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GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Let’s Read More Unit 5 Aladdin and the Magical Lamp

Gujarat Board GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Second Language Let’s Read More Unit 5 Aladdin and the Magical Lamp Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

GSEB Std 8 English Textbook Solutions Let’s Read More Unit 5 Aladdin and the Magical Lamp

GSEB Class 8 English Aladdin and the Magical Lamp Text Book Questions and Answers

Aladdin was born in Arabia. He was the son of a widow (woman whose husband has died). One day, a stranger took him to a cave (hollow place in mountain) and told him to bring an old lamp from inside. He also offered Aladdin a silver coin for the work. Aladdin went inside but was afraid and wanted to get out. The stranger (person not known) was a sorcerer (wicked magician). He blocked (stood in way of) the opening and ordered for the lamp.
GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Let’s Read More Unit 5 Aladdin and the Magical Lamp 3
At that time, the sorcerer’s ring fell off (got removed). Aladdin slipped the ring onto his finger. Suddenly a Genie appeared. “I’m the genie of the ring,” he said. “What is your wish (something one wants) ?” Aladdin replied, “I want to go home.” Lo and behold ! He had gone home.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Let’s Read More Unit 5 Aladdin and the Magical Lamp

Aladdin still held the old lamp in his hand. When he tried to clean it, a second genie appeared. “I’m the genie of the lamp,” he said. “What is your command (order) ” Aladdin smiled shyly and said, “Food, please!” Lo and behold! It was done.

From then on, Aladdin and his mother became rich, and had a palace, jewels, food, servants. He married Halima, the Sultan’s daughter. One day, the sorcerer came to the palace disguised (changed appearance) as a pedlar (person who sells something). Halima did not know that the old lamp was magical and gave it to him.

Immediately (at that moment) the sorcerer ordered the genie to carry off the princess and the palace to a far-off-land. When Aladdin found out that his wife had disappeared (not present there), he called the genie of the ring and said, “Take me to my wife at once.” Lo and behold! Aladdin was reunited (came together again) with his wife.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Let’s Read More Unit 5 Aladdin and the Magical Lamp

When the sorcerer was asleep, they took away the lamp. Aladdin rubbed the lamp. The genie was happy to be with his rightful owner. When Aladdin told the genie “Let’s go home”, the palace rose (lifted up or came up) into the air and floated (moved like boat) dreamily back to the Sultan’s kingdom.

[અલાદ્દીન વૉઝ બૉર્ન ઇન અરેબિયા. હી વૉઝ ધ સન ઑવ આ વિડો (વુમન ડૂઝ હઝુબન્ડ હૅઝ ડાઇડ). વન ડે, આ સ્ટ્રેન્જર ટુક હિમ ટુ કેવ (હૉલો પ્લેસ ઈન માઉન્ટિન) ઍન્ડ ટોલ્ડ હિમ ટૂ બિંગ ઍન ઓલ્ડ લૅમ્પ ફ્રૉમ ઇન્સાઇડ. હી ઑલ્સો ઑફર્ડ અલાદ્દીન અ સિલ્વર કૉઇન ફૉર ધ વર્ક, અલાદીન વેન્ટ ઇન્સાઇડ બટ વૉઝ અફ્રેડ ઍન્ડ વૉન્ટિડ ટૂ ગેટ આઉટ, ધ સ્ટ્રેન્જર (પર્સન નૉટ નોન) વૉઝ અ સૉર્સરર (વિકિડ મજિશન).

