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Computer Class 11 GSEB Solutions Chapter 5 Using Pictures in Synfig

Students frequently turn to Computer Class 11 GSEB Solutions and GSEB Computer Textbook Solutions Class 11 Chapter 5 Using Pictures in Synfig for practice and self-assessment.

GSEB Computer Textbook Solutions Class 11 Chapter 5 Using Pictures in Synfig

Question 1.
What is masking ?
The characteristic of hiding or showing some part of layer again is called characteristic of masking. Alternatively masking is used a patch to hide some part under it.

Question 2.
Explain the use of timed Swap option.
Having set Blend Method, Amount parameter is required to be arranged. Just as in Blend Method all the layers can be simultaneously set with setting of their value, the same cannot be done Amount parameter. For every property of ‘ Amount separate tasking is to be done. Here, having changed Amount property, Timed Swap option can be used.

Computer Class 11 GSEB Solutions Chapter 5 Using Pictures in Synfig

Question 3.
What is action script ? Why do we need it ?
The steps employed in animation software for
action-reaction is called ‘action script.’ Sometimes users wish to skip some part and to move on to the next slide. To add suitability/ flexibility in animation programme action script is used. It shows use of scripting language to add suitability to actions done by animation. User of it employs specific tasks for playing and taking further steps according to his choice. At present synfig studio does not give direct support to action script, but in animation Java Script of Java can be used.

Question 4.
Choose the correct options from those given below.

1) Which of the following commands is used as a shortcut key to import image ?
(A) Ctrl + a
(B) Ctrl + m
(C) Ctrl + i
(D) Ctrl + n
(C) Ctrl + i

2) Which of the following colour represents the points used to change the size of the image ?
(A) Green
(B) Yellow
(C) Blue
(D) Red
(A) Green

3) Which of the following amount value signifies that the layer is fully visible ?
(A) 1
(B) 0
(C) 2
(D) -1
(A) 1

4) Which of the following is used to add actions as a part of interactivity in animation software ?
(A) Action script
(B) Java sacript
(C) Action programs
(D) Java actions
(A) Action script

5) Which of the following is a feature used to hide or reveal areas of a layer ?
(A) Tweening
(B) Masking
(C) Morphing
(D) Encapsulation
(B) Masking

6) The visibility of the images is handled by which of the following parameters ?
(A) Blend, amount
(B) Mask, amount
(C) Blend, import
(D) Mask, blend
(A) Blend, amount

7) Which of the following blend method is used to reveal or hide the object ?
(A) Composite
(B) Alpha over
(C) Straight onto
(D) Straight
(B) Alpha over

Computer Class 11 GSEB Solutions Chapter 5 Using Pictures in Synfig

(8) Timed swap property adds which of the following sub parameters ?
(A) up, down, time, length
(B) before, after, size, shape
(C) before, after, time, length
(D) top, bottoms, time, length
(C) before, after, time, length

Computer Class 11 GSEB Notes Chapter 5 Using Pictures in Synfig

Importance of Image

  • Image means a picture.
  • By using a picture/image to any presentation or animation understandability and quality can be improved.
  • In synfig images are used to present animation with special appearance.
  • In synfig just as tools are made to work upon objects, pictures and images are also used.
  • Synfig programme gives facility of arranging image according to the requirement of user.

Adding Image
Having made one layer images can be added by synfig.
Now follow the following steps to import an image on canvas :
(1) First of all make a new file.
(2) Now to import file use option File → Import menu.
To import image use short cut key Ctrl + I
(3) Thus you will see Import Image dialogue box. From select desired image and click on Open button.
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Thus as shown in the figure, the following image will be seen as imported on canvas. Note that the appearance of the screen will depend on the image that you import. Thus according to image screen will appear differently in each case. Here in layers panel you can see an image added.
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Changing the Size of Image
Follow the following steps to change the size of image imported in synfig :
(1) First of all select image from layers panel .
(2) That will show two green coloured dots in corners as shown in the following figure.
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(3) Use two green coloured dots to change the size of the image.
(4) Now move green coloured dots and change the size of the image as desired. That will show image as shown in the following figure.
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Computer Class 11 GSEB Solutions Chapter 5 Using Pictures in Synfig

Changing Image Size According to Relative Average

  • When size of the image changed through synfig import it may get disfigured.
  • Here image get disfigured because its relative average is not maintained.
  • If change in image is desired its relative average is to be maintained. For this it is necessary to encapsulate layer.

