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GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 6 काष्ठखण्डः

Gujarat Board GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 6 काष्ठखण्डः Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers Notes Pdf.

Gujarat Board Textbook Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 6 काष्ठखण्डः

GSEB Class 10 Sanskrit काष्ठखण्डः Textbook Questions and Answers

1. अधोलिखितेभ्यः विकल्पेभ्यः समुचितम् उत्तरं चिनुत
Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives:

1. जलप्रवाहे गुरुः शिष्यं किं दर्शयति?
(क) पाषाणखण्डम्
(ख) काष्ठखण्डम्
(ग) काञ्चनम्
(घ) गमनमार्गम्
(ख) काष्ठखण्डम्

2. वयं सर्वे मानवाः कीदृशाः इव स्मः?
(क) जलम् इव
(ख) नदी इव
(ग) विना इव
(घ) काष्ठखण्डा इव
(घ) काष्ठखण्डा इव

3. सामाजिको व्यवहारः कुत्र अपेक्षितो भवति?
(क) सुखे
(ख) शुभप्रसने
(ग) सर्वत्र
(घ) अतिदु:खे
(ग) सर्वत्र

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 6 काष्ठखण्डः

4. केषां जनानां प्रगतिः बाधिता भवति?
(क) भयग्रस्तानाम्
(ख) व्यसनिजनानाम्
(ग) व्यावहारिकानाम्
(घ) शिष्यजनानाम्
(ख) व्यसनिजनानाम्

5. गुरू: “………..” सह उपविष्टः आसीत्।
(क) शिष्ये
(ख) शिष्येण
(ग) शिष्यस्य
(घ) शिष्यम
(ख) शिष्येण

6. “………..” प्रतिमुखत्वम् एव नदीजलवियोगः।
(क) परिवारात्
(ख) संसारात्
(ग) व्यवहारात्
(घ) प्रवाहात्
(क) परिवारात्

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 6 काष्ठखण्डः

7. आहारादयः “……….” भवन्ति।
(क) सेवनीयाः
(ख) सेवनीयः
(ग) सेवनीयो
(घ) सेवनीयम्
(क) सेवनीयाः

8. सामाजिको व्यवहारः शक्तिमनतिक्रम्य न “………”
(क) भवेताम्
(ख) भवेयुः
(ग) भवेत्
(घ) भवेयम्
(ग) भवेत्

9. गमनमार्गे ………. विघ्नाः भवन्ति।
(क) एकः
(ख) सप्त
(ग) त्रयः
(घ) चत्वारः
(घ) चत्वारः

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 6 काष्ठखण्डः

2. एकवाक्येन संस्कृतभाषायाम् उत्तरं लिखत –
Answer in one Sanskrit sentence:

1. गुरुः कुत्र वर्तमानः आसीत्?
गुरुः गङ्गातीरे वर्तमानः आसीत्।

2. गुरुः कम् उपदिशति?
गुरुः शिष्यम् उपदिशति।

3. प्रवाहरूपे परिवारे किं वहति?
प्रवाहरूपे परिवारे स्नेहरूप जलं वहति।

4. कीदृशाः जनाः एकस्मिन् स्थाने भ्रमन्ति?
व्यसनेषु पतिताः जनाः एकस्मिन् स्थाने भ्रमन्ति।

5. विघ्नरहिताः जनाः कीदृशं समुद्रं प्राप्नुवन्ति?
विघ्नरहिताः जनाः ज्ञानेन सुखेन च पूर्णम् आनन्दमयं संसारसमुद्रं प्राप्नुवन्ति।

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 6 काष्ठखण्डः

3. कृदन्तप्रकारं लिखत
Name the type of the following कृदन्तः।
1. आगन्तुम् – हेत्वर्थक धातुसाधित तुमन्त अव्ययम।
2. अतिक्रम्य – सम्बन्धक भूतकृदन्तम् (ल्यबन्त अव्यय)।
4. करणीयाः – विध्यर्थ कर्मणि कृदन्तम्।
5. बाधिता – कर्मणि भूतकृदन्तम्।

