 3.
What is the solar system ?
The sun, the earth and the other planets that move around the sun is our solar system.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options :

Question 1.
What is solar energy ?
A. energy from the sun
B. energy from the earth
C. energy from sky
D. energy from water
A. energy from the sun

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Sun-Tour

Question 2.
What is the sun ?
A. planet
B. star
C. comet
D. satellite
B. star

Question 3.
Which of the following statements is true?
A. The sun is a planet.
B. ‘Solar’ means ‘from the soul’.
C. The earth and the other planets move around the sun.
D. The sun is a satellite.
C. The earth and the other planets move around the sun.

(2) In India the sun usually shines very brightly. That is why the Indian summer is extremely hot and long. All of us have experienced the hot summer days. We feel restless during this season. The strong sunrays cause sunstrokes, too. We are forced to protect ourselves from the harsh rays of the hot summer sun. However, we have invented many ways of protecting ourselves from the scorching heat.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Why is the Indian summer very hot?
The Indian summer is very hot because the sun shines very brightly.

Question 2.
How do we feel in summer ?
We feel restless in summer.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Sun-Tour

Question 3.
What do strong sunrays cause ?
Strong sunrays cause sunstrokes.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options : 

Question 1.
The Indian summer is
A. short and hot
B. long and hot
C. cool and hot
D. cool and long
B. long and hot

Question 2.
How do we feel in summer ?
A. cool
B. active
C. restless
D. lazy
C. restless

Question 3.
Which of the following statements is true?
A. We should not protect ourselves from the sun.
B. The strong sunrays cause sun strokes.
C. The Indian summer is nice.
D. The sun does not shine brightly in India.
B. The strong sunrays cause sun strokes.

Question 4.
‘Harsh’ means
A. strong
B. weak
C. rude
D. nice
A. strong

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Sun-Tour

Question 5.
Which word in the paragraph means ‘burning’ ?
A. strong
B. harsh
C. hot
D. scorching
D. scorching

(3) Now we have found a way to use the hot rays of the’ sun. The scientists have successfully converted the heat from sun-rays into electricity. As you know we need energy to run vehicles, to light our homes and streets, to cook food, to run factories, even to run our television sets and computers. We make use of different kinds of energy for different purposes. In the same way, we get energy from s various sources. These sources are coal, petrol, water, wind and so on.

Answer the following questions :

Question 1.
What have the scientists done ?
The scientists have successfully converted the heat from the sun rays into electricity.

Question 2.
Why do we need energy ?
We need energy to run vehicles, light our homes and streets, to cook food, to run factories and to run TV sets and computers.

Question 3.
What are the different sources of energy ?
The different sources of energy are coal, petrol, water, wind, etc.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Sun-Tour

Answer the questions selecting the correct options :

Question 1.
Scientists have converted
A. heat into ice
B. heat into electricity
C. electricity into heat
D. electricity into ice
B. heat into electricity

Question 2.
‘Converted’ means
A. used
B. thrown
C. changed into
D. collected into
C. changed into

Question 3.
Which of the following statements is false ?
A. We need energy to run our TV sets.
B. We need energy to cook food.
C. We get energy from water.
D. We get energy only from the sun.
D. We get energy only from the sun.

Question 4.
Which of the following is not a source of energy?
A. sun
B. water
C. wind
D. flowers
D. flowers

(4) Scientists have generated electricity from the sunrays. In fact, scientists believe that in a warm country like India, the sun can be a major source of energy. During recent times, numerous experiments have been conducted in Gujarat to tap this natural source of energy. The heat from the sunrays is utilised to produce electricity. People have already started making use of solar cookers, solar heaters, solar batteries, etc.

Answer the following questions :

Question 1.
What can be a major source of energy in India?
The sun can be a major source of energy in India.

Question 2.
What have the people of Gujarat started using?
The people of Gujarat have started using solar cookers, solar heaters, solar batteries, etc.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Sun-Tour

Answer the questions selected. the correct options :

Question 1.
Which of the following statements is false?
A. We can generate electricity from sunrays.
B. We can generate coal from the sunrays.
C. In India, water is a source of energy.
D. In India, sun is the major source of energy.
B. We can generate coal from the sunrays.

