GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 10 A Test of True Love

Gujarat Board GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Second Language Chapter 10 A Test of True Love Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

GSEB Class 10 English Textbook Solutions Chapter 10 A Test of True Love (Second Language)

GSEB Class 10 English A Test of True Love Text Book Questions and Answers

1. Read the Gujarati folk song.

“સાહ્યબો મારો જાણે ગુલાબનો છોડ, ખેંચે એની કોર, સુગંધ એની પ્રીતની રે …
કે સાહ્યબા વાલા મીઠી મીઠી તારી વાતો, જગાડે આખી રાતો, કે વાતો તારી પ્રીતની રે, કે વાતો તારી પ્રીતની રે …”

Now say whether the sentences are True or False.

Question 1.
Here the girl is talking about a rose plant.

Question 2.
The lover is compared with a white rose.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 10 A Test of True Love

Question 3.
The stories of love keep the girl awake the whole night.

Question 4.
The girl is attracted to him by the fragrance of love.

Question 5.
The fragrance of his words attracts the girl.

2. Recite the poem.

O my Luve is like a red, red rose
That’s newly sprung
O my Luve is like the melody
That’s sweetly played in tune.
So deep in luve am I;
And I will luve thee still, my dear,
Till all the seas go dry.

Till all the seas go dry, my dear,
And the rocks melt
I will luve thee still, my dear,
While the sands o’ life shall run.
And fare thee well, my only luve!
And fare thee well awhile!
And I will come again, my luve,
Though it were ten thousand miles. – Robert Burns

(A) Write True or False.

Question 1.
A red rose bloomed in June means very beautiful and delicate.

Question 2.
The poet loves her as much as she loves him.

Question 3.
The poet will love her till all the seas become dry

Question 4.
The poet wants to love her till the universe perishes.

(B) Here is a list of some characteristics of a friend. Write A for the most important; B for average important and C for not much important in the brackets given against each point.

[A] Shares everything.
[A] Worries about your health.
[C] Gives gift on birthday, friendship day, etc.
[A] You can rely upon him / her in any emergency.
[B] Never inquires about your personal details.
[B] Has the same taste and liking about food/ dress / hobbies.
[A] Does not enjoy without you.
[A] Considers you as the best friend.
[B] Helps you in studies.
[C] Ready to take risk for you.
[C] Never criticizes you.
[A] Never tells your personal details to anyone.
[B] Tries to spend as much time as possible with you.
[C] Spends money for you.
[A] Advises to make you a better person.
[A] Loves you.
[A] Accepts all your limitations.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 10 A Test of True Love


1. Tick mark (✓) the sentence with the nearest meaning.

Question 1.
The lieutenant lifted his face.
A. He woke up.
B. He looked up.
C. He stared at.
B. He looked up.

Question 2.
If your feeling for me has any reality.
A. You truly love me.
B. I don’t think your feelings are real.
C. I really love you.
A. You truly love me.

Question 3.
And Blandford’s heart leaped.
A. He was in tension.
B. His heart was aching.
C. He felt extremely excited.
C. He felt extremely excited.

Question 4.
He felt a strong urge to follow the girl.
A. He followed the girl because he had a strong desire to know her.
B. He felt deep sympathy for the girl.
C. He had a keen desire to go after that girl.
C. He had a keen desire to go after that girl.

Question 5.
In her green suit, she was like springtime itself.
A. She was as beautiful as springtime itself.
B. It was springtime when she herself went to meet Blandford.
C. In springtime she liked to wear a green suit.
A. She was as beautiful as springtime itself.

2. Complete the paragraph using the words from the brackets.

(attention, longing, strength, courage, plump, friendly, kind, gentle, urge)
Raj stood near the garden. He saw two women. His attention was divided between the two. Both were young and beautiful. But one was always with him in every situation. And the second one was more beautiful than the first one. So he felt a strong urge to follow the second. Yet he also had a deep longing for the first who had given him great strength and courage. And there she stood. He could see that her pale, plump face was kind and gentle. Her grey eyes were warm and friendly.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 10 A Test of True Love

3. Put the words / word forms at the proper places to frame meaningful sentences.

Example : Rustam to go to his uncle’s house as he does not like him. (hesitate)
Rustam hesitates to go to his uncle’s house as he does not like him.

(1) My result was declared and it me. (disappoint)
My result was declared and it disappointed me.

(2) At night, a lion me, but I was not scared. (pass by)
At night, a lion passed by me, but I was not scared.

(3) Yesterday there was a fatal accident on the state highway near Bhavnagar. My friend an accident and died on the spot. (meet with)
Yesterday there was a fatal accident on the state highway near Bhavnagar. My friend met with an accident and died on the spot.

(4) The cheetah crawled silently closer to its prey, on it and caught it. (leap)
The cheetah crawled silently closer to its prey, leapt on it and caught it.

(5) Vidhi has a lack of self-confidence so she is not able to on study, (concentration)
Vidhi has a lack of self-confidence so she is not able to concentrate on study.

(6) Raj took part in the elocution competition. He performed very well in the competition, so he success in it. (expect) Raj took part in the elocution competition. He performed very well in the competition,so he expects success in it.

4. Find out the word nearest in meaning and use it in your own sentence.

Question 1.
(a) live
(b) depart
(c) remove
(d) stay
(b) depart
The trains departs at 2 p.m.

Question 2.
(a) think
(b) support
(c) believe
(d) expect
(a) think
I think Rashmi is absent because she is

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 10 A Test of True Love

Question 3.
(a) ugly
(b) handsome
(c) beautiful
(d) fair Mitali is a beautiful little girl.
(c) beautiful

Question 4.
(a) vision
(b) site
(c) view
(d) sought
(a) vision
That old man has a poor vision.

Question 5.
feel ashamed
(a) feel sad
(b) feel guilty
(c) feel happy
(d) feel good
(b) feel guilty
Don’t you feel guilty when you behave so badly with other people ?

5. Pair the opposites.

(narrow, pull, leave, pretty, untidy, pale, valuable, shy, refuse, broad, allow, stay, shining, coy, drag, push, ugly, cheap, clean, wish, want, longing)
Example : narrow x broad
(1) pull x push
(2) leave x stay
(3) pretty x ugly
(4) untidy x clean
(5) pale x shining
(6) valuable x cheap
(7) refuse x allow

6. Here are some proverbs. Try to find out what they mean. Match them.

Proverbs Meanings
1. Unity is strength. (a) If many people participate in a task, the task will not be done properly.
2. All that glitters is not gold. (b) It is natural for a man to make mistakes.
3. Empty vessels sound the loudest, (c) Students should be busy with work so they will stay out trouble.
4. Too many cooks spoil the broth. (d) A stupid person is not so good as an understanding foe.
5. As you sow, so shall you reap. (e) A problem encourages creative efforts to solve the problem.
6. A wise enemy is better than a foolish friend. (f) An ignorant man says he has full knowledge of subjects.
7. A drowning man catches a straw (g) There is power in team work.
8. To err is human. (h) When hope of success is fading, people will try anything.
9. An idle mind is a devil’s workshop (i) Actions of a person repay him / her in kind.
10. Necessity is the mother of invention, (j) Something that looks attractive may not be valuable.

1-g, 2 -j, 3 -f, 4 – a, 5 – i, 6 – d, 7 – h, 8 – b, 9 – c, 10 -e

7. Answer the following questions

using the words given in the brackets.
(Divisional Magistrate, DSP, Mayor, IGP, Sub Divisional Magistrate, Governor, President, Prime Minister, Sarpanch)

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 10 A Test of True Love

Question 1.
Who is elected as the head of Gram Panchayat ?

