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GSEB Solutions Class 8 Social Science Chapter 2 Environmental Pollution

Gujarat Board GSEB Solutions Class 8 Social Science Chapter 2 Environmental Pollution Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers, Notes Pdf.

Gujarat Board Textbook Solutions Class 8 Social Science Chapter 2 Environmental Pollution

GSEB Class 8 Social Science Environmental Pollution Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What do you understand by pollution?
The presence of substances or elements in the ‘ atmosphere or environment that are harmful or poisonous to life is known as pollution, harmful elements like smoke, dust, poisonous gases, etc. mix with elements necessary for sustaining life i.e. air, water and land and make them unsafe for life. This phenomenon is called ‘pollution’. There are many adverse effects of pollution on environment and human life.

Question 2.
How does medical waste spread pollution?
The waste of equipment and goods used to cure patients at hospitals and maternity homes is called
medical waste. There are various disease-causing germs in patients’ blood, excreta. vomit, saliva, phlegm. etc. When these equipments are disposed off In open dust bins without making them germ free, they pollute water and air and spread diseases.

Question 3.
Can pollution be caused by electronic equipments? How?
Yes, many electronic devices create noise pollution. Loudspeakers, radios, TV’s and other electronic musical instruments when played at high volume create noise pollution. Noise pollution leads to deafness. Moreover, it has an adverse effect on the mental health also.

Question 4.
What kind of environment do you like? Why?
I like pure and Invigorating environment that has sufficient amounts of life-supporting gas — Oxygen. Other gases, dust particles, and water vapour should also be present in their natural measure. There should be no poisonous gases. The air should be fragrant with the smell of land and sweet-smelling flowers.

The breeze should be pleasing. If I live in such an environment my body and mind will remain healthy so that I can accomplish many tasks and progress in life.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 Social Science Chapter 2 Environmental Pollution

2. How is your life connected with the following? Write about it.

Question 1.
Farms: Various kinds of crops are grown In farms. We use these crops as food and for agro-based
industries. Nutritious grass (fodder) used for domestic animals is also grown in fields.

Question 2.
School: For me, my school is a temple where I learn manners and gain education. Here I learn
many subjects and also about how to live a better life. I develop due to the manifold activities conducted In school. Here qualities like discipline, independence, teamwork, sportsman spirit and brotherhood are Inculcated In me.

Question 3.
State: I am being brought up in Gujarat state. Here I gain education through English and Hindi, our
national language. I also learn the local language Gujarati. It’s easy to co-ordinate and work In this state as most of the businesses are carried out In the local language, or in Hindi or English which are the most commonly used languages and this develops an intimacy among the various people living in the state.

The state government maintains law and order which allows people to conduct their daily businesses In a peaceful manner and to progress towards a better life.

Question 4.
Country: I feel proud to be a citizen of India, a country that has great tradition and culture. Our country has become powerful due to cooperation and unity among all states. India is making rapid progress in the field of Information and technology and has become a famous hub of this Industry.

The country has provided us with many rights. Every citizen has the right to an opportunity to live and progress anywhere in the country. There is no discrimination of any kind in the name of cast, language, religion, state, etc. in our country. Our country protects us from enemies and terrorists.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 Social Science Chapter 2 Environmental Pollution

3. Match the pairs correctly :

Section ‘A’ Section ‘B’
(1) Water in drainage (1) Land pollution
(2) Asthma (2) Noise pollution
(3) Chemical fertilizers, pesticides (3) Air pollution
(4) Water pollution (4) Sound of 80 decibels


4. WrIte a note: How pollution (the word ‘population’ in the textbook is obviously wrong) is spread in your village/ city.


1. VisIt places you know are responsible for pollution. Write a report on your observations.
2. Give suggestions about what steps should be taken at school level for preservation of water.
3. Have a group discussion on how air is being polluted.
4. OrganIse an elocution competition about what steps you will take to preserve and protect soil.

GSEB Class 8 Social Science Environmental Pollution Intext Questions and Answers

Think Questions And Answers

Question 1.
What could be done to conserve water in school/village?
Steps for conserving water in school or village:
1. Do not throw any type of waste into the water resources in the village.
2. Do not wash dirty clothes or utensils here. Do not bathe cattle here.
3. Do not let water from gutters or industries drain into these resources.
4. Take care that water from these resources is not wasted.
5. Make arrangements to assure that these water resources have sufficient water at all times.
6. Fix taps at home so that water from these resources can easily be obtained for household uses.
In school, ensure that all the taps are well-maintained and do not leak. Check the water tank for cleanliness. Do not let students leave the taps open. Students should not be allowed to play with water and thus waste it.

