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GSEB Class 12 Organization of Commerce and Management Important Questions Chapter 5 Staffing

Gujarat Board GSEB Class 12 Organization of Commerce and Management Important Questions Chapter 5 Staffing Important Questions and Answers.

GSEB Class 12 Organization of Commerce and Management Important Questions Chapter 5 Staffing

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
When did Indian industries start large-scale production?
After industrial revolution

Question 2.
What does staffing include?
Staffing includes recruitment, selection, training,, promotion, transfer and post retirement activities.

GSEB Class 12 Organization of Commerce and Management Important Questions Chapter 5 Staffing

Question 3.
List down any four characteristics of staffing.

  1. Important function of management,
  2. Perennial process,
  3. Concerned with human relations,
  4. Related with other managerial functions.

Question 4.
What is the main objective of staffing?
To acquire the right employees and make the best use of them.

Question 5.
Which is the only living factor of production in an industry?

Question 6.
Why we cannot consider the personnel of an organization as a physical resource?
Because they have feelings, self-respect, intelligence, understanding, and different skills.

Question 7.
State any two importance of staffing.
Driving force and Importance for other functions of management.

Question 8.
Which part of the human body is staffing compared to? Why?
Staffing is compared to limbs of the business enterprise because without them activities cannot be done in an organization.

Question 9.
In modern days, who does the task of staffing in organizations?
In modern days, the staffing department is known as the Human Resource Department (HRD).

Question 10.
What is human resource management?
Human resource management is a process of planning for recruiting necessary staff and developing it for the achievement of enterprise objectives.

Question 11.
State the parts of human resource management.

  1. Concerned with manpower planning and
  2. Concerned with compensation and development of staff.

Question 12.
List down objectives of man power planning.

  1. To plan for required staff in the organization and increase the staff through new appointments,
  2. According to the time and situation necessary and selective reduction in staff,
  3. Appropriate placement of staff and
  4. To keep’the staff constantly active and enhance their knowledge.

Question 13.
State two points that are included in compensation and development of staff.

  1. To provide work related training to the staff whenever necessary and
  2. To give proper compensation and benefits to staff.

Question 14.
Define labour turnover.
The number of workers who left the job during , a period relative to the average labour force during the period is called ……

Question 15.
What is the base of recruitment?
Recruitment of staff is done on the basis of suitable qualifications, skills, knowledge and sincerity.

Question 16.
Define recruitment.
The process of acquiring at the right time, in the right number, in the right place, persons with the right qualifications is called recruitment.

Question 17.
List down internal sources of recruitment.

  1. Promotion,
  2. Transfer,
  3. Friends and relatives of employees,
  4. Recalling retrenched employees,
  5. Promotion with transfer, and
  6. Waiting list

Question 18.
List down external sources of recruitment

  1. Through advertisement,
  2. Through employment exchange,
  3. Through educational institutes,
  4. Through trade unions,
  5. Through contractors and jobbers,
  6. Recruitment at the gate, and
  7. Modern methods.

Question 19.
When does a person get promotion in a job?
Promotion is given to a person in an organization whenever any post is vacant or any new position is created based on his work, ability, honesty, skill, loyalty and qualifications.

Question 20.
What is retrenchment?
Retrenchment of employees is the process of removing them from the organization in case if they are surplus or to cut down organizational costs.

Question 21.
Give two examples of industries where recruitment is done through trade unions?
Textile industries and mining industries.

Question 22.
What is waiting list?
Waiting list is the list of candidates who had applied in the past but were not appointed in the organization. Such a list is useful for future recruitment.

Question 23.
What are campus interviews?
In modern times many enterprises visit colleges and universities and ask them to arrange a program for placement of students in their organizations. This is called campus interview. Campus interviews are held by colleges and universities themselves too wherein they invite various organizations.

Question 24.
What is a trade union?
A union formed within the organization for the welfare of workers and solving their problems is called trade union. It is mainly meant for lower level workers in industries such as construction, mining, textile, etc.

GSEB Class 12 Organization of Commerce and Management Important Questions Chapter 5 Staffing

Question 25.
State the role of contractors in recruitment.
There are certain employment contractors who mainly supply unskilled labourers to the organizations. The business enterprise makes a contract with such contractors where in the contractor takes the responsibility to supply the workers to the enterprise.