Question 2.
Who is the first citizen of the city ?

Question 3.
Who is in charge of the security of people at the district level ?

Question 4.
Who observes the correctness of decisions in the country at the constitutional level?

Question 5.
Who observes the correctness of decisions in the state at the constitutional level?

Question 6.
Who is the chief of the State Police Department ?

Question 7.
A collector is also called…
Divisional Magistrate


(A) Match the description with the characters.

(wearing a white rose, a tall and young man, of about thirty, army group moved to overseas, a young woman, a woman with red rose, tall and slim, past forty, beautiful looking, greying hair, gentle firmness, wearing an old hat, wearing a green suit, rather heavy, eyes as blue as flowers, pale and plump, gentle and kind face, warm and friendly eyes

No. Character Description (Words and phrases)
1. Blandford a tall and young man, army group moved to the overseas
2. A young girl wearing a white rose
3. A young woman of about thirty, tall and slim, beautiful looking, gentle firmness, wearing a green suit, eyes as blue as flowers
4. An aged woman a woman with a red rose, past forty, greying hair, wearing an old hat, rather heavy, pale and plump, gentle and kind face, warm and friendly eyes

(B) Use the words/phrases in your sentences and write a few sentences on each character. You can add some more information from the text.

(1) Blandford : Blandford was a tall, young lieutenant. He was going to see the woman who had been in his thoughts for the past thirteen months. Her words written in her letter had given him strength and courage : Of course there will be times when you are afraid, imagine you can hear my voice saying to you. I shall fear not even death in battle. He believed that he loved her and that she loved him. When he saw the young girl, he wanted to follow her. But he also longed to meet the woman who had given him great courage and strength. When he saw the old lady, he thought, “This could not be love. It would be something precious. It would be a friendship for which he would always be grateful.”

(2) A young girl: While Blandford was waiting for Hollis Meynell, a girl passed by him. Blanford looked closely. She was wearing a flower, but it was a white rose. Besides, the girl was only about eighteen.

(3) A young woman : While Blandford was waiting for Hollis Meynell, he saw a young woman coming towards him. She was tall and slim. Her eyes were as blue as flowers. Her lips and chin had a gentle firmness. She was wearing a green suit. She looked like springtime itself. But she did not have a rose. As he moved, she smiled at him.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 10 A Test of True Love

(4) An aged woman : The aged woman seemed to be past forty. Her hair was grey and she was wearing an old hat. She was quite fat. She had a red rose on her untidy coat. Her face was pale and plump, but she looked gentle and kind. Her grey eyes were warm and friendly.

2. Tick mark the most appropriate option.

Question 1.
While waiting for the woman, Blandford’s heart started beating fast because …
A. he was very much eager to see the woman.
B. he was greatly excited thinking about the woman.
C. he was overjoyed on seeing the woman.
D. the beats of his heart increased.
A. he was very much eager to see the woman.

Question 2.
‘Her words written in her letter meant a great deal to him’ means …
A. some of the sentences she had written in her letter gave courage and strength to Blandford.
B. her words expressed her feelings and love for Blandford.
C. her words were very valuable for Blandford.
D. he found the words sympathetic.
C. her words were very valuable for Blandford.

Question 3.
‘In her green suit, she was like springtime itself’ means …
A. she was looking very beautiful in the spring season.
B. she was as beautiful and cheerful as the flowering season.
C. when she went to meet Blandford, it was springtime.
D. in springtime, everything is green.
B. she was as beautiful and cheerful as the flowering season.

Question 4.
Blandford felt a strong urge to follow the young girl because …
A. he was attracted by the beauty of the girl.
B. he had a keen desire to go after the girl.
C. he had a strong desire to talk to her.
D. he felt deep sympathy for the girl.
A. he was attracted by the beauty of the girl.

Question 5.
‘How different the woman was from the girl he had expected’ means …
A. the girl he had imagined was not like the one standing before him.
B. the woman was not as beautiful as he expected her to be.
C. that was not the woman he really wanted. to meet.
D. he thought that the girl would be the same as he dreamed of.
A. the girl he had imagined was not like the one standing before him.

Question 6.
What would Miss Meynell always fear ?
A. that he would not love her.
B. he was attracted by her beautiful face only.
C. she would lose her love because of her ordinary looks.
D. Blandford was alone and writing letters to spend time.
D. Blandford was alone and writing letters to spend time.

3. Write the time and incidents / action that took place at that time.

Time Incidents that happened / what happened
5:64 Blandford looked up and noted the time.
5:56 A girl passed by him. She was about eighteen years old and had a white rose.
5:59 A beautiful, young, tall and slender woman was walking towards Blandford. She was wearing a green suit. But she did not have red rose. As Blandford moved, she smiled and said, “Going my way, soldier?”

Then he saw an old woman with a red rose. She was standing behind the young woman.

The girl in the green suit walked away quickly.

Blandford wanted to follow the young girl, but he also longed to meet the woman whose words had given him great strength and courage. So he saluted the woman and introduced himself.

4. Find out the sentences from the Read having the nearest meaning to these sentences. Write the first and last words in the brackets.

Question 1.
Blandford would meet and have a chat with the woman.
(Now he was going to hear her real voice.

Question 2.
The words written by the woman were encouraging for Blandford.
He had remembered these words and they had given him new strength.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 10 A Test of True Love

Question 3.
He remembered the book he had read while he was under training.
His mind went back to the book he had read in the training camp.

Question 4.
Meynell went on writing letters to Blandford without fail.
Even when his letters did not arrive,she kept on writing.

Question 5.
Meynell tried to convince him that if he really loved her, all her appearance was not of any importance.
If your feeling for me has any reality, my looks won’t matter.

Question 6.
On seeing the two women, he could not decide what to do.
Blandford’s attention was divided between the two.

Question 7.
Blandford, for a second, was tempted to follow the young, beautiful woman. ’
He felt a strong urge to follow the girl.

Question 8.
Blandford wished to meet the woman who was the source of encouragement for him.
Yet he also had a deep longing for the woman who had given him great courage and strength.

Question 9.
Blandford had in his hand, the book Of Human Bondage to reveal his identity.
His fingers held Of Human Bondage, which was to show who he was.

5. Answer these questions.

Question 1.
How did the friendship between Blandford and Meynell begin ? What did they begin to feel?
Blandford saw Meynell’s name in a book that he was reading. He found her address and wrote a letter to her. She replied to him. This is how their friendship began. She continued to write to him even if his letters did not arrive. So Blandford began to feel that loved each other.

Question 2.
What did Blandford request Meynell ? Why did she refuse his request ?
Blandford requested Meynell for her photograph. Meynell refused his request because she felt that if Blandford had real feelings, her looks would not matter.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 10 A Test of True Love

Question 3.
What do you know about the tall, young, slim woman ?
Describe the tall, slim girl in your words.
The tall, young woman was very beautiful. She was tall and slender. Her eyes were as blue as flowers. Her lips and chin had a gentle firmness. In her green suit she was like springtime itself.

Question 4.
Describe the mental state of Blandford when he saw the young woman and an aged woman.
Blandford’s attention was divided between the young woman and the aged woman. He felt a strong urge to follow the young woman. But he also had a deep longing to meet the woman who had given him great courage and strength.

Question 5.
What did Blandford decide in the end? Why ?
In the end, Blandford decided that his feelings for the woman would not be love. It would be something more precious. It would be a friendship for which he would always be grateful.

Question 6.
What did the woman past forty inform Blandford with a smile ?
The woman past forty informed Blandford that she did not know him. She added that a young lady in a green suit had asked her to wear a red rose and meet him. She also told Blandford that the young woman was waiting for him at the restaurant across the street.

