GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 6 Administrative System and Architecture During the Medieval Age

Gujarat Board GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 6 Administrative System and Architecture During the Medieval Age Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers, Notes Pdf.

Gujarat Board Textbook Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 6 Administrative System and Architecture During the Medieval Age

GSEB Class 7 Social Science Administrative System and Architecture During the Medieval Age Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Answer the following questions

Question 1.
Explain the administrative system of the Rajput Era. OR * How was the administrative system
during Rajput Age?
The following points explain the administrative system of the kingdoms of Rajput Era:

A. Succession to throne:
The succession to throne was hereditary. The son of the king became the king. However, it was not necessary that the eldest son only became the king. The king could enthrone any son of his choice. The heir selected by the king was called the Prince of the state. There are a few exceptional cases in the Rajput Era where the king was selected by the people or the ministers. Fox example, King Yashaskara of Kashmir was selected and enthroned by a group of Brahmins while King Kumarpala of Gujarat was enthroned by the ministers of the royal court.

B. Division of labour:
Kings of this era purely worked for the welfare of the people. The king appointed various ministers for proper administration and management of his kingdom. These were different ministers for different works. Yet there are a few cases of maladministration in history where the people suffered a lot.

C. Village administration:
The kingdom was divided into different villages. The villages had seif- rule institutions which played an important role in the administration of villages. These institutes were called Panchayats. Each village had its own Panchayat whose head was called the Mukhi or Sarpanch. The Mukhi or Sarpanch was responsible for the protection and justice of the village. His words were the final verdict. However, in some cases, instead of the Mukhi or Sarpanch, the Gramsabha passed judgment and punished the culprits. Even today, Gram Panchayats and/or Mukhi exist at village level.

D. Revenue:
Land revenue was the chief source of income for the king and his kingdom. Each kingdom had its own way of deciding the amount of revenue to be collected. However, as per a general trend, the sixth part of the revenue generated from crop cultivation was collected as land revenue. It was the task of the feudal lord or landlord to collect taxes. The lords gave some part of the tax to the king for the administration of the state and kept the remaining amount with them to maintain the army. Apart from the land revenue, people also paid few other taxes. Moreover, taxes were also collected at ports and octroi centers.

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 6 Administrative System and Architecture During the Medieval Age

Question 2.
How was art and literature developed in the Medieval Age?

  • Rajput kings were lovers of art and literature.
  • Hence, there was a great progress of art and literature in the Medieval Era.
  • The kings patronized (a kind of sponsorship) scholars, academicians and literary figures.
  • The great authors of this age composed many literary works in Sanskrit, Prakrit, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, etc.

A. Works of Hemchandracharaya:

  • The great Jain saint, Guru Hemchandracharaya, composed ‘Kumarpal Charita’ which is a long poetry-based work on the King of Gujarat, belonging to Solanki dynasty, called Raja Kumarpal.
  • He also wrote a grammar book called ‘Siddhem Shabdanushashan’. The word ‘Siddh’ refers to the name of King Siddhraj Jaisinh, the ruling king and ‘hem’ refers to Hemchandracharya.
  • This book was appreciated so much that it was kept on the elephant and its procession was carried out in Patan to honour it.

B. Important Poetry:

  • The great poet of Medieval Era, Magha, composed an epic ‘Shishupalvadha’ in Sanskrit. This epic revolves around the story of the killing of Shishupal by Lord Krishna.
  • Another poet, Shriharsh, also wrote an epic in the form of poetry called ‘Naishadacharita’. This epic revolves around the story of Nal and Damyanti.
  • Apart from these two classics, poems were also composed describing the Krishna bhakti (devotion to Lord Krishna) done by Radha and Gopis.
  • Many poems have also been written about the life and achievements of the kings. ‘Kumarapal Charita’ is one such poems.

C. Other important works:

  • Along with poems, dramas were also written during this age.
  • The great dramatist Bhavbhuti wrote ‘Uttaramcharita’ during this era.
  • Pandit Narayana composed a collection of stories called ‘Hitopdesh’. These stories were based on the stories of Panchtantra.
  • Apart from these, Vishakhadatta wrote ‘Mudrarakshash’, Kalhana wrote ‘Rajtarangini’, Bilhan wrote ‘Vikramakadev Charit’, Somdeva wrote ‘Kathasaritsagar’, Chandbardai wrote ‘Prithviraj Raso’ and Merutunga wrote ‘Prabodhchintamani’.
  • Thus the Rajput Era was a golden era for art and literature.

Question 3.
How was the development of sculpture and architecture in the Medieval Age?

  • The Rajput kings were very fond of constructing grand and artistic buildings.
  • They built many temples, forts, lakes, palaces, step-wells, etc.
  • However the most noteworthy construction during the Rajput Age is that of temples.

