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GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You?

Gujarat Board GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Second Language Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You? Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

GSEB Std 8 English Textbook Solutions Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You?

GSEB Class 8 English You Love English, Don’t You? Text Book Questions and Answers

Activity 1.

(A) Sing this rhyme. Underline the name of objects and colours. Write them in the table.
GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You 1

Blue, blue, the sky is blue,
(બ્લ, બ્લ, ધ સ્કાઈ ઇઝ બ્લ,)
ભૂરું, ભૂરું, આકાશ છે ભૂરું,

The water in the sea is too;
(ધ વૉટર ઇન ધ સી ઇઝ ટુ;)
સમુદ્રમાં પાણી પણ છે ભૂરું;

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You?

I like blue, don’t you ? … (2)
(આઈ લાઇક બ્લ, ડોન્ટ યુ? … (2)).
મને ભૂરો રંગ ગમે છે, તમને (નથી ગમતો)? … (2)

Green, green, the grass is green,
(ગ્રીન, ગ્રીન, ધ ગ્રાસ ઇઝ ગ્રીન )
લીલું, લીલું, ઘાસ છે લીલું,

Leaves on the trees are green;
(લીલ્ક ઑન ધ ટ્રીઝ આર ગ્રીન;)
ઝાડનાં પાંદડાં પણ છે લીલાં;

I like green, don’t you ? … (2)
(આઈ લાઈક ગ્રીન, ડોન્ટ યુ? … (2)
મને લીલો રંગ ગમે છે, તમને નથી ગમતો)? … (2)

Red, red, the sun is red,
(રેડ, રેડ, ધ સન ઇઝ રેડ),
લાલ, લાલ, સૂર્ય છે લાલ,

When he is getting out of bed;
(વન હી ઇઝ ગેટિંગ આઉટ ઑવ બેડ;).
જ્યારે તે સવારે ઊઠે છે;

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You?

I like red, don’t you ? … (2)
(આઈ લાઈક રેડ, ડોન્ટ યુ? … (2))
મને લાલ રંગ ગમે છે, તમને નથી ગમતો)? … (2)

Yellow, yellow, flowers are yellow,
(યેલો, યેલો, ફ્લાવર્ઝ આર યેલો.)
પીળાં, પીળાં, ફૂલો છે પીળાં,

Sunflowers standing in a row;
(સનફ્લાવર્સ સ્ટેન્ડિંગ ઇન એ રો;)
એક હારમાં ઊભેલાં સૂરજમુખીનાં ફૂલો;

I like yellow, don’t you? … (2)
(આઈ લાઈક ચેલો, ડોન્ટ યુ? … (2))
મને પીળો રંગ ગમે છે, તમને નથી ગમતો)? … (2)

Objects Colours
(1) sky (1) blue
(2) water (2) green
(3) sea (3) red
(4) grass (4) yellow
(5) leaves
 (6) tree
(7) sun
(8) bed
(9) flower
(10) Sunflower

(B) Make a similar type of rhyme by replacing the objects and colours given in the rhyme. Use the clues given in the table

Objects Colours
(1) rose, lips of a baby
(2) milk, wings of a swan
(3) a cuckoo, sky at night
(1) pink
(2) white
(3) black

Pink, pink, a rose is pink,
The lips of a baby are pink too;
I like pink, don’t you?… (2)

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You?

White, white, milk is white,
The wings of a swan are white too;
I like white, don’t you?… (2)

Black, black, the cuckoo is black,
The sky at night is too;
I like black, don’t you?… (2)

Activity 2.

(A) Asha and Nisha are in the market. They are at the garments shop. Read the following dialogue between Asha and Nisha and study the underlined parts.

Shopkeeper : Good afternoon. Can I help you?
Asha: Yes, we heard that you keep very fancy Punjabi dresses, don’t you ?
Shopkeeper : Yes, we do.
Asha: Please show us some Punjabi dresses in soft colours.
Nisha: Hey! We planned to pick up a sari, didn’t we ?
Asha: Yes, we did. But let’s try some dresses as well.
Nisha: Look, I don’t have enough money and it was not our plan, was it ?
Asha : No, it wasn’t.
Shopkeeper : Is there any problem ?
Asha: Yes, there is. Actually, we are a little short of money.
Shopkeeper: That should not be a problem. Look at the board. We offer a good discount.
Asha : Wow ! It’s great.
Shopkeeper : I hope you are happy now,aren’t you ?
Asha and Nisha: Yes, we are.
Nisha: Asha, look, this blue dress looks very beautiful on me.
Asha : But it is full of too much shining material on it, isn’t it ?
Nisha: Yes, it is. But it suits me, doesn’t it?
Asha: Yes, it does. Let’s purchase it.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You?

(ગુડ આફ્ટરનૂન. કૅન આઈ હેલ્પ યૂ?) ગુડ આફટરનૂન. શું હું તમને મદદ કરી શકું? (યસ, વી હર્ડ ધેટ યૂ કીપ વેરિ ફેન્સિ પંજાબી ડ્રેસિઝ, ડોન્ટ યૂ?) હા, અમે સાંભળ્યું છે કે તમે ખૂબ જ આકર્ષક પંજાબી પોશાક રાખો છો, નહીં? (યસ, વી ડૂ.) હા, અમે રાખીએ છીએ. (પ્લીઝ શો અસ સમ પંજાબી ડ્રેસિઝ ઇન સૉફ્ટ કલર્ટ.) આછા રંગોમાં પંજાબી પોશાક અમને દેખાડશો, પ્લીઝ. (હે! વી ગ્લૅન્ડ ટૂ પિક અપ અ સારિ, ડિડન્ટ વી?) અરે! આપણે સાડી ખરીદવાની યોજના કરી હતી, નહીં? (યસ, વી ડિડ. બટ લેટ્સ ટ્રાઈ સમ ડ્રેસિઝ ઍઝ વેલ.) . હા, આપણે (યોજના) કરી હતી. પણ થોડા પોશાક પણ અજમાવી જોઈએ. (લુક, આઈ ડોન્ટ ઑવ ઈનફ મનિ ઍન્ડ ઇટ વૉઝ નૉટ અવર પ્લેન, વૉઝ ઇટ?) જો, મારી પાસે પૂરતા પૈસા નથી, અને તે આપણી યોજના નહોતી, હતી?

(B) Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You 2
(1) At 1 : 45, Divya was not going to office, was she? — No, she wasn’t.
(2) At 9:00, Divya was reading a newspaper, wasn’t she ? — Yes, she was.
(3) At 12 : 50, Divya was not taking food, was she? — No, she wasn’t.
(4) At 10:30, Divya was listening to radio, wasn’t she? — Yes, she was.
(5) At 8:15, Divya was preparing breakfast, wasn’t she? — Yes, she was.

Activity 3.

(A) Study the table and complete it.

Area of Interest Vijay and Vibha Pankaj You
(1) Singing Yes No Yes
(2) Dancing No Yes Yes
(3) Swimming Yes No No
(4) Drawing pictures No No Yes
(5) Playing chess Yes Yes No

(B) Read the example and complete the sentences.

Vijay and Vibha like singing, don’t they? — Yes, they do.
Pankaj does not like singing, does he? — No, he doesn’t.
You like singing, don’t you? — Yes, I do.

(1) Vijay and Vibha do not like dancing, do they? — No, they don’t.
Pankaj likes dancing, doesn’t he? — Yes, he does.
You like dancing, don’t you ? — Yes, I do.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You?

(2) Vijay and Vibha like swimming, don’t they? — Yes, they do.
Pankaj does not like swimming, does he? — No, he doesn’t.
You do not like swimming, do you ? — No, I don’t.

(3) Vijay and Vibha do not like drawing pictures, do they? — No, they don’t.
Pankaj does not like drawing pictures, does he? — No, he doesn’t.
You like drawing pictures, don’t you ? — Yes, I do.

(4) Vijay and Vibha like playing chess, don’t they? — Yes, they do.
Pankaj likes playing chess, doesn’t he? — Yes, he does.
You do not like playing chess, do you ? — No, I don’t.

Activity 4.

(A) Montu’s mother asks him some questions. Montu replies to them. Study them carefully and fill in the blanks.

Mother: In the morning, you went to school, didn’t you?
Montu: Yes, I did.
Mother: You were with your friends, weren’t you?
Montu: Yes, I was.
Mother : There was a school bag in your hand, wasn’t there ?
Montu : Yes, there was.
Mother: Then you came back home at noon, didn’t you?
Montu: Yes, I did.
Mother: But there was no school bag in your hand, was there?
Montu: No, there wasn’t.

(B) Now arrange these sentences in a proper sequence and complete the rest of the dialogue.