6. Answer the questions.

Question 1.
Which words of the woman had given great strength to Blandford ?
The following words of the woman had given great strength to Blandford: Of course there will be times when you are afraid, imagine you can hear my voice saying to you. I shall fear not even death in battle.

Question 2.
How was Blandford to recognize Meynell ?
Blandford was to recognize Meynell by a red rose.

Question 3.
What did Blandford find through the pages of the book ‘Of Human Bondage9 ?
Through the pages of the book ‘Of Human Bondage’, Blandford found notes in a woman’s handwriting.

Question 4.
What would have happened had Blandford followed the young woman?
If Blandford had followed the young woman, he would have lost Meynell forever, because she would have thought that he was only attracted to a pretty face.

Question 5.
Which book did Blandford read ? Where ?
Blandford read ‘Of Human Bondage’ in the training camp.

Question 6.
What did Blandford request the aged woman ?
Blandford requested the aged woman to go to dinner with him.

Question 7.
Where was Meynell waiting for Blandford ?
Meynell was waiting for Blandford in a restaurant across the street.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 10 A Test of True Love

7. Frame questions to get the underlined words as answers.

(1) Blandford was at the New York Grand Central Station at 6:45 p.m.
(i) Where was Blandford at 6:45 p.m.?
(ii) When was Blandford at the New York Grand Central Station?

(2) Blandford continued writing letters to Miss Meynell for thirteen months.
(i) Whom did Blandford continue to write letters for thirteen months ?
(ii) For how many months did Blandford continue to write letters to Miss Meynell ?

(3) Blandford found the name of the woman inside the cover of the book.
Where did Blandford find the name of the woman ?

(4) Blandford read the book ‘Of Human Bondage’ in a training camp.
(i) Which book did Blandford read in a training camp ?
(ii) Where did Blandford read the book ‘Of Human Bondage’?

(5) Blandford remembered those words that’ the woman had written in her letter.
What did Blandford remember ?

(6) Blandford noticed that the young girl was not wearing a red rose.
What did Blandford notice ?

(7) Miss Meynell was about thirty years old.
How old was Miss Meynell ?

(8) The face of the woman was pale, plump, gentle and kind.
How was the face of the woman?

(9) Blandford saw a young woman coming towards him at about 5:59 p.m.
(i) Whom did Blandford see coming towards him at about 5:59 p.m.?
(ii) When did Blandford see a young woman ? coming towards him ?

(10) Blandford was holding the book in his hand to show who he was.
Why was Blandford holding a book in his hand ?

8. Write short notes.

Question 1.
Blandford was a lieutenant. When he was in a training camp, he had read a book titled ‘Of Human Bondage’. When he saw some notes in a woman’s handwriting, he could not believe that a woman could understand a man’s thoughts so well. Her name was inside the cover of the book ‘Hollis Meynell’. He found her address and wrote a letter. They wrote to each other for thirteen months. Blandford believed that they loved each other.

When he was waiting to see her, he saw a beautiful, young girl. But she did not have a red rose. He wanted to follow her. But he also had a deep longing for the woman who had given him great courage and strength.The woman with the red rose was old and I fat.

Lieutenant Blandford showed the book Of Human Bondage, to introduce himself. He decided that their relationship was not love but it would precious-a friendship for which he would always be grateful. He stood straight, saluted and asked her out for dinner.

Question 2.
Miss Meynell
Miss Meynell was a young woman of about thirty. She had written her notes in the book ‘Of Human Bondage’, which Blandford read when he was in a training camp. When Blandford wrote her a letter, she replied. They wrote to each other for thirteen months. She would write to him, even if she did not get his letters.

When Blandford requested for her photograph, she refused saying that if his feelings were real, her looks would not matter to him. Finally they decided to meet. Miss Meynel would have a red rose and Blandford would carry the book ‘Of Human Bondage’. She took his test by asking an old woman, with a red rose, to meet him.

Question 3.
The end of the story ‘A Test Of True Love’
Blandford’s attention was divided between the two women. He felt a strong urge to follow the young and beautiful girl. Yet he also had a deep longing for the woman who had given him great courage and strength. He did not hesitate to introduce himself.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 10 A Test of True Love

He decided that their relationship was not love but it would precious – a friendship for which he would always be grateful. He stood straight, saluted and asked her out for dinner. The woman smiled and told him that the young lady had asked her to wear the rose and if.

Blandford invited her for dinner, she (elderly lady) should tell him that she was waiting for him at the restaurant across the street. This was Bladford’s test, which he passed. He proved that his was true love.

Language Practice

Function: Talking about Time (Present Perfect + Use of yet, already, just, since, for)

1. Read the details about Nishant and Nina. Study the bold words with brackets.

Pr = Action in present
PsO = Action in Past Over
Ps-Pr = Action in Past, Effect in Present

1. 1998 Salesman – Surat
2004 bank officer – Bharuch
2012 bank manager – Bharuch

2. Mr Nishant Vaghela came (PsO) to Surat in 1998. He took (PsO) the job as a salesman. In 2004 he passed (PsO) the exam and became (PsO) a bank officer at Bharuch, He lived (PsO) in Surat for six years. He got (PsO) promotion as a manager in the same bank, but continued (PsO) to live in Bharuch. He still lives (Pr) in Bharuch. He has lived (Ps-Pr) in Bharuch for last 17 years. Since 2004 he has been living in the same house. Until now he has worked (Ps-Pr) as a salesman, bank officer and a bank manager.

1. 1998 Painting – Rajkot
2004 Dancing and Painting-Vadodara
2012 Film-making, dancing and painting – Mumbai

2. Ms Nina Vakil started (PsO) her career as a painter at the age of 22. After six years she also started (PsO) giving dance performances. But she did not leave painting. Even today she has been working as a painter. But she moved (PsO) to Vadodara. Now she is in Mumbai. She has started (Ps – Pr) a studio. She became (PsO) a film-maker in 2012. Since then she has produced (Ps-Pr) 3 documentaries and a full length feature film. Interestingly she has not left (Ps-Pr) painting and dancing yet.

2. Read the sentences. Underline the verb forms and write PsO or Ps-Pr in the brackets.

(1) She saw (PsO) a white bear when she visited Alaska.
Yes, I have seen (Ps-Pr) a lion, but when I saw it, I don’t remember.

(2) Pintu has taken (Ps – Pr) a strong cup of tea just now.
He won’t fall asleep at least for three hours now.

(3) Mr Trivedi joined (PsO) the company in 2014.
He has been (Ps-Pr) there since then.

(4) Look, the dust is rising on the road.
A truck has just passed (Ps-Pr) from here.

(5) The platform is less crowded.
It seems the train has departed (Ps-Pr) just now

(6) Is it raining at the moment ?
No, it has just stopped (Ps-Pr).

(7) They don’t live here anymore.
They have shifted (Ps-Pr) to Jamnagar.

3. Fill in the blanks using appropriate forms of the verbs given in the brackets.

(1) Is the lecture on ? No, it has just come : (come) to an end.
(2) They have moved (move) to Bardoli. They have not visited us since then.
(3) I have lost (lose) my key. I had kept it here 10 minutes ago.
(4) Sharon moved to Bhuj in 2010. She has lived (live) there since then.
(5) Mohsin and Milind have been on vacation since yesterday. They have gone (go) to Diu for a week.
(6) A: Did you send the letter I gave you a few minutes ago ?
B :Yes, I have mailed (mail) it just now.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 10 A Test of True Love

4. (A) Read the dialogue and notice the verb forms and the use of since and for.