Temple architecture:
(a) Sun Temples:
(1) Sun Temple of Konark:

  • There are many temples of Sun God in India.
  • The most renowned one is the Sun temple of Konark in Orissa.
  • This marvelous piece of art was built during the Rajput Age.
  • It has been given the shape of a chariot driven by seven horses.
  • The brilliance of this temple has been praised all over the world.

(2) Sun Temple of Modhera:

  • The Sun Temple of Modhera is located in the Mehsana district of Gujarat.
  • It is also an excellent piece of architecture because it has been built in such a way that the first rays of the sun directly fall on the idol in the temple.

(3) Sun temple of Kashmir:
Apart from the two temples mentioned above, the Martand temple of Kashmir is also equally famous.

(b) Other famous temples:

  • Many grand and famous temples of India have been built during the Rajput Age.
  • Khajuraho temple in Madhya Pradesh and Puri temple in Bhubaneswar of Orissa are very famous for their architecture and sculpture.
  • The Minakshi temple of Madurai is equally famous.
  • Just like Minakshi temple, almost all the temples of south India have Gopurams.
  • Gopurams are grand and decorative entrances made in front of the south Indian temples.
  • The grand and mythical temple of Somnath is also very famous.

B. Cave architecture:

  • Many caves were painted and decorated during the Rajput Era.
  • There are caves depicting the culture of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism in the Ellora caves of Maharashtra.
  • Among all the caves of Ellora, the cave in which the Kailash temple is located is very grand and artistic.
  • The Elephanta Caves near Mumbai are also beautifully carved and sculpted.
  • There is a beautiful sculpture of the three faced Lord Shiva in these caves.
  • The temples and caves of India were so artistic and minutely carved that many foreign invaders have tried to loot and plunder them many a times.

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 6 Administrative System and Architecture During the Medieval Age

Question 4.
How did the Rajput rule come to an end? Why?

  • After Mohammad Gazni died, many leaders fought among themselves to acquire the throne of Gazna.
  • However, the honest Rajput kings of India did not take the advantage of this situation.
  • They did not want to fall into conspiracy and grab power over Gazna.
  • Then Shah-bud-din Ghori became the King of Gazna.
  • He was a strong and ambitious ruler.
  • Just like Mohammad Gazni, he also planned to attack India.
  • However, his intention was not to loot or plunder India like Gazni but to establish his rule in India. .
  • Initially, when he attacked India, he could not succeed.
  • Queen Naikadevi of Anhilwada Patan gave a tough fight to Shah-bud-din Ghori and defeated him.
  • Ghori could not forget this defeat for a long time.
  • Therefore, he did not attack India for 12 years after this defeat.
  • But again, after 12 years, he attacked Delhi.
  • Prithviraj Chauhan was the King of Delhi at that time.
  • He fought bravely against Ghori.
  • Yet he was defeated because none of the Rajput kings supported him in his battle against Ghori.
  • With this, the Rajput Era came to an end in Delhi.
  • Shah-bud-din Ghori became the King of Delhi after defeating Prithviraj Chauhan.
  • He expanded his kingdom by conquering more and more territories.
  • After Shah-bud-din Ghori, his slave Qutub-ud-din Aibak became the king.
  • Qutub-ub-din Aibak is considered the founder of the Gulam dynasty in India.
  • Thus, the Rajput Era ended and the Gulam Age began in India.

Question 5.
Who was the first sultan of the Slave Dynasty to rule Delhi?
Iltutmish was the first Sultan of Delhi to issue regular currency and declare Delhi as the capital of his empire. He was the third ruler of Delhi Sultanate which was related to the Mamluk Dynasty. The Delhi Sultanate was one of the Indian subcontinent for 320 years (1206–1526) spread over a large part of Delhi, located in the Islamic Empire. The Delhi Sultanate over five dynasties successively ruled that the Mamluk dynasty (1206–1290), the Khilji dynasty (1290–1320), the Tughlaq dynasty (1320–1414), the Syed dynasty. (1814–1851) and the Lodhi dynasty (1851–1527). It included parts of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Iltumish, which is also called Shams al-Din Iltutmish, Iltutmish also wrote Altamash, (2 April 9, 1236), the third and great Delhi Sultan of the so-called Das Dynasty. Iltomish was sold in slavery, but his master’s daughter was married, Cube Al-Din Abak. He strengthened and expanded the Muslim empire in Northern India and took the capital to Delhi, where he built a big win.

An intelligent and patient politician, which was trained as a trusted administrator under its predecessor Mu’izz Al-Din Muamad ibn Samay and qutb al-Din, did not only face the entry of the Iltutmish. In 1225, he forced the Bengali governor to accept the rights of Delhi, and immediately after that he consolidated Muslim Holdings again. Iltutmish Mongol was able to preserve his kingdom against the illusion of attacks, which matches his reign, and he succeeded in making an administrative machinery for the empire.

He demanded the 11th century Islamic classics on the art of government; And half al-Muluk (“the conduct of kings”), the first Indo-Muslim classic on the art of government and war was written for them. He was tolerant of Hindus despite his advisors, and he made Waterworks, Mosques and amenities in Delhi to create a suitable seat of the government for the first time. His reign and his advisor, especially Vizier Juni, was appreciated by contemporary people.