Mother: It means you forgot it in the school, didn’t you?
Montu: Yes, I did.
Mother : Oh, Montu ! You are very careless, aren’t you ?
Montu: Yes, I am.
Mother: You forgot the bag on the playground, didn’t you?
Montu: Yes, I did.
Mother: The peon will find it and keep it, won’t he?
Montu: Yes, he will.
Mother: Your lunch-box was also in the school bag, wasn’t it?
Montu: Yes, it was.
Mother: You cannot do your homework now, can you ?
Montu: No, I can’t.
Mother: Your teacher will punish you, won’t she ?
Montu: Yes, she will.
Mother: You will go to school without a bag, won’t you?
Montu: Yes, I will.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You?

Activity 5

Read the given conversation. Study the underlined words/group of words.

All teachers: We hope that you are all right, Mr Bhatt.
Mr Bhatt: Thanks. I am OK now.
Teacher 1 : I think you should take lemon juice. You will feel better.
Teacher 2: I don’t think so. You must take some medicines.
Teacher 3 : Why don’t you take rest for a while ?
Mr Bhatt: Oh, yes ! You are right. I need rest.
Teacher 4: Listen, Mr Bhatt, you must get your blood pressure checked.
Mr Bhatt: That’s a good point. I have an instrument for it at home.
Teacher 5 : Yes, that may be, but Mr Bhatt, you should go to a doctor.
Mr Bhatt: I think that’s a good idea. Let’s not waste time. Take me to Dr Joshi.
All teachers : We entirely agree with you, Mr Bhatt. Let’s go to the doctor.

(વી હોપ ધેટ યુ આર ઑલ રાઇટ, મિસ્ટર ભટ્ટ.) અમને આશા છે કે તમે ઠીક છો, શ્રી ભટ્ટ . (થેંક્સ. આઈ એમ ઓકે નાઉ.) આભાર. હવે હું ઠીક છું. (આઈ ર્થિક યૂ શુડ ટેક લેમન જૂસ. યુ વિલ ફીલ બેટર.) મને લાગે છે તમારે લીંબુનું શરબત લેવું જોઈએ. તમને સારું લાગશે. (આઈ ડોન્ટ ર્થિક સો.

યૂ મસ્ટ ટેક સમ મેટ્સઝ.) મને તેવું (યોગ્ય) લાગતું નથી. તમારે કોઈ દવા લેવી જોઈએ. (વાઈ ડોન્ટ યૂ ટેક રેસ્ટ ફૉર અ વાઇલ?) તમે થોડી વાર આરામ કેમ નથી કરતા? | (ઓહ, યસ! યુ આર રાઇટ. આઈ નીડ રેસ્ટ.) ઓહ, હો! તમારી વાત બરાબર છે. મારે આરામની જરૂર છે. (લિસન, મિસ્ટર ભટ્ટ, યૂ મસ્ટ ગેટ યુઅર બ્લડ પ્રેશર ચેડ.) સાંભળો, શ્રી ભટ્ટ, તમારે તમારું બ્લડ પ્રેશર તપાસાવી લેવું જોઈએ.

(ધંટ્સ અ ગુડ પૉઇન્ટ, આઈ હૈવ ઍન ઇન્સ્ટ્રમન્ટ ફૉર ઇટ ઍટ હોમ.) તે સારો મુદ્દો છે. મારા ઘરે તેના માટે એક મંત્ર છે. (યસ, ધંટ મે બી, બટ મિસ્ટર ભટ્ટ, યૂ શુડ ગો ટુ અ ડૉક્ટર.) હા, તે હશે, પણ શ્રી ભટ્ટ, તમારે ડૉક્ટર પાસે જવું જોઈએ. (આઈ ર્થિક બૅટ્સ અ ગુડ આઇડિઆ. લેટ્સ નૉટ વેસ્ટ ટાઇમ.

ટેક મી ટૂ ડૉક્ટર જોષી.) મને લાગે છે કે તે સારો વિચાર છે. ચાલો, આપણે સમય ન બગાડીએ. મને ડૉક્ટર જોષી પાસે લઈ જાઓ. (વી ઇન્ટાયર્લિ અગ્રી વિથ યૂ, મિસ્ટર ભટ્ટ. લેટ્સ ગો ટુ ધ ડૉક્ટર.) અમે તમારી સાથે સંપૂર્ણપણે સહમત છીએ, શ્રી ભટ્ટ . ચાલો, ડૉક્ટર પાસે જઈએ.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You?

Activity 6.

Study the given expressions. You can use them to express your views in favour of something or against something.
GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You 3

Use the above expressions and complete the dialogue.

Khush : What would you like to have for lunch ?
Heer : As you wish.
Khush : I think we should go for Punjabi food.
Heer : I don’t think so because I have grown tired of taking Punjabi food. Why don’t we try Chinese food?
Khush : I am sorry, but I don’t agree. I don’t like the smell of Chinese food. How about South Indian food ?
Heer : I don’t agree at all. In my opinion it’s heavy food.
Khush : What do you think about daal-baati ?
Heer : I think that’s a good idea, but we don’t have any hotel serving daal-baati in our town. How about a Gujarati dish ?
Khush : Oh, yes ! What an idea !

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You?

Activity 7.

Your class is going to visit a riverside/ seashore next Sunday. Work in groups. Take help of the questions given below and prepare a conversation. Use expressions given in Activity 6 to express your views. Present your views in the class.

(1) How will you go ?
(2) What will you carry with you ?
(3) What will you see ?
(4) What games will you play ?
(5) What else will you do ?
(6) When will you return ?

Yash : My class is going to the riverside next Sunday.
Mita : Wow! How will you go ?
Yash : We will go by the school bus.
Mita : What will you carry with you ?
Yash : I will carry some snacks and lunch.
I will also take my camera.
Mita : I think that’s a good idea.
Yash : I think I should also take my drawing book to draw some scenery. What do you think?
Mita : I agree with you.
Yash : Thank you.
Mita : What will you see ?
Yash : Well, there is nothing much to see. But I think it would be nice to see the sunset.
Mita : That’s right. What games will you play?
Yash : It would be fun to play volley-ball and cricket.
Mita : I agree with you. What else will you do ?
Yash : How about swimming in the river ?
Mita : What an idea!
Yash : But our teachers may not allow us.
Mita : You’re right. When will you return ?
Yash : In the evening.
Mita : Have fun.
Yash : Thank you.

Activity 8.

(A) Read the story.

The Babool is Beautiful, Isn’t It?
There was a Babool tree in a forest. It had straight branches. It had long, white thorns at the base of each leaf tail. One day, it looked at the leaves of other trees. The leaves had different shapes: round, narrow and broad. The Babool tree looked sadly at its leaves and thorns. It said to itself, “My leaves are very small and unattractive. They are not like the cute leaves of other trees. And I hate my thorns, too.”

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You?

Vandevi heard Babool’s sad words. She appeared before it and said, “Dear Babool, you look very upset.” Babool said, “Oh yes, I am.” “But why?” asked Vandevi.
“Because I don’t like my tiny leaves. I should have golden leaves and no thorns at all.”
“I think you have excellent leaves and thorns to protect yourself,” said Vandevi.
“But I should be good-looking, too. Please remove my thorns and bless me with golden leaves,” requested the Babool.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You 7

Vandevi touched its trunk with her magic stick and disappeared. The next morning, the leaves of the Babool tree changed into shining golden leaves. It had no thorns at all. The Babool tree looked beautiful and very happy, but its happiness did not last long. Some people passing through the forest looked at this wonderful tree. They saw the golden leaves and started plucking them.

The Babool tree begged, “Please don’t take my golden leaves. I love them.” A man said, “I’ll sell the leaves and buy things for my family.” Then they ran away happily with all the golden leaves. The Babool tree looked ugly without leaves. The Babool tree started weeping.

After three days, Vandevi appeared again and said, “Dear Batjlool, why do you look so upset ? Where are your golden leaves ? I blessed you with golden leaves, didn’t I ?”
“Yes, you did. But some people took away all my golden leaves. Now I think I should have sparkling glass leaves. Devi, don’t forget to remove my thorns,” said the Babool tree.

“Sorry, but I feel that it may be risky,” said Vandevi.
“That may be true, but the sparkling glass leaves will shine in the sunlight. I will look like a tree of light. Please do it for me,” requested the Babool tree.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You?

“Alright, as you wish,” said Vandevi. The kind Vandevi touched the trunk of the Babool tree once again with her magic stick. The next morning, the leaves of the Babool tree changed into sparkling glass leaves.

Alas! Its happiness did not last long this time, too. A stormy wind started blowing through the forest. It blew so hard that all the sparkling glass leaves of the Babool tree broke into small pieces. The Babool tree was ugly and leafless once again

The Babool tree wept loudly, “The stormy wind broke all my leaves. What shall I do ?” The Vandevi heard its sobs and appeared again. “What happened again ? Why are you crying?” said Vandevi.