4. सन्धि योजयत्
Make sandhis:
1. शिष्य + अपृच्छत् = शिष्योऽपृच्छत्
2. पतितः + जनः = पतितोजनः
3. अतः + तत्र = अतस्तत्र
4. प्रगति + तेषाम् = प्रगतिस्तेषाम्
5. गुरुः + अग्रे = गुरुरग्रे

5. अधोदत्तानां पदानां समासप्रकारं लिखत
Name the type of the following compound:
1. भाराधिक्येन – षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समास
2. आहारनिद्राभयादयः – इतरेतर द्वन्द्व समास; बहुव्रीहि समास
3. संसारसमुद्रम् – कर्मधारय समास
4. सुखपूर्णम् – तृतीया तत्पुरुष समास

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 6 काष्ठखण्डः

6. धातुरूपाणां परिचयं कारयत –
Write the form of root verb.
GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 6 काष्ठखण्डः

7. पुरुषवचनानुसारं शब्दरूपाणं परिचयं कारयात
Write the form of words according to number and gender.
GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 6 काष्ठखण्डः

8. अधोलिखितानां प्रश्नानाम् उत्तराणि आङ्ग्लभाषायां लिखत –
Answer the following questions in English:

Question 1.
Who does not deserve real happiness?
The person who has fallen into any of the bad habits such as drinking, gambling, chewing tobacco or stealing is like a person caught in a whirlpool. His progress is hampered. He manages to keep himself above water but moves round and round the same place and never reaches the ocean of real happiness. Similarly, a person who has left his family being selfish or angry or one who is overburdened by social activities does not get happiness.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 6 काष्ठखण्डः

Question 2.
Why has the author compared man with a piece of wood?
The author has compared man with a piece of wood floating on the water of the river of life. Human life is the river. Our family is like the current and love is the water. Living life in the family if we do not encounter the four types

Question 3.
Which obstacles can be therefor piece of wood to reach the ocean?
A piece of wood can get stuck up of the bank of the river. If can get drowned by excessive weight. If can be caught into the whirlpool and keep moving round and round thereon. Finally, it may be separated from the water the river in case somebody throws if out. In this instance, it is prevented from reaching the ocean.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 6 काष्ठखण्डः

4. Explain the obstacle 340din (falling in the whirlpool).
There are whirlpools in the river. A man is caught in such whirlpools, he cannot escape or go ahead. Similarly bad habits or vice-like drinking wine or liquor, gambling and stealing are as dangerous as whirlpools. A man fallen in evil was rarely come out safely. Most probably he is ruined on account of his addiction. It better to be cautious and keep oneself away from these whirlpools if we desire to reach the ocean of happiness.

9. विभागद्वयं यथार्थरीत्या संयोजयत
Match the words from column ‘क’ and with those from column ‘ख’
GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 6 काष्ठखण्डः
1. आवर्तपातता – व्यसनेषु सततं पतनम्।
2. तीरे संलग्नता – आहारादीनां सेवने सततं प्रवृत्तिः।
3. जलवियोगः – परिवारात् प्रतिमुखत्वम्।
4. जल निमग्नता – सामाजिकव्यवहाराणां भाराधिक्त्यम्।

GSEB Class 10 Sanskrit काष्ठखण्डः Additional Important Questions and Answers

1. कोष्ठकगतपदानि प्रयुज्य अधोलिखितानां वाक्यानां संस्कृतनुवादं कुरुत –
Choose the correct word from the brackets and translate the following sentences into Sanskrit:

1. One preceptor was wandering on the bank of the river with a disciple.
(गङ्गातट् गुरु शिष्य वि + ह् अस्)
गङ्गातटे एकः गुरुः शिष्येण सह विहरन् आसीत्।