2. Choose the correct option and answer the following questions

Question 1.
Who had appointed Kumarpal as a king?
(A) His father
(B) His grandfather
(C) Ministers
(D) Army
(C) Ministers

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 6 Administrative System and Architecture During the Medieval Age

Question 2.
Which grammar book was written by Jain Guru Hemchandracharya?
(A) Siddhem Shabdanushashan
(B) Shishupalvadha
(C) Naishadacharita
(D) Kathasaritsagar
(A) Siddhem Shabdanushashan

Question 3.
Where is the Khajuraho temple situated?
(A) Madhya Pradesh
(B) Maharashtra
(C) Gujarat
(D) Karnataka
(A) Madhya Pradesh

Question 4.
Who was the first sultan of Delhi of Gulam dynasty?
(A) Baldan
(B) Qutub-ud-din Aibak
(C) lltutmish
(D) Raziya Sultan
(B) Qutub-ud-din Aibak

GSEB Class 7 Social Science Administrative System and Architecture During the Medieval Age Additional Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Explain what is Paliya.

  • Paliya is a kind of epitaph.
  • However, it is erected only for those who attained martyrdom for the protection and reformation of the country.
  • It is a symbol of sacrifice.
  • These are memorial stones erected as a tribute to martyrs.
  • During a festival, Paliyas are worshipped and songs describing the glory of the heroes (in whose memories Paliyas were built) are sung.
  • Paliyas play an important role in passing the culture of our country from one generation to another.

Question 2.
Who became the new king after the old king died or retired? Explain.
Succession to throne:
The succession to throne was hereditary. The son of the king became the king. However, it was not necessary that the eldest son only became the king. The king could enthrone any son of his choice. The heir selected by the king was called the Prince of the state. There are a few exceptional cases in the Rajput Era where the king was selected by the people or the ministers. Fox example, King Yashaskara of Kashmir was selected and enthroned by a group of Brahmins while King Kumarpala of Gujarat was enthroned by the ministers of the royal court.

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 6 Administrative System and Architecture During the Medieval Age

Question 3.
Explain how a village was administered in Rajput Era.
Village administration:
The kingdom was divided into different villages. The villages had seif- rule institutions which played an important role in the administration of villages. These institutes were called Panchayats. Each village had its own Panchayat whose head was called the Mukhi or Sarpanch. The Mukhi or Sarpanch was responsible for the protection and justice of the village. His words were the final verdict. However, in some cases, instead of the Mukhi or Sarpanch, the Gramsabha passed judgment and punished the culprits. Even today, Gram Panchayats and/or Mukhi exist at village level.

Question 4.
How did the king generate revenue in the Rajput Era?
Land revenue was the chief source of income for the king and his kingdom. Each kingdom had its own way of deciding the amount of revenue to be collected. However, as per a general trend, the sixth part of the revenue generated from crop cultivation was collected as land revenue. It was the task of the feudal lord or landlord to collect taxes. The lords gave some part of the tax to the king for the administration of the state and kept the remaining amount with them to maintain the army. Apart from the land revenue, people also paid few other taxes. Moreover, taxes were also collected at ports and octroi centers.

Question 5.
Who helped the king in administration? Explain.
Division of labour:
Kings of this era purely worked for the welfare of the people. The king appointed various ministers for proper administration and management of his kingdom. These were different ministers for different works. Yet there are a few cases of maladministration in history where the people suffered a lot.

Question 6.
Why is the Rajput Age called the golden period for literature?

  • Rajput kings were lovers of art and literature.
  • The kings partronised scholars, academicians and literary figures.
  • The great authors of this age composed many literary works in Sanskrit, Prakrit, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, etc.

Following is the list of the main works composed in the Rajput Era:

Author/Poet Work
1. Hemchandracharya Kumarpal Charita, Siddhem Shabdanushashan
2. Magha Shishupalvadha
3. Shriharsh Naishadacharita
4. Bhavbhuti Uttaramcharita
5. Pandit Narayana Hitopdesh
6. Vishakhadatta Mudrarakshash
7. Kalhana Rajtarangini
8. Bilhan Vikramakadev Charit
9. Somdeva Kathasaritsagar
10. Chandbardai Prithviraj Raso
11. Merutunga Prabodhchintamani
  • Apart from these, many other works were also composed during this age.
  • Therefore, the Rajput Age was called the golden era of art and literature.

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 6 Administrative System and Architecture During the Medieval Age

Question 7.
Write a short note on the Sun temples of India.
(a) Sun Temples:
(1) Sun Temple of Konark:

  • There are many temples of Sun God in India.
  • The most renowned one is the Sun temple of Konark in Orissa.
  • This marvelous piece of art was built during the Rajput Age.
  • It has been given the shape of a chariot driven by seven horses.
  • The brilliance of this temple has been praised all over the world.

