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GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 14 क इदं दुष्करं कुर्यात्

Gujarat Board GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 14 क इदं दुष्करं कुर्यात् Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers Notes Pdf.

Gujarat Board Textbook Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 14 क इदं दुष्करं कुर्यात्

GSEB Class 10 Sanskrit  गीतामृतम् Textbook Questions and Answers

1. अधोलिखितेभ्यः विकल्पेभ्यः समुचितम् उत्तरं चिनुत
Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives:

1. चन्दनदासेन अमात्यराक्षसस्य गृहजनः कुत्र निर्वाहितः?
(क) स्वगृहे
(ख) अन्यत्र
(ग) मित्रगृहे
(घ) अरण्ये
(क) स्वगृहे

2. नन्दाय किं रोचते स्म?
(क) अर्थः
(ख) प्रजाकल्याणम्
(ग) युद्धम्
(घ) धर्मवृद्धिः
(क) अर्थः

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 14 क इदं दुष्करं कुर्यात्

3. तृणानाम् ……… सह विरोधः कीदृशः?
(क) अग्निम्
(ख) अग्निना
(ग) अग्नेः
(घ) अग्निः
(ख) अग्निना

4. चन्दनदासः स्वगतं वदति, अहं तु ………।
(क) निर्दोषः
(ख) साडाङ्कः
(ग) मुक्तदोषः
(घ) जातदोषः
(घ) जातदोषः

5. भीताः पूर्वराजपुरुषाः पौराणां गृहेषु गृहजनं निक्षिप्य देशान्तरं “………….”।
(क) व्रजति
(ख) व्रजतः
(ग) व्रजान्ति
(घ) व्रजन्ते
(ग) व्रजान्ति

6. चाणक्यः यदा आह्वयति तदा “……….” अपि साशङ्कः भवति।
(क) निर्दोषः
(ख) निर्दोषाः
(ग) निर्दोषेण
(घ) निर्दोषैः
(क) निर्दोषः

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 14 क इदं दुष्करं कुर्यात्

2. एकवाक्येन संस्कृतभाषायाम् उत्तरं लिखत
Answer in one Sanskrit sentence:

1. चाणक्यः स्वशिष्याय किं कथयति?
चाणक्यः स्वशिष्याय कथयति-“वत्स, श्रेष्ठी चन्दनदासः अत्र आनेतव्यः।”

2. चन्द्रगुप्ताय किं रोचते?
प्रजानां परिक्लेशाभावः एव चन्द्रगुप्ताय रोचते।

3. भूपाः प्रीताभ्यः प्रकृतिभ्यः किम् इच्छन्ति?
भूपाः प्रीताभ्यः प्रकृतिभ्यः प्रतिप्रियम् इच्छन्ति।

4. भीताः राजपुरुषाः कुत्र गृहजनं निक्षिपन्ति?
भीता राजपुरुषाः पौराणां गृहेषु गृहजनं निक्षिपन्ति।

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 14 क इदं दुष्करं कुर्यात्

3. अधोलिखितानां कृदन्तानां प्रकारं लिखत
Name the type of the following कृदन्तः।
1. निष्क्रम्य – निस् + क्रम् (1प) सम्बन्धक भूतकृदन्त अथवा ल्यबन्त अव्यय।
2. निर्वाहितः – निर् + वह् (1प) प्रेरक कर्मणि भूतकृदन्त
3. शङ्कनीयः – शङ्क (1आ) विध्यर्थ कर्मणि कृदन्त।
4. इष्टः – इष् (64) कर्मणि भूतकृदन्त।
5. प्रष्टव्यम् – प्रच्छ (64) विध्यर्थ कर्मणि कृदन्त।
6. निक्षिप्य – नि + क्षिप् (6प) सम्बन्धक भूतकृदन्त अथवा ल्ब्यबन्त अव्यय।

4. समासप्रकारं लिखित
Name the type of the compound:

1. जातदोषः – जातः दोषः यस्य सः – बहुव्रीहि समासः
2. वृद्धिलाभाः – वृद्धेः लाभाः – षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समासः
3. नन्दराज्यम् – नन्दस्य राज्यम् – षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समासः
4. परकलत्रम् – परस्य कलत्रम् – षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समासः
5. देशान्तरम् – अन्यः देशः – कर्मधारय समासः

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 14 क इदं दुष्करं कुर्यात्

5. वचनानुसारं धातुरूपैः रिक्तस्थानानि पूरयत –
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb according to member:
GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 14 क इदं दुष्करं कुर्यात्

6. रेखाङितानां पदानां स्थाने प्रकोष्ठात् उचितं पदं चित्वा प्रश्नवाक्य रचयत
Choose the correct word from the brackets to replace the underlined word and make interrogative sentences:
(केन, कः, किम्, कीदृशम्, कस्य)
1. नन्दस्य अर्थसम्बन्धः प्रीतिजनकः।
कस्य अर्थसम्बन्धः प्रीतिजनकः?

