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GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 20 तथैव तिष्ठति

Gujarat Board GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 20 तथैव तिष्ठति Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers Notes Pdf.

Gujarat Board Textbook Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 20 तथैव तिष्ठति

GSEB Class 10 Sanskrit  तथैव तिष्ठति Textbook Questions and Answers

1. अधोलिखितेभ्यः विकल्पेभ्यः समुचितम् उत्तरं चिनुत –
Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives:

1. शिक्षा कस्मात् कारणात् क्षयं गच्छति?
(क) अवस्थापर्ययात्
(ख) कालपर्ययात्
(ग) बुद्धिपर्ययात्
(घ) गुरुपर्ययात्
(ख) कालपर्ययात्

2. सन्तः किं कृत्वा अन्यतरत् भजन्ते?
(क) परीक्ष्य
(ख) दृष्ट्वा
(ग) अनुभूय
(घ) विचार्य
(क) परीक्ष्य

3. कीदृशः नीचः प्रायेण दुःसहो भवति?
(क) लब्धपदः
(ख) लब्धधनः
(ग) लब्धयशाः
(घ) लब्धविद्यः
(क) लब्धपदः

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 20 तथैव तिष्ठति

4. दुःखानि अनुभूय किं शोभते?
(क) धर्म:
(ख) धनम्
(ग) विद्या
(घ) सुखम्
(घ) सुखम्

5. सुजनो न याति वैरं …… विनाशकाले अपि।
(क) परहितनिरतः
(ख) परकर्मनिरतः
(ग) परधर्मनिरतः
(घ) परहानिनिरतः
(क) परहितनिरतः

2. एकवाक्येन संस्कृतभाषायाम् उत्तरं लिखत –
Answer in one Sanskrit sentences:

1. सुबद्धमूलाः पादपाः कस्मात् कारणात् निपतन्ति?
सुबद्धमूलाः पादपाः कालपर्ययात् निपतन्ति।

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 20 तथैव तिष्ठति

2. मूढः जनः कीदृशः भवति?
मूढ़ जनः परप्रत्ययनेयबुद्धि भवति।

3. लोकोत्तराणां चेतांसि कस्मादपि मृदूनि भवन्ति?
लोकोत्तराणां चेतांसि कुसुमात् अपि मृदूनि भवन्ति।

4. सुखं कदा शोभते?
सुखं दुःखानि अनुभूय शोभते।

3. सन्धिविच्छेदं कुरुत –
Dissolve sandhis:

1. नवमित्यवद्यम् = नवम् + इति + अवद्यम्
2. कुसुमादपि = कुसुमात् + अपि
3. अन्यस्माल्लब्धपदो नीचः = अन्यस्मात् + लब्धपद: + नीचः
4. यो याति = यः + याति
5. विनाशकालेऽपि = विनाशकाले + अपि

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 20 तथैव तिष्ठति

4. समासप्रकारं लिखत –
Name the type of compound:

1. सुबद्धमूलाः – बहुव्रीहि समासः
2. लोकोत्तराणाम् – पञ्चमी तत्पुरुष समासः
3. लब्धपदः – बहुव्रीहि समासः
4. वालुकानिकरः – षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समासः
5. परहितनिरतः – चतुर्थी and सप्तमी तत्पुरुष समासः

5. रिक्तस्थाने विशेष्यानुसार योग्यं कोष्ठगतं विशेषणपदं लिखत –
Write proper adjective according to substantive.

1. …………. पादपाः निपतन्ति। (सुबद्धमूल)
2. ………… काव्यम् अवद्य भवति इति न। (नव)
3. लोकोत्तराणां चेतांसि वज्रादपि …………. भवन्ति। (कठोर)
4. नीचः प्रायेण “………..” भवति। (दुःसह)
5. “…………..” सुजनः विनाशकालेऽपि वैरं न याति। (पराहितनिरत)
1. सुबद्धमूलाः
2. नवम्
3. कठोराणि
4. दुःसह
5. परहितनिरतः

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 20 तथैव तिष्ठति

6. आङ्ग्लभाषायां संक्षिप्तां टिप्पणी लिखत
Write short note in English:

1. Difference between good and foolish person.
Good person praises or accepts anything only after critical analysis. He does not base his Judgment on the antiquity of modernity of a thing. In short, he has an open mind, receptive enough to judge everything without prejudice. A foolish person blindly believes or depends on the knowledge of others. This is the view of after as revealed in the prologue of his play

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 20 तथैव तिष्ठति

2. Mentality of a mean-minded person.
A mean-minded person becomes more meaningful when he gets a high post and power to trouble others that comes with it. Since he is aware that he may lose the post anytime, the fear and insecurity make him more annoying to those around him.