(2) Sun Temple of Modhera:

  • The Sun Temple of Modhera is located in the Mehsana district of Gujarat.
  • It is also an excellent piece of architecture because it has been built in such a way that the first rays of the sun directly fall on the idol in the temple.

(3) Sun temple of Kashmir:
Apart from the two temples mentioned above, the Martand temple of Kashmir is also equally famous.

Question 8.
Write a note on the Sun Temple of Konark.
Sun Temple of Konark:

  • There are many temples of Sun God in India.
  • The most renowned one is the Sun temple of Konark in Orissa.
  • This marvelous piece of art was built during the Rajput Age.
  • It has been given the shape of a chariot driven by seven horses.
  • The brilliance of this temple has been praised all over the world.

Question 9.
Write a note on the Sun Temple of Modhera.
Sun Temple of Modhera:

  • The Sun Temple of Modhera is located in the Mehsana district of Gujarat.
  • It is also an excellent piece of architecture because it has been built in such a way that the first rays of the sun directly fall on the idol in the temple.

Question 10.
Write a note on the caves of India.
Cave architecture:

  • Many caves were painted and decorated during the Rajput Era.
  • There are caves depicting the culture of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism in the Ellora caves of Maharashtra.
  • Among all the caves of Ellora, the cave in which the Kailash temple is located is very grand and artistic.
  • The Elephanta Caves near Mumbai are also beautifully carved and sculpted.
  • There is a beautiful sculpture of the three faced Lord Shiva in these caves.
  • The temples and caves of India were so artistic and minutely carved that many foreign invaders have tried to loot and plunder them many a times.

Question 11.
List out the famous temples of India.
The famous temples of India are:

  1. Khajuraho temple of Madhya Pradesh
  2. Puri temple of Bhubaneswar
  3. Sun temple of Konark
  4. Martand temple of Kashmir
  5. Sun temple of Modhera
  6. Minakshi temple of Madurai
  7. Somnath temple of Gujarat
  8. Kailash temple of Ellora caves

Apart from these, the temples located at Girnar, Sankheshwar, Shetrunjay, Ambaji, Dwarka, Shamlaji, etc. in Gujarat are also very famous.

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 6 Administrative System and Architecture During the Medieval Age

Question 12.
Write a short note on Mohammad Gazni.

  • Rajput Age is well known for its glorious structures and grand buildings.
  • Rajput kings are valiant warriors and are famous for their sacrifice.
  • The structures and buildings built during the Rajput Age were so artistic and minutely carved that many foreign invaders tried to loot and plunder them many a times.
  • These invaders invaded India and tried to carry away many of her valuables, precious statues and many wonderful pieces of art.
  • One such invader was Mohammad Gazni, the Sultan (King) of Gazna.
  • He attacked India numerous times between 1000 to 1075 A.D.
  • Each time he came to India, he was given a tough fight by the Rajputs. Yet, he somehow managed to loot and plunder our nation.
  • Once he tried to attack the Somnath temple of Gujarat.
  • King Bhimdev Solanki was the ruling King at that time.
  • The King and his army as well as the people of Saurashtra and Gujarat – all of them joined hands and fought with Mohammad Gazni yet he managed to loot Somnath.

Question 13.
Write a short note on the foreign invasions during the Rajput Age.

  • Rajput Age is well known for its glorious structures and grand buildings.
  • Rajput kings are valiant warriors and are famous for their sacrifice.
  • The structures and buildings built during the Rajput Age were so artistic and minutely carved that many foreign invaders tried to loot and plunder them many a times.
  • These invaders invaded India and tried to carry away many of her valuables, precious statues and many wonderful pieces of art.

Question 14.
Write a short note on Shah-bud-din Ghori.

  • After Mohammad Gazni died, many leaders fought among themselves to acquire the throne of Gazna.
  • However, the honest Rajput kings of India did not take the advantage of this situation.
  • They did not want to fall into conspiracy and grab power over Gazna.
  • Then Shah-bud-din Ghori became the King of Gazna.
  • He was a strong and ambitious ruler.
  • Just like Mohammad Gazni, he also planned to attack India.
  • However, his intention was not to loot or plunder India like Gazni but to establish his rule in India. .
  • Initially, when he attacked India, he could not succeed.
  • Queen Naikadevi of Anhilwada Patan gave a tough fight to Shah-bud-din Ghori and defeated him.
  • Ghori could not forget this defeat for a long time.
  • Therefore, he did not attack India for 12 years after this defeat.
  • But again, after 12 years, he attacked Delhi.
  • Prithviraj Chauhan was the King of Delhi at that time.
  • He fought bravely against Ghori.
  • Yet he was defeated because none of the Rajput kings supported him in his battle against Ghori.
  • With this, the Rajput Era came to an end in Delhi.
  • Shah-bud-din Ghori became the King of Delhi after defeating Prithviraj Chauhan.
  • He expanded his kingdom by conquering more and more territories.
  • After Shah-bud-din Ghori, his slave Qutub-ud-din Aibak became the king.
  • Qutub-ub-din Aibak is considered the founder of the Gulam dynasty in India.
  • Thus, the Rajput Era ended and the Gulam Age began in India.