(1) A : Has the bus for Valsad departed ?
(2) B : What is the scheduled time for departure ?
(3) A : It is 4:00 p.m. I think. Now it is 4:15. 5 I came a bit late.
(4) B : I have been standing here since 3:30 but no bus for Valsad has departed from this platform.
(5) A : So you are here for last half an hour,but not a single bus has left.
(6) B: It’s not so. I mean no bus has left for Valsad.
(7) A : Oh! It’s terrible. Now I will have to wait for one more hour.
(8) C : Don’t panic. Just check your memory. The bus is at 4:30. I have come here just now because I knew the exact time.

(B) Read these sentences and notice the verb forms and the use of since and for.

(9) I worked in Vallabh Vidyanagar for ten years. My brother has worked here for more than ten years. He is still working here.
(10) Victor came to Vadodara in 2011. He has been there since then.
(11) Where is Montu? I haven’t seen him since morning.
(12) I am fond of music. But I haven’t played harmonium for nearly three years.
(13) Sikandar is a good friend of mine. But I haven’t seen him for a long time.
(14) Pareshbhai and Lataben have been married since 1967. It means they will complete their golden wedding next year.
Now write the number of the sentences given in A and B.

Question 1.
Wherein the starting point of action is mentioned
Sentence nos. 4, 10, 11, 14

Question  2.
Wherein the duration period of action is s mentioned ?
Sentence nos. 5, 7, 12, 13

5. Complete the sentences using since or for.

Example : You need to polish your shoes. You haven’t polished them for ages.
(1) You need to pay your rent. You haven’t paid it for months.
(2) Shall we play garba ? We haven’t played garba since last Navratri.
(3) I am going to visit my hometown. I haven’t visited it since my last birthday.
(4) Let’s go to watch a play. We haven’t watched a play since last summer vacation.
(5) Why don’t you pick up a book and read You haven’t read any for a long time.
(6) This house is in complete mess. We haven’t cleaned it since Diwali.

6. Read these sentences. Notice the use of just, already and yet.

(1) A : Will you please inform him ?
B : Yes, he knows this. I have already phoned him.

(2) A : Would you like to join us for lunch ?
B : I usually have it at one o’clock. It’s 1:15. I have just had it.

(3) A : Is it a good programme ?
B: I don’t think so. It began half an hour ago. And most people have already left for home.

(4) A : The children’s room looks clean.
B : They usually mess it in an hour. It seems they have just cleaned it.

(5) A : What happened to the chocolate I kept in the fridge before 10 minutes ?
B: I have just eaten it.

(6) A : Did you complete your homework ?
B: No, I haven’t finished it yet.

(7) A : Have you found your key ?
B: No, I haven’t found it yet.

(8) A : Has the train arrived ?
B : No, it hasn’t arrived yet.

7. Complete the sentences with already or yet or just.

Example : Tushar : Let’s go for the new Bond movie.
Deep : I have already watched it. It’s not very entertaining, (watch)

(1) Pratham: Don’t forget to tell Monu the good news.
Farhan: I have already told him. And he was very happy, (tell)

(2) Tarak : What does Jigisha say in her letter ?
Suketu: I don’t know. I haven’t read it yet.
I have been too busy, (read)

(3 ) A : Have you told your sister about this ?
B: Yes, I have just told her. She will meet you soon, (tell)

(4) Sachin : I enjoyed reading that new novel by Kiran Nagarkar. Is it his first book ?
Pankti: No, he has already written four, but I think this one is his best, (write)

(5) Meet: Is that your father’s new car ?
Renuka: Yes, it arrived last week but he has not driven it yet. (drive)

8. (A) Read these conversations.

1 2
A : Since when have you moved to this
place ?
B : Since, August last year.
A : Hmm ! It means you have lived in Morbi for 12 months.
B : No, not exactly. It is 2nd August today, and I went there 30th August.
A: That is, you have been here just over 11 months.
A : How long have you worked as a teacher ?
B : For thirty-nine years. This is my thirtieth year in this school.
A : So you joined way back in 1987?
B : Yes, since 1987 I have been enjoying this wonderful job.
Since when… ? (refers to a point of time) How long … ? (refers to duration of time)

8 (B) Complete these conversations. I Use How long or Since when for framing ? questions.

Example : Saumya : Did you like Rajkot ?
Kavya :Yes, very much. ?
Saumya: How long have you lived here ? (live)
Kavya: I have been here since my birth.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 10 A Test of True Love

(1) Firoz : This is indeed a good party, isn’t it ?
Maulik :Yes, it’s great.
Firoz : How long have you been here ? (be)
Maulik : It’s been an hour. OR I have been here for an hour(be)

(2) Pritam : Do you still work with the same company ?
Vibhuti: No, I am with ‘Red Rose’ now.
Pritam : Oh ! Since when have you joined it ? (join)
Vibhuti: Since July.

(3) Sunil: Do you know Pratik and Preeti are going to get married in December ?
Dipak : Since when have they known each other ? (know)
Sunil: It has been three years.

(4) Surekhaben : Today is Vinay’s last day at work. He doesn’t want to stop but he’s 62. next month so …
Neha: How long has he been with his company ? (be)
Surekhaben: All his working life.

(5) Zoya : I was waiting for the inquiry from your firm. Are you still with the same business ?
Rustom : No, I have started a new one.
Zoya : I see. Since when have you started it ? (start)
Rustom : Since the 1st of this month.

9. Identify the errors and correct these sentences.

(1) Krupaben is in the kitchen for the last two hours.
Krupaben has been in the kitchen for the last two hours.

(2) Nachiket has written ten pages in an hour.

(3) How long has he stayed here ?
How long has he been staying here?

(4) Kavya likes playing the the guitar. She has played on the guitar since two hours.
Kavya likes playing the guitar. She has been playing on the guitar for two hours.

(5) It rained heavily yesterday. The clouds become white now.
It rained heavily yesterday. The clouds have become white now.

(6) The Prime Minister went to a UN conference in Geneva this morning.
The Prime Minister has gone to a UN conference in Geneva this morning.

(7) I have got the news just now that the police arrested a celebrity involved in drug dealing in Mumbai.
I have got the news just now that the police have arrested a celebrity involved in drug dealing in Mumbai.


1. Write a paragraph on your best friend. You may think about these questions.

  • By what name do you call him/her?
  • How does s/he look like ?
  • Where did you meet him/her for the first time ?
  • What are your common interests ?
  • Why do you like him /her ?
  • How do you enjoy your time together ?
  • What are his/her hobbies? :
  • How do you help each other ?
  • Why are you proud of him /her ?

Vikram is my best friend. I fondly call him Vicky. Vicky is a tall and good-looking boy. He is clever in his studies and is a good tennis player. It was during a tennis match that we met for the first time. We played a doubles match together and won the cup for our school.

Since then we have become good friends. Besides tennis, we have many other common interests like watching movies, music and trekking. Vicky’s hobbies are music and photography. We spend  a lot of time together. We often go for cycling and enjoy long walks.

Vicky is an obedient boy. He respects all elders. I have learnt a lot from him. In spite of coming from a rich family, Vicky is a modest and humble boy. He always helps me with my homework and projects. I am proud to have a friend like him.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 10 A Test of True Love

Question 2.
‘A friend in need is a friend indeed’. Write about your experience when your friend ? helped you in your difficult time.
It is said that a friend in need is a friend indeed. I realized how true this was when I had fractured my right hand during a tennis match. It was just a month before my annual exams. I was playing tennis and fell down during a serve. I fractured my right hand. The doctor told me that the plaster would have to be kept for at least a month. What a big trouble! But my friend Nirav came to my help.

