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GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Watch your Watch

Gujarat Board GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Second Language Sem 1 Unit 4 Watch your Watch Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

GSEB Std 6 English Textbook Solutions Sem 1 Unit 4 Watch your Watch

GSEB Class 6 English Watch your Watch Text Book Questions and Answers

Activity 1.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Watch your Watch 1

આ Rhyme ગાઓ :

The town clock says six o’clock.
The kitchen clock says eight o’clock.
Daddy’s watch says seven o’clock.
I hope I won’t be late.
Mummy says that one is fast and one is one hour late.
One is right. But which is it ?
I really do not know.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Watch your Watch

(ધ ટાઉન ક્લૉક સેઝ સિક્સ અ’ક્લૉક.) નગરનું ઘડિયાળ છે વાગ્યાનો સમય બતાવે છે.
(ધ કિચન ક્લૉક સેઝ એટ અલૉક.) રસોડાનું ઘડિયાળ આઠ વાગ્યાનો સમય બતાવે છે.
(ડેડિઝ વૉચ સેઝ સેવન અક્લૉક.) પપ્પાનું ઘડિયાળ સાત વાગ્યાનો સમય બતાવે છે.
(આઈ હોપ આઈ વોન્ટ બી લેટ.) હું આશા રાખું કે હું મોડી નહિ પડું.
(મમિ સેઝ ધેટ વન ઇઝ ફાસ્ટ) મમ્મી કહે છે કે એક (ઘડિયાળ) આગળ છે.
(ઍન્ડ વન ઇઝ વન અવર લેટ.) અને એક (ઘડિયાળ) એક કલાક પાછળ છે. |
(વન ઇઝ રાઇટ. બટ વિચ ઇઝ ઇટ?) એક
(ઘડિયાળ) બરાબર છે. પરંતુ તે કઈ છે? |
(આઈ રિઅલિ ડૂ નૉટ નો.) મને ખરેખર ખબર નથી.

તમારા શિક્ષક નીચેના જેવા પ્રશ્નો પૂછશે. ચિત્રની મદદથી
તેના ઉત્તર આપો. તે ઉત્તરો અને કવિતાને આધારે નીચેના કોઠામાં વિગતો ભરો :

Teacher’s Note: અને વિદ્યાર્થીઓ પાસે દોરાવવો. પછી નીચે દર્શાવ્યા પ્રમાણેના પ્રશ્નો પૂછી કા.પા.માંનો કોઠો પૂરવો અને વિદ્યાર્થીઓ પાસે પુરાવવો.

hour hand (short hand) minute hand (long hand)
Town clock at six at twelve
Kitchen clock at eight at twelve
Daddy’s watch at seven at twelve

Question 1.
Where is the minute hand in daddy’s watch ?
at twelve.

Question 2.
Where is the hour hand in daddy’s watch ?
at seven

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Watch your Watch

Question 3.
Where is the minute hand in the kitchen clock ?
at twelve

Question 4.
Where is the hour hand in the kitchen clock ?
at eight

Question 5.
Where is the minute hand in the town clock ?
at twelve

Question 6.
Where is the hour hand in the town clock ?
at six

Question 7.
What does the town clock say ?
The town clock says six o’clock.

Question 8.
What does the kitchen clock say ?
The kitchen clock says eight o’clock.

Question 9.
What does daddy’s watch say ?
Daddy’s watch says seven o’clock.

Question 10.
Which clock is fast?
The kitchen clock is fast.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Watch your Watch

Question 11.
Which clock is one hour late ?
The town clock is one hour late.

Question 12.
Which one shows the right time?
Daddy’s watch shows the right time.

Activity 2.
આ વાર્તા સાંભળો, વાંચો અને ભજનો :

The Sparrow’s swing

The tower clock in the Juna Bazaar is s very old.
All the three hands of the clock quarrelled one day.
The thin hand shouted : “I am very fast.”
The long hand screamed : “But I am not very slow.”
The short hand nodded.
The thin hand said : “You all run after me.”
The long hand said : “No, I have my own speed.”
The short hand said nothing.
The thin hand tic-talked: “I am useful in science and sports.”
The long hand tic-talked: “I am important for all the people.”
Now, the short hand was angry, “Stop your noise.” He kicked hard. The thin and the long hands fell down. Kanjibhai noticed this first. He looked to set his wrist watch. He informed the municipality. The municipality replaced it with a digital clock. But then, a sparrow went to the chief officer. It complained, “Where is my swing? Where shall I sit, sing and play ?”