Follow the following steps to change image size according to relative average.
(1) First of all right click on image layer.
(2) From the menu that opens select the options encapsulate.
(3) There by it adds in line canvas.
(4) Now using small triangle open encapsulate layer.
(5) Thus in inline canvas image layer is seen as shown in the following figure.
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(6) Now to add new scale layer on image layer select option Image Layer → Right Click → New Layer → Transform → Scale. Thus as shown in the following figure scale layer added on image layer will be seen.
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(7) Now select scale layer. Thus as shown in the following figure ‘O’ is seen as ‘amount’ in operative panels.

(8) That will show the modified form of figure as shown under.
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Computer Class 11 GSEB Solutions Chapter 5 Using Pictures in Synfig

Rotating the Image
Follow the below given steps to rotate image imported in synfig :
(1) Firstly, add a new rotate layer on scale layer.
(2) To add rotate layer, select the option Scale → Right Click → New Layer → Transform → Rotate.
(3) Thereby rotate layer will be seen as added on scale layer and image layer.
(4) Thereby as shown in the figure, blue-coloured duck is seen. Using it image can be tilted as desired.
(5) In synfig, having added image, it can be made proportionate, rotated and several actions can be performed on it.
(6) By using image in animation, its utility can always be increased.
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Movement With Masking

  • In synfig moving animation of any image can be made.
  • In synfig an animation with a cloud coming out of window can be made.
  • If a picture of window is made in synfig, cloud type object can be kept behind window and it can be moved.
  • If there is a picture of window, the task of animation cloud becomes tough.
  • Masking feature is employed to hide or reshow any part of layer.
  • The mask given as shape operates as window, by which the object under it is seen.
  • Alternatively, mask is used as a patch to hide object under it.

Use the following steps in synfig to show movement of clouds from window :
(1) First of all create a new file.
(2) Now to import file use option File → Import or short cut key Ctrl + I.
(3) Thus to import image choose dialogue box for Import Image. From that choose desired image. Then click on Open button. Note that the screen may be different from the image you have selected. Here panels may be seen as added in layers panel.
(4) Now as shown in following figure draw a cloud on the left side of canvas using BLine tool. Thus BLine layer is seen on image layer.
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(5) Now, on the right side of synfig window time bar a green coloured button Computer Class 11 GSEB Solutions Chapter 5 Using Pictures in Synfig 13 is seen. On giving tooltip on it with mouse pointer the writing ‘turn on animate editing mode’ is seen. Click on it and start animate editing mode.
(6) Here we shall prepare a small animation for moving cloud to left or right on canvas.
(7) Move cloud a little to record it on place 0f on timeline. Thus as shown in figure, the condition of animation will be seen as place 0f.
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(8) Now, click on timeline 5s and drag cloud to right side. That will show the condition 5s as shown in the figure.
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(9) Now to close animated editing mode click on Computer Class 11 GSEB Solutions Chapter 5 Using Pictures in Synfig 13 button.
That makes it red-coloured button. Computer Class 11 GSEB Solutions Chapter 5 Using Pictures in Synfig 16
(10) Now click Play button in order to see animation.
(11) Here in the figure, the movement of cloud image can be seen. That is because on image there is cloud layer or NewBline 002 region layer.
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(12) Now, to change layer panel animation, drag cloud layer under image layer as shown in the following figure.
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(13) Now, to watch animation, click on play button. Looking to the changes in animation , it becomes clear that cloud is moving behind image.
Here, we wish to see movement of cloud only through picture of window. For this task masking is used.

Computer Class 11 GSEB Solutions Chapter 5 Using Pictures in Synfig

Hiding Object by Masking

  • In synfig, masking is used to hide object and show it.
  • Here, using masking, we shall show cloud as object on both the edges of image to hide object.

