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GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 19 सत्यं मयूरः

Gujarat Board GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 19 सत्यं मयूरः Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers Notes Pdf.

Gujarat Board Textbook Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 19 सत्यं मयूरः

GSEB Class 10 Sanskrit  सत्यं मयूरः Textbook Questions and Answers

1. अधोलिखितेभ्यः विकल्पेभ्यः समुचितम् उत्तरं चिनुत
Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives:

1. शाण्डिल्यः उद्याने कस्मात् भयम् अनुभवति?
(क) चौरात्
(ख) सिंहात्
(ग) व्याघ्रात
(घ) परिव्रांजकात्
(ग) व्याघ्रात

2. क्षणे-क्षणे ………… शरीरे किं रमणीयम्?
(क) नूतने
(ख) क्षीयमाणे
(ग) ज्ञायमाने
(घ) वर्धमाने
(ख) क्षीयमाणे

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 19 सत्यं मयूरः

3. केन विना जमानां सौख्यं न भवति?
(क) शक्त्या
(ख) सम्पत्या
(ग) विद्यया
(घ) बुद्धया
(ग) विद्यया

4. ‘पुरतः’ शब्दस्य विरुद्धार्थकः कः शब्दः?
(क) अग्रतः
(ख) पृष्ठतः
(ग) अनन्तरम्
(घ) अपर:
(ख) पृष्ठतः

5. शाण्डिल्यस्य ……… रुधिरं प्रस्तवति।
(क) कण्ठात्
(ख) कण्ठे
(ग) कण्ठम्
(घ) कण्ठेन
(क) कण्ठात्

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 19 सत्यं मयूरः

6. व्याघ्रः मयूररूपं ……….. पलायते।
(क) ग्रहीतुम
(ख) गृहीतम्
(ग) ग्राहाम्
(घ) गृहीत्वा
(घ) गृहीत्वा

7. यदि मयूरः उद्घाटयामि अक्षिणी। अत्र ‘अक्षिणी’ शब्दस्य स्थाने उचितं शब्दं चिनुत
(क) नेत्राणि
(ख) नेत्रे
(ग) नेत्रम्
(घ) नेत्रस्य
(ख) नेत्रे

2. एकवाक्येन संस्कृतभाषायाम् उत्तरं लिखत –
Answer in one Sanskrit sentence:

1. कुत्र निरुद्धः व्याघ्रः उद्याने प्रतिवसति?
अशोकपल्लवारनिरुद्धः व्याघ्रः उद्याने प्रतिवसति।

2. उद्यानं कः पुरतः प्रविशति?
परिव्राजकः उद्यानं पुरतः प्रविशति।

3. शाण्डिल्यः कं व्याघ्र मत्वा आक्रोशति?
शाण्डिल्यः मयूरं व्याघ्र मत्वा आक्रोशति।

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 19 सत्यं मयूरः

4. विद्यां विना मनुष्याणां किं न जायते?
विद्यां विना मनुष्याणां सौख्यं न जायते।

3. अधोलिखितानां कृदन्तानां प्रकारं लिखत
Name the types of कृदन्तः

1. श्रुतम – कर्मणि भूतकृदन्तम्
2. निरूद्धः – कर्मणि भूतकृदन्तम्
3. भेतव्यम् – विध्यर्थ कर्मणि कृदन्तम्
4. विज्ञेयाः – विध्यर्थ कर्मणि कृदन्तम्
5. रमणीयम् – विध्यर्थ कर्मणि कृदन्तम्

4. समासप्रकारं लिखत –
Make types of compound:
1. व्याघ्रमुखात् – षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समासः
2. धर्मार्थमोक्षेभ्यः – इतरेतर द्वन्द्व समासः
3. पठितपावैः – कर्मधारयः अथवा बहुव्रीहि समासः
4. मयूररूपम् – षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समासः
5. पठनार्थाः – षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समासः

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 19 सत्यं मयूरः

5. वचनानुसारं धातुरूपैः रिक्तस्थानानि पूरयत्
Fill in the blanks by root verb according to number.