(ધ સ્પેરોઝ વિંગ) ચકલીનો હીંચકો

(ધ ટાવર ક્લૉક ઇન ધ જૂના બઝાર ઇઝ વેરિ ઓલ્ડ. ઑલ ધ શ્રી પૅડ્ઝ ઑવ ધ ક્લૉક ક્વૉરલ્ડ વન ડે.) જૂના બજારનું ટાવર ઘડિયાળ ઘણું જૂનું છે. એક દિવસ ઘડિયાળના ત્રણેય કાંટા ઝઘડ્યા. (ધ થિન હેન્ડ શાઉટિડ: “આઈ ઍમ વેરિ ફાસ્ટ.”) પાતળો કાંટો બોલ્યો : “હું ખૂબ ઝડપી છું.” (ધ લૉન્ગ ઍન્ડ સ્કીમ્સ: “બટ આઈ ઍમ નૉટ વેરિ સ્લો.”), લાંબો કાંટો બોલ્યો : “પણ હું બહુ ધીમો નથી.” (ધ શૉર્ટ હેન્ડ નૉડિડ.)

નાના કાંટાએ (સંમતિમાં) માથું ધુણાવ્યું. (ધ થિન ઍન્ડ સેડ: “યૂ ઑલ રન આફ્ટર મી.”) પાતળા કાંટાએ કહ્યું: “તમે બધા મારી પાછળ દોડો છો.” (ધ લૉન્ગ ઍન્ડ સેડ: “નો, આઈ હેવ માઇ ઓન સ્પીડ.”’) લાંબા કાંટાએ કહ્યું : “ના, મારે મારી પોતાની ગતિ છે.”

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Watch your Watch

(ધ શૉર્ટ હેન્ડ સેડ નથિંગ.) નાનો કાંટો કંઈ બોલ્યો નહિ. (ધ થિન ઍન્ડ ટિકટૉક્ટ: “આઈ ઍમ યુઝફુલ ઇન સાયન્સ ઍન્ડ સ્પૉટ્સ.”) પાતળા કાંટાએ ટિક-ટૉક કરતાં કહ્યું : “હું વિજ્ઞાન અને રમતોમાં ઉપયોગી છું.” | (ધ લૉન્ગ ઍન્ડ ટિક-ટૉક્ટ: “આઈ ઍમ ઇમ્પૉર્ટન્ટ ફૉર ઑલ ધ પીપલ.ઓ) લાંબા કાંટાએ ટિક-ટૉક કરતાં કહ્યું: “હું બધા લોકોને ઉપયોગી છું.” (નાઉ, ધ શૉર્ટ હેન્ડ વૉઝ ઍન્ચિ, “સ્ટૉપ યુઅર નોઇઝ.” હી

કિડ હાર્ડ, ધ થિન ઍન્ડ ધ લૉન્ગ હેંડ્ઝ ફેલ ડાઉન. કાનજીભાઈ નોટિસ્ટ ધિસ ફર્સ્ટ. હી લુકડ અપ ટૂ સેટ હિઝ રિસ્ટ વૉચ. હી ઈન્ફૉર્ડ ધ મ્યુનિસિપૅલિટિ. ધ મ્યુનિસિપૅલિટિ રિપ્લેસ્ડ ઇટ | વિથ અ ડિજિટલ ક્લૉક. બટ ધેન, અ પૅરો વેન્ટ ટૂ ધ ચીફ ઑફિસર. ઇટ કમ્પ્લેન્ડ, “વેઅર ઇઝ માઈ સ્વિંગ? વેઅર શૈલ આઇ સિટ, સિંગ ઍન્ડ પ્લે?”).

હવે, નાનો કાંટો ગુસ્સે થયો, “તમારો ઘોંઘાટ બંધ કરો.” તેણે જોરથી લાત મારી. પાતળો અને લાંબો કાંટો પડી ગયા. પહેલું ધ્યાન કાનજીભાઈનું ગયું. તેમણે તેમની કાંડા ઘડિયાળનો સમય મેળવવા ઊંચે જોયું. તેમણે મહાનગરપાલિકાને જાણ કરી. મહાનગરપાલિકાએ તેની જગ્યાએ ડિજિટલ ઘડિયાળ મૂકી. પરંતુ પછી, એક ચકલી વડા અધિકારી પાસે ગઈ. તેણે ફરિયાદ કરી, “મારો હીંચકો ક્યાં છે? હું ક્યાં બેસીશ, ગાઇશ અને રમીશ?”

Activity 3.

જૂથમાં કામ કરો, વાર્તાને આધારે જોડકાં જોડો :

A’ ‘B’
(1) short hand (1) Where are the hands of the clock ?
(2) long hand (2) I run fast.
(3) thin hand (3) I am also important.
(4) sparrow (4) The clock is not working.
(5) Kanjibhai (5) It shouted, “Stop the noise.”