Follow the following steps to hide object using masking :
(1) Firstly, on both sides of cloud, make a shape of mask to hide it.
To make the shape of mask BLine tool is used. Using BLine tool, select Create Region BLine. Then draw a rectangle as shown in figure. To complete BLine, right click on the last dot and then select loop BLine option.
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(2) Now arrange mask shape on the part to be hidden. Moreover, we want to hide only cloud layer. So we shall encapsulate cloud layer and mask shape.
(3) Here, as shown in following figure, encapsulate layer is made inline canvas and the information of Inline Canvas is shown.
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(4) Now, as shown in following figure change new name of NewBline002 to cloud layer and of NewBline 003 to mask layer. Here name of layer is clicked to change to a different name.
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(5) Now, select mask layer from panel layer. Thereafter, in parameter panel, set Blend Method as Alpha Over.
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(6) Now to see animation, click Play button. Here as a result cloud is not seen on the left side.
(7) It is necessary to perform this kind of task on right side of canvas too. For this, on the right side of canvas, draw a rectangular-shaped mask using BLine tool. On the right side of figure, a rectangular-shaped mask is seen.
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(8) Change the name of layer to mask2.
(9) Now as shown in figure, drag mask2 layer in encapsulated layer over mask layer.
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(10) Now, select mask2 layer. Then change Blend method from parameter panel and over set it on Alpha Over.
(11) Now, to view animation click play button. That will show cloud passing through picture.
(12) Finally, store file and Save and Render it and see its result in web-browser.
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Computer Class 11 GSEB Solutions Chapter 5 Using Pictures in Synfig

To Show Object Again by Masking

  • In synfig masking is used to hide object and show it again.
  • To show object again, masking is also used.
  • Flere, by using masking, we shall add Sun to the picture to show object again.
  • In the picture a limited part of Sun is seen. Here we shall use masking to show object again.

Follow the following steps to show object again by using masking :
(1) Firstly, open a new file.
(2) Now, to import file select menu option, File → Import. Or use short cut key Ctrl + I to import image.
(3) That will show dialogue box Import Image. To import image, from that select desired image, Click on Open button. Here, note that the screen seen may be different from the image you selected. Here image panel is seen as added to layers panel.
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(4) Now, to draw circle, select tool circle and from palette select orange colour suitable to the Sun. Draw a circle as shown in figure. Change the name of that layer to Sun.
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(5) Now, using BLine draw the shape of mask in such a way that it keeps a part of the Sun open. In the following figure sun and mask above it is shown.
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(6) Now change the name of layer to mask as shown in following figure.
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(7) Now, select mask layer and as shown in figure select Invert option from parameters panel.
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(8) Here, the effect on canvas after selection of Invert option is seen.
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(9) Now as shown in following figure change the value of Blend Method to Alpha Over.
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(10) Here, having changed the value of Blend Method to Alpha Over its effect on canvas is seen as under.
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(11) Here, since image is kept under layer mask, the object under it can be seen. We want mask layer effect not on image but only on sun layer. So both of them need to be encapsulated.
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(12) Now the effect of masking can be seen as shown in the following figure. As many number of objects one may wish can be shown under mask layer. The object on which the effect of masking is not to be given should be kept out of encapsulated later.
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Computer Class 11 GSEB Solutions Chapter 5 Using Pictures in Synfig

Making Slide Show by Synfig

  • By using synfig slide show can be formed.
  • Here, we shall form a slide show on Gujarat Tourism and through it provide glimpses of Gujarat.
  • Pictures should be exhibited successively to offer glimpses of anything.
  • Here we shall show only one picture at a time.
  • Here we propose to act differently on each picture so that they can be placed on different layers.
  • To control exhibition of pictures, we shall use Blend Method and Amount.
  • Characteristic of Blend Method is that it gives information about image layer under it.
  • Like alpha value amount characteristic is used to show image.
  • Amount value 1 shows that layer is fully visible. If amount value is 0 it shows that layer is absolutely transparent and it gives information of layer under it.

Follow the following steps to form slide show in synfig :
(1) Firstly, make a new file.
(2) Now to import file choose option File → Import menu or use short cut key Ctrl + I.
(3) If pictures are not available in computer, download them from Internet.
(4) Now, one by one import images on canvas. Here, we have in all selected six pictures to exhibit slide show.
(5) Now, as shown in the figures keep every image on different layers.
(6) Now organize each image according to the size of canvas.
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(7) Now, pressing Shift key select all images of layers panel.
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(8) As shown in the figure see parameter panel and for all images change Blend Images and make them Straight.
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(9) Here, having set Blend Method property Amount parameter will have to be arranged. As in Blend Method value can be set, having simultaneously selected all the layers, for Amount parameter value cannot be selected at a time. For that separate working will have to be done for Amount property of each layer. Here, Amount property should be changed to Timed Swap.
(10) Here, as shown in figure, select Map layer at the topmost part.
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(11) Now select right click select from parameter panel having selected Amount. That opens Swap menu, where you have to select Convert → Timed Swap option and click it.
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(12) Here, Convert suggests that parameter automatically remains controlled. Every parameter can be converted and there are different options in it.
(13) As shown in following figure, in Amount property sub parameters such as Before, After, Time and Length remain added. These options indicate visibility of options. Here Length option can be used to interchange Before parameter to After and vice versa. Time option completes this interchange.
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(14) Now, assign value 1.0 to Before and 0.0 to After.