3. Nature of a good person.
A really good person is naturally inclined towards doing good to others. He is selfless in the sense that his being good is not dependent on how others behave with him. A sandalwood tree makes the edge of the axe fragrant even when it is being cut. A person who is good to those who are bent on destroying him is the rarest human being. Goodness can never be
wrested from him.

7. अर्थविस्तारं कुरुत –
Expand the meaning of given sentences:

1. शिक्षा क्षयं गच्छति कालपर्ययात्
सुबद्धमूला: निपतन्ति पादपाः।
जलं जलस्थानगतं च शुष्यति
हुतं च दत्तं च तथैव तिष्ठति॥
This is said by कर्ण to his charioteer I who tries to dissuade him from giving away his divine arms and earrings to Indra who had come in the disguise of a Brahmin. Learning is forgotten after some time. Trees even with firm roots fall down. Water in the reservoir dries up but oblations given in sacrifice and acts of charity endure forever.

2. वज्रादपि कठोराणि मृदूनि कुसुमादपि।
लोकोत्तराणां चेतांसि को नु विज्ञातुमर्हति।।
The great poet भवभूति says in this verse, “who can indeed fathom the minds of the great which are softer than a flower and harder than a thunderbolt?” Floral softness and firmness of thunderbolt are the characteristics of great souls. They become generous and compassionate or harsh, depending on the situation. Lord राम abandoned सीता where be appears to be hard but he performed a horse-sacrifice placing a golden image of a beside him. Hearing this वासंती a female ascetic utters these words which have been quoted innumerable times.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 20 तथैव तिष्ठति

GSEB Class 10 Sanskrit तथैव तिष्ठति Additional Important Questions and Answers

1. अधोदत्तानां पद्यांशानाम् आङ्ग्लभाषायाम् अनुवाद चिनुत –
Translate the following sentences into English:

1. हुतं च दत्तं च तथैव तिष्ठति।
That which is offered as an oblation into the sacrificial fire and that which is given in charity remain as it is.

2. लोकोत्तराणां चेतांसि को नु विज्ञातुमर्हति?
Who indeed is able to comprehend the hearts of the extraordinary persons?

3. पुराणामित्येव न साधु सर्व।
All that is old is not good only because it is old.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 20 तथैव तिष्ठति

4. अन्यस्माल्लब्धपदो नीचः प्रायेण दु:सहो भवति।
The wicked man who has got a (high) post due to the other person usually becomes unbearable.

2. अधोदत्तानां शब्दानां समानार्थकान् शब्द (पर्यायशब्दान्) चिनुत –
Choose the synonyms of following word

1. ‘पादपः’ इति शब्दस्य पर्यायशब्दः कः?
(क) वृक्षः
(ख) वनस्पतिः
(ग) फलिनः
(घ) लता
(क) वृक्षः

2. ‘दरिद्रता’ इति शब्दस्य पर्यायशब्दः कः?
(क) दीनः
(ख) दैन्यम्
(ग) क्षुद्रता
(घ) दुर्गतिः
(ख) दैन्यम्

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 20 तथैव तिष्ठति

3. ‘निधि’: इति शब्दस्य पर्यायशब्दः कः?
(क) संग्रहः
(ख) निधानम्
(ग) निधनम्
(घ) निदानम्
(ख) निधानम्

4. ‘नवम् इति शब्दस्य पर्यायशब्दः कः?
(क) नूतनम्
(ख) हुतम्
(ग) मृदु
(घ) अनुगम्
(क) नूतनम्

5. ‘प्रायेण’ इति शब्दस्य पर्यायशब्दः कः?
(क) आम्
(ख) एवम्
(ग) नूनम्
(घ) प्रायः
(घ) प्रायः

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 20 तथैव तिष्ठति

3. अधोदत्तानां शब्दानां विरुद्धार्थकान् शब्दान् चिनुत
Choose the antonym for given word:

1. ‘दरिद्रता’ इति शब्दस्य विरुद्धार्थकः शब्दः कः?
(क) दारिघम्
(ख) दीनः .
(ग) धनाढ्यता
(घ) दैन्यम्
(ग) धनाढ्यता

2. ‘सुबद्धम्’ इति शब्दस्य विरुद्धार्थकः शब्दः कः?
(क) दृढः
(ख) शिथिलम्
(ग) सुदृढम्
(घ) सुष्ठुतया
(ख) शिथिलम्

