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GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Let’s Read More Unit 1 In the Land of Lilliput

Gujarat Board GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Second Language Let’s Read More Unit 1 In the Land of Lilliput Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

GSEB Std 6 English Textbook Solutions Let’s Read More Unit 1 In the Land of Lilliput

GSEB Class 6 English In the Land of Lilliput Text Book Questions and Answers

The Antelope was a large ship. Once it was sailing in the Pacific Ocean. There were thirty sailors on it. Besides the sailors, there was a captain and a doctor named Gulliver.

In the beginning, the sailing was smooth. But then there arose a storm in the sea. There was strong wind and heavy rain. Sailing became difficult. The ship began to drift. Then suddenly, it hit against a rock and broke into pieces.

Everyone on the ship started screaming and crying for help. They tried to swim to the shore, but only Gulliver reached the shore. It was the shore of an island. The name of the island was Lilliput.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Let’s Read More Unit 1 In the Land of Lilliput

Gulliver walked some distance, but he was very tired. He fell asleep on the grass. He woke up the next morning, and tried to get up. But getting up was not possible. His hands and legs were tied. Gulliver felt something walking on his body.

It was a tiny man, only fifteen centimetres tall! Soon there were several men on his body. They were all very tiny. There were lots of other tiny people on the ground. Some had bows and arrows in their hands.

Gulliver was both hungry and thirsty. “How s can I talk to these people except through gestures ” he thought. So he made signs for eating and drinking. Luckily the tiny ‘ people understood his signs and brought small baskets of food. They also brought tiny barrels ? of water. Gulliver ate all the food and drank all the water. Now he felt refreshed.

“Walking will do me some good,” he thought. ? “But I cannot get up and so walking is not  possible.” Some tiny men went to the king of Lilliput and told him about Gulliver. “How big is he ?” the king asked. “He is very huge,” they replied. “Really ? Go and bring him here,” the king ordered. “I want to see him. Seeing is believing,” he added.

The Lilliputians prepared a wooden carriage. It was about three and a half metres long, a hundred and twenty centimetres wide and ten centimetres high from the ground. Now, lifting Gulliver and putting him on the carriage became a problem. With great difficulty, they solved it.

After a day’s journey, they brought him to the king’s court. The king and his men said, “Ah ! This man is really very huge. He is as big as a mountain.” They were afraid of him.

But Gulliver greeted the king and promised to be their friend. The king was pleased and set him free. Gulliver lived on the island happily for a long time.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Let’s Read More Unit 1 In the Land of Lilliput 2

(ધ ઍન્ટિલોપ વૉઝ અ લાર્જ શિપ. વન્સ ઇટ વૉઝ સેલિંગ ઇન ધ પૅસિફિક ઓશન. ધેઅર વેઅર થર્ટિ સેલર્ઝ ઑન ઇટ. બિસાઇડ્ઝ ધ સેલર્જી, ધેઅર વૉઝ અ કૅટન ઍન્ડ ડૉક્ટર નેડ લીવર.) ઍન્ટિલોપ એક મોટું વહાણ હતું. એક વાર તે પૅસિફિક મહાસાગરમાં જઈ રહ્યું હતું. તેના પર ત્રીસ ખારવાઓ હતા. ખારવાઓ ઉપરાંત, એક કપ્તાન અને ગુલીવર નામનો ડૉક્ટર હતો.

(ઇન ધ બિગિનિંગ, ધ સેલિંગ વૉઝ સ્કૂધ. બટ ધેન ધેઅર અરોઝ અ સ્ટૉર્મ ઇન ધ સી. ધેઅર વૉઝ સ્ટ્રોંગ વિંડ ઍન્ડ હેવિ રેન. સેલિંગ બિકેમ ડિફિકલ્ટ, ધ શિપ બિમૅન ટુ ડ્રિફટ, ધેન સડલિ, ઇટ હિટ અગેન્સ્ટ અ રૉક ઍન્ડ બ્રોક ઇન્દુ પીસિઝ. એવરિવન ઑન ધ શિપ સ્ટાર્ટિડ સ્કીમિંગ ઍન્ડ ક્રાઇંગ ફૉર હેલ્પ. ધે ટ્રાઇડ ટૂ સ્વિમ ટુ ધ શૉર, બટ ઓલિ ગુલીવર રીડ ધ શૉર. ઇટ વૉઝ ધ શૉર ઑવ ઍન આઇલૅન્ડ.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Let’s Read More Unit 1 In the Land of Lilliput