Question 2.
Does any of your activity contribute in spreading air pollution?
We do not do anything that may pollute air. Since LPG is used as a fuel at our place, there is no smoke created in the kitchen. We also use CNG in vehicles and so do not add to air pollution. We do not spread air pollution by spitting or cleaning our noses in public places. If we need to sneeze or cough we cover our mouths with a handkerchief so that air does not get polluted.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 Social Science Chapter 2 Environmental Pollution

Question 3.
(1) Pollution is a chain. What will be your first step to break it? For e.g., Not to drink tea in a plastic cup or not to take plastic carry bags to keep edible items, etc.
Steps to break the pollution chain:
Do not throw any kind of waste into water resources or on the ground. Do not pluck flowers, leaves or branches
of trees and plants. Do not pull out grass from lawns grown in gardens. Do not play radios, TV’s, loudspeakers or any musical instruments at a loud volume. Do not burst crackers, etc.

2. You must have seen many people picking up plastic. What do you think of this work?
Poor people who pick up plastic bags from the ground or from trash soil their hands, legs and bodies. Therefore, I find this work of a lowly quality and I do not like it at all.
However, with the awareness about pollution that has now been created in my society, I realise that it is very important work and it not only reduces pollution but also makes the environment healthier.

Question 4.
What kind of sound do you like? Why?
I like soft and melodious sounds. I like music that is tuneful and has a nice beat. I do not like harsh or loud sounds or music that is chaotic. I prefer sound of 60 decibels which one can hear quite naturally in everyday conversations.

GSEB Class 8 Social Science Environmental Pollution Additional Important Questions and Answers

Choose the correct alternative from those given below each question:

Question 1.
Which of the following diseases spreads due to water pollution?
A. Cholera
B. Pneumonia
C. Cold
D. Cough
A. Cholera

Question 2.
The problem of global warming has arisen due to the increase in which gas?
A. Nitrogen
B. Hydrogen
C. Carbon dioxide
D. Oxygen
C. Carbon dioxide

GSEB Solutions Class 8 Social Science Chapter 2 Environmental Pollution

Question 3.
Which gas has increased in the atmosphere due to trees becoming less?
A. Oxygen
B. Nitrogen
C. Nitrous oxide
D. Carbon dioxide
D. Carbon dioxide

Question 4.
Due to which gas is acid rain caused?
A. Oxygen
B. Poisonous
C. Ozone
D. Nitrogen
B. Poisonous

Question 5.
Which vehicle fuel is pollution-free?
A. Kerosene
C. Diesel
D. Petrol

Question 6.
Which of the following diseases is caused by air pollution?
A. Diarrhoea – vomiting
B. Jaundice
C. Asthma
D. Cancer
C. Asthma

Question 7.
Which pollution takes priority over other man-made problems?
A. Air
B. Water
C. Noise
D. Land
B. Water

GSEB Solutions Class 8 Social Science Chapter 2 Environmental Pollution

State whether the following statements are true or false:

Question 1.
Water from gutters should be used to grow vegetables, fodder, etc.

Question 2.
Jaundice is caused by air pollution.

Question 3.
The problem of global warming has become intense because the amount of CO<sub>2</sub> in the atmosphere has increased.

Question 4.
To preserve fertility of soil, chemical fertilizers should be used in great quantities.

Question 5.
Crackers should be burst on a large scale while celebrating Diwali.

Question 6.
To minimize the adverse effects of noise pollution bushes with thick foliage should be grown on both sides of roads.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 Social Science Chapter 2 Environmental Pollution

Answer the following questions in one or two sentences:

Question 1.
What natural resources are essential for the sustenance of our life?
Air, water, land, vegetation, etc. are essential resources necessary for the sustenance of our life.

Question 2.
Which water sources are polluted by water from gutters?
Water sources like rivers, lakes, ponds and underground water are polluted by water from gutters.

Question 3.
Which diseases caused by water pollution?
Water pollution causes many harmful diseases like cholera, jaundice, typhoid, diarrhoea, vomiting, etc.