2. The preceptor saw a piece of wood in the water.
(गुरु जल काष्ठखण्ड दृश्)
गुरुः जले एकं काष्ठखण्डम् अपश्यत्।

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 6 काष्ठखण्डः

3. All human beings like us are like piece of wood.
(अस्तद् मानव काष्ठखण्ड इव)
वयं सर्वे मानवाः काष्ठखण्डाः इव स्मः।

4. In fact the food and other things should be enjoyed.
(वस्तुतः आहारादि सेवनीय भू)
वस्तुतः तु आहारादयः सेवनीयाः भवन्ति।

5. Being stuck up to the banks is also an obstacle.
(तट संलग्नता विघ्न अस्)
तटेषु संलग्नता अपि एकः विघ्नः अस्ति।

6. The man who is drowned is not able to reach the ocean in the form of world that is full of happiness.
(निमज्जित जन सुखमय संसारसागर प्र + आय् समर्थ)
निमज्जितः जनः सुखमयं संसारसागरं प्राप्तु समर्थः न अस्ति।

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 6 काष्ठखण्डः

7. People protected from the four obstacles alone are able to reach the ocean in the form of world that is full of happiness.
(चतुर् विघ्न रक्षित आनन्दमय संसाराब्धि प्र + आप् समर्थ भू)
चतुर्म्यः विघ्नेभ्यः रक्षिताः जनाः एव आनन्दमयं। संसाराब्धिप्राप्तुं समर्थाः भवन्ति।

2. अधोलिखितानां वाक्यानाम् आङ्ग्लभाषायाम् अनुवाद कुरुत –
Translate following sentences into English:

Question 1.
यद्यपि सामाजिको व्यवहारः सर्वत्रैव अपेक्षितो भवति। परन्तु सः शक्तिमतिक्रम्य न भवेत्।
Even though social behaviour is invariable (एव) expected everywhere, it should not be exceeding the limit of (our) strength.

Question 2.
सामान्यतया परिवारे निवसन्तः एव वयं संसारसमुद्रं प्राप्तुं समर्थाः भवामः। तीरेषु संलग्नता नाम आहार-निद्रा-भ्यादीनां सेवने सततं प्रवृतिः।
Generally speaking, living in our (own) family we are surely able to reach the ocean of the world. Being stuck up to the banks means the constant activity of eating food, sleeping, fear, etc.

3. गुरुरग्रे उपदिशति शिष्यम्। “वयं सर्वे मानवाः अपि काष्ठखण्डा इव। अस्माकं जीवनमेव नदी। स्वकीये परिवारे जीवनं जीवन्तः काष्ठरूपा वयं सुखपूर्ण संसाररूपं समुद्रम् अवश्यं प्राप्तुं शक्नुमः,
यदि चत्वारो विघ्ना न भवन्ति।
The preceptor further instructs the disciple; “All human beings like us are also like pieces of wood. Our life itself is a river. Living life in our own family we, like pieces of wood will surely be able to reach the ocean of the world full of happiness if four obstacles do not occur.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 6 काष्ठखण्डः

4. संन्धि कुरुत –
Make Sandhis:

1. ‘वियोगः + च+इति’-एतस्य सन्धियुक्तः शब्दः कः?
(क) वियोगचइति
(ख) वियोगश्चति
(ग) वियोगश्चेति
(घ) वयोगस्चेति
(ग) वियोगश्चेति

2. ‘गुरू: + अग्रे’ – एतस्य सन्धियुक्तः शब्दः कः? ।
(क) गुरुग्रे
(ख) गुरुअग्रे
(ग) गुरुअग्रे
(घ) गुरुरग्रे
(घ) गुरुरग्रे

3. ‘वस्तुतः + तु’ – एतस्य सन्धियुक्तः शब्दः कः?
(क) वस्तुततु
(ख) वस्तुवस्तु
(ग) वस्तुतोतु
(घ) वस्तुतंतु
(ख) वस्तुवस्तु