Nirav would bring all the notes to me in 3 the evening. He would spend his time teaching me whatever was taught in school. He even wrote my science journal and completed my project work. He gave me good company even on Sundays.

Sometimes we watched a movie together or played chess. I did not realize how fast that one month went by. My hand was alright and I was well-prepared for my exams also. And it was all thanks to Nirav. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

3. Write a summary of the story of a movie on friendship or love.

title – introduction of main characters – main incidents – the, end of the story-reason for your ” liking-your learning from the movie
Yeh Jawani Hai Diwani is a Hindi movie about love and friendship. Naina Talwar (Deepika Padukone) is a shy medical student. She always tops her class. But she does not have many friends. One day, she meets her old classmate, Aditi Mehra (Kalki Koechlin). It is then that Naina realizes that she wants more from life than high marks. Thus, she makes an impulsive decision to go with Aditi on a hiking trip into – the Himalayas.

During the hike, she renews her friendship with other former classmates, Kabir “Bunny” Thapar (Ranbir Kapoor) and Avinash “Avi” Yog (Aditya Roy Kapoor). Kabir is a handsome young man, who wants to wander and discover the world.

During the trip, Kabir and Naina come closer to each other. Kabir teaches Naina to laugh, to play, and more importantly, to love. At the end of the trip, she is about to tell him how she feels. But just at that time, they come to know that Kabir has got admission in a school for journalism in Northwestern University in Chicago.

Kabir is sad to leave his friends but happy to start a career. Naina comes to know that love and marriage have no part in Kabir’s plans and remains silent about her feelings but is happy for him as he is following his passion.

Eight years pass. Naina becomes a doctor and Kabir works as a videographer for a travel show on Fox Network. They meet in Udaipur for Aditi’s wedding and renew their friendship. Naina and Kabir are attracted to each other, but neither of them is willing to give up a career to follow the other.

Kabir leaves for home on the night of Aditi’s wedding and will leave for Paris three weeks later for his dream job as a travel show host. On New Year’s Eve, he goes to Naina’s house and proposes to her. Kabir and Naina get engaged anti declare their love for each another.

4. Write your slam book and exchange with your partner. (Classroom / Individual / Pair Activity)

Nick name:
Favourite colour:
Best friend:
Favourite TV programme :
Role model:
Email ID :
Favourite food:
The book of your liking:
Least favourite smell:
Favourite movie of all time :
Favourite quote :
Now exchange your slam book with your partner and introduce him / her in the class.

Exam-Oriented Study Material

1. Read the extracts and answer the questions.

(1) A tall, young lieutenant lifted his face, narrowed his eyes, and noted the time. His heart was beating fast. In six minutes, he was going to see the woman who had been in his thoughts for the past thirteen months.

He had never seen the woman, yet her words written in her letter had meant a great deal to him: Of course there will be times when you are afraid, imagine you can hear my voice saying to you.

I shall fear not even death in battle. He had remembered these words and they had given him new strength. Now he was going to hear her real voice. It was four minutes to six.

Question 1.
For whom was the young lieutenant waiting ?
The young lieutenant was waiting for the woman who had been in his thoughts for the past thirteen months.

Question 2.
Why did the woman’s words mean a great deal to the lieutenant ?
The woman’s words meant a great deal to the lieutenant because they had given him new strength.

Question 3.
‘His heart was beating fast’. Why?
The lieutenant’s heart was beating fast because though he had never seen the woman, she had been in his thoughts for the past thirteen months and now he was going to meet her.

Question 4.
Which words had given the lieutenant new strength?
The words that had given the lieutenant new strength were : Of course there will be times when you are afraid, imagine you can hear my voice saying to you. I shall fear not even death in battle.

(2) A girl passed by him, and Lieutenant Blandford looked closely. She was wearing a flower, but it was a white rose. He was to recognise his friend by a red rose. Besides, this girl was only, about eighteen, and Meynell had told him she was thirty.

Question 1.
How was Blandford to recognize his friend ?
Blanford was to recognize his friend by a red rose.

Question 2.
Describe the girl who passed by Blandford.
The girl who passed by Blandford was about eighteen years old and she was wearing a white rose.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 10 A Test of True Love

Question 3.
How old was Meynell ?
Meynell was thirty years old.

(3) His mind went back to the book he hadread in the training camp. ‘Of Human ? Bondage’ was the title of the novel, and throughout its pages were notes in a woman’s handwriting. He had never S believed that a woman could understand a man’s thoughts so well.

Question 1.
Which book had Blandford read?
Where ?
Answer: Blandford had read ‘Of Human ? Bondage’ in the training camp.

Question 2.
What did Blandford find through the pages of the book ‘Of Human ? Bondage’ ?
Through the pages of the book ‘Of Human Bondage’, Blandford found notes in a woman’s handwriting.

Question 3.
What could Blandford not believe?
Blandford could not believe that a woman could understand a man’s thoughts so well.

(4) Her name was inside the cover of the ? book ‘Hollis Meynell’. He had found her address in a New York telephone directory. He had written her a letter and she had answered. The next day his army group had moved overseas, but he and Hollis Meynell had continued writing to each other. For thirteen months, she had written to him regularly. Even when his letters did not arrive, she kept on writing. Now he believed that he loved her and that s she loved him.

Question 1.
What was the woman’s name?
The woman’s name was Hollis Meynell.

Question 2.
Where was the woman’s name written ?
The woman’s name was written inside the cover of the book.

Question 3.
How did Blandford find her address ?
Blandford found her address in a New York telephone directory.

Question 4.
Though Blandford’s army group moved overseas,
Though Blandford’s army group moved overseas, he and Hollis Meynell had continued writing to each other.

Question 5.
How long did Blandford and Meynell write letters ?
Blandford and Meynell wrote letters for thirteen months.

Question 6.
Blandford believed that
Blandford believed that he loved her and that she loved him.

Question 7.
Why did Blandford believe that Meynell loved him ?
Blandford believed that Meynell loved him because even when his letters did not arrive, she kept on writing to him regularly.

(5) She had refused all his requests for her photograph. She had explained, “If your feeling for me has any reality, my looks won’t matter. Suppose I’m beautiful, I would always have the idea that you were attracted by a pretty face. That kind of love would displease me. Suppose I’m not pretty then I would always fear that you were writing to me because you were lonely. No, don’t ask for my picture. When you come to New York, you shall see me.”

Question 1.
Why did Miss Meynell refuse to give her photograph ?
Miss Meynell refused to give her photograph because she thought that if his feeling for her had any reality, her looks won’t matter.

Question 2.
Miss Meynell said that if she was beautiful
Miss Meynell said that if she was beautiful, she would think that he was attracted to her pretty face and that kind of love would displease her.

Question 3.
Miss Meynell said that if she was not pretty
Miss Meynell said that if she was not pretty, she would think that he wrote to her because he was lonely.

Question 4.
What would displease Meynell ?
If Meynell was beautiful, she would think that Blandford was only attracted by her pretty face and that kind of love would displease her.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 10 A Test of True Love

(6) One minute to six. And Blandford’s heart leaped. A young woman was coming towards him. She was tall and slender. Her eyes were as blue as flowers. Her lips and chin had a gentle firmness. In her green suit she was like springtime itself.

He started walking towards her. But then he noticed she did not have a rose, As he moved, she smiled sweetly, “Going my way, soldier?” she murmured.

Question 1.
Describe the young woman.
The young woman was tall, slender, had blue eyes, her lips and chin had a gentle firmness and in her green suit she looked like springtime itself.

Question 2.
Blandford’s heart leaped. Why?
Blandford’s heart leaped because he was about to meet the woman whom he loved.

Question 3.
What did Blandford notice ?
Blandford notice that the young woman did not have a red rose.

