GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 7 Kach & Devayani

Gujarat Board GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Second Language Chapter 7 Kach & Devayani Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

GSEB Class 10 English Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Kach & Devayani (Second Language)

GSEB Class 10 English Kach & Devayani Text Book Questions and Answers

1. Read the story, Why the Ashman ?
(Classroom / Group Activity)

Once upon a time, a Brahmin named Agniswami lived in Brahmsthal on the bank of the Yamuna. He had a beautiful daughter called Mandarvati. With the passage of time she became mature enough to get married. Three young men came for her hand, but her father approved none of them so they stayed there waiting.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 7 Kach & Devayani

Meanwhile, Mandarvati, suffering from severe fever, died. The sad young men performed her final rituals. After that one of them made a hermitage and began to live there, preserving her ashes. The second one, taking her bones, reached the Ganga. The third one became a saint and wandered the places of pilgrimage of the country.

Once the young man happened to be a guest of a Brahmin who knew sanjivani vidya. The host Brahmin, pleased with his service and devotion, taught him the vidya. Learning the vidya, he rushed to Brahmsthal. After reaching there he told the whole story to the young man who was living near the ashes.

As soon as he chanted the mantra and sprinkled water on the ashes, the girl revived. By that time, the third one returned from the pilgrimage. Seeing the girl alive, the three began to quarrel and claimed to marry her. The first said that it was because of his mantra she came to life, whereas the second said that it was because of his pilgrimage, she revived.

The third one claimed that it was only because of his preserving her ashes, she came to life. They continued arguing and quarrelling. At last they went to a wise man of their village and told their case. The wise man said the person who had preserved the ashes could be the husband. The person, who learnt the sanjivani vidya, was her father and third one could be her brother.
You can now discuss the reasons why the wise man gave such a judgement.

2. Read the description of some Indian mythological characters. Find out and write a short introduction of the last two characters.

(1) Balram : Balram was the elder brother of Krishna. Balaram is considered as the eighth incarnation of Vishnu. Another view considers him the incarnation of Shesh (serpent).

(2) Indra : Indra is considered as the King of Gods. He is also the God of Firmament. He holds / possesses the unbeaten weapon called vajra.

(3) Sheshnag: Sheshnag is the king of all serpents or nags. He has a thousand heads. He is the couch and canary of Vishnu. It is also said that he bears the earth on his head. At the end of a kalp, he vomits enormous fire which destroys the world.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 7 Kach & Devayani

(4) Menaka : Menaka was a beautiful apsara : in the court of Indra. When Vishwamitra performed tap, Indra, becoming fearful, sent Menaka to end the tap of Viswamitra. And Menaka succeeded in it.

(5) The Ganga : The Ganga is the holiest river. It is said that she was in the heaven. By the efforts of the King Bhagirath, Ganga agreed to come down to the earth. On the earth, she was taken up by Lord Shiva on his head. She was trapped there and when she asked for forgiveness, Lord Shiva released her. So it is said the Ganga flows from the head of Lord Shiva.

(6) Angad : Angad was a vanara (monkey) who helped Rama to find his wife Sita. He also helped Rama to fight against Ravana, He was the son of Bali and Tara and nephew of Sugriva.

(7) Ashwatthama : Ashwatthama was the son of guru Drona. He is the grandson of the Brahmin sage Bharadwaj. Ashwatthama fought on the Kaurava side – against the Pandavas. The rumours about his death led to the death of Drona by Prince Dhrishtadyumna. Ashwatthama is also said.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 7 Kach & Devayani

3. Match the meaning with the word. Write the number in the box.

(1) Rishi — [2] — a person who moves around in search of dharma
(2) Sanyasi — [5] — a son of Manu
(3) Shishya — [6] — the head of an ashram
(4) Danav — [1] — a person who teaches dharma
(5) Manav — [7] — a son of Vaital
(6) Acharya — [3] — a disciple
(7) Vaitalik — [4] — a son of Danu
(1) Rishi — a person who teaches dliarrna
(2) Sanyasi — a person who moves around in search of dharma
(3) Shishya — a disciple
(4)Danav — a  son of Danu
(5) Manav — a son of Manu
(6) Acharya — the head of an ashram
(7) Vaitalilc — a son of Vaital


1. Replace the underlined words with the words in the Read that have similar meanings. The first two letters of that word are given in the brackets.

It is said that in ancient times, many monsters (de…) lived on the earth where many rishis also lived. The rishis had their living place in huts (he…) to live in. They taught all the skills of life to their pupils (di…). The pupils had to collect dry wood (fi…) for the yagna (sa…). Sometimes the monsters harassed the rishis, so they sent for (su…) the kings to protect them.
It is said that in ancient times, many demons (de…) lived on the earth where many rishis also lived. The rishis had their living place in hermitage (he…) to live in. They taught all the skills of life to their disciples (di…). The pupils had to collect firewood (fi…) for the sacrificial fire (sa…). Sometimes the monsters harassed the rishis, so they summoned (su…) the kings to protect them.

2. Interchange the underlined words to make the passage meaningful.

Bahubali discarded the responsibility of protecting the nation against enemies. Unfortunately there were many complaints about his innocent and misdeeds, so he was pleaded to the court of the king where he was charged with betraying the nation. He summoned to prove ( himself dishonesty. But none of his excuses was accepted. At last the king undertook him from his army.
Bahubali undertook the responsibility of protecting the nation against enemies. Unfortunately there were many complaints about his dishonesty and misdeeds, so he was summoned to the court of the king where he was charged with betraying the nation. He pleaded to prove himself innocent. But none of his excuses was accepted. At last the king discarded him from his army.

3. Some verbs have different meanings when they are used with different prepositions.

Example : look
I love looking at the sunset, (seeing)
He was looking for his lost keys, (searching)
Parents look after their children. (take care of)
C.I.D. was looking into the case. (investigating)

Now join the verb with preposition. Write its meaning and use it in a sentence.
GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 7 Kach & Devayani 1

(1) go into
Whenever I have time, I plan to go into this lesson deeply.

(2) go by – UHR
A year will go by and you will be in college.

(3) go for –
I will go for pizza with cheese.

(4) run into –
The car ran into a lamppost.

(5) run for –
When he saw a lion, he ran for his life.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 7 Kach & Devayani

(6) run off-
The thief ran off with all the cash.

(7) take for –
Your mother looks so young that I took s her for your sister.

(8) take out –
Father took us out for a movie last Sunday.

(9) take off –
Please take off your shoes before you enter the room.

(10) put in –
The Lord put in a lot of hard work to create a mother.

(11) put into-
I have put a lot of hard work into this project.

(12) put out –
The firemen quickly put out the fire.

(13) put off –
The wedding was put off because of grandfather’s illness.

4. Read these sentences carefully. Then find out from the lesson the text having a similar words or a group of words. Write the number of the page and the column.
Example : There was no student who knew;
the answer to the question. (Page 1, Column 1)
The Devs did not have anybody who knew the mantra.

Question 1.
The policeman came to the restaurant in search of an accused.
(Page 1, Column 2) Anyway, you have come to me in search of knowledge.

Question 2.
The supervisor knew why I was opening my compass box now and then.
(Page 2, Column 1) In course of time, the asurs found out why Kach was staying with Shukracharya.

Question 3.
The new accountant, with his sincerity, won the heart of the manager.
(Page 2, Column 1) Because of his keen devotion and good service, he won the favour of Shukracharya.

Question 4.
The disciple, at the end of schooling, got the blessings of his guru and returned home.
(Page 3, Column 1) Kach stayed for some more time and then sought the blessings of his master to return home.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 7 Kach & Devayani

Question 5.
We, siblings spent our days of childhood with lots of fun.
(Page 3, Column 2) We have spent happy days together as brother and sister.

5. Match words in A with those in B and use the pairs in sentences. Read it aloud to the class.

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6. Most nouns used for people have the same form for male and female.

Example : student (M / F), teacher (M / F)
A few have different forms : son (M), daughter (F)
Sort these nouns into three groups. Write M = male, F = Female and M / F = both in the
(1) salesman [M]
(2) actress [F]
(3) doctor [M / F]
(4) cook [M I F]
(5) gentleman [M]
(6) professor [M / F]
(7) waiter [M]
(8) widower [M]
(9 ) sir [M]
(10) bridegroom [M]
(11) journalist [M / F]
(12) landlord [M]
(13) parent [M / F]
(14) headmaster [M]
(15) painter [M / F]

7. The Read deals with some states of mind or feelings like upset, eager, happy, despair, etc. Let’s study some more words indicating feelings. Read the words indicating
feelings and their explanations in the table.

Word Example Meaning
thrilled I was thrilled when my name was declared as a winner. very happy and excited.
furious I lost her keys. She was furious. very angry
terrified I was terrified when the plane took off. very frightened
miserable Why do you look miserable ? What’s wrong ? unhappy and depressed
jealous When I see my friends driving a BMW car, I feel jealous. angry or sad because somebody has something you don’t have.
anxious He was anxious before he entered the examination hall. worried and afraid

Now, fill in the blanks. How would you feel in these situations ? Write your answers using the words in the first column of the table. You may take help of your partner. Example: Someone hits your bike because s/he was driving roughly. I would be furious.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 7 Kach & Devayani

(1) You have just passed an important exam with flying colours. I would be thrilled.
(2) Your friend has bought a latest smart phone that you cannot buy. I would be jealous.
(3) Your lovely dog has just died. I would be sad.
(4) You have to make a speech on the Teachers’ Day for the first time. I would be anxious.
(5) Two ferocious dogs are running towards you. I would be terrified.


1. Read the text carefully and find out who says, to whom, what and when (time). Complete the table.

Speaker What (sentences spoken) To whom (listener) When (time)
Brihaspati I do not know the science of giving life to the dead. The devs They went to seek his help.
The devs We see that your son Kach would be the best choice. Brihaspati Brihaspati asked the devs to send someone to Shukracharya to learn the secret of bringing the dead back to life.
Shukracharya You have come to me in search of knowledge. I shall be happy to help you in whatever way I can. Kach Kach requests Shukracharya to teach him the sanjivani vidya.
Kach I am eager to gain the knowledge of the sanjivani vidya at your feet. Shukracharya In the ashram (hermitage) of Shukracharya.
Kach I shall be at your service from now onwards. Shukracharya Shukracharya accepted Kach as his disciple.
Devayani Kach has not come. He is either lost or dead. Shukracharya When the sun set and Kach had not returned.
Kach The asurs killed me, cut my body into pieces and fed the wolves and jackals with them. Devayani He came back to life and stood before her for the first time.
Shukracharya Yes, Kach is dead and now it is difficult for me to bring him back to life. Devayani When Kach was killed by the asurs for the third time.
Kach You are dearer than life to me. But you are my sister. Devayani When Devayani requested him to marry her.
Devayani Since you have betrayed my trust, what you have learnt, you will not be able to practise. Kach When he denied to marry her.