(1) short and- It shouted, “Stop the noise.”
(2) long hand – I am also important.
(3) thin hand – I run fast.
(4) sparrow – Where are the hands of the clock ?
(5) Kanjibhai – The clock is not working.

નીચે આપેલાં વાક્યોને યોગ્ય ક્રમમાં ગોઠવો જેથી “The sparrow’s swing” વાર્તા બને. જૂથમાં કામ કરો :

[ 4 ] The municipality adopted the new technology.
[ 3 ] The short hand kicked out the minute hand and the second hand.
[ 5 ] The sparrow complained, “Why did you take off my swing?”
[ 1 ] The thin hand declared that it worked more.
[ 2 ] The long hand claimed that it was more important.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Watch your Watch

Activity 4.

જ નીચેનો સંવાદ વાંચો અને તે પરથી તમારી ઘડિયાળ બનાવો :

Teacher’s Noteઃ બે-બે બાળાઓના જોડકામાં પાઠ્યપુસ્તકમાંના સંવાદ વંચાવવા, સમજાવવા અને તે પ્રમાણે ઘેરથી ઘડિયાળ બનાવી લાવવા કહેવું. દરેક વિદ્યાર્થી પાસે છેલ્લે આપેલી poem લખાવવી, વંચાવવી અને ગવડાવવી. નીચેના શબ્દો તૈયાર કરાવવા.

Activity 5.

(A). તમારા શિક્ષક છ વિદ્યાર્થીઓને વર્ગમાં જુદી જુદી જગ્યાએ ઊભા રાખશે. તે દરેક પાસે એક ઘડિયાળનું ચિત્ર છે. તે દરેક પાસે જાઓ અને તે દરેક ઘડિયાળનો સમય નોંધો.

આ પ્રવૃત્તિ માટે તમને નીચેનાં ચિત્રો ઉપયોગી થશે :
GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Watch your Watch 2
Teacher’s Note : બોલતાં-લખતાં શીખવવો. દઢીકરણ માટે દરેકનાં બે-બે ઉદાહરણો આપવાં.

3:00 — three o’clock
11:00 — eleven o’clock
4:30 — half past four
9:30 — half past nine
6: 15 — a quarter past six
10: 15 — a quarter past ten
9:45 — a quarter to ten
11:45 —a quarter to twelve
11:05 — five past eleven
8:05 — five past eight
6:40 — twenty to seven
9:40 — twenty to ten

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Watch your Watch

(B) ફરીથી શિક્ષકે ઊભા રાખેલ વિદ્યાર્થીઓ પાસે જાઓ. દરેક વિદ્યાર્થી તેની પાસેની સમય લખેલી ચિઠ્ઠી તમને વાંચવા આપશે અથવા તમારા કાનમાં સમય કહેશે. તે સમય મુજબની ઘડિયાળો વર્ગના બીજા મિત્રો સાથે સરખાવો :

Note : આ પ્રવૃત્તિ વર્ગશિક્ષકના માર્ગદર્શન મુજબ કરવી.

Activity 6(A)
Gorakhpur – Okha Express

Arrival Departure
Ahmedabad 6:00 pm 6:20 pm
Viramgam 7:25 pm 7:29 pm
Surendranagar 8:32 pm 8:34 pm
Wankaner 10:00 pm 10:20 pm
Rajkot 11:00 pm 11:05 pm
Jamnagar 0:32 am 0:34 am
Dwarka 3:27 am 3:29 am
Okha 4:20 am

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Watch your Watch

અહીં રેલવેનું સમયપત્રક આપેલું છે. તે પરથી નીચેના પ્રશ્નોના ઉત્તર આપો :

Question 1.
At what time did the train reach Surendranagar? .
The train reached Surendranagar at 8:32 pm.

Question 2.
It was eleven o’clock. Where was the train ?
At eleven o’clock, the train was at Rajkot.

Question 3.
The platform clock showed 6:10 pm. Where was the train ?
At 6:10 pm, the train was at Ahmedabad.

Question 4.
The train was at Wankaner. What time was it?
It was 10:00 pm.

Question 5.
A passenger reached the station at 9:30 pm. But he missed the train. What was the station?
It was Surendranagar station.

Activity 6 (B).

તમે ગયા વર્ષે કરેલા પ્રવાસનું વર્ણન તમારા શિક્ષક કરશે. તે પછી જૂથમાં કામ કરો. આપેલા નકશાની મદદથી તમારા પ્રવાસનું આયોજન કોઠામાં નોંધો :
GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Watch your Watch 3

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Watch your Watch

નોંધ : આ નકશો મોટી સાઈઝમાં કવર પેજ 2 અને 3 પર છાપેલ છે, તે જોવો.

