GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 9 Read 1 Headache

Gujarat Board GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Second Language Unit 9 Read 1 Headache Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

GSEB Std 12 English Textbook Solutions Unit 9 Read 1 Headache (2nd Language)

GSEB Class 12 English Headache Text Book Questions and Answers


1. Write true or false. Find out the sentences in the Read with similar meanings if the sentences are true.

(1) Headache is a generous gift of God. – True
Sentence: Of all the blessings conferred on mankind by a benign providence, the most useful is the headache.
(2) Many a times actual reasons are not practically accepted but headache is easily accepted. – True
Sentence: Factual explanations are not always either palatable or feasible. In such circumstances, headache acts as a sort of password.
(3) Headache is a curse for human being. – False
(4) Students complain of severe headache when they are asked to do physical exercises. – True
Sentence: On the drill ground almost all appeared to be afflicted with ‘splitting headache’.
(5) Headache is more a physical issue than a psychological one. – False
(6) Headache helps medical industries to earn a lot. – True
Sentence : Headache has become such a confirmed habit that a huge trade has developed in proving a cure for it. – False

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 9 Read 1 Headache

2. Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
How did the P. T. teacher of the author convert headache from a boon to curse ?
In their school days, the author and his classmates hated P.T. hour. Almost all sought excuse of ‘splitting headache’. Their drill instructor knew it well, so one day he ordered the headache-sufferers to hold up their arms.

Then he announced that they will be detained for some special exercise. He ordered them to take off their coats and get through the usual drill. Thus, the boon headache – an easy escape for physical drills – turned into a curse.

Question 2.
What can be the reason for the teacher to’ label the headache as an excuse?
The author writes humorously that factual explanations are not always either palatable or feasible. In such circumstances, headache acts as a sort or password. If one produces headache as a reason to get relieved from any work or engagement, he is easily given a pass.

It is the same case with a teacher in school. Even while teaching letter-writing, headache is produced as an excuse for a specimen letter and it is easily granted by the teacher. The author thinks that headache is very much in everybody’s thoughts useful alike to the pupils, and their master.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 9 Read 1 Headache

Question 3.
Why are people not shocked in public gathering if you say “I have a headache” ?
All other aches sound crude and psychological, and sensitive people would not mention them. No other ailment can be so openly mentioned with impunity.

For these reasons, it is only headache one can mention in the most elegant social gathering and no one would be shocked by it. Its mention in public never gets people shocked.

Question 4.
Why is headache called “an elegant falsehood” ?
The author says that headache is such an elegant excuse that it would be accepted very casually. Most people find this excuse only at the place where they ought to be at the particular hour, otherwise, at the same time, they are quite happy elsewhere.

Thus, headache is mere Falsehood spoken in elegant way which hardly anyone would deny to accept or take for granted.

Question 5.
How does the headache give the sufferer a touch of importance ?
Headache weighs more than other indispositions or ailments because the excuse of headache can be produced anywhere anytime. Even at a public gathering, nobody would take it as an indecent gesture.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 9 Read 1 Headache

On the contrary, may it be an excuse or mere falsehood, people would take it elegantly and one who has produced it, will be granted permission to leave or be relieved. Thus the sufferer is given a touch of importance by headache.

Question 6.
Find out the sentences from the text which express humour.
The sentences with the touch of humour in the text are as following:
(1) Of all the blessings conferred on mankind by a benign providence, the most useful is headache.
(2) Headache gives the sufferer a touch of importance.
(3) You could mention headache in the most elegant social gathering and no one would be shocked by it.
(4) I think I should shock mankind if I suddenly said, “There is no such thing as headache or indisposition. It is all just an excuse, an elegant falsehood.”
(5) Headache is essential for maintaining human relationship in working order.
(6) The mother-in-law, who forswears her food on the plea of a splitting head, is clearly not on the best of terms, at least for that day with the daughter-in-law or son.

Question 7.
Write about ‘benefits of having headache’.
The ‘benefits of having headache’ are as following:
(1) Headache is such a password as can be used anywhere to get the things done in our favour.
(2) With the excuse of ‘headache’ a student can seek leave from school.
(3) Headache is such an excuse as can be produced in the most elegant social gathering and no one would be shocked by it.
(4) Headache is essential for maintaining human relationship in working order.
(5) Headaches curtain a variety of uncomfortable situations in one’s house.
(6) Headache is a good excuse to skip homework.
(7) Headache can also help to keep tutor away.

3. Find out the sentences from the Read with the nearest meaning.

Question 1.
Headache is a common excuse.
Headache acts as a sort of password.

Question 2.
The other word similar to headache is indisposition.
The only expression which is superior to headache is indisposition.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 9 Read 1 Headache

Question 3.
Indisposition is a word used by eminent persons.
It (headache) implies that the gentleman is an eminent one.

Question 4.
The word headache is a blessing for us.
For us, a headache is a boon.

Question 5.
Headache helps us to maintain social relations.
Headache is essential for maintaining human relationship in working order. ‘

Question 6.
Industry is earning a lot due to this common excuse.
Headache has become such a confirmed habit that a huge trade has developed in proving a cure for it.

Question 7.
We have to use the word like headache or indisposition because outspokenness is not welcome.
The world is not yet ripe for such outspokenness.

4. Some problems and excuses are given below. Write the missing part in the table.

No. Problem Excuse
1. I am not attending the meeting today since I do not feel like it. I am not attending the meeting today owing to indisposition.
2. I will not come to school today. I am suffering from headache.
3. Why have you not finished the project yet? Splitting headache, Sir.
4. I am not attending the office today because I am not inclined to look at any paper today. I have developed some indisposition.
5. Please manage to come half an hour earlier for the meeting. Owing to indisposition, I am not attending the meeting.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 9 Read 1 Headache

5. Find out some humorous sentences from the Read. Talk to a friend and decide which ones are more / less humorous. Write them in the table.