1. प्रविश – प्रविशतम् – प्रविशत
2. प्रस्रवति – प्रस्रवतः – प्रस्रवन्ति
3. पठ – पठतम् – पठत
3. समाचरेत् – समाचरेताम् – समाचरेयुः

6. अधोलिखितानां प्रश्नानाम् उत्तराणि आङ्लभाषायां लिखत –
Answer the following questions in English:

1. Why is शाण्डिल्य afraid of entering the garden?
शाण्डिल्य had heard from his mother that usually there is tiger hidden by the leaves of अशोक tree. According to him, his mother who was well-versed in the legends of the ancient times was sure to know the truth. So seeing अशोक tree near the entrance, he thinks that these must be a tiger there and is afraid of entering th garden. So he asked his Guru to enter first.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 19 सत्यं मयूरः

2. What does शाण्डिल्य say thinking that he has been eaten by a tiger?
Thinking that a tiger has caught him and he is almost eaten by the beast, he cries out for help. He says like an orphan who had no one to protect him he is being eaten by a tiger. He even feels the blood flowing from his throat. He wants his Guru to save him from
the mouth of the tiger.

3. Write the description of the garden.
The wandering monk and his disciple शाण्डिल्य enter the garden. After the brief and purely imaginary encounter with the tiger, शाण्डिल्य is in a position to appreciate the beauty of the garden. He says “How beautiful the garden full of चम्पक, कदम्ब, सप्तपर्ण, चन्दन, खदिर and of trees is” This garden adorned by the bower of मालती creeper is extremely pleasing.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 19 सत्यं मयूरः

4. Who can understand the meaning of the studies? When?
Only those who have learned their lessons well earlier understand their meaning later after a certain period of time has passed. Not all the things are understood fully when on is reciting reading or studying in the initial stage.

5. Why should on the study?
Men do not get real and permanent happiness without knowledge religious merit (धर्म), wealth (आर्य), liberation (मोक्ष) which are the aims of human life cannot be achieved without studying and learning. So one should study. Thus says the wandering monk to his disciple to persuade him to study.

GSEB Class 10 Sanskrit सत्यं मयूरः Additional Important Questions and Answers

1. आङ्ग्लभाषायां संक्षिप्तां टिप्पणी लिखत –
Write a short note in English:

1. परिव्राजक:
This word is formed from the root परि + व्राज (1P) which mean to wander about. The word is used in the sense of an ascotic (सन्यासी) who has given up everything material and temporal for the pursuit to spiritual life and realization of God. He does not stay for long at one place and goes on wandering so (परिव्राजक) means a wandering. monk.

2. (धर्मार्थमोक्षेभ्यः) विद्याभ्यास:
Studying or learning lessons is important because it helps us achieve the principal objects of human life, i.e., धर्म (attainment of wealth) and मोक्ष (liberation).

3. भगवदज्जुकीयम्
There are many भगवदज्जुकीयम् (farces) in Sanskrit literature. Among them we is the most popular one. According to some scholars, it is composed by the poet al बोधायन. It is said to have been composed in the 4th century AD.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 19 सत्यं मयूरः

4. शाण्डिल्य
शाण्डिल्य was a boy born is a poor family. Being lazy, he does not want to work and so becomes a Buddhist monk. But when he is made to observe fasts, he gives up Buddhism and becomes a disciple of a wandering monk. His Guru urges him to study when the disciple is more interested in enjoying the beauty of nature. Much of the humor here is caused by the timid and lazy nature of शाण्डिल्य.