ધ નેમ ઑવ ધ આઇલૅન્ડ વૉઝ લિલિપુટ.) શરૂઆતમાં, (વહાણ) નિર્વિદન જઈ રહ્યું હતું. પણ પછી દરિયામાં તોફાન શરૂ થયું. જોરદાર પવન (ફૂંકાયો) અને ભારે વરસાદ હતો. વહાણ ચલાવવું મુશ્કેલ થઈ ગયું. વહાણ તણાવા લાગ્યું. પછી અચાનક, તે એક ખડક સાથે અથડાયું અને તેના ટુકડા થઈ ગયા. વહાણમાં બધા ચીસો પાડવા લાગ્યા અને મદદ માટે બૂમો પાડવા લાગ્યા. તેમણે કિનારા તરફ તરવાનો પ્રયત્ન કર્યો, પણ ફક્ત ગુલીવર જ કિનારા પર પહોંચ્યો. તે એક ટાપુનો કિનારો હતો. તે ટાપુનું નામ લિલિપુટ હતું.

(ગુલીવર વૉર્ડ સમ ડિસ્ટન્સ, બટ હી વૉઝ વેરિ ટાયર્ડ. હી ફેલ અસ્લીપ ઑન ધ ગ્રાસ. હી વોક અપ ધ નેકસ્ટ મૉર્નિંગ ઍન્ડ ટ્રાઇડ ટુ ગેટ અપ. બટ ગેટિંગ અપ વૉઝ નૉટ પૉસિબલ. હિઝ હેંડ્ઝ ઍન્ડ લેઝ વેઅર ટાઇડ. ગુલીવર ફેલ્ટ સમથિંગ વૉકિંગ ઑન હિઝ બૉડિ. ઇટ વૉઝ અ ટાઇનિ મૅન, ઓલિ ફિફટીન સેન્ટિમીટર્ઝ ટૉલ! સૂન ધેઅર વેઅર સેવરલ મેન ઑન હિઝ બૉડિ. ધે વેઅર ઑલ વેરિ ટાઇનિ.

ધેઅર વેઅર લૉટ્સ ઑવ અધર ટાઇનિ પીપલ ઑન ધ ગ્રાઉન્ડ. સમ હૈંડ બોઝ ઍન્ડ ઍરોઝ ઇન ધેઅર હૅઝ.) ગુલીવર થોડું ચાલ્યો, પણ તે ખૂબ થાકી ગયો હતો. તે ઘાસ પર ઊંઘી ગયો. તે બીજે દિવસે સવારે જાગ્યો અને ઊઠવાનો પ્રયત્ન કર્યો. પણ ઊઠવાનું શક્ય નહોતું. તેના હાથ અને પગ બાંધેલા હતા.

ગુલીવરને તેના શરીર પર કંઇક ચાલતું હોય તેવું લાગ્યું. તે એક નાનકડો માણસ હતો, ફક્ત પંદર સેન્ટિમીટર ઊંચો! થોડી જ વારમાં તેના શરીર પણ ઘણા બધા માણસો હતા. તેઓ બધા ખૂબ નાનકડા હતા. જમીન પર બીજા ઘણાં નાનકડા માણસો હતા. અમુક(માણસો)ના હાથમાં તીર-કામઠાં હતાં.

(ગુલીવર વૉઝ બોથ થર્સ્ટિ ઍન્ડ હંગ્રિ. “હાઉ કૅન આઈ ટૉક ટુ ધીઝ પીપલ ઇક્સેપ્ટ યૂ જેસૂચ?” હી થૉટ. સો હી મેડ સાઇન્ઝ ફૉર ઈટિંગ ઍન્ડ ડ્રિકિંગ. લકિલિ ધ ટાઇનિ પીપલ અન્ડરસ્ટ્રડ હિઝ સાઇન્સ ઍન્ડ બ્રૉટ સ્મૉલ બાસ્કિટ્સ ઑવ ફુડ. ધે ઑલ્સો બ્રૉટ ટાઇનિ ઍરલ્ક ઑવ વૉટર. ગુલીવર એટ ઑલ ધ ફૂડ ઍન્ડ પૅક ઑલ ધ વૉટર. નાઉ હી ફેલ્ટ રિફ્રેશ્ત.) ગુલીવર, તરસ્યો અને ભૂખ્યો હતો.

