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GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 3 What Were You Doing?

Gujarat Board GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Second Language Sem 1 Unit 3 What Were You Doing? Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

GSEB Std 8 English Textbook Solutions Sem 1 Unit 3 What Were You Doing?

GSEB Class 8 English What Were You Doing? Text Book Questions and Answers

Activity 1.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 3 What Were You Doing 15

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
What do you see in this picture?
I see a giant wheel in this picture

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 3 What Were You Doing?

Question 2.
Where is it found?
It is found in fairs.

Question 3.
Have you ever taken a ride in it?
Yes. I have.

Question 4.
Tell your class about your experience of riding on it.
It was a wonderful experience. As the giant wheel slowly started, I enjoyed the feeling – of going up. When I reached right at the top, I was a little scared Everything looked so tiny from up there. As the giant wheel came down, I was a little relaxed. I really enjoyed this ride.

Activity 2.

Read this story:


Vínu climbed up a tree. He sat on a branch. He was cutting the same branch. An old man saw the boy. He said, “Oh. Vinu! Don’t cut that branch. You will fall.”
The boy laughed at the old man. He did not follow his advice. He continued to cut the branch. He fell down and broke his leg.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 3 What Were You Doing?

(વિનુ ક્લાઇન્ડ અપ અ ટ્રી. હી સેંટ ઑન અ બ્રાન્ચ. હી વૉઝ કટિંગ ધ સેમ બ્રાન્ચ. ઍન ઓલ્ડ મૅન સૉ ધ બૉઇ. હી સેડ, ઓહ વિનુ ! ડોન્ટ કટ ધેટ બ્રાન્ચ. યુ વિલ ફૉલ.” ધ બૉઇ લાડ ઍટ ધ ઓલ્ડ મૅન. હી ડિડ નૉટ ફૉલો હિઝ ઍડ્વાઇઝ. હી કન્ટિન્યુડ ટુ કટ ધ બ્રાન્ચ. હી ફેલ ડાઉન ઍન્ડ બ્રૉક હિઝ લેગ.).

વિનુ એક ઝાડ પર ચડ્યો. તે એક ડાળ પર બેઠો. તે એ જ ડાળ કાપી રહ્યો હતો. એક વૃદ્ધ માણસે તે છોકરાને જોયો. તેણે કહ્યું, “અરે, વિનુ ! એ ડાળ કાપવી રહેવા દે. તું પડી જઈશ.” છોકરાએ એ વૃદ્ધને હસી કાઢ્યો. તેણે તેની સલાહ માની નહિ. તેણે ડાળ કાપવાનું ચાલું જ રાખ્યું. તે પડી ગયો અને તેનો પગ ભાંગ્યો.

Now look at the following pictures and write the appropriate sentences below each picture:


Vinu climbed up a tree. He sat on a branch. He was cutting the same branch.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 3 What Were You Doing 16
An old man saw the boy.
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He said, “Oh, Vinu ! Don’t cut that branch. You will fall.”
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The boy laughed at the old man. He did not follow his advice. He continued to cut the branch. He fell down and broke his leg.
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He continued to cut the branch.
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He fell down and broke his leg.

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Activity 3.

Read the following letter:

[Tina lives in a town called Halol. It is surrounded by small villages, and it is not Jar from Vadodara. Last month, Tina visited a village fair near Halol. After a Jew days, she visited a Trade Fair in Vadodara. She wrote a letter to her Friend Meena, who lives in Bhuj.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 3 What Were You Doing?

25 July, 2014
Dear Meena,
Thank you for your letter of 15th July. I was happy to read about your visit to Dholaveera.
I visited two different fairs last month, and I want to tell you about them.

First, I visited a village fair between Halol and Pavagadh. We went there in an autorickshaw. There were two small temples outside a small village. I went there with my parents. We reached there in the evening. The open ground between l the two temples was full of people.

There were many shops – toy shops, sweet shops and a colourful bazaar of household items. Some children were standing in front of a toy shop. They were looking at a small plane. The shopkeeper was showing them the plane. The children laughed with joy and clapped loudly.

We also saw a merry-go-round and a giant-wheel. The merry-go-round was quite small, but the giant-wheel was really huge. The place was full of noise. There were many loudspeakers playing film songs. There were many children in the giant- wheel. They were shouting in excitement. We saw a juggler, too. He was playing with five balls and was keeping all of them in the air. It was wonderful.