2. Tick mark the correct option.

Question 1.
In the battle between the asurs and the devs, the asurs were in benefit because….
A. they were very strong and powerful
B. they were capable of doing all kinds of wicked deeds
C. their Guru Shukracharya led them on the battlefield
D. their Guru Shukracharya restored to life many asurs
D. their Guru Shukracharya restored to life many asurs

Question 2.
Which task was difficult for the devs ?
A. to fight against the asurs on the battlefield
B. to catch Shukracharya alive or defeat him
C. to go to Shukracharya to learn the science of living
D. to go and stay with Shukracharya in his hermitage
A. to fight against the asurs on the battlefield

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 7 Kach & Devayani

Question 3.
How did Kach win the favour of Guru Shukracharya ?
A. with his courage and strength
B. with his intent, loyalty and good service
C. with his intelligence and sharpness
D. with his eagerness to gain new knowledge from him
B. with his intent, loyalty and good service

Question 4.
What did the asurs do to Kach when he was collecting flowers in the jungle ?
A. they attacked him, caught him and took him to Shukracharya
B. they killed him and threw his dead body into the water
C. they killed him, ground his body into paste and mixed it with the water of the ocean.
D. they killed him and buried his body underground
C. they killed him, ground his body into paste and mixed it with the water of the ocean.

Question 5.
Kach called Shukracharya his father because….
A. he was newborn (reborn) out of him from his stomach
B. he was revived by his magical mantra of bringing the dead back to life
C. Shukracharya had taught him the mantra of bringing the dead back to life
D. he revived Shukracharya’s life by the magic mantra
A. he was newborn (reborn) out of him from his stomach

Question 6.
Devayani was not ready to let Kach go back to the kingdom of the devs because ….
A. she loved him very much
B. he had not yet finished his studies
C. she wanted him to return her love
D. she loved him so much and wanted him to marry her
D. she loved him so much and wanted him to marry her

Question 7.
Kach denied Devayani’s proposal of marrying her saying that….
A. she was the daughter of his Guru therefore he could not marry her
B. she was his sister as both of them came out of Shukracharya, Devayani’s father
C. his love for her was not a lover’s love
D. if he married her, he would forget his newly learnt knowledge
B. she was his sister as both of them came out of Shukracharya, Devayani’s father

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 7 Kach & Devayani

3. What do you feel when you read these sentences ?

Write How generous!, How sinful!, How pure at heart!, How tragic!, How cruel!, How miraculous!, How brave!, How honest and humble!, How faithful!, How hardworking!, How curious!, etc. Follow the example.

Question 1.
I want to learn the sanjivani vidya from you. Ex.: How curious!

Question 2.
I shall serve you and do everything to your ) satisfaction.
How honest and humble!

Question 3.
The asurs killed Kach and gave the pieces of his body to jackals and wolves.
How cruel!

Question 4.
If Kach dies, I will not live and if you die I also die.
How faithful!

Question 5.
Shukracharya taught Kach the secret mantra.
How generous!

Question 6.
Kach immediately revived his Guru with the sanjivani mantra.
How miraculous!

Question 7.
Kach helped his Guru in his sacrificial work, grazed his cows and did all the work he was asked to do with great devotion.
How hardworking!

Question 8.
Kach refused to marry Devayani only because she was his sister.
How pure at heart!

Question 9.
The asurs burnt the dead body of Kach, collected the ashes and mixed them with the divine wine that Shukracharya drank.
How sinful!

4. Number the sentences in order of the events in the story. Read before the class.

[4] With great devotion and good services, Kach won the faith of Shukracharya.
[6] After killing Kach, the asurs cut his body into pieces and threw them before jackals and wolves.
[1] Kach went to Shukracharya to learn sanjivani vidya – the science of giving life to the dead.
[7] The asurs burnt Kach’s body to ashes and mixed it into the wine that Shukracharya drank.
[13] Kach returned to his father’s kingdom.
[2] Kach requested Guru Shukracharya to teach him the vidya of bringing the dead to life.
[9] Shukracharya meditated for a while and knew that Kach was in his stomach.
[8] Devayani again went to her father to request him to bring Kach back to his life.
[3] Shukracharya accepted Kach as his disciple.
[5] The asurs knew the reason and decided to kill Kach.
[10] It was very difficult for Shukracharya to bring Kach back to life.
[11] Kach came back to life but Shukracharya lost his life.
[12] Kach recited the mantra and revived his Guru’s life.

5. Answer these questions.

Question 1.
How were the asurs ?
The asurs were powerful and capable of all kinds of wickedness.

Question 2.
What did Guru Shukracharya know ?
Guru Shukracharya knew the magic mantra for bringing the dead people back to life.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 7 Kach & Devayani

Question 3.
What did Brihaspati advise the devs to do?
Brihaspati advised the devs to send somebody to Shukracharya to learn the secret of bringing the dead people back to life.

Question 4.
What did Kach request Guru Shukra-charya ?
Kach requested Guru Shukracharya to accept him as his student and teach him the sanjivani vidya.

Question 5.
Which qualities of Kach attracted Devayani towards him ?
Kach was young, handsome and intelligent and so Devayani was attracted towards him.

Question 6.
What did Shukracharya advise Devayani not to do ?
Shukracharya advised Devayani not to grieve or cry or distress herself for a mortal like Kach.

Question 7.
Why did Devayani curse Kach ?
Devayani cursed Kach because he refused to marry her and she thought that he had betrayed her trust.

6. Answer these questions in two or three sentences each.

Question 1.
Why could the devs not defeat the asurs in their battle with them ? What did they do?
The asurs had Shukracharya on their side. Shukracharya knew the magic mantra for bringing the dead back to life. He restored to life many asurs who were killed in the battle against the devs. So the devs could not defeat the asurs in their battle.

Question 2.
What kind of work did Shukracharya assign to Kach ?
Shukracharya asked Kach to bring flowers for his prayers and collect firewood for his sacrificial fire. He also asked Kach to look after his cows, take them for grazing and bring them back when they are fed.

Question 3.
What did the asurs do after their failures in killing Kach twice ?
When the asurs failed twice, they decided to dispose off Kach in such a way that Shukracharya would never be able to bring him back to life. So they killed him and burnt his body. They collected the ashes and mixed them with the divine wine that Shukracharya drank.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 7 Kach & Devayani

Question 4.
What did Devayani urge Kach ? How did Kach respond to her?
Devayani urged Kach marry her. But Kach refused her saying that since both of them came out the same father (Shukrachraya), she was his sister. He told her that he loved and respected her as a sister.

Question 5.
Kach told Devayani that he could not marry her. Why did he say so to her?
When the asurs killed Kach for the third time, they burnt his body and mixed the ashes in the divine wine that Shukracharya – drank. This time, Kach came out from ’ Shukracharya’s stomach. So he refused to marry Devayani because she was his sister ’ as they both had come out form the same father. It would be a sin to marry her.

7. Write short notes.

Question 1.
Asurs’ attempts to kill Kach
(knew the reason – first attempt – cut his body into pieces – second time – ground his body – threw into the ocean – third attempt – burnt his dead body-mixed the ashes with wine)
When the asurs found out why Kach was staying with Shukracharya, they decided to kill him. One day, when Kach was grazing the cows in the jungle, the asurs killed him. They cut his body into pieces and fed them to the wolves and jackals. But Shukracharya brought Kach back to life with his magic mantra.

One day, when Kach was collecting flowers, the asurs again killed him. They ground his body into a paste and mixed it with the waters of the ocean. But again Shukracharya brought Kach back to life. When the asurs killed Kach for the third time, they burnt his body and mixed the ashes with the divine wine that Shukracharya drank.

Question 2.
(fell in love with Kach – deep love, – requested her father to bring him back to : life whenever he was killed – proposed him to I; marry her-did all that because of her love for him – Kach refused – got angry – cursed him)
Devayani was Shukracharya’s daughter. She fell in love with the young, handsome; and intelligent Kach. She was deeply in ove with him. So whenever the asurs; killed Kach, Devayani would request her father Shukracharya to bring him back to l, life. When Kach wanted to return home, Devayani asked him to marry her and return her love to her.

But Kach told her that he loved her as a sister. Devayani reminded him that it was her deep love ‘ that had saved him three times. But Kach ; said that he would not commit a sin by marrying his sister. Devayani was furious. She cursed him saying that he would not be able to practise what he had learnt.

Question 3.
(son of Brihaspati – went to Shukracharya – stayed in the ashram – served him – won his faith – killed three times – revived by Shukracharya – saved his Guru’s life-refused to marry Devayani – faithfulness)
Kach was Brihaspati’s son. The devs sent him to Shukracharya to learn the sanjivani vidya. He lived in Shukracharya’s ashram and served him with devotion. He won Shukracharya’s heart. When the asurs came to know why Kach was living with Shukracharya, they decided to kill him. Every time they killed him, he was brought back to life by Shukracharya.

When he was brought back to life for the third time, he came out of Shukracharya’s stomach. And then he used the magic mantra to bring his Guru back to life. When he wanted to return home, Devayani told him to marry her. But Kach refused saying that he loved her as a sister because both of them had come out from the same father. He did not want to commit a sin by marrying her.

8. Think and answer. You may use

your mother tongue. (Classroom / Individual Activity)
(1) What would have you done if you were Kach ? Speak out your ideas.
(2) Collect a mythological love story and read it out in the class.
(3) Prepare a dialogue between Kach and Devayani based on the last scene of the story.

Language Practice

1. Two students from Afghanistan have got admission in one of the colleges in Ahmedabad. The local students are excited to meet the students from abroad. They have many questions for them. The questions they asked are given in A. A student reporter of the college magazine reports it in B.