હી બ્લૉકડ (ફુડ ઇન વે ઑવ) ધ ઓપનિંગ ઍન્ડ ઑર્ડર્ડ ફૉર ધ લૅમ્પ.] અલાદ્દીનનો જન્મ અરબસ્તાનમાં થયો હતો. તે વિધવા(માતા)નો પુત્ર હતો. એક દિવસ એક અજાણ્યો માણસ તેને એક ગુફા પાસે લઈ ગયો અને અંદરથી એક જૂનો ચિરાગ લઈ આવવા કહ્યું. આ કામ માટે તેણે અલાદ્દીનને ચાંદીનો સિક્કો આપવા પણ કહ્યું. અલાદ્દીન અંદર તો ગયો પણ ડરી ગયો અને બહાર આવી જવા માગતો હતો. (તે) અજાણ્યો માણસ એક દુષ્ટ જાદુગર – ભૂવો હતો. તેણે ગુફાનો દરવાજો બંધ કરી દીધો અને ચિરાગ લઈ આવવા હુકમ કર્યો.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Let’s Read More Unit 5 Aladdin and the Magical Lamp

[ઍટ ધેટ ટાઇમ, ધ સૉર્સરઝ રિંગ ફેલ ઑફ (ગૉટ રિમૂડ). અલાદ્દીન સ્લિપ્ટ ધ રિંગ ઑટુ હિઝ ફિંગર. સડલિ, અ જીનિ અપિઅર્ડ. “આઈ’મ ધ જીનિ ઑવ ધ રિંગ,” હી સેડ. “વૉટ ઇઝ યુઅર વિશ (સમથિંગ વન વૉટ્સ)?” અલાદીન રિપ્લાઈડ, આઈ વૉન્ટ ટુ ગો હોમ.” લો ઍન્ડ બિહોલ્ડ! હી હેંડ ગૉન હોમ.) એ જ વખતે જાદુગરની વીંટી પડી ગઈ. અલાદીને તે વીંટી પોતાની આંગળીમાં સરકાવી દીધી. તરત જ એક જીન હાજર થયો. “હું આ વીંટીનો જીન છું,” તેણે કહ્યું. “તારી શી ઇચ્છા છે?’’ અલાદીને કહ્યું, “મારે ઘેર જવું છે.” જુઓ તો ખરા ! તે ઘેર પહોંચી ગયો હતો.

(અલાદીન સ્ટિલ હેલ્ડ ધ ઓલ્ડ લેમ્પ ઇન હિઝ હેન્ડ. વેન હી ટ્રાઈડ ટૂ ક્લીન ઇટ, અ સેકન્ડ જીનિ અપિઅર્ડ. “આઈ’મ ધ જીનિ ઑવ ધ લૅમ્પ,” હી સેડ. “વૉટ ઇઝ યુઅર કમાન્ડ (ઑર્ડર)?” અલાદ્દીન સ્માઇલ્ડ લાઇલિ (શરમાઈન) ઍન્ડ સેડ, “ફુડ, પ્લીઝ!” લો ઍન્ડ બિહોલ્ડ! ઇટ વૉઝ ડન.] અલાદ્દીને હજુય હાથમાં ચિરાગ પકડી રાખેલો. જેવો તેણે તેને સાફ કરવાનો પ્રયત્ન કર્યો કે તરત જ બીજો જીન હાજર થયો.

“હું આ ચિરાગનો જીન છું,” તેણે કહ્યું. “તમારો શો હુકમ છે?” અલાદીને શરમાઈને સ્મિત કર્યું અને કહ્યું, “ખાવાનું!” જુઓ તો ખરા! તે (કામ) થઈ ગયું. ફ્રિૉમ ધેન ઑન, અલાદ્દીન ઍન્ડ હિઝ મધર બિકેમ રિચ, ઍન્ડ હેડ અ પૅલિસ, જૂઅલ્ઝ, ફુડ, સર્વટ્સ. હી મૅરિડ હલિમા, ધ સુલ્તાન્ઝ ડૉટર. વન ડે, ધ સૉર્સરર કેમ ટુ ધ ઍલિસ ડિસ્ચાઇઝડ (ચેન્જડ અપિઅરન્સ) ઍઝ અ પેલર (પર્સન હું સેલ્ટ સમથિંગ).

