GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 11 Devotion towards the Almighty

Gujarat Board GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 11 Devotion towards the Almighty Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers, Notes Pdf.

Gujarat Board Textbook Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 11 Devotion towards the Almighty

GSEB Class 7 Social Science Devotion towards the Almighty Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Explain the condition of religion in olden days.

  • In olden days, common man did not study much.
  • The worker class i.e. labourers used to obtain vocational training so that they could learn various skills.
  • People believed in traditional religious beliefs and following religion had just become a show-off. Idol worship also started in that period.
  • People were more scared of religious heads and saints than kings.
  • Blind faith and superstitions were wide spread.
  • Many people took undue advantage of this.
  • On one hand, people respected religious books such as Vedas, Puranas, etc. whereas on the other hand, they were completely ignorant about the truth and fundamentals of these books.
  • Both Hindus and Muslims considered charity as a moral duty and a part of religious act.
  • Many priests, saints, etc. misguided people and made them stop following the religion. They then claimed themselves above the religion.
  • They took undue advantage of people’s ignorance and became supreme authorities of the
    kingdom and also made their own lives lavish.
  • Owing to all these reasons, the Bhakti movement started in India.

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 11 Devotion towards the Almighty

Question 2.
Write a short note on Guru Nanak.
Guru Nanak:

  • Guru Nanak was born in 1469 AD.
  • He was born in a Kshatriya (warrior) family of Talwandi village in Lahore.
  • He attained self-knowledge (આત્યકૃપાન) at a very young age.
  • To spread the message of ‘Satnam’, he left his home and roamed around the country. He also travelled to Sri Lanka, Arabstan and Iran.
  • He said, man is first a human being and then a person of a caste.
  • He also said that God is one and everyone is equal before him. God is the guru and he is the real ‘Saheb’.
  • He said that with the help of real Sadguru i.e. God, we attain knowledge and attain him.
  • To remove ignorance, we should seek God’s shelter.
  • He accepted ‘Satnam’ as the symbol of God. He urged people to recite Satnam to attain god.
  • He said that just by reciting God’s name and not treating all humans equally, one cannot attain God. A real man treats all religions equal.
  • People of various communities became his followers.
  • His followers came to be known as ‘Sikhs’.
  • His preachings are compiled in the holy book of Sikh religion called ‘Guru Granth Saheb’.

Question 3.
What was the message of Kabir?
Message of Kabir:
There is only one god. And that the God is known by different names such as Saheb, Allah, Khuda, Raam, Rahim, Govind, Brahma, etc.

Question 4.
Which superstitions are prevalent in the present society?
Some of the superstitions prevalent in our society:

  • Accidentally breaking a glass item.
  • Thirteenth day of the month as unlucky.
  • Not buying iron item such as vehicle on Saturday.
  • Cat crossing someone’s way.
  • Considering auspicious time and date (muhurat) for good deeds.
  • Taking a patient to a saint or hermit for cure rather than to a doctor.

2. Identify me.

1. My Haribol words were spread in Bengal.
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 11 Devotion towards the Almighty

2. My followers are known as Sikh.
Guru Nanak

3. I was born in Naagar family.
Narsinh Mehta

4. Raidasi cult started along with my name.

Fill in the blank.

1. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was born in the famous Vidhyadham ……………….. .

2. The places where Vallabhacharya did Bhagwad Katha and Parayana are known as ……………… today.

3. …………………… saint was born in Talwandi near Lahore in Punjab.
Guru Nanak

4. …………………….. was the preacher of Kabir and Raidas.
Swami Ramananda

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 11 Devotion towards the Almighty

5. In the acharya tradition of Vaishnav religion, ……………….. was the last acharya.
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

4. Write a short notes on.

Question 1.
Write a short note on Narsinh Mehta.
Narsinh Mehta:

  • Narsinh Mehta was born in a Naagar family of Gujarat.
  • He is considered to be the most renowned poet of Gujarati language.
  • Since his childhood, he always remained in the company of saints.
  • He got married but due to his deep devotion, had no attachment with his family.
  • He always remained absorbed in Krishna bhakti.
  • He was very much touched when he witnessed distinction in caste, colour and in the society. Hence, he gave the message “Pakshapakshi Tyan Nahi Parmeshwar, Samdrishiti ne Sarva Samman (GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 11 Devotion towards the Almighty 1). This means God exists where people are
    treated equally.
  • By giving example of his own life, he explained people how a person can overcome all the difficulties of life through faith in God and devotion.
  • His devotional songs which are called Pada (પદ) and Prabhatiya (પ્રભાતીયા) in Gujarati deeply influenced the Gujarati community.