After some days, we visited a trade fair in Vadodara. It was a school trip. We went there on a Sunday. We went by a bus. There was no entry fee. The whole ground was full of large stalls. There were many stalls of electronic goods like TV, VCR and music systems. The girls on the counters were well-dressed. They were answering the questions of visitors with a smile.

There was another row of stalls for things like fridge and washing machines. One salesman was demonstrating the use of a mixer-grinder. Two young women were asking him some questions.

We went round and saw everything. At the other end of the fair, there were some fast-food stalls. My friends ordered pizza and I ordered a glass of lassi. We sat down for a while and savoured the food. There were a couple of sweet shops, but we did not buy any sweets. We came back in the evening. OK, I will stop now. Convey my regards to your parents.
Yours sincerely,

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 3 What Were You Doing?

(ટિના લિઝ ઇન અ ટાઉન કૉલ્ડ હાલોલ. ઈટ ઈઝ સરાઉન્ડિડ બાઇ સ્મૉલ વિલેજીઝ, ઍન્ડ ઇટ ઇઝ નૉટ ફોર ફ્રૉમ વડોદરા. લાસ્ટ મન્થ, ટિના વિઝિટિડ અ વિલેજ ફેઅર નિઅર હાલોલ. આફ્ટર એ ક્યૂ ડેઝ, શી વિઝિટિડ એ ટ્રેડ ફેઅર ઇન વડોદરા. શી રૉટ અ લેટર ટૂ હર ફ્રેન્ડ મીના, હૂ લિઝ ઇન ભુજ.)

ટિના હાલોલ નામના શહેરમાં રહે છે. તેની આસપાસ ઘણાં ગામડાં આવેલાં છે, અને તે વડોદરાથી દૂર નથી. ગયા મહિને ટિનાએ હાલોલ પાસેના ગામના એક મેળાની મુલાકાત લીધી. થોડા દિવસો પછી તેણે વડોદરાના એક વ્યાપાર મેળાની મુલાકાત લીધી. તેણે ભૂજમાં રહેતી તેની મિત્ર મીનાને પત્ર લખ્યો. હાલોલ 25 જુલાઈ, 2014 (ડિઅર મીના,) પ્રિય મીના, (બૅન્ક યૂ ફૉર યુઅર લેટર ઑવ 15 જુલાઈ.

આઈ વૉઝ હેપિ ટૂ રીડ અબાઉટ યુઅર વિઝિટ ટુ ધોળાવીરા.) તારા 15મી જુલાઈના પત્ર માટે આભાર, તારી ધોળાવીરાની મુલાકાત વિશે વાંચીને મને આનંદ થયો. (આઈ વિઝિટિડ ટુ ડિફરન્ટ ફેઅર્સ લાસ્ટ મન્થ, ઍન્ડ આઈ વૉન્ટ ટૂ ટેલ યુ અબાઉટ ધેમ.). મેં ગયા મહિને બે જુદા જુદા મેળાની મુલાકાત લીધી, અને હું તને તેના વિશે કહેવા માગું છું.

(ફસ્ટ, આઈ વિઝિટિડ અ વિલેજ ફેઅર બિટ્વન હાલોલ ઍન્ડ પાવાગઢ, વી વેન્ટ ધેઅર ઇન મૅન ઑટો-રિક્ષા, ધેઅર વેઅર ટુ મૉલ ટેમ્પw આઉટસાઇડ આ સ્મૉલ વિલેજ, આઈ વેન્ટ ધેઅર વિથ માઇ Vઅરર્સ. વી રીડ ધેઅર ઇન ધ ઇવનિંગ, ધ ઓપન ગ્રાઉન્ડ બિટ્વીન ધ ટુ ટેમ્પ વૉઝ ફુલ ઑવ પીપલ.) પહેલા, મેં હાલોલ અને પાવાગઢ વચ્ચેનો એક ગામ મેળો જોયો. અમે ત્યાં બૉટો-રિક્ષામાં ગયાં.