“The cruel wind broke all my glass leaves. Now I must have broad and smooth green leaves. Only then I’ll be contented and happy,” said the Babool tree.

“Let’s try that this time,” said Vandevi and granted Babool’s wish. The next morning, the Babool tree had broad and smooth green leaves and no thorns. It was full of joy.

“Wow! What beautiful leaves I have ! Robbers won’t steal them. The cruel strong wind can’t break them. Now I’ll be handsome and happy forever.” All of a sudden, there came three goats. They were very hungry. They saw the broad and soft green leaves of the Babool tree. They ran to it and started eating its leaves.

“Ouch! Ouch! Goats, please don’t eat my leaves,” cried the Babool tree. The goats replied, “We are very hungry. Your leaves are very tender and tasty. We will eat them all.”

The goats ate up all the leaves of the Babool tree. They felt happy and contented. The Babool tree was in tears again. It cried loudly, “O Vandevi! Please save me.” Vandevi appeared again with a smile on her face

“O dear Babool, I granted all your wishes but still you are not happy and satisfied. Now I’ll give you the last chance. Tell me, what do you wish ?”

The Babool said to Vandevi, “Now I have learnt a lesson. I don’t want any golden leaves, glass leaves or broad, soft leaves. I want to be a real. Babool tree. Please give me back my leaves and long white thorns. I’ll always be happy and contented with them.”

Vandevi gave It back Its small green leaves and thorns. Then the Babool Iree stood happily . In Its original evergreen dress forever.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You?

(ધ બબૂલ ઈઝ બ્યુટિફુલ, ઈઝન્ટ ઈટ?) બાવળ સુંદર છે, નહીં? (ધેઅર વૉઝ અ બબૂલ ટ્રી ઇન અ ફૉરિસ્ટ. ઇટ હેડ સ્ટ્રેટ બ્રાન્ચિઝ. ઇટ હેંડ લોંગ, વાઇટ થૉઝ ઍટ ધ બેસ ઑવ ઇચ લીફ ટેલ. વન ડે, ઇટ લુકડ ઍટ ધ લીન્ઝ ઑવ અધર ટ્રીઝ. ધ લીઝ હેંડ ડિફરન્ટ શેપ્સ રાઉન્ડ, નૈરો ઍન્ડ બ્રૉડ. ધ બબૂલ ટ્રી લુકડ ઍલિ ઍટ ઇટ્સ લીન્ઝ ઍન્ડ થૉન્ઝ. ઇટ સેડ ટુ ઇટસેલ્ફ, માઇ લીજી આર વેરિ સ્મૉલ ઍન્ડ અનુઅટ્રેટિવ.

ધ આર નૉટ લાઇક ધ ક્યૂટ લી ઑવ અધર ટ્રીઝ. ઍન્ડ આઈ હેટ માઇ થૉન્ઝ, ટુ.”) એક જંગલમાં એક બાવળનું ઝાડ હતું. તેને સીધી ડાળીઓ હતી. તેને દરેક પાંદડાના છેડાની નીચેના ભાગમાં કાંટા હતા. એક દિવસ, તેણે બીજાં વૃક્ષોનાં પાંદડાં જોયાં. પાંદડાના વિવિધ આકારો હતા : ગોળ, સાંકડા અને પહોળા. બાવળના ઝાડે દુઃખી થઈને તેનાં પાંદડાં અને કાંટા તરફ જોયું. તે બોલ્યું, “મારાં પાંદડાં ખૂબ નાનાં અને અનાકર્ષક છે. તે બીજાં વૃક્ષોનાં પાંદડાં જેવાં સુંદર નથી. અને હું મારાં કાંટાને પણ ધિક્કારું છું.”

(વનદેવી હર્ડ બબૂઝ સેંડ વર્ઝ. શી અપિઅર્ડ બિફોર ઇટ ઍન્ડ ૨ સેડ, ”ડિઅર બબૂલ, યુ લુક વેરિ અસેટ,’) વનદેવીએ બાવળના દુ:ખી શબ્દો સાંભળ્યા. તેઓ તેની સમક્ષ પ્રગટ થયાં અને બોલ્યાં, { “પ્રિય બાવળ, તું ખૂબ ઉદાસ દેખાય છે.” (બબૂલ રોડ, “ઓહ યસ, આઈ ઍમ.”) બાવળ બોલ્યું, “ઓહ, હા, હું (ઉદાસ) છું.” (‘બટ વાઇ ?” આડ વનદેવી.) ‘‘પણ શા માટે ?” વનદેવીએ પૂછ્યું.

(”બિકૉઝ આઈ ડોન્ટ લાઈક માઇ ટાઈનિ લીઝ. આઈ શુડ 3 ટૅવ ગોલ્ડન લીઝ ઍન્ડ નો ઘોઝ ઍટ ઑલ.”), ‘‘કારણ કે મને મારાં ઝીણાં પાંદડાં ગમતાં નથી. મારે સોનેરી પાંદડાં હોવા જોઈએ અને કાંટા તો બિલકુલ ન હોવા જોઈએ.” (“આઈ થિંક યૂ હૈવ એક્સલન્ટ લીઝ ઍન્ડ થૉઝ ટુ મટેક્ટ યુઅરસેલ્ફ,’ સેડ વનદેવી.) *”મને લાગે છે કે તારી પાસે પોતાનું રક્ષણ કરવા માટે ઉત્તમ પાંદડાં અને કાંટા છે,” વનદેવી બોલ્યાં.

(“બટ આઈ શુડ બી ગુડ-લુકિંગ, ટૂં. પ્લીઝ રિમૂવ માઇ થૉઝ ઍન્ડ બ્લેસ મી વિથ ગોલ્ડન લીઝ,” રિક્વેસ્ટિડ ધ બબૂલ.) “પણ હું દેખાવડું પણ હોવું જોઈએ, મહેરબાની કરી, મારા કાંટા કાઢી નાખો અને મને સોનેરી પાંદડાંનું વરદાન આપો.” બાવળે વિનંતી કરી. (વનદેવી ટર્ડ ઇટ્સ ટૂંક વિથ હર મૅજિક સ્ટિક ઍન્ડ ડિસપિઅર્ડ.

ધ નેસ્ટ મૉર્નિંગ, ધ લીઝ ઑવ ધ બબૂલ ટ્રી ચેન્જડ ઇન્દુ શાઇનિંગ ગોલ્ડન લીઝ, ઇટ હેંડ નો થૉઝ ઍટ ઑલ. ધ બબૂલ રી લુડ બ્યુટિફુલ એન્ડ વેરિ હૈપિ, બટ ઇટ્સ મિનિસ ડિડ નૉટ લાસ્ટ લૉગ.) વનદેવીએ તેમની જાદુઈ લાકડી તેના થડને અડાડી અને અદશ્ય થઈ ગયાં. બીજે દિવસે સવારે, બાવળનાં પાંદડાં ચમકતાં સોનેરી પાંદડાં થઈ ગયાં. તેને કાંટા બિલકુલ નહોતા. બાવળનું ઝાડ સુંદર અને ખુશ દેખાતું હતું, પણ તેની ખુશી લાંબો સમય ટકી નર્ટી. (સમ પીપલ પાસિંગ ઘૂ ધ ફોરિસ્ટ લુકડ ઍટ ધિસ વન્ડરફુલ ટ્રી.

ધે સૉ ધ ગોલ્ડન લીઝ ઍન્ડ સ્ટાર્ટિડ પ્લડિંગ ધૂમ.) જંગલમાંથી પસાર થતા થોડા લોકોએ આ અદ્ભુત ઝાડ જોયું. તેમણે સૌનેરી પાંદડાં જોયાં અને તેમને તોડવાનું શરૂ કર્યું. (ધ બબૂલ ટ્રી બેડ, “પ્લીઝ ડોન્ટ ટેક માઇ ગોલ્ડન લીઝ. આઈ લવ ધેમ.”) બાવળના ઝાડે આજીજી કરી, “મહેરબાની કરી મારાં સોનેરી પાંદડાં ના લો. મને તે ખૂબ ગમે છે.” (અ મૅન સેડ, ”આઈ’લ સેલ ધ લીઝ ઍન્ડ બાઇ થિંઝ ફૉર માઇ ફૅમિલિ.”) એક માણસે કહ્યું, “હું પાંદડાં વેચીશ અને મારા કુટુંબ માટે વસ્તુઓ ખરીદીશ.”

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You?