(7) He took one step closer. Then he saw the woman with the rose. She was standing behind the girl a woman past forty, her greying hair pulled under an old hat. She was rather heavy. But there was no mistake about the red rose on her untidy coat. The girl in the green suit was walking quickly away.

Question 1.
Describe the woman with the rose.
The woman with the rose was around forty years old, her grey hair was pulled under an old hat, she was fat and wearing an untidy coat.

Question 2.
What did the girl in the green suit do?
The girl in the green suit walked away quickly.

(8) Blandford’s attention was divided between the two. He felt a strong urge to follow the girl. Yet he also had a deep longing for the woman who had given him great courage and strength. And there she stood. He could see that her pale, plump face was gentle and kind. Her grey eyes were warm and friendly.

Question 1.
Why was Blandford confused?
Blandford was confused because he had a strong urge to follow the young girl, and also had a deep longing for the woman who had given him courage and strength.

Question 2.
What did Blandford notice about the elderly lady ?
Blandford noticed that the elderly lady’s pale, plump face was gentle and kind and her grey eyes were warm and friendly.

Question 3.
Blandford had a strong urge
Blandford had a strong urge to follow the girl.

Question 4.
Blandford had a deep longing
Blandford had a deep longing for the woman who had given him great courage and strength.

(9) Lieutenant Blandford did not hesitate. His fingers held Of Human Bondage, which was to show who he was. He thought about their relationship. “This. would not be love,” he decided, “but it would be something precious. It would be a friendship for which he would always be grateful.”

Question 1.
What was Blandford holding in his hand? Why?
Blandford was holding the book Of Human Bondage to show who he was.

Question 2.
What did Blandford decide about their relationship ?
Blandford decided that their relationship was not love, but it would be something precious a friendship for which he would always be grateful.

(10) He stood straight, saluted, and held the s book towards the woman. As he spoke, he thought how different she was from the girl he had expected. “I’m Lieutenant John Blandford, and you-you are Miss Meynell, I’m so glad we could meet. May I take you to dinner ?” A smile appeared on the woman’s face. “I don’t know who you are, young man,” she answered. “That young lady; in the green suit asked me to wear this red rose on my coat. She also said, ‘If he invites you to dinner, tell him I am waiting at the restaurant across the street’, and added, It is a test of some kind.”

Question 1.
How did Blandford greet the woman ?
Blandford stood straight, saluted the woman and held the book towards her to introduce himself.

Question 2.
What did Blandford think as he spoke to the woman ?
As Blandford spoke to the woman, ! he thought how different she was from the girl he had expected.

Question 3.
What did Blanford tell the woman ?
Blandford told the woman that he was glad they could meet and also invited her to dinner.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 10 A Test of True Love

Question 4.
What did the woman say about the red rose ?
The woman said that the young lady in the green suit had asked her to wear the red rose on her coat.

Question 5.
Where was the young girl waiting for Blandford ?
The young girl was waiting at a restaurant across the street.

Question 6.
What did the young lady tell the woman ?
The young lady told the woman that if Blandford invited her to dinner, she should tell him that she (young lady) was waiting for him at a restaurant across the street.

2. Frame sentences using the given set of words. You may change the forms of the words.

(1) heart was beating fast – fear
feared that he would fail in the test and so his heart was beating fast.

(2) mean a great deal – recognize
Manish recognized me and that meant a great deal to me.

(3) continue – arrive
The orchestra continued to entertain the audience till the singers arrived on stage.

(4) refuse – request
Mohit requested his neighbour to lower the volume of the TV but the neighbour refused to do so.

(5) matter – feelings
The cost of the gift does not matter, but the feelings with which you give the gift do matter a lot.

(6) heart leaped – beautiful
Raj’s heart leaped when he saw a beautiful young girl standing before him.

(7) mistake – murmur
When the singer made a mistake in singing, there was a gentle murmur in the audience.

(8) deep longing – courage
Amit has a deep longing to meet the author whose articles have given him courage to face life.

(9) expect – invite
Sohan was expecting an invitation from his cousin.

3. Fill in the blanks selecting the correct words from the brackets.

(1) (notice, suppose, passed by, recognize)
Grandfather’s friend just passed by, but he did not recognize him. I suppose his friend did not notice that grandfather was standing with me.

(2) (untidy, follow, believed, hesitated)
The policeman believed that the man with untidy clothes was a thief. He hesitated to arrest him because he had no proof. So he decided to follow the man.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 10 A Test of True Love

(3) (explain, displeased, requested, refused)
Nita requested the teacher to explain the meaning of a word. But the teacher refused to help her. Nita was very displeased with the teacher.

(4) (noted, narrowed, strength, lifted)
A tall young lieutenant lifted his face, narrowed his eyes and noted the time. He was waiting for the woman whose words had given him great strength.

(5) (attracted by, courage, attention, deep longing)
Heta did not pay attention to what the teacher was saying. She was attracted by the music that was being played outside. She had a deep longing to run out and enjoy the music. But she did not have the courage to do so.

(6) (arrived, feelings, saluted, grateful)
When the army arrived to help the flood victims, the people saluted the brave soldiers. They were grateful for the help that they got from the army. They could not express their feelings in words.

(7) (imagine, regularly, overseas, lonely)
When Harsh went overseas, he felt quite lonely there. But he called up his family and friends regularly. He could not imagine his life without them

(8) (precious, looks, grateful, reality)
If your feeling for me has any reality, my looks won’t matter. Blandford knew that their relationship was something precious – something he would always be grateful for.

(9) (invite, a great deal, believed, expected)
Nirav expected that Jay would invite him for the party. He believed that they were good friends. Their friendship meant a great deal to him.

4. Write short notes using the given questions points.

Question 1.
Lieutenant Blandford
(Where did he read the book ‘Of Human Bondage’?-What did he see in that ? – How did he get in touch with Meynell ? – How long did they write to each other ? – What did he feel when he I saw the young girl ? – Why did he long to meet the woman ? – What did he decide about their relationship ? – What did he do?)
When Lieutenant Blandford was in a training camp, he had read a book titled ‘Of Human Bondage’. When he saw some notes in a woman’s handwriting, he could not believe that a woman could understand a man’s thoughts so well. Her name was inside the cover of the book ‘Hollis Meynell’. He found her address and wrote a letter.

They wrote to each other for thirteen months.Blandford believed that they loved each ’ other. When he was waiting to see her, he saw a beautiful, young girl. But she did not have a red rose. He wanted to follow her. But he also had a deep longing for the woman who had given him great courage and strength. The woman with the red rose was old and fat.

Lieutenant Blandford showed the book Of Human Bondage, to introduce himself. He decided that their relationship was not love but it would precious a friendship for which he would always be grateful. He stood straight, saluted and asked her out for dinner.

Question 2.
Miss Hollis Meynell
(young woman – notes in the book ‘Of Human Bondage’- wrote letters regularly – her words gave him new strength – refused to give her photograph – if his feelings were real, her looks would not matter-if she was beautiful, he would be attracted by her pretty face-if she was not pretty, he was writing because he was lonely-took a test on the day of their first meeting)
Miss Meynell was a young woman of about thirty. She had written her notes in the book ‘Of Human Bondage’, which Blandford read when he was in a training camp. When Blandford wrote her a letter, she replied. They wrote to each other for thirteen months. She would write to him, even if she did not get his letters. Her words gave him new strength.

When Blandford requested for her photograph, she refused saying that if his feelings were real, her looks would not matter to him. If she was beautiful, she would feel that Blandford was attracted by a pretty face. That kind of love would displease her. If she was not pretty, she would think that he was writing to her because he was lonely.