એ નાના ગામની બહાર બે નાનાં મંદિરો હતાં. હું ત્યાં મારાં માતાપિતા સાથે ગઈ હતી. અમે ત્યાં સાંજે પહોંચ્યા, બે મંદિરો વચ્ચેનું ખુલ્લું મેદાન લોકોથી ભરચક હતું. (ધેઅર વેઅર મેનિ શોપ્સ – ટૉઇ શૉસ, સ્વીટ શૉપ્સ ઍન્ડ કલરફુલ બઝાર ઑવ હાઉસહોલ્ડ આઇટજી. સમ ચિલ્ડ્રન વેઅર સ્ટેન્ડિંગ ઇન ફન્ટ ઑવ અ ટૉઈ શૉપ, ધે વેઅર લુકિંગ ઍટ એ સ્પૌલ પ્લેન. ધ શૉપકીપર વૉઝ પોઇન્ ધમ ધ પ્લેન. ધ ચિલ્ડ્રન લાડ વિથ જૉઇ ઍન્ડ ફલેંડ લાઉડલિ.)

ત્યાં ઘણી દુકાનો હતી – રમકડાંની દુકાનો, મીઠાઈની દુકાનો અને ઘરવપરાશની ચીજોની રંગીન બજાર. કેટલાંક બાળકો રમકડાંની દુકાનની સામે ઊભાં હતાં. તેઓ એક નાનકડા વિમાનને જોઈ રહ્યાં હતાં. દુકાનદાર તેમને વિમાન દેખાડી રહ્યો હતો. બાળકો આનંદપૂર્વક હસ્યાં અને મોટેથી તાળીઓ પાડી. | (વી હસી સૌ અ મેરિ–ગો રાઉન્ડ ઍન્ડ અ જાયન્ટ-વીલ, ધ

મેરિ- ગો-રાઉન્ડ વૉઝ ક્વાઇટ સ્મૉલ, બટ ધ જાયન્ટ-વીલ વૉઝ રિઅલિ હ્યુજ. ધ પ્લેસ વૉઝ ફુલ ઑવ નૉઇઝ. ધેઅર વેઅર મેનિ લાઉડસ્પીકર્મ પ્લેઇંગ ફિલ્મ સૉન્યૂઝ. ધેઅર વેઅર મેનિ ચિલ્ડ્રન ઇન ધ જાયન્ટ-વીલ, ધ વેઅર શાઉટિંગ ઇન ઇક્સાઇટ્સન્ટ. વી સૌ આ જગલર, ૮. હી વૉઝ પ્લેઈંગ વિથ ફાઇવ બૉઝ એન્ડ વૉઝ કીપિંગ ઑલ ઑવ ધૂમ ઇન ધ ઐઅ, ઇટ વૉઝ વન્ડરલ.) અમે નાનું ચકડોળ અને મોટું ચકડોળ પણ જોયાં.

ચકડોળ ખૂબ જ નાનું હતું, પણ મોટું ચકડોળ ખરેખર ખૂબ મોટું હતું. સ્થળ પર ખૂબ જ ધોંધાટ હતો. ત્યાં ઘણાં લાઉડસ્પીકર પર ફિલ્મી ગીતો વાગી રહ્યાં હતાં. મોટા ચકડોળ પર ઘણા બાળકો હતાં. તેઓ ઉત્તેજીત થઈને બૂમો પાડી રહ્યાં હતાં. અમે એક જાદુગરને પણ જોયો. તે પાંચ દડાનો ખેલ કરી બધા(દડા)ને હવામાં રોકી રાખતો હતો. એ (ખેલ) અદ્ભુત હતો. (આફ્ટર સમ ડેઝ, વી વિઝિટિડ અ ટ્રેડ ફેઅર ઇન વડોદરા.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 3 What Were You Doing?

ઇટ વૉઝ અ સ્કૂલ ટ્રિપ. વી વેન્ટ ધેઅર ઑન અ સને. વી. વેન્ટ બાઈ આ બસ.) થોડા દિવસો પછી, અમે વડોદરામાં વ્યાપાર મેળાની મુલાકાત લીધી. એ શાળાનો પ્રવાસ હતો. અમે ત્યાં રવિવારે ગયાં. અમે ત્યાં બસમાં ગયાં.