2. कोष्ठकगतपदानि प्रयुज्य अधोलिखितानां वाक्यानां संस्कृतानुवादं कुरुत –
Choose the correct word from the brackets and translate following sentences into Sanskrit:

1. May Revered Sir enter first (भगवानम प्रथम प्र + विश!)
2. Alas, I am caught by a tiger (अस्मद् व्याघ्र ग्रह)
3. O शाण्डिल्य, don’t be aftraid (शाण्डिल्य न भी कर्मण विध्यर्थक कृदन्त)
4. If it is a peacock. I shall open my eyes (इदम् मयूर अस्मद् नयन/नेत्र उद् + घट्)
5. Learning is not achieved without studying (पठन विधा न प्र + आप्)
1. भगवान् एव प्रथमं प्रतिशतु।
2. अविहा! अहं व्याघ्रण गृहीतः।
3. शाण्डिल्य! न भेतव्यम्।
4. यदि मयूरः अस्ति तर्हि अहं नेत्रे उद्घाटयामि।
5. पठनेने विना विद्या न प्राप्यते।

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 19 सत्यं मयूरः

3. अधोदत्तानां शब्दानां यथार्थान् अर्थान् प्रदत्तेभ्यः विकल्पेभ्यः चिनुत
Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives:

1. ‘अग्रतः’ इति शब्दस्य कः अर्थः?
(क) अग्रम्
(ख) अग्रे
(ग) पुरतः
(घ) पृष्ठे
(ग) पुरतः

2. ‘पृष्ठत’ इति शब्दस्य कः अर्थ:?
(क) पृष्ठम्
(ख) पृष्ठे
(ग) पृष्ठात्
(घ) पश्चात्
(घ) पश्चात्

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 19 सत्यं मयूरः

3. ‘पौराणिकी’ इति शब्दस्य कः अर्थः?
(क) पुरातनी
(ख) पुराणज्ञा
(ग) पुराणा
(घ) पुराणशास्त्रिणी
(ख) पुराणज्ञा

4. ‘पठनार्थाः’ इति शब्दस्य कः अर्थः?
(क) पठनरहस्यम्
(ख) पठनसार:
(ग) पठनतात्पर्यम्
(घ) पठनस्य अर्थम्
(ग) पठनतात्पर्यम्

5. ‘सौख्यम्’ इति शब्दस्य कः अर्थ?
(क) सुखस्य भावः
(ख) सुखम्
(ग) सुखदम्
(घ) सुखावहम्
(क) सुखस्य भावः

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 19 सत्यं मयूरः

6. ‘मथूरः खलु एषः।’ इदं वाक्यं कः वदति?
(क) परिव्राजक:
(ख) शाण्डिल्य:
(ग) गुरुः
(घ) शिष्यः
(क) परिव्राजक:

7. ‘पठनस्य तावत् अर्थं ज्ञातुम् इच्छामि।’ इदं वाक्यं कः वदति?
(क) शिष्यः
(ख) अर्जुनः
(ग) परिव्राजकः
(घ) शाण्डिल्यः
(घ) शाण्डिल्यः

4. अधोदत्तानां शब्दानां समानार्थकान् शब्दान् (पर्यायशब्दान्) चिनुत –
Choose the synonyms of following words:

1. ‘उद्यानम्’ इति शब्दस्य पर्यायशब्दः कः?
(क) अरण्यम्
(ख) भ्रमणम्
(ग) उपवनम्
(घ) उद्यापनम्
(ग) उपवनम्

2. ‘व्याघ्रः’ इति शब्दस्य पर्यायशब्दः कः?
(क) व्याधः
(ख) व्याधिः
(ग) शार्दूल
(घ) व्याल:
(ग) शार्दूल

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 19 सत्यं मयूरः

3. ‘मयूरः’ इति ‘शब्दस्य पर्यायशब्दः कः?
(क) पुष्पलिट
(ख) शिखी
(ग) मधुव्रतः
(घ) पतगः
(ख) शिखी

4. ‘अक्षि’ इति शब्दस्य पर्याय शब्द: क:?
(क) रदः
(ख) घ्राणम्
(ग) ईक्षणम्
(घ) कुन्तलम्
(ग) ईक्षणम्