On the day of their first meeting, she took his test. They had decided that she would have a red rose and Blandford would carry the book ‘Of Human Bondage’. Meynell sent an old woman with a red rose to meet Blandford and see how he reacted.

Question 3.
The end of the story ‘The Test Of True Love’
(Blandford’s attention was divided – strong urge to follow the young girl – deep longing for the woman who had given him strength – decided that their relationship would be friendship – did not hesitate – introduced himself – invited her for dinner-woman revealed the secret)
Blandford’s attention was divided between the two women. He felt a strong urge to follow the young and beautiful girl. But he also had a deep longing for the woman who had given him great courage and strength.

He decided that their relationship was not love but it would precious-a friendship for which he would always be grateful. He did not hesitate to introduce himself. He stood straight, saluted and asked her out to dinner.

The woman smiled and told him that the young lady had asked her to wear the red rose and if Blandford invited her for dinner, she (elderly lady) should tell him that she was waiting for him at the restaurant across the street. This was Bladford’s test, which he passed. He proved that his was true love.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 10 A Test of True Love

5. Select the title of the Read related with each sentence.

(Note: Important sentences of this Read are given here.)

(1) A tall, young lieutenant lifted his face, narrowed his eyes, and noted the time.
(2) In six minutes, he was going to see the woman who had been in his thoughts for the past thirteen months.
(3) He had never seen the woman, yet her words written in her letter had meant a great deal to him
(4) He had remembered these words and they had given him new strength.
(5) She was wearing a flower, but it was a white rose.
(6) His mind went back to the book he had read in the training camp.
(7) He had never believed that a woman could understand a man’s thoughts so well.
(8) For thirteen months, she had written to him regularly.
(9) Now he believed that he loved her and that she loved him.
(10) She had refused all his requests for her photograph.
(11) If your feeling for me has any reality,
(12) Suppose I’m beautiful, I would always . have the idea that you were attracted by a pretty face.
(13) Suppose I’m not pretty then I would always fear that you were writing to me because you were lonely.
(14) In her green suit she was like springtime itself.
(15) He felt a strong urge to follow the girl.
(16) He also had a deep longing for the woman who had given him great courage and strength
(17) It would be a friendship for which he would always be grateful.
(18) He stood straight, saluted, and held the book towards the woman.
(19) As he spoke, he thought how different she was from the girl he had expected.
(20) It is a test of some kind.

6. Fill in the blanks selecting the correct  words from the brackets.

(has come, had begun, decided, went, lives)
I am fond of watching movies. Yesterday decided to see a movie with my sister, who lives in Gandhinagar. She has come to stay with us for a few days. Instead of going to office, we went to the cinema hall. When we reached there, the movie had begun.

7. Write the correct question to get the underlined word / words as answers.

Question 1.
Ketan was in the market at 8 pm.
A. Who was in the market at 8 p.m. ?
B. Where was Ketan at 8 p.m.?
C. When was Ketan in the market?
D. Who was in the market at 8 p.m.?
(C) When was Ketan in the market ?

Question  2.
Jay noticed that Chetan was sleeping.
A. What did Jay notice ?
B. What was Chetan doing?
C. Who was sleeping?
D. Who noticed Chetan sleeping ?
(A) What did Jay notice ?

Question 3.
Nita has been teaching English for ten years.
A. What has been Nita teaching for ten years ?
B. Who has been teaching English?
C. Since when has Nita been teaching English ?
D. How long has Nita been teaching English ?
(D) How long has Nita been teaching English ?

Question 4.
Grandfather is about 89 years old.
A. Who is 89 years old?
B. How old is grandfather ?
C. When is grandfather 89 years old?
D. How long is grandfather 89 years old ?
(B) How old is grandfather ?

Question 5.
Geeta has been studying since morning.
A. Since when has Geeta been studying ?
B. How long has Geeta been studying ?
C. When was Geeta studying?
D. Who was studying since morning.
(A) Since when has Geeta been studying ?

8. Complete the exercise using the functions given in the brackets.

(1) How long have you been studying in this school ? (duration of time)
(2) I have been standing here since 9 o’clock in the morning, (point of time)
(3) We haven’t cleaned the house since Diwali. (point of time)
(4) How long have the passengers been waiting for the train? (duration of time)
(5) Rakesh is the boy who has won the tennis match, (describing person)
(6) Since when have you started learning music ? (point of time)
(7) How long have you worked in this office ? (duration of time)
(8) Since when have the children stopped playing cricket? (point of time)

9. Complete the dialogue using the functions given in the brackets.

Mohit: Do you like Ahmadabad ?
David: Oh, yes. I do. How long have you been living here? (duration of time)-
Mohit: I have been living here since 2011. (point of time)
David : Oh, I see.

A Test of True Love Summary in Gujarati

ન્યૂ યૉર્કના ગ્રાન્ડ સૅન્ટ્રલ સ્ટેશનના માહિતી વિભાગ ઉપરની ઘડિયાળ છમાં છ મિનિટ દર્શાવતી હતી. એક ઊંચા, યુવાન લેફ્ટનન્ટ મોં ઊંચું કર્યું, આંખો જીણી કરી અને સમય જોયો. તેનું હૃદય ઝડપથી ધબકતું હતું. છેલ્લા તેર મહિનાથી જેનો તેણે સતત વિચાર કર્યો હતો, તે સ્ત્રીને તે છ મિનિટમાં મળવાનો હતો. તેણે આ સ્ત્રીને ક્યારેય જોઈ નહોતી. તોપણ તેના પત્રમાં તેણે લખેલા શબ્દોનું તેને મન ભારે મહત્ત્વ હતું : અલબત્ત એવો સમય પણ આવે, જ્યારે તમને ખૂબ ડર લાગે … તમને હું કહેતી હોઉં તેવો મારો અવાજ સાંભળી શકો છો તેની કલ્પના કરો : યુદ્ધમાં મૃત્યુથી પણ હું ડરીશ નહિ.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 10 A Test of True Love

આ શબ્દો તેણે યાદ રાખ્યા હતા અને આ શબ્દોએ તેને નવી શક્તિ આપી હતી. હવે તે(સ્ત્રી)નો વાસ્તવિક અવાજ સાંભળવાનો હતો. છમાં ચાર મિનિટ બાકી હતી. એક છોકરી તેની પાસેથી પસાર થઈ અને લેફ્ટનન્ટ બ્લેન્ડફૉર્ડ તેને નજીકથી જોઈ. તેણે ફૂલ તો ટાંકેલું હતું, પણ એ સફેદ ગુલાબ હતું. તેણે તો લાલ ગુલાબથી તેની મિત્રને ઓળખવાની હતી. તદુપરાંત, આ છોકરી તો આશરે અઢારની હતી, અને મેનિલે તો તેને પોતે ત્રીસ વર્ષની હોવાનું કહેલું.

તાલીમ શિબિરમાં તેણે વાંચેલું પુસ્તક તેને યાદ આવ્યું. નવલકથાનું શીર્ષક હતું ‘ઑવ હ્યુમન બૉન્ડેજ અને તેના દરેક પાના પર સ્ત્રીના હસ્તાક્ષરમાં નોંધ હતી. એક સ્ત્રી પુરુષના વિચારોને આટલી સારી રીતે સમજી શકે એવું તેણે ક્યારેય માન્યું નહોતું.