  • Here, Before is given value 1.0 which suggests that layer will be visible in Time parameter suggested.
  • Here, After is given value 0.0 which suggests that layer will disappear after time suggested in Time.
  • If it is desired to have Transition Time of 1 second and one picture to be visible for 5 seconds, set Length value parameter at Is and that of Time parameter at 5s. Here every image will stop appearing after 5 seconds. Here, in the figure set values of Amount parameter are shown.

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(15) Now, select the next image layer.
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(16) Similarly, in subsequent image layers, change time to 15s, 20s, 25s and 30s as shown in the figures.
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(17) Now, in the last image, to set Time value select Caret → Edit → Properties option. In it, select Time tab. In Time Setting give value of Time Per setting at 24 and that of Of and End Time at 30s.
Here, if blank screen is needed at the end assign to it value of more than 30s.
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(18) Here, to see preview of presentation click on Play button.
(19) Now, Save and Render 111e.
(20) That will show output as shown in the figure.
Here, to show background in the follow in slide show follow following steps :
(1) Encapsulate all the slides.
(2) Keep background as the lowest layer.
(3) Here, Blend and Amount parameter is applied only to encapsulated layer.
(4) In the picture any kind of verbal information may be added which will be exhibited during slide show.
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Computer Class 11 GSEB Solutions Chapter 5 Using Pictures in Synfig


  • Sometimes, animation is proceeded with according to the choice of user.
  • Sometimes user wants to skip certain part of animation and to move on to the next slide.
  • The steps used in animation software for action-reaction are called action script.
  • Action script is used to add suitability/flexibility to animation programme.
  • The word action script shows suitability added by animation and it indicates use of scripting language.
  • Action provides to user the facility of playing for animation of specific task and that of proceeding further with the steps of their choice.
  • At present, synfig studios do not provide direct support to action script. However, in animation Java or Java script can be used.

When user moves mouse to the picture, then alone animation begins to play and for that following steps
(1) Firstly, we will select two images.
(2) Out of them one is static picture which is static.ball.gif.
(3) The second image is an animated picture which is animated.ball.gif.
(4) In synfig, animated pictures are rendered and filed in gif, jpge or bmp formats.
(5) In synfig when we render file, the list of options becomes available.
(6) When user opens browser, static picture gets opened.
(7) When user moves mouse on picture, animated picture is exhibited by the use of Java script code.
(8) When user removes mouse away, animation closes.
(9) For this, make the following file in Gedit and write in it code as given below.
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(10) Now, save a proper name of file with .html extension.
(11) To view, results of file open it in web browser.
(12) The figure shows output at the time of loading page in web browser.
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(13) The figure shows animated image.
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(14) Thus, action-reaction can be included in animation by use of Java Script.

Computer Class 11 GSEB Solutions Chapter 5 Using Pictures in Synfig

Portability of File

  • Animation file made by use of a specific animation software, it can be converted into adobe flash file form (.swf).
  • SWFTOOLS are opener’s source tools. These can be converted into different forms in SWF file format.
  • SWF is adobe flash file format. It is added to Vector graphics animation.
  • After conversion into SWF file formats it can be used efficiently.
  • By using Adobe Flash animation software SWF type file can be made.
  • SWFTOOLS software tool can be used to read SWF files, join SWF files. It includes image, sound-video file making programmes.
No. Programmes Details
1 GIF2SWF Converts gif file into swf file.
2 PNG2SWF Converts png file into swf file.
3 JPEG2SWF Converts jpeg file into swf file
4 PDF2SWF Converts pdf file into swf file.
5 WAV2SWF Converts wav audio file into swf file.
6 AVI2SWF Converts avi file into swf file.
7 FONT2SWF Converts font file into swf file.
8 SWFEExtract Separates picture, sound and video from swf file.
  • Here, using different programmes from the list and combining them with synfig gif and jpeg files can be made and then they can be converted into adobe flash (SWF) file.

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