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 6 Administrative System and Architecture During the Medieval Age

Question 15.
Write a note on the works of Hemchandracharya.
Works of Hemchandracharaya:

  • The great Jain saint, Guru Hemchandracharaya, composed ‘Kumarpal Charita’ which is a long poetry-based work on the King of Gujarat, belonging to Solanki dynasty, called Raja Kumarpal.
  • He also wrote a grammar book called ‘Siddhem Shabdanushashan’. The word ‘Siddh’ refers to the name of King Siddhraj Jaisinh, the ruling king and ‘hem’ refers to Hemchandracharya.
  • This book was appreciated so much that it was kept on the elephant and its procession was carried out in Patan to honour it.

Question 16.
Write a note on the development of poetry in Rajput Era.
Important Poetry:

  • The great poet of Medieval Era, Magha, composed an epic ‘Shishupalvadha’ in Sanskrit. This epic revolves around the story of the killing of Shishupal by Lord Krishna.
  • Another poet, Shriharsh, also wrote an epic in the form of poetry called ‘Naishadacharita’. This epic revolves around the story of Nal and Damyanti.
  • Apart from these two classics, poems were also composed describing the Krishna bhakti (devotion to Lord Krishna) done by Radha and Gopis.
  • Many poems have also been written about the life and achievements of the kings. ‘Kumarapal Charita’ is one such poems.

Question 17.
Which different literary works were composed in the Rajput Age?

  • Rajput kings were lovers of art and literature.
  • The kings partronised scholars, academicians and literary figures.
  • The great authors of this age composed many literary works in Sanskrit, Prakrit, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, etc.

Following is the list of the main works composed in the Rajput Era:

Author/Poet Work
1. Hemchandracharya Kumarpal Charita, Siddhem Shabdanushashan
2. Magha Shishupalvadha
3. Shriharsh Naishadacharita
4. Bhavbhuti Uttaramcharita
5. Pandit Narayana Hitopdesh
6. Vishakhadatta Mudrarakshash
7. Kalhana Rajtarangini
8. Bilhan Vikramakadev Charit
9. Somdeva Kathasaritsagar
10. Chandbardai Prithviraj Raso
11. Merutunga Prabodhchintamani
  • Apart from these, many other works were also composed during this age.
  • Therefore, the Rajput Age was called the golden era of art and literature.

Answer in One or Two Sentence

Note : Here, answers are given in short for memorizing easily. Students must write full sentences.

Question 1.
What are Paliyas?
Memorial stones erected as a tribute to martyrs.

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 6 Administrative System and Architecture During the Medieval Age

Question 2.
When are Paliyas worshipped?
During festivals

Question 3.
Who enthroned Kumarpal?
Ministers of the royal court.

Question 4.
Who was called the Prince?
The heir selected by the king to succeed his throne.

Question 5.
Why did the king appoint ministers?
For proper administration and management of the state.

Question 6.
What was the Mukhi or Sarpanch responsible for?
The protection and justice of the village.

Question 7.
Which different taxes existed in the Rajput Age?
Land revenue, octroi duty, port tax, etc.

Question 8.
In which languages were literary works composed in the Rajput Age?
Sanskrit, Prakrit, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, etc.

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 6 Administrative System and Architecture During the Medieval Age

Question 9.
What is Shishupalvadha?
An epic written by poet Magha in Sanskrit describing the killing of Shishupal by Lord Krishna.

Question 10.
What is Naishadacharita?
An epic written by poet Shriharsh describing the story of Nal and Damyanti.

Question 11.
Which works of Hemchandracharya are very famous?
A. Kumarpal Charita – biography of Solanki King, Kumarpal of Gujarat, B. Siddhem Shabdanushashan a grammar book.

Question 12.
How was Siddhem Shabdanushashan honoured?
By keeping this book on an elephant and taking out a procession in Patan town of Gujarat to honour it.

Question 13.
What does the term ‘Siddhem’ refer to?
King Siddhrai Jaisinh and Acharaya Hemchandracharya.

Question 14.
What is Uttaramcharita?
A drama written by Bhavbhuti in Rajput Era.

Question 15.
What is Hitopdesh?
A collection of stories based on Panchtantra composed by Pandit Narayana.

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 6 Administrative System and Architecture During the Medieval Age

Question 16.
Which temples are famous for their architecture and sculpture?
A. Khajuraho temple of Madhya Pradesh, B. Puri temple of Bhubaneswar

Question 17.
Which are the famous Sun temples of India?
A. Sun temple of Konark, B. Sun temple of Modhera, C. Martand temple of Kashmir

Question 18.
What is the speciality of the Sun temple of Modhera?
The first ray of the rising sun falls directly on the idol of Sun God in the temple.