No. More Humorous Sentences Less Humorous Sentences
1. The most useful blessing conferred on mankind is headache. Factual explanations are not always palatable or feasible.
2. I always wonder what made our teacher select headache as an excuse even in a specimen letter. On the drill ground almost all appeared to be afflicated with splitting headache.
3. Headache gives the sufferer a touch of importance. No other ailment can be so openly mentioned with impunity.
4. The mention of indisposition implies that the gentleman is an eminent one. Headache is essential for maintaining human relationship in working order.

(A) Additional Questions and Answers

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Why does the writer say that ‘headache’ is a blessing ?
The writer says that of all the blessings given to mankind by God, headache is the most useful. He explains that factual explanations are not always palatable or feasible. In such circumstances, headache acts as a password. It relieves us from all sorts of situations that we dislike to be in.

Question 2.
What does the writer humorously say about ‘indisposition’ ?
The writer humorously says that the word ‘indisposition’ sounds very well in press notes or health bulletins or in messages from eminent men to gatherings to which, they have been invited.

‘Indisposition’ cannot generally be said by the person directly afflicted, nor does it sound convincing if it is written directly. It sounds better in third person. It implies that the gentleman is an eminant one.

Question 3.
How is headache essential for maintaining human relationship?
Headache is essential for maintaining human relationship in working order. We cannot do without it either at home or in public. In any normal household, one can see a variety of headaches which hide a variety of uncomfortable situations.

The mother-in-law avoids food for her splitting head. The son has this excuse to keep away not only his friends and officers, but also his wife not to press him too much to fulfil her demands.

A student has headache to skip his homework or to send the tutor back. Yet, nobody would feel disgraceful or insulted about it.

(B) Short note

Write a short note focussing on the questions:

Headache-a Blessing on Mankind
R. K. Narayan’s views on Headache
Headache-an Elegant Falsehood

  • What kind of article is it?
  • Is it a blessing to mankind ?
  • Is it an easy excuse ?
  • Where is it applicable ?
  • What kind of falsehood it is ?
  • What is its effect on human relationship ?
  • How is it beneficial in household ?
  • What is its impact on trade?

‘Headache’ is a humorous article by R. K. Narayan. Quite Sarcastically he says that headache is a blessing on mankind by God. He says that if a person is not in the position to give factual explanations to avoid attending to a job or some engagement, the easiest excuse for him is ‘headache’.

The reason ‘headache’ will be casually accepted everywhere, may it be by a boss s in the office or at the social gathering where one is not in the position to reveal the fact. Any other excuse like ‘indisposition’ sounds explicit falsehood.

But ‘headache’ is an elegant falsehood. It does not hurt anyone nor does it fall short of getting the other one convinced. R. K. Narayan says headache is essential for maintaining human relationship in working orders. We cannot do without it either at home or in public.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 9 Read 1 Headache

Headache curtains off a variety of uncomfortable situations in a household. Headache has become such a confirmed habit that a huge trade has developed in providing a cure for it – maybe a pill or an ointment-tube.

(C) Reading Comprehension

Read the following extracts and answer the questions:

(1) On the drill ground almost all appeared to be afflicted with “Splitting headache, Sir”, and our drill instructor put an end to it by decreeing one day, “Those suffering from headache will hold up their arms.” It raised our hopes, but he added, “Since I wish to detain them for some special exercises that will cure their headache.”

Not one lifted his arm, at which the instructor declared, “Now all of you take off your coats and get through the usual drill. I am glad to find that the class is going to exercise in full strength today.”

(1) What was the order of the drill instructor ?
(2) Why did the drill instructor declare that he was glad that day?
(1) When most of the students on the drill ground complained of ‘Splitting headache’, the instructor ordered them to hold up their arms, and added that he would detain them for some special exercises that would cure their headache.
(2) The instructor declared that he was glad that day because after announcing punishment for those who faked headache, nobody dared to lift his hand to complain about his headache and everybody in the class joined the drill.

(2) I think I should shock mankind if I suddenly said “There is no such thing as headache or indisposition. It is all just an excuse, an elegant falsehood, for have I not seen dozens of headache cases walking or driving about gaily to be seen everywhere except where they ought to be at the particular hour!” The world is not yet ripe for such outspokenness.

A man cannot say, “I am not attending the meeting today since I don’t feel like it.” A clerk who writes to his master, “I am not attending the office today because I am not inclined to look at any paper today,” will lose his job, whereas as he quite at liberty to say that he is down with headache.

(1) What is wrong notion about headache, according to the writer ?
(2) Illustrate the statement – ‘The world is not s yet ripe for such outspokenness’.
(1) According to the writer, there is no such ; thing as headache or indisposition. It is just an excuse, an elegant falsehood.
(2) The writer says that in spite of producing real reason, people give fake reason of headache to get away from the work they dislike. What they lack here is courage to be outspoken. Therefore, the writer says that the world is not ripe for such s outspokenness.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 9 Read 1 Headache

(3) Headache is essential for maintaining human relationship in working order. We cannot do without it either at home or in public. In any normal household one can see a variety of headaches, curtaining off a variety of uncomfortable situations. The mother-in-law, who forswears her food on the plea of a splitting head, is clearly not on the best of terms, at least for that day with the daughter-in-law or son.

(1) How is headache essential for maintaining human relationship in working order?
(2) Match the following :

‘A’ ‘B’
(1) forswear a. excuse
(2) plea b. drop
c. take oath

(1) In a very humorous way the writer says that headache is essential for maintaining human relationship. In any normal household, people hide uncomfortable situation on the pretext of headache.
(2) (1) → (b), (2)→(a).

(4) Headache has become such a confirmed habit that a huge trade has developed in proving a cure for it. Some people feel lost unless they carry a tube of some headache remedy in their pockets all the time, and opticians give glasses guaranteed to relieve headache. These are instances to show that mankind easily begins to believe in its myths.

