Gujarat Board GSEB Textbook Solutions Class 6 Maths Chapter 5 Understanding Elementary Shapes InText Questions and Answers.
Gujarat Board Textbook Solutions Class 6 Maths Chapter 5 Understanding Elementary Shapes InText Questions
Try These (Page 88)
Question 1.
Take any post card. Use the above technique to measure its two adjacent sides.
Do it yourself.
Question 2.
Select any three objects having a flat top. Measure all sides of the top using a divider and a ruler
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Try These (Page 91)
Question 1.
What is the angle name for half a revolution?
2 straight angles = 1 revolution
\frac { 1 }{ 2 } [2 straight angles] = \frac { 1 }{ 2 } [1 revolution]
or A straight angle = \frac { 1 }{ 2 } revolution
Thus, half a revolution means a straight angle.
Question 2.
What is the angle name for one-fourth revolution?
4 right angles = 1 revolution
A right angle = \frac { 1 }{ 4 } revolution
Thus, one-fourth revolution means a right angle.
Question 3.
Draw five other situations of one-fourth, half and three-fourth revolution on a clock
(i) One-fourth revolution [i.e. a turn of a right angle]
For one-fourth revolution, the clock hand moves from:
(a) 12 to 3
(b) 3 to 6
(c) 1 to 4
(d) 9 to 12
(e) 6 to 9
(ii) Half-revolution [i.e. a turn of a straight angle]
For a half-revolution, the clock hand moves from:
(a) 12 to 6
(b) 3 to 9
(c) 1 to 7
(d) 2 to 8
(e) 4 to 10
(iii) Three-fourth revolution [i.e. a turn of 3 right angles]
Note: There is no special name for three-fourth of a revolution.
For a three-fourth revolution, the clock-hand moves from:
(a) 12 to 9
(b) 1 to 10
(c) 3 to 12
(d) 6 to 3
(e) 9 to 6
Try These (Page 93)
Question 1.
The hour hand of a clock moves from 12 to 5. Is the revolution of the hour hand more than l right angle?
Yes, the revolution of the hour hand from 12 to 5 is more than 1 right angle.
Question 2.
What does the angle made by the hour hand of the clock look like when it moves from 5 to 7? Is the angle moved more than l right angle?
No, in this case the angle is less than a right angle.
Question 3.
Draw the following and check the angle with your RA tester.
(a) going from 12 to 2
(b) from 6 to 7
(c) from 4 to 8
(d) from 2 to 5
(a) Going from 12 to 2: The angle formed by the hour hand in going from 12 to 2 is shown in the figure alongside. Checking this angle by RA [right angle] tester, we find that it is less than a right angle.
(b) Going from 6 to 7: Checking the angle formed by RA tester, we find that it is less than a right angle.
(c) Going from 4 to 8: Checking the angle so formed by RA tester, we find that it is greater than a right angle.
(d) Going from 2 to 5: Checking the angle so formed by RA tester, we find that it is equal to a right angle.
Question 4.
Take five different shapes with corners. Name the corners. Examine them with your tester and tabulate your results for each case:
It is an activity. Do it yourself.
Try These (Page 94)
Question 1.
Look around you and identify edges meeting at corners to produce angles. List ten such situations.
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Question 2.
List ten situations where the angles made are acute.
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Question 3.
List ten situations where the angles made are right angles.
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Question 4.
Find five situations where obtuse angles are made.
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Question 5.
List five other situations where reflex angles may be seen.
Do it yourself.