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 6 काष्ठखण्डः

4. ‘निमज्जन्ति + एव’ – एमस्य सन्धियुक्तः शब्दः कः?
(क) निमज्जन्त्येव
(ख) निमज्जन्तियेव
(ग) निमज्जन्तीव
(घ) निमज्जन्तेव
(क) निमज्जन्त्येव

5. सन्धिविच्देदं कुरुत
Dissolve the Sandhis:

1. ‘तरन्तोऽपि’ – एतस्य सन्धिविच्छेः कः?
(क) तरन्त + अपि
(ख) तरन्तः + अपि
(ग) तरन्त्य + अपि
(घ) तरन्तो + अपि
(क) तरन्त + अपि

2. ‘कश्चिज्जनः’ – एतस्य सन्धिविच्छेदः कः?
(क) कश्चिज् + जनः
(ख) कश्चित् + जनः
(ग) कश्चित + जनः
(घ) कश्चि + ज्जनः
(ग) कश्चित + जनः

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 6 काष्ठखण्डः

3. ‘चतुर्यो विघ्नेभ्यः’ – एतस्य सन्धिविच्छेदः कः?
(क) चतुर्थ्य:+विघ्नेभ्यः
(ख) चतुर्यो + विघ्नेभ्यः
(ग) चतुभ्यः+विघ्नेभ्यः
(घ) चतुभ्यो + विघ्नेभ्यः
(ख) चतुर्यो + विघ्नेभ्यः

4. ‘सर्वत्रैव’ – एतस्य सन्धिविच्छेदः कः?
(क) सर्वत्र + एव
(ख) सर्वत्रे + व
(ग) सर्वत्र + येव
(घ) सर्वत्र + ऐव
(ख) सर्वत्रे + व

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 6 काष्ठखण्डः

काष्ठखण्डः Introduction

Gurukul is the age-old system adopted in ancient India, where the student resides with the teacher, doing service and simultaneously gaining knowledge. Guru was a guide, father and role-model for the students. Kul means family but is was the extended family wherein school was included. This lesson illustrates how even a walk on the bank at the river and the sight of a piece of wood floating on water becomes a learning experience. When you read the lesson ask yourself the questions. Are we really like a piece of wood drifting on the river? Do we or don’t we have choice? Metaphors are not to be taken literally.

काष्ठखण्डः Summary Of The Chapter

A certain preceptor was wandering about on the bank of the river गङ्गा with his disciple. Pointing out to a piece of wood being taken away by the current of the water he said to the disciple, “This will reach the ocean with the currents of water but if on the way of it going the four obstacles such as being stuck up to the bank, being drowned in the water due to the excessively heavy burden being caught in whirlpool and separation from the water of the river do not occurrs, only then (it will reach the ocean).”

The preceptor further instructs the disciple. “All human beings like us are also like pieces of wood. Our life itself is a river. The family is like the current. The water of love flows in it living life in our own family we, like pieces of wood will surely be able to reach the ocean of the world full of happiness if four obstacles do not occur.”

The disciple asked, “What are the obstacles in life like?
The preceptor dulay advised”In the river of life food, sleep, fear, etc. are like the banks. Being stuck up to the banks mean constant activity of eating food, sleeping or being afraid. Now, actually food, sleep, fear, etc. are essential but being constantly sticking to them is surely an obstacle. If the obstacle in the form of being constantly engaged in eating food, enjoying sleep, being afraid, etc. is there, we like the pieces of wood that cannot reach the ocean of joy.

Social life becomes (or is) burdensome. Even though sociable behavior is invariably expected everywhere, it should not be exceeding the limit of our strength. The people who engage themselves in social life (activities) crossing the limit of their strength surely get drowned (overwhelmed) by its unbearable (excessive) weight. A person drowned (like this) cannot reach the ocean of the world of happiness.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 6 काष्ठखण्डः

Drinking playing dice (gambling), chewing tobacco, act of stealing and such other vices are the whirlpools in human life. The person fallen into these cannot come out of them. Therefore, effort should be made constantly so that falling into them would not take place at all. The people who fall into vicious habits keep moving round and round in one place even though they (manage to) float. Their progress is hampered. Then they do not deserve to reach the ocean of the world full of happiness.