Questions :
(1) How has headache promoted huge trades ?
(2) Give the synonym for the word ‘myth’.
Answers :
(1) Headache has become a confirmed habit among people and they search about cure for it. Taking this advantage, a huge trade has developed in proving a cure for it. Some people usually carry a tube of some headache remedy in their pockets all the time. Opticians give glasses guaranteed to relieve headache.
(2) The synonym for the word ‘myth’ is story, illusion.

(5) I think I should shock mankind if I suddenly said, “There is no such thing as headache or indisposition. It is all just an excuse, an elegant falsehood, for have I not seen dozens of headache cases walking or driving about gaily to be seen everywhere except where they ought to be at the particular hour.”

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 9 Read 1 Headache

The man cannot say, “I am not attending the meeting today since I don’t feel like it.” A clerk who writes to his master, “I am not attending the office today because I am not inclined to look at any paper today”, will s lose his job, whereas as he quite at liberty to say that he is down with headache.

(1) What is the excuse for an author ?
(2) What should a clerk clear to his boss ?
(1) ‘That he had headache’ is the excuse for the author.
(2) If the clerk says that he is down with headache, he will be excused.

(6) For us, a headache was a boon. We used to have a drill after school hours (which I think is an unfair and undesirable practice). We disliked this hour. On the drill ground almost all appeared to be afflicted with “splitting headache, sir.”

Questions :
(1) Find out the opposite of the word ‘curse’.
(2) What was the most common excuse on the drill ground ?
Answers :
(1) The opposite of the word ‘curse’ is ‘boon’.
(2) On the drill ground, the most common excuse was ‘splitting headache’.

(D) Say True or False

Write whether the following sentences are True or False :

(1) R. K. Narayan ironically calls headache a ‘blessing’.
(2) As a student headache was a ‘curse’ for the writer.
(3) Headache gives the sufferer a touch of importance.
(4) To write “Owing to indisposition, I am not s attending your meeting”, sounds well.
(5) ‘Indisposition’ is better expression than ; ‘headache’ in social gathering or at formal meetings.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 9 Read 1 Headache

(6) Headache is essential for maintaining human relationship in working order.
(7) A huge trade has developed in proving a cure for headache.
(8) According to the writer, factual explanations are always palatable or feasible.
(9) In certain circumstances, headache acts as a password, according to the writer.
(10) The only expression which is superior to headache is indisposition.
(2) False
(3) True
(4) False
(5) True
(6) True
(7) True
(8) False
(9) True
(10) True


1. In each set, there are three words which are synonymous while one is an antonym. Tick mark the antonym.
GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 9 Read 1 Headache 1

The antonym which is tick marked are :
(1) please
(2) obscure
(3) wellness
(4) sophisticated
(5) deny
(6) solemnly
(7) plain
(8) repulsive.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 9 Read 1 Headache

2. In the two columns given below, column ‘B’ contains the meanings of certain words taken from the Read. Fill the blanks in column ‘A’ with the help of column ‘B’. The jumbled words are given in column ‘A’.

No. ‘A’ ‘B’
1. LITSPINGT Ex. SPLITTING (a) superior in fame, position and achievement
2. SWFORARE (FORSWEAR) (b) be inquisitive
5. TEDINA (DETAIN) (e) sophisticated
6. LEGTANE (ELEGANT) (f) unrefined
7. DURCE (CRUDE) (g) hold back
8. MENTENI (EMINENT) (h) severe pain

3. Fill in the blanks using proper forms of the words given in the brackets.

(1) The rings around the planet Saturn are both elegant and mysterious, (elegance)
(2) John realized that his son has a great inclination for mathematical studies compared to Biological research, (incline)
(3) Rabindranath was conferred Knighthood on 3rd June, 1915 in recognition of his genius as a poet, (confer)
(4) A person who forswears his promises is not to be believed, (forswear)
(5) Vikram Ambalal Sarabhai was an eminent Indian scientist and innovator, widely regarded as the Father of India’s Space Programme. (eminence)
(6) The police detained several suspects for questioning, (detain)
(7) He was afflicted with asthma from a very young age. (afflict)
(8) She wiped her eyes quickly as she was embarrassed to feel the tears on her cheeks. (embarrass)

4. Frame sentences using the words given in the group. Change the sequence and form of words if necessary.

Example :
Mother – suffer – rheumatism – long time
Mother has been suffering from rheumatism for a long time.
Mother’s rheumatism has caused suffering to her for a long time.
Rheumatism has made mother suffer for a long time.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 9 Read 1 Headache

Question 1.
many people – complain – headache – modem times
In modern times, many people complain that they suffer from headache.

Question 2.
diarrhoea – stomach ailment – cause – vomiting – restlessness
Diarrhoea is a stomach ailment which causes vomiting and restlessness.

Question 3.
she – curtail – household expenses – save money.
She has curtailed household expenses to save money.

Question 4.
Albert Einstein – eminent – scientist – intr-oduce – theory of relativity – Physics
Albert Einstein was an eminent scientist who introduced theory of relativity in Physics.

Question 5.
defendant – plead – not guilty – charge of murder
The defendant pleaded that he was not guilty for the charge of murder.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 9 Read 1 Headache

Question 6.
person – forswear – promises – not – believe
The person who forswears promises must not be believed.

Question 7.
scandal – major – embarrassment – family
The scandal of major misappropriation of funds made the family face great embarrassment.

5. In each of the following sentences, there is one word which does not fit in. Underline the word and tick mark the more appropriate word from the brackets to make the sentence meaningful.

Example: The honour of Knighthood was presented on Rabindranath Tagore by King George ” V in 1915. (conferred, awarded)
The honour of Knighthood was conferred on Rabindranath Tagore by King George V in 1915.

Question 1.
She was disposed to decline his offer. (inclined, favourable)
She was inclined to decline his offer.

Question 2.
When the President signed the rule on equal rights, everyone in the audience cheered. (announcement, decree)
When the President announced the rule on equal rights, everyone in the audience cheered.

