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GSEB Class 10 Social Science Notes Chapter 8 Natural Resources

Our Revision Notes for GSEB Class 10 Social Science Notes Chapter 8 Natural Resources summarises the key points of a chapter and useful resource to prepare effectively for the upcoming board exams.

Natural Resources Class 10 GSEB Notes Social Science Chapter 8

Natural Resources Class 10 GSEB Notes

→ Anything which is used to fulfil the human needs becomes a resource.

→ The resources are made of the interaction of the three, i.e. nature, man, and the culture.

GSEB Class 10 Social Science Notes Chapter 8 Natural Resources

Uses of Resource:

  • All activities from agriculture to industries ultimately depend on natural resources.
  • Various food requirements of man are complied by various resources.
  • Various goods obtained from forests, agro-products, wool, hides and meat available from animals, minerals ores etc, provide the raw material for many industries.
  • Energy resources like coal, natural gas, solar insolation, wind, sea waves, tides and ebbs and waterfalls are used as resources.
  • Resources are classified on the basis of ownership, re-availabjiity, and distribution centres.
  • Some resources reproduce themselves as per their usage during a specific time, These are called renewable resources.
  • Non-renewable resources are those which are present in limited quantity and cannot be reproduced.

→ Planning and conservation of resources: Due to the extraordinary development in the science and technology and due to population explosion the use of resources became unlimited.

→ Resource consecration is the concept of using resources carefully so that they do not end up quickly.

→ The future generations also need the resources, but if we keep using them at a fast pace, they may exhaust thus, posing problems for the future.

GSEB Class 10 Social Science Notes Chapter 8 Natural Resources

→ The uppermost layer of the crust of the earth is called soil which contain minerals and biotic elements necessary for the growth and development of vegetation.

→ Soils are classified on the basis of their colour, parental rocks, structure on the basis of their colour, climate, parental rock structure, humus, etc.

Types of soil: ICAR has divided the soil into eight types.

  • Alluvial soil: The formation soil is due to the alluvial depostition by the rivers.
  • Red Soil: The soil is red in colour due to the presence of ferric oxide and it becomes yellow as we go down.
  • Black soil: This soil is formed due to the spreading of Deccan lava.
  • Laterite Soil: Its red colour is due to the iron oxide. When this soil is wet, it becomes smooth like butter and when it is dry, it becomes very hard.
  • Desert Soil: The soil is sandy and infertile as it contains more dissolved minerals.
  • Mountain soil: The soil is found at a general altitude in the regions of pine and chid trees.
  • Forest Soil: The surface of the earth is covered by the shaded leaves of the trees and the upper part of the land becomes black due to the increase in the humus caused due to the decaying leaves.
  • Marshy Soil: This type of soil develops in humid regions due to the accumulation of biotic elements. During rainy season, this land is submerged under water and when the water recedes, paddy can be grown in it.

→ Soil Erosion: Erosion means the transportation of land particles from one place to another with the help of moving air and water. If the soil particles are carried away because of heavy rain or by stormy wind, the agricultural production decreases. It is extremely necessary to maintain this upper layer for agriculture. So the soil erosion should be prevented.

GSEB Class 10 Social Science Notes Chapter 8 Natural Resources

→ Avoiding plantation, construction of check dams, etc, controls the soil erosion.

→ Soil conservation means to prevent the soil erosion and to maintain its quality.

→ If the soil is not conserved then there are chances of floods which enhances the risk against lives and property.

→ By implementing the remedies, soil can- be conserved. The conservation of soil is essential today. The government and the people should work together for its conservation.

Natural Resources Class 10 GSEB Notes Important Terms

• Resource : Anything which is used to fulfil human needs is known as resource.

• Renewable resource: The resources that reproduce themselves as per their usage during a specific time.

• Non-renewable resource : Those resources which cannot be reused once they are used or they cannot be reproduced or cannot be reformed in near future.

• Conservation (shielding) : When there is a danger of existence on the life of the tree or a human life the arrangement made for it is called conservation.

• Soil: It is the layer or the surface of the matter formed due to- the mixture of the scattered material of the parental rocks and vegetation.

GSEB Class 10 Social Science Notes Chapter 8 Natural Resources

• ICAR : Indian Council for Agricultural Research.

• Soil erosion : It means the transportation of land particles from one place to another with help of moving air and water.

• Soil conservation : It means to prevent the soil erosion and to maintain its quality. It is directly connected to retain the soil particles at their original place.

• Desert soil : It is seen in the area where the climate is arid or semi-arid. This soil is sandy and fertile which contains more minerals.

• Marshy or peaty soil : It develops in humid region due to accumulation of biotic elements. Biotic elements and minerals are excess in such soil, but it shows insufficiency in phosphate and potash.

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