Question 2.
Which word in the paragraph means ‘produced’? ;
A. conducted
B. generated
C. started
D. utilized
B. generated

Question 3.
What can be a major source of energy in India?
A. sun
B. water
C. wind
D. coal
A. sun

Question 4.
In Gujarat, experiments have been conducted to
A. tap the water resource
B. tap the heat from the sun
C. tap the energy from petrol
D. tap the energy from gas
B. tap the heat from the sun

(5) Have you noticed shining, glass-like plates on the top of multi-storeyed buildings, hospitals, hotels, factories and offices ? They are solar heaters. This device collects energy from the rays of the sun. This energy is converted into heat. The heat produced from solar energy is used to heat water. This water, then, is put to varied uses such as bathing, cooking, cleaning, washing, drinking and so on.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Sun-Tour

Answer the following question:

Question 1.
What do solar heaters do?
Solar heaters collect energy from the sun and convert it into heat.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options :

Question 1.
‘Device’ means
A. sun
B. energy
C. machine
D. battery
C. machine

Question 2.
What do solar heaters do ?
A. heat the sun
B. protect from the sunrays
C. collect energy from the sun
D. collect energy from electricity
C. collect energy from the sun

Question 3.
Which word in the paragraph means ‘made from’ ?
A. converted
B. noticed
C. varied
D. produced
D. produced

Question 4.
‘Varied’ means
A. many
B. few
C. some
D. none
A. many

(6) The energy produced from the solar rays can also light bulbs and keep our homes, offices and streets illuminated. There are some villages and industrial areas in Gujarat where source of energy is used to light up the streets at night. Thus, with their innovative ideas and hard work, scientists have turned the bane into a blessing.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Sun-Tour

Answer the following question:

What have the scientists done with their hard work?
With their hard work, scientists have turned the bane into a blessing.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options :

Question 1.
‘Illuminated’ means
A. heated
B. lighted
C. cooled
D. clean
B. lighted

Question 2.
Which word in the paragraph means ‘new’ ?
A. solar
B. bane
C. idea
D. innovative
D. innovative

Question 3.
Which of the following statements is true?
A. There are some villages where solar energy is used to light up streets.
B. The energy produced from water is used to cook.
C. Solar energy cannot be used to light up homes and streets.
D. Solar energy cannot be used to light up offices.
A. There are some villages where solar energy is used to light up streets.

Question 4.
With their innovative ideas, scientists have turned
A. blessing into bane
B. solar energy into bane
C. bane into blessing
D. bane into solar energy
C. bane into blessing

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Sun-Tour

(7) Man has taken help of science and technology and developed varied ways of producing energy from different sources. The sun is a source of abundant energy. Let us hope that we are able to use solar energy and provide electricity to remote areas in our country. That’s indeed a ray of hope, isn’t it?

Answer the questions selecting the correct options :

Question 1.
……… is a source of abundant energy.
A. The moon
B. The sun
C. The earth
D. The ocean
A. The moon

Question 2.
Abundant’ means
A. plenty
B. less
C. equal
D. nil
A. plenty

Question 3.
Which word in the paragraph means ‘far away’ ?
A. abundant
B. hope
C. remote
D. areas
C. remote

Question 4.
What is a ray of hope ?
A. Water for remote areas
B. Food for remote areas
C. School for remote areas
D. Use of solar energy for remote areas
D. Use of solar energy for remote areas

2. Read the following paragraph carefully:

Once Gopal’s wife said to him, “Everyone has a ‘palkhi’. But you have no ‘palkhi’. Get a ‘palkhi’ for yourself from the king.” He said, “OK.” It was evening. It was time for the court. Gopal went to the market. He called a strong labourer. He said, “Here is a rupee.

Please carry me to the king’s court in your basket.” The man agreed. Gopal sat in the basket. The man carried him on his head. The king saw Gopal in the basket. The king asked, “What is this, Gopal?” Gopal replied, “Your Highness ! This is my transport. All the courtiers have ‘palkhis’. I have no ‘palkhi’. This basket is my ‘palkhi’.The king laughed, and gave him a ‘palkhi’.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Gopal’s wife complained that he did not have a ………
Gopal’s wife complained that he did not have a ‘palkhi’.

Question 2.
How did Gopal go to the court ?
Gopal went to the court in a basket.

Question 3.
How much did Gopal pay to the labourer ?
Gopal paid a rupee to the labourer.

Question 4.
Did the king give him a ‘palkhi’?
Yes, the king gave him a ‘palkhi’

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Sun-Tour

Question 5.
Gopal was clever and witty. True or False?