ધેિઅર વૉઝ નો એન્ટિ ફી. ધ હોલ ગ્રાઉન્ડ વૉઝ ફુલ ઑવ 5 લાર્જ સ્ટોલ્ટ, બૅઅર વેઅર મેનિ સ્ટૉલ્ટ ઑવ ઇલેક્ટ્રોનિક ગુડઝા લાઇક ટીવી, વીસીઆર ઍન્ડ મ્યુઝિક સિસટન્ઝ, ધ ગર્લ્ડ ઑન ધ કાઉન્ટર્સ વેઅર વેલ-ફેસ્ટ. ધે વેઅર ખાન્સટિંગ ધ ક્વેશ્ચન્દ્ર

ઑવ વિઝિટર્સ વિથ અ સ્માઇલ.) ત્યાં પ્રવેશ ફી ન હતી, આખુય મેદાન વિશાળ સ્ટૉલથી ભરેલું રે હતું. અહીં ઇલેક્ટ્રોનિક સામાન જેવા કે ટીવી, વીસીઆર અને – મ્યુઝિક સિસ્ટમ વગેરેના ઘણા સ્ટૉલ હતા. કાઉન્ટર પરની છોકરીઓ = સુસજ્જ પોષાકમાં હતી. તેઓ મુલાકાતીઓના પ્રશ્નોના ઉત્તરો

સસ્મિત આપી રહી હતી. (ધેઅર વૉઝ અનધર રો ઑવ સ્ટૉલ્ટ ફૉર થિંઝ લાઇક ફ્રિજ ઍન્ડ વૉશિંગ મશિન્ઝ, વન સેહસમૅન વૉઝ ડેમબ્રેટિંગ ધ યુઝ ઑવ અ મિક્સર-ગ્રાઇન્ડર. ટુ યંગ વિમિન વેઅર આકિંગ હિમ સમ ક્વેસૂચજી.) ત્યાં સ્ટોલની એક બીજી હાર ફ્રિજ અને વોશિંગ મશિન જેવી વસ્તુઓ માટે હતી, એક સેકસમેન મિક્સર ગ્રાઇન્ડરનો પ્રત્યક્ષ ઉપયોગ દેખાડી રહ્યો હતો.

બે યુવાન મહિલાઓ તેને કેટલાક પ્રશ્નો પૂછી રહી હતી. (વી વેન્ટ રાઉન્ડ ઍન્ડ સૌ એરિધિંગ, ઍટ ધ અધર એન્ડ ઑવ ધ ફેઅર, ધેઅર વેઅર સમ ફાસ્ટ-ફૂડ સ્ટૉઝ, માઇ ફેઝ ઑર્ડર્ડ પિઝા ઍન્ડ આઈ ઑર્ડર્ડ એ ગ્લાસ ઑવ લસ્સી. વી સેંટ ડાઉન ફૉર વાઇલ ઍન્ડ સેવ ધ ફૂડ. ધેઅર વેઅર એ કપલ ઓવ સ્વીટ શૉપ્સ, બટ વી ડિડ નૉટ બાઇ ઍનિ સ્વીટ્સ.), અમે બધે જ ફર્યા અને દરેકેદરેક વસ્તુ જોઈ.

મેળાને બીજે છેડે કેટલાક ફાસ્ટ-ફૂડ એલ હતા. મારા મિત્રોએ પિઝા મંગાવ્યા અને મેં એક ગ્લાસ લસ્સી મંગાવી. અમે થોડી વારે બેઠું અને ખોરાકનો સ્વાદ માણ્યો. ત્યાં મીઠાઈની બે દુકાનો હતી, પણ અમે મીઠાઈ ન ખરીદી. (વી કેમ બેંક ઇન ધ ઇવનિંગ). અમે સાંજે પાછા આવ્યાં. (કે, આઈ વિલ ઍપ નાઉ. કન્વે માઇ રિગાર્ડઝ ટૂ યુઅર પરસ.)
વારુ ! હવે હું અટકું છું. તારાં માતાપિતાને મારા વંદન કહેજે.
(યુઅર્ટ સિન્સિઅર્લિ, ટિના.),
ખરા દિલથી,
રે ટિના.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 3 What Were You Doing?

Activity 4.