Starting from Reaching at Leaving for
Place and time
Samakhiyali at half past eleven at night Ahmedabad,          Kutch
Bhavan at seven in the morning
Sarkhej Roza at a quarter past eight in the morning
Place and time Ahmedabad at seven in the morning Rajkot at two in the afternoon Jamnagar at five in the evening

Note : વિદ્યાર્થીઓએ ઉપર મુજબ પોતે કરેલા પ્રવાસના આયોજનની નોંધ કરવી.

Activity 7.

A Different Experience 

I had a bad experience. It happened last week. There was a marriage ceremony in neighbourhood. There was a lot of noise. I could not sleep properly. So, I woke up at half past eight. I got up quickly and took a shower in a hurry. I had no time to take a cup of tea.

It was ten to nine. I drove my bike fast. I hoped to reach on time. I accelerated the bike. The traffic light was red. I failed to stop my bike at the traffic signal. I continued to drive fast. A policeman stopped me at the next circle. “Oh shit!” I whispered.

The policeman approached me, “Good Morning. You ran the red light. Can I see your driving licence and papers, please ?” I got off my bike. I tapped my back pocket. I searched in my bag. I peeped into my side case.

No sign of my wallet. “Excuse me officer, I left my wallet at home. I am in a V ‘ hurry,” I said. Of course, the policeman did not accept my excuse. He told me, “Keep your bike here. Go home and come with the licence.” Luckily, I had some coins in my bag.

I caught a public transport and went back home. At half past nine, I returned to the officer. I showed him my driving licence and papers. I paid the fine and collected my bike. When I kicked my bike again, the time was a quarter to ten. Late, very late. I knew, my boss will be very angry.

So, I drove the rest of the road like hell. When I arrived at my office, I was surprised. The gate of the office was closed, The main door was also closed. Then I realised the mistake. I checked the day on my cell phone. It was Sunday.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Watch your Watch

(અ ડિફરન્ટ ઍસ્પીરિઅન્સ) એક જુદા પ્રકારનો અનુભવ

(આઈ હૈડ અ બૅડ ઇમ્પિઅરિઅ.) મને એક ખરાબ અનુભવ થયો. (ઇટ હેપન્ડ લાસ્ટ વીક. ધેઅર વૉઝ અ બૅરિજ સેરિમનિ ઇન નેબરહુડ. ધેઅર વૉઝ અ લૉટ ઑવ નૉઇઝ. આઈ કૂડ નૉટ સ્લીપ પ્રૉપલિ. સૉ, આઈ વોક અપ ઍટ હાફ પાસ્ટ એટ. આઈ ગૉટ અપ ક્વિલિ ઍન્ડ ટ્રક અ શાવર ઈન અ હરિ. આઈ હેંડ નો ટાઈમ ટૂ ટેક અ કપ ઑવ ટી.) આ ગયા અઠવાડિયે બન્યું. પડોશમાં લગ્નોત્સવ હતો.

ખૂબ જ ઘોંઘાટ હતો. હું સારી રીતે ઊંઘી શક્યો નહિ. તેથી હું સાડા આઠ વાગ્યે જાગ્યો. હું જલદી ઊભો થઈ ગયો અને ઉતાવળે સ્નાન કર્યું. મને એક કપ ચા પીવાનો પણ સમય ન હતો. | (ઇટ વૉઝ ટેન ટુ નાઇન. આઈ ડ્રોવ માઇ બાઇક ફાસ્ટ. આઈ હોન્ડ ટુ રીચ ઑન ટાઇમ. આઈ એક્સેલરેટિડ ધ બાઇક, ધ ટ્રાફિક લાઇટ વૉઝ રેડ. આઈ ફેલ્ડ ટૂ સ્ટૉપ માઇ બાઇક ઍટ ધ ટ્રાફિક સિગ્નલ.)

નવમાં દસ કમ હતી. મેં મારી બાઇક ઝડપથી ચલાવી. હું સમયસર પહોંચવાની આશા રાખતો હતો. મેં બાઇકની ગતિ વધારી. ટ્રાફિક લાઇટ લાલ હતી. હું મારું બાઈક ટ્રાફિક સિગ્નલ રોકવામાં નિષ્ફળ ગયાં. (આઈ કન્ટિન્યુડ ટૂ ડ્રાઇવ ફાસ્ટ, અ પલીસમન સ્ટૉપ્ટ મી ઍટ ધ નેકસ્ટ સર્કલ. “ઓહ શિટ !” આઈ વિસ્પર્ડ. ધ પલીસમન અપ્રોડ મી, “ગૂડ મૉર્નિંગ. ન્યૂ રેન ધ રેડ લાઇટ. કૅન આઈ સી યુઅર ડ્રાઇવિંગ લાઇસન્સ ઍન્ડ પેપર્ક, પ્લીઝ?” આઈ ગૉટ ઑફ માઈ બાઇક, આઈ ટૅડ માઇ બૅક પૉકિટ.