1. What is the daily life like in Afghanistan? The students wanted to know what the daily life was like in Afghanistan.
2. Do you feel your lives are in danger? The students also asked them if they felt their lives were in danger.
3. What are your thoughts on the upcoming election? The students wanted to know what their thoughts were on the upcoming election.
4. Was there enough food in all parts of the country? A student inquired if there had been enough
5. Did you have adequate electricity ? Another student asked if they had adequate electricity.
6. Was it safe to go out in the city streets where you lived ? Majority of the students wanted to know if it had been safe to go out in the city streets where they had lived.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 7 Kach & Devayani

2. Devashish is nervous to face first job interview of his life. His uncle Dineshbhai gives him certain advice – given in A. Devashish reports the same to Madhav, his friend – given in B. Underline the changes in B :

Reach for the interview a few minutes before time. My uncle advised me to reach for the interview a few minutes before time.
Be careful how you sit. Relax but do not lounge. He advised me to be careful how I sit. He told me to relax but not to lounge.
Anticipate the questions and keep the facts ready. He told me to anticipate the questions and keep the facts ready.
Do not talk too much. He advised me not to talk too much.
Look at the interviewer when you answer. He told me to look at the interviewer when I answered.
Be confident and do not feel nervous. He advised me to be confident and not to feel nervous.

3. Nisarg appeared for an interview of a sales executive. As soon as he came out of the interview room, other participants asked him about the different sorts of questions asked. Match the question numbers with the I; reported version.

Do you have your own transport ? [4]
What are your interests ? [9]
How long have you been working in your present job? [6]
What do you do in your spare time ? [8]
Are you willing to work on Saturdays ? [7]
Have you had a job before ? [5]
How old are you? [1]
Can you type ? [3]
Are you married ? [2]
Where did you have your schooling? [10]
1. They asked me how old I was.
2. They asked me whether I was married.
3. They asked me if I could type.
4. They asked me if I had my own transport.
5. They wanted to know if I had a job previously.
6. They asked me how long I had been in my present job.
7. They wanted to know if I was willing to work on Saturdays.
8. They asked me what I did in my spare time.
9. They asked me what my interests were.
10. They asked me where I had had my schooling.

4. Interaction between a boss and a secretary. It is the first day for the secretary in her office. The secretary reports it to her friend about her first day at office. Also notice the change in the words and the word order.

Secretary : Good morning sir! → I greeted my boss in the morning.
Boss: Good morning. I am happy to see you on time. Will you please translate a letter ? time. Will you please translate a letter ? It’s urgent. → He greeted me and said he was happy to see me on time. He asked me to translate a letter and added that that was urgent.
Secretary: Sir, should I translate it into Gujarati or Hindi ? → I asked him if I should translate it into Gujarati or Hindi.
Boss : Of course in Gujarati. → He said that it should be in Gujarati.
Secretary: Sure, sir. → I agreed.
Boss: Switch off the AC. Open that window. → Then he asked to me switch off the AC and open that window.
Secretary : Yes, sir. → I replied in the affirmative.
Boss: Listen to me carefully and note down what I dictate. → Then he asked me to listen to him carefully and note down what he dictated.
Secretary: Yes, sir. Could you please sign this paper, sir ? → I agreed and asked him if he could sign that paper.
Boss: Yes, sure. Did you get a call from SetMas company today ? → He agreed and then inquired if I had got a call from SetMas company that day.
Secretary : No, sir. I will let you know as soon as I hear from them. → I replied in the negative and added that I would let him know as soon as I heard from them.
Boss : Good. I appreciate that. → He was happy and said that he appreciated that.
Secretary: Sir, could I leave a little bit early today in the evening ? → I asked him if I could leave a little bit early
that day in the evening.
Boss: Okay. It’s only for today. Don’t expect favour in future. → He replied in the affirmative and added that was only for that day. He warned me not to expect his favour in future.
Secretary: Yes, sir. I understand. Thank you. → I said that I understood and thanked him.

5. Change this telephone conversation from direct speech to reported speech.

Rohan: Can I speak to Twisha, please ?
Smritiben: I’m sorry, she isn’t in. Who’s speaking ?
Rohan: My name is Rohan. Do you know what time she’ll be back ?
Smritiben: She won’t be back before ten.
Rohan: Can you give her a message ? Can you ask her to call me ?
Smritiben : What’s your number ?
Rohan: It is 91234321. Thank you.
Rohan politely asked if he could speak to Twisha. Smritiben replied that she wasn’t in and asked who was speaking. Rohan introduced himself and asked Smritiben If she knew when she (Twisha) would be back. Smritiben replied that she (Twisha) would not be back before ten. Rohan then asked her if she would give her (Twisha) a message and added if she could ask her (Twisha) to call him. Smritiben asked Rohan what his number was. Rohan gave his number and thanked Smritiben.

6. Read the sentences in A and B carefully. Underline the differences. Some are already done. Notice the difference in punctuation marks.

“Switch off the TV,” he said to her. He asked her to switch off the TV.
“Shut the door, Tina,” she said. She told Tina to shut the door.
‘“Don’t watch late-night horror movies,” I warned them. I warned them not to watch late-night horror movies.
“Don’t believe everything you hear,” he warned me. He warned me not to believe everything I heard.
“Don’t touch that switch, Pintu,” Mom said. Mom warned Pintu not to touch that switch.
“Don’t argue with me,” the teacher said to the boys. The teacher angrily asked the boys not to argue with her / him.
“Open the safe!” the looters ordered the bank clerk. The looters ordered the bank clerk to open the safe.
“You must see this exhibition!” said all my friends. All my friends strongly advised me to see that exhibition.
“Let’s have some rest,” he said. He suggested that we should have some rest.
“Why don’t you put an advertisement in the local newspaper?” they suggested to me. They suggested to me that I should put an advertisement in the local newspaper.

7. Match the sentences 1-10 to the reporting verbs (a) to (k).

Example : I don’t think the tea is very good. (d) complain
(1) “I don’t think you should tell him about this conversation.” (i) advise
(2) “I am fed up with you being late every day.” (d) complain
(3) “Don’t forget to bring some milk on your way back home.” (a) remind
(4) “I am sorry, I can’t accept your gift.” (f) refuse
(5) “Can I help you ?” (g) offer
(6) “Would you switch on the fan for me, please ?” (e) request
(7) “I know I made a mistake.” (j) admit
(8) “Why don’t we go out somewhere this weekend?” (h) suggest
(9) “I really think you should join a bank.” (c) encourage
(10) ” Don’t touch it It’s hot “(k) warn
(a) remind
(b) ask
(c) encourage
(d) complain
(e) request
(f) refuse
(g) offer
(h) suggest
(i) advise
(j) admit
(k) warn

8. Now report the sentences given in

Add the speaker and the listener.
Example : She complained that the tea wasn’t very good.
(1) She advised me not to tell him about that conversation.
(2) He complained that he was fed up with me being late every day.
(3) She reminded me to bring some milk on my way back home.
(4) I politely refused to accept his gift.
(5) He offered to help me.
(6) She requested me to switch on the fan for her.
(7) I admitted that I had made a mistake.
(8) She suggested that we should go out somewhere that weekend.
(9) She warned me not to touch it and added that it was hot.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 7 Kach & Devayani

9. Amrapali is keen on learning car driving. She approaches a driving school nearby.

Amrapali: How much do you charge for a driving course ?
Instructor: ₹ 2000 for a hatchback and ₹ 2500 for a sedan.
Amrapali: Will I be able to get a driving license afterwards ?
Instructor: Well, that depends on how you take the test at the RTO office. But we can
assure you that you will become a confident car driver in twenty days.
Amrapali: What are the timings available ?
Instructor: You can come in the morning batch if you wish. Because the evening one is full.
Amrapali: Which car will I get for driving ?
Instructor : It is your choice.
Now Amrapali is reporting the incidence to her father.
I went to a car driving school in the morning and met the instructor there.
(1) I asked him how much they charged for a driving course ?
(2) He replied that (they charged) ₹ 2000 for a hatchback and 2500 for a sedan.
(3) I asked him if I would be able to get a driving license afterwards ?
(4) He replied that that depended on how I took the test at the RTO office and added that they could assure me that I would become a confident driver in in twenty days.
(5) I also inquired about the timings available.
(6) He said that I could come in the morning batch if I wished because the evening one was full.
(7) I asked him which car I would get for driving.
(8) He told me that it was my choice.

10. These are some of the things a driving instructor said to Amrapali during her first driving lesson. Amrapali is telling a friend about the lesson. Complete the second sentence in the reported speech so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the words in the brackets.

(1) “First of all, adjust your driving seat.” (told)
He told me to adjust my driving seat.

(2) “Don’t forget to adjust the side mirrors and the central mirror to get the rear view.” (told)
He told me not to forget to adjust the ( side mirrors and the central mirror to get the rear view.

(3) “Don’t be so stiff like a statue.” (told)
He told me not to be so stiff like a statue.

(4) “Don’t forget that there is a 40 kmph speed limit in city.” (reminded)
He reminded me that there was a 40 kmph speed limit in city.

(5) “Always use side signals while taking turns.” (advised)
He advised me to always use the side signals while taking turns.

(6) “Why don’t you drive little more slowly.” (suggested)
He suggested that I should drive a little more slowly.

(7) “Don’t drive so fast.” (told)
He told me not to drive so fast.

11. Read the paragraph carefully .Spot the errors related to the reported speech.

Correct the identified errors.Some time ago, Bhuvan applied for the spost of a clerk in a bank. Last Friday, he was called for an interview. When he went into the manager’s office, the manager told him to sit down and asked him what is his name. Then the manager ask him if you smoke and Bhuvan informed him that I don’t smoke. The manager to know where he had work earlier and Bhuvan replied I had worked for two years in a co-operative bank. Then the manager ask him if he can take shorthand and Bhuvan replied that he could. The manager gave him a test and then said he will give you a job on a month’s trial. Bhuvan thank him and asked when shall I start work.
Some time ago, Bhuvan applied for the post of a clerk in a bank. Last Friday, he was called for an interview. When he went into the manager’s office, the manager told him to sit down and asked him what his name was. Then the manager asked him if he smoked. Bhuvan informed him that he didn’t smoke. The manager wanted to know where he had worked earlier and Bhuvan replied that he had worked for two years in a co-operative bank. Then the manager asked him if he could take shorthand and Bhuvan replied that he could. The manager gave him a test and then said he would give him a job on a month’s trial. Bhuvan thanked him and asked him when he should start work.

12. Use the sentences given below the paragraph and fill in the blanks numbered 1 to 8 (use the appropriate reported speech forms) to complete the news report.