Parting ways with the family is itself like separating from the water of a river. Generally speaking, we live in our family are surely able to reach the ocean of the world. But if any person turns his face from his family being overpowered by selfishness or anger he being separated from the water (love) of the river (family) never reaches the ocean of the world full of joy, happiness and knowledge. The people saved from the four obstacles surely reach the ocean in the form of a world full of knowledge and happiness.

1. संस्कृतम्:
गङ्गातीरे एकः गुरुः शिष्येण सह वर्तमानः आसीत्। स जलप्रवाहेण नीयमानं कञ्चन काष्ठखण्डं दर्शयन् शिष्यमाह-अयं जलप्रवाहेण सह समुद्र प्राप्स्यति, परन्तु गमनमार्गे तीरे संलग्नता, भाराधिक्येन जले निमग्नता, आवर्तपातता, नदीजलवियोगश्चेति चत्वारो विघ्नाः न भवेयुः तदा एव। .

A certain preceptor was wandering about on the bank of the river T5T with his disciple pointing out to a piece of wood being taken away by the current of the water he said to the disciple. “This will reach the ocean with the current of water but if on the way of its going the four obstacles such as being stuck up to the bank being drowned in the water due to the excessively heavy burden being caught in whirlpool and separation from the water of the river do not occur, only then (it will reach the ocean).”

गङ्गातीरे – गङ्गायाः तीरम्, तस्मिन् -षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समास, on the bank of the river, गङ्गाशिष्येण सह – with a disciple, the indeclinable सह is used with the instrumental case e.g., शिष्येण सह, गुरुणा सह, मित्रेण सह etc., वर्तमानः आसीत् – was wandering lit. was being (living; adjective of the noun गुरुः, जलप्रवाहेण – जलस्य प्रवाहः तेन – षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समास, by the current of the water, नीयमानम् – that which is being carried off, adjective of the noun, काष्ठखण्डम्, नी – (IU) passive present participle कर्मणि वर्तमान कृदन्त masculine accusative singular, कञ्चन काष्ठखण्डम् – a certain piece of wood : कञ्चन – किम् + चित (indefinite pronoun) masculine accusative singular,

दर्शयन् – showing : दश (IP) causal presentavtive participle, कर्तरि वर्तमान कृदन्त, masculine nominative singular, adjective of सः (गुरू:), शिष्यमाह – शिष्यम् + आह – says to the disciple, (20) Ppresent tense, लट् लकार third person singular, optional form, प्राप्स्यति – will reach; प्र + आप् (5P) Second future tense, लृट् लकार, third person singular, verb of the subject अयम्, काष्टखण्डः गमनमार्गे – गमनस्य मार्ग, तस्मिन् – षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समास: on the way of (its) going, गमन is a noun from the root तम गच्छ् and means ‘act of going’, संलग्नता – sticking संलग्न is an adjective but संलग्नता is an abstract noun, भाराधिक्येन-भारस्य आधिक्यम्, तेन-षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समास, on account of excess (आधिक्य) of weight,

जले निमग्नता – drowing into the water, आवर्तपातता – आवर्तेनातता – सप्तमी तत्पुरुष समास, falling into whirlpool, नदीजलवियोगः – separation (वियोग) – from water of the river, चत्वारः विघ्नाः – four obstacles; the word, विघ्न (M) so चत्वारः is also masculine nominative plural of the numerical adjective चतुर compare, चत्वारः विघ्नाः , चत्वारि सङ्कटानि (N), चतस्रः आपदः (F), न भवेयुः – will/should not be, तदा एव – only then.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 6 काष्ठखण्डः