આઈ સડ ઇન માઈ બૅગ. આઈ પીર ઇન્ માઇ સાઇડ કેસ. નો સાઈન ઑવ માઈ વૉલિટ. “ઈક્યૂઝ મી ઑફિસર, આઈ લેફ્ટ માઇ વૉલિટ ઍટ હોમ. આઈ ઍમ ઇન અ હરિ.” આઈ સેડ. ઑવ કૉર્સ, ધ પલીસમન ડિડ નૉટ એક્સેપ્ટ માઇ ઈક્યૂઝ. હી ટોલ્ડ મી, “કીપ યુઅર બાઇક હિઅર. ગો હોમ ઍન્ડ કમ વિથ ધ લાઇસન્સ.” લકિલિ, આઈ હેંડ સમ કૉઇન્ઝ ઇન માઇ બૅગ. આઈ કૉટ અ પબ્લિક ટ્રાન્સપૉર્ટ ઍન્ડ વેન્ટ બેંક હોમ. ઍટ હાફ પાસ્ટ નાઇન, આઈ રિટર્ન ટુ ધ ઑફિસર. આઈ શોડ હિમ

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Watch your Watch

અને પેપર્ક બતાવશો?” હું મારા બાઇક પરથી નીચે ઊતર્યો મેં મારું પાછલું ખિસ્સે તપાસ્યું. મેં મારી બૅગમાં તપાસ કરી. મેં મારી બાજુની પેટીમાં જોયું. ક્યાંય મારું પાકીટ જણાયું નહિ. માફ કરજો સાહેબ, હું મારું પાકીટ ઘેર ભૂલીને આવ્યો છું. હું ઉતાવળમાં છું.” મેં કહ્યું. અલબત્ત, પોલીસે મારી માફી સ્વીકારી નહિ. તેણે મને કહ્યું, “તમારી બાઈક અહીં રાખો. ઘેર જાઓ અને લાઇસન્સ સાથે પાછા આવો.” સદ્નસીબે, મારી બૅગમાં થોડાક સિક્કા (રૂપિયા) હતા. મેં સાર્વજનિક વાહન પડ્યું અને ઘેર પાછો ગયો. સાડા નવ વાગે હું ઑફિસર પાસે પાછો આવ્યો.

મેં તેમને મારું ડ્રાઇવિંગ લાઇસન્સ અને પેપર્ક બતાવ્યાં. મેં દંડ ચૂકવ્યો અને મારી બાઈક મેળવી. જ્યારે મેં ફરી બાઇક ચાલુ કરી, ત્યારે પોણા દસ થયા હતા. મોડું, બહુ મોડું થયું). મને ખબર હતી કે મારા સાહેબ ખૂબ ગુસ્સે થશે. | (સો, આઈ ડ્રોવ ધ રેસ્ટ ઑવ ધ રોડ લાઇક હેલ.) તેથી મેં બાકીનો રસ્તો ઝડપથી કાપ્યો.

(વેન આઈ અરાઇડ ઍટ માઈ ઑફિસ, આઈ વૉઝ સરપ્રાઇઝૂડ. ધ ગેઈટ ઑવ ધ ઑફિસ વૉઝ ક્લોઝડ. ધ મેન ડૉર વૉઝ ઑલ્સો ક્લોઝડ.) જ્યારે હું મારી ઑફિસે પહોંચ્યો, ત્યારે મને આશ્ચર્ય થયું. ઑફિસનો ઝાંપો બંધ હતો. મુખ્ય દરવાજો પણ બંધ હતો. (ધન આઈ રીઅલાઇઝડ ધ મિસ્ટેક. આઈ ચેડ ધ ડે ઓન માઈ સેલ ફોન. ઇટ વૉઝ સને.) પછી મને તમારી) ભૂલ સમજાઈ. મેં મારા સેલ ફોન પર દિવસ ચકાસ્યો. રવિવાર હતો.

Activity 8.

તમારા શિક્ષકની મદદથી નીચેનાં શબ્દજૂથ વાંચો :

took a shower — went back home
reach on time — paid the fine
failed to stop — cup of tea
ran the red light — excuse me
fetch the licence — like hell

આપેલા શબ્દોને મળતા આવતા અર્થ શોધીને લખો. જોડીમાં કામ કરો:

(1) noise: loud and unwanted sound
(2) whispered: spoke softly
(3) approached: came very closer
(4) fetch : bring it
(5) fine: money to pay as punishment

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Watch your Watch

Activity 9.