When she should have been asleep in bed last night, in Surat, Trupti was knee-deep in water in her front room. She had spent the night moving her possessions to safety at the upper floor of her home. The water had been creeping under her front door since 10 p.m., but as the clock struck 4 a.m., she felt the water of the flooded river Tapi had started to seep over the tops of her cupboards. At that point she gave up. “I’m in a bit of a daze,” she said wearily. She added that

(1) she hadn’t slept for 18 hours and that she didn’t think she could take any more. Dharmendra Parekh, who has lived in the city all his life, said that
(2) he had never known anything like it in his life. He said that
(3) he did not know how he was going to face the months of drying out his home. Dr Lakdawala, the local doctor, said that
(4) that was a dangerous time for the children and for the very old. He went on to say that
(5) many diseases were water – borne and therefore it was necessary to be careful. He also said that muddy river water that had mingled with water from drains and sewers was particularly dangerous. He warned that people.
(6) should only use boiled water for drinking. Mr Joravarsinh, a team leader of Prayas (NGO) said that
(7) he was glad that they were able to help. He added that were able to help .He added that.
(8) their real work would start when the water receded and added that they would have to give all the support they could.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 7 Kach & Devayani

(1) “I haven’t slept for 18 hours. I don’t think I can take any more!”
(2) ‘‘I have never known anything like it in my life.”
(3) ‘‘I do not know how I am going to face the months of drying out my home.”
(4) ‘This is a dangerous time for the children and the very old.”
(5) ‘‘Many diseases are water-borne and therefore it is necessary to be careful.”
(6) ‘‘Only use boiled water for drinking.”
(7) “I’m glad we are able to help.”
(8) “Our real work will start when the water recedes. We will have to give all the support we can.”


1. Write a story based on these points.

Ram – prince of Ayodhya – going to the ashram of Vishwamitra with Lakshman – destroying demons like Tadka and many others-Vishwamitra taking them to the swayamvar of Sita – Sita met Ram before swayamvar in a park-love at first sight – arrival of great and mighty kings to marry Sita – Ravan there – fail to lift the Shivadhanushya – Ram lifted it like a flower – marriage with Sita – Janak happy.
Ram was the prince of Ayodhya. One day, Vishwamitra, a great saint, came to King Dashrath to seek his help. There were some demons, who were troubling Vishwamitra and not allowing him to perform a yagya.

King Dashrath asked his two princes Ram and Lakshman to go with Vishwamitra to protect his ashram and the yagya. Obeying their father’s order, Ram and Lakshman accompanied Vishwamitra to his. ashram. They protected the ashram and all those living there from the terror of the demons.

They guarded the ashram while Vishwamitra and the other sages performed the yagya. Ram and Lakshman destroyed many demons like Tadka. There was peace in the ashram now. Meanwhile, King Janak of Mithila was holding a swayamwar for his daughter Sita. He had invited kings and princes from all over the country for the swayamwar. When Vishwamitra heard this news, he decided to take Ram and Lakshman to the swayamwar.

Vishwamitra, along with Ram and Laksman, reached Mithila. Many kings and princes had already reached there. Meanwhile, Ram and Lakshman decided to roam around the kingdom to see it. When they were wandering in a park, they were spotted by Sita. Sita was attracted to Ram. She could not take her eyes off the handsome young prince. She asked her friends and maids to find out who the two handsome young men were.

It was the day of the swayamwar. All the mighty kings and princes, including Ravan, the King of Lanka were present in the court of King Janak. There was a huge and heavy shivadhanushya in the middle of the court.

King Janak announced that Sita would be married to anyone who could lift the shivadhanushya effortlessly. One by one, all the kings and princes came. But none could lift the shivadhanushya. Even the mighty Ravan failed in the test. At last, Vishwamitra asked Ram to try and lift the dhanushya.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 7 Kach & Devayani

Ram took the blessings of Vishwamitra and walked towards the dhanushya. He lifted it as if it were a light and gentle flower. Everyone was stunned. But Sita was delighted. The man, who had stolen her heart, had lifted the dhanushya! King Janak, too, was very happy. In this way, Sita was married to Ram.

2 Read the data about the Nalanda University of ancient India and write a paragraph on it.

An ancient Indian university – the most famous – located in Bihar – about 88 kilometres – from Patna – established during the Gupta dynasty – remained as the best – Bakhtiyar Khilji destroyed it – Chinese pilgrim Xuanzang (Hiuen- Tsang) visited and stayed – much information about it in his writing – about 10,000 students and 2000 teachers – students from all over the world (Korea, Japan, China, Tibet, Indonesia and Persia) – admission very strict – different tests to prove their ability – area about 14 hectares-10 temples, classrooms and meditation centers-huge library – three buildings – Ratnasagara, a nine-storeyed main building – religious manuscripts and also a large collection on literature, astrology, astronomy and medicine – it took three months to burn down when invaders set fire to it – a great influence of Buddhism.
The Nalanda University was one of the ancient Indian universities. It was also the most famous university. It was located in Bihar, about 88 kilometres from Patna. It had a great influence of Buddhism. The Nalanda University was established during the Gupta dynasty. It was the best university in the world.

The famous Chinese scholar Xuanzang (Hiuen-Tsang) visited this university and stayed there for a long time. He had written much about it in his texts. The Nalanda University had about 10,000 students and 2000 teachers.

Students from all over the world, including Korea, Japan, China, Tibet, Indonesia, and Persia came to this university to study. The admission process here was very strict. Students had to undergo different tests to prove their ability.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 7 Kach & Devayani

The Nalanda University was spread in an area of about 14 hectares. Besides the classrooms, it had a huge library, which contained religious manuscripts and also a large collection of books on literature, astrology, astronomy and medicine.

The university had 10 temples and meditation centers. The main building was called Ratnasagara. It was a nine-storeyed building. In the ancient time, Bakhtiyar Khilji had destroyed this magnificent university.

Question 3.
Write an email to your friend describing your school-building based on the map.
GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 7 Kach & Devayani 3
To : Sub : My School
CC :
Bcc :
Dear Neel,
Hi. I received your e-mail last night and was happy to know that you have settled well in your new school. I enjoyed reading the description of your school. It’s a very nice campus, I am sure.You wanted to know about my school. Well, our school is on the main road, with two gates – one in the north and the other in the south.

If you enter from the north gate, you will first come across our school library. It is a huge library. There is a big playground just opposite the library. As you walk further towards the east, you will see three big buildings Commerce, Arts and Science. The Arts building is the argest among the three.

If you enter from the south gate, you will first see our huge laboratory. The laboratory, too, has three departments Physics, Chemistry and Biology. As you walk down towards the east, you will see the office and the staff room. Well, it is a huge campus, with lots of trees and flowers. It is beautiful. Write to me soon. Bye, for now.


1. Read the extracts and answer the questions.

(1) The devs and asurs were always fighting each other. The devs were from amongst the gods. The asurs were demons. The asurs were powerful, capable of all kinds of wickedness. Some of them were great rulers and mighty kings. first come across our school library. It is a huge library. There is a big playground just opposite the library.

As you walk further towards the east, you will see three big buildings – Commerce, Arts and Science. The Arts building is the largest among the three. If you enter from the south gate, you will first see our huge laboratory.

The laboratory, too, has three departments – Physics, Chemistry and Biology. As you walk down towards the east, you will see the office and the staff room. Well, it is a huge campus, with lots of trees and flowers. It is beautiful. Write to me soon. Bye, for now. Ankit.

Question 1.
Who were always fighting against each other ?
The devs and the asurs were always fighting against each other ?

Question 2.
Who were the gods and who were the demons ?
The devs were the gods and the asurs were the demons.

Question 3.
What is said about the asurs in this passage ?
The asurs were powerful and wicked and some of them were great rulers and mighty kings.

(2) In their fight with the devs, the asurs had an advantage. They had on their side a great saint and teacher, Shukracharya, who knew the mantra or magic formula for bringing dead people back to life. He restored to life many asurs who were killed in the battles against the devs.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 7 Kach & Devayani

Question 1.
What advantage did the asurs have ?
The asurs had on their side Shukracharya, who revived all the asurs who were killed in the battles against the devs.

Question 2.
What did Shukracharya know?
Shukracharya knew the magic mantra for bringing the dead people back to life.

Question 3.
Who was Shukracharya ?
Shukracharya was a great saint and a teacher.

Question 4.
Shukracharya restored to life
Shukracharya restored to life many asurs who were killed in the battles against the devs.

(3) The devs did not have anybody who knew that mantra. They went to their chief adviser, Brihaspati and sought his help. But Brihaspati said, “I do not know the science of giving life to the dead. Only Shukracharya knows it. Somebody from your side should go to him and stay with him as his student and learn the secret.” “We have nobody with us to undertake such a difficult task. But we feel that your own son, Kach, would be s the best choice for this purpose.” Brihaspati thought for a while and then said, “Yes, let Kach go.”

Question 1.
What did Brihaspati advise the devs to do ?
Brihaspati advised the devs to send somebody to Shukracharya to learn the secret of bringing the dead people back to life.

Question 2.
Who was Brihaspati ?
Brihaspati was the chief adviser of the devs.

Question 3.
What did the devs feel ?
The devs felt that Brihaspati’s son Kach was the best person to go to Shukracharya and learn the secret mantra.

(4) The devs called Kach and asked him if he could it render them his service. They said, “Go to Shukracharya and be with him as his disciple for as long as is necessary to learn the science of raising the dead. Serve him with all devotion. You may also be friendly with Devayani, his beautiful daughter. That will help you in attaining your objective.”

Question 1.
What did the devs request Kach ?
The devs requested Kach to go to Shukracharya and live with him as his disciple for as long as was necessary to learn the science of ; raising the dead.

Question 2.
What did the devs advise Kach?
The devs advised Kach to serve Shukracharya with all devotion and be friendly with his beautiful daughter Devayani to attain his objective.

(5) Kach promised to do his best to fulfil his mission. He took leave of the devs : and went to Shukracharya’s hermitage. The great sage received him with all ; kindness. “O great teacher,” said Kach, “I am I Kach, the son of Brihaspati. I want to be your student. I am eager to gain knowledge of sanjivani vidya at your feet.” “Are you the son of Brihaspati?” asked Shukracharya. “If so, what can I teach you that your father can’t. Anyway, you have come to me in search of knowledge. I shall be happy to help you in whatever way I can.” “I shall be at your service from now on,” said Kach.

Question 1.
What did Kach promise the devs ?
Kach promised the devs that he would do his best to fulfil his mission.

Question 2.
How did Shukracharya welcome Kach ?
Shukracharya welcomed Kach with all kindness.

Question 3.
What did Kach request Shukracharya ?
Kach requested Shukracharya to accept him as his student and teach him the sanjivani vidya.

Question 4.
What did Shukracharya tell Kach when he came to know that he was Brihaspati’s son ?
When Shukracharya came to know that Kach was Brihaspati’s son, he told him that there was nothing that he could teach him what his father could not.