Question 19.
Why is the Sun temple of Konark considered a brilliant masterpiece?
Because it has been given the shape of a chariot driven by seven horses.

Question 20.
The caves of which religion are there in Ellora?
Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.

Question 21.
What is the most beautiful sculpture of the Elephanta Caves?
Sculpture of three-faced Lord Shiva.

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 6 Administrative System and Architecture During the Medieval Age

Question 22.
What is Gopuram?
The grand artistic and decorative entrance found outside south Indian temples.

Question 23.
What is the Rajput Age well known for?
Glory and sacrifice.

Question 24.
Who was Mohammad Gazni?
The Sultan of Gazna who looted and plundered India many times.

Question 25.
Who became the King of Gazna after Mohammad Gazni?
Shah-bud-din Ghori.

Question 26.
Why did Shah-bud-din Ghori attack India?
To establish his rule in India.

Question 27.
Who gave a tough fight to Shah-bud-din Ghori?
Queen Naikadevi of Anhilwada Patan.

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 6 Administrative System and Architecture During the Medieval Age

Question 28.
When did the Rajput Era end?
When Shah-bud-din Ghori defeated Prithviraj Chauhan and became the King of Delhi.

Question 29.
Who was Qutub-ud-din Aibak?
The slave of Shah-bud-din Ghori who founded the rule of the Gulam dynasty in India and who came to throne after Ghori.

Question 30.
Why was Prithviraj Chauhan defeated by Ghori?
Because none of the Rajput kings supported him.

Question 31.
What happened when the Rajput Era ended?
A. There was change in administration of the kingdom, B. Many social changes took place.

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
Paliya is a symbol of ………………. .
(A) Sacrifice
(B) Glory
(C) Warriorship
(D) Tribute
(A) Sacrifice

Question 2.
The Paliyas are a tribute to ……………….. .
(A) Kings
(B) Warriors
(C) Martyrs
(D) All of these
(C) Martyrs

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 6 Administrative System and Architecture During the Medieval Age

Question 3.
The Rajputs ruled over India after the ………………. century.
(A) 5th
(B) 6th
(C) 7th
(D) 8th
(C) 7th

Question 4.
In the Rajput dynasty, who selected the next king?
(A) The ruling king
(B) His ministers
(C) His people
(D) Any of these
(D) Any of these

Question 5.
King Yashaskara was the King of ……………… .
(A) Himachal Pradesh
(B) Haryana
(C) Kashmir
(D) Bengal
(C) Kashmir

Question 6.
King Yashaskara was enthroned by a group of …………….. .
(A) Muslims
(B) Vaishyas
(C) Kshatriyas
(D) Brahmins
(D) Brahmins

Question 7.
Which king was selected for the throne by the ministers of the royal court?
(A) Bhimdev-ll
(B) Kumarpal
(C) Siddhraj
(D) Devraja
(B) Kumarpal

Question 8.
……………….. was the main income of the kingdom.
(A) Land revenue
(B) Octroi taxes
(C) Import duties
(D) Export duties
(A) Land revenue

Question 9.
………………….. part of the cultivation was taken as the land revenue.
(A) Fourth
(B) Sixth
(C) Eight
(D) Tenth
(B) Sixth

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 6 Administrative System and Architecture During the Medieval Age

Question 10.
Who wrote Shishupalvadha?
(A) Bhavbhuti
(B) Bana
(C) Magha
(D) Kalhana
(C) Magha

Question 11.
Who killed Shishupal?
(A) Lord Shiva
(B) Lord Brahma
(C) Lord Vishnu
(D) Lord Krishna
(D) Lord Krishna

Question 12.
Who wrote Naishadacharita?
(A) Shriharsh
(B) Vishakhadatta
(C) Merutunga
(D) Somdeva
(A) Shriharsh

Question 13.
Naishadacharita is the story of ……………… and …………….. .
(A) Jesal, Toral
(B) Nal, Damyanti
(C) Radha, Krishna
(D) Savitri, Yamraj
(B) Nal, Damyanti

Question 14.
Kumarpal was a ……………… King.
(A) Gohil
(B) Parmar
(C) Solanki
(D) Chedi
(C) Solanki

Question 15.
Who wrote Kumarpal Charita?
(A) Siddhraj Jaisinh
(B) Pandit Narayana
(C) Hemchandracharya
(D) Chandbardai
(C) Hemchandracharya

Question 16.
Which book was kept on an elephant and a procession was carried out to honour it?
(A) Kumarpal Charita
(B) Siddhem Shabdanushashan
(C) Uttaramcharita
(D) Shishupalvadha
(B) Siddhem Shabdanushashan

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 6 Administrative System and Architecture During the Medieval Age

Question 17.
A procession was carried out in in the honour of Siddhem Shabdanushashan.
(A) Siddhpur
(B) Morbi
(C) Sankheda
(D) Patan
(D) Patan