Question 3.
When his father began to shorten his freedom, he left the village and settled in a city. (clip, curtail)
When his father began to curtail his freedom, he left the village and settled in a city.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 9 Read 1 Headache

Question 4.
After being limited by the police for questioning, he was released without charge. (detained, restricted)
After being detained by the police for questioning, he was released without charge.

Question 5.
The state has been severely inflicted with floods, (afflicted, affected)
The state has been severely afflicted with floods.

Question 6.
Even though a lot of people think Margaret is sensible, she is really extremely intelligent, (inane, rational)
Even though a lot of people think Margaret is inane, she is extremely intelligent.


1. Read the poem and observe the paragraph which summarizes the poem.

The year’s at the spring.
And day’s at the morn;
Mornings at seven;
The hill-side’s dew-pearled;
The lark’s on the wing;
The snail’s on the thorn:
God’s in His heaven
All’s right with the world ! — Robert Browning

The poem describes beautiful Nature. it presents a scene of morning time in the season of spring. The hill-side Is decorated with pearls of dew. The lark is flying In the sky and the snail Is on the thorn. God Is In His heaven. All
Is right with the world.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 9 Read 1 Headache

2. Here are some examples of writing a summary. Study them closely. And note down the omission of details while summarizing.

(1) August 1998. Nandan Sharma, a famous Industrialist, enters into a world class restaurant. He sits down and with an ease of a businessman, selects and orders something from the menu. (30 words) :

Summary: Nandan Sharma, an Industrialist, goes to a restaurant and orders meal. (11 words)

(2) In 2000, 20 % of workers in cities were people who migrated from the rural area to earn livelihood, but by 2016 the digit reached up to
Summary: By 2016 there was an increase of migratory workers in cities. (11)

(3) Many scientists believed that music soothes ? the plant. It also helps it to grow. This is now a scientific fact. Les Harsten, a sound engineer from ( New York, carried out some exciting experiments. Here is one of them. Harsten’s theory was that plants definitely react to music.

In his experiment, he used two banana plants. He gave both plants same light, heat and water. But for about an hour a day, one of the plants ‘listened’ to some music. This music was in fact a high-pitched humming sound. He found that this plant grew faster. It also grew 70 percent taller than the other plant! (106)

Summary: Science tells us that music soothes a plant and helps it grow. In one of his experiments, Les Harsten, a sound engineer, used two banana plants. He found that the one which listened to music grew faster and nearly twice as tall as the other plant. (47)
All the details which do not become parts of the above given summarised sentence / paragraph can be omitted while summarising

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 9 Read 1 Headache

3. Study the score card of an IPL Twenty-20 match and try to fill in the blanks in its summary.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 9 Read 1 Headache 2
GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 9 Read 1 Headache 3

Match Summary:
The first match of IPL season 2016 was held between Mumbai Indians (MI) and Rising Pune. Supergiants (RPS) at Wankhede Stadium, Mumbai. RPS won the match by 9 wickets.

After winning the toss MI chose to bat and could score 121 runs at the cost of 8 wickets in 20 overs. It was unfortunate of MI that only three batsmen could score up to two figures including Harbhajan Singh’s 45. From RPS, M R r’-‘N Marsh and I Sharma got 2 wickets each.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 9 Read 1 Headache

With the target of 122 in 20 overs, RPS played 14.4 overs. They could chase the score in 14.4 overs by losing one wicket only. The player of the match A M Rahane scored 66 in 42 balls (7 x 4s, 3 x 6s). With the win RPS opens its point tally too.

4. Here is a summary of the last passage from the Read Ants. Fill in the blanks with a phrase or a word to complete the summary.

The most ferocious kind cleared ……….. away (161)
The ‘driver’ ants of Africa never stay at home but continue marching in long lines many million strong. They are blind. They are so violent that they eat not only small but also any animals that come across their path. When the mightiest among them enters a house of an African villager, the people living in it run away into the forest. They return back only when the ants have passed. They find then the house-cleaned in such a way that there is no insect at all!

5. Here are seven steps for writing a summary. In the next table same points are summarised. Mention the point number whose summary is given. Write summary of the remaining points.

(1) Divide … and conquer : First off, skim the text you are going to summarize and divide it into sections. Focus on any headings and subheadings. Also look at any bold-faced terms and make sure you understand them before you read.

(2) Read: Now that you’ve prepared, go ahead and read the selection. Read straight through. At this point, you don’t need to stop to look up
anything that gives you trouble-just get a feel for the author’s tone, style, and main idea.

(3) Reread: Rereading should be active reading. Underline topic sentences and key facts. Label areas that you want to refer to as you write your summary. Also label areas that should be avoided because the details- though they may be interesting – are too specific. Identify areas that you do not understand and try to clarify those points.

(4) One sentence at a time: You should now have a firm grasp on the text you will be summarizing. In steps 1-3, you divided the piece into sections and located the author’s main ideas and points. Now write down the main idea of each section in one well-developed sentence. Make sure that what you include in your sentences are key points, not minor details.

(5) Write a thesis statement: This is the key to any well-written summary. Review the sentences you wrote in step 4. From them, you should be able to create a thesis statement that clearly communicates what the entire text was trying to achieve. If you find that you are not able to do this step, then you should go back and make sure your sentences actually addressed key points.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 9 Read 1 Headache

(6) Ready to write : At this point, your first draft is virtually done. You can use the thesis statement as the introductory sentence of your summary, and your other sentences can make up the body. Make sure that they are in order. Add some transition words (then, however, also, moreover) that help with the overall structure and flow of the summary. And once you are actually putting pen to paper (or fingers to keys!), remember these tips:

  • Write in the present tense.
  • Be concise : A summary should not be equal in length to the original text.
  • If you use the words of the author, cite them.
  • Don’t put your own opinions, ideas, or interpretations into the summary. The purpose of writing a summary is to accurately represent what the author wanted to say, not to provide a critique.