5. ‘शरीरम्’ इति शब्दस्य पर्यायशब्दः कः?
(क) अडंगम
(ख) कायः
(ग) अडंघ
(घ) तनयः
(ख) कायः

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 19 सत्यं मयूरः

6. ‘रुधिरम्’ इति शब्दस्य पर्यायशब्द: कः?
(क) आमिषम्
(ख) रेतः
(ग) यकृत्
(घ) लोहितम्
(घ) लोहितम्

सत्यं मयूरः Introduction

Out of the ten types of रूपक (plays) in Sanskrit literature प्रहसन or farce is the one. The plot of प्रहसन is confined to one single day. Many ” E s have been composed in Sanskrit language. भगवदज्जुकीयम् is perhaps the most well-known among them. Its authorship is not certain. Many scholars think that a poet named बिधायन has composed it in the 4th century AD.

शाण्डिल्य:, a boy born in a poor family does not want to work hard to earn his livelihood and so at first leaves his house and becomes a Buddhist monk. But very soon he realizes that Buddhist monks have to observe various kinds of fasts. He gives up Buddhism and becomes a disciple of a wandering monk. In this lesson, both of them come to a garden. The disciple’s imaginary fear and laziness amuse us.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 19 सत्यं मयूरः

Nevertheless, his Guru urges him to use his valuable time in studying. Being a monk, Guru is not interested in the beauty of the garden. He gives more importance to study. When we are made to study so many subjects in school, very often we don’t understand the significance of every subject. We wonder why we should study. परिव्राजक has made an important point that some things are understood after some time. Time and experience of real-life are important things. Therefore it is said, “knowledge comes but wisdom lingers.

सत्यं मयूरः Summary Of The Chapter

शाण्डिल्य: Revered Sir, this is the garden.
परिव्राजक : Go ahead.
शाण्डिल्य : Revered Sir himself should enter first. I am coming behind you.
परिव्राजक : Why so?
शाण्डिल्यः : I have heard from my mother who was well-versed in ancient legends that (usually) there is a tiger hidden behind the leaves of अशोक tree. So may revere sir enter first. I am entering you.
परिव्राजक : fine. (enters) (Then enters शाण्डिल्य)
शाण्डिल्य : Alas! I am caught by a tiger. Save me from the mouth of the tiger. I have been eaten by the tiger as if I am an orphan. Indeed this is the blood flowing from the throat.
परिव्राजक : शाण्डिल्य, you need not fear. Don’t be afraid. It is indeed a peacock.
शाण्डिल्य : It is really a peacock?
परिव्राजक : Quite so! It is really a peacock.
शाण्डिल्य : If it is a peacock, I am opening my eyes.
परिव्राजक : As you please.
शाण्डिल्य : Alas! this blessed (lit-son of a female slave) tiger being afraid of me runs away assuming the form of a peacock. Ah! How beautiful indeed is this pleasant garden full of चम्पक, कदम्ब, सप्तपर्ण, चन्दन, तगर, खदिर and कदली, hr, afcs and ocit trees (and) adorned by the bower of hisidit creeper.
परिव्राजक : O you fool! When every moment one’s body is wasting what is beautiful for you? Come son. Now study for a while.
शाण्डिल्य : I am not going to recite now.
परिव्राजक : why?
शाण्डिल्य : First I wish to know the meaning of what I recite. of alcohol The meaning of what they recite is likely to be understood after a certain time even by those who have learned the lessons. Therefore recite now.
शाण्डिल्य : What will happen by reciting?
परिव्राजक : Listen, learning is not acquired without a recitation. Men do not achieve permanent happiness without learning so one should pursue the study for the attainment of religious merit, wealth, and liberation.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 19 सत्यं मयूरः

सत्यं मयूरः Prose-Order, Translation And Glossary

1. शाण्डिल्यः – भो भगवन्! इदमुधानम्।

Translation : शाण्डिल्य-Revered Sir, this is the garden. परिव्राजकः – प्रविश अग्रतः।
Translation : परिव्राजक – Go ahead. शाण्डिल्यः – भगवान् एव पुरतः प्रविशतु। अहं पृष्ठतः प्रविशामि।
Translation : शाण्डिल्य – Revered Sir himself should enter first. I am coming behind you. परिव्राजकः – किमर्थम्।
Translation : परिव्राजक – Why so?