2. एतत् प्रच्छादनदोषम् उत्पादयति।
किं दोषम् उत्पादयति?

3. अमात्यराक्षसः चन्द्रगुप्तं न पराजेष्यति।
कः चन्द्रगुप्तं न पराजेष्यति?

4. शिष्यः चन्दनदासेन सह प्रविशति।
शिष्यः केन सह प्रविशति?

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 14 क इदं दुष्करं कुर्यात्

7. अधोलिखितानां प्रश्नानाम् उत्तराणि आङ्ग्लभाषायां लिखत
Answer the following questions in English:

Question 1.
How does Chanakaya show respect towards Chandandas?
Chanakya welcomes Chandandas saying, “This is a seat. Please be seated here.” He inquiries about Chandandas business and asks, “Is the profit of the growth of business increasing? Chanakya expresses his respect by duly welcoming Chandandas and showing his interest in Chandandas business.

Question 2.
According to Chanakya, in what matter does Chandragupta’s kingdom differ from that of Nand?
According to Chanakya, Nand was more interested in wealth whereas Chandragupta is more concerned about his subject being happy. Chandragupta was intent on making people free from worry and anxiety.

Question 3.
Why does Chanakya believe (consider) Chandandas the first opponent of Chandragupta?
Chanakya (consider) Chandandas to be the opponent of Chandragupta because Chandandas had helped Chandragupta enemy अमात्यराक्षस family at his home. This according to Chanakya was an act of hostility. Helping the enemy of Chandragupta by providing shelter in one’s house was Chandandas act of hostility.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 14 क इदं दुष्करं कुर्यात्

Question 4.
How does Chanakya threaten Chandandas?
Chandandas had given shelter to राक्षसs family in his house. When Chanakya asks him about this he reluctantly agrees that he had helped राक्षस in the past, and adds that they had left his house since then. When चाणक्य asks him where they had gone, Chandandas says he does not know their whereabouts. Chanakya reminds him that Chandragupta gives severe punishment to those who oppose him. Chanakya threatens Chandandas and his family members may lose their life in this matter. What is Chandandas’s reply for not entrusting family of अमात्यराक्षस?

Question 5.
What is Chandandas’s reply for not entrusting family of अमात्यराक्षस?
When Chanakya threatens Chandandas that he himself and the members of his family may lose their life if he did not entrust Tee’s family to the present ruler, Chandandas refuses to budge. He says even him here’s family were in his house. He would not have surrendered them to the rulers. When Chanakya once again ask if it was his final decision, Chandandas says that it was his firm and final reply.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 14 क इदं दुष्करं कुर्यात्

GSEB Class 10 Sanskrit  क इदं दुष्करं कुर्यात् Additional Important Questions and Answers

1. कोष्ठकगत पदानि प्रयुज्य अधोदत्तानां वाक्यानां संस्कृतानुवादं कुरुत –
Choose the correct word from the brackets and translate following sentences into Sanskrit:

1. The subjects are more rejoicing by the moon of full-moon night.
(पूर्णिमाचन्द्र प्रकृति अधिक नन्द)
पूर्णिमाचन्द्रेण प्रकृतयः अधिकं नन्दन्ति।

2. The kings expect favourable in return from the people.
(प्रीत प्रकृति प्रतिप्रिय राजन् अप + ईक्ष्)
प्रीताभ्यः प्रकृतिभ्यः प्रतिप्रियम् अपेक्षन्ते राजानः।

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 14 क इदं दुष्करं कुर्यात्

3. I am obliged (favoured).
(अस्मद् अनु + ग्रह अस्)
अहम् अनुगृहीतः (उपकृतः) अस्मि।

Who indeed is the unlucky one to behave unfavourably with the king?
(किम् अधन्य नृपति विरुद्ध आचर)
कः पुनः अधन्यो नृपतेः विरुद्धम् आचरति?