Question 2.
Write a short note on Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu:

  • Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was born in 1485 AD in renowned educational area called Navdeep (Nadiya) in Bengal.
  • He was the last guru (Preacher/Acharya) of Vaishnav religion.
  • He used to be deeply involved in devotion and meditation. He became quite famous for his love for meditation.
  • On his move, he used to chant ‘Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna’. His chant spread all over Bengal in a very short period.
  • People of all religions, caste and creed joined Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in his devotion and Kirtans.
  • People of any caste would join his ‘Kirtan Mandali’.
  • People even started Kirtans in their homes.
  • People of various religions came closer.
  • Mahaprabhu asked people to spend their lives in service of God, recite God’s name and immerse in devotion.
  • He also asked people to give away worldly worries.
  • Chaitanya Mahaprabhu owes the credit to spread Krishna bhakti all over India.

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 11 Devotion towards the Almighty

GSEB Class 7 Social Science Devotion towards the Almighty Additional Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Write a short note on Vallabhacharya.

  • Vallabhacharya was born in a Tailai Brahmin family. He was born in 1479 AD. in Champaran, Chattisgadh.
  • He followed Vaishnav religion, the religion of his family.
  • He did an in-depth study of Vedas, Vedantas, Darshan, Sutras, Dharmshastras, Puranas and history in Banaras.
  • He travelled across India to spread his religious ideals.
  • He travelled thrice from Rameshwara to Haridwar and from Dwarka to Jagganathpuri for
    spreading the ideals of Pushtimarga.
  • During his travels, he also did Kathas (કયા) and Parayana (પારાયણ) of Shrimad Bhagwat. Today
    the places where he did Kathas and Parayanas are known as ‘Baithaks’.
  • He believed Lord Brahma as a pure and unbounded soul.
  • He also considered Lord Krishna as the only Poorna Purshottam Parbrahma (Parbrahma = God) GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 11 Devotion towards the Almighty 2
  • He believed devotion as the only way to be free from the cycle of birth and death and to attain salvation (મોક્ષ ).
  • He said that a person of any religion, caste colour or creed could devote himself to god.
  • Thus, Vallabhacharya made a very important contribution in creating awareness in people for the right way of following a religion and bringing them out of superstitions and blind beliefs.
  • By doing so, he immensely contributed in the Bhakti movement.

Question 2.
Write a short note on Swami Ramananda.
Swami Ramananda:

  • Swami Ramananda proved to be a very strong and successful medium of Bhakti in the second-half of 14th century.
  • He preached in regional languages. This opened the door of Vaishnav Bhakti for localites.
  • Ramananda adopted preachings of past gurus, added his own words and then preached the people. By doing so, he inspired the Bhakti revolution in north India.
  • Kabir and Raidas were among his several followers.

Question 3.
Which famous devotional song did Narsinh Mehta sing?
“Vaishnav jan to tene re kahiye, je peer parai jane re,
Par dukhe upkar kare toye man abhiman na aane re.”
GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 11 Devotion towards the Almighty 3

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 11 Devotion towards the Almighty

Question 4.
Write a short note on Kabir.

  • Till date information about Kabir’s birth and his family is unknown. ,
  • Kabir had a pleasing personality. He was married and worked as a weaver.
  • Though he did not obtain education, he could understood the teachings of religion very well. He also discussed religion with saints and hermits.
  • He started propagating religious truths through verses i.e. Pada (પદ) and Saakhi (શાખી ). His verses had great influence on people.
  • He spoke what he believed in and did what he said and lived life accordingly.
  • According to him, there is only one god. And that the God is known by different names such as Saheb, Allah, Khuda, Raam, Rahim, Govind, Brahma, etc.
  • Thus, Kabir not only greatly inspired, motivated or propagated Bhakti movement of the medieval period but also initiated integration of different cultures. Due to these reasons, he established a new age.

Question 5.
Write a short note on Raidas.

  • Raidas was born in Kashi.
  • His father’s name was Raghu and mother Dhurviniya.
  • Since childhood, he was very benevolent and kind.
  • He always helped everyone. He considered everyone equal.
  • When people fought in the name of religion, he considered it meaningless.
  • Meerabai was impressed by the devotion of Raidas and so she became his follower.
  • Raidas was a follower of Swami Ramananda.
  • Devotional dohas or verses of Raidas are quite famous even today.
  • People respected him very much.
  • A cult called Raidasi cult was started by him.
  • In Gujarat, there are many followers of Raidas.

Question 6.
Write a short note on Tukaram.

  • There were many saints and poets in Maharashtra between 13th and 17th century.
  • Tukaram was the most famous among them.
  • He was highly appreciated for his devotion.
  • He and other poets and saints of that time opposed rituals, show-off of piousness, discrimination on the basis of caste, etc.
  • He also advised that a person could worship God without renouncing the world.
  • He advocated helping people and serving them.
  • He said real devotion lies in serving the needy.
  • Thus, he gave people a new way of humanity.