(ધન ધ રેન અવે હેપિલિ વિથ ઑલ ધ ગોલ્ડન લીઝ, ધ બબૂલ ટ્રી લુકડ અગ્લિ વિધાઉટ લીઝ. ધ બબૂલ ટ્રી સ્ટાર્ટિડ વીપિંગ.) પછી તેઓ બધાં જ સોનેરી પાંદડાં સાથે ખુશીથી ભાગી ગયા. બાવળનું ઝાડ પાંદડાં વિના કદરૂપું લાગતું હતું. બાવળનું ઝાડ રડવા લાગ્યું. (આફટર શ્રી ડેઝ, વનદેવી અપિઅર્ડ અગેન ઍન્ડ સેડ, “ડિઅર બબૂલ, વાઇ ડુ યુ લુક સો અપસેટ? વેઅર માર યુઅર ગોલ્ડન લીઝ? આઈ બ્લડ યુ વિથ ગોલ્ડન લીઝ, ડિડન્ટ આઈ?”)

ત્રણ દિવસ પછી, વનદેવી ફરીથી પ્રગટ થયાં અને બોલ્યાં, “પ્રિય બાવળ, તું કેમ ખૂબ ઉદાસ દેખાય છે? તારો સોનેરી પાંદડાં ક્યાં છે? મેં તને સોનેરી પાંદડાંનું વરદાન આપ્યું હતું, નઈં ?” (“યસ, યુ ડિડ, બટ સમ પીપલ ટુક અને ઔલ માઇ ગોલ્ડન લીઝ. નાઉ આઈ ધિક આઈ શુડ હૈવ સ્પાર્કલિંગ ગ્લાસ લીજી. દેવી, ડોન્ટ ફર્ગેટ રિમૂવ માઇ ઘોઝ,” સેડ ધ બબૂલ ટ્રી.) હા, તમે | (વરદાન) આપ્યું હતું. પણ થોડા લોકો મારાં બધાં જ સોનેરી પાંદડાં લઈ ગયા. હવે મને લાગે છે કે મારે કાચનાં ચળકતાં પાંદડાં હોવા જોઈએ. દેવી, મારા કાંટા કાઢવાનું ભૂલશો નહીં.” બાવળનું ઝાડ બોલ્યું. (“સૌરિ, બટ આઈ ફીલ, ધેટ ઇટ મે બી રિદ્ધિ,” સેડ વનદેવી.)

માફ કરે, પણ મને લાગે છે કે તે કદાચ જોખમભરેલું છે,” વનદેવી બોલ્યાં. (“ધંટ મેં બી ટુ, બટ ધ પાર્કલિંગ ગ્લાસ લીઝ વિલ શાઇન ઇન ધ સનલાઈટ, આઈ વિલ લુક લાઇક અ ટ્રી ઑવ લાઇટ, પ્લીઝ ડૂ ઇટ ફૉર મી,” રિક્વેસ્ટિડ ધ બબૂલ ટ્રી.) “તે કદાચ સાચું હશે, પણ કાચનાં ચળકતાં પાંદડાં સૂર્યપ્રકાશમાં ચમકશે.

હું પ્રકાશના વૃક્ષ જેવું દેખાઈશ. મહેરબાની કરી, મારા માટે આ કરો,” બાવળના ઝાડે વિનંતી કરી. (“ઑલરાઇટ, એંઝ યુ વિશ,” સેડ વનદેવી.) “સારું, જેવી તારી ઇચ્છા,” વનદેવી બોલ્યાં. (ધ કાઇન્ડ વનદેવી ટચુડ ધ ટૂંક ઑવ ધ બબૂલ ટ્રી વન્સ અગેન વિથ હર મૅજિક સ્ટિક. ધ નેકસ્ટ મૉર્નિંગ, ધ લીજ્જ ઑવ ધ બબૂલ ટ્રી ચેન્જડ ઇન્દુ સ્ટાર્કલિંગ ગ્લાસ લીઝ.) દયાળુ વનદેવીએ ફરી એક વાર તેમની જાદુઈ લાકડી બાવળના ઝાડના થડને અડાડી, બીજે દિવસે સવારે, બાવળનાં ઝાડનાં પાંદડાં કાચનાં ચળકતાં પાંદડાં થઈ ગયાં.

(અલાસ! ઇટ્સ હૅપિનિસ ડિડ નૉટ લાસ્ટ લોંગ ધિસ ટાઇમ, ટૂં. એ સ્ટૉર્મિ વિંડ સ્ટાર્ટિડ બ્લોઇંગ યૂ ધ ફૉરિસ્ટ. ઇટ લૂ સો હાર્ડ ધેટ ઑલ ધ સ્ટાર્કલિંગ ગ્લાસ લીન્ઝ ઑવ ધ બબૂલ ટ્રી બ્રોક ઇન્દુ સ્મૉલ પીસિઝ. ધ બબૂલ ટ્રી વૉઝ અગ્લિ ઍન્ડ લીફલિસ વન્સ અગેન.) અફસોસ ! આ વખતે પણ તેની ખુશી લાંબો સમય ટકી નહીં.

જેગલમાં તોફાની પવન ફૂંકાવા લાગ્યો. તે એટલા જોરથી ફૂંકાયો કે બાવળનાં ઝાડનાં બધાં જ કાચનાં ચળકતાં પાંદડાંના નાના ટુકડા થઈ ગયા. બાવળનું ઝાડ ફરી એક વાર કદરૂપું અને પાંદડાં વગરનું થઈ ગયું. | (ધ બબૂલ ટ્રી વેટ લાઉલિ, “ધ સ્ટૉર્મિ વિંડ બ્રોક ઑલ માઇ લીઝ. વૉટ શૈલ આઈ ?”) બાવળનું ઝાડ મોટા અવાજે રડવા લાગ્યું, “તોફાની પવને મારાં બધાં પાંદડાં તોડી નાખ્યાં. હવે હું શું કરું?” (ધ વનદેવી હર્ડ ઇટ્સ સૉઝ ઍન્ડ અપિઅર્ડ અગેન.) વનદેવીએ તેનાં ડૂસકાં સાંભળ્યાં અને ફરીથી પ્રગટ થયાં. | (‘વૉટ વ્હેપન્ડ અગેન? વાઇ આર યુ ક્રાઇંગ?” સેડ વનદેવી.) ફરી શું થયું ? તું શા માટે રડે છે?’ વનદેવી બોલ્યાં.

(““ધ ક્રુઅલ વિડ બ્રોક ઑલ માઇ ગ્લાસ લીઝ, નાઉ આઈ મસ્ટ દૈવ બ્રૉડ ઍન્ડ સૂધ ગ્રીન લીઝ. ઓલિ ધેન આઈલ બી કન્ટેન્ટિડ ઍન્ડ હૅપિ,” સેડ ધ બબૂબ્સ ટ્ર.) “કૂર પવને મારો બધાં કાચનાં પાંદડાં તોડી નાખ્યાં. હવે મારી પાસે પહોળાં અને સુંવાળાં લીલાં પાંદડું હોવાં જ જોઈએ, તો જ હું સંતુષ્ટ અને ખુશ થઈશ,” બાવળનું ઝાડ બોલ્યું. (‘લેટ્સ સૂઇ ધંટ ધિસ ટાઇમ.” સેડ વનદેવી એન્ડ ગ્રાન્ટિડ બબૂલ્ક વિશ.)

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You?

“ચાલો, આ વખતે તે પ્રયત્ન કરીએ,” વનદેવી બોલ્યાં અને બાવળની ઇચ્છા પૂરી કરી, (ધ નેટ મૉર્નિંગ, ધ બબૂલ ટ્રી હેંડ બ્રૉડ ઍન્ડ સ્કૂધ ગ્રીન લીડ્ઝ ઍન્ડ નો થૉઝ, ઇટ વૉઝ ફુલ ઑવ જોઈ.) બીજે દિવસે સવારે, બાવળાનાં ઝાડને પહોળાં અને સુંવાળાં લીલાં પાંદડાં હતાં અને કોઈ કાંય નહોતા. તે ખૂબ ખુશ હતું. (‘વાઉ! વૉટ બ્યુટિફુલ લીઝ આઈ હૈંવ! રૉબર્ગ વોન્ટ સ્ટીલ ધેમ. ધ ક્રુઅલ સ્ટ્રીંગ વિંડ કાર્ચે બ્રેક ધેમ.

નાઉ આઈ’લ બી હૅન્ડસમ ઍન્ડ હૅપિ ફેરવર.”) “વાહ ! મારે કેટલાં સુંદર પાંદડાં છે ! ચોર તમને નહીં ચોરી જાય, ક્રૂર બળવાન પવન તેમને તોડી નર્ટી શકે. હવે હું હંમેશાં દેખાવડું અને ખુશ રહીશ.” (ઑલ ઑવ અ સડન, ધેઅર કેમ શ્રી ગોટ્સ. ધે વેઅર વેરિ ઇંગ્રિ. ધે સૉ ધ બ્રૉડ ઍન્ડ સૉફ્ટ ગ્રીન લીઝ ઑવ ધ બબૂલ ટ્રી. પૈ જૈન ટુ ઇટ ઍન્ડ સ્ટાર્ટિડ ઇટિંગ ઇટ્સ લીઝ.) અચાનક ત્યાં ત્રણ બકરીઓ આવી. તે ખૂબ ભૂખી હતી.