5. Only this much is the trick of speech.
(अस्मद् वाक्छल वृत् – वर्त एतावत्)
एतावदेव मम वाक्छल वर्तते।

2. अधोलिखितानां प्रश्नानाम् उत्तराणि आङ्ग्लभाषायां लिखत
Answer the following questions in English:

Question 1.
Who was Chanakya?
Chanakya was the Chief minister of Chandragupta the king of Patliputra. His other name was Vishnugupta. Initially he was a teacher of politics in the university of तक्षशिला।

Question 2.
What important role did Vishnugupta? play in Patliputra?
Vishnugupta took keen interest in politics to relieve the people of the unjust rule नन्द by bringing about the downfall of नन्दरादand making Chandragupta the king. He played the role of a kingmaker.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 14 क इदं दुष्करं कुर्यात्

Question 3.
How was Chandandas? What had he done against the king Chandragupta?
Chandandas a rich merchant. He had give shelter to the अमात्यराक्षस’s family in his house. अमात्यराक्षस’ was the trusted freind and minister of Nandraj.

Question 4.
Whom did आचार्य कोटियला give lessons in politics?
आचार्य कोटियला gave lessons in politics to Chandragupta who was born in a humble family. Later he made चंद्रगुप्तः of the king of Patliputra having brought about the downfall of नन्द dynasty.

Question 5.
Who was अमात्यराक्षस?
राक्षस was the minister of Nandraj. He was very loyal, efficient and loved the subjects. When Nand lost. Fer lost his ministership and he had to leave Pataliputra in disguise.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 14 क इदं दुष्करं कुर्यात्

3. अधोदत्तानां प्रश्नानाम् उत्तराणि संस्कृतभाषायां लिखत
Answer the following questions in Sanskrit:

1. चाणक्यः चन्दनदासाय प्रथमं किं कथयति?
चाणक्यः चन्दनदासाय प्रथमं कथयति-‘भो श्रेष्ठिन्! स्वागतं ते। इदमासनम् तत्र स्थातव्यम्!’ सः चन्दनदासं पृच्छति-‘अपि प्रचीयन्ते संव्यवहाराणां वृद्धिलाभाः व:?’

2. चन्दनदासः चाणक्यं किम् उत्तरति?
चन्दनदासः प्रथमं स्वगतं वदति यत् अत्यादारः शङ्कनीयः। ततः सः चाणक्यम् उसरति-(अथ किम्, आर्यस्य प्रसादेन उखण्डिता मे वाणिज्या।’

3. ‘क इदं दुष्करं कुर्यात्’ इति गद्यांशे किं सुचारुतया निरूपितम्?
क इदं दुष्करं कुर्यात्’ इति गद्यांशे श्रेष्ठिनः चन्दनदासस्य अमात्यराक्षसेन सह मैत्र्याः चाणक्यस्य मनसि चन्दनदासस्य विषये वर्तमानस्य आदरस्य च सुचारुतया निरुपणं कृतम्।

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 14 क इदं दुष्करं कुर्यात्

4. आङ्ग्लभाषायां संक्षिप्तां टिप्पणी लिखत –
Write short note in English:

1. उपाध्यायः (उपेत्य अधीयते अस्मात्)
A teacher or precesptor to whom the disciples go for studying especially the Vedas.

2. आर्यः
A worthy, respectable is called and addressed respectfully as 37rfi It is defines as कर्तव्य माचरन् कर्म, अकर्तव्यमनाचन्। तिष्ठति प्रकृताचारे, सर्वे आर्य इति स्मृतः। He who does what should be done and avoids doing what should not be done and in general faithful to religion and laws of the country is called आर्य।

3. सगतम्
सगतम् or आत्मगतम् is an instruction in a drama. It means ‘aside’ or ‘be oneself and indicates that the speech that follows is not supposed to be heard by other Characters present on the stage. It is used to convey to the audience what the particular character is thinking in his or her mind.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 14 क इदं दुष्करं कुर्यात्

4. प्रकाशम्
After सगतम् i.e., what the character is talking प्रकाशम् comes. It means the speech that follows is supposed to be heard by all प्रकाशम् means aloud.

5. अमात्यराक्षस:
Unlike his name अमात्यराक्षस was the thorough gentleman who served as the most efficient minister of Nandraj. He was very popular also. So Chanakya wanted to win him over Unlike his name 374167TH was the thorough gentleman who served as the most efficient minister of Nandraj. He was very popular also. So Chanakya wanted to win him over to Chandragupta’s side. अमात्यराक्षस had run away from the capital leaving his family with his friend Chandandas who was a rich merchant.