(6) “You need not do any heavy work here,” said Shukracharya. “You can help me in my prayers by bringing flowers from the jungle. You can also bring firewood for my sacrificial fire and you can look after my cows, take them out for grazing and bring them back when they are fed.” “I shall try to do everything to your satisfaction,” said Kach.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 7 Kach & Devayani

Question 1.
What kind of work did Shukracharya assign to Kach ?
Shukracharya asked Kach to bring flowers for his prayers, collect firewood for his sacrificial fire and look after his cows, take them for grazing and bring them back when they are fed.

Question 2.
What did Kach assure Shukracharya?
Kach assured Shukracharya that he would do everything to his satisfaction.

(7) Thus, Kach began to live with Shukracharya. Because of his keen devotion and good service, he won the favour of Shukracharya. Kach was young, handsome and very intelligent, and no wonder Devayani fell in love with him at first sight.

But Kach was a student and he could not respond to her love. All the same Kach liked her and considered her a friend. He gathered flowers and fruits for her and helped her in her household duties. Sometimes they would wander about the jungles and at times they sang and danced together.

Question 1.
How did Kach win the favour of Shukracharya ?
Kach won the favour of Shukracharya with his keen devotion and good service.

Question 2.
Which qualities of Kach attracted Devayani towards him ?
Kach was young, handsome and intelligent and so Devayani was attracted towards him.

Question 3.
Kach did not respond to Devayani’s love because
Kach did not respond to Devayani’s love because he was a student.

Question 4.
What feelings did Kach have for Devayani ?
Kach liked Devayani and considered her a friend.

Question 5.
How did Kach help Devayani ?
Kach gathered flowers and fruits for Devayani and helped her in her household duties.

Question 6.
What would Kach and Devayani do together ?
Kach and Devayani would wander in the jungles and sing and dance together.

(8) In course of time, the asurs found out why Kach was staying with Shukracharya. They did not want the secret of reviving dead people to be known to the devs and, therefore, they decided to remove Kach from Shukracharya’s hermitage for good. That could only be done by killing him. One day, when Kach was taking his master’s cows to the jungle, the asurs waylaid him and killed him. But they had to do away with his body. They were afraid that Shukracharya might revive Kach. So, they cut his body into pieces and gave the pieces to wolves and jackals.

Question 1.
What did the asurs come to know?
The asurs came to know why Kach was staying with Shukracharya.

Question 2.
Why did the asurs decide to remove Kach from the hermitage ?
The asurs did not want the devs to learn the secret of reviving the dead people and so they decided to remove Kach from the hermitage.

Question 3.
The only way to remove Kach from the hermitage was
The only way to remove Kach from the hermitage was by killing him.

Question 4.
What did the asurs do when Kach was taking the cows to the jungle ?
When Kach was taking the cows to the jungle, the asurs waylaid him and killed him.

Question 5.
What did the asurs do with Kach’s body ?
The asurs cut Kach’s body into pieces and gave the pieces to wolves and jackals.

Question 6.
Why did the asurs cut Kach’s body, into pieces and feed it to the wolves ?
The asurs cut Kach’s body into pieces and fed it to the wolves so that Shukracharya would not be able to bring him back to life.

(9) In the evening, Devayani was waiting for Kach, but the cows returned home without him. Devayani was upset. She went to her father and said, “The sun has set, the cows have returned home, Kach has not come. He is either lost or dead. O father, bring Kach back. I cannot live without him.” Shukracharya considered for a while as to what could have happened to Kach. He felt that Kach was dead and said, “I shall bring him back to life. Wait a little.”

Question 1.
Why was Devayani upset ?
Devayani was upset because the cows returned home in the evening without Kach.

Question 2.
What did Devayani tell her father?
Devayani told her father that Kach was either lost or dead and that he should bring him back because she could not live without him.

Question 3.
What did Shukracharya feel ?
Shukracharya felt that Kach was dead.

Question 4.
What did Shukracharya tell Devayani ?
Shukracharya told Devayani to wait till he brought Kach back to life.

(10) Then he silently said the secret mantra or magic formula. At once Kach appeared before the master. When Devayani asked him why he was late, he said, “The asurs killed me, cut my body into pieces and fed the wolves and jackals with them. When the , great saint, your father, summoned me, ’ I came out of the wolves and jackals,tearing their bodies, and now I stand before you.”

Question 1.
How did Kach appear before Shukracharya ?
Shukracharya silently said the secret mantra and at once Kach appeared before him.

Question 2.
What happened when Shukracharya said the secret mantra ?
When Shukracharya said the secret mantra, Kach tore the bodies of the wolves and jackals and came out and stood before Devayani.

(11) Kach continued to live with Shukracharaya and Devayani. But the asurs did not keep quiet. One day Kach was in the jungle collecting flowers when the asurs caught him. They killed him and grinding his body into a paste, they mixed it with the waters of the ocean.Devayani was again in despair when Kach did not return from the jungle. She told her father that she would not wish to live unless Kach was brought back. Again Shukracharya, with his magic spell, brought Kach back.

Question 1.
What did the asurs do with Kach ?
The asurs killed Kach, ground his body into paste and mixed it with the waters of the ocean.

Question 2.
When Kach did not return, Devayani was in
When Kach did not return, Devayani was in despair.

Question 3.
What did Devayani tell her father ?
Devayani told her father that she would not wish to live unless Kach was brought back.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 7 Kach & Devayani

Question 4.
What did Shukracharya do ?
Shukracharya used his magic spell and brought back Kach.

(12) The asurs were very disappointed at their failures. They thought of a plan to dispose of Kach in such a way that Shukracharya would never be able to bring him back to life. The asurs caught Kach the third time. They killed him and burnt his body. They collected the ashes and mixed the ashes with the divine wine that Shukracharya drank. When Kach was missing again, Devayani said to her father, “Father, Kach went out to gather firewood but he has not come back. Surely he is lost or dead.”

Question 1.
What did the asurs plan ?
The asurs planned to dispose of Kach in such a way that Shukracharya would never be able to bring him back.

Question 2.
The asurs were disappointed
The asurs were disappointed at their failures.

Question 3.
What did the asurs do to Kach the third time ?
The asurs killed Kach, burnt his body and mixed the ashes with the divine wine that Shukracharya drank.

(13) Shukracharya meditated for a while and said, “Yes, Kach is dead and now it is difficult for me to bring him back to life. I am helpless now. Whenever I bring him back to life he is slain again. O Devayani, do not grieve, do not cry. You should not distress yourself for a mortal. Gods are aware of your beauty. Anyone of them may propose to you.”

But Devayani said, “How can I not grieve for the death of one whom I love ? He was handsome. He was great and he was young. No god will be like him. I will starve myself to death and follow him.”

Question 1.
What did Shukracharya advise Devayani not to do ?
Shukracharya advised Devayani not to grieve or cry or distress herself for a mortal like Kach.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 7 Kach & Devayani

Question 2.
Why was Shukracharya helpless?
Shukracharya was helpless because it was difficult for him to bring Kach back to life.

Question 3.
Why did Shukracharya say that any god would propose to Devayani?
Shukracharya said that any god would propose to Devayani because they were aware of her beauty.

Question 4.
Why did Devayani grieve for Kach ?
Devayani grieved for Kach because she loved him.

Question 5.
What did Devayani say about Kach?
Devayani said that Kach was young, handsome and great and no god would be like him.

Question 6.
What did Devayani threaten to do ?
Devayani threatened to starve herself to death and follow Kach.

(14) Shukracharya was sorry for his daughter and angry with the asurs who slew a disciple under his care. At Devayani’s request, he began summoning Kach back from death. Kach answered in a low voice from his stomach. “I am Kach,” he said. “I was killed by the asurs, who burnt my body and mixed the ashes with the divine wine that you have drunk. Be gentle to me, O my master. Consider me as your son as I am now part of you.”

Question 1.
Why was Shukracharya angry with the asurs ?
Shukracharya was angry with the asurs because they had killed a disciple under his care.

Question 2.
At Devayani’s request
At Devayani’s request Shukracharya began summoning Kach back from death.

Question 3.
Where was Kach?
Kach was in Shukracharya’s stomach.

Question 4.
What did Kach request Shukracharya ?
Kach requested Shukracharya to be gentle to him and consider him as his son as he was a part of him.

(15) Then Shukracharya said to Devayani, “What can I do now ? Kach is within me. Either I live or Kach lives. Both of us cannot exist together hereafter.” “If Kach dies,” said Devayani, “I will not live, and if you die I also die.” Shukracharya was in a fix. He said to Kach, “Victory is yours. Since Devayani looks on you with such kindness, receive from me the magic mantra, or the secret of bringing back the dead to life. When you come out of me, try the mantra on my body.”

Question 1.
Why was Shukracharya not able to take a decision ?
Shukracharya was not able to take a decision because Kach was within him and so both of them could not exist together.

Question 2.
What did Devayani tell her father?
Devayani told her father that if Kach ? died, she would not live and if he (Shukracharya) died, she would also die.

Question 3.
What did Shukracharya tell Kach ?
Shukracharya told Kach to receive the magic mantra and when he came out of him (Shukracharya), he should try the mantra on his (Shukracharya’s) body.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 7 Kach & Devayani

(16) Then Shukracharya taught Kach the secret mantra and asked him to come out of his stomach. Kach appeared in all his ; brilliance, and saw his teacher lying dead. He immediately revived him with his newly learnt mantra.Kach then paid homage to him, calling him father, as he was newborn out of him.

Question 1.
What did Shukracharya do ?
Shukracharya taught Kach the secret mantra and asked him to come out I of his stomach.

Question 2.
What did Kach do?
Kach came out of Shukracharya’s stomach and immediately revived him with his newly learnt mantra.

Question 3.
What did Kach do after reviving Shukracharya ?
After reviving Shukracharya, Kach paid homage to him, calling him father as he was newborn out of him.

(17) Kach stayed for some more time and then sought the blessings of his master to return home. Shukracharya gave Kach permission to leave, but Devayani, seeing him about : to depart, said to him, “Don’t go away. You know how I have loved you from : the time you were a student.

Now that you have completed your studies it is I time you should return my love and marry me.” Kach said, “I respect you very much. You are dearer than life to me. But you are my sister. Both of us came out of your father. All my love for you is a brother’s love for a sister.”

Question 1.
Kach sought Shukracharya’s blessings
Kach sought Shukracharya’s blessings to return home.

Question 2.
What did Devayani tell Kach?
Devayani told Kach not to go because she loved him and since he had completed his studies, he should return her love and marry her.