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 11 Devotion towards the Almighty

Question 7.
List out important saints who contributed significantly in the Bhakti Movement.
Few of the important saints who contributed significantly in the Bhakti movement were:

  1. Vallabhacharya
  2. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
  3. Guru Nanak
  4. Swami Ramananda
  5. Narsinh Mehta
  6. Kabir
  7. Raidas
  8. Tukaram

Answer in One or Two Sentence

(Nojte : Here, answers are given in short for memorizing easily. Students must write full sentences.)

Question 1.
When and where was Vallabhacharya born?
In 1479 A.D. in Champaran, Bihar to a Tailai Brahmin family.

Question 2.
What did Vallabhacharya study? Where?
Vedas, Vedants, Darshan, Sutras, Dharmshastras, Puranas and history in Banaras.

Question 3.
Where did Vallabhacharya travel? Why?
From Rameshwara to Haridwar and from Dwarka to Jagganathpuri; in order to spread the Pushtimarga cult.

Question 4.
Which did Vallabhacharya perform?
Katha of Shrimad Bhagwat and Parayana.

Question 5.
What are Baithaks?
The place where Vallabhacharya performed Kathas and Parayanas.

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 11 Devotion towards the Almighty

Question 6.
Who was Chaitanya Mahaprabhu?
The last guru or preacher of the Vaishnav religion.

Question 7.
When and where was Chaitanya Mahaprabhu bom?
In 1485 AD in Navdeep (Nadiya) in Bengal.

Question 8.
What made Chaitanya Mahaprabhu famous?
His love for meditation.

Question 9.
When and where was Guru Nanak born?
In 1469 AD in Talwandi village of Lahore in a Kshatriya family.

Question 10.
Why did Guru Nanak leave his home?
To spread the message of Satnam.

Question 11.
Where did Guru Nanak travel?
Sri Lanka, Arabstan and Iran.

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 11 Devotion towards the Almighty

Question 12.
Who were the followers of Swami Ramananda?
Kabir and Raidas.

Question 13.
Which famous line did Narsinh Mehta preach?
Pakshapakshi Tyan Nahi Parmeshwar, Samdrishti ne Seva Samman, meaning where there is equality, there is God.

Question 14.
What are the devotional songs of Narsinh Mehta known as?
Pada and Prabhatiya.

Question 15.
How did Kabir propagate?
Through verses known as Pada and Saakhi.

Question 16.
By which different names is God known?
Saheb, Allah, Khuda, Ram, Rahim, Govind, Brahma, etc.

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 11 Devotion towards the Almighty

Question 17.
Who was Kabir?
A great inspirer, motivator or propagator of the Bhakti movement of the Medieval Era and the founder of a new age of cultural integration.

Question 18.

Question 19.
What was Raidas famous for?
Devotional dohas or verses.

Question 20.
Who, when and where established the devotion of Viththalnath?
Bhakt Pundarike in Maharashtra in 11th century.

Question 21.
Which concept did Tukaram give to people?
The concept of humanism, which asks people to solve the problems of the needy.

Question 22.
What did Raidas oppose?
The fight among people in the name of religion.

Question 23.
When was Narsinh Mehta touched?
When people showed distinction in caste, colour or creed.

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 11 Devotion towards the Almighty

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
The Bhakti and Sufi movements started in the ……………….. th century.
(A) 5
(B) 7
(C) 8
(D) 11
(C) 8

Question 2.
Vallabhacharya was born in ……………….. AD.
(A) 1452
(B) 1463
(C) 1479
(D) 1488
(C) 1479

Question 3.
Vallabhacharya followed ……………….. religion.
(A) Brahmin
(B) Vaishnav
(C) Kshatriya
(D) Jat
(B) Vaishnav

Question 4.
……………………… was the last guru in the Vaishnav religion.
(A) Vallabhacharya
(B) Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
(C) Swami Ramananda
(D) Narsinh Mehta
(B) Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

Question 5.
Which words did Chaitanya Mahaprabhu recite?
(A) Hari Om, Hari Om
(B) Om Shanti Om
(C) Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna
(D) Jai Hatkeshwar
(C) Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna

Question 6.
Guru Nanak was born in a ………………… family.
(A) Brahmin
(B) Vaishya
(C) Kshatriya
(D) Shudra
(C) Kshatriya

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 11 Devotion towards the Almighty

Question 7.
Guru Nanak spread the message of ………………… .
(A) Waheguru
(B) Satnam
(C) lk Qmkar
(D) All of these
(D) All of these

Question 8.
Swami Ramananda existed in the ………………. century.
(A) 12th
(B) 13th
(C) 14th
(D) 15th
(C) 14th

Question 9.
Ramananda awakened the Bhakti revolution in ………………. India.
(A) East
(B) West
(C) North
(D) South
(C) North