Question 6.
शिबि: was a king who is said to have saved अगिन in the form of a dove from इन्द्र in the form of a hawk by offering an equal quantity of his own flesh weighed in a balance. चनयका remembers king शिबि: when Chandandas shows readiness to sacrifice his own life for his friend.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 14 क इदं दुष्करं कुर्यात्

7. आर्य चाणक्य
Born in the capital city of Pataliputra as Vishnugupta when Nanda dynasty was ruling the Magadha later worked as a teacher of political science in the university of तक्षशिला। He and चन्द्रगुप्त मौर्य brought about the fall of king धनानन्द। He composed the famous
treatise कौटिलीय अर्थशास्त्र।

5. सन्धिं कुरुत
Make sandhis:

1. ‘निर्दोषस्य + अपि’ एतस्य सन्धियुक्तः शब्दः कः?
(क) निर्दोषस्यपि
(ख) निर्दोषस्यापि
(ग) निर्दोषस्याअपि
(घ) निर्दोषापि
(ख) निर्दोषस्यापि

2. ‘कियत् + च’ एतस्य सन्धियुक्तः शब्दः कः?
(क) कियत्च
(ख) कियच
(ग) कियच्च
(घ) कियताच
(ग) कियच्च

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 14 क इदं दुष्करं कुर्यात्

3. ‘अस्मात् + जनात् + इष्यते’ एतस्य सन्धियुक्तः शब्दः कः?
(क) आस्माजनातिष्यते
(ख) अस्माज्जनादिष्यते
(ग) अस्माद्जनादिष्यते
(घ) अस्माजनादिष्यते
(ख) अस्माज्जनादिष्यते

4. ‘कथम् + आविर्भवति + इति’ एतस्य सन्धियुक्तः शब्दः कः?
(क) कथमाविर्भवतीति
(ख) कथआविर्भवतीती
(ग) कथमार्विभवतिति
(घ) कथमाविभवतिती
(क) कथमाविर्भवतीति

5. ‘एतत् + निवेदितम्’ एतस्य सन्धियुक्तः शब्दः कः?
(क) एतनिवेदितम्
(ख) एतनिवेदितम्
(ग) एतं निवेदितम्
(घ) एतन्निवेदितम्
(घ) एतन्निवेदितम्

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 14 क इदं दुष्करं कुर्यात्

क इदं दुष्करं कुर्यात् Introdution

In this 4th century BC, नन्द dynasty ruled the kingdom of मगध, चाणक्य whose original name was faunat was a teacher of political science in तक्षशिला university. Later he and his disciple चन्द्रगुप्त मौर्य overthrew the powerful नन्द dynasty of पाटलिपुत्र। Based on this historical fact विशाखदत्त wrote a seven-act play मुद्राराक्षसम्। This lesson is an extract Act I of मुद्राराक्षसम्। राक्षस was a very popular, efficient and loyal minister of नन्दराज When the rule of नन्द dynasty was overthrown, राक्षस fled from पाटलिपुत्र entrusting his pregnant wife and children to चन्दनदास when चाणक्य learned this he called चन्दनदास and threatened him with dire consequences if चन्दनदास would not hand over Ta’s family to him.

In this lesson, one will observe चनाक्या as a ruthless statesman and a resistive human being who appreciates चन्दनदास s loyalty to his friend. Note how चनाक्या opens his conversation asking casual question about चन्दनदासs business and suddenly comes to the crucial point. Also note how चन्दनदास is cautions and on his guard from the very beginning but finally rises to the occasion. Conflict is said to be the very soul of a drama. This passage is a specimen of a powerful drama.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 14 क इदं दुष्करं कुर्यात्

क इदं दुष्करं कुर्यात् Summary Of The Chapter Divorce:

चनाक्या : (To his disciple) O son, the merchant Chandandas should be brought here.)
शिष्य : As the preceptor orders. (Going out and entering again with चन्दनदास)।
चन्दनदास : (To himself) the fear of even an innocent man increases when चनाक्या: summons. Then what to say of one in guilt. It is only because of this that the family ofअमात्य was sent elsewhere by me. As for me, come what may.
शिष्य : O merchant, come this way.
चन्दनदास : Here I come (both moved round).
शिष्य : Revered sir, here is the merchant Chandandas.
चन्दनदास : (Going near) victory to you noble sir!
चनाक्या : Welcome to you. Here is the seat, be seated there.
चन्दनदास : As you order (sits).
चनाक्या : Are the profits of your mercantile transactions increasing?
चन्दनदास : (to himself) under honour should be a cause of doubt. (Aloud) sir, certainly. By your favour my business is uninterrupted.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 14 क इदं दुष्करं कुर्यात्
चनाक्या : O merchant, do the subjects sometimes remember ansa’s faults चंद्रगुप्तः (and) the good qualities of the earlier king नन्द now?
चन्दनदास : Good forbid! The subjects are immensely pleased as with the moon rising with full splendour on an autumnal full moon night.
चनाक्या : O merchant, kings expect benefits in return from the subjects, who are pleased.
चन्दनदास : Let Noble sir order, what and how much amount of money is desired from this person (me)?
चनाक्या : O merchant, this is Chandragupta kingdom, not the kingdom of नन्द It was नन्द who liked wealth but Chandragupta is interested in the absence of sorrow for the subjects.
चन्दनदास : (Joyfully) I an obliged.
चनाक्या : And should you ask how the absence of sorrow will be brought about?
चन्दनदास : May your honour order.
चनाक्या : In brief behaving in a manner which is not against the king.
चन्दनदास : Who indeed is the unlucky one that behaves against the king?
चनाक्या : You yourself to begin with.
चन्दनदास : I depreciate the sinful thought! What kind of hostility can straws have with fire?
चाणक्य : This is the hostility that you are even today protecting the family of अमात्यराक्षस, the enemy of the king by taking them to your house.
चन्दनदास : It is false, noble sir! Some ignorant fellow might have told it to your.
चाणक्य : Have no misgiving O merchant, officers of the former king fly to the other countries in panic, leaving their families in the houses of citizens. Then the very concealment of the fact become criminal.
चन्दनदास : This is indeed the case. That time the family of अमात्यराक्षस, was in my house.
चाणक्य : First you said ‘It is false’ and now you say it was in my house). these two are contradictory statements.
चन्दनदास : This much only is my fraud of speech.
चाणक्य : O merchant, fraud are not acceptable in Chandragupta kingdom. So the family of राक्षस should be handed over. You should be free from fraud.
चन्दनदास : Noble sir, I humbly say that the family of राक्षस was in my house at that time.
चाणक्य : And where has it gone how?
चन्दनदास : I don’t know where it weak.
चाणक्य : How is it that you don’t know? O Chandandas, चंद्रगुप्तः gives severe punishment to those who oppose the king. He will not tolerate your act of hiding राक्षस family. So your own life and family should be protected by the family of others.
चन्दनदास : Noble Sir, are you threatening me? Even if the family of राक्षस were in my house, I would not there in my house?
चाणक्य : Chandandas, is it your decision?
चन्दनदास : Yes, this is my firm decision.
चाणक्य : (to himself) Bravo, चन्दनदास, bravo!
Which person in the present age would do this, which is impossible except for fgifa, in spite of the advantages to be easily got by betraying others?

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 14 क इदं दुष्करं कुर्यात्

Prose, Translation And Glossary

1. संस्कृतम्
चाणक्यः : (स्वशिष्यं प्रति) वत्स, श्रेष्ठी चन्दनदासः अत्र आनेतव्यः।
शिष्यः : यदाज्ञापयति उपाध्यायः। (इति निष्क्रम्य चन्दनदासेन सह पुनः प्रविश्य)
चन्दनदासः : (स्वगतम्) चाणक्यः यदा आह्वयति तदा निर्दोषस्य अपि शङ्का वर्धते किं पुनः जातदोषस्य। अत एव मया अमात्यराक्षसस्य गृहजनोऽन्यत्र प्रेषितः। मम तावत् यद्भवति तद्भवतु नाम।
शिष्यः : भोः श्रेष्ठिन्! इतः इतः।
चन्दनदासः : अयमागतोऽस्मि। (उभौ परिक्रामतः।)
शिष्यः : उपाध्याय, अयं श्रेष्ठी चन्दनदासः।

Translation :
चाणक्यः : (To his disciple) O so the merchant Chandandas should be brought here.
शिष्यः : As the preceptor orders. (Going out and entering again with Chandandas.)
चन्दनदासः : (to himself) the fear of even a innocent man increases when (14 ) summons. The what to say of one in guilt. It is only because this that the family of अमात्य राक्षस was sent elsewhere by me. As for me, come what may.
शिष्यः : O merchant, Come this way.
चन्दनदासः : Here I come (both move round).
शिष्यः : Revered sir, here is the merchant Chandandas.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 14 क इदं दुष्करं कुर्यात्