2. शाण्डिल्यः – पौराणिक्याः मम मातुः श्रुतम् अशोकपल्लवान्तर-निरूद्धो व्याघ्रः प्रतिवसति। तत् भगवानेव पुरतः प्रविशतु अहं पृष्ठतः प्रविशामि।
Translation : शाण्डिल्य – I have heard from my mother who was well-versed in ancient legends that (usually) there is a tiger hidden behind the leaves of अशोक tree. So may revered sir enter first. I am entering after you.
बाढ़म्। (प्रविशति)।
(ततः प्रविशति शाण्डिल्यः।)
(Then enters शाण्डिल्य)
Translation : परिव्राजक – Fine (enters).

3. शाण्डिल्यः – अविहा! व्याघ्रण गृहीतोऽस्मि। मोचयथ मां व्याघ्रमुखात्। अनाथ इव व्याघ्रण खादितोऽस्मि। इदं खलु रुधिरं प्रस्त्रवति कण्ठात्।
Translation : शाण्डिल्य – Alas! I am caught by a tiger. Save me from the mouth of the
the throat.
परिव्राजकः – शाण्डिल्य! न भेतव्यं, न भेतव्यम्। मयूरः खलु एषः।
Translation:ufarich – ufugme, you need not fear. Don’t be afraid. It is indeed a peacock.
शाण्डिल्यः – सत्यं मयूरः।
Translation : शाण्डिल्यः – It is really a peacock?
परिव्राजकः – अथ किम्। सत्यं मयूरः।
Translation : परिव्राजक – Quite So! It is really a peacock.
शाण्डिल्यः – यदि मयूरः उद्घाटयामि अक्षिणी।
Translation : शाण्डिल्य: If it is peacock. I am opening my eyes.
परिव्राजकः – छन्दतः
Translation : परिव्राजक – As you please.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 19 सत्यं मयूरः

4. शाण्डिल्यः – अविधा दास्याः पुत्रो व्याघ्रो मभ्देन मयूररूपं गृहीत्वा पलायते। ही ही! चम्पक-कदम्ब-सप्तपर्ण- चन्दनतगर-खदिर-कदलीसमवकीर्णं मालतीलता-मण्डप-मण्डितं सुखावहमहो रमणीयं खलु इदम् उद्यानम्।
Translation : शाण्डिल्यः Alas! this blessed (lit-son of a female slave) tiger being afraid of me runs away assuming th form of a peacock. Ah! How beautiful indeed is this pleasant garden full of चम्पक। कदम्ब, सप्तपर्ण, चन्दन, तगर, खदिर and कदली trees (and) adorned by the bouer of मालती creeper.
परिव्राजकः – मूर्ख! क्षणे क्षणे क्षीयमाणे शरीरे किं ते रमणीयमा! आगच्छ वत्स! पठ तावत्।
Translation : शाण्डिल्य : Alas! this blessed (lit-son of a female slave) tiger being afraid of me runs away assuming th form of a peacock. Ah! How beautiful indeed is this pleasant garden full of चम्पक। कदम्ब, सप्तपर्ण, चन्दन, तगर, खदिर and कदली trees (and) adorned by the bouer of मालती creeper.
परिव्राजकः – मूर्ख! क्षणे क्षणे क्षीयमाणे शरीरे किं ते रमणीयमा! आगच्छ वत्स! पठ तावत्।
Translation : परिव्राजक : O you fool! When every moment one’s body is wasting what is beautiful for you? Come son. Now study for a while.
शाण्डिल्यः – न तावत् पठिष्यामि।
Translation : I am not going to recite now.
परिव्राजकः – किमर्थम्?
Translation : परिव्राजक – Why?
शाण्डिल्यः – पठनस्य तावत् अर्थं ज्ञातुम् इच्छामि।
Translation : शाण्डिल्य: First I wish to know the meaning of what I recite.
परिव्राजकः – पठितपाठैः अपि कालान्तरविज्ञेया भवन्ति पठनार्थाः। तस्मात् पठ तावत्।
Translation : परिव्राजक: The meaning of what they recite is likely to be understood after a certain time even by those who have learned the lessons. Therefore recite now.
शाण्डिल्यः – पठनेन किं भविष्यति?
Translation : शाण्डिल्य – What will happen by reciting?