Listen to the following phrases. Read them aloud. Find out similar phrases from the letter in Activity 3. Follow the example:

Example : came back from Amreli:
came back in the evening

(1) fell down from the giant wheel:
fell down and broke his leg

(2) looking at the birds:
looking at a small plane

(3) laughed at my friend:
laughed at the old man

(4) a couple of days :
a couple of sweet shops

(5) end of the movie :
end of the fair

(6) full of water :
full of people

(7) climb up a hill:
climbed up a tree

(8) row of trees :
row of stalls

(9) sat down on the road :
sat down for a while

(10) listen for a while :
sat down for a while

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 3 What Were You Doing?

Mark T for True or F for False in the brackets against each :

(1) Tina visited Dholaveera. — [ F ]
(2) Meena visited the Trade Fair in March 2014. — [ F ]
(3) Meena visited the village fair with her parents. — [ F ]
(4) The Trade Fair was in Halol. — [ F ]
(5) Meena ate jalebies.– [ F ]
(6) Meena lives in Bhuj. [T]
(7) Tina saw a merry-go-round and a giant wheel at the Trade Fair. — [F]
(8) The children were looking at a small toy plane. — [T]
(9) The loudspeakers were playing film songs. — [T]
(10) There was a juggler at the village fair. — [T]
(11) The Trade Fair was at Vadodara.. — [T]
(12) There was an entry fee for theTrade Fair. — [F]
(13) There were fast food stalls at the village fair. — [F]
(14) Tina drank a glass of lassi. — [ T ]

Activity 5

Village Fair  Trade Fair HR
1. It is held in a village. 1. It is held in a city. 1. There was a big crowd and a lot of noise.
2. There were many shops of toys, sweets and household items. 2. There were many stalls of electronic goods, fridge and washing machine. 2. There were shops / stalls selling various things.
3. The shops were looked after by the shopkeepers. 3. The stalls were looked after by salesgirls and salesmen.
4. There was a merry-go-round and a giant wheel and a juggler. 4. There were fast food stalls.

Study the details in Activity 5 above, The two fairs have some things similar and some different. Write a paragraph. Show what is similar by using words like and, also, too. Show what is different by using the word but:

A village fair has a big crowd and there is a lot of noise. A Trade Fair also has 1 a big crowd and there is a lot of noise, too. A village fair and a Trade Fair have stalls and shops selling different items. A village fair is held in a village but a Trade

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 3 What Were You Doing?

Fair is held in a city. In a village fair, there are many shops selling toys, sweets and household things but in a Trade Fair, there are stalls selling electronic goods and things like fridge and washing machines. In a village fair, the shops are looked after by shopkeepers but in a Trade Fair, the stalls are looked after by salesgirls and salesmen. There was a merry-go-round, a giant wheel and a juggler at the village fair but there were only fast food stalls at the Trade Fair.

Activity 6.

(1) The Present Continuous Tense
બોલતી વેળાએ જે ક્રિયા ચાલુ છે – ક્રિયા ચાલી રહી છે તે દર્શાવવા ચાલુ વર્તમાનકાળનો ઉપયોગ થાય છે. વાક્યરચના કર્તા + is/am/ are + વર્તમાન કૃદંત (verb +ing) Sanjay is reading. (now) I am playing. (now)
They are talking. (now)

(2) The Past continuous Tense (ચાલુ ભૂતકાળ).
ભૂતકાળમાં અમુક સમયે અમુક ક્રિયા ચાલી રહી હતી તે દર્શાવવા ચાલુ ભૂતકાળનો ઉપયોગ થાય છે. વાક્યરચના: કર્તા +uas/pere + વર્તમાન કૃદંત (perb + ing) Sanjay was reading. (yesterday) I was playing. (yesterday) They were talking. (yesterday)

Manisha is comparing what she was doing yesterday and today at the same time. Can you help her?

Time Yesterday’s Activities Today’s Activities
7.00 am She was reading a book. She is helping her mother in the kitchen.
11.00 am Draw – picture Attending – prayer
1.30 pm Make – paperbag Present – class
6.00 pm Play – kho-kho Talk – friend
7.30 pm Watch – movie Do – homework

Now re-write the sentences like this :
Example: Yesterday, at 7.00 am, Manisha
was reading a book. Today, at 7.00 am, she is helping her mother in the kitchen.
(1) Yesterday, at 11.00 am, Manisha was drawing a picture. Today, at 11.00 am, she is attending prayers.
(2) Yesterday, at 1.30 pm, Manisha was making a paperbag. Today, at 1.30 pm, she is present in her class.
(3) Yesterday, at 6.00 pm, Manisha was playing kho-kho. Today, at 6.00 pm, she is talking to a friend.
(4) Yesterday, at 7.30 pm, Manisha was watching a movie. Today, at 7.30 pm, she is doing her homework.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 3 What Were You Doing?