3. ‘परीक्ष्य’ इति शब्दस्य विरुद्धार्थकः शब्दः कः?
(क) अपरीक्ष्य
(ख) दृष्ट्वा
(ग) ईक्षित्वा
(घ) अवलोक्य
(क) अपरीक्ष्य

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 20 तथैव तिष्ठति

4. “विज्ञातुम’ इति शब्दस्य विरुद्धार्थकः शब्दः कः?
(क) ज्ञातुम
(ख) अवगन्तुम्
(ग) बोधितुम्
(घ) अनवगन्तुम्
(घ) अनवगन्तुम्

5. ‘मृतः’ इति शब्दस्य विरुद्धार्थकः शब्दः कः?
(क) जीवितः
(ख) निर्जीवः
(ग) जडः
(घ) अचेतनः
(क) जीवितः

4. सन्धिविच्छेदं कुरुत
Make sandhis:

1. ‘विनाशकाले + अपि’ – एतस्य सन्धियुक्तः शब्दः क:?
(क) विनाशकलेपि
(ख) विनाशकालेऽपि
(ग) विनाशकालोऽपि
(घ) विनाशकालपी
(ख) विनाशकालेऽपि

2. ‘दुःखानि + अनुभूय’ – एतस्य सन्धियुक्तः शब्दः कः?
(क) दु:खानुभूय
(ख) दुःखानिभूय
(ग) दु:खान्यभू
(घ) दु:खान्यनुभूय
(घ) दु:खान्यनुभूय

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 20 तथैव तिष्ठति

3. ‘पुराणम् + इति+एव’-एतस्य सन्धियुक्तः शब्दः कः?
(क) पुराणमित्येव
(ख) पुराणमितियेव
(ग) पुराणमितीव
(घ) पुराणमितेव
(क) पुराणमित्येव

5. उचितेन विशेषण रिक्तस्थानं पूरयत –
Fill in the blanks with appropriate adjective:

1. …………. सुजनः विनाशकालेऽपि वैरं न याति।
(क) परहितनिरतम्
(ख) परहितनिरताय
(ग) परहितनिरतः
(घ) परहितनिरते
(ग) परहितनिरतः

2. …………. काव्यम् अवद्यं न भवति इति।
(क) नवानि
(ख) नवस्य
(ग) नवात्
(घ) नवम्
(घ) नवम्

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 20 तथैव तिष्ठति

तथैव तिष्ठति Introduction

The most notable contribution of ancient India is what came to be known as the wisdom sayings, maxims, aphorisms and gnomes. In Sanskrit these kinds of verses are called बुभाषितःs. Sanskrit writers have excelled in expressing their thoughts with brevity and originality using metaphors and similies. बुभाषितःs have been found in Sanskrit literature since the earliest times, i.e., from the वेदs

Kamlesh Kapoor in ‘Portraits of A Nation’ The six verses chosen here are from the plays, except perhaps the last one हुतं च दतम च तथैव तिष्यंति reminds us of what is of permanent value in life. मूढः परप्रत्यथनेयवृद्धिः warns us against having a biased view which is especially important in the modern times when media shape our opinion. धृतः शरीरेण मृतः स जीवति is also a powerful line that will make us think about the quality of life that we are leading वज्रादपि कठोराणि, मृदूनि कुसुमादपि has been quoted innumerable times and it has become a proverb.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 20 तथैव तिष्ठति

You will also come across the mediocre men occupying the high post and remember अन्यस्माल्लब्धपदो नीच: and the bitter truth expressed by all with so opt our illustration. The last verse describes the lofty ideal. Are we really, genuinely good or have we cultivated good manners? Is our good courteous behaviour like a return gift distributed on our birthday function?

तथैव तिष्ठति Prose Order, Translation And Glossary

1. शिक्षा क्षयं गच्छति कालपर्ययात्
सुबद्धमूलाः निपतन्ति पादपाः।
जलं जलस्थानगतं च शुष्यति
हुतं च दत्तं च तथैव तिष्ठति॥

Prose-order : कालपर्ययात् शिक्षा क्षयम् गच्छति। सुबद्धमूलाः पादपाः निपतन्ति। जलस्थानगतम् जलम् च शुष्यति। हुतम् च दत्तम् च तथा एव तिष्ठति।

Translation : With the passage of time whatever is learnt is lost. The trees having strong roots fall down and water lying in the reservoir dries up. Whatever is offered as an oblation into fire and whatever is given in charity remains as it is.