Question 3.
What did Kach tell Devayani?
Kach told Devayani that his love for her was a brother’s love for a sister because both of them came out of her father, Shukracharya.

(18) Kach said, “I respect you very much. You are dearer than life to me. But you are my sister. Both of us came out of your father. All my love for you is a brother’s love for a sister.” “You are great and I love you,” said Devayani. “Remember, my love for you saved you from death three times. Why did I do that if not for love ? Don’t discard me. Accept me as your wife.” “It is a sin if I agree to do what you say,” said Kach. “We have spent happy days together as sister and brother. Let us continue that relationship. I can assure you that I cannot be tempted into sinning.”

Question 1.
Kach’s love for Devayani was a brother’s love for a sister because
Kach’s love for Devayani was a brother’s love for a sister because both of them came out of her father, Shukracharya.

Question 2.
What did Devayani tell Kach about her love for him ?
Devayani told Kach that it was her love for him that had saved him from death three times.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 7 Kach & Devayani

Question 3.
Devayani told Kach not to
Devayani told Kach not to discard her and accept her as his wife.

Question 4.
Why did Kach say that it was a sin to marry Devayani ?
Kach said that it was a sin to marry Devayani because she was his sister as both of them had come out of her father.

Question 5.
Kach was sure that
Kach was sure that he could not be tempted into sinning.

Question 6.
Kach requested Devayani to continue their relationship
Kach requested Devayani to continue their relationship as a sister and brother.

(19) “It is a sin if I agree to do what you say,” said Kach. “We have spent happy days together as sister and brother. Let us continue that relationship. I can assure you that I cannot be tempted into sinning.” Devayani was so disappointed that she was angry and cursed him. “Since you have betrayed my trust, what you have learnt, you will not be able to practise.”

Kach said, “I refused you only because you are my sister. I don’t deserve your curse. You have done that because of your passion. You said that what I have learnt shall be useless, but I shall impart it to someone else and make it useful.”

Question 1.
Why did Devayani curse Kach ?
Devayani cursed Kach because he refused to marry her and she; thought that he had betrayed her trust.

Question 2.
Why was Devayani disappointed?
Devayani was disappointed because Kach only loved her as a sister and ; he assured her that he would not commit a sin by marrying her.

Question 3.
What did Devayani curse Kach ?
Devayani cursed Kach that he would; not be able to practise what he had learnt.

Question 4.
Kach thought that Devayani cursed him because of
Kach thought that Devayani cursed him because of her passion.

Question 5.
How would Kach make his knowledge useful?
Kach would make his knowledge useful by imparting it to someone else.

2. Frame sentences using the given set of words. You may change the forms of the words.

(1) capable of – mighty
Our wrestlers are capable of defeating the mightiest wrestlers of the world.

(2) as long as – serve
Ramu has promised to serve his old master as long as he lives.

(3) in search of – take leave of
Lakshman took leave of King Dashrath to go in search of Rama and Sita.

(4) passion – attain – objective
The youth must have the passion to attain their objective in life.

(5) undertake – mission
The army has undertaken a very risky mission to catch the terrorists.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 7 Kach & Devayani

(6) win the favour – satisfaction
I assure you that I will work to your satisfaction and soon win your favour.

(7) respond – in despair
When Mr Verma’s son did not respond – to his phone calls, he was in despair.

(8) disappoint – refuse
Jatin was very disappointed when his friend refused to help him.

(9) helpless – permission
Mohini felt very helpless when she could not get the permission to meet her brother.

(10) pay homage – passion
We must pay homage to all those who fought passionately to free India from the British rule.

3. Fill in the blanks selecting the correct words from the brackets.

(1) (service, permission, respect, honour)
Jay went to the principal to take his permission to hold a function to honour the brave soldiers of the village. It was to show the soldiers how much the people respect them and appreciate their great service to the nation.

(2) (knowledge, accept, eager, refused)
Eklavya was eager to gain the knowledge of archery from Dronacharya. But Dronacharya refused to accept him as his disciple.

(3) (mighty, disappointed, wickedness, trust)
The mighty king was known for his wickedness. Even his own brother did not trust him. He was disappointed with the king.

(4) (objective, devote, gain, attain)
You cannot gain anything without hard work. You have to devote a lot of time and effort to attain your objective in life.

(5) (revive, distress, requested, grieve)
When Devayani requested Shukracharya to revive Kach, Shukracharya told her not to grieve for Kach. “Do not distress yourself for a mortal,” he said.

(6) (fufill, upset, failures, plan)
You should not be afraid of failures. Do not be upset if you cannot fulfill your dreams. Think about your mistakes and ” plan again.

(7) (assured, summoned, helpless, silently)
The principal summoned the boys and asked them who had played mischief. The boys stood silently. The principal assured them that he would not punish anyone. But the boys stood there as if they were helpless.

(8) (pleading, despair, cursed, deserve)
The sage was so angry with the king that he cursed him. The king was in despair. He did not deserve this. But his pleading had no effect on the sage.

(9) (promised, respond, duty, necessary)
The secretary thought that it was necessary to respond to the queries of the parents. It was the duty of the school administration to help them. He promised to solve all their problems.

(10) (serve, undertook, task, purpose)
Sardar’s only purpose in life was to serve his country. He undertook the most difficult task of keeping India united.

(11) (blessings, capable of, sought, victory)
Bina sought the blessings of her parents. She was sure of her victory. She knew she was capable of defeating her opponent.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 7 Kach & Devayani

4. Write short notes using the given questions points.

(1) Kach
(Who was Kach ?-Why did the devs send him to Shukracharya ?-How did he win Shukracharya’s favour?-How many times was he killed ?-What happened when he was killed the third time ? – How did he save Shukracharya’s life?-Why did he refuse to marry Devayani ?)
Kach was Brihaspati’s son. The devs sent him to Shukracharya to learn the sanjivani vidya. He lived in Shukracharya’s ashram and served him with devotion. He won Shukracharya’s favour. When the asurs came to know why Kach was living with Shukracharya, they decided to kill him. Every time they killed him, he was brought back to life by Shukracharya.

When he was brought back to life for the third time, he came out of Shukracharya’s stomach. And then he used the magic mantra to bring revive Shukracharya. When he wanted to return home, Devayani told him to marry her. But Kach refused saying that he loved her as a sister because both of them had come out from the same father. He did not want to commit a sin by marrying her.

(2) Devayani
(fell in love with Kach – deep love -requested her father to bring him back ) to life whenever he was killed – proposed him to marry her-did all that because of her love for him – Kach refused – got [ angry-cursed him)
Devayani was Shukracharya’s daughter. She fell in love with the young, handsome and intelligent Kach. She was deeply in love with him. So whenever the asurs killed Kach, Devayani would request her father Shukracharya to bring him backs to life. When Kach wanted to return home, Devayani asked him to marry her and return her love.

But Kach told her that he loved her as a sister. Devayani reminded him that it was her deep love that had saved him three times. But Kach said that he would not commit a sin by marrying his sister. Devayani was furious. She cursed him saying that he would not be able to practise what he had learnt.

(3) The asurs’ attempts to kill Kach
(knew the reason – first attempt – cut his body into pieces – fed the wolves and jackals – second time – ground his body-threw into the ocean – third attempt – burnt his dead body-mixed the ashes ; with wine)
When the asurs found out why Kach was staying with Shukracharya, they decided to kill him. One day, when Kach was grazing the cows in the jungle, the asurs killed him. They cut his body into pieces and fed them to the wolves and jackals. But Shukracharya brought Kach back to life with his magic mantra.

One day, when Kach was collecting flowers, the asurs again killed him. They ground his body into a paste and mixed it with the waters of the ocean. But again Shukracharya brought Kach back to life. When the asurs killed Kach for the third time, they burnt his body and mixed the ashes with the divine wine that Shukracharya drank.

(4) Kach’s Life in the Hermitage
(How did he serve Shukracharya -What work did Shukracharya assign to him – Why did Devayani fall in love with him – Why could he not respond to her love – How did he help Devayani – What did they do together ?)
Kach served Shukracharya with keen devotion and won his favour. He helped Shukracharya in his prayers by bringing flowers from the jungle. He would also bring firewood for the sacrificial fire. Kach looked after the cows, took them out for grazing and brought them back when they were fed.

Kach was young, handsome and very intelligent and Devayani fell in love with him at first sight. But Kach was a student, so he could not respond to her love. He liked her and considered her a friend. He gathered flowers and fruits for her and 1 also helped her in her household duties. Sometimes they would wander about the jungles and sang and danced together.

5. Select the title of the Read related with each sentence. :

(Note : Important sentences of this Read are given here.)
(1) The devs and asurs were always fighting each other.
(2) The asurs were powerful, capable of all kinds of wickedness.
(3) They had on their side a great saint and teacher, Shukracharya, who knew the mantra or magic formula for bringing dead people back to life.
(4) He restored to life many asurs who were killed in the battles against the devs.
(5) The devs did not have anybody who knew that mantra.
(6) I do not know the science of giving life to the dead.
(7) Somebody from your side should go to him and stay with him as his student and learn the secret.
(8) Go to Shukracharya and be with him as his disciple for as long as is necessary to learn the science of raising the dead.
(9) I am eager to gain knowledge of sanjivani vidya at your feet.
(10) What can I teach you that your father can’t.
(11) You can help me in my prayers by bringing flowers from the jungle.
(12) You can also bring firewood for my sacrificial fire and you can look after my cows.
(13) He gathered flowers and fruits for her and helped her in her household duties.
(14) They did not want the secret of reviving dead people to be known to the devs.
(15) They cut his body into pieces and gave the pieces to wolves and jackals.
(16) I shall bring him back to life.
(17) The asurs killed me, cut my body into pieces and fed the wolves and jackals with them.
(18) When the great saint, your father, summoned me, I came out of the wolves and jackals, tearing their bodies.
(19) They killed him and grinding his body into a paste, they mixed it with the waters of the ocean.
(20) The asurs were very disappointed at their failures.
(21) They collected the ashes and mixed the ashes with the divine wine that Shukracharya drank.
(22) Whenever I bring him back to life he is slain again.
(23) Gods are aware of your beauty. Anyone of them may propose to you.
(24) How can I not grieve for the death of one whom I love ?
(25) I will starve myself to death and follow him.
(26) Shukracharya was sorry for his daughter and angry with the asurs who slew a disciple under his care.
(27) Consider me as your son as I am now part of you.
(28) When you come out of me, try the mantra on my body.
(29) You know how I have loved you from the time you were a student.
(30) Now that you have completed your studies it is time you should return my love and marry me.
(31) Both of us came out of your father.
(32) All my love for you is a brother’s love for a sister.
(33) Remember, my love for you saved you from death three times.
(34) We have spent happy days together as sister and brother.
(35) Since you have betrayed my trust, what you have learnt, you will not be able to practise.
(36) I don’t deserve your curse.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 7 Kach & Devayani

6. Fill in the blanks selecting the correct words from the brackets.

(miserable, young, brave, greatest, give up)
At Siddhartha’s birth it was foretold that when the young prince would grow up, he would give up his wealth, his family and his kingdom to become one of the greatest religious leaders. When Siddhartha left his kingdom, his wife was miserable. But she was also brave enough to live without him.