Question 18.
‘Uttaramcharita’ is a ……………….
(A) Drama
(B) Poetry
(C) Fiction
(D) Short story
(A) Drama

Question 19.
‘Hitopdesh’ is based on ………………. .
(A) Mahabharata
(B) Quran of Islam
(C) Tales of Panchtantra
(D) Kalidas’ epic Meghdoot
(C) Tales of Panchtantra

Question 20.
Who wrote Uttaramcharita?
(A) Hemchandracharya
(B) Magha
(C) Shriharsh
(D) Bhavbhuti
(D) Bhavbhuti

Question 21.
Uttaramcharita : Bhavbhuti : Mudrarakshash : …………………. .
(A) Vishakhadatta
(B) Kalhan
(C) Merutunga
(D) Somdeva
(A) Vishakhadatta

Question 22.
Which book did Kalhan write?
(A) Mudrarakshash
(B) Rajtarangini
(C) Kathasaritsagar
(D) Prabodhchintamani
(B) Rajtarangini

Question 23.
Hemchandracharya : Kumarpal Charita : Bilhan : ……………. Charita
(A) Naishada
(B) Prithviraj
(C) Uttaram
(D) Vikramakadev
(D) Vikramakadev

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 6 Administrative System and Architecture During the Medieval Age

Question 24.
Pandit Narayana : Hitopdesh : Somdeva : ……………….. .
(A) Uttaramcharita
(B) Naishadcharita
(C) Prabodhchintamani
(D) Kathasaritsagar
(D) Kathasaritsagar

Question 25.
Who is the author of Prabodhchintamani?
(A) Kalhan
(B) Bilhan
(C) Somdeva
(D) Merutunga
(D) Merutunga

Question 26.
The construction of the ………………. of the Rajput Age is most noteworthy.
(A) Temples
(B) Forts
(C) Palaces
(D) Step-wells
(A) Temples

Question 27.
Where are the temples of Khajuraho located?
(A) Madhya Pradesh
(B) Maharashtra
(C) Gujarat
(D) Karnataka
(A) Madhya Pradesh

Question 28.
Puri temple is in ………………… .
(A) Bhubaneswar
(B) Ujjain
(C) Chandigarh
(D) Siliguri
(A) Bhubaneswar

Question 29.
The Sun temple of ………………. is very famous.
(A) Mandu
(B) Jaisalmer
(C) Varangal
(D) Konark
(D) Konark

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 6 Administrative System and Architecture During the Medieval Age

Question 30.
In Gujarat, the Sun temple is located at
(A) Morbi
(B) Modhera
(C) Champaner
(D) Anjar
(B) Modhera

Question 31.
Which temple has the shape of a chariot?
(A) Sun Temple of Konark
(C) Martand temple
(B) Minakshi temple
(D) Sun Temple of Modhera
(A) Sun Temple of Konark

Question 32.
Martand temple is in ……………. .
(A) Punjab
(B) Tamil Nadu
(C) Kashmir
(D) Bengal
(C) Kashmir

Question 33.
The chariot of the Sun temple of Konark is driven by …………………. horses.
(A) 5
(B) 7
(C) 11
(D) 21
(B) 7

Question 34.
One finds the caves of ………………. in Ellora.
(A) Hinduism
(B) Buddhism
(C) Jainism
(D) All of these
(D) All of these

Question 35.
The …………………. temple of Ellora is very grand.
(A) Kailash
(B) Omkareshwar
(C) Kameshwar
(D) Shiva-Parvati
(A) Kailash

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 6 Administrative System and Architecture During the Medieval Age

Question 36.
The Elephanta caves are near …………….. .
(A) Aurangabad
(B) Mumbai
(C) Nasik
(D) Nagpur
(B) Mumbai

Question 37.
A beautiful sculpture of Lord ………………. is there in the Elephanta caves.
(A) Brahma
(B) Vishnu
(C) Shiva
(D) Krishna
(C) Shiva

Question 38.
Minakshi temple is in …………….. .
(A) Thiruvananthpuram
(B) Thirucherrapalli
(C) Madurai
(D) Pondicherry
(C) Madurai

Question 39.
Gopurams are found in the temples of ………………….. India.
(A) East
(B) West
(C) North
(D) South
(D) South

Question 40.
The grand temple of ……………… of Gujarat was attacked many a times.
(A) Ambaji
(B) Somnath
(C) Shetrunjay
(D) Dwarka
(B) Somnath

Question 41.
Mohammad Gazni attacked Somnath in the reign of ……………… .
(A) Siddhraj Jaisinh
(B) Bhimdev Solanki
(C) Kumarpal
(D) Krishna Kumar Sinhji
(B) Bhimdev Solanki

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 6 Administrative System and Architecture During the Medieval Age

Question 42.
Naikadevi was the Queen of …………………. .
(A) Dwar Samudra
(B) Indraprastha
(C) Anhilwada Patan
(D) Bundelkhand
(C) Anhilwada Patan