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 19 सत्यं मयूरः

5. परिव्राजकः – शृणु-पठनेन विना न प्राप्यते विद्या।
न विद्यया विना सौख्यं नराणां जायते ध्रुवम।
अतो धर्मार्थमोक्षेभ्यो विद्याभ्यासं समाचरेत्।।

Translation : परिव्राजक : Listen. Learning is not acquired without a recitation. Men do not achieve permanent happiness without learning so one should pursue the study for the attainment of religious merit, wealth and liberation.

Glossary : भो भगवन् – O Revered Sir, इदमुद्यानम्- इदम् + उद्यानम् – this (is) garden; Note : इदम् उद्यानम् (N), इयम् नदी (F), अयम् पर्वतः (M) परिव्राजकः – a wandering monk, प्रविश – enter, god ahead; प्र + विश् (6P) imperative mood, लोट् लकार, second person singular; verb of the subject त्वम् भगवान् एव Revered Sir only, प्रविशतु – may enter, verb of the subject भगवान्, अग्रतः – a head, this is an indefinable, पुरतः first, this is an indeclinable, पृष्ठतः – from behind, this is an indeclinable,

पौराणिक्याः मम मातुः – from my mother who was well versed in the पुराणे (mythological books) or legends of the past. श्रृतम – heard; this past passive participle is used as a verb here of the subject मया अशोकपल्लवान्तर- निरुद्धः अशोकस्य पल्लवाः, अशोकपल्लवाः षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समास; अशोकपल्लवानाम् अन्तरम्-अशोकपल्लवान्तरम्-षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समास, अशोकपल्लवान्तरेनिरुद्धः अशोकपल्लवान्तरनिरुद्धः – सप्तमी तत्पुरूष समास; confined or hidden behind the leaves of अशोक tree; नि + रूध् (7U) Past passive participle, कर्मणि भूतकृदन्त masculine nominative singular.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 19 सत्यं मयूरः

बाढ़म् – fine, good; this is an indeclinable showing agreement. अविहा – alas! This indeclinable is used to express surprise tinged with sorrow, व्याघ्रण – by the tiger, subject of, गृहीतः गृहीतोऽस्मि – गृहीतः + अस्मि I am caught,मोचयथ- (यूयं) मोचयथ; – release (me), मुच् (6U) – causal imperative mood प्रेरक लोट् लकार, second person plural, व्याघ्रमुखात् – व्याघ्रस्य मुखम्, तस्मात् – षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समास; from the mouth of a tiger, अनाथः इव – न विधते नाथः यस्य सः – नञ् बहुव्रीहि समास; like an orphan, खादितोऽस्मि – खादितः + अस्मि, I have been eaten, रुधिरम् प्रस्त्रवति – blood is flowing/oozing; प्र + सु (1P) present tense, लट् लकार, third-person singular, कण्ठात् – from the throat, न भतेव्यम् – (you) need not fear/be afraid,