Question 26.
What do you mean by ‘recruitment at the gate’?
Recruitment at the gate means workers are recruited by business enterprises by placing a notice at the factory gate. This is mostly done for daily wage workers.

Question 27.
What is modern method of recruitment mainly suitable for?
It is mainly suitable and meant for skilled employees.

Question 28.
What do you mean by ‘selection’ as a part of staffing?
Selection is a part of recruitment process which means to select the proper candidates from the application received.

Question 29.
What is the main objective of ‘welcoming and primary meeting’step for selection?
The main objective of this step of selection process is to prevent the improper/ unsuitable candidate from applying in the initial stage.

Question 30.
What is the candidate asked to do /after primary meeting if found to be reliable person?
The candidate is asked to fill in the application form after primary meeting if found to be reliable person.

Question 31.
What does IQ test assess?
IQ test assess the common sense, memory, smartness, power of decision making and thinking capacity, etc.

Question 32.
What does aptitude test assess?
Aptitude test assesses whether the candidate is interested in the work for which he is hired.

Question 33.
What does trade test assess?
Trade test decides if the candidate has the necessary skills to perform the expected job or not.

Question 34.
What does psychological test assess?
This test is meant to know about the nature, self-confidence, attitude and habits of the candidate.

Question 35.
What is checking references?
To Know the present and past work-related situation of the candidate, the business enterprise checks and enquires from candidate’s present and oast employers. This is called checking references.

Question 36.
Why does a candidate need to go under physical examination before getting selected in the organization?
To know whether the candidate is suffering from any serious illness or any other physical problem. Serious or major illness can decrease efficiency of the candidate and hence will affect the productivity of the organization.

GSEB Class 12 Organization of Commerce and Management Important Questions Chapter 5 Staffing

Question 37.
Who all form the part of interview committee to take personal interview of the candidate?
The interview committee consists of representatives of the management, the departmental head, the personal manager, experts of various fields.

Question 38.
What is included in the appointment letter given to the selected candidate?
The appointment letter consists of nature of work, work place, designation, rights and responsibilities, remuneration and other financial and non-financial details.

Question 39.
What is training?
Training is the process of imparting theoretical and practical knowledge with the objective of acquiring proficiency in work.

Question 40.
List down four importance of training.

  1. Modern information,
  2. Safety,
  3. Increase in job satisfaction and
  4. Increase in profit

Question 41.
How does training help in reducing ‘ labour turnover in an organization?
Training increases knowledge, skill and efficiency of workers which in turn, increase their chances of promotion and income. Since, it makes them more efficient, employees do not think of changing jobs. : Hence, ….

Question 42.
List down the two importance of development.

  1. Increase in technical knowledge and
  2. Optimum use of resources.

Question 43.
How does training reduce expenses?
Training increases efficiency of the workers. This increases productivity as well as production and decreases wastage of raw material and time. This reduces…

Question 44.
What is safety training?
The training under which the workers are trained about safe operation of machines, importance of safety equipment such as helmet, gloves, preventing accidents, steps to be taken during accidents, etc. is called safety training.

Question 45.
What is development?
Development refers to a program which helps to achieve the pre-decided objectives of the organization by improving the capabilities of heads.

Question 46.
Who imparts training in an organization?
Training is imparted by experienced employees, experts or supervisors.

Question 47.
Who imparts development program in the organization?
Development program is imparted by educational institutions and experts of various fields.

Question 48.
What is development?
The term development refers to a program which helps to achieve the predefined objectives of the organization by improving the capabilities of heads (officers).

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
There arose a scientific need of staffing after the industrial revolution. Explain.

  • During Industrial Revolution, Industries started large production of goods.
  • When the industrial revolution was at infancy, there was no proper system for production.
  • The focus was on earning more profit at less cost. This approach gave rise to exploitation of the employees.
  • However, at the end of 19th century, dynamic management leaders realized that in the production process, the emotional quotient and physical and psychological conditions of the employees is more important than inanimate machines.
  • They also realized that machines do not work automatically but employees operate them.
  • As a result, their arose the need for scientific system for recruitment, selection, appointment, promotion, transfer and training of the employees.