Question 43.
Which king gave a tough fight to Shah-bud-din Ghori?
(A) Mulraj Solanki
(B) Bhimdev Solanki
(C) Someshwar Chauhan
(D) Prithviraj Chauhan
(D) Prithviraj Chauhan

Question 44.
After his defeat, Shah-bud-din Ghori did not attack India for ………………… years.
(A) 20
(B) 18
(C) 16
(D) 12
(D) 12

Question 45.
Shah-bud-din Ghori established his rule in …………….. .
(A) Gujarat
(B) Bhopal
(C) Delhi
(D) Lahore
(C) Delhi

Question 46.
Shah-bud-din Ghori was the King of
(A) Afghan
(B) Ghana
(C) Peru
(D) Gazna
(D) Gazna

Question 47.
In which district of Gujarat is the Sun temple of Modhera situated?
(A) Sabarkantha
(B) Mehsana
(C) Banaskantha
(D) Ahmedabad
(B) Mehsana

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 6 Administrative System and Architecture During the Medieval Age

Fill in the Blanks

1. A group of people who sing folk songs is called ……………….. .

2. The heir selected by the king to succeed his throne was called the ……………… .

3. Kings always worked for ……………… .
Public welfare

4. The King appointed various ……………… to assist him in his work.

5. The ……………. looked after the administration of the village in the Medieval period.
Gram Panchayat

6. The head of the Viliage Panchayat was called ………………. or ………………. .
Mukhi, Sarpanch

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 6 Administrative System and Architecture During the Medieval Age

7. The words of the ………………. was the final verdict in a Gram Panchayat.

8. In some cases, the ………………… institute also passed judgement in the Rajput Age.

9. ………………… collected land revenue.
Feudal lords

10. Shishupalvadha has been written in ……………… language.

11. In ‘Siddhem, the first term ‘Siddh-’ stands for …………………. .
King Siddhraj Jaisinh

12. Hemchandracharya was a saint of ……………….. religion.

13. ………………. wrote ‘Hitopdesh’.
Pandit Narayana

14. Chandbardai wrote ……………… .
Prithviraj Raso

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 6 Administrative System and Architecture During the Medieval Age

15. The Sun temple in Kashmir is called …………………… temple.

16. The Kailash temple is in ……………… caves.

17. In the Sun temple of ………………. the first rays of sun directly fall on the idol of the temple.

18. The grand artistic entrance of the south Indian temples is called …………………. .

19. Mohammad Gazni attacked India many times between ……………….. to ………………….. A.D.
1000 to 1075

20. Mohammad Gazni was the sultan of ………………. .

21. Queen ……………….. defeated Shah-bud-din Ghori.

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 6 Administrative System and Architecture During the Medieval Age

22. …………….. is the founder of the Gulam dynasty.
Qutub-ud-din Aibak

23. Qutub-din Aibak was the slave of ………………. .
Shah-bud-din Ghori

24. The Rajput rule ended in ……………….. city.

25. People from …………….. and …………….. joined King Bhimdev Solanki to save Somnath but failed.
Saurashtra, Gujarat

True or False

1. Paliya symbolizes sacrifice.

2. In Rajput Era, even the younger son of the king had an equal chance as the elder son, for becoming the king.

3. Panchayat means self-rule.

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 6 Administrative System and Architecture During the Medieval Age

4. Gramsabha used to take majority of the decisions in the panchayats.

5. People had to pay land revenue, octroi and port taxes.

6. ‘Kumarpal Charita’ is a long story-based work belonging to Solanki dynasty and based on a king of Gujarat.

7. Magha composed Shishupal-vadha.

8. An epic on the killing of Shishupal was written in Magadhi.

9. Hitopdesh was based on Panchtantra.

10. Several authors made the Rajput Era rich in literature by composing work in Sanskrit, Prakrit, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, etc.

11. The Rajput forts were among the most notable constructions of the Rajputs.

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 6 Administrative System and Architecture During the Medieval Age

12. There is one sun temple even in Kashmir.

13. South Indian temples have grand and decorative entrances.

14. Ellora caves near Mumbai are very beautifully carved and sculpted.

15. Mohammad Gazni looted the Somnath Temple

16. Shahbud Khan Ghori became the king of Gazna after Mohammad Gazni.

17. A slave formed his dynasty.

GSEB Solutions Class 7 Social Science Chapter 6 Administrative System and Architecture During the Medieval Age

Match the Following

1. Vishakhadatta a. Rajtarangini
2. Kalhana b. Hitopdesh
3. Bilhan c. Kathasaritsagar
4. Somdeva d. Naishadacharita
5. Chandbardai e. Mudrarakshash
6. Merutunga f. Uttaramcharita
7. Bhavbhuti g. Prabodhchintamani
8. Pandit Narayana h. Prithviraj Raso
i. Vikramakadev Charit

1 – e, 2 – a, 3 – i, 4 – c, 5 – h, 6 – g, 7 – f, 8 – b

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