Activity 7.

Write a letter to your friend. The following questions will help you. Write about one place:

(1) Which place did you visit ?
(2) When did you go there ?
(3) How did you go there ?
(4) Who went with you ?
(5) What did you like/dislike ?

12 June, 2013
Dear Jatin,
Thank you for your letter telling me about your visit to Mumbai. It was interesting. I am sure you had a good time. During the summer holidays, I visited my uncle and aunt in Patan. It is a small town, which is famous for its patolas.

I went to Patan with my family. We travelled by car from Nadiad to Patan. We reached Patan in the afternoon. Almost all the shops in the main bazaar were shut. There was hardly any traffic because of the heat. We reached my uncle’s house in Ganpati ni Pol, which is right in the middle of town. During my visit to Patan, I saw many interesting places like the Ranki Vav, the Sahsatraling Talav.

These two places are so beautiful. My uncle also told us about the history of these places. We also visited the family which makes the beautiful patolas, which are famous all over the world. I really enjoyed watching the whole process of making a patola. It is really hard work! I enjoyed my trip to Patan. Now I end my letter. Do convey my regards to your parents.
Yours lovingly,

Let’s Learn More

1. Read the following paragraphs from the lesson :

(1) First, I visited a village fair between Halol and Pavagadh. We went there in an autorickshaw. There were two small temples outside a small village. I went there with my parents. We reached there in the evening. The open ground between the two temples was full of people.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Which fair did Tina visit near Halol ?
Tina visited a village fair near Halol.

Question 2.
How did Tina go to the village fair ?
Tina went to the village fair in an autorickshaw.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 3 What Were You Doing?

Question 3.
With whom did Tina visit the village fair?
Tina visited the village fair with her parents.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options :

Question 1.
When did they go to the fair ?
A. morning
B. afternoon
C. evening
D. night
C. evening

Question 2.
How many temples are there outside the village ?
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four
B. two

(2) There were many shops – toy shops, sweet shops and a colourful bazaar of household items. Some children were standing in front of a toy shop. They were looking at a small plane. The shopkeeper was showing them the plane. The children laughed with joy and clapped loudly.

Answer the following questions :

Question 1.
What did Tina see at the village fair?
Tina saw toy shops, sweet shops and colourful bazaar of household items at the village fair.

Question 2.
What were the children looking at ?
The children were looking at a small s toy plane.

Question 3.
What shows that the children were happy ?
The children laughed and clapped loudly. This shows that they were happy.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options :

Question 1.
Where were the children standing ?
A. at the toy shop
B. at the sweet shop
C. at the cloth shop
D. at the household item shop
A. at the toy shop

Question 2.
What were the children looking at ?
A. toy train
B. toy bus
C. toy car
D. toy plane
D. toy plane

Question 3.
The children
A. danced with joy
B. played with the toys
C. laughed with joy and clapped
D. danced together
C. laughed with joy and clapped

(3) We also saw a merry-go-round and a giant-wheel. The merry-go-round was quite small, but the giant-wheel was really huge. The place was full of noise. There were many loudspeakers playing film songs. There were many children in the giant- wheel. They were shouting in excitement. We saw a juggler, too. He was playing with five balls and was keeping all of them in the air. It was wonderful.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
What was the juggler doing ?
The juggler was playing with five balls and was keeping all of them in the air.

Question 2.
What were the children doing ?
The children were shouting in excitement.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 3 What Were You Doing?

Answer the questions selecting the correct options :

Question 1.
What did they see ?
A. magician
B. film
C. merry-go-round and giant-wheel
D. train
C. merry-go-round and giant-wheel

Question 2.
The loudspeakers were playing
A. film songs
B. bhajans
C. announcements
D. dialogues
A. film songs

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 3 What Were You Doing?

