GSEB Solutions Class 11 Maths Chapter 7 Permutations and Combinations Ex 7.3

Gujarat Board GSEB Textbook Solutions Class 11 Maths Chapter 7 Permutations and Combinations Ex 7.3 Textbook Questions and Answers.

Gujarat Board Textbook Solutions Class 11 Maths Chapter 7 Permutations and Combinations Ex 7.3

Question 1.
How many 3-digit numbers can be formed by using the digits 1 to 9, if no digit is repeated?
3-digit numbers are to be formed.
i.e., Three places are to be filled with digits 1 to 9.
This can be done in 9 × 8 × 7
= 504 ways,
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GSEB Solutions Class 11 Maths Chapter 7 Permutations and Combinations Ex 7.3

Question 2.
How many 4-digit numbers are there with no digit repeated?
Let the digits be 0 to 9.
4-digit numbers are 10P4.
This includes those numbers which have 0 in the beginning (one thousand’s place)
3-digit numbers out of 9 digits 1-9 are 9P3.
∴ 4-digit numbers which do not have 0 in the beginning (on the extreme left)
= 10P49P3
= 10 × 9 × 8 × 7 – 9 × 8 × 7
= 9 × 8 × 7(10 – 1)
= 9 × 9 × 8 × 7
= 4536.

GSEB Solutions Class 11 Maths Chapter 7 Permutations and Combinations Ex 7.3

Question 3.
How many 3-digit even numbers can be made, using the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, if no digit is repeated?
Let 2 be fixed at unit’s place.
Now, we have 5 digits and 3 places are to be filled up.
This can be alone in 5P2 ways.
When unit’s place is filled up both 4 or 6, again in each case, we have 5P3 numbers.
∴ 4-digit even numbers are
3 × 5P2 = 3 × 5 × 4
= 60.

Question 4.
Find the 4-digit numbers that can be formed, using the digits 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, if no digit is repeated. How many of these will be even?
(i) Out of 5 digits, 4-digit numbers are to be formed.
Such numbers are = 5P4 = 5 × 4 × 3 × 2
= 120.

(ii) When 2 is at unit’s place, then remaining three places are filled in 4P3 ways
= 4 × 3 × 2
= 24.
When 4 is at unit’s place, then 4-digit numbers are again = 24.
∴ Even 4-digit numbers
= 2 × 24
= 48.

GSEB Solutions Class 11 Maths Chapter 7 Permutations and Combinations Ex 7.3

Question 5.
From a committee of 8 persons, in how many ways can we choose a chairman and a vice chairman, assuming one person cannot hold more than one position?
Out of 8 persons, chairman can be chosen in 8 ways. After selecting a chairman, we have to choose a vice chairman out of 7 persons.
This can be done in 7 ways.
Out of 8 persons, a chairman and a vice chairman can be chosen
8 × 7 = 56 ways.

Question 6.
Find n, if n-1P3 : nP4 = 1 : 9.
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or n = 9.

GSEB Solutions Class 11 Maths Chapter 7 Permutations and Combinations Ex 7.3

Question 7.
Find r, if
(i) 5Pr = 26Pr-1
(ii) 5Pr = 6Pr-1
(i) 5Pr = 26Pr-1
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or (7 – r)(6 – r) = 12.
⇒ 42 – 13r + r2 = 12 or r2 – 13r + 30 = 0.
⇒ (r – 10)(r – 3) = 0 ⇒ r = 3 or 10.
r ≠ 10, since r cannot be greater than n.
∴ r = 3.

(ii) 5Pr = 6Pr-1
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or (7 – r)(6 – r) = 6 or 42 – 13r + r2 = 6.
or r2 – 3r + 36 or (r – 9)(r – 4) = 0.
⇒ r = 9 or 4. So, r = 4, since r ≠ 9, because r cannot be greater than 4.

GSEB Solutions Class 11 Maths Chapter 7 Permutations and Combinations Ex 7.3

Question 8.
How many words can be formed using all letters of the word EQUATION, using each letter exactly once?
Number of letters in equation = 8.
∴ Number of letters to be taken at a time = 8.
If p is the number of words thus formed, then
P = P(8, 8) = \(\frac{8!}{(8 – 8)!}\) = 8!
= 8 × 7 × 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1
= 40320.

Question 9.
How many words, with or without meaning, can be made from the letters of the word MONDAY, assuming that no letter is repeated, if
(i) 4 letters are used at a time?
(ii) all letters are used at a time?
(iii) all letters are used but first letter is a vowel?
(i) MONDAY has 6 letters. 4 letters are taken at a time.
∴ Number of words = 6P4
= 6 × 5 × 4 × 3
= 360.

(ii) All the letters of word MONDAY are taken at a time.
Number of words = 6!
= 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1
= 720

(iii) Let the words begin with A.
Number of words formed with 5 letters = 5! = 120
Similarly, when words begin with ‘O’, number of such words = 120.
∴ Number of words beginning with vowel
= 2 × 120
= 240.

GSEB Solutions Class 11 Maths Chapter 7 Permutations and Combinations Ex 7.3

Question 10.
In how many of the distinct permutations of the letters in MISSISSIPPI, do the four ‘I’s not come together?
In the given word their are 4I, 4S, 2P and 1M.
Total number of permutations with no restriction = \(\frac{11!}{4!4!2!}\)
If we take 4I as one letter, then total letters become = 11 – 4 + 1 = 8.
If p is the permutations, when 41s are not together, then
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= 34650 – 840
= 33810.

GSEB Solutions Class 11 Maths Chapter 7 Permutations and Combinations Ex 7.3

Question 11.
In how many ways, can the letters of the word PERMUTATIONS be arranged, if the
(i) Words start with P and end with S?
(ii) Vowels are together?
(iii) There are always 4 letters between P and S?
(i) Letters between P and S are ERMUTATION. These 10 letters having T two times. These letters can be arranged in \(\frac{10!}{2!}\) ways = 1814400 ways.

(ii) There are 12 letters in the word PERMUTATIONS which have T two times.
Now the vowels a, e, i, o, u are together.
Let it be considered in one block.
The letters of vowels can be arranged in 5! ways.
Thus, there are 7 letters and 1 block of vowels with T two times.
∴ Number of arrangements = \(\frac{8!}{2!}\) × 5! = \(\frac{8!5!}{2}\) = 2419200.

(iii) There are 12 letters to be arranged in 12 places.
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These 12 letters are filled in 12 places as shown above.
P may be filled up at place No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and consequently S may be filled up at place No. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 leaving four places in between. Now P and S may be filled up in 7 ways. Similarly, S and P may be filled of in 7 ways.
Thus, P and S or S and P can be filled up is 7 + 7 = 14 ways.
Now remaining 10 places can be filled by E, R, M, U, T, A, T, I, O, N in \(\frac{10!}{2!}\) ways.
∴ No. of ways in which 4 letters occur between P and S
= \(\frac{10!}{2!}\) × 14 = \(\frac{3628800}{2}\) × 14 = 2540100.

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