Question 2.
What is staffing?

  • The process of recruitment i.e. acquiring employees for the work and training and maintaining them in the organization is called staffing.
  • In general terms, staffing refers to just recruitment. But, the concept of staffing is much broader and it includes all the activities of selection, training, promotion, transfer and post retirement activities.

Question 3.
Discuss the characteristics of staffing.
Characteristics of staffing:
1. Important function of management:
Just like planning, organizing, directing, co-ordinating and controlling, staffing is also one of the important functions of management.

2. Perennial process:
Organization cannot exist without employees. As long as organizational activities exist, employees and staffing wili also exist.

3. Related to human relations:

  • The main objective of staffing is to acquire the right employees and make the best use of them to achieve the business goals.
  • Out of all the factors or production, employees are the only one in living form. Humans have feelings, emotions and self-respect.
  • Since staffing is related with human element, humanitarian behaviour is expected towards them when they are made to work in the organization.

4. Staffing is a dynamic process:
Appropriate staff brings dynamism in all the activities of an organization.

5. Related with other managerial functions:
Other managerial functions like planning, organizing, directing, co-ordinating ‘ and controlling are closely related with staffing.

6. Wide scope:
Staffing has a very wide scope and it does not end just at recruitment. It takes care of labour welfare, training and maintaining personnel and also working for their development.

7. Capital expenditure (Investment):
The expenditure incurred for recruitment, selection, training and development of the staff is not an expense but an investment.

GSEB Class 12 Organization of Commerce and Management Important Questions Chapter 5 Staffing

Question 4.
How staffing increases job satisfaction?
Job satisfaction among staff:

  • Staffing helps to listen to the complaints and problems of the employees. This then helps to bring solutions to their problems speedily.
  • If the planning and distribution of work is done properly than the employees become more satisfied with their jobs. As a result their efficiency increases.

Question 5.
“Mind your men, men will mind everything for you.” Explain.

  • Staffing is a very important activity of management.
  • With the rise in development, several new types of industries producing thousands of goods and services have come up. This has made the modern day work of staffing more important as well as complex.
  • An organization without staff is like a mere skeleton. Although machines can increase production but it is employees who create, operate and maintain machines. Hence, there can be no production without humans.
  • In comparison to other factors of production, the future of a business enterprise depends much on its staff.
  • Unlike machinery, furniture, etc. employees cannot be considered physical resources because they have feelings, self-respect, intelligence, understanding and different skills.
  • So, if men i.e. employees are handled properly by fulfilling their emotional needs and keeping them motivated then they will take care of the entire organization and will take it to great heights.

Question 6.
Enlist the functions of Human Resource Management.
The functions of Human Resource Management can be divided into two / parts. They are:
(A) HRM is concerned with manpower planning:

  • HRM plans for staff needed in’the organization and appoints them
  • HRM also cuts down unnecessary staff as per the time and situation
  • Takes care of appropriately selecting the staff
  • Constantly keeps the staff active and enhances their knowledge

(B) HRM is concerned with compensation and development of staff:

  • It trains the staff as and when necessary
  • It provides a conducive environment to the staff and opportunities to improve their proficiency
  • It gives proper compensation and benefits to the staff
  • It identifies and listens work related problems, finds solutions for the same and implements them.

Question 7.
Define and explain recruitment and state its sources.

  • In general terms recruitment can be defined as, “The process of looking for probable employees and making them apply for the job.”
  • In a broader sense “Recruitment is the process of acquiring at the right time, in the right number, in the right place, persons with the right qualifications.”
  • Recruitment is not a one time job. It keeps on continuing in the organization.
  • Recruitment takes place when a new enterprise is established, when an existing unit is expanded or when an employee resigns, dies or retires. Sources of Recruitment:

There are two sources of recruitment.
(A) Internal sources

  1. Promotion
  2. Transfer
  3. Friends and relatives of employees
  4. Recalling retrenched employees
  5. Promotion with transfer
  6. Waiting list

(B) External sources

  1. Through advertisement
  2. Through employment exchange
  3. Through educational institutions
  4. Through trade unions
  5. Through contractors and jobbers
  6. Recruitment at the gate
  7. Modern methods

Question 8.
State and explain the various sources of recruitment.
There are two main sources of recruitment,
(A) Internal sources arid
(B) External sources.