આપેલી ઘટનાના આધારે જણાવો કે નીચેનામાંથી કયું વિધાન સાચું (True) છે અને ક્યું ખોટું (False) છે :

(1) You reached the office at half past nine.– False
(2) Your driving licence was in your wallet. — True
(3) (For the first time) You went back home by bus. — True
(4) After shower, you enjoyed a cup of tea. — False
(5) You stopped your bike at the traffic signal. — False
(6) (For the second time) You went back home on your bike. — True
(7) You forgot the bag at home. — False
(8) The policeman did not allow you to break the traffic rule. — True
(9) You had a good sleep. — False
(10) The policeman demanded your identity card. — False

ઘરેથી નીકળતી વખતે તમે શું ભૂલી ગયા અને શું લઈને નીકળ્યા તે વાર્તાના આધારે ખાલી જગ્યામાં લખો

(1) I forgot driving licence and papers.
(2) Then I took licence.

Activity 10.

તમે અને તમારા સંબંધીઓ સામાન્ય રીતે શું ભૂલી જતાં હો છો તે લખો અને વર્ગ સમક્ષ રજૂ કરો:

(1) My father forgets his goggles.
(2) My brother forgets his lunch box.
(3) My sister forgets her compass box.
(4) I forget my handkerchief.
(5) My teacher forgets his pen.
(6) My friend forgets his identity card.
(7) My mother forgets her purse.
(8) My grandmother forgets her bag.
(9) My cousin forgets her textbook.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Watch your Watch

ઘરની બહાર નીકળતી વખતે કઈ કઈ વસ્તુઓ ચકાસી લેવી તે માટેના ગુજરાતી સંક્ષિપ્ત શબ્દો નીચે પ્રમાણે છે : મોપાચચાપરૂ પાચાપોચપેરૂ / ચરૂપેચામાપા
મો – મોબાઇલ, પા – પાકીટ, ચા – ચાવી, પે– પેન, રૂ– રૂમાલ, ચ – ચમાં.

Work in group :
Make an English abbreviation:

Use the first letters of these words:

Mobile, Wallet, Keys, Pen, Glasses, Handkerchief

અહીં આપેલા શબ્દોને ઓળખો અને લખો :

(1) tIMe -time
(2) cALENdAR – calendar
(3) sEaSON – season
(4) yEaR -year
(5) mONTh – month
(6) wEeK – week
(7) dAy – day
(8) hOuR – hour
(9) mlNUtE – minute
(10) sECOnD – second
(11) cLOcK – clock
(12) wAtCH – watch
(13) aLArM – alarm

Activity 11.

નીચેનો પ્રસંગ વાંચો, જૂથમાં કામ કરી તેની નીચે આપેલી ખાલી જગ્યામાં સંવાદ લખો. તમે આ સંવાદ માતૃભાષામાં પણ લખી શકો. સંવાદ વર્ગ સમક્ષ રજૂ કરો:

They have shifted all the luggage and now only one thing is left out. It was a heavy trunk full of books. As they started to take the trunk at the ground floor, the third friend said, “Wait, I think…”
First friend : Stop thinking right now.
Second friend: Stop speaking right now.
Third friend : But…
First friend : Keep moving on the stairs.
Second friend : Stop talking.
Third friend : Listen to me first…
First friend : No, keep going.
Second friend: Make it fast, it’s heavy.
Third friend : Don’t tell me then…
First friend : Shh…
When they reached at their place, the door was locked. They found that they did not have the key.
Third friend : The key is in the bag that is on the ground floor.
First friend : Oh my God.
Second friend: We will have to go back on the ground floor.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Watch your Watch

Let’s Learn More

1. Read the following poem and answer the questions given below:

The town clock says six o’clock.
The kitchen clock says eight o’clock.
Daddy’s watch says seven o’clock.
I hope I won’t be late. :
Mummy says that one is fast
and one is one hour late.
One is right. But which is it?
I really do not know.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
What does the town clock say?
The town clock says six o’clock.

Question 2.
What does the kitchen clock say ?
The kitchen clock says eight o’clock.

Question 3.
What does the daddy’s watch say?
Daddy’s watch says seven o’clock.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Watch your Watch

Question 4.
What does mummy say ?
Mummy says that one is fast and one is one hour late.

Let’s Learn More

1. Complete the sentences selecting the correct options :

Question 1.
The town clock says, …
A. “It is eight o’clock.”
B. “It is seven o’clock.”
C. “It is six o’clock.”
D. “It is eleven o’clock.”
C. “It is six o’clock.”

Question 2.
I hope…
A. I will be late.
B. I won’t be late.
C. I will be at home.
D. I won’t be at school.
B. I won’t be late.