(7) Check for accuracy: Reread your summary and make certain that you have accurately represented the author’s ideas and key points. Also check to make sure that your text does not contain your own commentary on the piece. (455)

Summary of the point Point Number
Now start writing well-developed sentences that convey the main idea of each section. Include only the key points and ignore minor details. 4
Now try to read directly without worrying about any trouble in understanding. Get Jhe exact feeling, tone, style and main idea of the author. 2
Lastly, during rereading the summary, make sure that it contains author’s ideas, not of your own reflections. 7
Initially, after a quick reading you need to divide the text into sections and understand important terms. 1
For a well-written summary, a thesis statement expressing the central idea is created after reviewing all statements. If needed, you may go back to modify earlier sentences addressing key points. 5
Your thesis statement funcions as the introductory sentence and other sentences with proper order and transition words form the structure of the body. Writing in present tense, conciseness, cifation from the author are tips for better summary. 6
Through active reading, you should select and underline the key points by identifying unnecessary or avoidable details. Also clear those points which you don’t understand 3

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 9 Read 1 Headache

6. Here is a news item. Complete the summary in about 90 words.


Delhi, 29th April, 2015

By our senior correspondent !

Last night the President gave a farewell party for the King, who is about to leave for his country today. The King and his family were on the visit of our country for last two weeks.

The trip was a pleasure trip, not for any political reason.The farewell dinner hosted at Rastrapati Bhavan by the President included the King’s favourite food as well as some traditional dishes from our country. After dinner, folk artists from Rajasthan entertained the King and his family.

Following the performance, the President and the King exchanged gifts. While talking with our senior reporter, Devansh Mukherjee, the King said; “I am indeed happy to be in this country and to travel far off historical sites with my family.

I found the citizens so friendly that we have felt at home everywhere. My wife and my children feel sad to leave. We promise to visit again and to invite your President to visit us very soon.” (157)

Summary: The news describes the farewell party offered by the King, delighted with the visit. He talked to our senior reporter that he and his family enjoyed the trip thoroughly, visiting and meeting friendly people.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 9 Read 1 Headache

7. Summarize this news item (under teacher’s guidance).

Giant dinosaur footprint discovered in Mongolia desert
The Times of India, Sep. 30, 2016
TOKYO: One of the biggest dinosaur footprints ever recorded has been unearthed in the Gobi Desert, researchers said on Friday, offering a fresh clue about the giant creatures that roamed the earth millions of years ago.

A joint Mongolian-Japanese expedition found the giant print, which measures 106 centimetres (42 inches) long and 77 centimetres wide.
One of the several footprints discovered in the vast Mongolian desert, the huge fossil was discovered last month in a geologic layer formed between 70 million and 90 million years ago, researchers said.

It was naturally cast, as sand flowed into dents that had been left by the creature stomping on the once muddy ground. The footprint is believed to have belonged To Titanosaur, a long-necked dinosaur, and could have been more than 30 metres long and 20 metres tall, according to researchers.

“This is a very rare discovery as it’s a well- preserved fossil footprint that is more than a metre long with imprints of its claws,” said a statement issued by Okayama University of Science. The Japanese university has been involved in the study with the Mongolian Academy of Science.
Summary: A joint Mangolian-Japanese expedition found out ever recorded one of the biggest dinosaur footprints in the Gobi desert. The huge naturally cast fossil was in a geologic layer formed between 70 and 90 million years ago.

The footprint must have been of 30 metres long and 20 metres tall Titanosaur. The footprint is more than a metre long with imprints of its claws according to Okayama University of Science.

8. Summarize any one poem and a Read from the list given below:

(1) Heaven of Freedom
(2) Green Charter (First two passages)
(3) Blind, Deaf Fish
(4) Sunrise on the Kangchenjunga
(5) Unforgettable Walt Disney (First two passages)
(1) Heaven of Freedom – Summary
Through this poem, Tagore expresses his vision of India as a heaven where there is freedom of thought, spirit, faith and speech which will lead to the inner perfection of the self. According to him, knowledge should be free to all. He wants the people to work hard with their hearts, which is possible only if their minds are free.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 9 Read 1 Headache

Further he goes on to pray for a world which is not broken in the name of religious, cultural, economic and political issues. He longs for an undivided world where the people have courage to speak truth.

He humbly requests God to awaken our country to such a heaven of freedom where thought is not limited by the age old customs and superstitious beliefs.

(2) Green Charter (First two passages) – Summary
Climate change and Global warming can lead to tragic consequences without waiting for government, every individual should play an important role and adopt more responsible life style before it is too late.

We should reduce carbon footprints, i.e., the use of transport, land clearance and production and consumption of food, fuels, manufactured goods, etc. and services.

Question 9.
Write your experience of studying in class 12th in about 150 words.
For the first time, I think, I became a little sincere for studies when I stepped into std. 12. There were showers of suggestions from all around, i.e., from parents, relatives, teachers and so on, to metamorphosis myself.

I could foresee my pleasures evaporating into air and getting myself shutting up into a study room all the time leaning over books. It was a real torture to me.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 9 Read 1 Headache

Besides, weekly tests in school and periodic tests in coaching class. For the first time I learnt to tell lies and seeking excuses to my parents and teachers, otherwise I would have been an ass. One way or the other, I stole time to enjoy pleasant pursuits.

It was my adolescence and had many distractions, yet I was supposed to chase a goal. But for sure, being in the 12th std. I did feel that I was growing up to a new world of responsibility.