चाणक्य – the name of कौटिल्य, the chief minister of पाटलिपुत्र, स्वशिष्यम् प्रति – to his own disciple; the undeclinable प्रति is used with the accusative so स्वशिष्यं, वत्स – Son, disciple; the vocative form is used as a term of endearment which means ‘my dear child’, चन्दनदासः – the name of a rich merchant, अत्र आनेतव्य: – should be brought here (by you); आनेतव्य: – आ + नि (1P) potential passive participle कर्मणि विध्यर्थक कृदन्त, masculine nominative singular, यदाज्ञापयति – यद् + आज्ञापयति, – as you (भवान्) order, उपाध्यायः – preceptor, निष्क्रम्य – going out, स्वगतम् – आत्मगतम् – to himself, speech spoken in a way which can be heard by oneself. In reality, the audience hears this and other characters present on the stage are not supposed to hear it. Fant is used by the writer to convey to the readers of spectators the thoughts of the character, आहयति – calls, is calling the verb of the subject चाणक्य, निर्दोषस्यापि – निर्दोषस्य + अपि, even the innocent person’s निर्दोषस्य-निर्गत: दोषः यस्य सः, तस्य-प्राति बहुव्रीहि समास, शङ्का – doubt, suspicion; the subject of the verb, वर्धते – increases, किम् पुनः – how much more, जातदोषस्य – जातः दोषः यस्य स बहुव्रीहि समास – of the one

who has an offence. On one’s part, अतएव – अतः + एव; only, therefore, it is only because of this that, मया – by me, अमात्यराक्षसस्य गृहजनः – the members of अमात्यराक्षस’s family, अन्यत्र – elsewhere, प्रेषित – sent, मम तावत् यद् भवति तद् भवतु नाम – now whatever happens to me may happen, इतः इतः – (come) this way, this side, in this direction; this is an indeclinable, अयमागतोऽस्म – अयम् + आगत + अस्मि; here I have arrived, उभौ परिक्रामतः – both of them (here चन्दनदास and शिष्य) move round; this is to indicate that they have walked a distance; this the dramatist’s stage direction for the actors so put into brackets.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 14 क इदं दुष्करं कुर्यात्

2. संस्कृतम्
चन्दनदासः : (उपसृत्य) जयतु जयत्वार्यः।
चाणक्यः : श्रेष्ठिन् स्वागतं ते। इदमासनम्, तत्र स्थातव्यम्।
चन्दनदासः : यदार्य आज्ञापयति। (उपविष्टः)।
चाणक्यः : अपि प्रचीयन्ते संत्यवहाराणां वृद्धिलाभाः वः।
चन्दनदासः : (स्वगतम्) अत्यादारः शङ्कनीयः। (प्रकाशम्) आर्य! अथ किम, आर्यस्य प्रसादेन अखण्डिता मे वाणिज्या।

Translation :
चन्दनदासः : (Going near) victory to you noble sir!
चाणक्यः : Welcome to you. Here is the seat be seated here.
चन्दनदासः : As you order (Sits).
चाणक्यः : Are the profits of your merchandise transactions increasing?
चन्दनदासः : (to himself) Unduehonour should be a cause of doubt. (Aloud) Sir, certainly. Your favour my business is uninterrupted.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 14 क इदं दुष्करं कुर्यात्

जयतु जयतु आर्यः – may the noble one be victorious, स्वागतम् ते (तुभ्यम्) – welcome to you sir, अत्र स्थातव्यम् – may (you) be seated here; (भवता) अत्र स्थातव्यम्। This is in impersonal (भावे) voice and means the same as भवान् अत्र तिष्ठेत्। यदार्य आज्ञापयति – as revered sir orders, आर्य – worthy, respectable, noble; this word is used as respectful mode of address in dramas. The word is defined as कर्तव्यमाचरन् कर्म अकर्तव्यम्नाचरन्। तिष्ठति प्रकृताचारे सर्वे आर्य इति स्मृतः। He who performs his duty and does not do anything that should not be done and thus remains within the limits of good behaviour is considered to be आर्यः in short, a law-abiding and morally upright person, उपविष्टः – seated, here is means – sits.