તેમણે બાવળનાં ઝાડનાં પહોળાં અને કુણાં લીલાં પાંદડાં જોયાં, તે તેની તરફ દોડી અને તેનાં પાંદડાં ખાવા લાગી. (“આઉચ ! આઉંચ ! ગોટ્સ, પ્લીઝ ડોન્ટ ઇટ માઇ લીઝ,” ક્રાઇડ ધ બબૂલ ટ્રી.) **આઉચ ! આઉચ ! બકરીઓ, મહેરબાની કરી, મારાં પાંદડાં ખાશો નહીં,” બાવળનું ઝાડ બોલી ઊઠયું. (ધ ગોટ્સ રિપ્લાઇડ, “વી આર વેરિ હગ્રિ. યુઅર લીન્ઝ આર વેરિ ટેન્ડર ઍન્ડ ટેસ્ટિ, વી વિલ ઇટ ધેમ ઑલ.”) બકરીઓએ

ઉત્તર આપ્યો, ‘અમને ખૂબ ભૂખ લાગી છે. તારાં પાંદડાં ખુબ જ કુણાં અને સ્વાદિષ્ટ છે. અમે તે બધાં જ ખાઈ જઈશું.” | (ધ ગોટ્સ એટ અપ લિ ધ લીડ્ઝ ઑવ ધ બબૂલ ટ્રી. ધે ફેલ્ટ હૃપિ ઍન્ડ કન્ટેન્ટિડ.) બકરીઓ બાવળનાં ઝાડનાં બધાં જ પાંદડાં ખાઈ ગઈ. તેમને આનંદ અને સંતોષ થયો.

(ધ બબૂલ હૈં વૉઝ ઇન ટિઅર્ઝ અગેન, ઇટ ક્રાઇડ લાઉલિ, ”ઓ વનદેવી ! પ્લીઝ સેવ મી, ”) બાવળનું ઝાડ ફરીથી ૨ડવા લાગ્યું. તેણે બૂમ પાડી, “ઓ વનદેવી ! મહેરબાની કરી મને બચાવો.” (વનદેવી અપિઅર્ડ અગેન વિથ એ સ્માઇલ ઑન હર ફેસ.) ચહેરા પર સ્મિત સાથે વનદેવી ફરીથી પ્રગટ થયાં.

(“ઓ ડિઅર બબૂલ, આઈ ગ્રાન્ટિડ ઑલ યુઅર વિશિઝ બટ સ્ટિલ યૂ આર નૉટ ઍપિ ઍન્ડ સેટિસ્ફાઇડ. નાઉ આઈ’લ ગિવ યૂ ધ લાસ્ટ ચાન્સ. ટેલ મી, વૉટ ડૂ યૂ વિશ?”) “પ્રિય બાવળ, મેં તારી બધી ઇચ્છાઓ પૂરી કરી, તોપણ તું ખુશ અને સંતુષ્ટ નથી. હવે હું તને છેલ્લી તક આપું છું. મને કહે, તું શું ઇચ્છે છે?” (ધ બબૂલ સેડ ટૂ વનદેવી, “નાઉ આઈ હેવ લન્ટ અ લેસન.

આઈ ડોન્ટ વૉન્ટ એનિ ગોલ્ડન લીઝ, ગ્લાસ લીઝ ઑર બ્રૉડ, સૉફ્ટ લીઝ. આઈ વોન્ટ ટુ બી અ રિઅલ બબૂલ ટ્રી. પ્લીઝ ગિવ મી બેંક માઇ લીઝ ઍન્ડ લોંગ વાઇટ થૉઝ. આઈલ ઑલવેઝ બી હૅપિ ઍન્ડ કન્ટેન્ટિડ વિથ ધેમ.”) બાવળે વનદેવીને કહ્યું, “હવે હું પાઠ ભણ્યો છું. મારે કોઈ સોનેરી પાંદડાં, કાચનાં પાંદડાં અથવા પહોળાં, કુણાં પાંદડાં નથી જોઈતા. મારે સાચા બાવળનું ઝાડ થવું છે. મહેરબાની કરી, મને મારાં પાંદડાં અને લાંબા સફેદ કાંટા પાછા આપી દો. હું હંમેશાં તેમની સાથે ખુશ અને સંતુષ્ટ રહીશ.”

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You?

(વનદેવી ગેવ ઇટ બેંક ઇટ્સ સ્મૉલ ગ્રીન લીઝ ઍન્ડ થૉઝ. ધેન ધ બબૂલ ટ્રી ફુડ હેમિલિ ઇન ઇટ્સ અરિજિનલ એવરગ્રીન ડ્રેસ ફેરવર.) વનદેવીએ તેને તેનાં નાનાં લીલાં પાંદડાં અને કાંટા પાછા આપ્યાં. પછી તો બાવળનું ઝાડ તેના મૂળ લીલા (સદાબહાર) પોશાકમાં હંમેશાં માટે ખુશ ઊભું રહ્યું.

(B) Replace the underlined word / group of words from the lesson. The first one or two letters are given in the brackets to make your search easy.

Kalidas was cutting the same bough (branch) on which he was sitting.

(1) The boy’s joy did not stay for a long time (last long).
(2) Divya’s face was shining brightly (sparkling) like a star.
(3) The king was rich but not satisfied (contented)
(4) The children pulled out (plucked) the flowers from the garden.
(5) The camel is an unattractive (ugly) animal.

(C) Choose the correct option and fill in the blanks :

(1) Vandevi granted the wish and disappeared (disappeared / appeared).
(2) The Babool tree disliked (disliked/ liked) its leaves.
(3) The people came and started plucking (planting / plucking) all the golden leaves.
(4) A man said, “I’ll sell (buy/sell) the leaves and buy (sell/buy) things for my family.”
(5) The Babool tree looked ugly (attractive/ugly) without the leaves.
(6) “I don’t want golden leaves, glass leaves or soft (soft/hard) leaves,” said the Babool tree.
(7) “Now I must have smooth green leaves. Only then I’ll be contented (discontented / contented),” said the Babool tree.
(8) The Babool tree had straight (straight crooked) branches.
(9) The Babool tree looked sadly (happily/sadly) at its leaves and thorns.
(10) The Babool tree started weeping (laughing / weeping).
(11) “I hate (love/hate) my thorns.”
(12) The Babool tree wept loudly (softly / loudly).
(13) The cruel (cruel/kind) strong wind can’t break them now.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You?

(D) Write who said and who listened.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You 4

(E ) Work in pairs. Read the lesson. Arrange the sentences in a proper order. Write numbers in the given brackets.

(9) — The Vandevi gave back small green leaves and thorns to the Babool tree.
(7) — Next morning, the Babool tree had l broad and smooth green leaves and no thorns.
(5) — The leaves of the Babool tree changed into sparkling glass leaves.
(1) — One day the Babool tree looked at the leaves of other trees.
(4) — The people ran away happily with all the golden leaves.
(6) — All the sparkling glass leaves of the Babool tree broke into small pieces.
(8) — The goats ate up all the leaves of the Babool tree.
(10) — The Babool tree stood happily in its evergreen dress.
(2) — Vandevi appeared before the Babool tree.
(3) — The leaves of the Babool tree changed into shining golden leaves.

(F) Answer the questions.

Question 1.
What did the Babool tree have ?
The Babool tree had straight branches and long, white thorns at the base of each leaf tail.

Question 2.
How was the Babool tree different from the other trees ?
The Babool tree had small and unattractive leaves and thorns.

Question 3.
The Babool tree wished for three kinds of leaves. List them.
Shining golden leaves, sparkling glass leaves, broad and smooth green leaves.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You?

Question 4.
The Babool’s happiness did not last long with golden leaves because….
The Babool’s happiness did not last long with golden leaves because some people plucked all the golden leaves and ran away.

Question 5.
How did the Babool’s leaves turn into glass leaves ?
The Babool’s leaves turned into glass leaves when Vandevi touched its trunk with her magic stick.

Question 6.
When did the Babool tree really become happy and contented ?
The Babool tree really became happy and contented when it got back’ its leaves and long white thorns.

Question 7.
What was Babool’s last request to Vandevi ?
Babool’s last request to Vandevi was to give back its leaves and long white thorns.

Question 8.
What will you ask for if Vandevi comes to you ?
If Vandevi comes to me, I will ask her to make my city full of beautiful trees.

Question 9.
What did the Babool tree hate ?
The Babool tree hated its thorns.

Question 10.
Why was the Babool tree sad?
The Babool tree was sad because it had small and unattractive leaves and long white thorns.