2. संस्कृतम्:
गुरुरग्रे उपदिशति शिष्यम्। वयं सर्वे मानवाः अपि काष्ठखण्डा इव। अस्माकं जीवनमेव नदी। परिवारः प्रवाहरूपः। तत्र स्नेहरूपं जलं वहति। स्वकीये परिवारे जीवनं जीवन्तः काष्ठरूपा वयं सुखपूर्ण संसाररूपं समुद्रम् अवश्यं प्राप्तुं शक्नुमः, यति चत्वारो विघ्ना न भवन्ति।

The preceptor further instructs the disciple, “All human beings like us are also like piece of wood. Our life itself is a river. The family is like the current. The water of love flows in it. Living life in our own family we, like pieces of wood, will surely be able to reach the ocean of the world full of happiness if four obstacles do not occur.”

Glossary: गुरुरग्रे – गुरु: + अग्रे – the preceptor further, जीवनमेव – जीवनम् + एव – life itself (is a river). Thi is a metaphor, परिवारः – family, प्रवाहरूपः – having the appearance of a current; adjective of परिवारः, स्नेहरूपम् जलम् – water in the form of love, affection, जीवन्तः – living, जीव (IP), present active participle कर्तरि वर्तमानकालवाचक कृदन्त, masculine nominative plural; adjective of वयम्, काष्ठरूपाः वयम् – we are like pieces of wood, सुखपूर्णम् – सुखेन पूर्णः, तम-तृतीया तत्पुरुष समास; full of happiness; adjective of समुद्रम्, प्राप्तुम् – to reach, शक्नुमः – we are able.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 6 काष्ठखण्डः

3. संस्कृतम् :
जीवने कीदृशाः विघ्नाः भवन्तीति शिष्यः अपृच्छत्।
गुरुः समुपादिशत्-नदीरूपो जीवने आहार-निद्रा-भयादयः तीरभूताः सन्ति। तीरेषु संलग्नता नाम आहार-निद्रा-भयादीनां सेवने सततं संलग्नता विघ्न एवं। आहार-निद्रा-भयादिक सततं प्रवृत्तिरूपः विघ्नः भवति चेत् काष्ठखण्डरूंपाः वयं सुखरूपं समुद्र प्राप्तु न शक्नुमः।

The disciple asked, “what are the obstacles in life like?”
The preceptor duly advised – “In the river of life food, sleep, fear, etc. are like the banks. Being stuck up to the banks mean constant activity of eating food, sleeping or being afraid. Now, actually food, sleep, fear etc. are essential but being constantly sticking to them is surely an obstacle. If the obstacle in the form of being constantly engaged in eating food, enjoying sleep, being afraid, etc. is there, we like the pieces of wood that cannot reach the ocean of joy.

कीदृशाः – what kind of, समुपादिशत् – advised, the verb of the subject गुरुः; सम + उप + दिश् (6P), imperfect past tense, लङ् लकार, third-person singular, आहार-निद्रा-भयादयः – food, sleep, fear etc., तीरभूताः – like the banks of river, संलग्नता – attachment, नाम – means, आहारनिद्राभयादीनाम् सेवने – in enjoying food, sleep, fear etc. in case of भय the word सेवन means experiencing or feeling fear सततम् constant, प्रवृत्तिः – being engaged in, वस्तुतस्तु – वस्तुतः + तु, but in fact, प्रवृत्तिरूपः विघ्नः – an obstacle in the form of activity of आहार, etc.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 6 काष्ठखण्डः

4. संस्कृतम्:
सामाजिको व्यावहारः भाररूपो भवति। यद्यपि सामाजिको व्यवहारः सर्वत्रैव अपेक्षितो भवति। परन्तु सः शक्तिमतिक्रम्य न भवेत्। ये जनाः स्वकीयां शक्तिमतिक्रम्य सामाजिकान् व्यवहारान् कुर्वन्ति ते अतिभारत्वात् निमज्जन्ति एव। निमज्जितः जनः सुखमयं संसारसमुद्रं प्राप्तुं न शक्नोति।

Social life becomes (or is) burdensome. Even though sociable behavior is invariably expected everywhere, it should not be exceeding the limit of our strength. The people who engage themselves in social life (activities) crossing the limit of their strength surely get drowned (overwhelmed) by its unbearable (excessive) weight. A person drowned (like this) cannot reach the ocean of the world of happiness.