Question 3.
What were the children in the giant- wheel doing?
A. sitting quietly
B. shouting in excitement
C. jumping
D. crying
B. shouting in excitement

Question 4.
What was the juggler doing ?
A. playing with three balls
B. playing with five balls
C. playing with three apples
D. playing with five apples
B. playing with five balls

Question 5.
‘Wonderful’ means
A. houseful
B. great
C. useful
D. harmful
B. great

(4) After some days, we visited a trade fair in Vadodara. It was a school trip. We went there on a Sunday. We went by a bus. There was no entry fee. The whole ground was full of large stalls. There were many stalls of electronic goods like ‘ TV, VCR and music systems. The girls . on the counters were well dressed. They were answering the questions of visitors with a smile.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Where was the school trip ?
The school trip was to a trade fair at Vadodara.

Question 2.
How did the children go to the trade fair ?
The children went to the trade fair by a bus.

Question 3.
Was there any entry fee at the trade fair?
No, there was no entry fee at the trade fair.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 3 What Were You Doing?

Question 4.
What stalls were there at the trade fair?
There were stalls of electronic goods like TV, VCR and music systems.

Question 5.
What were the girls on the counter doing ?
The girls on the counter were answering the questions of visitors with a smile.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options :

Question 1.
There was a ……… at Vadodara.
A. village fair
B. book fair
C. clothes fair
D. trade fair
D. trade fair

Question 2.
Which of the following sentences is false ?
A. The trade fair was at Vadodara.
B. We went there on Saturday.
C. It was a school trip.
D. We went there by bus.
B. We went there on Saturday.

Question 3.
What was the entry fee ?
A. ₹ 5
B. ₹ 10
C. ₹ 20
D. No entry fee
D. No entry fee

Question 4.
The girls were answering the questions
A. slowly
B. quickly
C. angrily
D. with a smile
D. with a smile

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 3 What Were You Doing?

(5) There was another row of stalls for things like fridge and washing machines. One salesman was demonstrating the use of a mixer-grinder. Two young women were asking him some questions.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
What was the salesman doing?
The salesman was demonstrating the use of a mixer-grinder.

Question 2.
Which stalls were there in another row?
In another row, there were stalls for things like fridge and washing machines.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options :

Question 1.
‘Demonstrating’ means
A. showing
B. asking
C. answering
D. talking
A. showing

Question 2.
Which of the following is not mentioned in the paragraph?
A. washing machine
C. mixer-grinder
D. fridge

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 3 What Were You Doing?

(6) We went round and saw everything. At the other end of the fair, there were some fast-food stalls. My friends ordered pizza and I ordered a glass of lassi. We sat down for a while and savoured the food. There were a couple of sweet shops, but we did not buy any sweets.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
What was there at the other end of the fair ?
There were fast-food stalls at the other end of the fair.

Question 2.
What did Tina order ? What did her friends order ?
Tina ordered a glass of lassi. Her friends ordered pizza.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options :

Question 1.
What was there at the end of the fair?
A. clothes stalls
B. music stalls
C. fast-food stalls
D. toy stalls
C. fast-food stalls

Question 2.
Which word in the paragraph means ‘enjoyed the taste of’ ?
A. ordered
B. savoured
C. went
D. sat
B. savoured

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 3 What Were You Doing?

Question 3.
Which of the following is not mentioned in the paragraph?
A. cold drink
B. pizza
C. sweets
D. lassi
A. cold drink

2. Describe the following picture:

(market, narrow roads, shops, hawkers, beggars)
GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 3 What Were You Doing 2
This is the picture of a market. It is a crowded place. There are many shops in the market. The road is narrow and dirty. Hawkers are standing with their carts on both the sides of the road. Two cows are standing in the middle of the road. There is a lot of traffic. The traffic police is trying to control the traffic and the people. Beggars are begging for alms.

3. Join the following sentences using ‘and’ or ‘but’:


1. Rohan is tall. Mohan is also tall.
Rohan and Mohan are tall.

2. Vanclana runs fast. Mona runs slow.
Vandana runs fast but Mona runs slow.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 3 What Were You Doing?

Question 1.
Tarun is playing chess. Varun is playing chess.
Tarun and Varun are playing chess.

Question 2.
Sangita is fat. Nita is thin.
Sangita is fat but Nita is thin.