Question 11.
What did Vandevi say about the Babool tree’s leaves and thorns ?
Vandevi said that the Babool tree had excellent leaves and thorns to protect it.

Question 12.
How did the Babool tree look without the golden leaves ?
The Babool tree looked ugly without the golden leaves.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You?

Question 13.
How will the Babool tree look with glass leaves ?
The Babool tree will look like a tree of light with glass leaves.

Question 14.
What happened to the Babool tree’s glass leaves ?
The Babool tree’s glass leaves were broken into small pieces by a stormy wind.

Question 15.
What did the goats do?
The goats ate up all the leaves of the Babool tree.

Question 16.
Why did the goats eat up all the leaves of the Babool tree ?
The goats ate up all the leaves of the Babool tree because they were green, tender and tasty.

Activity 9.

(A) Read the following dialogue and study the underlined expressions:

Teacher : Good morning, class. How are you all today?
Class : Good morning, sir. We are fine.
Teacher : Students, I will go round the class and check your project work. Sneha, is your project completed ?
Sneha : Yes, it is.
Teacher : Very good. Aashish, isn’t your project work ready?
Aashish : Sorry, sir. I was absent yesterday.
But I will do it during the recess time.
Teacher : That’s good. And you, Dishant ?
Dishant : Here it is, sir.
Teacher : Well done, boy. Let me see your project work.
Teacher : Dishant, you collected nice photographs and very interesting details. Superb, dear.
Abhijit : Sir, actually Disha helped me in this project work.
Teacher : Good job, Disha. Congratulations to all for your good project work.

(ગુડ મૉર્નિંગ, ક્લાસ. હાઉ આર યુ ઑલ ટુડે?) સુપ્રભાત, વર્ગ. આજે તમે કેમ છો? (ગુડ મૉર્નિંગ, સર. વી આર ફાઇન.) સુપ્રભાત, સાહેબ, અમે મજામાં છીએ. (ટૂડન્ટ્સ, આઈ વિલ ગો રાઉન્ડ ધ ક્લાસ ઍન્ડ ચેક યુઅર પ્રજેક્ટ વર્ક. સ્નેહા, ઈઝ યુઅર પ્રજેક્ટ કમ્પ્લીટિડ?) વિદ્યાર્થીઓ, હું વર્ગમાં ફરીને તમારા પ્રજેક્ટનું કામ તપાસીશ. સ્નેહા, તારો પ્રજેક્ટ પતી ગયો છે? (યસ, ઇટ ઇઝ.) હા, તે (પતી ગયો) છે. (વેરિ ગુડ.

આશિષ, ઇઝર યુઅર પ્રજેક્ટ વર્ક રેડિ?) ખૂબ સરસ. આશિષ, તારા પ્રજેક્ટનું કામ તૈયાર નથી? (સૉરિ, સર. આઈ વૉઝ ઍબ્સન્ટ યસ્ટરડે. બટ આઈ વિલ ડૂ ઇટ ફ્યુરિંગ ધ રિસેસ ટાઇમ.) માફ કરજો, સાહેબ. હું ગઈકાલે ગેરહાજર હતો. પણ હું રિસેસમાં તે કરીશ.

(ધટ્સ ગુડ. ઍન્ડ યૂ, દિશાન્ત?) સરસ. અને તે દિશાન્ત? | (હિઅર ઇટ ઇઝ, સર.) આ રહ્યું, સાહેબ. (વેલ ડન, બૉઈ. લેટ મી સી યુઅર પ્રએટ વર્ક.) શાબાશ, છોકરા. મને તારા પ્રજેક્ટનું કામ જોવા દે. (દિશાન્ત, યૂ ફ્લેક્ટિડ નાઇસ ફોટગ્રાફસ ઍન્ડ વેરિ ઇન્ટરેસ્ટિંગ ડીટેલ્ટ.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You?

સ્યુપર્બ, ડિઅર.) દિશાન્ત, તેં સરસ ફોટા અને ખૂબ રસપ્રદ વિગતો એકઠી કરી. ઉત્તમ, વહાલા.) (સર, ઍક્યુઅલિ દિશા હેડ મી ઇન ધિસ પ્રજેક્ટ વર્ક.) સાહેબ,ખરેખર તો આ પ્રજેના કામમાં દિશાએ મને મદદ કરી. | (ગુડ જોબ, દિશા. કંપૅટ્યુલેશન્ઝ ટુ ઑલ ફૉર યુઅર ગુડ પ્રજેક્ટ વર્ક.) સરસ કામ કર્યું) દિશા. તમારા પ્રજેક્ટના સારા કામ માટે તમને સૌને અભિનંદન.

(B) Work in pairs. Now frame dialogues between father and son, mother and daughter, and manager and assistant. ? Use the expressions from Activity-9 (A).

(1) Father : How was your day in school, son ?
Son : It was good, Dad.
Father : Did you have the football match ?
Son : Yes, Dad. We won the match.
Father : Congratulations, son.
Son : And I scored two goals for my team.
Father : Well done, son. I am proud of you.

(2) Mother : Why are you late, dear ?
Daughter : I missed the school bus.
Mother : Why?
Daughter : I was looking after my friend I who was not well.
Mother : That’s good. How is she ?
Daughter : She is fine. I waited till her parents came to school.
Mother : Very good, dear. I am happy you did that.

(3) Manager : How are the sales ?
Assistant: Very good, sir. We have achieved our target.
Manager : Well done, boy.
Assistant: Here are the details, sir.
Manager : Good job. I am proud of you. I have good news for you.
Assistant: What, sir?
Manager : You are getting a promotion.
Assistant: Wow! Thank you. sir.
Manager : Congratulations. boy. Keep
working hard.
Assistant: Yes, sir. Thank you.


Work in pairs. Read the following sentences. They narrate different situations. The correct expressions are given In the box. Select the correct expression and fill in the blanks.
GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You 5

(1) You drew a nice picture. You showed it to the teacher.
Your teacher will say, “Nice.”

(2) You helped a stranger by showing him away to the bus station.
Knowing this, your father will say, “Very good.”

(3) You stood first in the class.
Your class teacher will say, “Congrats !”

(4) You helped the police to catch the thief.
The police officer will say, “Bravo

(5) You returned someone’s lost money to your teacher.
Your teacher! will say, “Good.”

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You?

(6) Your team won the state level football championship.
Your principal will say, “Excellent.”

(7) You are on a tour with friends and you see an amazing natural scene.
Then you will say, “Wonderful.”

(8) You paid your poor friend’s fees.
Knowing this, your mother will say, “Good job.

(9) You solved one of the most difficult puzzles.
Your Maths teacher will say, “Perfect.

(10) After first term’s poor performance, you improved your performance in the second term.
Your parents will say, “Well done.”

Activity 11.

Here are four different situations. Work in pairs. Write any one dialogue in your notebook. Read it in front of the class.

(1) A dialogue between Vandevi and the Babool tree in the beginning.
(2) A dialogue between the people and the Babool tree.
(3) A dialogue between the goats and the Babool tree.
(4) A dialogue between Vandevi and the Babool tree in the end.
Vandevi : Dear Babool, why are you so upset ?
Babool : I don’t like my tiny leaves and long white thorns.
Vandevi : I think you have excellent leaves and thorns to protect yourself.
Babool : But I want to be good-looking.
Please remove my thorns and bless me with golden leaves.
Vandevi : As you wish.

(2) People : Look at this wonderful tree. It has golden leaves. Let us pluck them.
Babool: Please don’t take away my golden leaves. I love them.
People : I will sell the golden leaves and buy things for my family. Babool: Please, stop.
People : Let us take all the leaves and run away.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You?

(3) Goats : We are very hungry. Look at the soft green leaves of this tree. Babool : Oh, no !
Goats : The leaves are very tender and tasty.
Babool : Ouch … ! Ouch … ! Stop. Please don’t eat my leaves.
Goats : But we are hungry. We will eat up all the leaves.
Babool : Please, listen to me. Don’t eat my leaves.
Goats : No, we are happy.

(4) Babool : O Vandevi! Please help me.
Vandevi: What happened, Babool ? You look unhappy.
Babool : I am very unhappy.
Vandevi : I granted all your wishes. Then why are you still not happy?
Babool : I know I made a mistake.
Vandevi: Now I give you a last chance.What do you wish ?
Babool : I want to be a real Babool tree.
Vandevi: What do you mean ?
Babool : I want my tiny leaves and thorns back.
Vandevi: Are you sure ?
Babool : Yes, I am. I will be happy and contented with them.
Vandevi: As you wish.

Activity 12.

Work in groups. Prepare dialogues on the given situations by using the points.