सामाजिको व्यवहारः – सामाजिकः + व्यवहारः, – social life or interaction, dealing, भाररूपः – भारः रूपम् यस्य सः – बहुव्रीहि समास; like a burden; adjective of the substantive, व्यवहारः which is understood here, सर्वत्रैव – सर्वत्र + एव, everywhere only; एव is used to emphasize, सर्वत्र and it means without exception’, अपेक्षितः – expected, शक्तिमतिक्रम्य – शक्तिम् + अतिक्रम्य — beyond (one’s strength, अतिभारत्वात् – on accord of excessive weight, निमज्जन्ति – they sink or drown, नि + मस्ज् (6P) present tense, लट् लकार् third person plural, निमज्जितः – one who is drowned नि + मस्ज् – निमज्ज् (6P) कर्तरि भूतकृदन्त past active participle, masculine nominative singular.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 6 काष्ठखण्डः

5. संस्कृतम्:
सुरापानम् अक्षक्रीडा तमाखुभक्षणं चौरकर्म इत्यादीनि दुर्व्यसनानि मानवजीवने आवर्तभूतानि सन्ति। एषु पतिततो जनः बहिः आगन्तुं न शक्नोति। अतः तत्र पतनमेव न भवेत् तादृशः प्रयत्नः सततं करणीयो भवति। ये जनाः व्यसनेषु पतिताः सन्ति ते तरन्तः अपि एकस्मिन् स्थाने परितः भ्रमन्ति। तेषां प्रगति बाधिता भवति। ततस्ते सुखादिरूपं संसारसमुद्रं प्राप्तुं नार्हन्ति।

Drinking, playing dice (gambling), chewing tobacco, act of stealing and such other vices are the whirlpools in human life. The person fallen into these cannot come out of them. Therefore, effort should be made constantly so that falling into them would not take place at all. The people who fall into vicious habits keep moving round and round in one place even though they (manage to) float. Their progress is hampered. Then they do not deserve to reach the ocean of the world full of happiness.

सुरापानम् – सुरायाः पानम् – षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समासः – drinking, अक्षक्रीडा – अक्षाणाम् क्रीडा – षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समास, game of dice, gambling, तमाखुभक्षणम् – तमाखोः भक्षणम् – षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समास – eating tobacco, चौरकर्म – चोरस्य कर्म – षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समास – act of stealing, इत्यादीनि – etc. these and others, दुर्व्यसनानि – vices, bad habits, आवर्तभूतानि – आवर्तः भूतः, तानि – कर्मधारय समास, – that become whirlpool, आगन्तुम् – to come, आ + गम् (IP) हेत्वर्थक धातुसाधित तुमन्त अव्यय, infinitive, न शक्नोति – is not able, पतनम् न भवेत् – will should not fall, तादृशः – like that, adjective of the noun, प्रयत्नः व्यसनेषु – in the calamities, तरन्तः – swimming, तृ (IP),

कर्तरि वर्तमान कृदन्त present active participle, masculine nominative plural; adjective of the noun, जनाः एकस्मिन् स्थाने – is a place compare, एकस्मिन् देशे (M), एकस्मिन् स्थाने (N), एकस्याम् नगयम् ि(F), एकस्मिन् – एक (numerical adjective) masculine neuter locative singular, fa: – around, on all sides; this indeclinable in used with the accusative case; e.g., पासादम् परितः सैनिकाः सन्ति। बाधिताः भवति – they are hindered or obstructed, बाध् – बाधते to obstruct, to trouble, सुखादिरूपम् संसारसमुद्रम् — to the ocean in the form of the world full of happiness, प्राप्तुम् – to reach, नार्हन्ति – न + अर्हन्ति – (they) do not deserve (they) are not able.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 6 काष्ठखण्डः