7. Change into the Reported Speech.

(1) Mihir: Can I speak to Vinay ?
Jay: Vinay is not at home. May I know who is speaking ?
Mihir: I am his classmate. My name is Mihir. Please ask Vinay to call me. Jay: I will.
Mihir asked if he could speak to Vinay. Jay told him that Vinay was not at home and wanted to know who was speaking. Mihir introduced himself and said that he was his classmate. He requested Jay to ask Vinay to call him. Jay said that he would.

(2) Raghav : Mary, please type this letter.
Mary : Is it urgent ?
Raghav :Yes, it was. It has to be mailed in one hour.
Mary: Do not worry. I will type it in a few minutes.
Raghav asked Mary to type that letter. Mary asked Raghav if it was urgent. Raghav replied that it was and added that it had to be mailed in one hour. Mary asked Raghav not to worry and said that she would type it in a few minutes.

(3) Father : If you don’t take your medicines properly, you will not get well.
Manan: Let’s talk about something else.
Father (angrily): Stop behaving like a child.
Manan : I hate medicines. Please stop this topic.
Father warned Manan that if he didn’t take his medicines properly, he would not get well. Manan suggested that they should talk about something else. Father angrily asked him to stop behaving like a child. Manan said that he hated medicines and requested his father to stop that topic.

Kach & Devayani Summary in Gujarati

દેવો અને અસુરો એકબીજા સાથે હંમેશાં લડતા રહેતા. દેવો ઈશ્વરોમાંના હતા. (અને) અસુરો રાક્ષસો હતા. અસુરો શક્તિશાળી હતા અને દરેક પ્રકારની દુષ્ટતા આચરવા સમર્થ હતા. તેમાંના કેટલાક મહાન શાસક અને શક્તિશાળી રાજાઓ હતા. દેવો સાથેના યુદ્ધમાં અસુરોને એક લાભ હતો. તેમના પક્ષે શુક્રાચાર્ય જેવા એક મહાન સંત અને ગુરુ હતા, જેઓ મૃત વ્યક્તિઓને પુનર્જીવિત કરવાનો મંત્ર અથવા જાદુઈ પ્રયોગ જાણતા હતા. દેવો સાથેના યુદ્ધમાં માર્યા ગયેલા કેટલાય અસુરોને તેમણે પુનર્જીવિત કર્યા હતા.

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 7 Kach & Devayani

દેવો પાસે આ મંત્ર જાણતું હોય તેવું કોઈ હતું નહીં. તેઓ તેમના મુખ્ય સલાહકાર બૃહસ્પતિ પાસે ગયા અને તેમની મદદ માગી, પણ બૃહસ્પતિએ કહ્યું, “મૃત પામેલાને પુનર્જીવિત કરવાની વિદ્યા હું જાણતો નથી. માત્ર શુક્રાચાર્ય તે જાણે છે. તમારામાંથી કોઈ તેમની પાસે જઈ, તેમના વિદ્યાર્થી તરીકે રહીને આ રહસ્ય – જાણી લેવું જોઈએ.”
“આવું અઘરું કાર્ય પાર પાડવા માટે અમારી પાસે કોઈ નથી. પણ અમને લાગે છે કે તમારો પુત્ર કચ આ કામ માટે શ્રેષ્ઠ પસંદગી છે.”

થોડી વાર વિચાર કરીને બૃહસ્પતિએ કહ્યું, “હા, કચને જવા દો.” દેવોએ કચને બોલાવીને પૂછ્યું કે તે આ કામ માટે તેની સેવા આપી શકશે કે નહીં. તેઓએ કહ્યું, “શુક્રાચાર્ય પાસે જા. અને જરૂર હોય ત્યાં સુધી તેમના શિષ્ય તરીકે રહીને મૃતકોને પુનર્જીવિત કરવાની વિદ્યા શીખી આવ. પૂરા ભક્તિભાવથી તેમની સેવા કરજે. તેમની સુંદર પુત્રી દેવયાની સાથે પણ મૈત્રી કરજે. તારો હેતુ સિદ્ધ કરવામાં તે મદદરૂપ થશે.”

{ તેનું આ કાર્ય સિદ્ધ કરવા માટે તે બનતું બધું જ કરી છૂટશે { તેવું વચન કચે આપ્યું. તેણે દેવોની રજા લીધી અને શુક્રાચાર્યના આશ્રમમાં પહોંચી ગયો. તે મહાન સંતે તેનું ભાવપૂર્વક સ્વાગત કર્યું. “હે મહાન ગુરુ,” કચે કહ્યું, “હું બૃહસ્પતિનો પુત્ર કચ હું છું. હું તમારો શિષ્ય થવા માગું છું. તમારા ચરણોમાં બેસીને હું સંજીવની વિદ્યા પ્રાપ્ત કરવા આતુર છું.’

“શું તું બૃહસ્પતિનો પુત્ર છે?” શુક્રાચાર્યે પૂછ્યું. “જો એમ જ હોય, તો તારા પિતા તને ન શીખવી શકે એવું હું તને શું ? શીખવી શકે? જે હોય તે, પણ તું મારી પાસે વિદ્યાની શોધમાં આવ્યો છે. મારાથી બની શકે તે રીતે તેને મદદ કરવામાં મને આનંદ થશે.” “અત્યારથી જ હું આપની સેવામાં હાજર છું,” કચે કહ્યું. તારે અહીં કોઈ શ્રમ કરવાની જરૂર નથી,” શુક્રચાર્યે કહ્યું. “વનમાંથી પુષ્પો લાવીને તું મને મારી પ્રાર્થનામાં મદદ કરી શકે છે. યજ્ઞ માટે તું લાકડાં પણ લાવી શકે છે અને તું મારી ગાયોની સંભાળ પણ રાખી શકે છે, તેમને બહાર ચરવા લઈ જઈ, તેઓ ધરાઈ જાય ત્યારે પાછી લાવવી.” તમને સંતોષ થાય તે રીતે બધું જ કરવાનો હું પ્રયત્ન કરીશ,” કચે કહ્યું.

આમ, કચે શુક્રાચાર્ય સાથે રહેવાનું શરૂ કર્યું. તેની ઉગ્ર ભક્તિ અને સારી સેવાને કારણે તેણે શુક્રાચાર્યનું મન જીતી લીધું. કચ યુવાન, દેખાવડો અને ખૂબ જ બુદ્ધિશાળી હતો અને તેથી દેવયાની પ્રથમ નજરે જ તેના પ્રેમમાં પડી. પણ કરો તો એક વિદ્યાર્થી હતો અને (તેથી) તે તેના પ્રેમનો પ્રતિસાદ આપી ન શક્યો. તેમ છતાં કચને તે પસંદ હતી અને તે તેને સખી

માનતો હતો. તે તેને માટે ફૂલો અને ફળો એકઠો કરતો અને તેને ઘરકામમાં મદદ કરતો. કેટલીક વાર તેઓ વનમાં ફરતા અને કોઈક વાર તેઓ સાથે ગીતો ગાતા અને નૃત્ય કરતા. સમય જતાં કચ શા માટે શુક્રાચાર્ય સાથે રહે છે, તે અસુરોને ખબર પડી, મૃત વ્યક્તિઓને પુનઃજીવિત કરવાનું રહસ્ય દેવો જાણી જાય તેવું અસુરો ઇચ્છતા ન હતા, અને તેથી તેમણે કચને હંમેશને માટે શુક્રાચાર્યના આશ્રમમાંથી દૂર કરવાનો નિર્ણય કર્યો. અને તે માત્ર તેની હત્યા કરવાથી જ થઈ શકે તેમ હતું.

એક દિવસ કચ જ્યારે તેના ગુરુની ગાયો વનમાં લઈ જતો હતો, ત્યારે અસુરોએ તેના પર હુમલો કરી, તેને મારી નાખ્યો. (પણ) તેમને ડર હતો કે કદાચ શુક્રાચાર્ય કચને પુનર્જીવિત કરે. તેથી તેમણે તેના શરીરના ટુકડા કરી શિયાળો અને વરુઓને ખવરાવી દીધા.

સાંજે, દેવયાની કચની રાહ જોતી હતી, પણ ગાયો તો તેના (ચ) વગર ઘરે પાછી ફરી. દેવયાની ચિંતામાં પડી. તે તેના પિતા પાસે ગઈ અને કહ્યું, “સૂર્યાસ્ત થઈ ગયો છે. ગાયો આશ્રમમાં પાછી ફરી ગઈ છે. (પણ) કચ નથી આવ્યો. તે માર્ગ ભૂલ્યો છે અથવા તો મૃત્યુ પામ્યો છે. પિતાજી, કચને પાછો લાવો. હું તેના વિના રહી શકીશ નહીં.”
કચને શું થયું હોઈ શકે, તે વિશે શુક્રાચાર્યે થોડી વાર વિચાર કર્યો.

તેમને લાગ્યું કે કચ મૃત્યુ પામ્યો હશે અને કહ્યું, “હું તેને પુનર્જીવિત કરીશ. થોડી વાર રાહ જો.” પછી તેમણે મનોમન ગુપ્ત મંત્રનો અથવા જાદુઈ નુસખાનો જાપ કર્યો. તરત જ કચ તેના ગુરુ સમક્ષ હાજર થયો. જ્યારે દેવયાનીએ તેને મોડા આવવાનું કારણ પૂછવું, તેણે કહ્યું, “અસુરોએ મને મારી નાખ્યો, મારા શરીરના ટુકડા કર્યા અને શિયાળો અને વરુઓને ખવરાવી દીધા. જ્યારે મહાન સંત, તારા પિતાએ, મને બોલાવ્યો, હું શિયાળો અને વરુઓનાં શરીર ચીરીને બહાર આવ્યો, અને હવે હું તારી સામે ઊભો છું.”