Depending upon the need of the organization and situation, recruitment is done from any of these sources.
(A) Internal sources:
1. Promotion:

  • When a post in the organization becomes vacant, it can be filled by promoting an existing staff member after considering his work, ability, honesty, skill, loyalty and qualifications.
  • Promotion of employees boosts morale and loyalty of the staff.
  • Moreover, promotion also results in increased salaries, status, power and responsibility.

2. Transfer:
In case of shortage of staff at a particular location or department, staff member from location or department having surplus staff can be transferred on the basis of his suitability and qualifications.

3. Friends and relatives of employees:

  • Whenever a vacancy comes up in an organization, the management asks employees ask employees to recommend their qualified friends and relatives for the post.
  • The applications are called from such interested candidates and are screened, interviewed and if all goes well, are recruited.
  • This form of recruitment helps to boost the morale of the employees and make them feel proud to be a part of the recruitment process.

4. Recalling retrenched employees:

  • Retrenchment of employees is the process of removing employees from the organization in case if they are surplus or to cut down organizational costs.
  • The organization can invite former employees who were retrenched because of some or the other reasons or employees who have left the organization and joined elsewhere voluntarily to rejoin.

5. Promotion with transfer:

  • Under this system, organization provides promotion along with transfer and transfers employees to a different location on the basis of their efficiency, experience and loyalty
  • For example, an employee can be transferred along with promotion to his native place or any other place of his choice. This will boost the morale and enthusiasm of the employees. Since, in many cases employees do not Prefer transfer, giving them promotion and then transferring them is a way to keep their morale high.

6. Waiting list:

  • Waiting list is the list of candidates who had applied in the past but were not appointed in the organization. Such a list is useful for future recruitment.
  • Since, the applicant of the waiting list was thoroughly screened and tested, the organization can save time and money to spend again on advertisement and the entire recruitment procedure.
  • The organization can pick the best candidates from the waiting list if they are still available and fill the vacant posts.

(B) External sources:
1. Through advertisement:

  • Advertisement is an effective way for recruitment.
  • The organization releases advertisements in newspapers, business journals and periodicals for specific posts and invites application from qualified candidates.
  • The organizations also put such advertisements on internet, TV or websites. The candidates that come across such advertisements can apply online.
  • Through advertisement, the organization can receive a very large number of applications that too from distant corners of the country.
  • This helps to choose the right candidate form a large pool of applicants.

2. Through employment exchange:

  • Unemployed people register themselves in public and private employment exchanges. These exchanges prepare a database of all such people.
  • The database contains details such as name, address, qualifications, experience, skills, etc.
  • The organizations can approach these employment exchanges and obtain the list of candidates that can fit into the job.
  • The organizations then contact suitable candidates and calls for recruiting them.

3. Through educational institutes:

  • In modern times many enterprises visit colleges and universities and ask them to arrange a campus interview.
  • Campus interviews are held by colleges and universities themselves too wherein they invite various organizations to visit their campus and conduct interviews and select the student as a future candidate.
  • Such placement camps are arranged every year at various institutes like Indian Institute of Management (IIM) and Indian Institute of Technology (NT) and also at several colleges and universities.

4. Through trade unions:

  • Most of the workers are members of trade unions. Trade unions maintain the list of these employees working in the organization.
  • The organizations can contact these trade unions and take the list of such employees that are either removed or have left the organization.
  • They can then contact them if they are available for the job.
  • The concept of trade unions is quite popular in textile industries, mining industries, etc.

5. Through contractors:

  • There are certain employment contractors who mainly supply unskilled labourers to the organizations.
  • The business enterprise makes a contract with such contractors where in the contractor takes the responsibility to supply the workers to the enterprise.
  • The contractor is in constant contact with various types of labourers. He recommends these workers to the enterprise as and when the enterprise asks for.
  • This practice is quite popular for workers working in construction industries, mining industries, tea plantation, etc.
  • This is an informal channel of recruitment and so there are chances that the contractor or the enterprise or both together exploit the worker.

6. Recruitment at the gate:
Workers can be recruited by business enterprises by placing a notice at the factory gate. This method is more suitable for daily wages.