Question 10.
Narsinh Mehta was a follower of Lord …………….. .
(A) Brahma
(B) Vishnu
(C) Shiva
(D) Krishna
(D) Krishna

Question 11.
Narsinh Mehta was born In a ………………. family.
(A) Vanik
(B) Suthar
(C) Naagar
(D) Jam
(C) Naagar

Question 12.
Kabir was a ………………. by profession.
(A) Blacksmith
(B) Weaver
(C) Goldsmith
(D) Barber
(B) Weaver

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 11 Devotion towards the Almighty

Question 13.
Raldas was born in …………………. .
(A) Banaras
(B) Mathura
(C) Vrindavan
(D) Kashi
(D) Kashi

Question 14.
Saint Kabir and Raidas were the followers of ………………… .
(A) Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
(B) Narsinh Mehta
(C) Guru Nanak
(D) Swami Ramananda
(D) Swami Ramananda

Question 15.
Whose line is this:
“Badhama Hari chhe ane badha Harinam ma chhp”?
(A) Kabir
(B) Raidas
(C) Tukaram
(D) Guru Nanak
(B) Raidas

Question 16.
Tukaram belonged to ……………… state.
(A) Maharashtra
(B) Rajasthan
(C) Punjab
(D) Orissa
(A) Maharashtra

Question 17.
The devotion of Viththalnath was established in the ……………… th century.
(A) 11
(B) 13
(C) 16
(D) 19
(A) 11

Question 18.
Whose line is this:
“Pakshapakshi Tyan Nahi Parmeshwar, Samdrashti ne Sarva Samman”?
(A) Narsinh Mehta
(B) Swami Ramananda
(C) Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
(D) Vallabhacharya
(A) Narsinh Mehta

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 11 Devotion towards the Almighty

Question 19.
Narsinh Mehta belonged to …………………….. state.
(A) Gujarat
(B) Rajasthan
(C) Maharashtra
(D) Orissa
(A) Gujarat

Question 20.
Who did the Katha of Shrimad Bhagwat and Parayana?
(A) Kabir
(B) Vallabhacharya
(C) Tukaram
(D) Guru Nanak
(B) Vallabhacharya

Fill in the blanks

1. …………………. religion was widely spread during the Sultanate Age.

2. Vallabhacharya spread the ……………….. cult.

3. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was born in ……………….. AD.

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 11 Devotion towards the Almighty

4. Guru Nanak was born in ……………….. AD.

5. The followers of Guru Nanak are known as …………………. .

6. The preachings of Guru Nanak are collected in a book called ………………….. .
Guru Granth Saheb

7. The most renowned poet of Gujarati language is …………………. .
Narsinh Mehta

8. ……………………. was a founder of cultural integration and hence he set up a new age.

9. The name of the father of Raidas was …………………. .

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 11 Devotion towards the Almighty

10. The name of the mother of Raidas was ……………………. .

11. …………………… was impressed by the devotion of Raidas.

12. ……………………. established the devotion of Viththalnath.
Bhakt Pundarike

13. The devotion of Viththalnath was established in ………………… state.

14. There were many saints and poets in Maharashtra between ……………… and …………….. century.
13th, 17th

15. The most famous poet of Maharashtra was ………………. .

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 11 Devotion towards the Almighty

True or False

1. It was Vallabhacharya who travelled thrice from Rameshwara to Haridwar for spreading the ideals of Pushtimarga.

2. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was born in Champaran, Chattisgadh.

3. Swami Ramdas became quite famous for his love for meditation.

4. Guru Nanak travelled to Sri Lanka, Arbastan and Iran.

5. Swami Ramdas opened doors of Vaishnav Bhakti for localites.

6. Saint Narsinh Mehta did not have any attachment with his family.

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 11 Devotion towards the Almighty

7. Kabir was born to a Kshatriya family.

8. Meerabai was a great follower of Narsinh Mehta.

9. It was Tukaram who propagated that a person can worship God without renouncing the world.

Identify me

1. I believed that Krishna is the only Purna Purshottam Parbrahma.

2. I spread the Vaishnav religion by preaching in regional language.
Swami Ramananda

3. I propagated through Pada and Saakhi.

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 11 Devotion towards the Almighty

Match the Following

1. Vallabhacharya (a) Spread life in the service of God, recite his name and forget ” everything.
2. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (b) The only way to seek freedom from the cycle of birth and death is to worship Brahma and Krishna.
3. Guru Nanak (c) God is only one and all are equal in front of him.
4. Swami Ramananda (d) Though there are different names of God, there is only one God.
5. Narsinh Mehta (e) A person having faith in God can overcome all the problems of life.
6. Kabir (f) The only way to understand religion is getting into its essence.
7. Raidas (g) It is meaningless to fight in the name of religion.

1 – b, 2 – a, 3 – c, 4 – f, 5 – e, 6 – d, 7 – g

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