હલિમા ડિડ નૉટ નો ધંટ ધ ઓલ્ડ લૅમ્પ વૉઝ મૅજિકલ ઍન્ડ ગેવ ઈટ ટૂ હિમ.] ત્યારથી અલાદ્દીન અને તેની મા પૈસાદાર થઈ ગયાં, અને (તેમની પાસે) એક મહેલ, રત્નો, ખોરાક અને નોકરો હતાં. તેણે સુલતાનની દીકરી હલિમા સાથે લગ્ન કર્યા. એક દિવસ પેલો દુષ્ટ જાદુગર ફેરિયાના પરિવેશમાં મહેલ પર આવ્યો. જૂનો ચિરાગ જાદુઈ હતો તે હલિમા જાણતી નહોતી અને તેણે તે (ચિરાગ) તેને (જાદુગરને) આપી દીધો.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Let’s Read More Unit 5 Aladdin and the Magical Lamp

[ઇમીડિઅલિ (એટ ધેટ મૉમન્ટ) ધ સૉર્સરર ઑર્ડર્ડ ધ જીનિ ટૂ કૅરિ ઑફ ધ પ્રિન્સેસ ઍન્ડ ધ ઍલિસ ટૂ અ ફાર-ઑફ-લૅન્ડ. વેન અલાદ્દીન ફાઉન્ડ આઉટ ધેટ હિઝ વાઇફ હેડ ડિસપિઅર્ડ (નૉટ પ્રેઝન્ટ ધેઅર), હી કૉલ્ડ ધ જીનિ ઑવ ધ રિંગ ઍન્ડ રોડ, “ટેક મી ટૂ માઇ વાઇફ ઍટ વન્સ.” લો ઍન્ડ બિહોલ્ડ! અલાદ્દીન વૉઝ રિયુનાઇટિડ (કેમ ટુગેધર અગેન) વિથ હિઝ વાઈફ.]

જાદુગરે તરત જ જીનને રાજકુમારી અને મહેલને દૂર દૂરના પ્રદેશમાં લઈ જવાનો હુકમ કર્યો. અલાદ્દીનને જ્યારે ખબર પડી કે તેની પત્ની ગૂમ થઈ ગઈ છે ત્યારે તેણે વીંટીના જીનને બોલાવ્યો અને કહ્યું, “હમણાં જ મને મારી પત્ની પાસે લઈ જા.” જુઓ તો ખરા! અલાદીન અને તેની પત્ની બંને ફરી મળી ગયાં. વિન ધ સૉર્સરર વૉઝ અસ્લીપ, ધે ટુક અવે ધ લૅમ્પ. અલાદ્દીન રષ્ઠ ધ લેમ્પ. ધ જીનિ વૉઝ ઑપિ ટૂ બી વિથ હિઝ રાઈટલ ઓનર. વેન અલાદ્દીન ટોલ્ડ ધ જીનિ “લેટ્સ ગો હોમ”, ધ ઑલિસ રોઝ

(લિફ્ટિડ અપ ઑર કેમ અપ) ઇન્દુ ધ એઅર ઍન્ડ ફ્લોટિડ (મૂછ લાઈક બોટ) ડ્રીમિલિ બૅક ટૂ ધ સુલ્તાન્ઝ કિંગડમ.] જાદુગર જ્યારે ઊંઘતો હતો ત્યારે તેમણે ચિરાગ લઈ લીધો. અલાદીને ચિરાગ ઘસ્યો. જીન તેના ખરા માલિકને મળી ખુશ થયો. અલાદીને જીનને કહ્યું, “ચાલો ઘેર જઈએ”, મહેલ હવામાં ઊંચકાયો અને સ્વપ્નમય રીતે (હવામાં) ઊડતો ઊડતો ફરી પાછો સુલતાનના રાજ્યમાં આવી ગયો.


Look at the word ‘rightful’. Add ‘ful’ to the following words to make them meaningful.