6. संस्कृतम्:
परिवारात् विमुखत्वम् एव नदीजलवियोगः। सामान्यतया परिवारे निवसन्तः एव वयं संसारसमुद्रं प्राप्तुं समर्थाः भवामः। परन्तु यदि कश्चित् जनः स्वार्थवशात् क्रोधवशात् वा परिवारात् प्रतिमुखो भवति, सोऽपि नदी (परिवार)-जल-(स्नेह) वियुक्तः कदाचिदपि ज्ञानेन सुखेन च पूर्णम् आनन्मयं संसारसमुदं न प्राप्नोति। चतुर्थ्यः विघ्नेभ्यः रक्षिताः जनाः ज्ञानेन् सुखेन च पूर्णम् आनन्दमयं संसाररूपं समुद्रम् अवश्यं प्राप्नुवन्ति।

Parting ways with the family is itself like separating from the water of a river. Generally speaking, we living in our family are surely able to reach the ocean of the world. But if any person turns his face from the family being overpowered by selfishness or anger he being separated from water (love) of the river (family) never reaches the ocean of the world full of joy, happiness and knowledge. The people sowed from the four obstacles surely reach the ocean in the form of world full of knowledge and happiness.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 6 काष्ठखण्डः

7. संस्कृतम्:
परिवारात् विमुखत्वम् एव नदीजलवियोगः। सामान्यतया परिवारे निवसन्तः एव वयं संसारसमुद्रं प्राप्तुं समर्थाः भवामः। परन्तु यदि कश्चित् जनः स्वार्थवशात् क्रोधवशात् वा परिवारात् प्रतिमुखो भवति, सोऽपि नदी (परिवार)-जल-(स्नेह) वियुक्तः कदाचिदपि ज्ञानेन सुखेन च पूर्णम् आनन्मयं संसारसमुदं न प्राप्नोति। चतुर्थ्यः विघ्नेभ्यः रक्षिताः जनाः ज्ञानेन् सुखेन च पूर्णम् आनन्दमयं संसाररूपं समुद्रम् अवश्यं प्राप्नुवन्ति।

Parting ways with the family is itself like separating from the water of a river. Generally speaking, we living in our family are surely able to reach the ocean of the world. But if any person turns his face from the family being overpowered by selfishness or anger he being separated from water (love) of the river (family) never reaches the ocean of the world full of joy, happiness and knowledge. The people sowed from the four obstacles surely reach the ocean in the form of world full of knowledge and happiness.

परिवारात् – from the family, प्रतिमुखत्वम् – turning away; नदीजलवियोगः – separation from the water of river, सामान्यतया – generally, निवसन्तः – living, नि + वस् (IP) present active participle, masculine nominative plural, adjective of the pronoun, ‘वयम्’ स्वार्थवशात् – due to selfishness, being overpowered by selfishness, क्रोधवशात् – due to anger, प्रतिमुख – one who has turned his face away, नदीजलवियुक्तः – separated from, (वियुक्तः) the water (love) of the river (family), कदाचिदपि – कदाचित् + अपि – never, आनन्तमयम् – full of joy; adjective of the substantive (विशेष्य) ‘संसारसुमुद्रम्’। विशेष्य विशेषणम्

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 6 काष्ठखण्डः

विशेष्य – विशेषणम्
जीवनम् – स्वकीयम्
वर्ष – द्वाविंशतिः
अव्ययम् प्रयोगः
असकृत् – सः असकृत् इदं कार्यं अकरोत्
एकदा – एकदा सः तत्र गतवान्।

विशेष्य – विशेषणम्
स्त्री – एताम् . – द्वाविंशतिः
भूमि – परिशुद्धः
निकषा – ग्राम निकषा नदी प्रवहति।
तदा – तदा सः उच्चैः अहसत्।

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