Explanation : This verse is from the play कर्णभारत. The great warrior कर्ण is about to give away his armour to a Brahmin who is actually इन्द्र in the guise of a Brahim-Karna’s charioteer साल्या tries to dissuade him from giving the armour when कर्ण says this. All other things perish only sacrifice and charity endure. Even now to uf is famous for his generosity which proves the point.

Glossary: कालपर्ययात्-कलस्य पर्ययः, तस्मात्- षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समास, with the lapse or passage of time, शिक्षा- learning,acquisition of knowledge. क्षयम् गच्छति – perishes, is destroyed, सुबद्धमूलानि-सुष्ठु बद्धानि-सुबद्धानि-प्रादि तत्पुरुष समास, सुबद्धानि मूलानि येषाम् ते-बहुव्रीहि समास; – whose roots are strong, well (सु) formed (बद्ध) adjective of the noun पादपा, पादपाः – पौदः पिबन्ति इति – उपपद तत्पुरुष समास, trees.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 20 तथैव तिष्ठति

जलस्थानगतम् – जलस्य स्थानम् जलस्थानम्-षष्ठी तत्पुरुष, समास; जलस्थानम गतम् जलस्थानगतम् – द्वितीया तत्पुरुष समास;
existing in the reservoir; adjective of the noun जलम् हुतम् – offered as an oblation to fire; हु past passive participle, कर्मणि भूतकृदन्त – neuter nominative,accusative singular; subject of the verb तिष्ठति दत्तम् – given (in charity) तथा एवं तिष्ठति – remains as it is

2. पुराणमित्येव न साधु सर्वं
न चापि काव्यं नवमित्यवद्यम।
सन्तः परीक्ष्यान्तरद् भजन्ते
मूढः परप्रत्ययनेयबुद्धि॥2॥

Prose-order : पुराणम् इति एव सर्वम् न साधु (वर्तते), काव्यम् च अपि नवम् इति अवद्यम् न (वर्तते)। सन्तः परीक्ष्य अन्यतरत् भजन्ते। मूढः परप्रत्ययनेयबुद्धिः (अस्ति)।

Translation : All is not good only because it is old. Similarly, poetical work is not free from fault only because it is new. Good people accept either of the two after testing (both). A foolish person’s intelligence is led by the opinion of others.

Explanation : This verse is from the introduction of मालविकाग्निमित्रम्, probably the first play of Kalidasa. He was not famous at that time so through this verse he appeals the critics to judge his play dispassionately and objectively. Here is another rendering of them objectively. Here is another rendering of the verse in free verse. Not all old poetry is good, nor new bad. The wise search to discern one from the other, while foolish minds are guided by the opinion of others.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 20 तथैव तिष्ठति

Glossary : पुराणम् – ancient old; adjective of सर्वम् काव्यम् न साधु is not good \perfect अवद्यम् – fit to be condemned, censurable. सन्तः – good people, critics परीक्ष्य – having tested or observed अन्यतरत् (N) – one of the two, भजन्ते – (they) accept, verb of the subject सन्तः, मूढ़ः – foolish person, परप्रत्ययनेयबुद्धि – परेषाम् प्रत्ययः परप्रत्यमः – षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समासः परप्रत्ययेन नेया परप्रत्ययनेया, तृतीया तत्पुरुष समासः परप्रत्ययनेया बुद्धि यस्य सः – बहुव्रीहि समास; whose intellect is led by the conviction of others.

3. वज्रादपि कठोराणि मृदूनि कुसुमादपि।
लोकोत्तराणां चेतांसि को नु विज्ञातुमर्हति॥3॥

Prose-order : लोकोत्तराणाम् वज्रात् अपि कठोराणि, कुसुमात् अपि मृदूनि चेतांसि कः नु विज्ञातुम अर्हति।

Translation : Who indeed can understand fully the minds of the extraordinary persons, (the minds) that are harder than a thunderbolt, softer than flower?

Explanation : This verse is from भवभूति’s play उत्तररामचरितम्. It describes the mind of the great persons like lord 214 to be beyond the understanding of common people.