3. संस्कृतम्:
चाणक्यः : भोः श्रेष्ठिन्! अपि कदाचित् चन्द्रगुप्तस्य दोषान् पूर्वनृपतेः नन्दस्य गुणान् अधुना स्मरन्ति प्रकृतयः?
चन्दनदासः: शान्तं पापम्। शारदनिशासमुद्गतेन पूर्णिमाचन्द्रेण अधिकं नन्दन्ति प्रकृतयः।
चाणक्यः : भोः श्रेष्ठिन्! प्रीताभ्यः प्रकृतिभ्यः प्रतिप्रियमिच्छन्ति प्रकृतयः।
चन्दनदासः : आज्ञापयतु आर्यः। किं कियत् च अर्थजातम् अस्माज्जनादिष्यते।
चाणक्यः : भो श्रेष्ठिन्! चन्द्रगुप्तराज्यमिदं, न नन्दराज्यम्। अर्थः तु नन्दाय एव रोचते स्म, चन्द्रगुप्तस्य तु प्रजानां परिक्लेशाभावे एव रुचिः।
चन्दनदासः : (सहर्षम्) अनुगृहीतोऽस्मि।

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 14 क इदं दुष्करं कुर्यात्

चाणक्य : O merchant, do the subject sometimes remember Chandragupta’s faults (and) the good qualities of the earlier king नन्द now?
चन्दनदास : Good forbid! The subjects a immensely pleased as with the moon rising with full splendour on an autumnal full moon night.
चाणक्य : O merchant, kings expect benefits return from the subjects, who are pleased.
चन्दनदास : Let Noble Sir order, what and how much amount of money is desired from it person (me)?
चाणक्य : O merchant, this is Chandragupta’s kingdom not the kingdom of नन्द। It was नन्द who like wealth but Chandragupta is interested in the absence sorrow for the subjects.
चन्दनदास : (Joy fully) I am obliged.

4. संस्कृतम्
चाणक्यः : स च परिक्लेशाभावः कथमाविर्भवतीनि न प्रष्टव्यम्।
चन्दनदासः : आज्ञापयतु आर्यः।
चाणक्यः : संक्षेपतः नृपतिं प्रति अविरुद्धा वृत्तिः वर्तितव्या।
चन्दनदासः : कः पुनः अथन्यो नृपतेः विरुद्धमाचरति।
चाणक्यः : भवानेव तावत् प्रथमः।
चन्दनदासः : शान्तं पापम् शान्तं पापम्। कीदृशस्तृणानाम् अग्निनासह विरोधः।
चाणक्यः : अयम् ईदृशः विरोधः यत् त्वमद्यापि राजविरोधिनः अमात्यराक्षसस्य गृहजनं स्वगृहम् अभिनीय रक्षसि।
चन्दनदासः : आर्य, अलीकमेतत्, केनापि अनभिज्ञेन आर्यस्य एतत्ः निवेदितम्।
चाणक्यः : भोः श्रेष्ठिन्! अलमाशङ्कया। भीतः पूर्वराजपुरुषाः पौराणां गृहेषु गृहजनं निक्षिप्य देशान्तरं व्रजन्ति। ततः तत्प्रच्छादनमेव दोषमुत्पादयति।।
चन्दनदासः : एवं नु इदम्। तस्मिन् समये अस्ययराक्षसस्य गृहजनः मम गृहे आसीत्।
चाणक्यः : प्रथमम् अनृतम् इदानीम् आसीत् इति परस्परविरुद्ध वचने।
चाणक्यः : प्रथमम् अनृतम् इदानीम् आसीत् इति परस्परविरुद्ध वचने।
चन्दनदासः : एतावदेव अस्ति में वाक्छलम्।

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 14 क इदं दुष्करं कुर्यात्

Translation :
चाणक्यः : And should you not ask how the absence of sorrow will be brought about?
चन्दनदासः : May your honour order.
चाणक्यः : In brief behaving in a manner which is not against the king.
चन्दनदासः : Who indeed is the unlucky one that behaves against the king?
चाणक्यः : You yourself in begin with.
चन्दनदासः : I depricate the sinful thought! What kind of hostility can straws have with fire?
चाणक्यः : This is the hostility that you are even today protecting the family of अमात्यराक्षस, the enemy of the king by taking them to your house.
चन्दनदासः : It is false, noble sir! Someone ignorant fellow might have told it to you.
चाणक्यः : Have no misgiving O merchant, officers of the former king fly to the countries in panic, leaving their families in the houses of citizens. Then the very concealment of the fact becomes criminal.
चन्दनदासः : This is indeed the case. That time the family of अमात्यराक्षस was in my house.
चाणक्यः : First you said ‘It is false’ and now you say it was in my house). These two are contradictory statements.
चन्दनदासः : This much only is my fraud of speech.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 14 क इदं दुष्करं कुर्यात्