“હું ઇશારા સિવાય આ લોકો સાથે કેવી રીતે વાત કરી શકું?” તેણે વિચાર્યું. તેથી તેણે ખાવાની અને પીવાની સંજ્ઞાઓ કરી. સદ્ભાગ્યે તે નાનકડા લોકો તેની સંજ્ઞાઓ સમજી ગયા અને ખાવાની વસ્તુઓની નાની ટોપલીઓ લાવ્યા. તેઓ પાણીનાં નાનકડાં (લાકડાનાં) પીપ પણ લાવ્યા.

ગુલીવરે બધી વસ્તુઓ ખાધી અને બધું પાણી પીધું. હવે તેને તાજગી લાગી. (‘‘વૉકિંગ વિલ ડ્ર મી સમ ગુડ,” હી થૉટ. “બટ આઈ કૅનૉટ ગેટ અપ ઍન્ડ સો વૉકિંગ ઇઝ નૉટ પૉસિબલ.’) “ચાલવાથી મને સારું લાગશે,” તેણે વિચાર્યું. “પણ હું ઊઠી શકતો નથી અને તેથી ચાલવાનું શક્ય નથી.”

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Let’s Read More Unit 1 In the Land of Lilliput

(સમ ટાઇનિ મેન વેન્ટ ટુ ધ કિંગ ઑવ લિલિપુટ ઍન્ડ ટોલ્ડ હિમ અબાઉટ ગુલીવર.) થોડા નાનકડા માણસોએ લિલિપુટના રાજા પાસે જઈને તેમને ગુલીવર વિશે કહ્યું. | (“હાઉ બિગ ઇઝ હી?” ધ કિંગ આડ.) “તે કેટલો મોટો છે?” રાજાએ પૂછ્યું. (“હી ઇઝ વેરિ હ્યુજ,” ધ રિપ્લાઈડ.) “તે ખૂબ જ મોટો છે,” તેમણે જવાબ આપ્યો. (“રિઅલિ? ગો ઍન્ડ બ્રિગ હિમ હિઅર.) ધ કિંગ ઑર્ડ આઈ વૉન્ટ ટુ સી હિમ. સીઇંગ ઇઝ બિલિવિંગ,” હી ઍડિડ.) ખરેખર? જાઓ અને તેને અહીં લઈ આવો,” રાજાએ હુકમ કર્યો. “હું તેને જોવા માંગું છું. (પ્રત્યક્ષ) જોયેલું માન્યામાં આવે,” તેમણે ઉમેર્યું.

(ધ લિલિપુટિઅન્જ પ્રિપેઅર્ડ અ વુડન કૅરિજ. ઇટ વૉઝ અબાઉટ શ્રી ઍન્ડ અ હાફ મીટર્ઝ લોંગ, અ હન્ડેિડ ઍન્ટ ન્ટિ સેન્ટિમીટર્ઝ વાઇડ ઍન્ડ ટેન સેન્ટિમીટર્ઝ હાઈ ફ્રોમ ધ ગ્રાઉન્ડ. નાઉ, લિસ્ટિંગ ગુલીવર ઍન્ડ પુટિંગ હિમ ઑન ધ કૅરિજ બિકેમ પ્રૉબ્લેમ. વિથ ગ્રેટ ડિફિકલ્ટિ, ધે સૉલ્ડ ઇટ.) લિલિપુટના લોકોએ એક લાકડાનું ગાડું તૈયાર કર્યું.