7. Modern method:

  • Modern method is mostly suitable for recruitment of skilled employees.
  • In modern times a very large amount of recruitment is done through the internet.
  • Search portals such as naukri.com, monster.com, etc. are internet companies that provide a facility to candidates to register their bio-data on these web-portals.
  • This database is then shared with the business enterprises worldwide. Whenever the enterprise needs to fill a post, it contacts the candidates registered on these websites.
  • Moreover, the candidates can also directly apply to the company from the company’s website.
  • This tool is very fast, quite effective and has very wide reach.
  • Under the modern method, various procedures of recruitment such as application, exams (tests), results and appointments can be done.
  • If the candidate is well-versed with the computers, he can take tremendous benefit from this source of recruitment.

Question 9.
Promotion serves dual purpose of recruitment as well as increasing morale. Explain.

  • When a post in the organization becomes vacant, it can be filled by promoting an existing staff member after considering his work, ability, honesty, skill, loyalty and qualifications.
  • Promotion of employees boosts morale and loyalty of the staff.
  • Moreover, promotion also results in increased salaries, status, power and responsibility.

Question 10.
What is retrenchment? How can retrenchment help in staffing?

  • Retrenchment of employees is the process of removing them from the organization in case if they are surplus or to cut down organizational costs.
  • Although few staff members might be retrenched, they can serve a good resource for the organization in the future.
  • Since they had worked with the organization that retrenched them they know the business policy, terms, work environment and business needs and expectations quite well.
  • Hence, if organization invites such former employees then it would be easier for the organization for absorbing them faster in the business processes.

Question 11.
Promotion + Transfer is a corporate carrot. Explain.

  • At times, the organization may need a staff at a particular location but may fail to recruit from outside.
  • In such cases, the organization provides promotion along with transfer’and transfers employees to the location where the staff is needed.
  • Now, as per human tendency it is difficult to leave the current location and move to a new location as there are several adjustments to be made.
  • Problems such as leaving a settled place, leaving the family, finding accommodation in the new location, adjusting to the city and work environment, home sickness, etc. are few of the problems that the employee may face when he is transferred.
  • To overcome this challenge smartly, large organizations and corporates give the employee promotion on the condition of accepting transfer.

Question 12.
State the advantages of recruiting through advertisement.
Recruitment through advertisements has the following advantages:

  • A variety of application can be received
  • People belonging to any part of country can contact and apply in the organization.
  • Since there are several modes of advertisement such as newspapers, journals, website, job portals, etc., the organization can reach to maximum people and get an opportunity to select the best out of them.

GSEB Class 12 Organization of Commerce and Management Important Questions Chapter 5 Staffing

Question 13.
What is an employment exchange? How does it help the organization?
Through employment exchange:

  • Unemployed people register themselves in public and private employment exchanges. These exchanges prepare a database of all such people.
  • The database contains details such as name, address, qualifications, experience, skills, etc.
  • The organizations can approach these employment exchanges and obtain the list of candidates that can fit into the job.
  • The organizations then contact suitable candidates and calls for recruiting them.

Question 14.
Explain the channel of contractors for recruitment purpose.
Through contractors:

  • There are certain employment contractors who mainly supply unskilled labourers to the organizations.
  • The business enterprise makes a contract with such contractors where in the contractor takes the responsibility to supply the workers to the enterprise.
  • The contractor is in constant contact with various types of labourers. He recommends these workers to the enterprise as and when the enterprise asks for.
  • This practice is quite popular for workers working in construction industries, mining industries, tea plantation, etc.
  • This is an informal channel of recruitment and so there are chances that the contractor or the enterprise or both together exploit the worker.

Question 15.
Discuss the modern method of recruitment.
Modern method:

  • Modern method is mostly suitable for recruitment of skilled employees.
  • In modern times a very large amount of recruitment is done through the internet.
  • Search portals such as naukri.com, monster.com, etc. are internet companies that provide a facility to candidates to register their bio-data on these web-portals.
  • This database is then shared with the business enterprises worldwide. Whenever the enterprise needs to fill a post, it contacts the candidates registered on these websites.
  • Moreover, the candidates can also directly apply to the company from the company’s website.
  • This tool is very fast, quite effective and has very wide reach.
  • Under the modern method, various procedures of recruitment such as application, exams (tests), results and appointments can be done.
  • If the candidate is well-versed with the computers, he can take tremendous benefit from this source of recruitment.