Question 1.
Write a leave application to your class teacher to let you go home on account of severe headache.
(Your name – class – roll no. – date – to the Principal – name of the school – subject – reason for leave – number of days leave required for-your physical / mental condition)
Tanay V. Jani
‘Annapurna’, Sector 8 A,

Principal, Std. XII A
St. Xavier’s Higher Secondary School
Sector 9, Gandhinagar.
Sub: Leave Application
Ref: Roll No. 14, Std. XII Division A
This is to request you to grant me a leave to go home as my head has started aching severely for the last half an hour. I was perfectly alright when I came to school, but for the last half an hour, it has been ‘splitting headache’ and I can’t manage to sit in the classroom any more. The sooner I leave, the faster treatment I will avail reaching home. Please grant me to leave earlier.
Thanks and Regards,
Tanay Jani

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 9 Read 1 Headache

Question 2.
Dr Raman Patel, MD delivered a speech on headache in your school. He talked about the reasons for headache like physical, mental, emotional and environmental. Prepare a report comprising various reasons of headache emphasized by him.
Know your Headache and Get Rid of it
Ahmedabad, February 25, 2018
Very often students complain of headaches and keep away from school, so the principal of Smt. P. B. D. Joshi invited an expert-Dr Raman Patel MD-to talk on headache.

First of all talking about the causes of headache Dr Patel pointed out that headache could occur from dehydration, from neck muscle spasm, sinus infection, allergy, lack of Oxygen in a stuffy room, from anemia, change in the blood pressure, overstrained eyes, low sugar or even from a sudden weather change.

One of the most common headaches is related to caffein withdrawal. There may also be emotional reasons like being too critical of oneself. Talking about types of headaches, he quoted Tension Headaches.

Migraines, Mixed headache syndrome, Cluster headaches, Sinus headaches, etc. For migraines, he suggested placing a cold pack on forehead, for tension headache and sinus headache, he suggested heating pad.

Certain headaches can be cured by wearing a hat, headband or even swimming goggles that are too tight. Headache from computer screen can be dealt with covering windows with blackout curtains, or using antiglare screens.

He suggested certain household and homeopathic remedies for getting rid of headache, too. For delivering such an exhaustive information about headache, the principal thanked Dr Patel.

Question 3.
You read how headache is used as an excuse to skip some gatherings or unwanted places. You might have given a lot of excuses to your teachers or your parents to avoid; certain places or events. Remember all the excuses given by you. Write them down and then write a paragraph on it.
The excuses to skip given by me are listed below:
(1) Sir, I have severe stomach ache and can’t sit more in the class. ..
(2) Sir, I have diarrhoea and wan’t be able to come to school today.
(3) Sir, my homework notebook is lost / stolen,so I have not brought my homework.
(4) Madam, I missed the regular bus, so I’m late today.
(5) Madam, while riding to school on my cycle, a car knocked me down so I am late.
(6) Sir, my uniform has gone for washing, so I am without uniform today.
(7) Sir, my parents are out of station, so have not been able to collect their sign in the progress card.
(8) Sir, I have to attend my cousin’s marriage, so I’ll keep absent for three days.
(9) Mam, I am going to my friend’s house as I do not have the reference book to prepare this, assignment.
(10) Dad, I am going to my friend’s place to study, so I will return late in the evening, (an excuse to go for shopping with friend.)
(11) Dad, I have to browse a lot on net for studies, so I want Android base phone.
Usually students use their fertile minds to find out excuses or cook up stories to be fool their parents, elders or teachers to follow their whims unrestrictedly. Hardly any excuse has a tint of fact in it. They do so.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 9 Read 1 Headache


1. Meet the head of any institution and ask them the reasons why most of their employees remain absent.

2 Meet any five friends and ask them the excuses they give for their incomplete homework.
Write them and discuss them in the class.
Note: Students will carry out the above-mentioned activities themselves.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 9 Read 1 Headache


Meet a doctor and find out causes for headache. Note their remedies too.
Note: Students will meet a doctor and find out causes for having headache. They will also note down their remedie

Headache Summary in Gujarati

આર. કે. નારાયણ દ્વારા લિખિત Headache એક મનોરંજક લેખ છે. માથાના દુખાવા’ જેવા ક્ષુલ્લક વિષય પર લેખકશ્રીએ ભરપૂર વ્યંગ્ય કર્યો છે. તે કહે છે કે “માથાનો દુખાવો’ એ માનવજાતને ઈશ્વર તરફથી મળેલ સૌથી ઉપયોગી ભેટ છે.

ક્યારેક વાસ્તવિક ખુલાસાઓ લોકોને ગળે નથી ઊતરતા ત્યારે માથાના દુખાવાનું બહાનું કારગત નીવડે છે. શાળામાં વ્યાયામના તાસમાં જવું કંટાળાજનક હોય ત્યારે કહી દેવું કે માથાનો દુખાવો છે. અરે, બીજું તો ઠીક પણ ‘પત્રલેખનમાં પણ શિક્ષક માથાના દુખાવાના કારણની રજાચિઠ્ઠી લખાવે! ‘માથાના દુખાવાનું બહાનું ઘણા લોકોની વચ્ચે જાહેર સ્થાને પણ કહી શકાય અને એમાં કોઈને અનુચિત પણ ન લાગે. માથાનો દુખાવો’ સહેલું બહાનું છે.

જો ગંભીર બહાનું કાઢવું હોય, તો “અસ્વસ્થતા (indisposition)’ એવું કાઢી શકાય પણ બધાની વચ્ચે તે કહેવું અવિવેક લાગે. આ બંને બહાનાં માત્ર સુરુચિપૂર્ણ જુઠ્ઠાણાંથી વિશેષ કાંઈ જ નથી. “માથાનો દુખાવો’ માનવસંબંધોને જાળવવા સક્રિય રાખવા ખૂબ જ જરૂરી છે! ઘરમાં કામ ન કરવું હોય કે કશુંક કરવાનું ટાળવું હોય, તો ‘માથાનો દુખાવો’ હાથવગો હોય છે! ગૃહકાર્ય ટાળવા, ભણાવવા આવેલા શિક્ષકને પરત વળાવી દેવા જેવા અનેક

સંજોગોમાં “માથાનો દુખાવો’ અકસીર ઇલાજ છે! “માથાનો દુખાવો’ એ લોકોમાં એવી રીતે ઘર કરી ગયો છે કે તેના આધારે ઘણા મોટા ધંધા-વ્યાપારો વિકસ્યા છે! પછી એ ‘માથાનો દુખાવો મટાડવાની ટીકડી, ટ્યૂબ કે પછી ચશ્માં હોય. સૌ કોઈ ‘માથાના દુખાવામાંથી મુક્તિ અપાવવાની ખાતરી આપે છે.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 9 Read 1 Headache