Answer the following questions selecting the correct options:

Question 1.
What did Gopal’s wife ask him to get?
A. carriage
B. palkhi
C. horse
D. house
B. palkhi

Question 2.
How much did Gopal give the labourer ?
A. one rupee
B. two rupees
C. three rupees
D. four rupees
A. one rupee

Question 3.
How did Gopal go to the court?
A. in a palkhi
B. in a carriage
C. on a horsjb
D. in a basket
D. in a basket

Question 4.
Gopal described the basket as his….
A. basket
B. throne
C. carriage
D. palkhi
D. palkhi

Question 5.
Which word in the paragraph means ‘one who works hard’ ?
A. strong
B. courtier
C. labourer
D. transport
C. labourer

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Sun-Tour

3. Fill in the blanks with ‘have’ or ‘has’. Form questions and write answers with ‘Yes’ and ‘No’:

Example: They have a big kite.
Have they a big kite ?
Yes, they have.
No, they haven’t (have + not).

(1) Sharad has a scooter.
Has Sharad a scooter?
Yes, he has.
No, he hasn’t.

(2) The elephant has a long trunk.
Has the elephant a long trunk?
Yes, it has.

(3) The boys have new shirts.
Have the boys new shirts ?
Yes, they have.
No, they haven’t.

(4) Meera has a doll.
Has Meera a doll?
Yes, she has.
No, she hasn’t.

(5) We have a holiday today.
Have we a holiday today?
Yes, we have.
No, we haven’t.

(6) Kiran and Rajat have red bicycles.
Have Kiran and Rajat red bicycles?
Yes, they have.
No, they haven’t.

(7) I have cleaned my room.
Have I cleaned my room?
Yes, I have.
No, I haven’t.

(8) You have watered the plants.
Have you watered the plants?
Yes, you have.
No, you haven’t.

4. Write a paragraph on ‘Trees’ using the given points :

Points : useful to man – gives food, wood for fuel and furniture, medicines – shelter for birds and animals – attracts rain clouds – prevents soil erosion – protect environment -plant more trees.

Trees are very useful to man. Trees are man’s best friends. Trees give us wood, food, medicines, rubber, tea, coffee, etc. Cotton and jute are also obtained – from trees. Paper is also obtained from wood pulp. They are homes of birds and animals.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Sun-Tour

Trees help to us to keep the environment – clean and pure.Trees take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. Trees attract rain clouds, leading to good rainfall. The roots of the trees protect the soil from strong winds and flowing water of the rains. They help in preventing soil erosion. Trees preserve of the soil. We should plant more trees to protect our environment.

5. Study the picture of our solar system :

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અગત્યની જાણકારી
(1) ચંદ્ર પૃથ્વીનો ઉપગ્રહ છે.
(2) આંતરરાષ્ટ્રીય ખગોળશાસ્ત્રીય સંધ (The International Astronominal Union – IAU) દ્વારા ‘પ્લટો’ને ગ્રહ તરીકે અપાયેલી માન્યતા રદ કરવામાં આવી છે. આથી ગ્રહોની સંખ્યા હવે 8 ગણાય છે.

Write the names of all the planets and give their names in Gujarati:

  • Mercury- બુધ
  • Venus – શુક્ર
  • Earth – પૃથ્વી
  • Mars – મંગળ
  • Jupiter – ગુરુ
  • Saturn – શનિ
  • Uranus – યુક્રેનસ
  • Neptune – નેપચૂન

Answer the following questions in one word :

Question 1.
Which of the following is a star ?
A. the Moon
B. Venus
C. the Sun
D. the Earth
The Sun

Question 2.
Which is the smallest planet ?
A. the Moon
B. Mercury
C. Jupiter
D. Saturn

Question 3.
Which is the biggest planet ?
A. Mars
B. Earth
C. Jupiter
D. Uranus

Question 4.
Which is a ringed planet ?
A. Jupiter
B. Saturn
C. Mercury
D. Mars

Question 5.
Which is the brightest planet ?
A. the Sun
B. the Moon
C. Venus
D. Jupiter

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Sun-Tour

Question 6.
Which planet is nearest to the Earth ?
A. Mars
B. Mercury
C. Jupiter
D. Venus

Question 7.
Write the order of the planets from the biggest to the smallest.
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Earth, Venus, Mars, Mercury.

6. Find out the given words from the puzzle:

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Word Meanings

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