Question 16.
What is selection? Explain briefly.

  • Recruitment is the process of searching the candidates for employment and . asking them to apply for jobs in the organization, whereas selection involves the series of steps by which the candidates are screened for choosing the most suitable persons for vacant posts.
  • Selection is the process of selecting the candidates on the basis of the applications received. Selection is a part of the recruitment process.
  • The selection process varies from organization to organization, on the basis of size, type of organization and kind of employees required. On the basis of these parameters, the selection can be simple process as well a complex process.
  • There are three levels of management in all large enterprises, top, middle and bottom level management.
  • These different levels of management are run by different types of qualified employees.
  • So, the selection of non-managerial staff is short and simple whereas the selection procedure for top managerial positions is complex, of a special nature and well planned.

Question 17.
What is induction?
Induction into the organization and allotment of work:
In modern organizations, after giving the appointment letter and before the allotment of duties, employees are given information regarding the policies of the organization, organization environment, superiors, colleagues and subordinates. In other words, the to-be employees are introduced to the organization. This is called induction.

Question 18.
Selection is a scientific process. Explain.

  • Selection is the process of selecting the candidates on the basis of the applications received.
  • A candidate has to go through various levels of selection before getting an appointment letter from the organization.
  • The organization thoroughly screens the applications and calls suitable candidates for further procedures.
  • Suitable candidates are then made to go through various types of tests, group discussions and personal interviews.
  • The selection committee marks each and every detail of the candidates during these processes and ranks them.
  • Finally, organization checks the references from current and previous recruiters and if all goes well, appoints the candidate.
  • Thus, the process of selection is highly thoughtful, rigorous and scientific.

Question 19.
What is training? Explain.

  • “Training means providing theoretical and practical knowledge with reference to the work of the employees.”
  • As stated by an expert, “Training means giving up-to-date information about the organization and also to increase efficiency, skill, aptitude, attitude and technical skill of the employees.”
  • In short “Training means imparting knowledge and education with the objective of gaining proficiency in the business.”
  • Training is a very important activity of the organization.
  • Training is the process of imparting theoretical and practical knowledge so that the personnel can be made proficient in his/her work.
  • In organizations, training is an ongoing process.

GSEB Class 12 Organization of Commerce and Management Important Questions Chapter 5 Staffing

Question 20.
What is safety training?

  • The training under which the workers are trained about safe operation of machines, importance of safety equipment such as helmet, gloves, preventing accidents, steps to be taken during accidents, etc. is called safety training.
  • Safety related trainings are given to those workers who work on machines.
  • Safety training improves the ability of machine handling, reduces fatigue and increases morale.

Question 21.
On which occasions is training provided?
Training is provided when:

  • The employee is recruited
  • A new type of machine is bought
  • There is change in production process Safety measures are to be explained
  • There is change in rules and regulations of the organization
  • A new product is to be launched. For example, insurance plan, a new car, etc.

Question 22.
Training is an expensive affair. Explain.

  • Although training is very important for the organization, it comes at a cost.
  • Small companies hire trainers and pay them training fees, accommodation, conveyance, etc.
  • Large organizations set-up a separate training department. They appoint special officers who provide training to new employees.
  • During training several resources such as time of employees, raw material for trial production, etc. are used. At times, the trainees are also paid stipend.
  • Thus training comes at a cost.

Question 23.
State the importance of development.
The importance of development includes:

  1. Increase in technical knowledge
  2. Research and new ideology
  3. Development of the organization
  4. Optimum use of resources
  5. Solution to problems
  6. Effective supervision
  7. Reduce stress
  8. Development programs

Question 24.
Discuss the importance of development.
Importance of development:
1. Increase in technical knowledge:

  • Although the officers do not have to work on the machines but, with changing business conditions, it is necessary for the officers to have technical knowledge because their functions are related with technical aspects.
  • Developmental programmes provide guidance (knowledge) to use technical knowledge, machines and methods, so that correct and positive decisions can be taken for organizations.

2. Research and new ideology:
Training increases the efficiency of departmental heads to work at the administrative level by providing them knowledge about new researches and ideologies.