(1) beauty + ful = beautiful
(2) revenge + ful = revengeful
(3) doubt + ful = doubtful
(4) duty + ful = dutiful
(5) wrong + ful = wrongful


1. Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Where was Aladdin born ?
Aladdin was born in Arabia.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Let’s Read More Unit 5 Aladdin and the Magical Lamp

Question 2.
What did the stranger offer to Aladdin to bring the lamp from the cave ?
The stranger offered Aladdin a silver coin to bring the lamp from the cave.

Question 3.
What was the name of Aladdin’s wife?
The name of Aladdin’s wife was Halima.

Question 4.
What did Aladdin get from the genie of the lamp ?
Aladdin got food from the genie of the lamp.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Let’s Read More Unit 5 Aladdin and the Magical Lamp

Question 5.
What did Halima not know about the old lamp ?
Halima did not know that the old lamp was magical.

2. What will you ask if you have a magical lamp ? List your wishes :

Example: I will ask for a flying bicycle.
(1) I will ask for a big house.
(2) I will ask for a car for my father.
(3) I will ask for lovely saris and jewellery for my mother.
(4) I will ask for a big ship.
(5) I will ask for an aeroplane.
(6) I will ask to make my grandparents healthy.
(7) I will ask for a magical flute.
(8) I will ask for a huge palace.
(9) I will ask for lots of money which I can use for the poor.
(10) I will ask for lots of toys for small and poor children.

Let’s Learn More

Read the following paragraphs from the lesson.

1. Aladdin was born in Arabia. He was the son of a widow. One day, a stranger ‘ took him to a pave and told him to ‘ bring an old lamp from inside. He also offered Aladdin a silver coin for the work. Aladdin went inside but was afraid and wanted to get out.

The stranger was a sorcerer. He blocked the opening and ordered for the lamp. At that time, the sorcerer’s ring fell off. Aladdin slipped the ring onto his finger. Suddenly a Genie appeared, “I’m the genie of the ring,” he said. “What is your wish ?” Aladdin replied, “I want to go home.” Lo and behold! He had gone home.

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Where was Aladdin born ?
Aladdin was born in Arabia.

Question 2.
Where did the stranger take him ?
The stranger took him to a cave.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Let’s Read More Unit 5 Aladdin and the Magical Lamp

Question 3.
What did he offer Aladdin ?
He offered Aladdin a silver coin.

Question 4.
The sorcerer’s fell off.
The sorcerer’s ring fell off.

Question 5.
Who appeared before Aladdin ?
The genie of the ring appeared before Aladdin.

Question 6.
What did the sorcerer do ?
The sorcerer blocked the opening and ordered for the lamp.

Question 7.
Why did Aladdin want to get out ?
Aladdin wanted to get out because he was afraid.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Let’s Read More Unit 5 Aladdin and the Magical Lamp

Question 8.
What did the stranger ask Aladdin to bring from the cave ?
The stranger asked Aladdin to bring an old lamp from the cave.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options

Question 1.
Aladdin was born in
A. Asia
B. Arabia
C. Armenia
D. Argentina
B. Arabia

Question 2.
What did Aladdin wear on his finger ?
A. the sorcerer’s ring
B. the sorcerer’s lamp
C. the genie
D. nothing
A. the sorcerer’s ring

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Let’s Read More Unit 5 Aladdin and the Magical Lamp

Question 3.
What was Aladdin’s wish ?
A. “I want the ring.”
B. “I want the lamp.”
C. “I want food.”
D. “I want to go home.”
D. “I want to go home.”