(1) Situation 1 – Going for a movie
Points: name of the movie, time, cinema, ticket selection
Nilay : What are you doing this Sunday ?
Mohit : I am going for a movie.
Nilay : Which one ?
Mohit : Kick.
Nilay : Which theatre will you go to ?
Mohit : Natraj.
Nilay : What time ?
Mohit : Third show.
Nilay : Have you booked the tickets ?
Mohit : No, not yet. I will do it now. Will you come ?
Nilay : Yes, sure.
Mohit : Very good. Then I will book your ticket also.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You?

(2) Situation 2 – Purchasing a new mobile
Points: company of the mobile, type of mobile, budget, functions, colour
Rima : I want to buy a new mobile.
Nitin : Nice. Have you selected a model ?
Rima : No, I haven’t. I don’t know which one to buy.
Nitin : No problem. I will help you.
Rima : Good idea !
Nitin : You can go for Nokia or Samsung.
Rima: Ok. I think I should buy a Samsung, shouldn’t I ?
Nitin : Yes. You must buy a smart phone.
Rima : I agree with you.
Nitin : What is your budget ?
Rima : Around 25,000.
Nitin : Very good. You can buy a good mobile in that budget.
Rima : What functions are available in such phones ?
Nitin : Oh, there are some common functions in all smart phones.
Rima : Nice.
Nitin : Which colour do you like ?
Rima : I like black colour.
Nitin : Excellent. Let’s go to a shop and see the mobiles.
Rima : Perfect!

Activity 13.

Make a list of various plants / trees. Collect information about them with their photographs. Put your information in the given table.
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Let’s Learn More

1. Read the lines and answer the questions.

What is pink ?
A rose is pink,
By the fountain’s brink.

What is blue ?
The sky is blue,
Where the clouds float through.

What is white ?
A swan is white.
Sailing in the light.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You?

What is green ?
The grass is green,
With flowers between.

What is orange ?
Why, an orange,
Just an orange.

Question 1.
Write the names of colours in the poem.
pink, blue, white, green, orange.

Question 2.
Write the names of objects in the poem.
rose, fountain, brink, sky, cloud, light, grass, flowers, orange

Question 3.
What is blue ?
The sky is blue.

Question 4.
What colour is the grass ?
The grass is green.

Question 5.
What is pink ?
The rose is pink.

Question 6.
Where do the clouds float ?
The clouds float in the sky.

2. Read the following paragraphs from the lesson.

(1) There was a Babool tree in a forest. It had straight branches. It had long, white thorns at the base of each leaf tail. One day, it looked at the leaves of other trees. The leaves had different shapes: round, narrow and broad. The Babool tree looked sadly at its leaves and thorns. It said to itself, “My leaves are very small and unattractive. They are not like the leaves of other trees. And I hate my thorns, too.”

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What did the Babool tree have
The Babool tree had straight branches and long, white thorns at the base of each leaf tail.

Question 2.
How was the Babool tree different from the other trees ?
The Babool tree had small and unattractive leaves and thorns.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You?

Question 3.
What did the Babool tree hate?
The Babool tree hated its thorns.

Question 4.
Why was the Babool tree sad ?
The Babool tree was sad because it had small and unattractive leaves and long white thorns.

Question 5.
Other trees had leaves.
Other trees had round, narrow or broad leaves.

Answer the questions selecting correct options.

Question 1.
The Babool tree hated its ……….
A. branches
B. leaves
C. thorns
D. trunk
C. thorns

Question 2.
The Babool tree had …………. branches.
A. straight
B. crooked
C. smooth
D. rough
A. straight

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You?

Question 3.
The Babool tree’s leaves were …………..
A. big and attractive
B. big and unattractive
C. small and attractive
D. small and unattractive
D. small and unattractive

Question 4.
The Babool tree had at the base of each leaf.
A. short, white thorns
B. long, white thorns
C. short, black thorns
D. long, black thorns
B. long, white thorns

(2) Vandevi heard Babool’s sad words. She appeared before it and said, “Dear Babool, you look very upset.”
Babool said, “Oh yes, I am.”
“But why?” asked Vandevi.
“Because I don’t like my tiny leaves. I should have golden leaves and no thorns at all.”
“I think you have excellent leaves and thorns to protect yourself,” said Vandevi. “But I should be good-looking, too. Please remove my thorns and bless me with golden leaves,” requested the Babool.

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What did Vandevi say about the Babool tree’s leaves and thorns?
Vandevi said that the Babool tree had excellent leaves and thorns to protect it.

Question 2.
Who appeared before the Babool tree ?
Vandevi appeared before the Babool tree.

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Question 3.
Why was the Babool tree upset ?
The Babool tree was upset because it didn’t like its tiny leaves.

Question 4.
What did the Babool tree want ?
The Babool tree wanted golden leaves and no thorns.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
Which word in the passage means ‘very good’ ?
A. tiny
B. excellent
C. protect
D. upset
B. excellent

Question 2.
Babool didn’t like its
A. tiny leaves
B. theories
C. trunk
D. branches
A. tiny leaves

Question 3.
The Babool wanted
A. broad leaves
B. smooth leaves
C. big leaves
D. golden leaves
D. golden leaves

Question 4.
Vandevi calls the Babool’s leaves
A. tiny
B. small
C. excellent
D. attractive
C. excellent

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You?

Question 5.
The Babool tree wanted to be
A. beautiful
B. good-looking
C. lighted
D. tall
B. good-looking

(3) Vandevi touched its trunk with her magic stick and disappeared. The next morning, the leaves of the Babool tree changed into shining golden leaves. It had no thorns at all. The Babool tree looked beautiful and very happy, but its happiness did not last long.

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What happened to the leaves of the Babool tree ?
The leaves of the Babool tree changed into shining golden leaves.

Question 2.
What did Vandevi do ?
Vandevi touched the Babool’s trunk with her magic stick and disappeared.

Question 3.
How did the Babool tree look ?
The Babool tree looked beautiful and happy.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
Vandevi touched the Babool’s trunk with
A. her magic stick
B. her hands
C. her fingers
D. a branch
A. her magic stick

Question 2.
Which word in the passage means ‘went away’ ?
A. changed
B. looked
C. touched
D. disappeared
D. disappeared

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You?

Question 3.
The leaves of the Babool tree changed into
A. shining silver leaves
B. shining golden leaves
C. broad leaves
D. smooth leaves
D. smooth leaves

Question 4.
The Babool tree had no
A. leaves
B. thorns
C. branches
D. trunk
B. thorns

Question 5.
The Bamboo tree looked
A. ugly and happy
B. ugly and sad
C. beautiful and sad
D. beautiful and happy
D. beautiful and happy

Question 6.
The Babool tree’s did not last long.
A. leaves
B. beauty
C. happiness
D. thorns
C. happiness

(4) The Babool tree looked beautiful and very happy, but its happiness did not last long. Some people passing through the forest looked at this wonderful tree. They saw the golden leaves, and started plucking them.The Babool tree begged, “Please don’t take my golden leaves. I love them.” A man said, “I’ll sell the leaves and buy things for my family.” Then they ran away happily with all the golden leaves. The Babool tree looked ugly without leaves. The Babool tree started weeping.

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Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
How did the Babool tree look without the golden leaves ?
The Babool tree looked ugly without the golden leaves.

Question 2.
The Babool’s happiness did not last long with golden leaves because
The Babool’s happiness did not last j long with golden leaves because some people plucked all the golden leaves and ran away.

Question 3.
What did a man plan ?
A man planned to sell the leaves and buy things for his family.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
Which word in the passage means ‘pull out’ ?
A. sell
B. ran
C. pluck
D. passing
C. pluck

Question 2.
The Babool tree looked ?
A. beautiful and sad
B. beautiful and happy
C. ugly and sad
D. ugly and happy
B. beautiful and happy

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You?

Question 3.
The Babool tree looked without golden leaves.
A. ugly
B. beautiful
C. sad
D. happy
A. ugly

(5) After three days, Vandevi appeared S again and said, “Dear Babool, why do you look so upset ? Where are your golden leaves ? I blessed you with golden leaves, didn’t I ?” “Yes, you did. But some people took away all my golden leaves.

Now I think I should have sparkling glass leaves. Devi, don’t forget to remove my thorns,” said the Babool tree.“Sorry, but I feel that it may be risky,” said Vandevi. “That may be true, but the sparkling glass leaves will shine in the sunlight. I will look like a tree of light. Please do it for me,” requested the Babool tree.

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
How will the Babool tree look with glass leaves ?
The Babool tree will look like a tree of light with glass leaves.

Question 2.
What did the Babool tree want now ?
The Babool tree now wanted sparkling glass leaves.

Question 3.
What did Vandevi feel about the glass leaves ?
Vandevi felt that the glass leaves would be risky.