Question 4.
Which gases do vehicles that run on petrol and diesel release into air and pollute it?
Vehicles that run on petrol and diesel release harmful gases like smoke, nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide, benzopyrene, carbon dioxide, etc. into the air and pollute it.

Question 5.
Why has air pollution increased due to decreasing trees and vegetation?
Trees and plants absorb the harmful CO2 gas from the atmosphere and release useful O2 gas. When trees are cut, the proportion of CO2 increases in the atmosphere thus increasing air pollution.
Dust particles get mixed with air due to the decreasing tree-and-forest cover resulting in the increase of air pollution.

Question 6.
Which intense problem has occurred due to the high levels of CO2 in air?
The high levels of CO2 in air have led to the intense problem of ‘Global warming’.

Question 7.
Which diseases are caused due to air pollution?
Air pollution causes problems like lung diseases, asthma, breathlessness, cough, cold, etc.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 Social Science Chapter 2 Environmental Pollution

Question 8.
Which diseases are caused due to dust particles floating in air?
Dust particles floating in air cause cough, cold, allergies and eye diseases.

Question 9.
Which gases mix with rain drops to cause acid rains?
Various poisonous gases mix with rain drops and cause acid rain.

Question 10.
In what way does urban waste pollute land?
Urban waste consists of paper, cartons, (polythene) plastics bags and other chemical products. This waste is thrown on open ground and so it mixes with good soil resulting in land pollution.

Questions 11.
Which diseases are caused due to vegetables grown using water from gutters?
The vegetables grown using water from gutters may cause tuberculosis and bone diseases.

Question 12.
Why should chemical fertilizers and insecticides be used most judiciously?
Extensive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides for agricultural purposes actually pollutes soil, which in turn destroys the organisms which make land fertile. Due to destruction of these organisms land becomes nonproductive (barren). This is why chemical fertilizers and insecticides should be used most judiciously.

Question 13.
Which activities conducted during festivals and victory celebrations cause noise pollution?
During festivals and victory celebrations major noise pollution is caused by the use of loud speakers, D.J. bands, and other musical instruments like drums. Exploding crackers also creates noise pollution.

Question 14.
What are the effects of noise pollution on our body?
Noise pollution leads to deafness. Moreover, it has an adverse effect on mental health. It also makes us irritable.

Question 15.
What sources has Gandhiji called as ‘belonging to the community?
Mahatma Gandhi said that natural sources like water, forest and land belong to the community and everybody has equal rights to them. It is a moral sin to make them into a ‘commodity for sale’.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
How do chemical industries pollute water, air and land?
1. Water becomes impure or polluted during the process of manufacturing. This chemical infested water of industries is released into rivers, streams or onto land. Such water pollutes the river water, the groundwater as well as the land on which it is thrown. Due to such polluted water, many aquatic animals are destroyed.

2. Air is polluted by gases and smoke emitted by industries Harmful gases mix with raindrops and cause acid rain, which is harmful to vegetation and animals.

3. Water from industries and drains in urban areas often flows on the ground thus polluting it. Solid industrial waste adds to this.

Questions 2.
What type of control should there be over industries to prevent water pollution?
1. Government should implement pollution control policies properly over industries by forbidding them from releasing their dirty water into rivers, canals, lakes, seas and land as well.
2. There should be a strict instructions to all industries to purify their polluted water before it is drained into seas, rivers or canals.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 Social Science Chapter 2 Environmental Pollution

Question 3.
What are the main causes of air pollution and what are its effects?
Air pollution is also a major concern of the world.
1. Air is polluted by gases and smoke emitted by industries and vehicles that run on fossil fuels like diesel, petrol, etc. that release smoke and harmful gases like hydrocarbons, nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, benzopyrene, carbon dioxide, etc. These harmful gases have been mixing with air continuously. So their proportion in the air has increased.

2. Due to deforestation on a large scale and also due to depletion of forest cover, the proportion of dust particles and CO2 floating in air has increased. This has led to the intense problem of global warming.

Effects of Air Pollution:

  • Air pollution causes diseases of throat and lungs such as asthma, breathing problems, lung infections, etc.
  • Dust particles floating in air lead to diseases like cough and cold and allergy.
  • Sometimes poisonous gases mix with raindrops and cause Acid rain’, which is harmful to plants and animals.
  • All these issues have led to the intense problem of global warming.