3. Development of the organization:
In present times, developmental programs are necessary to help the organization grow at national and even international levels by adopting new changes and strategies.

4. Optimum use of resources:

  • Developmental programs help to make optimum use of available resources.
  • Moreover, training reduces unnecessary expenses, controls the cost of production and hence increase the profit.

5. Solution to problems:
Development programs help in bringing speedy and successful solutions to newly arising, problems in the organization.

6. Effective supervision:
Development programs enhance the skill of officers involved in technical work. This makes their supervision more effective.

7. Reduces stress:

  • Management and departmental heads often have to face many challenges and problems while managing the enterprise or business.
  • Taking decisions and managing daily operations creates a lot of stress on them. Developmental programs help to reduce this stress.

GSEB Class 12 Organization of Commerce and Management Important Questions Chapter 5 Staffing

Question 25.
Lower level is trained whereas top level is developed. Explain.

  • Learning is a continuous process and every member of the organization need to undertake it. However, the need of learning and its output is different for different levels of people of the organization.
  • Lower level people are those who actually execute the production and sales work. They are at the roots of the processes.
  • Lower level employees are those who directly work on machines, or who directly sell the products of the company to the customers, etc. So, this class of people needs training on how to handle man and machine.
  • On the other hand, the top level people are the ones who sets vision and mission of the organization, who sets goals and yearly targets, who designs the policies and adopts the right philosophy of work.
  • The top level people do not run machine but manage men who run machine. So, they need to learn and adopt lessons of developing harmonious work culture, principles and policies that can boost morale and motivation of employees, etc. All these are a part of development.
  • Hence, lower level is trained whereas top level is developed.

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
What is the process of development of an individual known as?
(A) Staffing
(B) Recruitment
(C) Planning
(D) Directing
(A) Staffing

Question 2.
Which of the following is not a characteristic of staffing?
(A) Personal process
(B) Concerned with-human relations
(C) Capital expenditure
(D) Psychological concept
(D) Psychological concept

Question 3.
Employees are the only living factors of in the organization.
(A) Management
(B) Production
(C) Sales
(D) Responsibility
(B) Production

Question 4.
Organization without staff is like which part of human body?
(A) Brain
(B) Blood
(C) Skeleton
(D) Limbs
(C) Skeleton

Question 5.
What is the process of planning for recruiting necessary staff and developing it for achievement of enterprise objectives?
(A) Staffing
(B) Human resource management
(C) Directing
(D) Training
(B) Human resource management

Question 6.
Which of the following is not a part of staffing?
(A) Recruitment
(B) Selection
(C) Employee productivity
(D) Progressive wage system
(C) Employee productivity

GSEB Class 12 Organization of Commerce and Management Important Questions Chapter 5 Staffing

Question 7.
Recruitment of staff is done on the basis of which of the following factors?
(A) Qualifications
(B) Knowledge
(C) Nepotism
(D) Sincerity
(C) Nepotism

Question 8.
When is recruitment done in an organization?
(A) When an employee resigns or retires
(B) When an enterprise is established
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) When an employee goes on a long leave
(C) Both (A) and (B)

Question 9.
What is a process of acquiring at the right time, in the right number in the right place, person with the right qualifications?
(A) Promotion
(B) Recruitment
(C) Training
(D) Interview
(B) Recruitment

Question 10.
Which of the following is the internal source for recruitment?
(A) Recruitment at the gate
(B) Recalling retrenched employees
(C) Modern methods
(D) Through trade unions
(B) Recalling retrenched employees

Question 11.
Which of the following is an external source for recruitment?
(A) Waiting list
(B) Friends and relatives of employees
(C) Recruitment at the gate
(D) Recalling retrenched employees
(C) Recruitment at the gate

Question 12.
What is the not one of the base of promotion in an organization?
(A) Ability of a person
(B) Tenure of a person in the company
(C) Loyalty of a person for the organization
(D) Qualifications of the person
(B) Tenure of a person in the company

Question 13.
Which of the following is an outcome of promotion?
(A) Increased salary
(B) Better status
(C) More responsibility
(D) All of these
(D) All of these