Question 4.
The stranger told him to bring from the cave.
A. an old genie
B. an old ring
C. an old lamp
D. an old stone
C. an old lamp

Question 5.
The stranger offered a to Aladdin.
A. a gold coin
B. a silver coin
C. a bronze coin
D. a copper coin
B. a silver coin

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Let’s Read More Unit 5 Aladdin and the Magical Lamp

Question 6.
The stranger took Aladdin to
A. a cave
B. a mountain
C. the market
D. the palace
A. a cave

Question 7.
The stranger was
A. a relative
B. a seller
C. a merchant
D. a sorcerer
D. a sorcerer

Question 8.
Who appeared before Aladdin ?
A. the genie of the cave
B. the genie of the lamp
C. the genie of the ring
D. the genie of the coin
C. the genie of the ring

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Let’s Read More Unit 5 Aladdin and the Magical Lamp

(2) From then on, Aladdin and his mother became rich, and had a palace, jewels, food, servants. He married Halima, the Sultan’s daughter. One day, the sorcerer came to the palace disguised as a pedlar. Halima did not know that the old lamp was magical andgave it to him.

Immediately the sorcerer ordered the genie to carry off the princess and the palace to a far-off-land. When Aladdin found out that his wife had disappeared, he called the genie of the ring and said, “Take me to my wife at once.” Lo and behold! Aladdin was reunited with his wife.

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What did Aladdin and his mother have ?
Aladdin and his mother had a palace, jewels, food, servants.

Question 2.
Whom did Aladdin marry ?
Aladdin married Halima, the Sultan’s daughter.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Let’s Read More Unit 5 Aladdin and the Magical Lamp

Question 3.
What was the sorcerer disguised as ?
The sorcerer was disguised as a pedlar.

Question 4.
What did Halima not know ?
Halima did not know that the old lamp was magical.

Question 5.
What did Halima do ?
Halima gave the old lamp to the pedlar.

Question 6.
What did the sorcerer order the genie ?
The sorcerer ordered the genie to carry off the princess and the palace to a far-off-land.

Question 7.
What did Aladdin order the genie of the ring?
Aladdin ordered the genie of the ring to take him to his wife at once.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
Whom did Aladdin marry?
A. the Sultan’s daughter
B. the king’s daughter
C. the genie’s daughter
D. the sorcerer’s daughter
B. the king’s daughter

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Let’s Read More Unit 5 Aladdin and the Magical Lamp

Question 2.
What was Aladdin’s wife’s name ?
A. Haliha
B. Halina
C. Halima
D. Hamina
A. Haliha

Question 3.
The sorcerer was disguised as a ………….
A. guard
B. pedlar
C. buyer
D. seller
D. seller

Question 4.
Halima did not know that the lamp was …………
A. new
B. old
C. simple
D. magical
D. magical

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Let’s Read More Unit 5 Aladdin and the Magical Lamp

Question 5.
What was Aladdin’s order to the genie ?
A. “Take me to my mother at once.”
B. “Take me to my palace at once.”.
C. “Take me to my wife at once.”
D. “Take me to the sorcerer at once.”
C. “Take me to my wife at once.”

Question 6.
The sorcerer ordered the genie to carry off ……… to a far-off-land.
A. the lamp
B. the princess and the palace
C. the ring
D. Aladdin and the palace
B. the princess and the palace

Waiting at the Window

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Let’s Read More Unit 5 Aladdin and the Magical Lamp 4

These are my two drops of rain
Waiting on the window-pane.

I am waiting here to see
Which the winning one will be.

Both of them have different names.
One is John and one is James.

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Let’s Read More Unit 5 Aladdin and the Magical Lamp

All the best and all the worst
Comes from which of them is first.

James had just begun to ooze.
He’s the one I want to lose.

John is waiting to begin.
He’s the one I want to win.

James is going slowly on.
Something sort of sticks to John.

John is moving off at last.
James is going to pretty fast.

John is rushing down the pane.
James is going slow again.

James has met a sort of smear.
John is getting very near.

Is he going fast enough ?
(James has found a piece of fluff.)

John has hurried quickly by.
(James was talking to a fly.)

GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Let’s Read More Unit 5 Aladdin and the Magical Lamp

John is there, and John has won I
Look! I told you! Here’s the sun!

Word Meanings:
GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Let’s Read More Unit 5 Aladdin and the Magical Lamp 1
GSEB Solutions Class 8 English Let’s Read More Unit 5 Aladdin and the Magical Lamp 2

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