Glossary (શબ્દાર્થ)

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Phrases and Idioms

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સસીબે માનવજાતને અપાયેલા તમામ આશીર્વાદમાં માથાનો દુખાવો સૌથી વધુ ઉપયોગી છે. પણ તેના માટે જીવનમાં ઘણી મોટી અગવડો ભોગવવાની) થાય છે. હકીકતોના ખુલાસા કાં તો ગળે ઊતરે એવા નહોતા નથી) કે વ્યવહારુ હોતા નથી. આવા સંજોગોમાં માથાનો દુખાવો એક પ્રકારના પાસવર્ડ તરીકે કામ કરે છે.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 9 Read 1 Headache

મને સૌપ્રથમ પત્રલેખનનો પાઠ શીખવવામાં આવેલો (તે) મને યાદ છે: “માનનીય સાહેબ, મને માથાનો દુખાવો હોવાથી મારી રજા મંજૂર કરવા મહેરબાની કરશોજી…” મને હંમેશાં એ વાતનું આશ્ચર્ય રહ્યું છે કે નમૂનાના પત્રમાં પણ અમારા શિક્ષકે બહાના તરીકે માથાના દુખાવા પર (જ) કેમ પસંદગી | ઉતારી. મને લાગે છે કે વિદ્યાર્થીઓ હોય કે શિક્ષક દરેકના મનનો વિચાર (માથાના દુખાવાનો) સમાન હશે.

અમારા માટે માથાનો દુખાવો આશીર્વાદ હતો. અમારે શાળા છૂટ્યા બાદ કવાયત માટે રોકાવું પડતું (જે હજુ મારા માન્યા મુજબ અનુચિત અને અનિચ્છનીય બાબત છે.) આ કલાક અમને ગમતો નહિ. ડ્રિલ(કવાયત)ના મેદાન પર લગભગ બધા “સાહેબ, માથું ફાટી જાય છે.” એમ પીડાતા નજરે પડતા, અને અમારા કવાયતના શિક્ષક આવું જાહેર કરીને દિવસ પૂરો કરી દેતા, “જે લોકોને માથાનો દુખાવો હોય તેઓ હાથ ઊંચા કરે.”

એ (જાહેરાત) અમારી આશા જગાડતી, પણ (પછી) એ આગળ કહેતા, “હું એમને કેટલીક વિશિષ્ટ કવાયતો માટે રોકી રાખવાનો છું, જેથી તેમનો માથાનો દુખાવો મટી જશે.” આ સાંભળીને) કોઈ હાથ ઊંચો

કરતું નહિ. એ જોઈને શિક્ષક જાહેરાત કરતા, “(ચાલો) હવે બધા પોતપોતાના કોટ ઉતારી નાખે અને નિયમિત કવાયત કરવા લાગે. મને જોઈને આનંદ થાય છે કે પૂરી સંખ્યામાં વર્ગ કવાયત કરવાનો છે.”

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 9 Read 1 Headache

માથાનો દુખાવો પીડિતને ગૌરવ બક્ષે છે. બાકી બધી વેદનાઓ રજૂ કરવી અસભ્ય તેમજ મનોરોગીપણું દર્શાવતી લાગે છે કે સંવેદનશીલ વ્યક્તિ તેમનો (ક્યારેય) ઉલ્લેખ કરે જ નહિ. અન્ય કોઈ અસ્વસ્થતાનો બિન્દાસ્તપણે બેદરકારીથી જાહેરમાં ઉલ્લેખ કરી શકાય નહિ. તમે માથાના દુખાવાનો (એક) સુસંસ્કારી સામાજિક મેળાવડામાં ઉલ્લેખ કરી શકો અને કોઈનેય એનો આઘાત નહિ લાગે.

માત્ર એક જ અભિવ્યક્તિ જે માથાના દુખાવાથી ચઢિયાતી છે તે છે – અસ્વસ્થતા, જ્યારે પણ હું આ શબ્દ (indisposition) સાંભળું છું ત્યારે મને એના ચોક્કસ અર્થ વિશે આશ્ચર્ય થાય છે. એ (શબ્દ) એ વિસ્મયકારક શબ્દોમાંનો એક છે (જેમ કે, બુદ્ધિહીનતા (મૂઢતા) જેમાં બુદ્ધિ રહેલી નથી તે) જે આગળ hin’ લગાડ્યા સિવાય વિરોધાર્થ આપતો નથી.

તમે એવું ના કહી શકો કે, “અસ્વસ્થતાને લીધે હું દવા લેતો નથી, જ્યારે તમે કહી શકો, “અસ્વસ્થતાને લીધે મેં ડૉક્ટરને બોલાવ્યા છે.” આ અસ્વસ્થતા ખરેખર છે શું? મને એ વાત સમજમાં આવતી નથી કે શા માટે કોઈ પ્રેસ નોટ્સમાં, આરોગ્ય બુલેટિનમાં કે કોઈક મેળાવડામાં આમંત્રિત એવી પ્રતિષ્ઠિત વ્યક્તિના સંદેશામાં તે (indisposition) ખૂબ સરસ લાગે છે. સામાન્ય રીતે જે વ્યક્તિ પ્રત્યક્ષપણે “અસ્વસ્થતાનો ભોગ બની હોય

તેના દ્વારા તેનો ઉલ્લેખ નથી થતો, “અસ્વસ્થતાને લીધે હું મીટિંગમાં હાજરી આપી શકીશ નહિ.” આ વાત (કરા) ગળે ઊતરતી નથી. આ વાત ત્રીજા પુરુષમાં જ સારી લાગે છે. એ સૂચિત કરે છે કે આ વાત કોઈક પ્રતિષ્ઠિત વ્યક્તિની છે, જે તેના કોઈ સેક્રેટરી કે નાયબ દ્વારા રજૂ કરવામાં આવે છે.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 9 Read 1 Headache

“શ્રીમાન અમુક-તમુક દિલગીરી સાથે જણાવે છે કે (તેમની) અસ્વસ્થતાને લીધે આજની મીટિંગમાં હાજરી આપી શકશે નહિ.” લોકો (આ વાત) સમજશે અને (એ) રજૂઆત કોઈ પ્રશ્ન કર્યા સિવાય સ્વીકારી લેશે. “આ અસ્વસ્થતા શી છે?”