5. संस्कृतम्
चाणक्यः : भोः श्रेष्ठिन्! चन्द्रगुप्तस्य राज्ये अपरिग्रहः छलानाम्। तत् समर्पयितव्यः राक्षसस्य गृहजनः। अच्छलेन भवितव्यम् भवता।
चन्दनदासः : आर्य! ननु विज्ञापयामि, तस्मिन् समये आसीत् मम गृहे अमात्यराक्षसस्य गृहजनः।
चाणक्यः : अथ इदानीं क्व गतः।
चन्दनदासः : न जानानि कुत्र गतः।
चाणक्यः : कथं न जानासि नाम।: भोः श्रेष्ठिन् चन्दनदास! राजविरोधिषु तीक्ष्णदण्डः नृपतिः चन्द्रगुप्तः। सः न मर्षयिष्यति राक्षसकलत्रस्य प्रच्छादनं भवतः। तत् रक्षितव्य परकलत्रेण आत्मनः कलत्रं जीवित च।
चन्दनदासः : आर्य, किं मे भयं दर्शयति भवान्। सन्तमपि गेहे अमात्यराक्षसस्य गृहजनं न समर्पयामि, किं पुनः असन्तम्।
चाणक्यः : चन्दनदास, एष एव ते निश्चयः।
चन्दनदासः : बाढम्, एष मे स्थिरः निश्चयः।
चाणक्यः : (स्वगतम्) साधु चन्दनदास! साधु। सुलभेष्वर्थलाभेषु परसंवेदने जनः। क इदं दुष्करं कुर्यात् इदानीं शिबिना विना।।

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 14 क इदं दुष्करं कुर्यात्

Translation :
चाणक्य : O merchant, frauds are not acceptable in Chandragupta kingdom. So the family of राक्षस should be handed over. You should be free from fraud.
चन्दनदास : Noble Sir, I humbly say that the family of राक्षस was in my house at that time.
चाणक्य : And where has it gone how?
चन्दनदास : I didn’t know where it weak.
चाणक्य: How is it that you don’t know? O Chandandas, Chandragupta gives severe punishment to those who oppose the king. He will not literate your act of hiding राक्षस ‘s family. So your own life and family should be protected by the family of others.
चन्दनदास : Noble sir, are you threatening me? Even if the family of 2 were in my house. I would not hand it over. What to say when it is not there in my house?
चाणक्य: : Chandandas, is it your decision?
चन्दनदास : Yes, this is my firm decision.
चाणक्य: : (to himself) Bravo, Chandandas bravo! Which person in the present age would to this, which is impossible except for शिवि , in spite of the advantages to be easily got by betraying others?

GSEB Solutions Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 14 क इदं दुष्करं कुर्यात्

अपरिग्रहःच्छलानाम् – non-acceptance of the wicked, समर्पयितव्यः – should be handed over/surrendered (to us) सम् + ऋ (1p) causal potential passive participate, प्रेरक कर्मणि विध्यर्थक कृदन्त, masculine nominative singular, (भवता) राक्षसस्य गृहजनः – (अस्मभ्यम्) समर्पयितव्य – passive voice; भवान् राक्षसस्य गृहजनम् समर्पयेत् – active voice, अच्छलेन – without deceit, inculpable; adjective of भवता, भवितव्यम् – should be; भवता अच्छलेन भवित्यम् – भावे प्रयोगः – impersonal voice, भवान् अच्छलः भवेत् – active voice, चाणक्य is suggesting that by handing over राक्षस’s family to him, Chandandash will become inculpable or free from blame, ननु विज्ञापयामि – actually I beg to say, तस्मिन् समये – at that time, कथम् न जानासि नाम – is it really that you don’t know? राजविरोधिषु – राज्ञः विरोधिनः, तेषु – षष्ठी तत्पुरुष समास, in respect of those who are against king (traitors), तीक्ष्णदण्ड – तीक्ष्णः दण्डः यस्य सः बहुव्रीहि समासः।

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