Glossary : लोकोत्तराणाम् – लोकेभ्यः उत्तराः तेषाम्-पञ्चमी तत्पुरुष समास; of the great of extraordinary persons. वज्रादपि – वज्रात + अपि, even than a thunder bold. कठोराणि – harder, मृदूनि – soft, adjective of the noun चेतांसि चेतांसि, hearts, minds, कः नु – who indeed, विज्ञातुम् अर्हति – deserves to know (who) can understand,

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 20 तथैव तिष्ठति

4. अन्यस्माल्लब्धपदो नीचः प्रायेण दुःसहो भवति।
रविरपि न दहति तादृग् यादृग् वहति वालुकानिकरः।।

Prose-order‌ ‌:‌ ‌अन्यस्मात्‌ ‌लब्धपदः‌ ‌नीच:प्रायेण।‌ ‌दुःसहः‌ ‌भवति।‌ ‌रविः‌ ‌अपि‌ ‌तादृग्‌ ‌न‌ ‌दहति‌ ‌यादृक्‌ ‌वालुकानिकरः‌ दहति।‌ ‌

Translation : A wicked man who has got a (high) post due to other person generally becomes unbearable (or-annoying). Even the direct sun does not burn as much as a (hot) sand dune does.

Explanation: A wicked man becomes more wicked and troublesome. Lord Acton’s famous statement,”Power tends to corrupt” is applicable more in case of a mediocre man getting a high post by the favour of someone. As he knows he does not deserve the post, he is afraid of losing it and the fear or insecurity makes him more wicked.

Glossary: अन्यस्मात् – from the other, लब्धपदः – लब्धम् पदम् येन सः – बहुव्रीहि समास; who has secured a post. प्रायेण – mostly, दुःसहः भवति – become unbearable, रविः अपि – even the sun, यादृक् – तादृक, as much as, वालुकानिकरः – वालुकायाः निकरः षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समास; heap of sand.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 20 तथैव तिष्ठति

5. सुखं हि दुःखान्यनुभय शोभते
धनान्धकारेष्विव दीपदर्शनमा
सुखातु यो याति नरो दरिद्रतां
धृतः शरीरेण मृतः स जीवति॥5॥

Prose-order: सुखम् हि दुःखानि अनुभूय शोभते, धनान्धकारेषु दीपदर्शनम् इव। सुखात् तु य: नरः दरिद्रताम् याति. सः शरीरेण धृतः मृतः जीवति।

Translation : Indeed happiness appears to advantage after having experienced sorrow like the sight of a lamp in the pitch darkness. A man who becomes poor after (having enjoyed the period of) happiness lives like the dead (in spite of) having a body.

Explanation : Man feels the pinch of poverty more acutely after having enjoyed prosperity. Happiness is more welcome after sorrow.

Glossary : हि – indeed, this is an indeclinable. अनुभूय – having experienced, अनु + भू (IP) – सम्बन्धक भूतकृदन्त or ल्यबन्त gerund धनान्धकारेषु – धनाः अन्धकाराः तेषु – कर्मधारय समास; in extreme darkness. दीपदर्शनम् – दीपस्य दर्शनम्-षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समास; the sight of a lamp., सुखात् – from the happiness, happy prosperous days), दरिद्रताम् याति – दरिद्रः भवति – (who) becomes poor, शरीरेण धृतः – holding\having body (even though physically alive) मृतः – dead, (like) a dead person

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 20 तथैव तिष्ठति

6. सुजनो न याति वैरं परहितनिरतो विनाशकालेऽपि।
छेदेऽपि चन्दनतरू: सुरभयति मुखं कुठारस्य॥6॥

Prose-order: परहितनिरतः सुजनः विनाशकाले अपि वैरम न याति। चन्दनतरू: छेदे अपि कुठारस्य मुखम सुरभयति।

Translation: A good person engrossed in doing good to others does not bear a grudge (lit-enmity) even at the time of his death. A sandal tree even when it is cut makes the edge of an Axe fragrant.

Explanation : A really good person is one whose behaviour is not dependent on the behavior of others. His behaviour is spontaneous and it is not a reaction so he behaves well even with the enemies. His nature does not change even in the face of death.

Glossary: परहितनिरतः – परेभ्यः, हितम्, परहितम् चतुर्थी तत्पुरुष समास; परहिते निरतः – सप्तमी तत्पुरुष समास, – engrossed in doing good to others; adjective of the substantive, सुजनः – शोभनः जनः – प्रादि तत्पुरुष समास a good man, विनाशकाले – विनाशस्य कालः, तस्मिन् – षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समास; at the time of destruction (death), वैरम न याति – वैरी न भवति – does not bear enmity, छेदे अपि – even when cut, कुठारस्य – of the axe, मुखम् – the mouth, here the edge, सुरभयति – makes fragrant, verb of the subject चन्दनतरुः

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