मयूरः खलु एषः – this is indeed a peacock, अथ किम् – what else? quite so, certainly, उद्घाटयामि – I am opening, उद् + घट (1A) causal present tense, प्रेरम लट् लकार, first-person singular, अक्षिणी – अक्षि (neuter noun ending in इ) nominative-accusative dual; two eyes; object of the verb, उद्घाटयामि – so here it is in the accusative case, छन्ततः – okay, as you wish, अविद्या – Alas! Oh! indeclinable expressing unhappiness with surprise, दास्याः पुत्रः – O the son of a female slave, used as a term of abuse; here it is used with reference to the tiger,

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 19 सत्यं मयूरः

मद्भयेन – मत् भयम्, तेन – पञ्चमी तत्पुरुष समास; being afraid of me, मयूररूपम् — मयूरस्य रूपम् – षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समास; the form of a peacock; object of गृहीत्वा, गृहीत्वा – taking, assuming; ग्रह (9U) सम्बन्धक भूतकृदन्त or त्वान्त gerund, पलायते – runs away or is running away; परा + अय (1A) लट् लकार, present tense, third person singular, verb of the subject व्याघ्रः, चम्पक-कदम्ब-सप्तपर्ण-चन्दन-तगर-खदिर-कदलीसमवकी म् – abounding with चम्बक, कदम्ब,

सप्तपर्ण, चन्दन, तगर, खदिर and कदली trees, समवकीर्णम् – सम् + अव + कृ (1P or 6P) Past passive participle, कर्मणि भूतकृदन्त, neuter nominative-accusative singular, मालती-लता-मण्डप-मण्डितम् – adorned with the bower (मण्डप) of the मालती creeper (लता), सुखावहम् – सुखम् आवहति इति – उपपद तत्पुरुष समास; pleasing comfortable, अहो – Oh! this is an indeclinable used here to show satisfaction or admiration,

क्षणे-क्षणे – every moment, क्षीयमाणे शरीरे – in the body that is decaying, क्षीयमाणे – क्षि (1P) passive present participle, कर्मणि वर्तमान कृदन्त, neuter locative singular, the adjective of the noun शरीरे, पठ तावत् – now study or read, न तावत् पठिष्यामि – I am not going to study/recite now, किमर्थम् – why?, पठनस्य अर्थम् – the meaning of reading reciting,

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 19 सत्यं मयूरः

ज्ञातम् इच्छामि – I wish to know, पठितपाठः – पठिताः पाठाः, तैः – कर्मधारय समास or पठिताः पाठाः यैः ते, तैः – बहुव्रीहि समास; by the persons who had learned/read the lessons, कालान्तरविज्ञेयाः – कालस्य अन्तरम – कालान्तरम् षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समास, कालान्तरे विज्ञेयाः सप्तमी तत्पुरुष समास, would be known after some time; adjective of पठनार्थः, पठनार्थाः – पठनस्य अर्था:- षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समास, meaning of recitation, object of the potential passive participle विज्ञेया:, शनि – liste, I (5P).

सत्यं मयूरः Prose-order of the verse:

विद्यया विना नराणाम् ध्रुवं सौख्यम् न जायते। अतः धर्मार्थमोक्षेभ्यः विद्याभ्यासम् समाचरेत्।
विद्यया विना – without learning; विद्याम्/विद्यया/विद्यायाः विना are all correct ध्रुवम् – definite, permanent; adjective of the noun सौख्यम् नराणाम्ण सौख्यम् न जायते – people do not get happiness, अतः – so, therefore, धर्मार्थमोक्षेभ्यः – धर्मः च अर्थः च मोक्षः च, तेभ्यः – इतरेतर द्वंद्व समासः; for religious merit, attainment of wealth and liberation, विद्याभ्यासम् – विद्यायाः अभ्यासः, तम् – षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समास; learning lessons, समाचरेत् – should do or practice; सम् + आ + चर् (1P) potential mood, विधि लिङ् लकार, third-person singular, verb of the subject – नरः which is understood.

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