Question 3.
Harin will come home. Anand will come home.
Harin and Anand will come home.

Question 4.
The monkey has a long tail. The elephant has a short tail.
The monkey has a long tail but the elephant has a short tail.

Question 5.
My father is a doctor. My mother is a doctor.
My father and mother are doctors.

Question 6.
Krutika is dancing. Mrunal is singing.
Krutika is dancing but Mrunal is singing.

Question 7.
Sanjay was reading. Manoj was reading.
Sanjay and Manoj were reading.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 3 What Were You Doing?

Question 8.
The teacher was teaching. Sagar was sleeping.
The teacher was teaching but Sagar was sleeping.

Question 9.
Jatin was it. He went to school.
Jatin was ill but he went to school.

Question 10.
Sohan plays tabla. Mohan plays tabla.
Sohan and Mohan play tabla.

4. Write a paragraph on ‘A Visit to a Circus’ using the points given: ‘A Visit to a Circus’

Points: name of the circus – tent – decorated with lights-band-tricks on cycles and horses – jugglers – acrobats -jokers-animals-how you enjoyed
Last week, I went to see the Grand Circus with my family. A big tent was put up on an open ground. It was decorated with colourful lights. We went in and sat on the chairs. The band began to play. First, some young girls came riding on one-wheeled cycles.

Some girls performed tricks on the backs of running horses. Then came the jugglers and acrobats. The jokers made us laugh with their naughty. The tricks on the high swings were very dangerous. The cricket match between the elephants and the bears was fun. We enjoyed the circus.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 3 What Were You Doing?

5. Look at Neha’s diary. Write the sentences as shown in the example :
GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 3 What Were You Doing 3

Examples :
Yesterday, at 8 am, Neha was eating breakfast.
Today, at 8 am, Neha is doing her homework.

(1) Yesterday, at 10 am, Neha was helping her mother.
Today, at 10 am, Neha is going to the market.

(2) Yesterday, at 12 pm, Neha was having lunch.
Today, at 12 pm, Neha is cleaning the room.

(3) Yesterday, at 3 pm, Neha was sleeping.
Today, at 3 pm, Neha is watching TV.

(4) Yesterday, at 6 pm, Neha was playing badminton.
Today, at 6 pm, Neha is arranging the cupboard.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 3 What Were You Doing?

(5) Yesterday, at 8 pm, Neha was eating dinner.
Today, at 8 pm, Neha is reading a book.

6. Write a letter to your friend telling him / her about how you spent your vacation : ?

22, Ganga Sagar,
Opp. G.P.O.
1 June, 2013
Dear Meenal,
How are you? Thank you for your; letter of 25th May. I was happy to know ; about your visit to Surat. During the holidays, I visited Mount Abu with my family. We went there by bus.

It was quite cool there. We visited the Delwara Temples, Gurushikhar, Achalgarh and the Toad Rock. We visited many other interesting places, too. We also enjoyed boating in the Nakki Lake.
The market in Mount Abu was very crowded and noisy.

There was a lot of traffic, too. But we enjoyed visiting many shops and buying many good things. I will show you the photographs when we meet. Please convey my regards to your parents.
Your loving friend,

7. Arrange the following sentences in the correct order and write the story:

(1) But the water was far down in the pot, and he could not reach it.
(2) The water came up to the top.
(3) He saw some pebbles lying near a tree.
(4) He looked for water here and there. But all the rivers were dry.
(5) He looked into the pot and saw some water in it.
(6) The crow was clever.
(7) One day, a crow was very thirsty.
(8) He drank a lot of it and flew away happily.
(9) He picked up some pebbles, one by one, and dropped them into the pot.
(10) After some time, the crow saw a water pot near a tree. He flew there quickly.
One day, a crow was very thirsty. He looked for water here and there. But all the rivers were dry. After some time, the crow saw a water pot near a tree. He flew there quickly. He looked into the pot and saw some water in it.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 3 What Were You Doing?

But the water was far down in the pot, and he could not reach it. The crow was clever. He saw some pebbles lying near a tree. He picked up some pebbles, one by one, and dropped them into the pot. The water came up to the top. He drank a lot of it and flew away happily.

8. Find out the given words from the puzzle:

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GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Sem 1 Unit 3 What Were You Doing?


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Word Meanings:
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