Question 4.
What steps should be taken to prevent air pollution?
Remedies to prevent air pollution :

  • Rules are s necessary for industries and vehicles and these must be strictly implemented.
  • Equipment which can filter smoke and poisonous gases should be developed and installed in industries.
  • Petrol and diesel should be used very judiciously. Pollution-free fuels such as CNG or LPG used in vehicles will help to a great extent and RU.C. (Pollution Under Control) checks should be strictly implemented.
  • Forests and vegetation cover should be increased.

Question 5.
What are the basic causes of land pollution and what are its effects?
Though land pollution is not easily visible, it is becoming increasingly evident in today’s world.
1. Water from industries and drains in urban areas often flows on the ground thus polluting it. Solid industrial waste adds to this.

2. Non-degradable solid waste products like polythene (plastic) bags, other scrap and chemicals dumped on land in urban areas also causes land pollution.

3. Extensive use of chemical fertilizers and insecticides to increase farm produce also pollutes soil.

4. Plastic bags and dirty industrial water are fatal for organisms, which make land fertile. Due to the destruction of these organisms, land becomes non-productive.

5. It is not advisable to establish industries on agricultural land. With the depletion of fertile land, crop production also decreases.

6. Fruits and vegetables grown on such polluted land with the help of polluted water cause many ailments like tuberculosis and diseases of the bone.

Question 6.
What steps should be taken to prevent land pollution?
Remedies to prevent land pollution :

  • Purity of the environment must be protected.
  • No industries should be set up on arable land.
  • Traditional bio-fertilizer should be used in place of chemical fertilizers. Pesticides should be used minimally.
  • Other important remedies is use of non-conventional energy sources and introduction of green technology as well as recycle or reuse solid waste.

Question 7.
What are the main causes of Noise pollution and what are its effects?
Noise created by heavy machines making intense sound in industries, noise made by vehicles and their horns, loudspeakers and musical instruments played at high volume causes noise pollution. D.J bands, loudspeakers for canvassing, exploding crackers on a large scale also cause noise pollution. Effects of Noise Pollution: Noise pollution leads to deafness. It has an adverse effect on mental and emotional health as well. Extremely loud noise is the cause of death in certain insects and organisms.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 Social Science Chapter 2 Environmental Pollution

Question 8.
What steps should be taken to curb noise pollution?
To prevent noise pollution, loudspeakers, radios, TV’s, and other musical instruments should be played at a low volume, crackers should be avoided, vehicles should be checked and serviced regularly, parking facilities should be increased, industries should be established away from settlements, forestation should be done around factories and vehicular sound should be minimized by growing trees on both sides of the main road.

Answer the following questions briefly:

Question 1.
How does medical waste spread pollution?
The waste of equipment and goods used to cure patients at hospitals and maternity homes is called medical waste. There are various disease-causing germs in patients’ blood, excreta, vomit, saliva, phlegm, etc. When these equipments Eire disposed off in open dust¬bins without making them germ-free, they pollute water and air and spread diseases.

Question 2.
Can pollution be caused by electronic equipments? How?
Yes, many electronic devices create noise pollution. Loudspeakers, radios, TV’s and other electronic musical instruments when played at high volume create noise pollution. Noise pollution leads to deafness. Moreover, it has an adverse effect on the mental health also.

Question 3.
What kind of environment do you like? Why?
I like pure and invigorating environment that has sufficient amounts of life-supporting gas-Oxygen. Other gases, dust particles, and water vapour should also be present in their natural measure. There should be no poisonous gases. The air should be fragrant with the smell of land and sweet-smelling flowers. The breeze should be pleasing. If I live in such an environment my body and mind will remain healthy so that I can accomplish many tasks and progress in life.

Question 4.
Why is it necessary to restrict the use of plastic bags?
People throw-away (polythene) plastic bags after using them once. Plastic is non-degradable i.e. it does not dissolve in water or land and so pollutes both water and land. Plastic bags thrown in sewage collect at a place in gutter lines and block the flow of wastewater due to which dirty water overflows onto land and spreads pollution. When such gutters overflow in the rainy season they cause waterlogging in major parts of cities which leads to many water-borne diseases.

Abandoned animals that roam the streets in search of food, find plastic bags full of discarded food stuff. These hungry animals try to get at the food and when they can’t, they eat the plastic bags along with the food-stuff. These bags choke up their intestines and make them ill sometimes leading to their deaths.

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