પુસ્તકના અંદરના પૂંઠા પર તેનું નામ હતું – હોલિસ મેનિલ. ન્યૂ યૉર્કની ટેલિફોન ડિરેક્ટરીમાંથી તેને તેનું સરનામું મળેલું. તેણે તેને પત્ર લખ્યો હતો અને તેણે (સ્ત્રીએ) જવાબ આપ્યો હતો. બીજે દિવસે તેની લશ્કરી ટુકડી દરિયાપાર ચાલી ગઈ હતી, પણ તેણે અને હોલિસ મેનિલે પરસ્પર પત્રવ્યવહાર કરવાનું ચાલુ રાખ્યું હતું.

તેર મહિનાથી તે તેને નિયમિત (પત્ર) લખતી હતી. તેના (બ્લેન્ડફોર્ડના) પત્રો ન આવે તો પણ તે તો લખ્યા જ કરતી હતી. હવે તે (બ્લેન્ડફૉડ) તેને (મેનિલને) ચાહતો હતો અને તે (મેનિલ) તેને ચાહતી હતી એમ તે માનતો હતો.

તેના ફોટોગ્રાફ માટેની તેની બધી વિનંતિઓ તેણે નકારી હતી. તેણે સ્પષ્ટતા કરેલી : “મારા પ્રત્યેની તમારી લાગણીમાં જો કંઈ સચ્ચાઈ હોય તો મારા દેખાવનું કોઈ મહત્ત્વ નથી. ધારી લો કે હું સુંદર છું, તો તમે એક સુંદર ચહેરાથી આકર્ષાયા હતા એવો વિચાર મને સતત આવતો રહેશે. એ પ્રકારના પ્રેમથી મને ખુશી ન મળત. ધારી લો કે હું સુંદર નથી. તો પછી મને હંમેશાં એવો ડર રહેશે કે તમે એકલવાયા હતા તેથી મને (પત્ર) લખતા હતા. ના, મારા ફોટોગ્રાફની માગણી ના કરશો. તમે ન્યૂ યૉર્ક આવો ત્યારે મને જોશો.”

છમાં એક મિનિટ અને બ્લેન્ડફૉર્ડનું હૃદય ધબકવા માંડ્યું. એક યુવાન સ્ત્રી તેની તરફ આવી રહી હતી. તે ઊંચી અને એકવડા બાંધાની (પાતળી) હતી. તેની આંખો ફૂલો જેટલી જ ભૂરી હતી. તેના હોઠ અને ચહેરા પર સૌમ્ય મક્કમતા હતી. તેના લીલા પરિવેશમાં તે સ્વયં વસંતઋતુ જેવી લાગતી હતી.

તે તેના તરફ ચાલવા લાગ્યો. પણ પછી તેના ધ્યાનમાં આવ્યું કે તેની પાસે ગુલાબ નહોતું. તે આગળ ચાલ્યો ત્યારે તેણે મોહક સ્મિત આપ્યું, “મારા રસ્તે જાઓ છો, જવાન” તે ધીમેથી બોલી.

તે એકાદ ડગલું નજીક ગયો. ત્યાં તેણે એક ગુલાબ ટાંકેલી સ્ત્રી જોઈ. તે છોકરીની પાછળ ઊભી હતી – ચાલીસેક વટાવી ગયેલી એ સ્ત્રીએ તેના સફેદ થતા વાળને જૂની હૅટ નીચે ઢાંકી રાખેલા. એ થોડી જાડી હતી. પણ તેના અવ્યવસ્થિત કોટ પર લાલ ગુલાબ વિશે સંદેહ નહોતો. લીલા પરિવેશમાં પેલી છોકરી ઝડપથી આગળ જઈ રહી હતી.

બ્લેન્ડફૉર્ડનું ધ્યાન બે વચ્ચે વહેંચાઈ ગયું હતું. તેને છોકરીનો પીછો કરવાની તીવ્ર લાલચ થઈ આવી. તેમ છતાં જે સ્ત્રીએ તેને ખૂબ હિંમત અને શક્તિ આપ્યાં હતાં તે સ્ત્રી પ્રત્યે તેને ઊંડી ઝંખના પણ હતી. અને એ ત્યાં જ ઊભી હતી, તે સ્ત્રીનો ફિક્કો. ભરાવદાર ચહેરો સૌમ્ય અને માયાળુ હતો તે એ જોઈ શકતો હતો. તેની ભૂખરી આંખોમાં ઉષ્મા અને મૈત્રીના ભાવ હતાં.

લેફ્ટનન્ટ બ્લેન્ડફૉર્ડ અચકાયો નહિ. તે પોતે કોણ હતો તે દેખાડવા તેના હાથમાં ‘ઑવ હ્યુમન બૉર્વેજ” (પુસ્તક) હતું. તેણે તેમના સંબંધને યાદ કર્યો. “આ મારો) પ્રેમ નથી.”, તેણે | નિર્ણય કરી લીધો. “પણ એ કંઈક મૂલ્યવાન તો છે. તે મૈત્રી હશે જેને માટે એ હંમેશાં કણી રહેશે.”

તે ટટ્ટાર ઊભો રહ્યો, સલામ કરી અને સ્ત્રી સામે પુસ્તક ધર્યું. તે બોલ્યો ત્યારે તેને વિચાર આવ્યો કે તેણે અપેક્ષા રાખેલી તેવી છોકરી કરતાં તે કેટલી અલગ હતી.

“હું લેફ્ટનન્ટ જન ગ્લૅન્ડફૉર્ડ અને તમે … તમે મિસ મેનિલ છો. આપણે મળી શક્યા તેનો મને ખૂબ આનંદ છે. હું તમને જમવા લઈ જાઉં?” એ સ્ત્રીના ચહેરા પર સ્મિત રમી રહ્યું, “તમે કોણ છો તે હું જાણતી નથી, જવાન,” તે બોલી. “લીલા પરિવેશમાં પેલી યુવાન સ્ત્રીએ મારા કોટ પર આ લાલ ગુલાબ ટાંકવાનું કહ્યું. તેણે એમ પણ કહ્યું, ‘એ તમને જમવાનું આમંત્રણ આપે તો તેને કહેજો કે શેરીની સામે પારના રેસ્ટોરાંમાં હું તેની રાહ જોઉં છું,’ અને વધુમાં કહેતી ગઈ, ‘આ એક જાતની કસોટી છે.”

Word Meanings

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 10 A Test of True Love 4
GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 10 A Test of True Love 3

Idioms And Phrases

(1) to tune up
Are you all tuned up for the annual function ?

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 10 A Test of True Love

(2) on behalf of
The principal welcomed the chief guest on behalf of the school.

(3) to lead to
Unnecessary questions from parents lead to frustration among teenagers.

(4) to be associated with
Mrs Dave has been associated with this institution since 2010.

(5) to bring in
Dr Parikh has joined this hospital. He will bring in his long experience as a physician.

(6) in spite of
In spite of getting up early, I missed the school bus.

(7) to get tempted to
The little boy got tempted to play in the rain.

(8) to make sure
Please make sure that you have packed all your woollen clothes as it will be very cold in Shimla.

(9) related to
The teacher asked us to ask questions related to her subject only.

(10) to result into
The argument between the two boys finally resulted into a big fight.

(11) slowing down
Eating heavy lunch will slow down your activities.

(12) in the long run
Yoga shows its benefits in the long run.

(13) based on
The Hindi film Dangal is based on a true story.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 10 A Test of True Love

I feel… (Classroom / Individual Activity)

(1) As a student, how do you feel when your exam overcoming the problems ?
(2) Do you always discuss your problems in studies with your parents ? Do they help you in
(3) What do your parents expect from you ? How will you try to fulfill their expectations ?
(4) How do you feel whenever your teachers motivate you in the class ?
(5) Which suggestions of the counsellors did you like ? Underline them.
(6) Have you ever felt depressed during the exams ? Who has supported you in such situations ? How?

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