Question 14.
What is the main objective for transferring the employees within the organization?
(A) Overcoming shortage of employees
(B) Giving promotion to employees
(C) glancing excess of employees at one place
(D) Getting trustworthy people to deserving positon in the organization
(A) Overcoming shortage of employees

Question 15.
________ is the list of candidates who had applied in the past but could not be absorbed.
(A) Promotion list
(B) Recruitment list
(C) Waiting list
(D) Application list
(C) Waiting list

Question 16.
Who maintains the list of qualified prospective candidates who are unemployed and in search of jobs?
(A) Contractors of the company
(B) Educational institutes
(C) Employment exchanges
(D) HR of the company
(C) Employment exchanges

Question 17.
What is hiring through educational institutes known as?
(A) Internal recruitment
(B) External recruitment
(C) Campus recruitment
(D) Recruitment at the gate
(C) Campus recruitment

Question 18.
Which industries majoriy use recruitmen* through trade unions?
(A) IT industry
(B) Textile industry
(C) Service industry
(D) Electronics industry
(B) Textile industry

Question 19.
Which method of external source recruitment is more suitable for daily wages?
(A) Recruitment at the gate
(B) Recruitment through contractors
(C) Recruitment through trade unions
(D) Modern methods
(A) Recruitment at the gate

Question 20.
Which recruitment method requires candidate to be well versed with computers and internet?
(A) Recruitment done through recalling retrenched employees
(B) Recruitment done through educational institutes
(C) Recruitment done through modern method
(D) Recruitment at the gate
(C) Recruitment done through modern method

GSEB Class 12 Organization of Commerce and Management Important Questions Chapter 5 Staffing

Question 21.
Which of the following test assess the common sense, memory smartness, decision making of a candidate?
(A) EQ test
(B) IQ test
(C) Trade test
(D) Psychological test
(B) IQ test

Question 22.
Which of the following is determined by trade test?
(A) Attitude of the candidate
(B) Interest of specific job of the candidate
(C) Skill to perform of the candidate
(D) Decision making of the candidate
(C) Skill to perform of the candidate

Question 23.
Which candidates are called for personal interview in the organization?
(A) candidates whose reference is checked
(B) Candidates who passes all the necessary test
(C) Candidates whose applications are screened
(D) Candidates who passes medical test
(B) Candidates who passes all the necessary test

Question 24.
Who of the following is not a part of interview committee?
(A) Departmental heads
(B) Personnel manager
(C) Experts from various fields
(D) Shareholder of the company
(D) Shareholder of the company

Question 25.
What is the last step of process of selection?
(A) Giving appointment letter
(B) Getting medical examination done
(C) Induction into the organization
(D) Giving right training to the candidate
(C) Induction into the organization

Question 26.
What is the process of imparting theoretical and practical knowledge with the objective of acquiring proficiency in work known as?
(A) Training
(B) Development
(C) Staffing
(D) Selection
(A) Training

Question 27.
Which of the following is an importance of training?
(A) Increase in technical knowledge
(B) Research and new ideology
(C) Effective supervision
(D) Increase in job satisfaction
(D) Increase in job satisfaction

Question 28.
Which of the following is an outcome of training in the organization?
(A) Reduce labour turnover rate
(B) Increase in labour turnover rate
(C) No changes in the labour turnover rate
(D) Increase in the expenses
(A) Reduce labour turnover rate

Question 29.
What is special training given to top level management and departmental heads known as?
(A) Officer development training
(B) Intellectual training
(C) Technical training
(D) Managerial training
(A) Officer development training

Question 30.
What is the main objective of development?
(A) Development of managers and officers
(B) Increasing efficiency and productivity
(C) Imparting practical knowledge
(D) Imparting technical knowledge
(A) Development of managers and officers

Question 31.
What is at the centre of training?
(A) Future career
(B) Work
(C) Humans
(D) Challenges
(B) Work

Question 32.
Who imparts development programmes to top level management?
(A) Experienced employees
(B) Experts of various fields
(C) Managers
(D) Supervisors
(B) Experts of various fields

GSEB Class 12 Organization of Commerce and Management Important Questions Chapter 5 Staffing

Question 33.
To whom is training given?
(A) All employees
(B) Bottom level employees
(C) CEO of the company
(D) Departmental heads of the company
(B) Bottom level employees

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