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 7 Kach & Devayani

કચ શુક્રાચાર્ય અને દેવયાની સાથે રહેવાનું ચાલુ રાખ્યું. પણ અસુરો શાંત રહ્યા નઈં. એક દિવસ કચ વનમાંથી પુષ્પો એકઠાં કરી રહ્યો હતો, ત્યારે અસુરોએ તેને પકડ્યો. તેમણે તેને મારી નાખ્યો અને તેના શરીરને પીસીને છુંદી નાખી, તેને સમુદ્રના પાણીમાં ભેળવી દીધો.

કચ વનમાંથી પાછો ફર્યો નહીં, ત્યારે દેવયાની ફરીથી નિરાશ થઈ ગઈ, તેણે તેના પિતાને કહ્યું કે કચને પાછો લાવવામાં ન આવે, તો તેને (પણ) જીવવાની ઇચ્છા ન હતી. ફરી એક વાર શુક્રાચાર્યે તેમના જાદુઈ મંત્રથી કચને પુનર્જીવિત કર્યો. અસુરો તેમની નિષ્ફળતાથી ખૂબ નિરાશ થયા. તેમણે કચનો નિકાલ કરવાની એક એવી યોજના ઘડી કે શુક્રાચાર્ય તેને કદી પણ પુનઃજીવિત ન કરી શકે.

ત્રીજી વાર અસુરોએ કચને પકડ્યો. તેમણે તેને મારી નાખ્યો અને તેનું શરીર બાળી નાખ્યું. તેમણે (તેની) રાખ એકઠી કરી શુક્રાચાર્ય પીતા તે સોમરસમાં ભેળવી દીધી. ફરી વાર કચ પાછો ફર્યો નહીં ત્યારે દેવયાનીએ તેના પિતાને કહ્યું, “પિતાજી, કચ લાકડા લેવા ગયો હતો, પણ હજી પાછો આવ્યો નથી. નક્કી એ માર્ગ ભૂલ્યો છે અથવા મૃત્યુ પામ્યો છે.”

શુક્રાચાર્યે થોડી વાર ધ્યાન ધર્યું અને કહ્યું, “હા, કચ મૃત્યુ : પામ્યો છે અને હવે તેને પુનર્જીવિત કરવા મારા માટે કઠિન છે, : હું લાચાર છું. જ્યારે જ્યારે હું તેને પુનર્જીવિત કરું છું, ત્યારે તેને ફરીથી – મારી નાખવામાં આવે છે. હે દેવયાની, દુ:ખી ન થા, ૨૭ નહીં. એક માણસ માટે તારે આટલા બધા દુઃખી થવું ન જોઈએ, દેવો તારા સૌંદર્યથી પરિચિત છે. તેમનામાંથી કોઈ પણ તારો હાથ માગશે.

પણ દેવયાનીએ કહ્યું, “જેને હું પ્રેમ કરું છું, તેના મૃત્યુ પર હું દુ:ખી કેમ ન થાઉં? તે દેખાવડો હતો, તે મહાન હતો અને યુવાન હતો, કોઈ પણ દેવ તેના જેવો ન હોઈ શકે. હું આમરણાંત ઉપવાસ કરી તેની પાછળ જઈશ.’ – શુક્રાચાર્યને પોતાની પુત્રી માટે દુઃખ થયું અને પોતાના આશ્રિત શિષ્યને મારનાર અસુરો પર ક્રોધ થયો. દેવયાનીની વિનંતીથી, તેમણે કચને મૃત્યુમાંથી પાછો બોલાવવાનું શરૂ કર્યું.

શુક્રાચાર્યના પેટમાંથી કચે ધીમા અવાજે ઉત્તર આપ્યો, “હું કચ છું,” તેણે કહ્યું. “અસુરોએ મને મારી નાખી, મારું શરીર બાળી નાખ્યું અને તેની) રાખ તમે પીધેલા સોમરસમાં ભેળવી દીધી. હે ગુરુ! મારા પર કૃપા કરો. હવે હું તમારો અંશ બની ગયો હોવાથી મને તમારો પુત્ર માનો.”

પછી શુક્રાચાર્યે દેવયાનીને કહ્યું, “હવે હું શું કરી શકું? કરો – મારી અંદર છે. હું જીવું અથવા તો કચ જીવે. હવે પછી અમે . બંને સાથે જીવી શકીએ નહીં.” – દેવયાનીએ કહ્યું, ”જો કચ મૃત્યુ પામે, તો હું જીવીશ નહીં, અને જો તમે મૃત્યુ પામો, તો હું પડ્યું મૃત્યુ પામીશ.” – શુક્રાચાર્ય ધર્મસંકટમાં ફસાયા. તેમણે કચને કહ્યું, “તારો વિજય થયો, દેવયાની તારી પ્રત્યે આટલી સમતા રાખે છે, તો તું મારી પાસેથી તે જાદુઈ મંત્ર અથવા મૃતકોને પુનર્જીવિત કરવાનું રહસ્ય જાણી લે. જ્યારે તું મારામાંથી બહાર આવે, ત્યારે તે મંત્રનો મારા શરીર પર પ્રયોગ કરજે.”

પછી શુક્રાચાર્યે કચને તે ગુપ્ત મંત્ર શીખવાડ્યો અને પોતાના પેટમાંથી બહાર આવવાનું કહ્યું. કચ તેના સંપૂર્ણ તેજ સાથે બહાર આવ્યો અને પોતાના ગુરુને મૃત અવસ્થામાં જોયા. તેણે તરત જ નવા શીખેલા મંત્રથી તેમને પુનઃજીવિત કર્યા. કચને શુક્રાચાર્યમાંથી નવો જન્મ મળ્યો હોવાથી, તેણે તેમને પિતા તરીકે સંબોધન કરી, તેમને અંજલિ આપી.

* કચ થોડો વધારે સમય ત્યાં રોકાયો અને પછી ઘરે જવા માટે તેના ગુરુના આશીર્વાદ માગ્યા.
શુક્રાચાર્યે કચને જવાની રજા આપી, પણ તેને જતા જોઈને દેવયાનીએ કહ્યું, “તમે જશો નહીં. તમે જાણો છો કે તમે શિષ્ય હતા ત્યારથી મેં તમને કેટલો પ્રેમ કર્યો છે. હવે જ્યારે તમે તમારો અભ્યાસ પૂર્ણ કર્યો છે, તો મારા પ્રેમના બદલામાં મારી સાથે લગ્ન કરવાનો સમય આવી ગયો છે.”

કચે કહ્યું, “હું તમારું ખૂબ સન્માન કરું છું. તમે મારા માટે પ્રાણથી પણ પ્રિય છો. પણ તમે મારી બહેન છો. આપણે બંને તમારા પિતાનો અંશ છીએ. તમારા માટેનો મારો પ્રેમ એ એક બહેન માટેનો ભાઈનો પ્રેમ છે.”
તમે મહાન છો અને હું તમને પ્રેમ કરું છું,” દેવયાનીએ કહ્યું. “યાદ કરો, તમારા માટેના મારા પ્રેમે તમને ત્રણ વાર

મૃત્યુમાંથી બચાવ્યા છે. પ્રેમ માટે નહીં તો મેં એ શા માટે કર્યું? મારો ત્યાગ ન કરો. મને તમારી પત્ની તરીકે સ્વીકારો.” “તમે જે કહો છો તે પ્રમાણે કરવા હું સંમત થાઉં તો એ પાપ છે,” કચે કહ્યું. “આપણે ભાઈ અને બહેન તરીકે સુખદ સમય સાથે વીતાવ્યો છે. આપણે એ સંબંધ ચાલુ રાખીએ. હું તમને ખાતરી આપું છું કે પાપમાં પડવાનું પ્રલોભન હું ન કરી શકું.”

દેવયાની એટલી બધી નિરાશ થઈ ગઈ કે તેણે ક્રોધિત થઈને તેને શાપ આપ્યો. “તમે મારો વિશ્વાસઘાત કર્યો હોવાથી, તમે જે શીખ્યા છો તેનો તમે ઉપયોગ નહીં કરી શકો.” કચે કહ્યું, “મેં તમને નકાર આપ્યો કારણ કે તમે મારાં બહેન છો. હું તમારા શાપને પાત્ર નથી. તમે તમારા ઉત્કટ પ્રેમને કારણે આવું કર્યું છે. તમે કહ્યું કે હું જે શીખ્યો છું તે નિરુપયોગી થશે, પણ હું તે અન્ય કોઈને શીખવાડીને તેને ઉપયોગી બનાવીશ.”

દેવયાનીની આજીજી છતાં, કચને જવાનું જ હતું. દેવોએ ખૂબ માનપૂર્વક કચને આવકાર્યો અને સ્વયં ઇન્દ્રદેવે તેનું અભિવાદન કર્યું. (આદિપર્વ – મહાભારત)

Word Meanings

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GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 7 Kach & Devayani

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GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 7 Kach & Devayani 6

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 7 Kach & Devayani

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 7 Kach & Devayani 7

Idioms And Phrases

(1) capable of
Mohan is not capable of passing the test.

(2) to bring back to life
In the olden days, saints could bring the dead people back to life.

(3) as long as
“You can play as long as you like,” said mother to us.

(4) be friendly with
Disha is friendly with everyone in my family.

(5) to take leave of
Harsh took leave of his grandparents and went home.

(6) in search of
The police are moving around the city in search of the thieves.

(7) to one’s satisfaction
“Is this report to your satisfaction?” the secretary asked his boss.

(8) to win the favour of
Isha has won the favour of all the teachers by her good behaviour.

(9) no wonder
Aditya is so cute. No wonder everyone likes to play with him.

(10) at first sight
Romeo and Juliet fell in love at first sight.

(11) at times
Priya is always on time. But at times, she gets late because of traffic.

(12) for good
Mr Shah has left Ahmadabad for good.

(13) to do away with
The robbers did not know how to do away with the stolen jewellery.

(14) at once
The bell rang and at once, the children I ran out of the classroom.

(15) to dispose off
It is very difficult to dispose off the garbage in cities.

(16) aware of
Are you aware of the new medicine for fever

GSEB Solutions Class 10 English Chapter 7 Kach & Devayani

(17) in a fix
Rahul is in a fix. Should he study,learn the guitar or play football

I feel… (Classroom / Individual Activity)
(1) Underline the words / phrases in the Read that touched you most.
(2) If you were Kach, what work would you have liked to do ?
(3) Make a list of sentences that disturbed you while reading this story.
(4) How did you feel when you read about the cruel behaviour of the asurs with Kach ?
(5) Would you give life to Kach if you were Shukracharya ? Why ?

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