Question 3.
Daddy’s watch says,…
A. “It is six o’clock.”
B. “It is ten o’clock.”
C. “It is eight o’clock.”
D. “It is seven o’clock.”
D. “It is seven o’clock.”

Question 4.
“It is eight o’clock.” says …
A. the town clock.
B. the kitchen clock.
C. daddy’s watch.
D. the wall clock.
B. the kitchen clock.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Watch your Watch

2. Read the following paragraphs from the lesson:

(1) The tower clock in the Juna Bazaar is very old.
All the three hands of the clock quarrelled one day.
The thin hand shouted : “I am very fast.” The long hand screamed: “But I am not very slow.”
The short hand nodded.
The thin hand said: “You all run after me.” The long hand said: “No, I have my own speed.”
The short hand said nothing.
The thin hand tic-talked: “I am useful in science and sports.”
The long hand tic-talked : “I am important for all the people.”

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Who quarrelled one day?
All the three hands of the clock quarrelled one day.

Question 2.
What did the thin hand shout ?
The thin hand shouted, “I am very fast.”

Question 3.
What did the long hand scream ?
The long hand screamed, “But I am not very slow.”

Question 4.
“You all run after me.” Who said this sentence ?
“You all run after me.” said the thin hand.

Complete the sentences selecting the correct options:

Question 1.
The tower clock is in…
A. the Mota Bazaar.
B. the Juna Bazaar.
C. the Nava Bazaar.
D. the Revadi Bazaar.
B. the Juna Bazaar.

Question 2.
The long hand said, …
A. “I am very fast.”
B. “You all run after me.”
C. “No, I have my own speed.”
D. “I can’t go slow.”
C. “No, I have my own speed.”

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Watch your Watch

Question 3.
The thin hand is useful …………….
A. in science and sports.
B. in farming.
C. in reading.
D. in sleeping.
A. in science and sports.

(2) Now, the short hand was angry, “Stop your noise.” He kicked hard. The thin and the long hands fell down. Kanjibhai noticed this first. He looked up to set his wrist watch. He informed the municipality. The municipality replaced it with a digital clock. But then, a sparrow went to the chief officer. It complained, “Where is my swing? Where shall I sit, sing and play?”

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Who was angry?
The short hand was angry.

Question 2.
Why did the thin and the long hands fall down ?
The thin and the long hands fell down because the short hand kicked them. :

Question 3.
Who informed the municipality ?
Kanjibhai informed the municipality.

Question 4.
What did the municipality do to the tower clock?
The municipality replaced the tower clock with a digital clock.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options :

Question 1.
Who kicked hard ?
A. the short hand
B. the long hand
C. the thin hand
D. Kanjibhai
A. the short hand

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Watch your Watch

Question 2.
Why did Kanjibhai look up ?
A. to know the time
B. to set his wrist watch
C. to see the plane
D. to see the birds
B. to set his wrist watch

Question 3.
Who went to the chief officer ?
A. Kanjibhai
B. a parrot :
C. a sparrow
D. Shamjibhai
C. a sparrow

Question 4.
What did the sparrow complain ?
A. “What shall I eat ?”
B. “Where is my friend ?”
C. “Where shall I study ?”
D. “Where shall I sit, sing and play ?”
D. “Where shall I sit, sing and play ?”

(3) I had a bad experience. It happened last week. There was a s marriage ceremony in neighbourhood. There was a lot of noise. I could not ( sleep properly. So, I woke up at half past eight. I got up quickly and took a shower in a hurry. I had no time to take a cup of tea. It was ten to nine. I drove my bike fast. I hoped to reach on time. I accelerated the bike. The traffic light was red. I failed to stop my bike at the traffic signal.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
What was there in neighbourhood ?
There was a marriage ceremony in neighbourhood.

Question 2.
Why could the narrator not sleep properly ?
The narrator could not sleep properly because there was a lot of noise in neighbourhood.

Question 3.
Why did the narrator accelerate his bike?
The narrator accelerated his bike because he hoped to reach his office on time.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Watch your Watch

Complete the sentences selecting the correct options :

Question 1.
The narrator woke up at…
A. half past six.
B. half past seven. ‘
C. half past eight.
D. half past nine.
C. half past eight.

Question 2.
The narrator failed to …………
A. stop his bike.
B. answer the question.
C. help his friend.
D. save an old woman.
A. stop his bike.

Question 3.
The narrator had no time to …………
A. take his cell phone.
B. take his lunch box.
C. take a cup of tea.
D. take his breakfast.
C. take a cup of tea.