એમને કઈ માંદગી છે?” શું તેઓ , મેલેરિયા, શરદી કે સાંધા જકડાઈ જવાને લીધે માંદા પડેલા છે? હું એક ડૉક્ટરને ઓળખું છું જે એમનો ઇલાજ કરી શકશે.” એથી ઊલટું, એને યથાતથ (કોઈ ઊંડી પૂછતાછ કર્યા સિવાય)

સ્વીકારી લો અને બીજી બાબત પર આગળ વધો. અસ્વસ્થતાનો ઉલ્લેખ એક ચોક્કસ કક્ષાએ થવો જોઈએ, બધા લોકો ગમે તે જગ્યાએ કરે એ યોગ્ય નથી. શાળાનો એક વિદ્યાર્થી કહે છે, “હું અસ્વસ્થ છું એટલે મને રજા આપો,” તેની આ હરકત માટે તેના કાન આમળવા જોઈએ.”

મને લાગે છે કે જો હું એકાએક કહ્યું કે, “માથાનો દુખાવો કે અસ્વસ્થતા જેવી કોઈ બાબત (અસ્તિત્વમાં) છે જ નહિ” તો કદાચ સમગ્ર માનવજાતને આઘાત લાગે. “તે એક બહાનું માત્ર છે, એક સોહામણું જુઠ્ઠાણું (કારણ એ છે કે, મેં તમારી આંખે) આવા ડઝનેક માથાના દુખાવાવાળાઓને તેમણે જે ચોક્કસ સમયે જ્યાં હોવું જોઈએ તે સિવાય અન્યત્ર મોજથી ચાલતા કે ગાડી ચલાવતા જોયા છે.

GSEB Solutions Class 12 English Unit 9 Read 1 Headache

આવું આખેઆખું બોલવા માટે દુનિયા હજુ પરિપક્વ નથી. માણસ એવું કહી નથી શકતો, “મને યોગ્ય નથી લાગતું તેથી (હું) આ મીટિંગમાં હાજરી આપતો નથી.” એક ક્લાર્ક એના માલિકને જો આવી નોંધ મોકલે. “મને આજે પેપર્સ (ફાઈલ) જોવાનો મૂડ નથી તેથી હું ઑફિસ

આવતો નથી.” તો તેની નોકરી જાય, જ્યારે તે માથાનો દુખાવાને લીધે આવતો નથી એમ કહેવા સ્વતંત્ર (જોખમ રહિત) છે. માથાનો દુખાવો એ માનવસંબંધો કાર્યશીલ રહે તે જાળવવા ખૂબ જ જરૂરી છે. આપણે એના સિવાય ઘરમાં કે જાહેરમાં ચલાવી શકીએ નહિ. સામાન્ય ઘરમાં વિવિધ અગવડભરી પરિસ્થિતિ પર પડદો પાડતા અનેક પ્રકારના માથાના દુખાવા જોવા મળી શકે.

ભયંકર માથાના દુખાવાનું કારણ આગળ ધરીને સાસુમા જમવાનું છોડી દે એ કમ સે કમ એ દિવસ પૂરતું એમના દીકરા કે પુત્રવધૂ માટે યોગ્ય ન ગણાય. પુત્ર કે જે માથાના દુખાવાનું બહાનું કાઢે છે તે માત્ર તેના મિત્રો અને અધિકારીઓને ટાળવા જ નહિ, પરંતુ આપેલું વચન પૂરું કરવા તેની પત્નીને બહાર લઈ જવા દબાણ ન કરે તેમ ઇચ્છે છે; બાળક જે માથાના દુખાવાનું બહાનું આગળ ધરે છે તેણે જરૂરથી હોમવર્ક કરવાનું ટાળ્યું છે અને ઇચ્છે છે કે તેના શિક્ષક (ભણાવ્યા સિવાય) ચાલ્યા જાય…

મેં અગાઉ કહ્યું તે મુજબ દરેક પ્રસંગે સાચેસાચું બોલી દેવાતું નથી. સભ્ય જીવનશૈલીની નિશાની એ છે કે બહુ ઊંડાણપૂર્વક (કોઈ બાબતે) પૂછપરછ કરવી નહિ, પરંતુ ભાષક દ્વારા અભિવ્યક્ત થયેલા કેટલાક શબ્દો યથાતથ સ્વીકારી લેવા.

માથાનો દુખાવો એટલી હદે (લોકોના સ્વભાવમાં) જડ ઘાલી બેઠો છે કે એના ઇલાજની સાબિતીરૂપે એક મસમોટો વ્યાપાર વિકસ્યો છે. કેટલાક લોકો તો જ્યાં સુધી માથાના દુખાવાની દવા પૂરો સમય પોતાના ખિસ્સામાં જ હોય ત્યાં સુધી જાણે કે પોતે જાણે

અસ્તિત્વ જ ધરાવતા નથી એવું અનુભવે છે, એને ચશ્માં બનાવવાવાળા તેમને ચશ્માં બનાવી આપી માથાના દુખાવામાંથી મુક્તિ અપાવવા ખાતરી આપે છે. આ ઉદાહરણો દર્શાવે છે કે માનવજાત બહુ જ સરળતાથી કાલ્પનિક વાતોમાં વિશ્વાસ રાખતી થઈ જાય છે. – આર. કે. નારાયણ

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