તે લગભગ સાડા ત્રણ મીટર લાંબું, એક સો વીસ સેન્ટિમીટર પહોળું અને જમીનથી દસ સેન્ટિમીટર ઊંચું હતું. હવે, ગુલીવરને ઊંચકીને ગાડામાં કઈ રીતે મૂકવો તે સમસ્યા હતી. ખૂબ મહેનત બાદ, તેમણે (સમસ્યાનો) ઉકેલ લાવ્યો. | (આફ્ટર અ ડેઝ જર્નિ, ધે બ્રૉટ હિમ ટુ ધ કિંગ્ઝ કૉર્ટ. ધ કિંગ ઍન્ડ હિઝ મેન સેડ, “આહ! ધિસ મૅન ઇઝ રિઅલિ વેરિ ધ્રુજ. હી ઇઝ ઍઝ બિગ ઍઝ અ માઉન્ટિન.”

ધે વેઅર અફ્રેડ ઑવ હિમ.) એક દિવસની મુસાફરી કરીને, તેમણે તેને રાજાના દરબારમાં હાજર કર્યો. રાજા અને તેના માણસો બોલ્યા, “આહ! આ માણસ ખરેખર ખૂબ મોટો છે. તે એક પર્વત જેટલો મોટો છે.” તેમને તેનો ડર લાગતો હતો.

(બટ ગુલીવર ગ્રીટિડ ધ કિંગ ઍન્ડ પ્રૉમિસ્ટ ટૂ બી ધેઅર ફ્રેન્ડ. ધ કિંગ વૉઝ પ્લીઝડ ઍન્ડ સેટ હિમ ફ્રી. ગુલીવર લિડ ઑન ધ આઇલૅન્ડ ચૅપિલિ ફૉર અ લૉંગ ટાઇમ.) પણ ગુલીવરે રાજાનું અભિવાદન કર્યું અને તેમના મિત્ર બની રહેવાનું વચન આપ્યું. રાજા ખુશ થયો અને ગુલીવરને મુક્ત કર્યો. ગુલીવર ઘણા સમય સુધી તે ટાપુ પર આનંદથી રહ્યો.


1. Here are some groups of words. In each of them, there is one word which does not belong to the group. Find out that word and underline it.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Let’s Read More Unit 1 In the Land of Lilliput 1

Answer the following questions:

1. Where was the Antelope?
2. In the beginning the sailing was smooth. What happened afterwards?
3. Who were walking on Gulliver’s body?
4. What did Gulliver do to get food?
5. What did the king say about Gulliver?

Let’s Learn More

Read the following paragraphs from the lesson.

(1) The Antelope was a large ship. Once it was sailing in the Pacific Ocean. There were thirty sailors on it. Besides the sailors, there was a captain and a doctor named Gulliver.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Let’s Read More Unit 1 In the Land of Lilliput

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Where was the Antelope ?
The Antelope was in the Pacific Ocean.

Question 2.
How many sailors were there on the Antelope ?
There were thirty sailors on the Antelope.

Question 3.
Besides the sailors, who was there , on the ship ?
Besides the sailors, there was a captain and a doctor named Gulliver on the ship.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
The Antelope was in the ………..
A. Arabian Sea
B. Indian Ocean
C. Pacific Ocean
D. Atlantic Ocean
C. Pacific Ocean

Question 2.
The Antelope was a …………..
A. doctor
B. captain
C. sailor
D. ship
D. ship

Question 3.
There were ……… sailors.
A. thirty
B. thirteen
C. three
D. thirtieth
A. thirty

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Let’s Read More Unit 1 In the Land of Lilliput

Question 4.
Gulliver was the ………….
A. captain
B. doctor
C. sailor
D. ship
B. doctor

(2) In the beginning, the sailing was smooth. But then there arose a storm in the sea. There was a strong wind and heavy rain. Sailing became difficult. The ship began to drift. Then suddenly, it hit against a rock and broke into pieces. Everyone on the ship started screaming and crying for help. They tried to swim to the shore, but only Gulliver reached the shore. It was the shore of an island. The name of the island was Lilliput.

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
In the beginning, the sailing was smooth. What happened afterwards ?
There was a storm in the sea. There was a strong wind and heavy rain.

Question 2.
What happened to the ship ?
The ship hit against a rock and broke into pieces.