(4) I continued to drive fast. A policeman I; stopped me at the next circle. “Oh shit!”  I whispered. The policeman approached me, “Good Morning, you ran the red !; light. Can I see your driving licence and; papers, please ?” I got off my bike. I tapped my back pocket. I searched in; my bag. I peeped into my side case. No sign of my wallet. “Excuse me officer, I left my wallet at home. I am in a hurry,”

I said. Of course, the policeman did not accept my excuse. He told me, “Keep your bike here. Go home and come with the licence.” Luckily, I had some coins in my bag. I caught a public transport and went back home. At half past nine, I returned to the officer. I showed him my driving licence and papers. I paid the fine and collected my bike. When I ( kicked my bike again, the time was a quarter to ten. Late, very late. I knew, my boss will be very angry.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Who stopped the narrator ?
A policeman stopped the narrator.

Question 2.
What did the policeman ask for ?
The policeman asked for his driving licence and papers.

Question 3.
Could the narrator show his driving licence and papers first?
No, the narrator could not show his driving licence and papers first.

Question 4.
When did he return to the officer ?
He returned to the officer at half past nine.

Complete the sentences selecting the correct options :

Question 1.
The narrator left his wallet…
A. at home.
B. in the bag.
C. in the cupboard.
D. in the suitcase.
A. at home.

Question 2.
The policeman did not accept his …
A. money.
B. licence.
C. cap.
D. excuse.
D. excuse.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Watch your Watch

Question 3.
To go home, the narrator caught…
A. a plane.
B. a bicycle.
C. a public transport.
D. a motor car.
C. a public transport.

Question 4.
The narrator knew that ………….
A. his boss would be angry.
B. his boss would be pleased.
C. his wife would be angry.
D. his principal would be angry.
A. his boss would be angry.

3. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions :

Once there lived an old man in a village. He was always active and cheerful. He helped people every day. One day he was planting a mango sapling. The king arrived there. He saw the old man planting the mango sapling. He was surprised. He said, “You are planting a mango sapling. ‘You are very old. You will not be able to enjoy the fruits.” The old man calmly replied, “I do not plant it for me. I plant it for my grandchildren.” The king was happy. He praised the old man.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
What was the old man planting one day?
The old man was planting a mango . sapling one day.

Question 2.
Who was surprised ?
The king was surprised.

Question 3.
What did the king say to the old man ?
The king said to the old man, “You are old. You will not be able to enjoy the fruits.”

Question 4.
What did the old man reply to the king?
The old man replied to the king, “I do not plant it for me. I plant it for my grandchildren.”

Complete the sentences selecting the correct options :

Question 1.
The old man lived in a ……………
A. city.
B. town.
C. village.
D. hut.
C. village.

Question 2.
The old man was ……….
A. active and! cheerful.
B. lazy.
C. careful and greedy.
D. hopeful.
A. active and! cheerful.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Watch your Watch

Question 3.
The old man was planting…
A. a rose sapling.
B. a mango sapling.
C. an apple sapling.
D. an orange sapling.
B. a mango sapling.

Question 4.
The old man was planting the mango sapling for his …
A. sons.
B. cousins.
C. grandchildren.
D. friends.
C. grandchildren.

4. Recite the prayer :

God be in my mind,
And in my thinking.
God be in my eyes,
And in my looking.
God be in my ears,
And in my listening.
God be in my hands,
And in my doing.
God be in my legs,
And in my walking.
God be in my heart;
And in my feeling.

Do You Know? (શું તમે જાણો છો?)

midnight (રાત્રિના 12 : 00 વાગ્યાનો સમય) am = ante meridien
(રાત્રિના 12 : 00 વાગ્યાથી બપોરના 12 : 00 વાગ્યા સુધીનો સમય) |
pm = post meridien
(બપોરના 12 : 00 વાગ્યાથી રાત્રિના 12 : 00 વાગ્યા સુધીનો સમય) noon (બપોરના 12 : 00 વાગ્યાનો સમય)

5. Fill in the blanks with correct words given in the brackets:

(1) The thin hand is the second hand. (minute, second)
(2) The long hand is the minute hand. (minute, second)
(3) There was a marriage ceremony in the neighbourhood. (neighbour, neighbourhood)
(4) I got up quickly. (quickly, quick)
(5) I stopped my bike at the traffic signal. (on, at)
(6) The policeman did not accept my excuse. (do, did)
(7) I left my wallet at home. (in, at)
(8) The gate of the office was closed. (in, of)
(9) It was Sunday. (There, It)
(10) The policeman stopped me. (I, me)

6. Write past tense forms:

(1) take
(2) continue
(3) whisper
(4) catch
(5) inform
(6) scream
(7) go
(8) surprise
(1) took
(2) continued
(3) whispered
(4) caught
(5) informed
(6) screamed
(7) went
(8) surprised

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Sem 1 Unit 4 Watch your Watch

7. Read the following method and make a toy:

Hen & Rooster

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Word Meanings

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