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Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
The Babool tree wanted to have
A. sparkling thorns
B. sparkling golden leaves
C. sparkling glass leaves
D. sparkling branches
C. sparkling glass leaves

Question 2.
Which word in the passage means ‘dangerous’ ?
A. risky
B. sorry
C. sparkling
D. shine
B. sorry

Question 3.
The Babool wanted to look like a
A. tree of life
B. tree of light
C. tree of line
D. tree of like
B. tree of light

(6) The kind Vandevi touched the trunk of the Babool tree once again with her magic stick. The next morning, the leaves of the Babool tree changed into sparkling glass leaves. Alas ! Its happiness did not last long this time, too. A stormy wind started blowing through the forest. It blew so hard that all the sparkling glass leaves of the Babool tree broke into small pieces. The Babool tree was ugly and leafless once again.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You?

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
How did the Babool’s leaves turn into glass leaves?
The Babool’s leaves turned into glass leaves when Vandevi touched its trunk with her magic stick.

Question 2.
What happened to the Babool tree’s glass leaves ?
The Babool tree’s glass leaves were I broken into small pieces by a stormy wind.

Question 3.
How did the Babool tree look ?
The Babool tree looked ugly and leafless.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
The Babool’s did not last long.
A. beauty
B. sadness
C. happiness
D. ugliness
C. happiness

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You?

Question 2.
A started blowing through the forest.
A. stormy wind
B. gentle wind
C. strong wind
D. weak wind
A. stormy wind

Question 3.
The Babool tree became
A. leafless and sad
B. leafless and happy
C. leafless and beautiful
D. leafless and ugly
D. leafless and ugly

(7) The Babool tree wept loudly, “The stormy wind broke all my leaves. What shall I do ?” The Vandevi heard its sobs and appeared again.“What happened again ? Why are you crying?” said Vandevi.“The cruel wind broke all my glass leaves. Now I must have broad and smooth green leaves. Only then I’ll be contented and happy,” said the Babool tree. “Let’s try that this time,” said Vandevi and granted Babool’s wish.

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Why did the Babool tree weep ?
The Babool tree wept because the stormy wind broke its leaves.

Question 2.
What did the Babool want now ?
The Babool wanted broad and smooth, green leaves now.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
Vandevi heard the Babool’s
A. sobs
B. cries
C. screams
D. calls
A. sobs

Question 2.
The Babool calls the wind
A. strong
B. weak
C. kind
D. cruel
D. cruel

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You?

Question 3.
Which word in the passage means ‘satisfied’ ?
A. cruel
B. contented
C. stormy
D. wept
B. contented

(8) The next morning, the Babool tree had broad and smooth green leaves and no thorns. It was full of joy. “Wow! What beautiful leaves I have Robbers won’t steal them. The cruel strong wind can’t break them. Now I’ll be handsome and happy forever.”

Answer the following question.

Why was the Babool tree full of joy?
The Babool tree was full of joy because It had broad and smooth, green leaves and no thorns.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
The Babool tree would be forever.
A. contented
B. handsome and happy
C. happy
D. beautiful and happy
B. handsome and happy

Question 2.
Which word in the passage means ‘to rob’?
A. handsome
B. stormy
C. beautiful
D. steal
D. steal

(9) All of a sudden, there came three goats. They were very hungry. They saw the broad and soft green leaves of the Babool tree. They ran to it and started eating its leaves. “Ouch ! Ouch ! Goats, please don’t eat my leaves,” cried the Babool tree. The goats replied, “We are very hungry. Your leaves are very tender and tasty. We will eat them all.” The goats ate up all the leaves of the Babool tree. They felt happy and contented.

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What did the goats do ?
The goats ate up ali the leaves of the Babool tree.

Question 2.
Why did the goats eat up all the leaves of the Babool tree ?
The goats ate up all the leaves of the Babool tree because they were green, tender and tasty.

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Answer the questions selecting the ( correct options.

Question 1.
The goats saw the leaves of the Babool tree.
A. broad and hard, green
B. broad and soft, green
C. sparkling and soft
D. shining and soft
B. broad and soft, green

Question 2.
The goats ate the leaves because they were
A. tender and big
B. tender and tasty
C. big and tasty
D. small and tender
B. tender and tasty

(10) “O dear Babool! I granted all your wishes but still you are not happy and satisfied. Now, I’ll give you the last chance. Tell me, what do you wish?”

The Babool said to Vandevi, “Now I have learnt a lesson. I don’t want any golden leaves, glass leaves or broad, soft leaves. I want to be a real Babool tree. Please give me back my leaves and long white thorns. I’ll always be happy and contented with them.” Vandevi gave it back its small green leaves and thorns. Then the Babool tree stood happily in its original evergreen dress forever.

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
When did the Babool really become happy and contented?
The Babool really became happy and contented when it got back its leaves and long white thorns.

Question 2.
What was Babool’s last request to Vandevi ?
Babool’s last request to Vandevi was to give back its leaves and long white thorns.

Question 3.
The Babool tree wished for three kinds of leaves. List them.
Golden leaves, glass leaves and broad, soft leaves.

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Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
The Babool ^wanted its
A. soft, green leaves
B. golden leaves
C. leaves and long white thorns
D. glass leaves
C. leaves and long white thorns

Question 2.
The Babool tree stood its original dress.
A. crooked
B. straight
C. sadly
D. happily
D. happily

3. Complete the dialogues using the expressions given in the brackets.

(Alright, as you wish. I You’re right. /What an idea!/Yes, that may be true, but…/I agree. / Sorry, but I feel that… / No, certainly not. /Let’s …)

(1) Nitin : What shall we do this Sunday ?
Gaurang : Let’s play cricket.
Nitin: No, certainly not. We shall not play cricket.
Gaurang: Why ?
Nitin: I think we should play some intelligent game.
Gaurang: I agree. What shall we play ?
Nitin : Let’s play chess.
Gaurang : What an idea !

(2) Mona : I heard that you keep patola saris ?
Shopkeeper : You’re right.
Mona: Can you show me some good saris ?
Shopkeeper : Sure. Here they are.
Mona: What is the price of this one?
Shopkeeper : Its for ? 10,000.
Mona: What!! Sorry, but I feel that it is too costly.
Shopkeeper : Yes, that may be true. But we are helpless.
Mona: Do you offer any discount ?
Shopkeeper : No, Madam. Sorry.
Mona: In that case, I would not like to buy it.
Shopkeeper : Alright, as you wish.

4. What will you say in the following situations ? Use the expressions given in s the brackets.

(Excellent! / Very good ! / Well done ! / Bravo ! / What an idea ! / Good job ! / Congratulations ! / Well said !)

1. Your friend has saved a drowning boy. — Bravo !
2. Ankit has stood first in the class. — Congratulations !
3. Swapnil has solved a difficult problem. — Excellent!
4. Mansi said, “Old is gold.” — Well said !
5. I think we should use the money to help the poor people who need medicines. — What an idea !
6. Hemant has got an admission in a good school. — Very good !
7. The students have completed the project in time. — Good job !
8. Naina has scored full marks in Maths test. — Well done !

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You?

5. Complete the following sentences using the words from the brackets.

(aren’t we? / will he?/ didn’t he?/ don’t we ? / isn’t it? / can’t he ? / doesn’t she ? / was it?/do they ?/won’t she ?/does it?/doesn’t it? / do you ? / wasn’t she ?)

(1) Raj wrote a poenji, didn’t he ?
(2) Nisha likes dancing, doesn’t she ?
(3) It is quite cold here, isn’t it ?
(4) The elephant eats bananas, doesn’t it ?
(5) The teacher will teach a new lesson, won’t she?
(6) We play every day, don’t we ?
(7) Disha was absent yesterday, wasn’t she ?
(8 ) You do not live here, do you ?
(9) The rabbit does not have big eyes, does it ?
(10) We are late, aren’t we?
(11) That was not my idea, was it ?
(12) They do not enjoy music, do they?
(13) Hamid can drive a scooter, can’t he?
(14) Father will not help you, will he?

6. Complete the questions and write the answers with Yes or No.

(1) You enjoy reading, don’t you ? — Yes, I do.
Jay does not enjoy reading, does he ? — No, he doesn’t.
We do not enjoy reading, do we ? — No, we don’t.

(2) You are happy, aren’t you ? — Yes, I am.
Jay is not happy, is he ? — No, he isn’t.
We are happy, aren’t we? — Yes, we are.

(3) You will go home, won’t you ? — Yes, I will.
Pankaj will go home, won’t he ? — Yes, he will.
We will not go home, will we ? — No, we won’t.

(4) You cannot sing, can you ? — No, I can’t.
Uma cannot sing, can she ? — No, she can’t.
They can sing, can’t they ? — Yes, they can.

(5) You were hungry, weren’t you ? — Yes, I was.
Tarak was not hungry, was he? — No, he wasn’t.
We were hungry, weren’t we ? — Yes, we were.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You?

Word Meanings:
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GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 2 Unit 2 You Love English, Don’t You 9

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