Question 3.
Who reached the shore ?
Gulliver reached the shore.

Question 4.
What was the name of the island ?
The name of the island was Lilliput.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
There was a ……….. in the sea.
A. storm
B. high tide
C. low tide
D. whirlpool
A. storm

Question 2.
The ship began to
A. break
B. sink
C. sail
D. drift
D. drift

Question 3.
The ship hit against a …………..
A. wave
B. rock
C. ship
D. boat
B. rock

Question 4.
The name of the island was
A. Gulliver
B. Lilliput
C. Antelope
D. Rock
B. Lilliput

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Let’s Read More Unit 1 In the Land of Lilliput

(3) Gulliver walked some distance, but he was very tired. He fell asleep on the grass. He woke up the next morning and tried to get up. But getting up was not possible. His hands and legs were tied. Gulliver felt something walking on his body. It was a tiny man, only fifteen centimetres tall! Soon there were several men on his body. They were all very tiny. There were lots of other tiny people on the ground. Some had bows and arrows in their hands.

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Who was walking on Gulliver’s body?
Tiny men were walking on Gulliver’s body.

Question 2.
What did some tiny people have in their hands ?
Some tiny people had bows and arrows in their hands.

Question 3.
Why could Gulliver not get up ?
Gulliver could not get up because his hands and legs were tied up.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
The tiny men had …………..
A. bows and ties
B. bows and arrows
C. guns
D. pistols
B. bows and arrows

Question 2.
The tiny man was only ………… tall.
A. fifteen millimetres
B. fifteen metres
C. fifteen centimetres
D. fifteen inches
C. fifteen centimetres

(4) Gulliver was both hungry and thirsty. “How can I talk to these people except through S gestures ?” he thought. So he made signs for eating and drinking. Luckily the tiny people understood his signs and brought small baskets of food. They also brought tiny barrels of water. Gulliver ate all the food and drank all the water. Now he felt refreshed.

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What did Gulliver do to get food ?
Gulliver made signs of eating to get food.

Question 2.
Did the tiny people understand Gulliver’s signs ?
Yes, the tiny people understood Gulliver’s signs.

Question 3.
What did the tiny people bring ?
The tiny people brought baskets of food and barrels of water.

Question 4.
How did Gulliver feel after eating and drinking?
Gulliver felt refreshed after eating and drinking.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
Gulliver was …………
A. tired
B. sleepy
C. hungry and thirsty
D. hungry and tired
C. hungry and thirsty

Question 2.
‘Gestures’ means:…………
A. signs
B. talks
D. instructions
A. signs

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Let’s Read More Unit 1 In the Land of Lilliput

Question 3.
The tiny people brought ………….. food.
A. plates
B. dishes
C. baskets
D. barrels
C. baskets

Question 4.
The tiny people brought …………. water.
A. buckets
B. glasses
C. baskets
D. barrels
D. barrels

Question 5.
Gulliver felt ………
A. retired
B. refreshed
C. relaxed
D. repaired
B. refreshed

(5) Some tiny men went to the king of Lilliput and told him about Gulliver.
“How big is he?” the king asked.
“He is very huge,” they replied.
“Really ? Go and bring him here,” the king ordered.
“I want to see him. Seeing is believing,” he added.

Answer the following question.

Question 1.
What did the king order the tiny men? :
The king ordered the tiny men to bring Gulliver to him.

Answer the questions selecting the correct options.

Question 1.
The tiny men said that Gulliver was ………….
A. very small
B. very huge
C. very heavy
D. very light
B. very huge

Question 2.
‘Huge’ means
A. very big
B. very small
C. very heavy
D. very light
A. very big

(6) The Lilliputians prepared a wooden’carriage. It was about three and a half metres long, a hundred and twenty centimetres wide and ten centimetres high from the ground. Now, lifting Gulliver and putting him on the carriage became a problem. With great difficulty they solved it.

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What did the Lilliputians prepare ?
The Lilliputians prepared a wooden carriage.

Question 2.
What was a problem ?
Lifting Gulliver and putting him on the carriage was a problem.

GSEB Solutions Class 6 English Let’s Read More Unit 1 In the Land of Lilliput

Word Meanings:
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